502 papers:
CBSE-2015-RamachandranDPM #network- Hitch Hiker: A Remote Binding Model with Priority Based Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks (GSR, WD, JP, SM, WJ, DH, BP), pp. 43–48.
CASE-2015-AmriBARF #multi #robust #using- Robust indoor location tracking of multiple inhabitants using only binary sensors (MHA, YB, DA, NR, MF), pp. 194–199.
CASE-2015-DepariFLS #industrial #network- Inexpensive SDR-based longwave radio controlled clock for time dissemination in industrial wireless sensor networks (AD, AF, ML, ES), pp. 125–130.
CASE-2015-DobslawGZ #challenge #industrial #network- Challenges for the use of data aggregation in industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (FD, MG, TZ), pp. 138–144.
CASE-2015-JiangSLZ #database #estimation #physics- Physical field estimation from CFD database and sparse sensor observations (CJ, YCS, HL, HZ), pp. 1294–1299.
CASE-2015-JiYA #automation #mobile #network #re-engineering- Automatic calibration and trajectory reconstruction of mobile robot in camera sensor network (YJ, AY, HA), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2015-QuZJCL #2d- A MEMS microgripper with two-axis actuators and force sensors for microscale mechanical characterization of soft materials (JQ, WZ, AJ, SSDC, XL), pp. 1620–1625.
CASE-2015-YuAGB #industrial #metric #network- Realization and measurements of industrial wireless sensor and actuator networks (KY, JÅ, MG, MB), pp. 131–137.
DAC-2015-LiuSZLQ #generative #statistics- A statistical methodology for noise sensor placement and full-chip voltage map generation (XL, SS, PZ, XL, HQ), p. 6.
DAC-2015-MiuraFNHHA #concept- EM attack sensor: concept, circuit, and design-automation methodology (NM, DF, MN, NH, YiH, TA), p. 6.
DAC-2015-ZhangLSLWXY #energy #migration #scheduling- Deadline-aware task scheduling for solar-powered nonvolatile sensor nodes with global energy migration (DZ, YL, XS, JL, TW, CJX, HY), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BaldwinBRPB #analysis #array #predict #using- Gait analysis for fall prediction using hierarchical textile-based capacitive sensor arrays (RB, SB, RR, CP, NB), pp. 1293–1298.
DATE-2015-LiLZGSSZCLY #energy #performance- An energy efficient backup scheme with low inrush current for nonvolatile SRAM in energy harvesting sensor nodes (HL, YL, QZ, YG, XS, GS, CZ, MFC, RL, HY), pp. 7–12.
HT-2015-Smyth #big data- From Small Sensors to Big Data (BS), p. 101.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhouT #named #predict- SMiLer: A Semi-Lazy Time Series Prediction System for Sensors (JZ, AKHT), pp. 1871–1886.
ITiCSE-2015-KurkovskyM #realtime #student- Student Projects with Real-time Sensor Data (SK, MM), p. 344.
CIAA-2015-DangDFH #automaton #security- Security of Numerical Sensors in Automata (ZD, DD, TRF, WJHI), pp. 76–88.
CHI-2015-FukahoriSI #gesture- Exploring Subtle Foot Plantar-based Gestures with Sock-placed Pressure Sensors (KF, DS, TI), pp. 3019–3028.
CHI-2015-HaqueNV #named #using- Myopoint: Pointing and Clicking Using Forearm Mounted Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensors (FH, MN, DV), pp. 3653–3656.
CHI-2015-KimCD #detection #interactive #monitoring- Sensors Know When to Interrupt You in the Car: Detecting Driver Interruptibility Through Monitoring of Peripheral Interactions (SK, JC, AKD), pp. 487–496.
CHI-2015-LaputLWXBH #adaptation #named- Zensors: Adaptive, Rapidly Deployable, Human-Intelligent Sensor Feeds (GL, WSL, JW, RX, JPB, CH), pp. 1935–1944.
CHI-2015-WeigelLBOMS #flexibility #mobile #named #visual notation- iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing (MW, TL, GB, AO, CM, JS), pp. 2991–3000.
CHI-2015-ZugerF #developer #predict #using- Interruptibility of Software Developers and its Prediction Using Psycho-Physiological Sensors (MZ, TF), pp. 2981–2990.
DHM-EH-2015-LiuCKQF #data analysis #power management- Balancing Power Consumption and Data Analysis Accuracy Through Adjusting Sampling Rates: Seeking for the Optimal Configuration of Inertial Sensors for Power Wheelchair Users (TL, CC, MK, GQ, JF), pp. 184–192.
DUXU-UI-2015-TakeiHHYKAA #flexibility #smarttech- Flexible and Wearable Sensors (KT, SH, WH, YY, KK, TA, SA), pp. 675–684.
HCI-IT-2015-BhanushaliMV #embedded #gesture #interface #low cost #recognition- A Dome-Shaped Interface Embedded with Low-Cost Infrared Sensors for Car-Game Control by Gesture Recognition (JB, SPM, KV), pp. 575–583.
HCI-IT-2015-HaescherTMBUK #multi #named #process #smarttech- aHead: Considering the Head Position in a Multi-sensory Setup of Wearables to Recognize Everyday Activities with Intelligent Sensor Fusions (MH, JT, DJCM, GB, BU, TK), pp. 741–752.
HCI-IT-2015-MakiyamaNKNSK #interactive #smarttech- Synchronization of Peripheral Vision and Wearable Sensors for Animal-to-Animal Interaction (KM, KN, MK, MN, KS, HHK), pp. 753–764.
HIMI-IKD-2015-IchiharaHIK #behaviour #metric- Presentation Method of Walking Sensation Based on Walking Behavior Measurement with Inertial Sensors and Pressure Sensors (KI, KH, YI, MK), pp. 374–385.
KDD-2015-QiATSA #predict- State-Driven Dynamic Sensor Selection and Prediction with State-Stacked Sparseness (GJQ, CA, DST, DMS, PA), pp. 945–954.
SIGIR-2015-AlbakourMO #data type #identification #metadata #topic #using- Using Sensor Metadata Streams to Identify Topics of Local Events in the City (MDA, CM, IO), pp. 711–714.
GPCE-2015-KabacC #approach #development- Orchestrating masses of sensors: a design-driven development Approach (MK, CC), pp. 117–120.
SAC-2015-AlyI #named #process #realtime #recognition- ubiMonitor: intelligent fusion of body-worn sensors for real-time human activity recognition (HA, MAI), pp. 563–568.
SAC-2015-BohdanowiczFFMN #locality- RSSI-based localization of a wireless sensor node with a flying robot (FB, HF, RF, DM, FN, IS), pp. 708–715.
SAC-2015-HamataniUH #smarttech #using- Estimating core body temperature based on human thermal model using wearable sensors (TH, AU, TH), pp. 521–526.
SAC-2015-JamhourPPSB #network- Interference aware channel assignment for structured wireless sensor networks (EJ, MEP, MCP, RDS, GGdOB), pp. 716–719.
SAC-2015-Moawad0FKT #adaptation #privacy #ubiquitous- Adaptive blurring of sensor data to balance privacy and utility for ubiquitous services (AM, TH, FF, JK, YLT), pp. 2271–2278.
ICSE-v2-2015-AbreuEP #fine-grained #monitoring #named- CodeAware: Sensor-Based Fine-Grained Monitoring and Management of Software Artifacts (RA, HE, AP), pp. 551–554.
ICSE-v2-2015-Muller #developer- Measuring Software Developers’ Perceived Difficulty with Biometric Sensors (SCM), pp. 887–890.
ECSA-2014-BerardinelliMP #analysis #design #network #performance- fUML-Driven Design and Performance Analysis of Software Agents for Wireless Sensor Network (LB, ADM, SP), pp. 324–339.
ASE-2014-OsterlundL #component #concurrent #using- Concurrent transformation components using contention context sensors (EÖ, WL), pp. 223–234.
CASE-2014-ChenLY #distributed #modelling #network- Sparse particle filtering for modeling space-time dynamics in distributed sensor networks (YC, GL, HY), pp. 626–631.
CASE-2014-HeidingsfeldKTS #fault #modelling- Model-based sensor fault diagnosis for the Stuttgart SmartShell (MH, UK, CT, OS), pp. 846–851.
CASE-2014-JiangCWWS #3d #analysis #fault #re-engineering #using- Error analysis and experiments of 3D reconstruction using a RGB-D sensor (SYJ, NYCC, CCW, CHW, KTS), pp. 1020–1025.
CASE-2014-LinWF #using- Grasping unknown objects using depth gradient feature with eye-in-hand RGB-D sensor (YCL, STW, LCF), pp. 1258–1263.
CASE-2014-MeaclemSPGHMC- Sensor guided biped felling machine for steep terrain harvesting (CVM, LS, RP, SG, CEH, BJEM, XC), pp. 984–989.
CASE-2014-SuKLLHKK #array #design #recognition- Design of tactile sensor array on electric gripper jaws for wire gripping recognition (JYS, WCK, YCL, CHL, JSH, HCK, CCK), pp. 1014–1019.
CASE-2014-VaskeviciusP0 #locality #low cost #recognition- Fitting superquadrics in noisy, partial views from a low-cost RGBD sensor for recognition and localization of sacks in autonomous unloading of shipping containers (NV, KP, AB), pp. 255–262.
CASE-2014-YanZJCC #3d #metric- Hall-sensor-based orientation measurement method in three-dimensional space for electromagnetic actuators (LY, BZ, ZJ, CYC, IMC), pp. 182–187.
DAC-2014-AndraudSS- One-Shot Calibration of RF Circuits Based on Non-Intrusive Sensors (MA, HGDS, ES), p. 2.
DATE-2014-BraojosDBAA #approach #hardware #manycore #power management- Hardware/software approach for code synchronization in low-power multi-core sensor nodes (RB, AYD, IB, GA, DA), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-IvanovPL- Attack-resilient sensor fusion (RI, MP, IL), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SarmaD #estimation #network #runtime- Minimal sparse observability of complex networks: Application to MPSoC sensor placement and run-time thermal estimation & tracking (SS, ND), pp. 1–6.
ITiCSE-2014-ChenD #development #education #mobile- A teaching model for development of sensor-driven mobile applications (HC, KD), pp. 147–152.
CHI-2014-GocTIK #3d #interactive #low cost #mobile- A low-cost transparent electric field sensor for 3d interaction on mobile devices (MLG, ST, SI, CK), pp. 3167–3170.
CHI-2014-MorrisSGK #named #smarttech #using- RecoFit: using a wearable sensor to find, recognize, and count repetitive exercises (DM, TSS, AG, IK), pp. 3225–3234.
