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1093 papers:

CASECASE-2015-AlfonsoXA #approach #capacity #programming #representation #scheduling
A simulation-optimization approach for capacity planning and appointment scheduling of blood donors based on mathematical programming representation of event dynamics (EA, XX, VA), pp. 728–733.
DACDAC-2015-PetersWPKD #constraints #modelling #representation #uml
A generic representation of CCSL time constraints for UML/MARTE models (JP, RW, NP, UK, RD), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2015-CilingirogluZUK #representation
Dictionary-based sparse representation for resolution improvement in laser voltage imaging of CMOS integrated circuits (TBC, MZ, AU, WCK, JK, AJ, BBG, MSÜ), pp. 597–600.
DATEDATE-2015-WangHNYYWYZ #energy #in memory #recognition
An energy-efficient non-volatile in-memory accelerator for sparse-representation based face recognition (YW, HH, LN, HY, MY, CW, WY, JZ), pp. 932–935.
VLDBVLDB-2015-ChodpathumwanAT #graph #independence #named #representation #towards
Universal-DB: Towards Representation Independent Graph Analytics (YC, AA, AT, YS), pp. 2016–2027.
CHICHI-2015-KayMM #gender #image #representation
Unequal Representation and Gender Stereotypes in Image Search Results for Occupations (MK, CM, SAM), pp. 3819–3828.
CHICHI-2015-KhotLAHM #design #named #physics #process
TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity (RAK, JL, DA, LH, F'M), pp. 2933–2942.
CHICHI-2015-LiuS #matrix #representation #visual notation #visualisation
The Effects of Representation and Juxtaposition on Graphical Perception of Matrix Visualization (XL, HWS), pp. 269–278.
CHICHI-2015-MatthewsSRCSLG #elicitation #realtime #representation
Real-Time Representation Versus Response Elicitation in Biosensor Data (MM, JS, LR, JTC, AS, JWL, GG), pp. 605–608.
CSCWCSCW-2015-DantecAMW #crowdsourcing #representation
Planning with Crowdsourced Data: Rhetoric and Representation in Transportation Planning (CALD, MA, AM, KEW), pp. 1717–1727.
HCIDUXU-UI-2015-Search #data transformation #interactive #multi #representation
Interactive Multisensory Data Representation (PS), pp. 363–373.
HCIHCI-IT-2015-TokdemirACMB #case study #design #interactive #interface #multimodal #navigation #representation #ubiquitous
Multimodal Interaction Flow Representation for Ubiquitous Environments — MIF: A Case Study in Surgical Navigation Interface Design (GT, GA, NEÇ, HHM, AOB), pp. 797–805.
HCIHIMI-IKC-2015-PatitadS #collaboration #representation
Representation Model of Collaboration Mechanism with Channel Theory (PP, HS), pp. 511–521.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-CarboneraA15a #approach #information management #knowledge-based #representation
A Cognition-inspired Knowledge Representation Approach for Knowledge-based Interpretation Systems (JLC, MA), pp. 644–649.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-BeraOC #component #identification #modelling #representation #variability
Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and Representation in Component Models (MHGB, EOJ, TEC), pp. 295–302.
ECIRECIR-2015-RomeoIT #classification #documentation #knowledge-based #multi #representation
Knowledge-Based Representation for Transductive Multilingual Document Classification (SR, DI, AT), pp. 92–103.
ICMLICML-2015-GouwsBC #distributed #named #performance #word
BilBOWA: Fast Bilingual Distributed Representations without Word Alignments (SG, YB, GC), pp. 748–756.
ICMLICML-2015-SrivastavaMS #learning #using #video
Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using LSTMs (NS, EM, RS), pp. 843–852.
ICMLICML-2015-WangALB #learning #multi #on the #representation
On Deep Multi-View Representation Learning (WW, RA, KL, JAB), pp. 1083–1092.
ICMLICML-2015-YogatamaFDS #learning #word
Learning Word Representations with Hierarchical Sparse Coding (DY, MF, CD, NAS), pp. 87–96.
RecSysRecSys-2015-AlmahairiKCC #collaboration #distributed #learning
Learning Distributed Representations from Reviews for Collaborative Filtering (AA, KK, KC, ACC), pp. 147–154.
SEKESEKE-2015-TerencianiPLC #modelling #process #representation #towards #variability
BPMN* — A Notation for Representation of Variability in Business Process Towards Supporting Business Process Line Modeling (MT, DMBP, GL, MIC), pp. 227–230.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-LiuW #collaboration #learning
Learning Context-aware Latent Representations for Context-aware Collaborative Filtering (XL, WW), pp. 887–890.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-Mitra #distributed #query #using
Exploring Session Context using Distributed Representations of Queries and Reformulations (BM), pp. 3–12.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-WangGLXWC #learning #recommendation #representation
Learning Hierarchical Representation Model for NextBasket Recommendation (PW, JG, YL, JX, SW, XC), pp. 403–412.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-ZhengC #distributed #learning
Learning to Reweight Terms with Distributed Representations (GZ, JC), pp. 575–584.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-UrecheBSO #ad hoc #automation #data transformation #representation
Automating ad hoc data representation transformations (VU, AB, YS, MO), pp. 801–820.
PPDPPPDP-2015-Tarau #combinator #on the #representation
On a uniform representation of combinators, arithmetic, λ terms and types (PT), pp. 244–255.
PADLPADL-2015-Tarau #combinator #generative #logic programming #normalisation #on the #type inference
On Logic Programming Representations of λ Terms: de Bruijn Indices, Compression, Type Inference, Combinatorial Generation, Normalization (PT), pp. 115–131.
POPLPOPL-2015-BrownP #self
Self-Representation in Girard’s System U (MB, JP), pp. 471–484.
POPLPOPL-2015-GuptaHRST #concurrent #representation #set
Succinct Representation of Concurrent Trace Sets (AG, TAH, AR, RS, TT), pp. 433–444.
SACSAC-2015-BarbieriTPG #named #representation #video #visual notation
Shot-HR: a video shot representation method based on visual features (TTSB, THT, MPPJ, RG), pp. 1257–1262.
SACSAC-2015-CremonaMN #composition #named #representation #simulation
TRES: a modular representation of schedulers, tasks, and messages to control simulations in simulink (FC, MM, MDN), pp. 1940–1947.
SACSAC-2015-KimHC #clustering #documentation #representation #semantics
Semantically enriching text representation model for document clustering (HjK, KjH, JyC), pp. 922–925.
SACSAC-2015-MarquesRA #named #representation #traceability
TRL: a traceability representation language (AM, FR, WdLA), pp. 1358–1363.
SACSAC-2015-MiyashitaITK #distributed #graph #named #representation
Catalogue: graph representation of file relations for a globally distributed environment (YM, HI, FT, KK), pp. 806–809.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-JingWDQX #fault #learning #metric #predict #representation
Heterogeneous cross-company defect prediction by unified metric representation and CCA-based transfer learning (XYJ, FW, XD, FQ, BX), pp. 496–507.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-White #re-engineering
Deep Representations for Software Engineering (MW), pp. 781–783.
CGOCGO-2015-LeissaKH #graph #higher-order #representation
A graph-based higher-order intermediate representation (RL, MK, SH), pp. 202–212.
ICLPICLP-J-2015-GangeNSSS #horn clause #program analysis #program transformation #representation
Horn clauses as an intermediate representation for program analysis and transformation (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 526–542.
LICSLICS-2015-Munch-Maccagnoni #representation #λ-calculus
Polarised Intermediate Representation of λ Calculus with Sums (GMM, GS), pp. 127–140.
ICSTSAT-2015-NevesMJLM #satisfiability
Exploiting Resolution-Based Representations for MaxSAT Solving (MN, RM, MJ, IL, VMM), pp. 272–286.
WICSAWICSA-2014-CostaPDM #architecture #question #rest #what
Evaluating a Representational State Transfer (REST) Architecture: What is the Impact of REST in My Architecture? (BC, PFP, FCD, PM), pp. 105–114.
WICSAWICSA-2014-NakagawaGMFO #architecture #design #evaluation #process #representation
Consolidating a Process for the Design, Representation, and Evaluation of Reference Architectures (EYN, MG, JCM, DF, FO), pp. 143–152.
DATEDATE-2014-ParkYLL #graph #memory management #representation
Accelerating graph computation with racetrack memory and pointer-assisted graph representation (EP, SY, SL, HL), pp. 1–4.
DocEngDocEng-2014-FerreiraLFSR #assessment #representation #similarity
A new sentence similarity assessment measure based on a three-layer sentence representation (RF, RDL, FF, SJS, MR), pp. 25–34.
DocEngDocEng-2014-LimaBFFLSR #graph
Transforming graph-based sentence representations to alleviate overfitting in relation extraction (RJL, JB, RF, FF, RDL, SJS, MR), pp. 53–62.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-McIntoshLH #evolution #representation
Orchestrating change: An artistic representation of software evolution (SM, KL, AEH), pp. 348–352.
ICSMEICSME-2014-AlalfiRSSDC #automation #identification #modelling #representation #variability
Semi-automatic Identification and Representation of Subsystem Variability in Simulink Models (MHA, EJR, AS, MS, TRD, JRC), pp. 486–490.
AFLAFL-2014-HegedusN #word
Representations of Circular Words (LH, BN), pp. 261–270.
LATALATA-2014-GwynneK #constraints #on the #satisfiability
On SAT Representations of XOR Constraints (MG, OK), pp. 409–420.
CHICHI-2014-GarnerWPMM #game studies #named #representation
i-dentity: innominate movement representation as engaging game element (JG, GW, SP, MM, FM), pp. 2181–2190.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-JingLCYH #case study #design #framework #parametricity #representation
Design Knowledge Framework Based on Parametric Representation — A Case Study of Cockpit Form Style Design (JJ, QL, WC, YY, TH), pp. 332–341.
HCISCSM-2014-AhnMHNHPM #analysis #network #representation #semantics #social #twitter
Social Network Representation and Dissemination of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): A Semantic Network Analysis of HIV Prevention Drug on Twitter (ZA, MM, JH, YN, CWH, MP, JM), pp. 160–169.
CIKMCIKM-2014-ShiKBLH #learning #named #recommendation
CARS2: Learning Context-aware Representations for Context-aware Recommendations (YS, AK, LB, ML, AH), pp. 291–300.
CIKMCIKM-2014-XuBBGWLL #framework #named #word
RC-NET: A General Framework for Incorporating Knowledge into Word Representations (CX, YB, JB, BG, GW, XL, TYL), pp. 1219–1228.
ICMLICML-c1-2014-AroraBGM #bound #learning
Provable Bounds for Learning Some Deep Representations (SA, AB, RG, TM), pp. 584–592.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-ArgyriouD #theorem
A Unifying View of Representer Theorems (AA, FD), pp. 748–756.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-BothaB #composition #modelling #word
Compositional Morphology for Word Representations and Language Modelling (JAB, PB), pp. 1899–1907.
Marginalized Denoising Auto-encoders for Nonlinear Representations (MC, KQW, FS, YB), pp. 1476–1484.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-CohenW #commutative #learning
Learning the Irreducible Representations of Commutative Lie Groups (TC, MW), pp. 1755–1763.
Signal recovery from Pooling Representations (JBE, AS, YL), pp. 307–315.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-LeM #distributed #documentation
Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents (QVL, TM), pp. 1188–1196.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-LiG #classification #learning #representation #semantics
Latent Semantic Representation Learning for Scene Classification (XL, YG), pp. 532–540.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-LinK #constraints #learning #performance #representation
Stable and Efficient Representation Learning with Nonnegativity Constraints (THL, HTK), pp. 1323–1331.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-RippelGA #learning #order
Learning Ordered Representations with Nested Dropout (OR, MAG, RPA), pp. 1746–1754.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-SantosZ #learning
Learning Character-level Representations for Part-of-Speech Tagging (CNdS, BZ), pp. 1818–1826.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-TrigeorgisBZS #learning
A Deep Semi-NMF Model for Learning Hidden Representations (GT, KB, SZ, BWS), pp. 1692–1700.
