4 papers:
CADE-2015-SakaiOO #confluence- Non-E-Overlapping, Weakly Shallow, and Non-Collapsing TRSs are Confluent (MS, MO, MO), pp. 111–126.
RTA-2011-DurandS #bound #linear- Left-linear Bounded TRSs are Inverse Recognizability Preserving (ID, MS), pp. 361–376.
RTA-2006-WangS #decidability #linear #termination- Decidability of Termination for Semi-constructor TRSs, Left-Linear Shallow TRSs and Related Systems (YW, MS), pp. 343–356.
RTA-2004-MitsuhashiOOY #confluence #problem #unification- The Joinability and Unification Problems for Confluent Semi-constructor TRSs (IM, MO, YO, TY), pp. 285–300.