Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
2 × Germany
3 × Denmark
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.McKenzie J.Leroux G.Cécé L.Petrucci M.Cadilhac S.Bardin M.Blondin J.Goubault-Larrecq ∅ J.Esparza R.Mayr C.Dufourd P.Schnoebelen S.P.Iyer R.Bonnet S.Haddad F.Rosa-Velardo S.Göller C.Haase
Talks about:
system (4) automata (3) transit (3) state (3) wsts (3) constrain (2) unambigu (2) structur (2) infinit (2) complet (2)
Person: Alain Finkel
DBLP: Finkel:Alain
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- LICS-2015-BlondinFGHM #2d #reachability
- Reachability in Two-Dimensional Vector Addition Systems with States Is PSPACE-Complete (MB, AF, SG, CH, PM), pp. 32–43.
- ICALP-v2-2014-BlondinFM #branch #infinity
- Handling Infinitely Branching WSTS (MB, AF, PM), pp. 13–25.
- DLT-2012-CadilhacFM #ambiguity #automaton
- Unambiguous Constrained Automata (MC, AF, PM), pp. 239–250.
- DLT-J-2012-CadilhacFM13 #ambiguity #automaton
- Unambiguous constrained Automata (MC, AF, PM), pp. 1099–1116.
- FoSSaCS-2011-BonnetFHR
- Ordinal Theory for Expressiveness of Well Structured Transition Systems (RB, AF, SH, FRV), pp. 153–167.
- ICALP-v2-2009-FinkelG #analysis
- Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part II: Complete WSTS (AF, JGL), pp. 188–199.
- CAV-2004-FinkelL #image #infinity #model checking
- Image Computation in Infinite State Model Checking (AF, JL), pp. 361–371.
- TACAS-2004-BardinFL #automaton #performance
- FASTer Acceleration of Counter Automata in Practice (SB, AF, JL), pp. 576–590.
- CAV-2003-BardinFLP #named #performance
- FAST: Fast Acceleration of Symbolikc Transition Systems (SB, AF, JL, LP), pp. 118–121.
- LICS-1999-EsparzaFM #on the #protocol #verification
- On the Verification of Broadcast Protocols (JE, AF, RM), pp. 352–359.
- ICALP-1998-DufourdFS #decidability
- Reset Nets Between Decidability and Undecidability (CD, AF, PS), pp. 103–115.
- CAV-1997-CeceF #effectiveness #source code
- Programs with Quasi-Stable Channels are Effectively Recognizable (GC, AF), pp. 304–315.
- FSE-1994-CeceFI #communication #fault
- Duplication, Insertion and Lossiness Errors in Unreliable Communication Channels (GC, AF, SPI), pp. 35–43.
- CAV-1991-FinkelP #composition #graph
- Avoiding State Exposion by Composition of Minimal Covering Graphs (AF, LP), pp. 169–180.
- ICALP-1987-Finkel
- A Generalization of the Procedure of Karp and Miller to Well Structured Transition Systems (AF), pp. 499–508.