ICPRICPR-2014-BashbaghiGSB #multi #using
Watch-List Screening Using Ensembles Based on Multiple Face Representations (SB, EG, RS, GAB), pp. 4489–4494.
ICPRICPR-2014-Cardenas-PenaOCAC #3d #clustering #kernel #representation
A Kernel-Based Representation to Support 3D MRI Unsupervised Clustering (DCP, MOA, AECO, AMÁM, GCD), pp. 3203–3208.
ICPRICPR-2014-CorringR #probability #representation #set
Shape from Phase: An Integrated Level Set and Probability Density Shape Representation (JC, AR), pp. 46–51.
ICPRICPR-2014-FiratCV #detection #learning #representation
Representation Learning for Contextual Object and Region Detection in Remote Sensing (OF, GC, FTYV), pp. 3708–3713.
ICPRICPR-2014-FrazES #recognition
Mid-level-Representation Based Lexicon for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition (MF, EAE, MSS), pp. 393–398.
ICPRICPR-2014-GaoWXSZ #recognition #representation
Stroke Bank: A High-Level Representation for Scene Character Recognition (SG, CW, BX, CS, ZZ), pp. 2909–2913.
ICPRICPR-2014-HuiZ #image #recognition #representation
A Bio-Inspired Early-Level Image Representation and Its Contribution to Object Recognition (WH, QZ), pp. 4263–4268.
ICPRICPR-2014-KramarevZWL #categorisation #composition #image #representation #using
Object Categorization from Range Images Using a Hierarchical Compositional Representation (VK, SZ, JLW, AL), pp. 586–591.
ICPRICPR-2014-LeiYL #order #recognition #representation
Local Gradient Order Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition (ZL, DY, SZL), pp. 387–392.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiCH #collaboration #invariant
Transformation-Invariant Collaborative Sub-representation (YL, CC, JH), pp. 3738–3743.
ICPRICPR-2014-NayefGO #documentation #image
Deblurring of Document Images Based on Sparse Representations Enhanced by Non-local Means (NN, PGK, JMO), pp. 4441–4446.
ICPRICPR-2014-PertuzJP #framework #image #novel #representation
A Novel Mammography Image Representation Framework with Application to Image Registration (SP, CJ, DP), pp. 3292–3297.
ICPRICPR-2014-QuachDB #approximate #rank #recognition #representation #robust
Sparse Representation and Low-Rank Approximation for Robust Face Recognition (KGQ, CND, TDB), pp. 1330–1335.
ICPRICPR-2014-SlamaWD #3d #gesture #recognition #representation
Grassmannian Representation of Motion Depth for 3D Human Gesture and Action Recognition (RS, HW, MD), pp. 3499–3504.
ICPRICPR-2014-TaoIWS #approximate #data transformation #rank #representation
Ensemble Manifold Structured Low Rank Approximation for Data Representation (LT, HHSI, YW, XS), pp. 744–749.
ICPRICPR-2014-UmakanthanDFS #learning #multi #process #representation #taxonomy
Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning for Activity Representation (SU, SD, CF, SS), pp. 1377–1382.
ICPRICPR-2014-VaradarajanV #calculus #geometry #representation #visual notation
4D Space-Time Mereotopogeometry-Part Connectivity Calculus for Visual Object Representation (KMV, MV), pp. 4316–4321.
ICPRICPR-2014-XingY #categorisation #image #parametricity #representation #scalability
Large Scale Image Categorization in Sparse Nonparametric Bayesian Representation (SX, NHCY), pp. 1365–1370.
ICPRICPR-2014-YanHCCC #classification #representation
PLSA-Based Sparse Representation for Object Classification (YY, JWH, HFC, SCC, DYC), pp. 1295–1300.
ICPRICPR-2014-YanJY #feature model #representation
Sparse Representation Preserving for Unsupervised Feature Selection (HY, ZJ, JY), pp. 1574–1578.
ICPRICPR-2014-YiS #recognition #representation
Principal Local Binary Patterns for Face Representation and Recognition (JY, FS), pp. 4554–4559.
KDDKDD-2014-LeL #representation #semantics #visualisation
Semantic visualization for spherical representation (TMVL, HWL), pp. 1007–1016.
KDDKDD-2014-PerozziAS #learning #named #online #social
DeepWalk: online learning of social representations (BP, RAR, SS), pp. 701–710.
KDIRKDIR-2014-AlahmadiJM #classification #concept #representation #using
Arabic Text Classification using Bag-of-Concepts Representation (AA, AJ, AEM), pp. 374–380.
KDIRKDIR-2014-CataldoCPR #information management #representation
Subjectivity and Objectivity in Urban Knowledge Representation (AC, VC, VDP, AMR), pp. 411–417.
KDIRKDIR-2014-DomeniconiMPS #category theory #classification
Cross-domain Text Classification through Iterative Refining of Target Categories Representations (GD, GM, RP, CS), pp. 31–42.
Bridging the Emotional Gap — From Objective Representations to Subjective Interpretations (MJL), pp. 1–15.
KEODKEOD-2014-MartinB #information management #ontology #parsing #specification
An Ontology for Specifying and Parsing Knowledge Representations Structures and Notations (PM, JB), pp. 96–107.
KMISKMIS-2014-ZochollA #modelling #nondeterminism #ontology #parametricity #representation
Ontology-based Representation of Time Dependent Uncertainty Information for Parametric Product Data Models (MZ, RA), pp. 400–404.
KRKR-2014-Thimm #aspect-oriented #information management #java #library #logic #named #representation
Tweety: A Comprehensive Collection of Java Libraries for Logical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation (MT).
KRKR-2014-ZhangR #algebra #reasoning #representation
Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Angry Birds: The Extended Rectangle Algebra (PZ, JR).
MLDMMLDM-2014-LarinSKKHC #classification #parametricity #representation #using
Parametric Representation of Objects in Color Space Using One-Class Classifiers (AL, OS, AK, SYK, SCH, BHC), pp. 300–314.
MLDMMLDM-2014-MountassirBB #algorithm #classification #documentation #representation
The Nearest Centroid Based on Vector Norms: A New Classification Algorithm for a New Document Representation Model (AM, HB, IB), pp. 442–456.
SEKESEKE-2014-ArnatovichTDLS #android #comparison #empirical
Empirical Comparison of Intermediate Representations for Android Applications (YA, HBKT, SD, KL, LKS), pp. 205–210.
SEKESEKE-2014-HauboldBH #approach #flexibility #towards
Towards a flexible approach to manage varying and altering information representations (TH, GB, WH), pp. 566–569.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-UrecheBO #data transformation #layout #representation
Late data layout: unifying data representation transformations (VU, EB, MO), pp. 397–416.
GPCEGPCE-2014-MalakutiA #behaviour #composition #representation
Emergent gummy modules: modular representation of emergent behavior (SM, MA), pp. 15–24.
CCCC-2014-TavaresBPR #analysis #data flow
Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Dataflow Analyses (ALCT, BB, FMQP, FR), pp. 18–39.
ICLPICLP-J-2014-Swift #incremental #information management #reasoning #representation
Incremental Tabling in Support of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (TS), pp. 553–567.
CASECASE-2013-RoyZR #behaviour #framework #representation
The information framework for material behavior representation (UR, BZ, DJR), pp. 380–385.
DocEngDocEng-2013-DoTT #documentation #taxonomy #using
Document noise removal using sparse representations over learned dictionary (THD, ST, ORT), pp. 161–168.
ICDARICDAR-2013-AlaeiDG #detection #probability #representation #using
Logo Detection Using Painting Based Representation and Probability Features (AA, MD, NG), pp. 1235–1239.
ICDARICDAR-2013-DjeddiSSE #question #representation
Codebook for Writer Characterization: A Vocabulary of Patterns or a Mere Representation Space? (CD, IS, LSM, AE), pp. 423–427.
ICDARICDAR-2013-DoTT #approach #recognition #representation
New Approach for Symbol Recognition Combining Shape Context of Interest Points with Sparse Representation (THD, ST, ORT), pp. 265–269.
ICDARICDAR-2013-HedjamC #documentation #estimation #image #multi #representation
Ground-Truth Estimation in Multispectral Representation Space: Application to Degraded Document Image Binarization (RH, MC), pp. 190–194.
ICDARICDAR-2013-SuTLDT #classification #documentation #image #learning #representation
Self Learning Classification for Degraded Document Images by Sparse Representation (BS, ST, SL, TAD, CLT), pp. 155–159.
ICDARICDAR-2013-TejaN #online #recognition #representation
A Ballistic Stroke Representation of Online Handwriting for Recognition (SPT, AMN), pp. 857–861.
ICDARICDAR-2013-WangEGLM #representation #word
A Comprehensive Representation Model for Handwriting Dedicated to Word Spotting (PW, VE, CG, CL, AM), pp. 450–454.
ICDARICDAR-2013-YiYT #case study #comparative #recognition
Feature Representations for Scene Text Character Recognition: A Comparative Study (CY, XY, YT), pp. 907–911.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-Al-YahyaAG #education #named #ontology #representation
CURONTO: an ontological model for curriculum representation (MMAY, AAF, RG), p. 358.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-KyrilovN #assessment #automation #first-order #information management #logic #representation
Automatic formative assessment of exercises on knowledge representation in first-order logic (AK, DCN), p. 343.
ICPCICPC-2013-SharafiMSAG #comprehension #empirical #performance #requirements #visual notation
An empirical study on the efficiency of graphical vs. textual representations in requirements comprehension (ZS, AM, AS, GA, YGG), pp. 33–42.
CSCWCSCW-2013-RostBCB #challenge #communication #dataset #representation #scalability #social #social media
Representation and communication: challenges in interpreting large social media datasets (MR, LB, HC, BB), pp. 357–362.
HCIDHM-HB-2013-TianYZG #adaptation #representation #self
Extraction of Light Stripe Centerline Based on Self-adaptive Thresholding and Contour Polygonal Representation (QT, YY, XZ, BG), pp. 292–301.
HCIDUXU-NTE-2013-ParkK #performance #representation
Efficient Information Representation Method for Driver-Centered AR-HUD System (HP, KhK), pp. 393–400.
HCIDUXU-PMT-2013-Tanaka-Ishii #representation
Semiotics of Void and Information Representation (KTI), pp. 152–161.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-ErturanBTCYO #comprehension #mobile #representation
A Mobile Application Flow Representation for Mutual Understanding of IT and Healthcare Professionals (YNE, SB, GT, NEÇ, EY, ), pp. 310–319.
HCIHCI-III-2013-XuGC #classification #kernel #representation
Kernel Based Weighted Group Sparse Representation Classifier (BX, PG, CLPC), pp. 236–245.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-DamrongratKI #multi #ontology #representation #simulation #using
Increasing Situational Awareness of Indoor Emergency Simulation Using Multilayered Ontology-Based Floor Plan Representation (CD, HK, MI), pp. 39–45.
HCIOCSC-2013-TokelC #communication #game studies #representation
Communication and Avatar Representation during Role-Playing in Second Life Virtual World (STT, EC), pp. 210–215.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-LeiteMP #fault #multi
Multiple External Representations in Remediation of Math Errors (MDL, DM, ARP), pp. 519–523.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-LuxHH #approach #enterprise #flexibility #representation #towards
Towards Enterprise Management Systems — A Generic and Flexible Information Representation Approach (AL, JH, RH), pp. 251–257.
ECIRECIR-2013-LimsopathamMO13a #documentation #query #representation
A Task-Specific Query and Document Representation for Medical Records Search (NL, CM, IO), pp. 747–751.
