Stem rice$ (all stems)
4 papers:
VLDB-2011-GrosseLWFL #in memory
- Bridging Two Worlds with RICE Integrating R into the SAP In-Memory Computing Engine (PG, WL, TW, FF, WSL), pp. 1307–1317.
ICALP-v2-2011-Delacourt #automaton #set #theorem
- Rice’s Theorem for μ-Limit Sets of Cellular Automata (MD), pp. 89–100.
POPL-2008-Asperti #theorem
- The intensional content of Rice’s theorem (AA), pp. 113–119.
DAC-1991-RatzlaffGP #agile #named
- RICE: Rapid Interconnect Circuit Evaluator (CLR, NG, LTP), pp. 555–560.