5 papers:
ICDAR-2005-HtweHLY #network #online- Transliteration of Online Handwritten Phonetic Pitman’s Shorthand with the Use of a Bayesian Network (SMH, CH, GL, MY), pp. 1090–1094.
ICPR-v1-2004-YangLHH #recognition #segmentation- Segmentation and Recognition of Vocalized Outlines in Pitman Shorthand (MY, GL, CH, SMH), pp. 441–444.
CHI-2003-ZhaiK- Shorthand writing on stylus keyboard (SZ, POK), pp. 97–104.
ICDAR-2001-NagabhushanM- Pitman Shorthand Inspired Model for Plain Text Compression (PN, SM), pp. 322–327.
ICDAR-1997-ChenQ #online #recognition- On-line Recognition of Renqun’s Handwritten Shorthand (XC, YQ), p. 941–?.