Better Mixing via Deep Representations (YB, GM, YD, SR), pp. 552–560.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-HamiltonFP #modelling #predict
Modelling Sparse Dynamical Systems with Compressed Predictive State Representations (WLH, MMF, JP), pp. 178–186.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-MaillardNOR #bound #learning #representation
Optimal Regret Bounds for Selecting the State Representation in Reinforcement Learning (OAM, PN, RO, DR), pp. 543–551.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-MuandetBS #invariant #representation
Domain Generalization via Invariant Feature Representation (KM, DB, BS), pp. 10–18.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-YuCSS #theorem
Characterizing the Representer Theorem (YY, HC, DS, CS), pp. 570–578.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-BalasubramanianYL #learning
Smooth Sparse Coding via Marginal Regression for Learning Sparse Representations (KB, KY, GL), pp. 289–297.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-BrechtelGD #incremental #learning #performance #representation
Solving Continuous POMDPs: Value Iteration with Incremental Learning of an Efficient Space Representation (SB, TG, RD), pp. 370–378.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-SunZ #evaluation #order #representation
Saving Evaluation Time for the Decision Function in Boosting: Representation and Reordering Base Learner (PS, JZ), pp. 933–941.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-XuKHW #learning #representation
Anytime Representation Learning (ZEX, MJK, GH, KQW), pp. 1076–1084.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-ZemelWSPD #learning
Learning Fair Representations (RSZ, YW, KS, TP, CD), pp. 325–333.
KEODKEOD-2013-CostaFML #approach #classification #information management #ontology #using
Classification of Knowledge Representations using an Ontology-based Approach (RC, PF, PMNM, CL), pp. 184–191.
KEODKEOD-2013-MendesRB #development #information management #ontology #representation
Development and Population of an Elaborate Formal Ontology for Clinical Practice Knowledge Representation (DM, IPR, CFB), pp. 286–292.
KEODKEOD-2013-OimK #comprehension #representation
Event Representation in Text Understanding — Transfer of Meaning Structures (, MK), pp. 367–372.
MLDMMLDM-2013-Suthaharan #big data #classification #network
A Single-Domain, Representation-Learning Model for Big Data Classification of Network Intrusion (SS), pp. 296–310.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-BouadjenekHBV #documentation #personalisation #representation #social #using
Using social annotations to enhance document representation for personalized search (MRB, HH, MB, AV), pp. 1049–1052.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-Efron #information retrieval #query #representation
Query representation for cross-temporal information retrieval (ME), pp. 383–392.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-Galle #documentation #representation
The bag-of-repeats representation of documents (MG), pp. 1053–1056.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-LimsopathamMO #learning
Learning to combine representations for medical records search (NL, CM, IO), pp. 833–836.
SKYSKY-2013-RineF #complexity #information management #metric #quality #representation #requirements #using
Requirements Quality Knowledge Representation using Chunking Complexity Measurement: Prior to Formal Inspections (DCR, AF), pp. 3–13.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2013-NishidaV #finite #representation
A Finite Representation of the Narrowing Space (NN, GV), pp. 54–71.
SACSAC-2013-SouzaG #representation #video
Video shot representation based on histograms (TTdS, RG), pp. 961–966.
PPoPPPPoPP-2013-YuB #automaton #performance #regular expression
Exploring different automata representations for efficient regular expression matching on GPUs (XY, MB), pp. 287–288.
HTHT-2012-WeningerZH #using #web
Building enriched web page representations using link paths (TW, CZ, JH), pp. 53–62.
ESOPESOP-2012-LeeOCY #first-order #framework #named
GMeta: A Generic Formal Metatheory Framework for First-Order Representations (GL, BCdSO, SC, KY), pp. 436–455.
TACASTACAS-2012-SinzMF #bound #contest #model checking #named #representation
LLBMC: A Bounded Model Checker for LLVM’s Intermediate Representation — (Competition Contribution) (CS, FM, SF), pp. 542–544.
PLDIPLDI-2012-HawkinsAFRS #concurrent #data transformation #representation #synthesis
Concurrent data representation synthesis (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 417–428.
SASSAS-2012-HenryMM #abstract interpretation #algorithm #analysis #evaluation
Succinct Representations for Abstract Interpretation — Combined Analysis Algorithms and Experimental Evaluation (JH, DM, MM), pp. 283–299.
SASSAS-2012-IoualalenM #abstract domain #representation
A New Abstract Domain for the Representation of Mathematically Equivalent Expressions (AI, MM), pp. 75–93.
From irreducible representations to locally decodable codes (KE), pp. 327–338.
Automata-Based Symbolic Representations of Polyhedra (BB, JB, JFD), pp. 3–20.
CHICHI-2012-SongQ #representation
Representing “too small to see” as “too small to see” with temporal representation (MS, CQ), pp. 1441–1450.
CIKMCIKM-2012-DuanKZ #empirical #query #representation
Click patterns: an empirical representation of complex query intents (HD, EK, CZ), pp. 1035–1044.
CIKMCIKM-2012-MehrotraAH #adaptation #representation #taxonomy
Dictionary based sparse representation for domain adaptation (RM, RA, SAH), pp. 2395–2398.
CIKMCIKM-2012-RamachandranG #graph #identification #representation
A word-order based graph representation for relevance identification (LR, EFG), pp. 2327–2330.
CIKMCIKM-2012-XieZSzP #data type #linear #multi #performance #representation
Efficient buffer management for piecewise linear representation of multiple data streams (QX, JZ, MAS, XZ, CP), pp. 2114–2118.
CIKMCIKM-2012-XuCWS #representation
From sBoW to dCoT marginalized encoders for text representation (ZEX, MC, KQW, FS), pp. 1879–1884.
ICMLICML-2012-RudermanRGP #metric #probability #strict
Tighter Variational Representations of f-Divergences via Restriction to Probability Measures (AR, MDR, DGG, JP), p. 151.
ICMLICML-2012-SohnL #invariant #learning
Learning Invariant Representations with Local Transformations (KS, HL), p. 174.
ICPRICPR-2012-AlbarelliBRVT #graph #higher-order #recognition #representation
A stable graph-based representation for object recognition through high-order matching (AA, FB, LR, SV, AT), pp. 3341–3344.
ICPRICPR-2012-AnoopMBBR #representation #set
Covariance profiles: A signature representation for object sets (AKA, AM, UDB, CB, KRR), pp. 2541–2544.
ICPRICPR-2012-AtmosukartoGA #kernel #recognition #representation
Trajectory-based Fisher kernel representation for action recognition in videos (IA, BG, NA), pp. 3333–3336.
ICPRICPR-2012-BaccoucheMWGB #2d #invariant #learning #recognition #representation #sequence
Sparse shift-invariant representation of local 2D patterns and sequence learning for human action recognition (MB, FM, CW, CG, AB), pp. 3823–3826.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChangDZDW #representation #sketching #synthesis #using
Smoothness-constrained face photo-sketch synthesis using sparse representation (LC, XD, MZ, FD, ZW), pp. 3025–3029.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChenCZ #classification #clique #representation
Object clique representation for scene classification (JC, XC, BZ), pp. 2829–2832.
ICPRICPR-2012-DinhDL #case study #difference #representation
A study on semi-supervised dissimilarity representation (VCD, RPWD, ML), pp. 2861–2864.
ICPRICPR-2012-DoTT #multi #representation #using
Text/graphic separation using a sparse representation with multi-learned dictionaries (THD, ST, ORT), pp. 689–692.
ICPRICPR-2012-FuMW #estimation #representation
Night Removal by Color Estimation and sparse representation (HF, HM, SW), pp. 3656–3659.
ICPRICPR-2012-GaoLZXX #recognition #representation
Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations (ZG, AL, HZ, GX, YX), pp. 1868–1871.
ICPRICPR-2012-GuoRM #classification #representation #similarity
Similarity weighted sparse representation for classification (SG, QR, ZM), pp. 1241–1244.
ICPRICPR-2012-GuoZC #representation
Find dominant bins of a histogram by sparse representation (XG, ZCZ, AC), pp. 3038–3041.
ICPRICPR-2012-HanQC #adaptation #classification #image #representation
Group sparse representation of adaptive sub-domain selection for image classification (XHH, XQ, YWC), pp. 1431–1434.
ICPRICPR-2012-HuangHHLJW #representation
Face hallucination via K-selection mean constrained sparse representation (KH, RH, ZH, TL, JJ, FW), pp. 882–885.
ICPRICPR-2012-InoueSK #representation #using
Local intensity compensation using sparse representation (KI, HS, YK), pp. 951–954.
ICPRICPR-2012-IwamotoHSTXC #image #representation #self #using
Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse representation and self-similarity (YI, XHH, SS, KT, WX, YWC), pp. 3758–3761.
ICPRICPR-2012-KangLXP #classification #kernel #representation
Kernel Homotopy based sparse representation for object classification (CK, SL, SX, CP), pp. 1479–1482.
ICPRICPR-2012-LeeLCY #lightweight #random #representation #using
Lightweight Random Ferns using binary representation (SL, SWL, YNC, HSY), pp. 1342–1345.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiangYCJ #evaluation #representation
Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation (JL, QY, JC, JJ), pp. 2496–2499.
ICPRICPR-2012-LinLZ #learning #representation #taxonomy
Incoherent dictionary learning for sparse representation (TL, SL, HZ), pp. 1237–1240.
ICPRICPR-2012-LuKT #recognition #representation
Action recognition via sparse representation of characteristic frames (GL, MK, JT), pp. 3268–3271.
ICPRICPR-2012-NafchiK #dataset #image #representation
Rectangular based binary image representation: Theory, applications, and dataset introduction (HZN, HRK), pp. 190–193.
ICPRICPR-2012-OuYCPGJ #image #representation
Structured sparse coding for image representation based on L1-graph (WO, XY, YmC, QP, MG, XJ), pp. 3220–3223.
ICPRICPR-2012-RatnasingamR #recognition #representation
A spectral reflectance representation for recognition and reproduction (SR, ARK), pp. 1900–1903.
ICPRICPR-2012-RubioSLP #graph #higher-order #image #representation
Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs (JCR, JS, AML, NP), pp. 2664–2667.
ICPRICPR-2012-RusinolKBL #documentation #multi #retrieval #visual notation
Multipage document retrieval by textual and visual representations (MR, DK, ADB, JL), pp. 521–524.
ICPRICPR-2012-ScandaliarisS #distance #image #invariant #probability #representation
Probabilistic invariant image representation and associated distance measure (JS, AS), pp. 3569–3572.
ICPRICPR-2012-SomanathK #image #recognition #representation
Arrangement based image representation for scene recognition (GS, CK), pp. 2436–2439.
ICPRICPR-2012-TimofteG #classification #collaboration #image #representation
Weighted collaborative representation and classification of images (RT, LJVG), pp. 1606–1610.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangSCSW #categorisation #representation
Object categorization via sparse representation of local features (JW, XS, RC, MFS, QW), pp. 3005–3008.
ICPRICPR-2012-WeiY #representation #segmentation
Subspace segmentation with a Minimal Squared Frobenius Norm Representation (SW, YY), pp. 3509–3512.
ICPRICPR-2012-WuMML #collaboration #recognition #representation #robust
Robust object recognition via third-party collaborative representation (YW, MM, MM, SL), pp. 3423–3426.
ICPRICPR-2012-XuGN #image #using
Morphological filtering in shape spaces: Applications using tree-based image representations (YX, TG, LN), pp. 485–488.
ICPRICPR-2012-XuTH #categorisation #representation #video #web
A structure-based video representation for web video categorization (PX, DMJT, AH), pp. 433–436.
ICPRICPR-2012-YamashitaTHNH #detection #representation
Sparse representation of audio features for sputum detection from lung sounds (TY, ST, KH, YN, SH), pp. 2005–2008.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhangXSS #modelling #process #recognition #representation #smarttech #using
Sparse representation for motion primitive-based human activity modeling and recognition using wearable sensors (MZ, WX, AAS, MS), pp. 1807–1810.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhouWXZM12a #recognition #representation
Human action recognition by bagging data dependent representation (WZ, CW, BX, ZZ, LM), pp. 3120–3123.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhuJL #image #representation
Optimized image super-resolution based on sparse representation (YZ, JJ, KL), pp. 1052–1055.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhuXWF #kernel #recognition #representation
Kernel based sparse representation for face recognition (QZ, YX, JW, ZF), pp. 1703–1706.
KDIRKDIR-2012-Delmonte #dependence #information management #null
Predicate Argument Structures for Information Extraction from Dependency Representations — Null Elements are Missing (RD), pp. 463–474.
