8 papers:
ICPR-2014-BaiBH #graph #kernel- An Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (LB, HB, ERH), pp. 88–93.
ICPR-2014-SamantaC #classification #using- Indian Classical Dance Classification on Manifold Using Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence (SS, BC), pp. 4507–4512.
ICPR-2012-BaiHR #graph #kernel #using- Jensen-Shannon graph kernel using information functionals (LB, ERH, PR), pp. 2877–2880.
ICPR-2012-NielsenLYV #matrix- Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications (FN, ML, XY, BCV), pp. 2841–2844.
ICPR-2012-XuLYWSL- Key frame selection based on Jensen-Rényi divergence (QX, XL, ZY, JW, MS, JL), pp. 1892–1895.
ICPR-2012-ZhouVZV #estimation #multi #robust- Robust multiple model estimation with Jensen-Shannon Divergence (KZ, KMV, MZ, MV), pp. 2136–2139.
ECIR-2007-AslamP #estimation #multi #query #using- Query Hardness Estimation Using Jensen-Shannon Divergence Among Multiple Scoring Functions (JAA, VP), pp. 198–209.
ICPR-v3-2000-Atae-AllahGMRL #image #metric #segmentation- Image Segmentation by Jensen-Shannon Divergence. Application to Measurement of Interfacial Tension (CAA, JFGL, JMA, RRR, PLLE), pp. 3383–3386.