Travelled to:
1 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Moitra N.Immorlica G.Valiant P.Gopalan A.R.Klivans Y.Mansour E.Verbin S.M.Kakade K.Ligett B.Lucier A.Postlewaite M.Tennenholtz C.Borgs J.T.Chayes V.S.Mirrokni C.H.Papadimitriou
Talks about:
learn (3) algorithm (2) agnost (2) gaussian (1) approxim (1) theorem (1) pariti (1) mixtur (1) effici (1) decis (1)
Person: Adam Tauman Kalai
DBLP: Kalai:Adam_Tauman
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- STOC-2011-ImmorlicaKLMPT #algorithm
- Dueling algorithms (NI, ATK, BL, AM, AP, MT), pp. 215–224.
- STOC-2010-KalaiMV #learning
- Efficiently learning mixtures of two Gaussians (ATK, AM, GV), pp. 553–562.
- STOC-2008-BorgsCIKMP #theorem
- The myth of the folk theorem (CB, JTC, NI, ATK, VSM, CHP), pp. 365–372.
- STOC-2008-GopalanKK #learning
- Agnostically learning decision trees (PG, ATK, ARK), pp. 527–536.
- STOC-2008-KalaiMV #learning #on the
- On agnostic boosting and parity learning (ATK, YM, EV), pp. 629–638.
- STOC-2007-KakadeKL #algorithm #approximate #game studies
- Playing games with approximation algorithms (SMK, ATK, KL), pp. 546–555.