KEODKEOD-2012-FrixioneL #concept #prototype #representation
Prototypes Vs Exemplars in Concept Representation (MF, AL), pp. 226–232.
KEODKEOD-2012-SchlenoffFB #approach #ontology #recognition #using
An Approach to Ontology-based Intention Recognition using State Representations (CS, SF, SB), pp. 178–183.
KRKR-2012-BaralL #declarative #reasoning #representation
From Knowledge Represented in Frame-Based Languages to Declarative Representation and Reasoning via ASP (CB, SL).
KRKR-2012-CohnRS #analysis #representation #video
Thinking Inside the Box: A Comprehensive Spatial Representation for Video Analysis (AGC, JR, MS).
MLDMMLDM-2012-ForczmanskiF #classification #distance #representation
Classification of Elementary Stamp Shapes by Means of Reduced Point Distance Histogram Representation (PF, DF), pp. 603–616.
SEKESEKE-2012-GrolingerCMS #modelling #ontology #representation #simulation
Ontology-based Representation of Simulation Models (KG, MAMC, JRM, KDS), pp. 432–437.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-HeHV #topic
Combining implicit and explicit topic representations for result diversification (JH, VH, APdV), pp. 851–860.
POPLPOPL-2012-ZhaoNMZ #formal method #program transformation #representation
Formalizing the LLVM intermediate representation for verified program transformations (JZ, SN, MMKM, SZ), pp. 427–440.
SACSAC-2012-MatosMC #database #representation
Representation and management of spatiotemporal data in object-relational databases (LM, JM, AC), pp. 13–20.
SACSAC-2012-WauteletHK #ontology #representation
An ontological basis for resource representation (YW, SH, MK), pp. 765–766.
PLEASEPLEASE-2012-LeitnerWK #multi #optimisation #problem
Optimizing problem space representations through domain multi-modeling (AL, RW, CK), pp. 49–52.
PPoPPPPoPP-2012-ChenCM #array #named #parallel #representation
PARRAY: a unifying array representation for heterogeneous parallelism (YC, XC, HM), pp. 171–180.
ASEASE-2011-HillPV #code search #natural language #source code
Improving source code search with natural language phrasal representations of method signatures (EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 524–527.
ASEASE-2011-Witten #documentation #how #representation #semantics #wiki
Wikipedia and how to use it for semantic document representation (IHW), p. 1.
DATEDATE-2011-KelleyWDSRH #generative
Intermediate representations for controllers in chip generators (KK, MW, AD, PS, SR, MH), pp. 1394–1399.
DATEDATE-2011-SinhaP #representation #state machine #synthesis
Abstract state machines as an intermediate representation for high-level synthesis (RS, HDP), pp. 1406–1411.
DocEngDocEng-2011-Krupl-SypienFHPB #information management #representation #web
A versatile model for web page representation, information extraction and content re-packaging (BKS, RRF, WH, MP, RB), pp. 129–138.
DocEngDocEng-2011-RossiR #representation #topic #using
Building a topic hierarchy using the bag-of-related-words representation (RGR, SOR), pp. 195–204.
ICDARICDAR-2011-BoumaizaT #approach #novel #recognition #representation #word
A Novel Approach for Graphics Recognition Based on Galois Lattice and Bag of Words Representation (AB, ST), pp. 829–833.
ICDARICDAR-2011-HedjamC #data transformation #documentation #image #multi #novel #representation
Novel Data Representation for Text Extraction from Multispectral Historical Document Images (RH, MC), pp. 172–176.
PLDIPLDI-2011-HawkinsAFRS #data transformation #representation #synthesis
Data representation synthesis (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 38–49.
CIAACIAA-2011-DaciukW #automaton #finite #representation
Smaller Representation of Finite State Automata (JD, DW), pp. 118–129.
DLTDLT-2011-KitaevSSU #graph #on the
On the Representability of Line Graphs (SK, PS, CS, ), pp. 478–479.
GCMGCM-2010-PicardM11 #embedded #graph #induction #problem #representation
Coinductive Graph Representation: the Problem of Embedded Lists (CP, RM).
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2011-BrugginkH #decidability #graph
Decidability and Expressiveness of Finitely Representable Recognizable Graph Languages (HJSB, MH).
CHICHI-2011-HaradaTA #on the #representation
On the audio representation of radial direction (SH, HT, CA), pp. 2779–2788.
CHICHI-2011-SrikulwongO #case study #comparative #representation #smarttech
A comparative study of tactile representation techniques for landmarks on a wearable device (MS, EO), pp. 2029–2038.
CSCWCSCW-2011-BrubakerH11a #framework #representation
SELECT * FROM USER: infrastructure and socio-technical representation (JRB, GRH), pp. 369–378.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-IglesiasT #component #representation #user interface #using
User Interface Representation Using Simple Components (JRI, PMTF), pp. 278–287.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-MoehrmannBSWH #image #scalability #set #usability
Improving the Usability of Hierarchical Representations for Interactively Labeling Large Image Data Sets (JM, SB, TS, GW, GH), pp. 618–627.
HCIHCI-MIIE-2011-GaoG #mobile #representation
The Effect of Time Orientation and Representation of Points of Interests on the Use of Mobile Tour Guide (FG, QG), pp. 59–68.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-MaeshiroNM #composition #music #process #representation
Representation of Decision Making Process in Music Composition Based on Hypernetwork Model (TM, SiN, MM), pp. 109–117.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-GonzalezGGS #hybrid #tool support #towards
Towards Argument Representational Tools for Hybrid Argumentation Systems (MPG, SG, AJG, GRS), pp. 236–245.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2011-BadarudinSSMM #algorithm #memory management #problem #representation #search-based
An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Gene Value Representation and Short Term Memory for Shape Assignment Problem (IB, ABMS, MNS, AM, MTMM), pp. 178–183.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ClaudeL #graph #social #web
Practical representations for web and social graphs (FC, SL), pp. 1185–1190.
ECIRECIR-2011-LipkaS #information management #representation
Classifying with Co-stems — A New Representation for Information Filtering (NL, BS), pp. 307–313.
ICMLICML-2011-LiuLC #infinity #policy #representation
The Infinite Regionalized Policy Representation (ML, XL, LC), pp. 769–776.
KDDKDD-2011-WangDCV #adaptation #classification #multi #scalability
Trading representability for scalability: adaptive multi-hyperplane machine for nonlinear classification (ZW, ND, KC, SV), pp. 24–32.
KDIRKDIR-2011-CostantiniFP #analysis #framework #natural language #representation
A Framework for Structured Knowledge Extraction and Representation from Natural Language through Deep Sentence Analysis (SC, NF, AP), pp. 282–287.
KEODKEOD-2011-Karbe #concept #formal method #implementation #information management #representation
Formalizing and Implementing Knowledge Representation on the Basis of Conceptions — Position Statement (TK), pp. 317–321.
KEODKEOD-2011-NousiainenK #concept #education #information management #physics #student
Knowledge Organization in Concept Maps — Teacher Students’ Representations of the Relatedness of Physics Concepts (MN, IK), pp. 139–144.
KEODKEOD-2011-SeinturierMB #data transformation #knowledge-based #multimodal #query #representation
Knowledge-based Multimodal Data Representation and Querying (JS, EM, EB), pp. 152–158.
KMISKMIS-2011-GesquiereMN #approach #multi #semantics
Interoperability between GIS and BIM — A Semantic-based Multi-representation Approach (GG, CM, CN), pp. 359–362.
SEKESEKE-2011-GuessiON #architecture #bibliography #perspective #representation
Representation of Reference Architectures: A Systematic Review (MG, LBRdO, EYN), pp. 782–785.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-NaN #documentation #information retrieval #representation
Enriching document representation via translation for improved monolingual information retrieval (SHN, HTN), pp. 853–862.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-NoirDESB #case study #consistency #detection #experience #nondeterminism #representation
Operation Based Model Representation: Experiences on Inconsistency Detection (JLN, OD, DE, MAAdS, XB), pp. 85–96.
SACSAC-2011-MohammadiG #approach #representation
Integrated PSO and line based representation approach for SLAM (MRM, SSG), pp. 1382–1388.
SACSAC-2011-YangCB #image #representation
Raster image representation of fingerprint minutiae (BY, ZC, CB), pp. 8–12.
SACSAC-2011-ZhangYMC #information management #ontology #reasoning #representation #xml
Knowledge representation and reasoning of XML with ontology (FZ, LY, ZMM, JC), pp. 1705–1710.
ECSAECSA-2010-WeinreichB #architecture #design #representation #requirements
Integrating Requirements and Design Decisions in Architecture Representation (RW, GB), pp. 86–101.
ASEASE-2010-Letarte #analysis #graph #interprocedural #model checking #precise #representation
Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis (DL), pp. 511–516.
DATEDATE-2010-HatamiP #analysis #component #library #performance #representation #robust #using
Efficient representation, stratification, and compression of variational CSM library waveforms using Robust Principle Component Analysis (SH, MP), pp. 1285–1290.
DocEngDocEng-2010-HassanHH #generative #parametricity
Next generation typeface representations: revisiting parametric fonts (TH, CH, RDH), pp. 181–184.
VLDBVLDB-2011-SagyKSS10 #difference #distributed #query #representation
Distributed Threshold Querying of General Functions by a Difference of Monotonic Representation (GS, DK, IS, AS), pp. 46–57.
FASEFASE-2010-NguyenNPN #fine-grained #representation #version control
Operation-Based, Fine-Grained Version Control Model for Tree-Based Representation (TTN, HAN, NHP, TNN), pp. 74–90.
MSRMSR-2010-ColacoMFH #analysis #developer
OSS developers context-specific Preferred Representational systems: A initial Neurolinguistic text analysis of the Apache mailing list (MCJ, MGM, MF, PHdS), pp. 126–129.
WCREWCRE-2010-SelimFZ #clone detection #detection #representation #using
Enhancing Source-Based Clone Detection Using Intermediate Representation (GMKS, KCF, YZ), pp. 227–236.
CIAACIAA-2010-EpifanioFGMS #graph #lazy evaluation #on the
On Lazy Representations and Sturmian Graphs (CE, CF, AG, FM, JS), pp. 125–134.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-KoblerKLV #canonical #graph #representation
Interval Graphs: Canonical Representation in Logspace (JK, SK, BL, OV), pp. 384–395.
ICFPICFP-2010-Crary #higher-order #logic #representation
Higher-order representation of substructural logics (KC), pp. 131–142.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2010-BurnsW #ada #multi #representation
Dispatching Domains for Multiprocessor Platforms and Their Representation in Ada (AB, AJW), pp. 41–53.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MajdoubiTG #modelling #representation #semantics
Thesaurus based Semantic Representation in Language Modeling for Medical Article Indexing (JM, MT, FG), pp. 65–74.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-Chein #graph #information management #reasoning #representation
Graph-based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (MC), pp. 17–21.
CIKMCIKM-2010-BingSJZL #documentation #learning #mining #ontology #representation
Learning ontology resolution for document representation and its applications in text mining (LB, BS, SJ, YZ, WL), pp. 1713–1716.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KerneQWDLM #metadata #named #representation #semantics
Meta-metadata: a metadata semantics language for collection representation applications (AK, YQ, AMW, SD, NL, AM), pp. 1129–1138.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KimBSC #representation #semantics
Building a semantic representation for personal information (JK, AB, DAS, WBC), pp. 1741–1744.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KohnckeB #category theory #documentation #using #wiki
Using Wikipedia categories for compact representations of chemical documents (BK, WTB), pp. 1809–1812.
CIKMCIKM-2010-LuWG #multi #nondeterminism #semantics
Multi-information fusion for uncertain semantic representations of videos (BL, GW, XG), pp. 1609–1612.
ICMLICML-2010-DinculescuP #approximate #predict
Approximate Predictive Representations of Partially Observable Systems (MD, DP), pp. 895–902.
ICMLICML-2010-KrauseC #representation #taxonomy
Submodular Dictionary Selection for Sparse Representation (AK, VC), pp. 567–574.
