Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
M.Z.Malik S.Khurshid E.Uzuncaova
Talks about:
represent (2) structur (2) generat (2) complex (2) invari (2) data (2) deryaft (1) tool (1)
Person: Aman Pervaiz
DBLP: Pervaiz:Aman
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICSE-2008-MalikPUK #generative #invariant #named #representation
- Deryaft: a tool for generating representation invariants of structurally complex data (MZM, AP, EU, SK), pp. 859–862.
- TACAS-2007-MalikPK #generative #invariant #representation
- Generating Representation Invariants of Structurally Complex Data (MZM, AP, SK), pp. 34–49.