Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.D.A.Mascarenhas E.F.Nakamura M.M.Horta H.S.Ramos J.A.Neto T.Perciano G.T.Silva A.L.L.d.Aquino C.M.S.Figueiredo A.A.F.Loureiro A.O.Fernandes
Talks about:
sensor (3) wireless (2) network (2) cluster (2) imag (2) acoustographi (1) polarimetr (1) comparison (1) modelwith (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Alejandro César Frery
DBLP: Frery:Alejandro_C=eacute=sar
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICPR-2008-HortaMF #algorithm #clustering #comparison #image #using
- A comparison of clustering fully polarimetric SAR images using SEM algorithm and G0P mixture modelwith different initializations (MMH, NDAM, ACF), pp. 1–4.
- SAC-2008-AquinoFNFLF #clustering #network #reduction
- Sensor stream reduction for clustered wireless sensor networks (ALLdA, CMSF, EFN, ACF, AAFL, AOF), pp. 2052–2056.
- SAC-2008-FreryRNN #estimation #fault #network
- Error estimation in wireless sensor networks (ACF, HSR, JAN, EFN), pp. 1923–1928.
- SAC-2008-PercianoMFS #image
- Restoration of vibro-acoustography images (TP, NDAM, ACF, GTS), pp. 1762–1763.