4 papers:
ICPR-2014-AlathariNB #segmentation #using- Femur Bone Segmentation Using a Pressure Analogy (TSA, MSN, MTB), pp. 972–977.
DHM-2007-ZhengB #approach #modelling #navigation- An Integrated Approach for Reconstructing Surface Models of the Proximal Femur from Sparse Input Data for Surgical Navigation (GZ, MÁGB), pp. 767–775.
ICPR-v1-2006-DongZ #automation #framework #image #parametricity- A Computational Framework for Automatic Determination of Morphological Parameters of Proximal Femur from Intraoperative Fluoroscopic Images (XD, GZ), pp. 1008–1013.
ICPR-v3-2004-YapCLHP #analysis #detection- Detecting Femur Fractures by Texture Analysis of Trabeculae (DWHY, YC, WKL, TSH, MAP), pp. 730–733.