CHI-2014-YurutenZP #mobile #predict #process- Predictors of life satisfaction based on daily activities from mobile sensor data (OY, JZ, PHZP), pp. 497–500.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Abdullah #monitoring #network #simulation- Simulation of Wireless Sensor Network for Flood Monitoring System (MA), pp. 255–264.
HCI-AIMT-2014-RoshandelMMTK #3d #authentication #multi- Multi-sensor Finger Ring for Authentication Based on 3D Signatures (MR, AM, PM, ST, HK), pp. 131–138.
HCI-AIMT-2014-RoshandelMMTK14a #gesture #multi #recognition- Multi-sensor Based Gestures Recognition with a Smart Finger Ring (MR, AM, PM, ST, HK), pp. 316–324.
LCT-TRE-2014-MartinWH #interactive #learning #mobile- Sensor Based Interaction Mechanisms in Mobile Learning (KUM, MW, WH), pp. 165–172.
ICEIS-v1-2014-GuilavoguiKF #hybrid- A Hybrid Strategy for Integrating Sensor Information (KG, LK, MF), pp. 281–286.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ZhengJL #hybrid #learning #taxonomy #using- Cross-Sensor Iris Matching using Patch-based Hybrid Dictionary Learning (BRZ, DYJ, YHL), pp. 169–174.
ICPR-2014-FuscoEM #data analysis #locality #network- Bad Data Analysis with Sparse Sensors for Leak Localisation in Water Distribution Networks (FF, BE, SM), pp. 3642–3647.
ICPR-2014-KimP14a #3d #interactive #physics #using- Sensor-Display Registration for 3D Physical User Interaction Using a Flat-Panel Display (JSK, JMP), pp. 1675–1680.
ECMFA-2014-LogreMCR #approach #variability #visualisation- Sensor Data Visualisation: A Composition-Based Approach to Support Domain Variability (IL, SM, PC, MR), pp. 101–116.
SAC-2014-AnderssonDA #artificial reality #identification #using- Anthropometric and human gait identification using skeleton data from Kinect sensor (VOA, RD, RMdA), pp. 60–61.
SAC-2014-DouglasL #database #embedded #named #sql- LittleD: a SQL database for sensor nodes and embedded applications (GD, RL), pp. 827–832.
SAC-2014-KawsarAL #detection #multimodal #process #smarttech #using- Smartphone based multimodal activity detection system using plantar pressure sensors (FAK, SIA, RL), pp. 468–469.
SAC-2014-LiWL #learning #mobile #online #recognition- Online learning with mobile sensor data for user recognition (HGL, XW, ZL), pp. 64–70.
SAC-2014-WangZC #composition #energy #framework #network- An energy-aware service composition framework for service-oriented wireless sensor networks (TW, KZ, LC), pp. 408–410.
SAC-2014-YoonY #authentication #network #using- A biometric-based authenticated key agreement scheme using ECC for wireless sensor networks (EJY, KYY), pp. 699–705.
SPLC-2014-LanduytbHMJMJBA #design #safety #towards #variability- Towards managing variability in the safety design of an automotive hall effect sensor (DVL, SOdb, AH, SM, WJ, SM, GdJ, OB, MA), pp. 304–309.
CASE-2013-HeZJ #approach #fault #robust- UIO based robust fault diagnosis approach for aero-engine fiber-optic sensor (CH, XZ, BJ), pp. 550–553.
CASE-2013-KruseRW #framework- A sensor-based dual-arm tele-robotic manipulation platform (DK, RJR, JTW), pp. 350–355.
CASE-2013-LaSC #mobile #network- Cooperative and active sensing in mobile sensor networks for scalar field mapping (HML, WS, JC), pp. 831–836.
CASE-2013-LiFZS #adaptation #named #performance #smarttech- DEPEND: Density adaptive power efficient neighbor discovery for wearable body sensors (BL, WF, LZ, CJS), pp. 581–586.
CASE-2013-LiSZL #assessment #automation #difference #quality #simulation- Sensor data quality assessment for building simulation model calibration based on automatic differentiation (SL, ZS, MZ, YL), pp. 752–757.
CASE-2013-NourzadehM13a #constraints- Integrated planning of constraint sensor management and patrolling (HN, JEM), pp. 837–843.
CASE-2013-RockeyPN #evaluation #low cost- An evaluation of low-cost sensors for smart wheelchairs (CAR, EMP, WSN), pp. 249–254.
CASE-2013-ZhangPJST #energy #interface #monitoring #scalability #using- A secure and scalable telemonitoring system using ultra-low-energy wireless sensor interface for long-term monitoring in life science applications (WZ, PP, EJ, RS, KT), pp. 617–622.
CASE-2013-ZhouKZS #analysis- Causal analysis for non-stationary time series in sensor-rich smart buildings (YZ, ZK, LZ, CJS), pp. 593–598.
DAC-2013-CharbonR #image- Single-photon image sensors (EC, FR), p. 4.
DATE-2013-DiazSSR #analysis #network #performance #security #simulation- Wireless sensor network simulation for security and performance analysis (AD, PS, JS, JR), pp. 432–435.
DATE-2013-HoofP #health #smarttech- Addressing the healthcare cost dilemma by managing health instead of managing illness: an opportunity for wearable wireless sensors (CVH, JP), pp. 1537–1539.
DATE-2013-HsiehWH #configuration management #distributed #named #network- DANCE: distributed application-aware node configuration engine in shared reconfigurable sensor networks (CMH, ZW, JH), pp. 839–842.
DATE-2013-KappelHHHHH #concept #energy #power management #self- Alternative power supply concepts for self-sufficient wireless sensor nodes by energy harvesting (RK, GH, GH, TH, GH, GH), p. 481.
DATE-2013-KazmierskiWAM #energy #optimisation #performance- DoE-based performance optimization of energy management in sensor nodes powered by tunable energy-harvesters (TJK, LW, BMAH, GVM), p. 484.
DATE-2013-RethyDSDG #interface #network #power management- A low-power and low-voltage BBPLL-based sensor interface in 130nm CMOS for wireless sensor networks (JVR, HD, VDS, WD, GGEG), pp. 1431–1435.
DATE-2013-WangTSL #algorithm- A power-driven thermal sensor placement algorithm for dynamic thermal management (HW, SXDT, SS, XL), pp. 1215–1220.
DATE-2013-ZhaoLBT #detection #manycore #probability #runtime- Run-time probabilistic detection of miscalibrated thermal sensors in many-core systems (JZ, S(L, WB, RT), pp. 1395–1398.
DATE-2013-ZhouZY #design #energy #memory management #network #using- The design of sustainable wireless sensor network node using solar energy and phase change memory (PZ, YZ, JY), pp. 869–872.
DATE-2013-ZoniF- Sensor-wise methodology to face NBTI stress of NoC buffers (DZ, WF), pp. 1038–1043.
CHI-2013-KimN #design #gesture #interactive #named #prototype- EventHurdle: supporting designers’ exploratory interaction prototyping with gesture-based sensors (JWK, TJN), pp. 267–276.
DUXU-NTE-2013-InoueHNNN #interactive #mobile- Capturing Nursing Interactions from Mobile Sensor Data and In-Room Sensors (SI, KH, MN, YN, NN), pp. 280–289.
HCI-III-2013-GronliGH #adaptation #android #user interface- Sensor-Based Adaptation of User Interface on Android Phones (TMG, GG, JH), pp. 56–61.
HCI-IMT-2013-HenschenL #design #interface #network- A Web-Based Interface for a System That Designs Sensor Networks (LJH, JCL), pp. 688–697.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-BachmannNMBAC #information management #process #safety- Preservation and Redeployment of Sensor Acquisition Processes from a Dam Safety Information System (AB, MAN, HM, JB, GA, AC), pp. 490–495.
KEOD-2013-AlirezaieL #abduction #automation #data type #reasoning #using- Automatic Annotation of Sensor Data Streams using Abductive Reasoning (MA, AL), pp. 345–354.
SEKE-2013-Picard- Surprising discoveries from emotion sensors (RWP).
GPCE-2013-ChapinSSW #named #network #programming #staged- Scalaness/nesT: type specialized staged programming for sensor networks (PCC, CS, SFS, MW), pp. 135–144.
SAC-2013-AraujoGA #artificial reality #identification #towards #using- Towards skeleton biometric identification using the microsoft kinect sensor (RMA, GG, VA), pp. 21–26.
SAC-2013-FlushingC #network #optimisation- A flow-based optimization model for throughput-oriented relay node placement in wireless sensor networks (EFF, GADC), pp. 632–639.
SAC-2013-FurtadoC #hybrid #middleware #network- Sensor streams middleware for easy configuration and processing in hybrid sensor network (PF, JC), pp. 1499–1504.
SAC-2013-KawakamiIYT #communication #data type- A delivery method considering communication loads for sensor data stream with different collection cycles (TK, YI, TY, YT), pp. 611–618.
SAC-2013-MaiaB #modelling #network #performance #predict #query- Sensor-field modeling based on in-network data prediction: an efficient strategy for answering complex queries in wireless sensor networks (JEBM, AB), pp. 554–559.
SAC-2013-RieckerBH #detection #energy #lightweight #network- Lightweight energy consumption based intrusion detection system for wireless sensor networks (MR, SB, MH), pp. 1784–1791.
VMCAI-2013-ZhengS0LD0 #network #partial order #reduction #using- State Space Reduction for Sensor Networks Using Two-Level Partial Order Reduction (MZ, DS, JS, YL, JSD, YG), pp. 515–535.
CASE-2012-ChoiKKKHP #development #fault- Development of joint torque sensor applied to compensate crosstalk error (SyC, TKK, DYK, BSK, JHH, CWP), pp. 1086–1088.
CASE-2012-EndoNH #energy #estimation- Simplified Factory Energy Management System based on operational condition estimation by sensor data (ME, HN, YH), pp. 14–19.
CASE-2012-GreenC #novel- Novel sensors for underground robotics (JJG, SC), pp. 724–728.
CASE-2012-GuKJ #distance #metric #multi- Distance measurement for tower crane obstacle based on multi-ultrasonic sensors (LG, XK, JJ), pp. 1028–1032.
CASE-2012-HeZWZ #identification #using- Identification of dynamic posture in lower extremity using optical fiber sensor (CH, XZ, YW, ZZ), pp. 1057–1060.
CASE-2012-HoNNH #question #what- What can be inferred from a tactile arrayed sensor in autonomous in-hand manipulation? (VAH, TN, AN, SH), pp. 461–468.
CASE-2012-KimKCKH #2d #precise- 2-DOF torque sensor for precise force control of robot hand (TKK, BSK, SyC, DHK, JHH), pp. 892–895.
CASE-2012-KimKHHL #framework #using- A robot platform for unmanned weeding in a paddy field using sensor fusion (GHK, SCK, YKH, KSH, SGL), pp. 904–907.
