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Stem mandarin$ (all stems)

6 papers:

ICPRICPR-2014-LiuFW #keyword
Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors (HL, TF, PW), pp. 785–790.
CHICHI-2011-EdgeSCZL #learning #mobile #named
MicroMandarin: mobile language learning in context (DE, ES, KC, JZ, JAL), pp. 3169–3178.
ICPRICPR-2010-DuanKWCSQ #comparison
Comparison of Syllable/Phone HMM Based Mandarin TTS (QD, SK, ZW, LC, ZS, YQ), pp. 4496–4499.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhangSQ #modelling #recognition #speech
Modeling Syllable-Based Pronunciation Variation for Accented Mandarin Speech Recognition (SZ, QS, YQ), pp. 1606–1609.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhangSSQ #keyword #using
Improved Mandarin Keyword Spotting Using Confusion Garbage Model (SZ, ZS, QS, YQ), pp. 3700–3703.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-PaoCYL #recognition #speech
Mandarin Emotional Speech Recognition Based on SVM and NN (TLP, YTC, JHY, PJL), pp. 1096–1100.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.