8 papers:
ICFP-2015-PloegC #exclamation- Practical principled FRP: forget the past, change the future, FRPNow! (AvdP, KC), pp. 302–314.
DHM-HM-2015-SugimotoINYG #difference #process- Difference in Polishing Process of FRP Between Expert and Non-expert (TS, DI, HN, YY, AG), pp. 174–181.
ICFP-2014-Winograd-CortH #first-order #how- Settable and non-interfering signal functions for FRP: how a first-order switch is more than enough (DWC, PH), pp. 213–225.
PADL-2013-Jeffrey #html #web- Dependently Typed Web Client Applications — FRP in Agda in HTML5 (AJ), pp. 228–243.
PADL-2012-Winograd-CortLH- Virtualizing Real-World Objects in FRP (DWC, HL, PH), pp. 227–241.
PADL-2011-BelwalC- Determining Actual Response Time in P-FRP (CB, AMKC), pp. 250–264.
PADL-2002-WanTH- Event-Driven FRP (ZW, WT, PH), pp. 155–172.
ICFP-2001-WanTH #realtime- Real-Time FRP (ZW, WT, PH), pp. 146–156.