CASE-2012-KimSCKY #automation #detection #image- Image and sensor los-based automatic horizontal line detection and tracking for infrared search and track (SK, MSS, BC, JK, YY), pp. 718–723.
CASE-2012-ShinPB #2d #3d #estimation #using- 6DOF pose estimation using 2D-3D sensor fusion (YDS, JHP, MB), pp. 714–717.
CASE-2012-ShinPKA #analysis #linear- Structural analysis of built-in sensor frame in jaws with linear type gripper (DHS, TSP, YGK, JA), pp. 810–814.
CASE-2012-SuhYO #algorithm #locality #mobile #network- A cooperative localization algorithm for mobile sensor networks (JS, SY, SO), pp. 1126–1131.
CASE-2012-TataraLOC #adaptation #framework #interactive #mobile #network #self- Locally communicative interaction framework for adaptively self-organizing mobile sensor networks (KT, GL, HO, NYC), pp. 1138–1143.
CASE-2012-ZhaoLKH #data fusion #locality #simulation #using- A simulation study of sensor data fusion using UKF for bucket wheel reclaimer localization (SZ, TFL, BK, AH), pp. 1192–1197.
DAC-2012-BerettaRKGRA #design #energy #network #trade-off- Design exploration of energy-performance trade-offs for wireless sensor networks (IB, FJR, NK, PRG, VR, DA), pp. 1043–1048.
DAC-2012-ChristmannBCWP #energy #power management- Energy harvesting and power management for autonomous sensor nodes (JFC, EB, CC, JW, CP), pp. 1049–1054.
DAC-2012-LeeKYBS #design #guidelines #power management- Circuit and system design guidelines for ultra-low power sensor nodes (YL, YK, DY, DB, DS), pp. 1037–1042.
DAC-2012-RanieriVCAV #algorithm #manycore #named- EigenMaps: algorithms for optimal thermal maps extraction and sensor placement on multicore processors (JR, AV, AC, DA, MV), pp. 636–641.
DAC-2012-ZhangTT #identification #using- Identification of recovered ICs using fingerprints from a light-weight on-chip sensor (XZ, NT, MT), pp. 703–708.
DAC-2012-ZhouLCKQY #framework #monitoring- An information-theoretic framework for optimal temperature sensor allocation and full-chip thermal monitoring (HZ, XL, CYC, EK, HQ, SCY), pp. 642–647.
DATE-2012-AbdallahSMA #testing- Testing RF circuits with true non-intrusive built-in sensors (LA, HGDS, SM, JA), pp. 1090–1095.
DATE-2012-BiZLCP #design- Spintronic memristor based temperature sensor design with CMOS current reference (XB, CZ, HL, YC, REP), pp. 1301–1306.
DATE-2012-LiDT #authentication #detection #framework #hardware #self- A sensor-assisted self-authentication framework for hardware trojan detection (ML, AD, MT), pp. 1331–1336.
DATE-2012-LiDX #process- Custom on-chip sensors for post-silicon failing path isolation in the presence of process variations (ML, AD, LX), pp. 1591–1596.
DATE-2012-MagnoMBPOB #network #power management- Smart power unit with ultra low power radio trigger capabilities for wireless sensor networks (MM, SJM, DB, EMP, BO, LB), pp. 75–80.
DATE-2012-ShoaibJV- Enabling advanced inference on sensor nodes through direct use of compressively-sensed signals (MS, NKJ, NV), pp. 437–442.
DATE-2012-WangKAAW #design #energy #optimisation- Response-surface-based design space exploration and optimisation of wireless sensor nodes with tunable energy harvesters (LW, TJK, BMAH, MA, JW), pp. 733–738.
DATE-2012-XhakoniBG #3d #image #performance- Impact of TSV area on the dynamic range and frame rate performance of 3D-integrated image sensors (AX, DSSB, GGEG), pp. 836–839.
DATE-2012-YangCJTZ #multi #protocol #smarttech- A multi-parameter bio-electric ASIC sensor with integrated 2-wire data transmission protocol for wearable healthcare system (GY, JC, FJ, HT, LRZ), pp. 443–448.
IFM-2012-KazemeyniJOB #analysis #modelling #network #probability- MULE-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Probabilistic Modeling and Quantitative Analysis (FK, EBJ, OO, IB), pp. 143–157.
CHI-2012-FallahABF #navigation #using #visual notation- The user as a sensor: navigating users with visual impairments in indoor spaces using tactile landmarks (NF, IA, KEB, EF), pp. 425–432.
CHI-2012-KratzMS #gesture- Making gestural input from arm-worn inertial sensors more practical (LK, DM, TSS), pp. 1747–1750.
CHI-2012-UriuNTKIO #named- panavi: recipe medium with a sensors-embedded pan for domestic users to master professional culinary arts (DU, MN, ST, RK, MI, NO), pp. 129–138.
CHI-2012-WilliamsonM- Rewarding the original: explorations in joint user-sensor motion spaces (JW, RMS), pp. 1717–1726.
ICPR-2012-ArthMS #locality #mobile- Exploiting sensors on mobile phones to improve wide-area localization (CA, AM, DS), pp. 2152–2156.
ICPR-2012-BurgessKA #locality #network- Node localization in unsynchronized time of arrival sensor networks (SB, YK, KÅ), pp. 2042–2046.
ICPR-2012-JiaYZZT #database #multi- A cross-device matching fingerprint database from multi-type sensors (XJ, XY, YZ, NZ, JT), pp. 3001–3004.
ICPR-2012-KuriharaA #correlation #image #using- Motion blur free photometric stereo using correlation image sensor (TK, SA), pp. 1872–1875.
ICPR-2012-PinquierKLGMBGD #multi #process #recognition #smarttech- Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: Application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors (JP, SK, LL, PG, RM, JBP, YG, JFD), pp. 3192–3195.
ICPR-2012-ReinbacherRB #game studies #named #using- RoμNect: Hand mounted depth sensing using a commodity gaming sensor (CR, MR, HB), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-2012-RohithK #3d #estimation #modelling #using- Augmenting monocular motion estimation using intermittent 3D models from depth sensors (MVR, CK), pp. 473–476.
ICPR-2012-SchuldhausKJESL #classification #using- Classification of surfaces and inclinations during outdoor running using shoe-mounted inertial sensors (DS, PK, UJ, BE, HS, ML), pp. 2258–2261.
ICPR-2012-ShibataK #modelling #recognition #using- Emotion recognition modeling of sitting postures by using pressure sensors and accelerometers (TS, YK), pp. 1124–1127.
ICPR-2012-TaoKNT #process #recognition- Camera view usage of binary infrared sensors for activity recognition (ST, MK, HN, JT), pp. 1759–1762.
ICPR-2012-ThanhMNMY #detection #recognition #robust #using- Inertial-sensor-based walking action recognition using robust step detection and inter-class relationships (TNT, YM, HN, YM, YY), pp. 3811–3814.
ICPR-2012-TsuruKO #using- Mixed-reality snapshot system using environmental depth sensors (HT, IK, YO), pp. 97–100.
ICPR-2012-WidhalmNB #detection #smarttech- Transport mode detection with realistic Smartphone sensor data (PW, PN, NB), pp. 573–576.
ICPR-2012-YamazoeHMY- Easy depth sensor calibration (HY, HH, IM, YY), pp. 465–468.
ICPR-2012-ZhangXSS #modelling #process #recognition #representation #smarttech #using- Sparse representation for motion primitive-based human activity modeling and recognition using wearable sensors (MZ, WX, AAS, MS), pp. 1807–1810.
KEOD-2012-AlirezaieL #classification #low level #ontology- Ontology Alignment for Classification of Low Level Sensor Data (MA, AL), pp. 89–97.
SEKE-2012-GallegosG #detection #tool support- Tool Support for Anomaly Detection in Scientific Sensor Data (IG, AQG), pp. 678–683.
SAC-2012-AhnC #algorithm #locality #multi- A sensor network-based multiple acoustic source localization algorithm (JA, HC), pp. 544–549.
SAC-2012-GuccioneCAMM #clustering #network- Trend cluster based interpolation everywhere in a sensor network (PG, AC, AA, DM, AM), pp. 827–828.
SAC-2012-HuangHYY #algorithm #approximate #correlation #network- An in-network approximate data gathering algorithm exploiting spatial correlation in wireless sensor networks (CCH, JLH, JAY, LYY), pp. 550–555.
SAC-2012-LiLXZR #named- TL-Tree: flash-optimized storage for time-series sensing data on sensor platforms (HL, DL, LX, GZ, KR), pp. 1565–1572.
SAC-2012-SioutasPKT #named #network #probability #query- SART: dynamic P2P query processing in sensor networks with probabilistic guarantees (SS, AP, IK, DT), pp. 847–852.
SAC-2012-TeymooriKY #fault tolerance #network #realtime- A real-time data aggregation method for fault-tolerant wireless sensor networks (PT, MK, NY), pp. 605–612.
ICSE-2012-CasatiDDEFKMMOPQRSTV #enterprise #network #physics #process #towards- Towards business processes orchestrating the physical enterprise with wireless sensor networks (FC, FD, GD, JE, NF, SK, PMM, LM, FJO, GPP, AQ, KR, PS, ST, TV), pp. 1357–1360.
CASE-2011-Aguayo-LaraRR #invariant #petri net- Invariant subspaces and sensor placement for observability in Continuous Timed Petri Nets (EAL, ART, JJRL), pp. 607–612.
CASE-2011-LeeLNCC #design #optimisation- Design optimization of one-time-use leaping mechanism for sensor node relocation (GL, GL, YN, NYC, DC), pp. 749–754.
DATE-2011-BaiDCD #automation #modelling #network #performance- Automated construction of fast and accurate system-level models for wireless sensor networks (LSB, RPD, PHC, PAD), pp. 1083–1088.
DATE-2011-BaiDDC #network #program transformation #programming #runtime- Simplified programming of faulty sensor networks via code transformation and run-time interval computation (LSB, RPD, PAD, PHC), pp. 88–93.
DATE-2011-BeserraMSC #modelling #network- System-level modeling of a mixed-signal System on Chip for Wireless Sensor Networks (GSB, JEGdM, AMS, JCdC), pp. 1500–1504.
DATE-2011-DOrazioVD #challenge #network #state of the art- Sensor networks on the car: State of the art and future challenges (LD, FV, MD), pp. 1030–1035.
DATE-2011-SabatelliSFR #algorithm #estimation #metric- A sensor fusion algorithm for an integrated angular position estimation with inertial measurement units (SS, FS, LF, AR), pp. 273–276.
DATE-2011-SunYW #co-evolution #design #framework #network #uml- A UML 2-based hardware-software co-design framework for body sensor network applications (ZS, CTY, WFW), pp. 1505–1508.