ICMLICML-2010-LiuLY #rank #representation #robust #segmentation
Robust Subspace Segmentation by Low-Rank Representation (GL, ZL, YY), pp. 663–670.
ICPRICPR-2010-AnZWD #recognition #representation
Shape Filling Rate for Silhouette Representation and Recognition (GA, FZ, HW, GD), pp. 507–510.
ICPRICPR-2010-BatesLM #representation
Scale-Space Spectral Representation of Shape (JB, XL, WM), pp. 2648–2651.
ICPRICPR-2010-BatistaGS #difference #representation #verification
Applying Dissimilarity Representation to Off-Line Signature Verification (LB, EG, RS), pp. 1293–1297.
ICPRICPR-2010-CalanaROD #algorithm #difference #prototype #representation #search-based
Prototype Selection for Dissimilarity Representation by a Genetic Algorithm (YPC, EBGR, MOA, RPWD), pp. 177–180.
ICPRICPR-2010-ChangZHD #representation #sketching #synthesis
Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation (LC, MZ, YH, XD), pp. 2146–2149.
ICPRICPR-2010-Chicheva #2d #algorithm #data transformation #parallel #representation
Parallel Algorithm of Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform Based on Special Data Representation (MAC), pp. 2326–2328.
ICPRICPR-2010-DengCLC #recognition #representation
A Global Spatio-Temporal Representation for Action Recognition (CD, XC, HL, JC), pp. 1816–1819.
ICPRICPR-2010-IbrahimTH #image #invariant #representation
Spectral Invariant Representation for Spectral Reflectance Image (AI, ST, TH), pp. 2776–2779.
ICPRICPR-2010-KhwajaAG #invariant #recognition #representation #using
Illumination and Expression Invariant Recognition Using SSIM Based Sparse Representation (AAK, AA, RG), pp. 4028–4031.
ICPRICPR-2010-KuksaP #classification #performance #representation #sequence
Spatial Representation for Efficient Sequence Classification (PPK, VP), pp. 3320–3323.
ICPRICPR-2010-KumarVB #named #representation
Eigenbubbles: An Enhanced Apparent BRDF Representation (RK, BCV, AB), pp. 1686–1689.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiGZ #classification #representation
Local Sparse Representation Based Classification (CGL, JG, HGZ), pp. 649–652.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiP #categorisation #effectiveness #image #multi #representation
Effective Multi-level Image Representation for Image Categorization (HL, YP), pp. 1048–1051.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiuLH #learning #multi #representation #using
Semi-supervised Trajectory Learning Using a Multi-Scale Key Point Based Trajectory Representation (YL, XL, WH), pp. 3525–3528.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiuZZZ #representation
Fingerprint Pore Matching Based on Sparse Representation (FL, QZ, LZ, DZ), pp. 1630–1633.
ICPRICPR-2010-Martin-FelezMS #gender #recognition #representation #towards
Towards a More Realistic Appearance-Based Gait Representation for Gender Recognition (RMF, RAM, JSS), pp. 3810–3813.
ICPRICPR-2010-NaseemTB10a #identification #representation
Sparse Representation for Speaker Identification (IN, RT, MB), pp. 4460–4463.
ICPRICPR-2010-OzdemirA #classification #image #representation #using
Image Classification Using Subgraph Histogram Representation (, SA), pp. 1112–1115.
ICPRICPR-2010-Porro-MunozDOTL #difference #representation
Classifying Three-way Seismic Volcanic Data by Dissimilarity Representation (DPM, RPWD, MOA, ITB, JMLB), pp. 814–817.
ICPRICPR-2010-QiuPVLL #performance #recognition #representation #robust
A Fast Extension for Sparse Representation on Robust Face Recognition (HQ, DSP, SV, WL, JHL), pp. 1023–1027.
ICPRICPR-2010-SongLLJ #detection #representation
A Discriminative Model for Object Representation and Detection via Sparse Features (XS, PL, LL, YJ), pp. 3077–3080.
ICPRICPR-2010-StarkWP #representation #speech #using
Single Channel Speech Separation Using Source-Filter Representation (MS, MW, FP), pp. 826–829.
ICPRICPR-2010-TorkiEL #learning #multi #representation #set
Learning a Joint Manifold Representation from Multiple Data Sets (MT, AME, CSL), pp. 1068–1071.
ICPRICPR-2010-Velasco-ForeroA #modelling #statistics #using
Statistical Shape Modeling Using Morphological Representations (SVF, JA), pp. 3537–3540.
ICPRICPR-2010-WuLSZ #modelling #word
Integrating ILSR to Bag-of-Visual Words Model Based on Sparse Codes of SIFT Features Representations (LW, SL, WS, XZ), pp. 4283–4286.
Binary Representations of Fingerprint Spectral Minutiae Features (HX, RNJV), pp. 1212–1216.
ICPRICPR-2010-YangC #classification #representation
Sparse Representation Classifier Steered Discriminative Projection (JY, DC), pp. 694–697.
ICPRICPR-2010-YangZZZ #feature model #novel #recognition #representation
Monogenic Binary Pattern (MBP): A Novel Feature Extraction and Representation Model for Face Recognition (MY, LZ, LZ, DZ), pp. 2680–2683.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhangYFZ #on the #recognition #reduction #representation
On the Dimensionality Reduction for Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition (LZ, MY, ZF, DZ), pp. 1237–1240.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhangZYK #classification #detection #learning #representation #taxonomy
Microaneurysm (MA) Detection via Sparse Representation Classifier with MA and Non-MA Dictionary Learning (BZ, LZ, JY, FK), pp. 277–280.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhaoGC #higher-order #image #recognition #representation
High-Order Circular Derivative Pattern for Image Representation and Recognition (SZ, YG, TC), pp. 2246–2249.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhaoGZ #evaluation #micropattern #performance #recognition #representation
Performance Evaluation of Micropattern Representation on Gabor Features for Face Recognition (SZ, YG, BZ), pp. 1273–1276.
KDDKDD-2010-AlaeiKMV #representation
Balanced allocation with succinct representation (SA, RK, AM, EV), pp. 523–532.
KDIRKDIR-2010-Cebron #learning #representation #towards
Towards Learning with Objects in a Hierarchical Representation (NC), pp. 326–329.
KEODKEOD-2010-CasasCC #fibonacci #modelling #representation #specification #towards #using
Towards a Representation of Enviromental Models using Specification and Description Language — From the Fibonacci Model to a Wildfire Model (PFiC, MC, JC), pp. 343–346.
KEODKEOD-2010-ChanLB #automation #evolution #higher-order #ontology #reasoning #representation
Higher-order Representation and Reasoning for Automated Ontology Evolution (MC, JL, AB), pp. 84–93.
KEODKEOD-2010-FrixioneL #concept #ontology #representation
The Computational Representation of Concepts in Formal Ontologies — Some General Considerations (MF, AL), pp. 396–403.
KEODKEOD-2010-KermanidisA #game studies #representation #semantics
LSA-based Semantic Representation of Action Games (KLK, KA), pp. 218–223.
KEODKEOD-2010-NirenburgMBC #elicitation #hybrid
Hybrid Methods of Knowledge Elicitation within a Unified Representational Knowledge Scheme (SN, MM, SB, RC), pp. 177–182.
KEODKEOD-2010-SegedinacSK #development #education #framework #information management #representation
Knowledge Representation Framework for Curriculum Development (MS, GS, ZK), pp. 327–330.
KRKR-2010-BaralHS #information management #reasoning #representation
Invited Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (CB, IH, YS).
KRKR-2010-BrafmanRSVW #constraints #information management #representation
Finding the Next Solution in Constraint- and Preference-Based Knowledge Representation Formalisms (RIB, FR, DS, KBV, TW).
KRKR-2010-Li #graph #representation
A Layered Graph Representation for Complex Regions (SL).
KRKR-2010-MouraLSN #information management #reasoning #representation #tutorial
Tutorial Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (LMdM, CL, MMCS, BN).
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-AggarwalZ #modelling #paradigm #representation #visual notation
Graphical models for text: a new paradigm for text representation and processing (CCA, PZ), pp. 899–900.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-SeoC #documentation #geometry #multi
Geometric representations for multiple documents (JS, WBC), pp. 251–258.
SACSAC-2010-ZhangW #classification #image #representation
Image representation and classification based on data compression (NZ, TW), pp. 981–982.
FSEFSE-2010-KanadeARR #dependence #representation #testing #using
Representation dependence testing using program inversion (AK, RA, SKR, GR), pp. 277–286.
PLEASEPLEASE-2010-KammullerRR #higher-order #variability
Feature link propagation across variability representations with Isabelle/HOL (FK, AR, MOR), pp. 48–53.
CCCC-2010-DingO #algorithm #representation #strict
Unrestricted Code Motion: A Program Representation and Transformation Algorithms Based on Future Values (SD, ), pp. 26–45.
CSLCSL-2010-Hetzl #calculus #representation
A Sequent Calculus with Implicit Term Representation (SH), pp. 351–365.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-BeierleFKT #automation #information management #probability #reasoning #relational #representation
Automated Reasoning for Relational Probabilistic Knowledge Representation (CB, MF, GKI, MT), pp. 218–224.
LICSLICS-2010-Abramsky #algebra #physics
Coalgebras, Chu Spaces, and Representations of Physical Systems (SA), pp. 411–420.
LICSLICS-2010-CaliGLMP #datalog #information management #logic #product line #query #representation
Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications (AC, GG, TL, BM, AP), pp. 228–242.
Exploiting Circuit Representations in QBF Solving (AG, FB), pp. 333–339.
ICDARICDAR-2009-PanBS #recognition #using
Isolated Handwritten Farsi Numerals Recognition Using Sparse and Over-Complete Representations (WP, TDB, CYS), pp. 586–590.
ICDARICDAR-2009-SidereHR #classification #graph #representation
Vector Representation of Graphs: Application to the Classification of Symbols and Letters (NS, PH, JYR), pp. 681–685.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-ArasuK #framework #grammarware #representation
A grammar-based entity representation framework for data cleaning (AA, RK), pp. 233–244.
WRLAWRLA-2008-Hills09 #logic #memory management #semantics
Memory Representations in Rewriting Logic Semantics Definitions (MH0), pp. 155–172.
TACASTACAS-2009-SchollDPK #constraints #detection #linear
Computing Optimized Representations for Non-convex Polyhedra by Detection and Removal of Redundant Linear Constraints (CS, SD, FP, SK), pp. 383–397.
PLDIPLDI-2009-RendelOH #self
Typed self-representation (TR, KO, CH), pp. 293–303.
CIAACIAA-2009-InabaH #query #representation #set
Compact Representation for Answer Sets of n-ary Regular Queries (KI, HH), pp. 94–104.
ICALPICALP-v1-2009-FarzanRR #question
Universal Succinct Representations of Trees? (AF, RR, SSR), pp. 451–462.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2009-Tveit #approach #metamodelling #specification #visual notation
A Meta-Model-Based Approach for Specification of Graphical Representations (MST), pp. 85–99.
CHICHI-2009-MarshallFHRHRYD #interactive #physics #using
Fighting for control: children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations (PM, RF, AH, JR, EH, YR, NY, NSD), pp. 2149–2152.
CHICHI-2009-TalbotC #distance #on the #representation
On the audio representation of distance for blind users (MT, WC), pp. 1839–1848.
HCIDHM-2009-LoudonM #design #representation #towards #visual notation
Towards a Visual Representation of the Effects of Reduced Muscle Strength in Older Adults: New Insights and Applications for Design and Healthcare (DL, ASM), pp. 540–549.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-BazarganF #3d #geometry #representation #specification
Specifying the Representation of Non-geometric Information in 3D Virtual Environments (KB, GF), pp. 773–782.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-KotaniYAH #representation #using
Representation of Velocity Information by Using Tactile Apparent Motion (KK, TY, TA, KH), pp. 470–478.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-SadP09a #gesture #representation #using
Using Pictographic Representation, Syntactic Information and Gestures in Text Entry (HHS, FP), pp. 735–744.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-AlacamD #eye tracking #representation #usability
A Usability Study of WebMaps with Eye Tracking Tool: The Effects of Iconic Representation of Information (ÖA, MD), pp. 12–21.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-Stary09a #design #modelling
Didactic Models as Design Representations (CS), pp. 226–235.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-IshiiS #perspective #representation
Representation Method for Engineering Perspective (GI, MS), pp. 69–76.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-MilanovaKRTK #adaptation #image #representation #retrieval #using
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Adaptive Inverse Pyramid Representation (MGM, RK, SHR, VT, RK), pp. 304–314.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-ShiraishiMT #category theory #representation #visual notation
A Tool for Analyzing Categorical Data Visually with Granular Representation (KS, KM, JT), pp. 342–351.
