5 papers:
ICPR-2012-CoronaTG #classification #multi #named #web #web service- SuStorID: A multiple classifier system for the protection of web services (IC, RT, GG), pp. 2375–2378.
CBSE-2005-PelliccioneMBF #modelling #named #sequence #specification #testing- TeStor: Deriving Test Sequences from Model-Based Specifications (PP, HM, AB, FF), pp. 267–282.
SIGMOD-2000-BressanGOT #approach #policy- Integrating Replacement Policies in StorM: An Extensible Approach (CLG, BCO, SB, KLT), p. 599.
HT-1996-BapatWAH #hypermedia #named #object-oriented- HyperStorM: An Extendable Object-Oriented Hypermedia Engine (AB, JW, KA, JMH), pp. 203–214.
SIGMOD-1996-BohmA #database #documentation #named #object-oriented #using- HyperStorM — Administering Structured Documents Using Object-Oriented Database Technology (KB, KA), p. 547.