DATE-2011-WeddellMA #power management- Ultra low-power photovoltaic MPPT technique for indoor and outdoor wireless sensor nodes (ASW, GVM, BMAH), pp. 905–908.
SIGMOD-2011-HuangWYL #algorithm #network- Sampling based algorithms for quantile computation in sensor networks (ZH, LW, KY, YL), pp. 745–756.
ITiCSE-2011-WahbaFH #network #student- A technology-assisted scavenger hunt for introducing K-12 students to sensor networks (SKW, YF, JOH), pp. 73–77.
CHI-2011-HinckleyS- Sensor synaesthesia: touch in motion, and motion in touch (KH, HS), pp. 801–810.
CHI-2011-KuznetsovDCP #authoring #pipes and filters #quality- Ceci n’est pas une pipe bombe: authoring urban landscapes with air quality sensors (SK, GND, JCC, EP), pp. 2375–2384.
CHI-2011-RaijGKS #mobile #privacy #risk management #smarttech- Privacy risks emerging from the adoption of innocuous wearable sensors in the mobile environment (AR, AG, SK, MBS), pp. 11–20.
CSCW-2011-HoZ- i-sensor inference model for assessing trustworthiness in computer-mediated communications (SMH, XZ), pp. 645–648.
DHM-2011-PaulickDB #embedded #monitoring #named- StabilitySole: Embedded Sensor Insole for Balance and Gait Monitoring (PP, HD, MB), pp. 171–177.
DUXU-v2-2011-Sauter #approach #interface #mobile #towards- Implied Aesthetics: A Sensor-Based Approach towards Mobile Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HondaSN #process #recognition #risk management- Activity Recognition for Risk Management with Installed Sensor in Smart and Cell Phone (DH, NS, SN), pp. 230–239.
HCI-MIIE-2011-TakahashiAI #question #twitter- Can Twitter Be an Alternative of Real-World Sensors? (TT, SA, NI), pp. 240–249.
ICEIS-v3-2011-SchneiderCKZ #information management #integration #modelling- Domain-specific Modelling Applied to Integration of Smart Sensors into an Information System (JPS, JC, DK, OZ), pp. 253–259.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LuCGD #algorithm #multi #network #optimisation #quality #using- Quality of Service Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks using a Multi-objective Immune Co-evolutionary Algorithm (XL, ZRC, LG, YD), pp. 160–164.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ShailaVPTVP #named #network- KCSR: Keymatches Constrained Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (KS, GHV, CRP, VT, KRV, LMP), pp. 13–22.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SivasankariMKVP #energy #mobile #multi #network #performance- Multiple Mobile Synchronised Sinks (MMSS) for Energy Efficiency and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks (HS, VM, KS, KRV, LMP), pp. 76–85.
CIKM-2011-OkamotoWNC #information management- Annotating knowledge work lifelog: term extraction from sensor and operation history (MO, NW, SN, KC), pp. 2581–2584.
KDD-2011-AggarwalXY #data-driven #on the- On dynamic data-driven selection of sensor streams (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 1226–1234.
KDD-2011-BatistaKMR #data mining #mining- SIGKDD demo: sensors and software to allow computational entomology, an emerging application of data mining (GEAPAB, EJK, AMN, ER), pp. 761–764.
KEOD-2011-Ylisaukko-ojaHKSV #interface #semantics- Semantic Interface for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensors (AYo, PH, JK, JPS, EV), pp. 505–511.
SEKE-2011-FarahatE #fault #performance- Exploiting Computational Redundancy for Efficient Recovery from Soft Errors in Sensor Nodes (AF, AE), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2011-SunWG #design #network #semantics- Semantic Enabled Sensor Network Design (JS, HHW, HG), pp. 179–184.
SIGIR-2011-Chang #information management #mobile #retrieval- Sensor-aided mobile information management and retrieval (EYC), pp. 1333–1334.
SAC-2011-AhnLK #development #embedded #energy #network- Development of the wireless embedded sensor network for energy-efficient flooding (SA, YL, SK), pp. 621–622.
SAC-2011-BaoCCC #network #trust- Hierarchical trust management for wireless sensor networks and its application to trust-based routing (FB, IRC, MC, JHC), pp. 1732–1738.
SAC-2011-KaoYYC #detection- A location-aware rogue AP detection system based on wireless packet sniffing of sensor APs (KFK, THY, WSY, HHC), pp. 32–36.
SAC-2011-RahmanHA #named #network #reliability- REBIVE: a reliable private data aggregation scheme for wireless sensor networks (FR, MEH, SIA), pp. 439–444.
LCTES-2011-WangLLFBL #debugging #dependence #multi #network- Dependence-based multi-level tracing and replay for wireless sensor networks debugging (MW, ZL, FL, XF, SB, YHL), pp. 91–100.
CASE-2010-BeyelerMN #automation #testing- Wafer-level inspection system for the automated testing of comb drive based MEMS sensors and actuators (FB, SM, BJN), pp. 698–703.
CASE-2010-ItoKNO- Shape sensing by vision-based tactile sensor for dexterous handling of robot hands (YI, YK, CN, GO), pp. 574–579.
CASE-2010-LinYG- Sensor configuration selection for discrete-event systems under unreliable observations (WCL, TSY, HEG), pp. 477–484.
CASE-2010-YuanZ #video- Micro-mixing of highly viscous bio-samples observed with a miniature wireless video sensor (LY, YFZ), pp. 180–185.
DAC-2010-NowrozCR #monitoring- Thermal monitoring of real processors: techniques for sensor allocation and full characterization (ANN, RC, SR), pp. 56–61.
DAC-2010-QiWCWBCS #design- SRAM-based NBTI/PBTI sensor system design (ZQ, JW, ACC, SNW, TNB, BHC, MRS), pp. 849–852.
DATE-2010-AhlendorfG #challenge #design #hardware #monitoring #power management- Hardware / software design challenges of low-power sensor nodes for condition monitoring (HA, LG), p. 659.
DATE-2010-DammMHG #modelling #network #simulation #transaction #using- Using Transaction Level Modeling techniques for wireless sensor network simulation (MD, JM, JH, CG), pp. 1047–1052.
DATE-2010-FerentSGD #approach #embedded #linear #network #programming- Linear programming approach for performance-driven data aggregation in networks of embedded sensors (CF, VS, MG, AD), pp. 1456–1461.
DATE-2010-LoHCHC #flexibility #multi- A portable multi-pitch e-drum based on printed flexible pressure sensors (CML, TCH, CYC, JH, KTC), pp. 1082–1087.
DATE-2010-VazquezCTST #programmable #safety- Programmable aging sensor for automotive safety-critical applications (JCV, VHC, ICT, MBS, JPT), pp. 618–621.
SIGMOD-2010-GiatrakosKDVT #approximate #named #network- TACO: tunable approximate computation of outliers in wireless sensor networks (NG, YK, AD, VV, YT), pp. 279–290.
SIGMOD-2010-SternBB #approach #network #query- Processing continuous join queries in sensor networks: a filtering approach (MS, KB, EB), pp. 267–278.
VLDB-2010-MihaylovJIG #multi #network #optimisation- Dynamic Join Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks (SRM, MJ, ZGI, SG), pp. 1279–1290.
ITiCSE-2010-ForsterJ #approach #education #network- Hands-on approach to teaching wireless sensor networks at the undergraduate level (AF, MJ), pp. 284–288.
CHI-2010-CostanzaPZNFHH #interface #mobile #named #network- SensorTune: a mobile auditory interface for DIY wireless sensor networks (EC, JP, GZ, JN, JF, JH, JPH), pp. 2317–2326.
CHI-2010-PatelGR #design #evaluation #power management- The design and evaluation of an end-user-deployable, whole house, contactless power consumption sensor (SNP, SG, MSR), pp. 2471–2480.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-Zhang #internet #network- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IOT) (RZ), p. 7.
CIKM-2010-BamisFS #component- A method for discovering components of human rituals from streams of sensor data (AB, JF, AS), pp. 779–788.
CIKM-2010-ChenLZY #energy #network #query- Energy-efficient top-k query processing in wireless sensor networks (BC, WL, RZ, JXY), pp. 329–338.
CIKM-2010-ParkSYRY #network #performance #query- An efficient data-centric storage scheme considering storage and query hot-spots in sensor networks (YP, DS, JY, CTR, JY), pp. 1325–1328.
ICPR-2010-AhmadNSNN #distributed #estimation #network #on the- On Clock Offset Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Weibull Distributed Network Delays (AA, AN, ES, HNN, MNN), pp. 2322–2325.
ICPR-2010-BimboDLP #locality- Sensor Fusion for Cooperative Head Localization (ADB, FD, GL, FP), pp. 384–387.
ICPR-2010-BoughorbelBB #classification- Baby-Posture Classification from Pressure-Sensor Data (SB, FB, JB), pp. 556–559.
ICPR-2010-KimCKA #image- Spatial and Temporal Enhancement of Depth Images Captured by a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor (SYK, JHC, AK, MAA), pp. 2358–2361.
ICPR-2010-MalakutiA #monitoring #towards- Towards an Intelligent Bed Sensor: Non-intrusive Monitoring of Sleep Irregularities with Computer Vision Techniques (KM, ABA), pp. 4004–4007.
ICPR-2010-WeiXZ- Calibration Method for Line Structured Light Vision Sensor Based on Vanish Points and Lines (ZW, MX, GZ), pp. 794–797.
SAC-2010-AquinoOW #algorithm #network- A wavelet-based sampling algorithm for wireless sensor networks applications (ALLdA, RARO, EFW), pp. 1604–1608.
SAC-2010-BraynerCS #approach #detection #energy #network #quality #query #requirements- Dealing with application requirements and energy consumption in wireless sensor networks: a novelty detection approach for quality of query services (AB, ALVC, KMdS), pp. 786–790.
SAC-2010-ClaycombLSK #network #policy #security- A group-based security policy for wireless sensor networks (WC, RL, DS, BK), pp. 778–785.
SAC-2010-Coen-PorisiniCS #network- Dealing with anonymity in wireless sensor networks (ACP, PC, SS), pp. 2216–2223.
SAC-2010-DomanPD #fuzzy #network #query- Leveraging fuzzy query processing to support applications in wireless sensor networks (MD, JP, TD), pp. 764–771.
SAC-2010-GaberS #classification #data type #distributed #network- Distributed data stream classification for wireless sensor networks (MMG, AMS), pp. 1629–1630.
SAC-2010-HeoGEKJ #energy #memory management #performance- Energy efficient program updating for sensor nodes with flash memory (JH, BG, SIE, PK, GJ), pp. 194–200.
SAC-2010-JungCKCGK #interface #multi #network #protocol #stack- Virtual protocol stack interface for multiple wireless sensor network simulators (JJ, YC, YK, YC, BG, JK), pp. 240–241.