HCIIDGD-2009-Bailur #development #reflexive #representation #research
Representation and Reflexivity in ICT for Development (Telecentre) Research (SB), pp. 319–327.
HCIIDGD-2009-SheikhFD #design #interactive #multi #representation
Cultural Representation for Multi-culture Interaction Design (JAS, BF, ED), pp. 99–107.
ICMLICML-2009-BoulariasC #policy #predict
Predictive representations for policy gradient in POMDPs (AB, BCd), pp. 65–72.
ICMLICML-2009-JohnsonCC #representation
Orbit-product representation and correction of Gaussian belief propagation (JKJ, VYC, MC), pp. 473–480.
ICMLICML-2009-LeeGRN #learning #network #scalability
Convolutional deep belief networks for scalable unsupervised learning of hierarchical representations (HL, RBG, RR, AYN), pp. 609–616.
ICMLICML-2009-Makino #network #predict #representation
Proto-predictive representation of states with simple recurrent temporal-difference networks (TM), pp. 697–704.
KDDKDD-2009-JinXL #representation #set
Cartesian contour: a concise representation for a collection of frequent sets (RJ, YX, LL), pp. 417–426.
KDDKDD-2009-PoernomoG #named #representation
CP-summary: a concise representation for browsing frequent itemsets (AKP, VG), pp. 687–696.
KDIRKDIR-2009-Abbadeni #multi #representation #retrieval
Texture Representation and Retrieval based on Multiple Strategies (NA), pp. 53–61.
KDIRKDIR-2009-PaquetV #2d #3d #multi #product line #realtime
Finding Protein Family Similarities in Real Time through Multiple 3D and 2D Representations, Indexing and Exhaustive Searching (EP, HLV), pp. 127–133.
KEODKEOD-2009-AbrusciRF #framework #information management #integration #representation
Knowledge Representation through Coherence Spaces — A Theoretical Framework for the Integration of Knowledge Representations (VMA, MR, CF), pp. 220–225.
KEODKEOD-2009-GarridoR #assessment #information management #representation #requirements #validation
Knowledge Representation in Environmental Impact Assessment — A Case of Study with High Level Requirements in Validation (JG, IR), pp. 412–415.
KEODKEOD-2009-Haddad #approach #probability #representation #towards #word
Representation of Arabic Words — An Approach Towards Probabilistic Root-Pattern Relationships (BH), pp. 147–152.
KEODKEOD-2009-KoitRO #human-computer #information management #interactive #representation
Knowledge Representation for Human-machine Interaction (MK, TR, ), pp. 396–399.
MLDMMLDM-2009-KobayashiS #classification #distributed #linear #representation #using
A Linear Classification Method in a Very High Dimensional Space Using Distributed Representation (TK, IS), pp. 137–147.
SEKESEKE-2009-IlievaO #analysis #design #object-oriented #representation
Nested NL Representation for OO Analysis and Design (MI, OO), pp. 49–54.
SEKESEKE-2009-ManicaRTDB #information management #ontology #representation #semantics #towards
Toward Developing Knowledge Representation in Emergency Medical Assistance through a Ontology-based Semantic Cache Model (HM, CCdR, JLT, MARD, MAB), pp. 592–596.
SEKESEKE-2009-ThomasOB #evaluation #ontology
Ontology Mapping Representations: A Pragmatic Evaluation (HT, DO, RB), pp. 228–232.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-Aly #modelling #nondeterminism #retrieval #semantics #video
Modeling uncertainty in video retrieval: a retrieval model for uncertain semantic representations of videos (RA), p. 846.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-DengKL #graph #modelling #query #representation
Entropy-biased models for query representation on the click graph (HD, IK, MRL), pp. 339–346.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-MetzlerNCR #documentation #using
Building enriched document representations using aggregated anchor text (DM, JN, HC, SR), pp. 219–226.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-WangSH #concept #representation #video
Concept representation based video indexing (MW, YS, XSH), pp. 654–655.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-AschauerDP #modelling #representation #scalability #traversal
Representation and Traversal of Large Clabject Models (TA, GD, WP), pp. 17–31.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-AschauerDP #modelling #representation #scalability #traversal
Representation and Traversal of Large Clabject Models (TA, GD, WP), pp. 17–31.
POPLPOPL-2009-AhmedDR #independence #representation
State-dependent representation independence (AA, DD, AR), pp. 340–353.
RERE-2009-MoodyHM #effectiveness #evaluation #requirements #syntax #visual notation
Improving the Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Requirements Engineering: An Evaluation of i* Visual Syntax (DLM, PH, RM), pp. 171–180.
SACSAC-2009-Abbadeni #database #information retrieval #multi #query #using #visual notation
Information retrieval from visual databases using multiple representations and multiple queries (NA), pp. 1523–1527.
SACSAC-2009-GoncalvesZGF #ontology #reasoning #representation #visualisation #web
An ontology-based application in heart electrophysiology: representation, reasoning and visualization on the web (BG, VZ, GG, JGPF), pp. 816–820.
SACSAC-2009-PostarnakevichS #modelling #representation #using #visualisation
Global-to-local representation and visualization of molecular surfaces using deformable models (NP, RS), pp. 782–787.
SACSAC-2009-Ries #modelling #representation #trust
Extending Bayesian trust models regarding context-dependence and user friendly representation (SR), pp. 1294–1301.
ICSTSAT-2009-LonsingB #dependence #representation
A Compact Representation for Syntactic Dependencies in QBFs (FL, AB), pp. 398–411.
DACDAC-2008-MilderFHP #implementation #representation
Formal datapath representation and manipulation for implementing DSP transforms (PAM, FF, JCH, MP), pp. 385–390.
DATEDATE-2008-SilvaPS #analysis #performance #power management #representation
Efficient Representation and Analysis of Power Grids (JMSS, JRP, LMS), pp. 420–425.
DocEngDocEng-2008-Rinaldi #approach #documentation #representation #retrieval
A content-based approach for document representation and retrieval (AMR), pp. 106–109.
VLDBVLDB-2008-DingTSWK #comparison #distance #metric #mining #query
Querying and mining of time series data: experimental comparison of representations and distance measures (HD, GT, PS, XW, EJK), pp. 1542–1552.
ICPCICPC-2008-RatiuJ #api #concept #representation
Evaluating the Reference and Representation of Domain Concepts in APIs (DR, JJ), pp. 242–247.
FLOPSFLOPS-2008-Schaub #information management #modelling #programming #reasoning #representation #set
Model-Based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Via Answer Set Programming (TS), pp. 1–2.
DLTDLT-2008-GeffertMP #automaton #regular expression #representation
More Concise Representation of Regular Languages by Automata and Regular Expressions (VG, CM, BP), pp. 359–370.
LATALATA-2008-Steinberg #matrix #sequence #theorem
Subsequence Counting, Matrix Representations and a Theorem of Eilenberg (BS), pp. 6–10.
IFLIFL-2008-TrojahnerG #array #dependent type #representation
Descriptor-Free Representation of Arrays with Dependent Types (KT, CG), pp. 100–117.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2008-Xing #graph #representation
A Graph-Based Type Representation for Objects (CCX).
CSCWCSCW-2008-Christensen #architecture #design #logic
The logic of practices of stigmergy: representational artifacts in architectural design (LRC), pp. 559–568.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-GascuenaG #case study #modelling #multi #representation
A Study of the Spatial Representation in Multidimensional Models (CMG, RG), pp. 339–348.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AmiratO #architecture #modelling #reasoning #representation
Representation and Reasoning Models for C3 Architecture Description Language (AA, MO), pp. 207–212.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Nikovski #concurrent #mining #process #representation #workflow
Workflow Trees for Representation and Mining of Implicitly Concurrent Business Processes (DN), pp. 30–36.
CIKMCIKM-2008-Forman #classification #representation #scalability
BNS feature scaling: an improved representation over tf-idf for svm text classification (GF), pp. 263–270.
ECIRECIR-2008-LiuC #documentation #retrieval
Evaluating Text Representations for Retrieval of the Best Group of Documents (XL, WBC), pp. 454–462.
ICMLICML-2008-DiukCL #learning #object-oriented #performance #representation
An object-oriented representation for efficient reinforcement learning (CD, AC, MLL), pp. 240–247.
ICMLICML-2008-RanzatoS #documentation #learning #network
Semi-supervised learning of compact document representations with deep networks (MR, MS), pp. 792–799.
ICMLICML-2008-WingateS #exponential #learning #predict #product line
Efficiently learning linear-linear exponential family predictive representations of state (DW, SPS), pp. 1176–1183.
ICPRICPR-2008-ChuangLL #analysis #process #representation
Human activity analysis based on a torso-less representation (JHC, CWL, KHL), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-GurumoorthyRBR #image #representation
Beyond SVD: Sparse projections onto exemplar orthonormal bases for compact image representation (KSG, AR, AB, AR), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-JhaN #independence #layout #representation
Wang Notation Tool: Layout independent representation of tables (PJ, GN), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-JiangT #normalisation #robust
Robust shape normalization based on implicit representations (TJ, CT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-KawaiTFK #3d #performance #representation #web
Efficient meta-information annotation and view-dependent representation system for 3D objects on the Web (YK, ST, RF, HK), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LecellierFJRA #segmentation
Region-based active contours and sparse representations for texture segmentation (FL, JF, SJB, MR, GA), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LiuLLJT #graph #probability #representation
Layered shape matching and registration: Stochastic sampling with hierarchical graph representation (XL, LL, HL, HJ, WT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MazharG #design #named #taxonomy
EK-SVD: Optimized dictionary design for sparse representations (RM, PDG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-PanBS #detection #image #representation #using
Text detection from scene images using sparse representation (WP, TDB, CYS), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-XieSCG #named #recognition #representation
V-LGBP: Volume based local Gabor binary patterns for face representation and recognition (SX, SS, XC, WG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhaoE #process #recognition #representation
Human activity recognition from frame’s spatiotemporal representation (ZZ, AME), pp. 1–4.
KRKR-2008-Balbiani #analysis #reasoning #representation #standard
Time Representation and Temporal Reasoning from the Perspective of Non-Standard Analysis (PB), pp. 695–704.
SEKESEKE-2008-MeedeniyaP #case study #comparative #data transformation #documentation #representation
A Comparative Study on Data Representation to Categorize Text Documents (DAM, ASP), pp. 371–374.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-KimJL #information management #representation
An alignment-based pattern representation model for information extraction (SK, MJ, GGL), pp. 875–876.
SACSAC-2008-KucinskisF #information management #representation
An onboard knowledge representation tool for satellite autonomous applications (FdNK, MGVF), pp. 1678–1682.
SACSAC-2008-LohLSWO #keyword #recommendation #representation #taxonomy
Comparing keywords and taxonomies in the representation of users profiles in a content-based recommender system (SL, FL, GS, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 2030–2034.
ICSEICSE-2008-MalikPUK #generative #invariant #named #representation
Deryaft: a tool for generating representation invariants of structurally complex data (MZM, AP, EU, SK), pp. 859–862.
ICLPICLP-2008-Baral #information management #programming #reasoning #representation #set #using
Using Answer Set Programming for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Future Directions (CB), pp. 69–70.
ICLPICLP-2008-LiuY #representation #semantics #source code
Lparse Programs Revisited: Semantics and Representation of Aggregates (GL, JHY), pp. 347–361.
LICSLICS-2008-Burel #deduction #first-order #representation #type system #using
A First-Order Representation of Pure Type Systems Using Superdeduction (GB), pp. 253–263.
