Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ Y.Kwon M.Balazinska J.Goodman N.Madras P.March G.Ananthanarayanan S.Kandula I.Stoica Y.Lu B.Saha E.Harris
Talks about:
use (2) distribut (1) broadcast (1) ethernet (1) communic (1) process (1) outlier (1) complex (1) cluster (1) system (1)
Person: Albert G. Greenberg
DBLP: Greenberg:Albert_G=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- OSDI-2010-AnanthanarayananKGSLSH #clustering #using
- Reining in the Outliers in Map-Reduce Clusters using Mantri (GA, SK, AGG, IS, YL, BS, EH), pp. 265–278.
- VLDB-2008-KwonBG #distributed #fault tolerance #file system #using
- Fault-tolerant stream processing using a distributed, replicated file system (YK, MB, AGG), pp. 574–585.
- STOC-1985-GoodmanGMM #on the
- On the Stability of the Ethernet (JG, AGG, NM, PM), pp. 379–387.
- STOC-1982-Greenberg #communication #complexity #on the
- On the Time Complexity of Broadcast Communication Schemes (AGG), pp. 354–364.