4 papers:
ASE-2011-LumpeMG #java #named- jCT: A Java Code Tomograph (ML, SM, OG), pp. 616–619.
ICPR-2008-ChowdhuryYULS #detection #image- Detection of anatomical landmarks in human colon from computed tomographic colonography images (ASC, JY, RLVUJ, MGL, RMS), pp. 1–4.
REFSQ-2007-SorbyN #behaviour #framework #towards- Towards a Tomographic Framework for Structured Observation of Communicative Behaviour in Hospital Wards (IDS, ØN), pp. 262–276.
ICPR-v4-2006-SvenssonGFSOS #composition #framework #fuzzy #image #using- Using a fuzzy framework for delineation and decomposition of Immunoglobulin G in cryo electron tomographic images (SS, MG, DF, US, LGO, SS), pp. 687–690.