WICSAWICSA-2007-Florentz #analysis #architecture #evaluation #optimisation #representation
Inside Architecture Evaluation: Analysis and Representation of Optimization Potential (BF), p. 3.
DATEDATE-2007-EckerESSVH #abstraction #interactive #performance #representation #simulation
Interactive presentation: Impact of description language, abstraction layer, and value representation on simulation performance (WE, VE, LS, TS, MV, MH), pp. 767–772.
DocEngDocEng-2007-GrozaSH07a #approach #documentation #generative #named #semantics
SALT: a semantic approach for generating document representations (TG, AS, SH), pp. 171–173.
DRRDRR-2007-GormishBBFS #documentation #representation #semantics
Pixel and semantic capabilities from an image-object based document representation (MJG, KB, MPB, GF, ELS).
ICDARICDAR-2007-BelaidRF #analysis #data transformation #documentation #image #representation #xml
XML Data Representation in Document Image Analysis (AB, YR, IF), pp. 78–82.
ICDARICDAR-2007-PanBS #segmentation #using
Text Segmentation from Complex Background Using Sparse Representations (WP, TDB, CYS), pp. 412–416.
TACASTACAS-2007-MalikPK #generative #invariant #representation
Generating Representation Invariants of Structurally Complex Data (MZM, AP, SK), pp. 34–49.
SASSAS-2007-GallJ #automaton #infinity #representation #verification
Lattice Automata: A Representation for Languages on Infinite Alphabets, and Some Applications to Verification (TLG, BJ), pp. 52–68.
LATALATA-2007-StawikowskaO #on the
On Star-Free Trace Languages and their Lexicographic Representations (KS, EO), pp. 541–552.
SFMSFM-2007-Ciardo #approach #data transformation #diagrams #performance #representation
Data Representation and Efficient Solution: A Decision Diagram Approach (GC), pp. 371–394.
HCIDHM-2007-Godil #analysis #representation
Advanced Human Body and Head Shape Representation and Analysis (AG), pp. 92–100.
HCIDHM-2007-NiuLS07a #case study #multi #representation
A Case Study of Multi-resolution Representation of Heads (JN, ZL, GS), pp. 171–178.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-Gomez-CarneroI #representation #using
Evaluator of User’s Actions (Eua) Using the Model of Abstract Representation Dgaui (SGC, JRI), pp. 463–471.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-SoeffnerN #representation
Co-presence in Shared Virtual Environments: Avatars Beyond the Opposition of Presence and Representation (JS, CSN), pp. 949–958.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-YangLZ #case study #representation
A Study on the Form of Representation of the User’s Mental Model-Oriented Ancient Map of China (RY, DL, WZ), pp. 1001–1010.
HCIOCSC-2007-ShihCHL #interactive #physics #representation #social
Physical Representation Social Presence with Interactive Grass (JHS, TWC, HMH, TCL), pp. 176–181.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2007-Sawant #architecture #multi #named #visualisation
DiffArchViz: A Tool to Visualize Correspondence Between Multiple Representations of a Software Architecture (APS), pp. 121–128.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2007-WooCJ #approach #compilation #representation #testing
An Intermediate Representation Approach to Reducing Test Suites for Retargeted Compilers (GW, HSC, HJ), pp. 100–113.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-Andersen #process
Computational Representations of Activities (PBA), pp. 95–104.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-ErfurthRSHS #concept #development #domain-specific language #modelling #representation
Concepts of Model Driven Software Development in Practice — Generic Model Representation and DSL Interpretation (CE, WR, CS, DH, SS), pp. 278–286.
CIKMCIKM-2007-PetkovaC #documentation #representation #retrieval
Proximity-based document representation for named entity retrieval (DP, WBC), pp. 731–740.
CIKMCIKM-2007-ZhangYGY #adaptation #analysis #correlation #representation
Boolean representation based data-adaptive correlation analysis over time series streams (TZ, DY, YG, GY), pp. 203–212.
ECIRECIR-2007-Medina-PagolaRHP #distance #documentation #representation #using
Document Representation Using Global Association Distance Model (JEMP, AYRG, AHD, JHP), pp. 565–572.
ECIRECIR-2007-QuarteroniMMB #classification #ranking
Advanced Structural Representations for Question Classification and Answer Re-ranking (SQ, AM, SM, RB), pp. 234–245.
ECIRECIR-2007-ShahE #detection #documentation #metric #representation #topic
Use of Topicality and Information Measures to Improve Document Representation for Story Link Detection (CS, KE), pp. 393–404.
ICMLICML-2007-WoznicaKH #learning
Learning to combine distances for complex representations (AW, AK, MH), pp. 1031–1038.
MLDMMLDM-2007-EkinciA #kernel #recognition #representation
Palmprint Recognition by Applying Wavelet Subband Representation and Kernel PCA (ME, MA), pp. 628–642.
SEKESEKE-2007-Ilieva #information management #natural language #representation #visual notation
Graphical Notation for Natural Language and Knowledge Representation (MI), pp. 361–367.
Updating collection representations for federated search (MS, MB, LA), pp. 511–518.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-SmialekBNAS #case study
Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies (MS, JB, WN, AA, TS), pp. 544–558.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-SmialekBNAS #case study
Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies (MS, JB, WN, AA, TS), pp. 544–558.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2007-DekelH #collaboration #design #object-oriented #representation
Notation and representation in collaborative object-oriented design: an observational study (UD, JDH), pp. 261–280.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2007-CicchettiRP #approach #difference #independence #metamodelling #representation
A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 165–185.
SACSAC-2007-JinS #graph #information management #representation
Graph-based text representation and knowledge discovery (WJ, RKS), pp. 807–811.
SACSAC-2007-NunesVN #animation #flexibility #representation
A flexible representation of controllers for physically-based animation of virtual humans (RFN, CAV, JBCN), pp. 30–36.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-ErenkrantzGST #architecture #evolution #web
From representations to computations: the evolution of web architectures (JRE, MMG, GS, RNT), pp. 255–264.
ICLPICLP-2007-Palshikar #execution #graph grammar #prolog #representation
Representation and Execution of a Graph Grammar in Prolog (GKP), pp. 442–443.
ICLPICLP-2007-Truszczynski #information management #logic programming #representation
Logic Programming for Knowledge Representation (MT), pp. 76–88.
DACDAC-2006-ZhangMBC #detection #representation #satisfiability #scalability #simulation #symmetry #using
Symmetry detection for large Boolean functions using circuit representation, simulation, and satisfiability (JSZ, AM, RKB, MCJ), pp. 510–515.
DATEDATE-2006-KarlssonEP #design #petri net #representation #using #verification
Formal verification of systemc designs using a petri-net based representation (DK, PE, ZP), pp. 1228–1233.
VLDBVLDB-2006-KeoghWXLV #distance #metric
LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures (EJK, LW, XX, SHL, MV), pp. 882–893.
SCAMSCAM-2006-FaganHU #data transformation #modelling #representation #semantics
Data Representation Alternatives in Semantically Augmented Numerical Models (MWF, LH, JU), pp. 85–94.
PEPMPEPM-2006-RepsBL #low level
Intermediate-representation recovery from low-level code (TWR, GB, JL), pp. 100–111.
ICALPICALP-v1-2006-HeZ #graph
Nearly Optimal Visibility Representations of Plane Graphs (XH, HZ), pp. 407–418.
ICFPICFP-2006-HickeyNYK #hybrid #representation #using
Mechanized meta-reasoning using a hybrid HOAS/de bruijn representation and reflection (JH, AN, XY, AK), pp. 172–183.
CHICHI-2006-WileyW #representation
Representation of interwoven surfaces in 2 1/2 D drawing (KW, LRW), pp. 65–74.
CSCWCSCW-2006-Bossen #health #standard
Representations at work: a national standard for electronic health records (CB), pp. 69–78.
CAiSECAiSE-2006-MalinowskiZ #concept #representation
Object-Relational Representation of a Conceptual Model for Temporal Data Warehouses (EM, EZ), pp. 96–110.
CAiSECAiSE-2006-RosemannRIG #case study #evolution #modelling #process
A Study of the Evolution of the Representational Capabilities of Process Modeling Grammars (MR, JR, MI, PFG), pp. 447–461.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-GalinhoCPS #representation
Dynamic Representation of Information for a Decision Support System (TG, MC, PP, FS), pp. 156–163.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2006-GascuenaCM #approach #multi #representation
A Multidimensional Approach to the Representation of the Spatio-Temporal Multi-Granularity (CMG, DC, PM), pp. 175–180.
ICMLICML-2006-BowlingMJNW #learning #policy #predict #using
Learning predictive state representations using non-blind policies (MHB, PM, MJ, JN, DFW), pp. 129–136.
ICMLICML-2006-WolfeS #predict
Predictive state representations with options (BW, SPS), pp. 1025–1032.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-BhattacharyaRD #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 929–935.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ChavarriaS #3d #estimation #representation
Local Representation of 3D Free-Form Contours for Pose Estimation (MAC, GS), pp. 751–754.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ChiaHL #graph #multi #representation
Multiple Objects Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses Graph Representation (AYSC, WH, LL), pp. 638–641.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-LlanoVKM #representation #verification
An Illumination Insensitive Representation for Face Verification in the Frequency Domain (EGL, HMV, JK, KM), pp. 215–218.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ShafaitKB #documentation #evaluation #image #representation #segmentation
Pixel-Accurate Representation and Evaluation of Page Segmentation in Document Images (FS, DK, TMB), pp. 872–875.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-YouZCWT #representation #using
Face Representation By Using Non-tensor Product Wavelets (XY, DZ, QC, PSPW, YYT), pp. 503–506.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-BhattacharyaRD06a #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 1162–1168.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-FloreaBRB #image #representation #using
Using texture-based symbolic features for medical image representation (FF, EB, AR, AB), pp. 946–949.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-Kittipanya-ngamC #performance
The effect of texture representations on AAM performance (PKn, TFC), pp. 328–331.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-Mainar-RuizP #approximate #multi #nearest neighbour #using
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search using a Single Space-filling Curve and Multiple Representations of the Data Points (GMR, JCPC), pp. 502–505.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-TongWMI #3d #optimisation #representation
Evolutionary Optimization of Feature Representation for 3D Point-based (XT, HSW, BM, HHSI), pp. 707–710.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-WangS06b #recognition
Informative Shape Representations for Human Action Recognition (LW, DS), pp. 1266–1269.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhangPB #classification #learning #representation
Learning Optimal Filter Representation for Texture Classification (PZ, JP, BPB), pp. 1138–1141.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-HuW06a #representation
A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of Human Faces for Arbitrary Lighting Conditions (YH, ZW), pp. 1147–1150.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-PekalskaD #classification
Dissimilarity-based classification for vectorial representations (EP, RPWD), pp. 137–140.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-TangelderS #image #learning #multi #online #recognition #representation
Learning a Sparse Representation from Multiple Still Images for On-Line Face Recognition in an Unconstrained Environment (JWHT, BAMS), pp. 1087–1090.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-TranP #pervasive #probability #process #representation
A probabilistic model with parsinomious representation for sensor fusion in recognizing activity in pervasive environment (DTT, DQP), pp. 168–172.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ChikkerurPJRB #locality #representation #using
Fingerprint Representation Using Localized Texture Features (SC, SP, AJ, NKR, RMB), pp. 521–524.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-FengC06a #coordination #representation
Fingerprint Representation and Matching in Ridge Coordinate System (JF, AC), pp. 485–488.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-KongZK #precise #representation
An Anatomy of IrisCode for Precise Phase Representation (AWKK, DZ, MK), pp. 429–432.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-WhiteW #graph
Mixing spectral representations of graphs (DHW, RCW), pp. 140–144.
KDDKDD-2006-MessaoudBR #analysis #data transformation #multi #performance
Efficient multidimensional data representations based on multiple correspondence analysis (RBM, OB, SLR), pp. 662–667.
KDDKDD-2006-YooHS #clustering #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics
Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
KRKR-2006-Rector #information management #representation
Users Are Always Right ... Even When They Are Wrong: Making Knowledge Representation Useful and Usable (ALR), p. 4.