SAC-2010-KimKPT #framework #hybrid #realtime #scheduling- Integrating real-time hybrid task scheduling into a sensor node platform (TK, BK, EKP, ST), pp. 737–741.
SAC-2010-MatosBM #network #predict #towards- Towards in-network data prediction in wireless sensor networks (TBM, AB, JEBM), pp. 592–596.
SAC-2010-MatthysAHMJH #data access #fine-grained #network #towards- Towards fine-grained and application-centric access control for wireless sensor networks (NM, SRA, CH, SM, WJ, DH), pp. 793–794.
SAC-2010-MulasACFQF #adaptation #energy #network- Network-adaptive management of computation energy in wireless sensor networks (FM, AA, SC, GF, DQ, FF), pp. 756–763.
SAC-2010-MuldoonTOO #coordination #web- Agent-based coordination for the sensor web (CM, RT, GMPO, MJO), pp. 2019–2023.
SAC-2010-OliverSF #abstraction #network #operating system- An operating system abstraction layer for portable applications in wireless sensor networks (RSO, IS, GF), pp. 742–748.
SAC-2010-SatzgerBKU #lightweight #network #self #towards- Towards lightweight self-configuration in wireless sensor networks (BS, FB, FK, TU), pp. 791–792.
SAC-2010-YadavS #framework #named #network #trust- iTrust: an integrated trust framework for wireless sensor networks (KY, AS), pp. 1466–1471.
SAC-2010-ZhouS #ad hoc #energy #network #performance #throughput #towards- Towards higher throughput and energy efficiency in dense wireless ad hoc and sensor networks (WZ, RS), pp. 749–755.
HPDC-2010-JardakROM #network #parallel #scalability- Parallel processing of data from very large-scale wireless sensor networks (CJ, JR, FO, PM), pp. 787–794.
CASE-2009-AlenljungL #graph #using #verification- Formal verification of PLC controlled systems using Sensor Graphs (TA, BL), pp. 164–170.
CASE-2009-BukkapatnamMKSK #monitoring #realtime #using- Real-time monitoring of container stability loss using wireless vibration sensor tags (STSB, SM, JK, VS, RK), pp. 221–226.
CASE-2009-FranceschelliGS #distributed #fault #network- Decentralized fault diagnosis for sensor networks (MF, AG, CS), pp. 334–339.
CASE-2009-GhoshR #design #network- Sensor network design for smart highways (SG, SR), pp. 353–360.
DAC-2009-CochranR- Spectral techniques for high-resolution thermal characterization with limited sensor data (RC, SR), pp. 478–483.
DAC-2009-ZhangS #estimation #using- Accurate temperature estimation using noisy thermal sensors (YZ, AS), pp. 472–477.
DATE-2009-0001BW #case study #fault #network- Error correction in single-hop wireless sensor networks — A case study (DS, MB, NW), pp. 1296–1301.
DATE-2009-BarontiLRS #detection #distributed #metric- Distributed sensor for steering wheel rip force measurement in driver fatigue detection (FB, FL, RR, RS), pp. 894–897.
DATE-2009-FummiPQA #energy #flexibility #network #simulation- Flexible energy-aware simulation of heterogenous wireless sensor networks (FF, GP, DQ, AA), pp. 1638–1643.
DATE-2009-GhasemzadehJSJ #communication #network- Communication minimization for in-network processing in body sensor networks: A buffer assignment technique (HG, NJ, MS, RJ), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2009-LongLFDY #adaptation #clustering #energy #network- Energy-efficient spatially-adaptive clustering and routing in wireless sensor networks (HL, YL, XF, RPD, HY), pp. 1267–1272.
DATE-2009-SubramanianGD #adaptation #configuration management #design #embedded #grid #network #online #policy- Online adaptation policy design for grid sensor networks with reconfigurable embedded nodes (VS, MG, AD), pp. 1273–1278.
SIGMOD-2009-FrankeG #detection #named #network- ORDEN: outlier region detection and exploration in sensor networks (CF, MG), pp. 1075–1078.
SIGMOD-2009-GandhiNSL #multi #named #scalability- GAMPS: compressing multi sensor data by grouping and amplitude scaling (SG, SN, SS, JL), pp. 771–784.
VLDB-2009-LiuLGF #approximate #network #query- Enabling epsilon-Approximate Querying in Sensor Networks (YL, JL, HG, XF), pp. 169–180.
VLDB-2009-SternBB #performance #quality- A Wavelet Transform for Efficient Consolidation of Sensor Relations with Quality Guarantees (MS, EB, KB), pp. 157–168.
PEPM-2009-EversK #automation #network- Partially evaluated sensor networks: automatic specialization for heterogeneous wireless sensor & actuator networks (LE, JK), pp. 73–80.
FM-2009-HeidarianSV #analysis #network #protocol- Analysis of a Clock Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (FH, JS, FWV), pp. 516–531.
HCI-AUII-2009-ChaeCKH #smarttech #usability- Usability Studies on Sensor Smart Clothing (HSC, WJC, SHK, KHH), pp. 725–730.
HCI-AUII-2009-JeongSGKJ #using- Object Scanning Using a Sensor Frame (SJ, TS, GG, KHK, JWJ), pp. 433–439.
HCI-AUII-2009-MatsuiIK #image #recognition #using- Front Environment Recognition of Personal Vehicle Using the Image Sensor and Acceleration Sensors for Everyday Computing (TM, TI, YK), pp. 151–158.
HCI-AUII-2009-SungJC #metric #using- Establishing a Measurement System for Human Motions Using a Textile-Based Motion Sensor (MS, KJ, GC), pp. 784–792.
HCI-AUII-2009-TakadaOKT #navigation #smarttech #using- A Context-Aware AR Navigation System Using Wearable Sensors (DT, TO, KK, HT), pp. 793–801.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BittnerS #low cost #named- VersaPatch: A Low Cost 2.5D Capacitive Touch Sensor (RB, MS), pp. 407–416.
HCI-NIMT-2009-LeeSLCH #image #interactive #interface #realtime- A Real-Time Hand Interaction System for Image Sensor Based Interface (SL, JS, SBL, YCC, TDH), pp. 208–215.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Schalk #human-computer- Sensor Modalities for Brain-Computer Interfacing (GS), pp. 616–622.
HCI-NIMT-2009-YamaguchiH #interface- Grasping Interface with Photo Sensor for a Musical Instrument (TY, SH), pp. 542–547.
HCI-NT-2009-OkuboF #development #estimation #using- Development of Estimation System for Concentrate Situation Using Acceleration Sensor (MO, AF), pp. 131–140.
HIMI-II-2009-KimMC #clustering #network #protocol #using- A Hierarchical Data Dissemination Protocol Using Probability-Based Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks (MK, MWM, HC), pp. 149–158.
HIMI-II-2009-KukulaP #interactive #performance- Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction: Impact of Training on Biometric System and User Performance (EPK, RWP), pp. 168–177.
HIMI-II-2009-KushiroKNI #behaviour #health #monitoring- Non-intrusive Human Behavior Monitoring Sensor for Health Care System (NK, MK, MN, YI), pp. 549–558.
CIKM-2009-ChenLY #evaluation #maintenance #network #query- Progressive skyline query evaluation and maintenance in wireless sensor networks (BC, WL, JXY), pp. 1445–1448.
CIKM-2009-ChokG #framework #mining #network #realtime- Spatio-temporal association rule mining framework for real-time sensor network applications (HC, LG), pp. 1761–1764.
CIKM-2009-HungP #clustering #network #predict- Clustering object moving patterns for prediction-based object tracking sensor networks (CCH, WCP), pp. 1633–1636.
CIKM-2009-MaHR #framework #incremental #mobile #named #predict- iLoc: a framework for incremental location-state acquisition and prediction based on mobile sensors (YM, RH, DR), pp. 1367–1376.
SEKE-2009-LiaoHPWCLWCH #architecture #implementation #network #research- Research and Implementation of Service-oriented Architecture Supporting Locationbased Services on Sensor Networks (BYL, WSH, JSP, HCW, YMC, JKL, BSW, ELC, MFH), pp. 334–337.
SEKE-2009-MomeniRSR #approach #graph transformation #network- A Graph Transformation-based Approach to Task Allocation in Wireless Sensor Actor Networks (HM, VR, MS, ATR), pp. 609–612.
SAC-2009-HammadC #lightweight #monitoring- Lightweight monitoring of sensor software (MH, JC), pp. 2180–2185.
SAC-2009-HeYAL #named #network- BPR: a bit-level packet recovery in wireless sensor networks (JH, JY, CA, XL), pp. 59–65.
SAC-2009-KimR #multi #network #realtime- Opportunistic real-time routing in multi-hop wireless sensor networks (JK, BR), pp. 2197–2201.
SAC-2009-LeePR #ad hoc #mobile #network #realtime- A real-time message scheduler support for dual-sink mobile ad-hoc sensor networks (JL, GLP, SuR), pp. 305–309.
SAC-2009-RajgurePBH #clustering #network #self #transaction- Geographical data collection in sensor networks with self-organizing transaction cluster-heads (NR, EP, CB, SH), pp. 1214–1218.
SAC-2009-ReinkeHNGLL #network #protocol #standard #transaction- Integrating standardized transaction protocols in service-oriented wireless sensor networks (CR, NH, JN, SG, VL, ML), pp. 2202–2203.
SAC-2009-ThirunarayanP #network #semantics- Semantic information and sensor networks (KT, JP), pp. 1273–1274.
SAC-2009-YiMCKJ #named #network- Arbiter-Recall: a new function update scheme by arbitration between a remote call and a dynamic update for wireless sensor networks (SY, HM, YC, YK, IJ), pp. 339–340.
ESEC-FSE-2009-PathakG #named #network #tool support #visual notation- Srijan: a graphical toolkit for sensor network macroprogramming (AP, MKG), pp. 301–302.
SOSP-2009-ChenGKLR #fault #network- Surviving sensor network software faults (YC, OG, MAK, PL, JR), pp. 235–246.
CASE-2008-DaiCL #using- Robot tracking using vision and laser sensors (WD, AC, PXL), pp. 169–174.
CASE-2008-LiuWZ #detection #multi #network- Cooperative multipath routing and relay based on noncoherent detection in wireless sensor networks (LL, ZW, MZ), pp. 128–132.
CASE-2008-NugentHHFS #impact analysis #reliability- Assessing the impact of individual sensor reliability within smart living environments (CDN, XH, JH, DDF, KS), pp. 685–690.
CASE-2008-ParkDB #collaboration #energy #network #performance #reduction- Collaborative data reduction for energy efficient sensor networks (CP, YD, EB), pp. 442–447.
CASE-2008-StabelliniZ #approach #learning #network #self- Interference aware self-organization for wireless sensor networks: A reinforcement learning approach (LS, JZ), pp. 560–565.
