8 papers:
SCAM-2015-RaposSAC #named #navigation- SimNav: Simulink navigation of model clone classes (EJR, AS, MHA, JRC), pp. 241–246.
ICSE-v2-2015-TreudeSKR #documentation #named #navigation- TaskNav: Task-Based Navigation of Software Documentation (CT, MS, MK, MPR), pp. 649–652.
ICSE-2013-LeeKS #named #recommendation #visual notation- NavClus: a graphical recommender for assisting code exploration (SL, SK, MS), pp. 1315–1318.
SIGMOD-2009-KashyapHPT #database- Exploring biomedical databases with BioNav (AK, VH, MP, ST), pp. 1079–1082.
ICSM-2005-SingerES #maintenance #named #navigation- NavTracks: Supporting Navigation in Software Maintenance (JS, RE, MADS), pp. 325–334.
IWPC-2005-SingerES #named #navigation- NavTracks: Supporting Navigation in Software (JS, RE, MADS), pp. 173–175.
ASE-2001-WhittleBSRPPOLB #deduction #estimation #named #synthesis- Amphion/NAV: Deductive Synthesis of State Estimation Software (JW, JVB, JS, PR, TP, JP, PO, MRL, GPB), pp. 395–399.
ASE-1999-BoseM #adaptation #coordination #named- NAVCo: Negotiation-based Adaptive View Coordination (PKB, MGM), pp. 327–330.