9 papers:
CSL-2013-GhasemlooC #bound #proving- Theories for Subexponential-size Bounded-depth Frege Proofs (KG, SAC), pp. 296–315.
ICALP-v1-2011-BeyersdorffGLR #bound- Parameterized Bounded-Depth Frege Is Not Optimal (OB, NG, ML, AAR), pp. 630–641.
ICALP-v1-2011-FilmusPS #bound #exponential- Exponential Lower Bounds for AC0-Frege Imply Superpolynomial Frege Lower Bounds (YF, TP, RS), pp. 618–629.
STOC-2002-Ben-Sasson02a #bound- Hard examples for bounded depth frege (EBS), pp. 563–572.
ICALP-2002-ImpagliazzoS #axiom #bound #simulation- Bounded-Depth Frege Systems with Counting Axioms Polynomially Simulate Nullstellensatz Refutations (RI, NS), pp. 208–219.
STOC-1997-MacielP #on the #proving- On ACC0[pk] Frege Proofs (AM, TP), pp. 720–729.
CSL-1997-BonetG #bound #linear #simulation- Linear Lower Bounds and Simulations in Frege Systems with Substitutions (MLB, NG), pp. 115–128.
LICS-1992-Clote #constant #proving- Cutting Planes and constant depth Frege proofs (PC), pp. 296–307.
CSL-1990-Goerdt #proving- Cuting Plane Versus Frege Proof Systems (AG), pp. 174–194.