DAC-2008-CheeKMPSBSRWS #energy #named- PicoCube: a 1 cm3 sensor node powered by harvested energy (YHC, MK, MM, NP, MS, FB, DS, JMR, PKW, SS), pp. 114–119.
DAC-2008-ChengLLCC #image #named #visual notation- iVisual: an intelligent visual sensor SoC with 2790fps CMOS image sensor and 205GOPS/W vision processor (CCC, CHL, CTL, SCC, LGC), pp. 90–95.
DAC-2008-ChoLKC #design #power management- The design of a low power carbon nanotube chemical sensor system (TSC, KJL, JK, APC), pp. 84–89.
DATE-2008-BadarogluDLC #using- Calibration of Integrated CMOS Hall Sensors Using Coil-on-Chip in ATE Environment (MB, GD, FL, OC), pp. 873–878.
DATE-2008-BingesserLHHMDV #metric- Low-Noise Sigma-Delta Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Sub-pF Capacitive Sensors with Integrated Dielectric Loss Measurement (MB, TL, WH, JH, SM, RD, MV), pp. 868–872.
DATE-2008-BrunelliBMT #energy #performance- An Efficient Solar Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensor Nodes (DB, LB, CM, LT), pp. 104–109.
DATE-2008-MelaniBMLDF #monitoring- Hot Wire Anemometric MEMS Sensor for Water Flow Monitoring (MM, LB, MDM, PL, FD, LF), pp. 342–347.
DATE-2008-MoserTBB #complexity #robust- Robust and Low Complexity Rate Control for Solar Powered Sensors (CM, LT, DB, LB), pp. 230–235.
DATE-2008-RinconPRZSAPM #energy #estimation #framework #network- OS-Based Sensor Node Platform and Energy Estimation Model for Health-Care Wireless Sensor Networks (FJR, MP, JR, QZ, MSE, DA, JP, GDM), pp. 1027–1032.
SIGMOD-2008-ChowMH #monitoring #named #network #privacy- Tinycasper: a privacy-preserving aggregate location monitoring system in wireless sensor networks (CYC, MFM, TH), pp. 1307–1310.
SIGMOD-2008-NakamuraL #network- Information fusion in wireless sensor networks (EFN, AAFL), pp. 1365–1372.
FASE-2008-DaviesBM #distributed #optimisation- Language-Based Optimisation of Sensor-Driven Distributed Computing Applications (JJD, ARB, AM), pp. 407–422.
ICFP-2008-MainlandMW #functional #named #network #programming #staged- Flask: staged functional programming for sensor networks (GM, GM, MW), pp. 335–346.
ICGT-2008-Hammoudeh #clustering #modelling #network- Modelling Clustering of Sensor Networks with Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement (MH), pp. 490–492.
CIKM-2008-LiangCY #energy #maintenance #network #query- Energy-efficient skyline query processing and maintenance in sensor networks (WL, BC, JXY), pp. 1471–1472.
ICPR-2008-SukumarBPKA #locality #multi #nondeterminism #using- Uncertainty minimization in multi-sensor localization systems using model selection theory (SRS, HB, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SunQ #classification #network- Dynamic target classification in wireless sensor networks (YS, HQ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WeiLNA #realtime- Real-time accurate optical flow-based motion sensor (ZW, DJL, BEN, JKA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WuBB #automation #segmentation #video- Automatic bi-layer video segmentation based on sensor fusion (QW, PB, WFB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YaoCAPKA #probability #using- Sensor planning for PTZ cameras using the probability of camera overload (YY, CHC, BRA, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1–5.
SIGIR-2008-MaekawaYSKKO #retrieval #ubiquitous #web- Web page retrieval in ubiquitous sensor environments (TM, YY, YS, YK, KK, TO), pp. 759–760.
MoDELS-2008-SaadKS #framework #modelling #network #testing #visual notation- Visual ScatterUnit: A Visual Model-Driven Testing Framework of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications (MAS, NK, JHS), pp. 751–765.
MoDELS-2008-SaadKS #framework #modelling #network #testing #visual notation- Visual ScatterUnit: A Visual Model-Driven Testing Framework of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications (MAS, NK, JHS), pp. 751–765.
SAC-2008-AquinoFNFLF #clustering #network #reduction- Sensor stream reduction for clustered wireless sensor networks (ALLdA, CMSF, EFN, ACF, AAFL, AOF), pp. 2052–2056.
SAC-2008-ChongKLG #energy #network #using- Using association rules for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks (SKC, SK, SWL, MMG), pp. 971–975.
SAC-2008-CuttL #data transformation #quality- Managing data quality in a terabyte-scale sensor archive (BC, RL), pp. 982–986.
SAC-2008-FreryRNN #estimation #fault #network- Error estimation in wireless sensor networks (ACF, HSR, JAN, EFN), pp. 1923–1928.
SAC-2008-GoncalvesFG #architecture #mobile- A service architecture for sensor data provisioning for context-aware mobile applications (BG, JGPF, GG), pp. 1946–1952.
SAC-2008-KimKL #framework #middleware #named #network- COSMOS: a middleware platform for sensor networks and a u-healthcare service (YBK, MK, YJL), pp. 512–513.
SAC-2008-SeoKRK #2d #algorithm #deployment #search-based- A genetic algorithm for sensor deployment based on two-dimensional operators (JHS, YHK, HBR, SJK), pp. 1812–1813.
SAC-2008-SridharanBRA #architecture #fault tolerance #implementation #network- Implementing an autonomic architecture for fault-tolerance in a wireless sensor network testbed for at-scale experimentation (MS, SB, RR, AA), pp. 1670–1676.
SAC-2008-YiMCJK #named #operating system #realtime- PreeMe: preemptive real-time task management for event-driven sensor operating systems (SY, HM, YC, IJ, YK), pp. 1726–1727.
ECSA-2007-LosillaVAIS #approach #architecture #development #network- Wireless Sensor Network Application Development: An Architecture-Centric MDE Approach (FL, CVC, BÁ, AI, PS), pp. 179–194.
CASE-2007-BukkapatnamK #monitoring #using- Container Integrity and Condition Monitoring using RF Vibration Sensor Tags (STSB, RK), pp. 585–590.
CASE-2007-ChoDCT #clustering #locality #network #robust- Robust Calibration for Localization in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks (JJC, YD, YC, JT), pp. 919–924.
CASE-2007-LuHF #network #process #robust #smarttech #using- Creating Robust Activity Maps Using Wireless Sensor Network in a Smart Home (CHL, YcH, LCF), pp. 741–746.
CASE-2007-MattikalliFFLT- Optimal Sensor Selection and Placement for Perimeter Defense (RSM, RDF, PDF, SL, PZT), pp. 911–918.
CASE-2007-OkMLK #adaptation #distributed #energy #network- Distributed Energy-Adaptive Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks (CO, PM, SL, SRTK), pp. 905–910.
CASE-2007-OkTRKKZB #monitoring #network #pipes and filters #self- Optimal Transmission Power in Self-sustainable Sensor Networks for Pipeline Monitoring (CO, HPT, UNR, SRTK, SGK, XZ, STSB), pp. 591–596.
CASE-2007-PanH #analysis- Diagnosability Analysis and Sensor Selection in Discrete-Event Systems with Permanent Failures (JP, SHZ), pp. 869–874.
CASE-2007-Sastry #embedded- The Engineering and Societal Impact of Embedded and Autonomous Systems: Beyond Sensor Webs (SS), p. 96–?.
CASE-2007-YooG #analysis #network #process- Intruder Activity Analysis under Unreliable Sensor Networks (TSY, HEG), pp. 578–584.
DATE-2007-GburzynskiKO #ad hoc #low cost #network #performance #protocol- A tiny and efficient wireless ad-hoc protocol for low-cost sensor networks (PG, BK, WO), pp. 1557–1562.
DATE-2007-NahapetianLABS #configuration management #energy #network- Dynamic reconfiguration in sensor networks with regenerative energy sources (AN, PL, AA, LB, MS), pp. 1054–1059.
DATE-2007-VillanuevaVMBRL #lightweight #middleware #network- Lightweight middleware for seamless HW-SW interoperability, with application to wireless sensor networks (FJV, DV, FM, JB, FR, JCL), pp. 1042–1047.
SIGMOD-2007-LuoW #database #design- System design issues in sensor databases (QL, HW), pp. 1182–1185.
SIGMOD-2007-MullerRDAK #flexibility #framework #network- A dynamic and flexible sensor network platform (RM, JSR, MD, GA, DK), pp. 1085–1087.
SIGMOD-2007-YangLOT #execution #monitoring #network #query- In-network execution of monitoring queries in sensor networks (XY, HBL, MTÖ, KLT), pp. 521–532.
VLDB-2007-BhattacharyaMS #distributed #modelling #named #network #query #statistics #using- MIST: Distributed Indexing and Querying in Sensor Networks using Statistical Models (AB, AM, AKS), pp. 854–865.
VLDB-2007-SilbersteinGMPY #approach- Making Sense of Suppressions and Failures in Sensor Data: A Bayesian Approach (AS, AEG, KM, GP, JY), pp. 842–853.
WRLA-2006-Rodriguez07 #maude #modelling #network #on the- On Modelling Sensor Networks in Maude (DER), pp. 199–213.
PLDI-2007-KothariGMG #abstraction #network #performance #programming #reliability- Reliable and efficient programming abstractions for wireless sensor networks (NK, RG, TDM, RG), pp. 200–210.
PLDI-2007-LiZYZ #compilation #energy #named #network #performance- UCC: update-conscious compilation for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks (WL, YZ, JY, JZ), pp. 383–393.
IFM-2007-FehnkerHM #modelling #network #protocol #verification- Modelling and Verification of the LMAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (AF, LvH, AM), pp. 253–272.
CHI-2007-FogartyH #modelling #statistics #tool support- Toolkit support for developing and deploying sensor-based statistical models of human situations (JF, SEH), pp. 135–144.
CHI-2007-HartmannAMK #authoring #interactive #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Authoring sensor-based interactions by demonstration with direct manipulation and pattern recognition (BH, LA, MM, SRK), pp. 145–154.
DHM-2007-HuWWJJZCZ #analysis #component #finite- Finite Element Analysis of a Six-Component Force Sensor for the Trans-Femoral Prosthesis (XH, RW, FW, DJ, XJ, JZ, FC, SZ), pp. 633–639.
HCI-IPT-2007-AymanTT #interactive #interface- Coin Size Wireless Sensor Interface for Interaction with Remote Displays (AA, ST, JT), pp. 733–742.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChoiY #multi #named #network- MKPS: A Multi-level Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Secure Wireless Sensor Networks (SJC, HYY), pp. 808–817.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChoL #design #development #generative #prototype- A Development of Design Prototype of Smart Healthcare Clothing for Silver Generation Based on Bio-medical Sensor Technology (HC, JL), pp. 1070–1077.
