5 papers:
CASE-2015-DeviNVKM #algorithm #implementation- E-mandi implementation based on gale-shapely algorithm for perishable goods supply chain (SPD, YN, NV, SVK, SM), pp. 1421–1426.
HT-2011-SmitsB #adaptation #hypermedia #named- GALE: a highly extensible adaptive hypermedia engine (DS, PDB), pp. 63–72.
STOC-2009-KarpinskiS #approximate #game studies #linear #problem- Linear time approximation schemes for the Gale-Berlekamp game and related minimization problems (MK, WS), pp. 313–322.
STOC-2007-JainV #algorithm- Eisenberg-Gale markets: algorithms and structural properties (KJ, VVV), pp. 364–373.
ICALP-2000-Lutz #sequence- Gales and the Constructive Dimension of Individual Sequences (JHL), pp. 902–913.