Keni Qiu, Weiwen Chen, Yuanchao Xu, Lixue Xia, Yu Wang 0002, Zili Shao
A peripheral circuit reuse structure integrated with a retimed data flow for low power RRAM crossbar-based CNN
DATE, 2018.
author = "Keni Qiu and Weiwen Chen and Yuanchao Xu and Lixue Xia and Yu Wang 0002 and Zili Shao",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 22nd Conference and Exhibition on Design, Automation and Test in Europe}",
doi = "10.23919/DATE.2018.8342168",
isbn = "978-3-9819263-0-9",
pages = "1057--1062",
publisher = "{IEEE}",
title = "{A peripheral circuit reuse structure integrated with a retimed data flow for low power RRAM crossbar-based CNN}",
year = 2018,