HCI-IPT-2007-NoguchiMS #embedded- Attentive Information Support with Massive Embedded Sensors in Room (HN, TM, TS), pp. 883–892.
HCI-IPT-2007-Truillet #physics #taxonomy- A Taxonomy of Physical Contextual Sensors (PT), pp. 982–989.
HCI-MIE-2007-PeterSVUNJKG #detection #monitoring #performance #usability- EREC-II in Use — Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring (CP, RS, JV, BU, NN, HJ, KK, RG), pp. 465–474.
HIMI-MTT-2007-GallimoreMCFSW #interactive #visualisation- Integrating Sensor Data with System Information Via Interactive Visualizations (JJG, EM, RC, PF, JS, VW), pp. 268–277.
AdaEurope-2007-ChanCCTZ #network #power management #testing #towards- Towards the Testing of Power-Aware Software Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks (WKC, TYC, SCC, THT, ZZ), pp. 84–99.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-KarnouskosS #enterprise #network #towards #using- Towards Enterprise Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks (SK, PS), pp. 230–236.
CIKM-2007-FuPL #network #optimisation #parallel #query- Optimizing parallel itineraries for knn query processing in wireless sensor networks (TYF, WCP, WCL), pp. 391–400.
KDD-2007-PanZZPSPY #mining #modelling #network- Domain-constrained semi-supervised mining of tracking models in sensor networks (RP, JZ, VWZ, JJP, DS, SJP, QY), pp. 1023–1027.
SAC-2007-BraynerM #energy #memory management- Balancing energy consumption and memory usage in sensor data processing (AB, RM), pp. 935–939.
SAC-2007-CheliusFF #development #framework #named #network #performance- Worldsens: a fast and accurate development framework for sensor network applications (GC, AF, EF), pp. 222–226.
SAC-2007-HuangHYCK #named #network #operating system- LA-TinyOS: a locality-aware operating system for wireless sensor networks (TYH, KYH, HYY, ETHC, CTK), pp. 1151–1158.
SAC-2007-KimVH #coordination #network #scalability- Scalable coordination for sensor networks in challenging environments (SK, VV, KH), pp. 214–221.
SAC-2007-MinYCH #memory management #operating system #performance- An efficient dynamic memory allocator for sensor operating systems (HM, SY, YC, JH), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2007-SausenSLP #bound #multi #network- Bounded-distance multi-coverage backbones in wireless sensor networks (PSS, MAS, AMNdL, AP), pp. 203–208.
SAC-2007-TreeprapinKHN #mobile #network- A mobile sensor control method for sparse sensor networks (KT, AK, TH, SN), pp. 886–890.
SAC-2007-WahL #named #semantics- IS_SDM: an in-network semantic sensor data model (CKW, QL), pp. 959–960.
SAC-2007-YiMLKJ #concurrent #multi #named #operating system #stack #thread- SESAME: space-efficient stack allocation mechanism for multi-threaded sensor operating systems (SY, HM, SL, YK, IJ), pp. 1201–1202.
SAC-2007-YiYC #mobile #multi #using- Tracking multiple mobile objects using IEEE 802.15.4-based ultrasonic sensor devices (SY, JY, HC), pp. 1638–1639.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Hanna #implementation #lightweight #named #network #protocol #security #verification- SLEDE: lightweight verification of sensor network security protocol implementations (YH), pp. 591–594.
PPoPP-2007-WenWM #distributed #named #network #scalability #simulation- Disens: scalable distributed sensor network simulation (YW, RW, GM), pp. 24–34.
SAT-2007-AloulK #approach #deployment #satisfiability- Sensor Deployment for Failure Diagnosis in Networked Aerial Robots: A Satisfiability-Based Approach (FAA, NK), pp. 369–376.
CASE-2006-AlenljungL #graph #semantics- Semantics of Sensor Activation Graphs (TA, BL), pp. 419–424.
CASE-2006-LiHZ #algorithm #multi- A New Data Association Algorithm for Multiple Passive Sensors (CL, CH, HZ), pp. 594–599.
CASE-2006-LiZYC #algorithm #analysis #locality #network #novel- A Novel Algorithm for Node Localization and Motion Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks (SL, DZ, ZY, NC), pp. 574–579.
CASE-2006-SchiffG #automation #network #using- Automated Intruder Tracking using Particle Filtering and a Network of Binary Motion Sensors (JS, KG), pp. 580–587.
CASE-2006-ZhangYZ #fault tolerance- Sliding Mode Control with Sensor Fault Tolerant for Electronic Throttle (PZ, CY, JZ), pp. 568–573.
DAC-2006-AmirtharajahWCSZ #energy- Circuits for energy harvesting sensor signal processing (RA, JW, JC, JS, BZ), pp. 639–644.
DAC-2006-KansalHSR #network #power management- Harvesting aware power management for sensor networks (AK, JH, MBS, VR), pp. 651–656.
DAC-2006-MukherjeeM- Systematic temperature sensor allocation and placement for microprocessors (RM, SOM), pp. 542–547.
DATE-2006-BoniventoCS #design #industrial #network- Platform-based design of wireless sensor networks for industrial applications (AB, LPC, ALSV), pp. 1103–1107.
DATE-2006-BonnetLM #framework #monitoring #named #network #towards- Hogthrob: towards a sensor network infrastructure for sow monitoring (wireless sensor network special day) (PB, ML, KM), p. 1109.
DATE-2006-HandziskiKWW #network- An environment for controlled experiments with in-house sensor networks (VH, AK, AW, AW), p. 1108.
DATE-2006-Havinga #network- Wireless sensor networks and beyond (PJMH), p. 970.
DATE-DF-2006-FummiQRT #mobile #modelling #network #simulation- Modeling and simulation of mobile gateways interacting with wireless sensor networks (FF, DQ, FR, MT), pp. 106–111.
DATE-DF-2006-SerafiniCRZ #configuration management #framework #multi- Multi-sensor configurable platform for automotive applications (LS, FC, TR, VZ), pp. 219–220.
SIGMOD-2006-BychkovskyCGHHMSZBM #data transformation #mobile- Data management in the CarTel mobile sensor computing system (VB, KC, MG, HH, BH, AM, ES, YZ, HB, SM), pp. 730–732.
SIGMOD-2006-SilbersteinBY #constraints #energy #monitoring #network- Constraint chaining: on energy-efficient continuous monitoring in sensor networks (AS, RB, JY), pp. 157–168.
SIGMOD-2006-SilbersteinMY #energy #monitoring #network- Energy-efficient monitoring of extreme values in sensor networks (AS, KM, JY), pp. 169–180.
SIGMOD-2006-XueLCL #detection #network- Contour map matching for event detection in sensor networks (WX, QL, LC, YL), pp. 145–156.
VLDB-2006-AbererHS #deployment #flexibility #middleware #network #performance- A Middleware for Fast and Flexible Sensor Network Deployment (KA, MH, AS), pp. 1199–1202.
VLDB-2006-ChuT0H #declarative #network- Entirely Declarative Sensor Network Systems (DC, AT, LP, JMH), pp. 1203–1206.
VLDB-2006-SubramaniamPPKG #detection #modelling #online #parametricity #using- Online Outlier Detection in Sensor Data Using Non-Parametric Models (SS, TP, DP, VK, DG), pp. 187–198.
CIKM-2006-AlyPC #named #network- KDDCS: a load-balanced in-network data-centric storage scheme for sensor networks (MA, KP, PKC), pp. 317–326.
ICPR-v1-2006-CantoniLL #challenge #data mining #distributed #mining #network- Challenges for Data Mining in Distributed Sensor Networks (VC, LL, PL), pp. 1000–1007.
ICPR-v3-2006-BaigBK #distributed #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- A Pattern Recognition Scheme for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks (ZAB, MB, AIK), pp. 1050–1054.
ICPR-v3-2006-TranP #pervasive #probability #process #representation- A probabilistic model with parsinomious representation for sensor fusion in recognizing activity in pervasive environment (DTT, DQP), pp. 168–172.
KDD-2006-Stankovic #network #self- Self-Organizing wireless sensor networks in action (JAS), p. 1.
SAC-2006-PisupatiB #file system #framework #network- File system framework for organizing sensor networks (BP, GB), pp. 935–936.
OSDI-2006-Werner-AllenLJLW #monitoring #network- Fidelity and Yield in a Volcano Monitoring Sensor Network (GWA, KL, JJ, JL, MW), pp. 381–396.
CASE-2005-AlenljungL #graph #modelling- Simplified modeling of manufacturing systems: an introduction to sensor activation graphs (TA, BL), pp. 261–266.
DATE-2005-AmatoCMP #precise- Realization of a Virtual Lambda Sensor on a Fixed Precision System (PA, NC, MDM, FP), pp. 192–197.
DATE-2005-BotaRRS #testing- Smart Temperature Sensor for Thermal Testing of Cell-Based ICs (SAB, MR, JLR, JS), pp. 464–465.
DATE-2005-ChappellMPOFS #adaptation #generative #realtime #safety- Exploiting Real-Time FPGA Based Adaptive Systems Technology for Real-Time Sensor Fusion in Next Generation Automotive Safety Systems (SC, AM, DP, DO, BF, CS), pp. 180–185.
DATE-2005-FanucciGIMR #design #framework- Platform Based Design for Automotive Sensor Conditioning (LF, AG, FI, CM, AR), pp. 186–191.
DATE-2005-GhoshG #distributed #locality #named #network #protocol #scheduling- LORD: A Localized, Reactive and Distributed Protocol for Node Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks (AG, TG), pp. 190–195.
DATE-2005-RaiM #modelling #network- Lifetime Modeling of a Sensor Network (VR, RNM), pp. 202–203.
DATE-2005-StagniGLBR #design #detection- Hardware-Software Design of a Smart Sensor for Fully-Electronic DNA Hybridization Detection (CS, CG, ML, LB, BR), pp. 198–203.
SIGMOD-2005-ManjhiNG #network #performance #robust- Tributaries and Deltas: Efficient and Robust Aggregation in Sensor Network Streams (AM, SN, PBG), pp. 287–298.
VLDB-2005-AbadiML #detection #named #network #performance #robust- REED: Robust, Efficient Filtering and Event Detection in Sensor Networks (DJA, SM, WL), pp. 769–780.
CHI-2005-FogartyKAGTH #modelling #statistics- Examining task engagement in sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility (JF, AJK, HHA, EG, KPT, SEH), pp. 331–340.
ICEIS-v4-2005-OmarATK #framework #self #standard #web #web service- A Software Framework for Open Standard Self-Managing Sensor Overlay for Web Services (WMO, BA, ATB, YK), pp. 72–81.
