Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
A.Cherif M.Rusinowitch H.Boucheneb M.Najem N.Guetmi M.D.Mechaoui L.Bellatreche G.Oster P.Urso P.Molli
Talks about:
collabor (4) optimist (2) edit (2) distribut (1) algorithm (1) control (1) consist (1) symbol (1) servic (1) replic (1)
Person: Abdessamad Imine
DBLP: Imine:Abdessamad
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2015-GuetmiMIB #collaboration #editing #in the cloud #mobile
- Mobile collaboration: a collaborative editing service in the cloud (NG, MDM, AI, LB), pp. 509–512.
- SAC-2011-CherifIR #collaboration #data access #distributed #editing
- Optimistic access control for distributed collaborative editors (AC, AI, MR), pp. 861–868.
- IFM-2010-BouchenebIN #algorithm #model checking #replication
- Symbolic Model-Checking of Optimistic Replication Algorithms (HB, AI, MN), pp. 89–104.
- CSCW-2006-OsterUMI #collaboration #consistency #editing
- Data consistency for P2P collaborative editing (GO, PU, PM, AI), pp. 259–268.