Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Li Y.Wang H.Yang P.Gu T.Tang R.Luo Y.Chen
Talks about:
rram (2) interfac (1) crossbar (1) accuraci (1) network (1) system (1) signal (1) neural (1) comput (1) applic (1)
Person: Lixue Xia
DBLP: Xia:Lixue
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-2015-LiXGWY #interface
- Merging the interface: power, area and accuracy co-optimization for RRAM crossbar-based mixed-signal computing system (BL, LX, PG, YW, HY), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-TangXLLCWY #network #question
- Spiking neural network with RRAM: can we use it for real-world application? (TT, LX, BL, RL, YC, YW, HY), pp. 860–865.