21 papers:
QoSA-2015-HofigZS #automation #dependence #using- Automated Failure Propagation using Inner Port Dependency Traces (KH, MZ, KS), pp. 123–128.
ICML-2015-NeyshaburS #on the #symmetry- On Symmetric and Asymmetric LSHs for Inner Product Search (BN, NS), pp. 1926–1934.
ESEC-FSE-2015-XiongH0ZZL- Inner oracles: input-specific assertions on internal states (YX, DH, LZ, TZ, MZ, TL), pp. 902–905.
DLT-J-2013-DassowMMM14- Inner Palindromic Closure (JD, FM, RM, MM), pp. 1049–1064.
RecSys-2014-BachrachFGKKNP #recommendation #using- Speeding up the Xbox recommender system using a euclidean transformation for inner-product spaces (YB, YF, RGB, LK, NK, NN, UP), pp. 257–264.
DLT-2013-DassowMMM- Inner Palindromic Closure (JD, FM, RM, MM), pp. 155–166.
CASE-2012-LeeK #automation #development- Development of semi-automatic painting system for inner hull block structures (DHL, HKK), pp. 833–836.
ICPR-2012-PiroSM #orthogonal- Inner product tree for improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (PP, DS, VM), pp. 429–432.
KDD-2012-RamG #using- Maximum inner-product search using cone trees (PR, AGG), pp. 931–939.
ICPC-2011-Parnin #developer #named #towards- Subvocalization — Toward Hearing the Inner Thoughts of Developers (CP), pp. 197–200.
STOC-2011-ColeCGMO #coordination- Inner product spaces for MinSum coordination mechanisms (RC, JRC, VG, VSM, NO), pp. 539–548.
SPLC-2009-Linden #development #product line- Inner source product line development (FvdL0), p. 317.
CASE-2008-SakuraiOKT #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based- A multi-inner-world Genetic Algorithm to optimize delivery problem with interactive-time (YS, TO, SK, ST), pp. 583–590.
ICPR-2008-NetzellS #image #modelling #performance- Efficient image inner products applied to active appearance models (KN, JES), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2006-BhatiaM- Listening to your inner voices: investigating means for voice notifications (SB, DSM), pp. 1173–1176.
SAC-2006-GrandonG #approximate #constraints #distance #parametricity #quantifier- Inner approximation of distance constraints with existential quantification of parameters (CG, AG), pp. 1660–1661.
ICPR-v3-2004-KawanishiKKT #adaptation #algorithm #performance #using- A Fast Template Matching Algorithm with Adaptive Skipping Using Inner-Subtemplates’ Distances (TK, TK, KK, ST), pp. 654–657.
OOPSLA-2004-GoldbergFF #exclamation- Super and inner: together at last! (DSG, RBF, MF), pp. 116–129.
CIKM-2000-EgeciogluF #approximate #reduction #similarity- Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity Computation by Inner Product Approximations (ÖE, HF), pp. 219–226.
ECOOP-2000-IgarashiP #on the- On Inner Classes (AI, BCP), pp. 129–153.
ITiCSE-1999-BoyleR- The University in the inner city (RB, AR), pp. 119–122.