6 papers:
- VLDB-2015-DyresonBG #dependence #query
- Virtual eXist-db: Liberating Hierarchical Queries from the Shackles of Access Path Dependence (CED, SSB, RG), pp. 1932–1943.
- ICSE-2013-SalingerZP #programming #research
- Liberating pair programming research from the oppressive Driver/Observer regime (SS, FZ, LP), pp. 1201–1204.
- Onward-2012-AfshariBS #programming
- Liberating the programmer with prorogued programming (MA, ETB, ZS), pp. 11–26.
- OOPSLA-2007-KuhneS #multi #programming
- Can programming be liberated from the two-level style: multi-level programming with deepjava (TK, DS), pp. 229–244.
- CIKM-2004-Efron #documentation #using #web
- The liberal media and right-wing conspiracies: using cocitation information to estimate political orientation in web documents (ME), pp. 390–398.
- SIGIR-2002-Sormunen #documentation #question
- Liberal relevance criteria of TREC -: counting on negligible documents? (ES), pp. 324–330.