7 papers:
ICPR-2012-KarsnasSS #distance- The vectorial Minimum Barrier Distance (AK, RS, PKS), pp. 792–795.
ICPR-2010-SuLY #recognition- Symbol Recognition Combining Vectorial and Pixel-Level Features for Line Drawings (FS, TL, RY), pp. 1892–1895.
ICDAR-2007-ZhangL #recognition- A New Vectorial Signature for Quick Symbol Indexing, Filtering and Recognition (WZ, WL), pp. 536–540.
ICPR-v3-2006-PekalskaD #classification- Dissimilarity-based classification for vectorial representations (EP, RPWD), pp. 137–140.
WRLA-2004-ArrighiD05- A Computational Definition of the Notion of Vectorial Space (PA, GD), pp. 249–261.
ICPR-v3-2000-WangB #detection #energy #modelling #segmentation- Detection and Segmentation of Generic Shapes Based on Vectorial Affine Modeling of Energy in Eigenspace (ZW, JBA), pp. 3983–3987.
SIGIR-1990-HalinCK #image #machine learning #retrieval- Machine Learning and Vectorial Matching for an Image Retrieval Model: EXPRIM and the System RIVAGE (GH, MC, PK), pp. 99–114.