Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
R.Dssouli G.v.Bochmann G.Luo P.Venkataram A.Das M.Dubuc
Talks about:
test (3) machin (2) state (2) finit (2) fault (2) determinist (1) synchroniz (1) distribut (1) diagnost (1) transit (1)
Person: Abderrazak Ghedamsi
DBLP: Ghedamsi:Abderrazak
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- IWPTS-1993-LuoDBVG #distributed #finite #generative #sequence #state machine #testing
- Generating Synchronizable Test Sequences Based on Finite State Machine with Distributed Ports (GL, RD, GvB, PV, AG), pp. 139–153.
- IWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing
- Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
- IWPTS-1991-BochmannDDDGL #fault #modelling #testing
- Fault Models in Testing (GvB, AD, RD, MD, AG, GL), pp. 17–30.