ICEIS-v5-2005-HoriN- Ultrasonic Sensors for the Elderly and Caregivers in a Nursing Home (TH, YN), pp. 110–115.
CIKM-2005-ComanNS #energy #network #performance #query- Exploiting redundancy in sensor networks for energy efficient processing of spatiotemporal region queries (AC, MAN, JS), pp. 187–194.
CIKM-2005-LianCNOA #locality #network #query- Localized routing trees for query processing in sensor networks (JL, LC, KN, MTÖ, GBA), pp. 259–260.
CIKM-2005-MekaS #distributed #named #network- DIST: a distributed spatio-temporal index structure for sensor networks (AM, AKS), pp. 139–146.
ICML-2005-GuestrinKS #process- Near-optimal sensor placements in Gaussian processes (CG, AK, APS), pp. 265–272.
SEKE-2005-TynanRO #development #multi #network- A Methodology for the Development of Multi-Agent Systems on Wireless Sensor Networks (RT, AGR, GMPO), pp. 68–75.
SAC-2005-AnshulR #identification #network- A ZKP-based identification scheme for base nodes in wireless sensor networks (DA, SR), pp. 319–323.
SAC-2005-DelicatoPRPR #middleware #network- Reflective middleware for wireless sensor networks (FCD, PFP, LFRdCC, LP, JFdR), pp. 1155–1159.
SAC-2005-KanzakiHN #ad hoc #adaptation #network #protocol- An adaptive TDMA slot assignment protocol in ad hoc sensor networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 1160–1165.
SAC-2005-LiuSC #distributed #low cost #nondeterminism #query- Cost-efficient processing of MIN/MAX queries over distributed sensors with uncertainty (ZL, KCS, JC), pp. 634–641.
DATE-DF-2004-Horsky #precise- A 16 Bit + Sign Monotonic Precise Current DAC for Sensor Applications (PH), pp. 34–38.
DATE-v2-2004-DasikaVCS #framework- A Framework for Battery-Aware Sensor Management (SD, SBKV, KC, RS), pp. 962–967.
DATE-v2-2004-KadayifK #energy #network- Tuning In-Sensor Data Filtering to Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (IK, MTK), pp. 852–857.
DATE-2005-KirsteinSSHVH04 #monitoring- A CMOS-Based Tactile Sensor for Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring (KUK, JS, TS, CH, TV, AH), pp. 210–214.
PODS-2004-GreenwaldK #network #statistics- Power-Conserving Computation of Order-Statistics over Sensor Networks (MG, SK), pp. 275–285.
SIGMOD-2004-DeligiannakisKR #network- Compressing Historical Information in Sensor Networks (AD, YK, NR), pp. 527–538.
VLDB-2004-AbadiLMS #data type #framework #integration #network- An Integration Framework for Sensor Networks and Data Stream Management Systems (DJA, WL, SM, JS), pp. 1361–1364.
VLDB-2004-DeshpandeGMHH #modelling #network- Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks (AD, CG, SM, JMH, WH), pp. 588–599.
VLDB-2004-SionAP- Resilient Rights Protection for Sensor Streams (RS, MJA, SP), pp. 732–743.
CHI-2004-FogartyHL #modelling #robust #statistics- Examining the robustness of sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility (JF, SEH, JL), pp. 207–214.
ICEIS-v5-2004-KitamuraNKM #process- Real World Sensorization and Virtualization for Observing Human Activities (KK, YN, MK, HM), pp. 15–20.
ICPR-v1-2004-GarciaS #distance #estimation- Estimation of Distance to Planar Surfaces and Type of Material with Infrared Sensors (MAG, AS), pp. 745–748.
ICPR-v1-2004-KhanM #network #parallel #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Parallel Pattern Recognition Computations within a Wireless Sensor Network (AIK, PM), pp. 777–780.
ICPR-v2-2004-IkedaIA #optimisation- Sensor Fusion as Optimization: Maximizing Mutual Information between Sensory Signals (TI, HI, MA), pp. 501–504.
ICPR-v4-2004-MurakitaII #markov #monte carlo #using- Human Tracking using Floor Sensors based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method (TM, TI, HI), pp. 917–920.
KDD-2004-ShavlikS #detection #effectiveness #evaluation- Selection, combination, and evaluation of effective software sensors for detecting abnormal computer usage (JWS, MS), pp. 276–285.
SAC-2004-AdamJA #dataset #detection- Neighborhood based detection of anomalies in high dimensional spatio-temporal sensor datasets (NRA, VPJ, VA), pp. 576–583.
ASPLOS-2004-EkanayakeKM #network #power management- An ultra low-power processor for sensor networks (VNE, CKI, RM), pp. 27–36.
DAC-2003-WongMP #case study #design- Design techniques for sensor appliances: foundations and light compass case study (JLW, SM, MP), pp. 66–71.
SIGMOD-2003-DeshpandeNGS #database- Cache-and-Query for Wide Area Sensor Databases (AD, SN, PBG, SS), pp. 503–514.
SIGMOD-2003-DeshpandeNGS03a #named- IrisNet: Internet-scale Resource-Intensive Sensor Services (AD, SN, PBG, SS), p. 667.
SIGMOD-2003-MaddenFHH #design #network #query- The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor For Sensor Networks (SM, MJF, JMH, WH), pp. 491–502.
CHI-2003-HudsonFAAFKLY #predict- Predicting human interruptibility with sensors: a Wizard of Oz feasibility study (SEH, JF, CGA, DA, JF, SBK, JCL, JY), pp. 257–264.
PPoPP-2003-LiuM #middleware #named #parallel- Impala: a middleware system for managing autonomic, parallel sensor systems (TL, MM), pp. 107–118.
DATE-2002-LechugaMMB #detection #fault- Built-In Dynamic Current Sensor for Hard-to-Detect Faults in Mixed-Signal Ics (YL, RM, MM, SB), pp. 205–211.
SIGMOD-2002-MaddenH #network #power management #query- Distributing queries over low-power wireless sensor networks (SM, JMH), p. 622.
VLDB-2002-Faloutsos #analysis #data mining #mining #similarity- Sensor Data Mining: Similarity Search and Pattern Analysis (CF).
ICPR-v1-2002-OkataniD #3d #estimation #image #robust #using- Robust Estimation of Camera Translation Between Two Images Using a Camera With a 3D Orientation Sensor (TO, KD), pp. 275–278.
ICPR-v2-2002-Arana-ArejolaleibaLBLH #detection #navigation #visual notation- A Smart Sensor Based Visual Landmarks Detection for Indoor Robot Navigation (NAA, FL, MB, CL, JBH), pp. 848–851.
ICPR-v2-2002-SkaffAC- Active Bayesian Color Constancy with Non-Uniform Sensors (SS, TA, JJC), pp. 681–684.
SAC-2002-KadrovachL- A particle swarm model for swarm-based networked sensor systems (BAK, GBL), pp. 918–924.
ASPLOS-2002-Estrin #architecture #challenge #network #research- Keynote address: Sensor network research: emerging challenges for architecture, systems, and languages (DE), pp. 1–4.
ASPLOS-2002-LevisC #named #network #virtual machine- Maté: a tiny virtual machine for sensor networks (PL, DEC), pp. 85–95.
OSDI-2002-MaddenFHH #ad hoc #named #network- TAG: A Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (SM, MJF, JMH, WH), pp. 131–146.
CIKM-2001-EisensteinGSSZ #abstraction #database- Alternative Representations and Abstractions for Moving Sensors Databases (JE, SG, CS, GS, RZ), pp. 318–325.
SOSP-2001-HeidemannSIGEG #low level #network #performance- Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks with Low-Level Naming (JSH, FS, CI, RG, DE, DG), pp. 146–159.
DATE-2000-WeilerMHH #detection #using- Detection of Defective Sensor Elements Using Sigma-Delta-Modulation and a Matched Filter (DW, OM, DH, BJH), pp. 599–603.
ICPR-v1-2000-AggarwalA00b- Estimating Sensor Orientation in Cameras (MA, NA), pp. 1896–1899.
ICPR-v1-2000-LerasleDL #clique- Relaxation vs. Maximal Cliques Search for Projected Beams Labeling in a Structured Light Sensor (FL, MD, JML), pp. 1782–1785.
ICPR-v1-2000-LiskaS- Estimating the Next Sensor Position Based on Surface Characteristics (CL, RS), pp. 1538–1541.
ICPR-v1-2000-SkocajL #image #using- Range Image Acquisition of Objects with Non-Uniform Albedo Using Structured Light Range Sensor (DS, AL), pp. 1778–1781.
ICPR-v2-2000-SchaelS #3d #invariant- Invariant Grey-Scale Features for 3D Sensor-Data (MS, SS), pp. 2531–2535.
ICPR-v2-2000-Takeda #estimation- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Sensor Configuration in a Polygonal Environment (HT), pp. 2446–2450.
ICPR-v3-2000-Tajima #evaluation- Consideration and Experiments on Object Spectral Reflectance for Color Sensor Evaluation/Calibration (JT), pp. 3592–3595.
ICPR-v4-2000-StofflerBF #realtime #using- Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using an MPEG-Processor-Based Optic Flow Sensor (NOS, TB, GF), pp. 4161–4166.
ICPR-v4-2000-Zheng #analysis #flexibility- A Flexible Laser Range Sensor Based on Spatial-temporal Analysis (JYZ), pp. 4740–4743.
ASPLOS-2000-HillSWHCP #architecture- System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors (JLH, RS, AW, SH, DEC, KSJP), pp. 93–104.
HPDC-2000-TierneyCGHLT #grid #monitoring- A Monitoring Sensor Management System for Grid Environments (BT, BC, DG, MH, JL, MRT), pp. 97–104.
DATE-1999-LatorreBHPN #design #modelling- Design, Characterization & Modelling of a CMOS Magnetic Field Sensor (LL, YB, PH, FP, PN), pp. 239–243.
FM-v2-1999-MahonyD- Sensors and Actuators in TCOZ (BPM, JSD), pp. 1166–1185.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kita #using- Intelligent plant inspection by using foveated active vision sensor (NK), pp. 1177–1181.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KohnoMNA #network- A sensor network system for human support in living environments (MK, MM, HN, YA), pp. 241–245.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SchmidtBG #adaptation #mobile #user interface- Sensor-based adaptive mobile user interfaces (AS, MB, HWG), pp. 251–255.
ICML-1999-FiroiuC #markov #modelling #using- Abstracting from Robot Sensor Data using Hidden Markov Models (LF, PRC), pp. 106–114.
DATE-1998-VandenbusscheDLGS #design #interface #specification #top-down- Hierarchical Top-Down Design of Analog Sensor Interfaces: From System-Level Specifications Down to Silicon (JV, SD, FL, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 716–720.
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