SEKESEKE-2006-PaivaFF #design #development #representation #requirements
Design Rationale in Academic Software Development: Requirements for a Representation Model (DMBP, APF, RPdMF), pp. 469–472.
SEKESEKE-2006-ZengA #classification #multi #representation
Classification by Multi-Perspective Representation Method (JZ, RA), pp. 85–90.
GPCEGPCE-2006-TrujilloBD #multi #product line #refactoring
Feature refactoring a multi-representation program into a product line (ST, DSB, OD), pp. 191–200.
POPLPOPL-2006-LuP #encapsulation #representation
Protecting representation with effect encapsulation (YL, JP), pp. 359–371.
POPLPOPL-2006-MenonGMMSAP #compilation #optimisation #representation
A verifiable SSA program representation for aggressive compiler optimization (VM, NG, BRM, AM, TS, ARAT, LP), pp. 397–408.
SACSAC-2006-ChenC #on the #representation #transitive
On the transitive closure representation and adjustable compression (YC, DC), pp. 450–455.
SACSAC-2006-SilveiraSNDF #component #named #repository #representation
X-ARM: an asset representation model for component repository systems (GEdS, MS, YN, JDJ, SMF), pp. 1690–1694.
DACDAC-2005-SasaoM #composition #functional #logic #multi #representation
BDD representation for incompletely specifiedvmultiple-output logic functions and its applications to functional decomposition (TS, MM), pp. 373–378.
DATEDATE-2005-MishchenkoBJVY #equation #performance #using
Efficient Solution of Language Equations Using Partitioned Representations (AM, RKB, JHRJ, TV, NY), pp. 418–423.
DocEngDocEng-2005-GruhlMP #case study #data type #xml
A case study on alternate representations of data structures in XML (DG, DNM, JP), pp. 217–219.
HTHT-2005-YamamotoNNAM #authoring #hypermedia #what
What is the space for?: the role of space in authoring hypertext representations (YY, KN, YN, MA, RM), pp. 117–125.
ICDARICDAR-2005-AgrawalBMV #dataset #named #online #representation #xml
UPX: A New XML Representation for Annotated Datasets of Online Handwriting Data (MA, KB, SM, LV), pp. 1161–1165.
ICDARICDAR-2005-BarbuHAT #clustering #documentation #image #representation #using
Clustering document images using a bag of symbols representation (EB, PH, SA, ÉT), pp. 1216–1220.
ICDARICDAR-2005-HaritJC #geometry #graph #image #independence #representation #retrieval #word
Improved Geometric Feature Graph: A Script Independent Representation of Word Images for Compression, and Retrieval (GH, RJ, SC), pp. 421–425.
ICDARICDAR-2005-MozaffariFZ #encoding #recognition #representation #using
Character Representation and Recognition Using Quadtree-based Fractal Encoding Scheme (SM, KF, MZ), pp. 819–823.
ICDARICDAR-2005-RigamontiBHLI #canonical #documentation #representation #reverse engineering #towards
Towards a Canonical and Structured Representation of PDF Documents through Reverse Engineering (MR, JLB, KH, DL, RI), pp. 1050–1055.
ICDARICDAR-2005-Suwa #graph #representation #segmentation
Segmentation of Connected Handwritten Numerals by Graph Representation (MS), pp. 750–754.
CSMRCSMR-2005-Al-EkramK #analysis #framework #representation #xml
An XML-Based Framework for Language Neutral Program Representation and Generic Analysis (RAE, KK), pp. 42–51.
IWPCIWPC-2005-DearmanCF #control flow #data flow #representation #visual notation
Adding Control-Flow to a Visual Data-Flow Representation (DD, AC, MF), pp. 297–306.
An Investigation into Professional Programmers’ Mental Representations of Variables (JS, RNP), pp. 55–64.
PASTEPASTE-2005-StroutMH #independence #program analysis
Representation-independent program analysis (MMS, JMMC, PDH), pp. 67–74.
SCAMSCAM-2005-Anderson #performance #xml
The Performance Penalty of XML for Program Intermediate Representations (PA), pp. 193–202.
ICFPICFP-2005-DiatchkiJL #low level
High-level views on low-level representations (ISD, MPJ, RL), pp. 168–179.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-BertinoCM #approach #multi #representation
An Object-Relational Approach to the Representation of Multi-granular Spatio-Temporal Data (EB, DC, PM), pp. 119–134.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-RussellAHE #identification #representation #tool support #workflow
Workflow Resource Patterns: Identification, Representation and Tool Support (NR, WMPvdA, AHMtH, DE), pp. 216–232.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2005-WindridgeST #information management #representation #taxonomy
Symbolic Knowledge Representation in Transcript Based Taxonomies (PCW, BS, GT), pp. 267–272.
ECIRECIR-2005-Boldareva #image #representation
Improving Image Representation with Relevance Judgements from the Searchers (LVB), pp. 555–557.
ICMLICML-2005-Wiewiora #learning #predict
Learning predictive representations from a history (EW), pp. 964–971.
ICMLICML-2005-WolfeJS #learning #predict
Learning predictive state representations in dynamical systems without reset (BW, MRJ, SPS), pp. 980–987.
MLDMMLDM-2005-DongKSP #composition #geometry #low level #representation #word
Low-Level Cursive Word Representation Based on Geometric Decomposition (JxD, AK, CYS, DP), pp. 590–599.
ECOOPECOOP-2005-DaynesC #representation #runtime
Sharing the Runtime Representation of Classes Across Class Loaders (LD, GC), pp. 97–120.
SACSAC-2005-FaederBH #network #representation #rule-based #visual notation
Graphical rule-based representation of signal-transduction networks (JRF, MLB, WSH), pp. 133–140.
CCCC-2005-GapeyevLPS #runtime #xml
XML Goes Native: Run-Time Representations for Xtatic (VG, MYL, BCP, AS), pp. 43–58.
CADECADE-2005-FermullerP #representation
Model Representation via Contexts and Implicit Generalizations (CGF, RP), pp. 409–423.
ICLPICLP-2005-SneyersSD #continuation #optimisation
Guard and Continuation Optimization for Occurrence Representations of CHR (JS, TS, BD), pp. 83–97.
DACDAC-2004-LiYYYL #adaptation #algorithm #design #representation #using
A packing algorithm for non-manhattan hexagon/triangle placement design by using an adaptive o-tree representation (JL, TY, BY, JY, CL), pp. 646–651.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-JabirP #diagrams #multi #named #representation
MODD: A New Decision Diagram and Representation for Multiple Output Binary Functions (AMJ, DKP), pp. 1388–1389.
TACASTACAS-2004-MailundW #graph #reachability #using
Obtaining Memory-Efficient Reachability Graph Representations Using the Sweep-Line Method (TM, MW), pp. 177–191.
SCAMSCAM-2004-MaruyamaY #automation #framework #java #representation #source code #using #xml
A CASE Tool Platform Using an XML Representation of Java Source Code (KM, SY), pp. 158–167.
PEPMPEPM-2004-Rigo #prototype #python
Representation-based just-in-time specialization and the psyco prototype for python (AR), pp. 15–26.
Succinct Representations of Functions (JIM, SSR), pp. 1006–1015.
ICGTICGT-2004-Storey #development #visual notation
Improving Flow in Software Development Through Graphical Representations (MADS), p. 1.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-HezzahT #approach #design #enterprise #representation
Design and Representation of the Time Dimension in Enterprise Data Warehouses — A Business Related Practical Approach (AH, AMT), pp. 416–424.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-IbeasS #modelling #multi
Artificial Intelligence Representations of Multi-Model Based Controllers (AI, MdlS), pp. 165–171.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-LeelawatananonC #information management #representation
The ORM Model as a Knowledge Representation for E-Tutorial Systems (TL, SC), pp. 479–484.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-ZaratePSSVD #clustering #network #optimisation #representation #set
Optimization of Neural Network’s Training Sets via Clustering: Application in Solar Collector Representation (LEZ, EMDP, DAS, JPDS, RV, ASCD), pp. 147–152.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-ClarkeWD #effectiveness #representation #xml
Effective XML Representation for Spoken Language in Organisations (RJC, PCW, DD), pp. 486–494.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-Daute #data flow #process #re-engineering #representation #uml
Representation of Business Information Flow with an Extension for UML: From Business Processes to Object-Orientated Software Engineering (OD), pp. 569–572.
CIKMCIKM-2004-BotW #algorithm #documentation #feedback #using
Improving document representations using relevance feedback: the RFA algorithm (RSB, YfBW), pp. 270–278.
CIKMCIKM-2004-LavelliSZ #comparison
Distributional term representations: an experimental comparison (AL, FS, RZ), pp. 615–624.
CIKMCIKM-2004-TomitaNI #graph #representation #similarity #using
Calculating similarity between texts using graph-based text representation model (JT, HN, MI), pp. 248–249.
ECIRECIR-2004-Wilks #anti #information management #information retrieval #representation
IR and AI: Traditions of Representation and Anti-representation in Information Processing (YW), pp. 12–26.
ICMLICML-2004-JamesS #learning #predict
Learning and discovery of predictive state representations in dynamical systems with reset (MRJ, SPS).
ICMLICML-2004-LaffertyZL #clique #kernel #random #representation
Kernel conditional random fields: representation and clique selection (JDL, XZ, YL).
ICMLICML-2004-RosencrantzGT #learning #predict
Learning low dimensional predictive representations (MR, GJG, ST).
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-WangA #composition #multi #representation #using
Compact Representation of Multidimensional Data Using Tensor Rank-One Decomposition (HW, NA), pp. 44–47.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-BerrettiB #clustering #multi #representation
Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation (SB, ADB), pp. 775–778.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-LindgrenH #component #image #independence #learning #representation
Learning High-level Independent Components of Images through a Spectral Representation (JTL, AH), pp. 72–75.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-GutkinK #classification #representation #speech
Structural Representation of Speech for Phonetic Classification (AG, SK), pp. 438–441.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-LeowCPTVH #geometry #linear #representation
Linear and Non-linear Geometric Object Matching with Implicit Representation (ADL, MCC, HP, PMT, LAV, HSCH), pp. 710–713.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-Li04a #representation
Sky-Ground Representation for Local Scene Description (SL), pp. 252–255.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-RexhepiMR #modelling
Sparse, Variable-Representation Active Contour Models (AR, FM, AR), pp. 683–686.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-FigueroaLBCM #graph #representation #using
Tracking Soccer Players using the Graph Representation (PJF, NJL, RMLB, IC, GGM), pp. 787–790.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-LiuS04a #recognition #representation
Simplest Representation Yet for Gait Recognition: Averaged Silhouette (ZL, SS), pp. 211–214.
KDDKDD-2004-NatsevNS #mining #multi #representation #semantics
Semantic representation: search and mining of multimedia content (AN, MRN, JRS), pp. 641–646.
KRKR-2004-Coste-MarquisLLM #representation
Expressive Power and Succinctness of Propositional Languages for Preference Representation (SCM, JL, PL, PM), pp. 203–212.
KRKR-2004-Kern-IsbernerF #induction #information management #representation
Knowledge Discovery by Reversing Inductive Knowledge Representation (GKI, JF), pp. 34–44.
KRKR-2004-RaedtR #induction #logic programming
Condensed Representations for Inductive Logic Programming (LDR, JR), pp. 438–446.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-Bot #algorithm #documentation #feedback #representation
Improving document representation by accumulating relevance feedback (abstract only): the relevance feedback accumulation algorithm (RSB), p. 602.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-FanGLX #automation #concept #image #representation #using
Automatic image annotation by using concept-sensitive salient objects for image content representation (JF, YG, HL, GX), pp. 361–368.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-HeCLM #documentation #locality #representation
Locality preserving indexing for document representation (XH, DC, HL, WYM), pp. 96–103.
GPCEGPCE-2004-PasalicL #metaprogramming
Meta-programming with Typed Object-Language Representations (EP, NL), pp. 136–167.
SACSAC-2004-AlexanderF #image #representation
Symbol representation in map image compression (AA, PF), pp. 29–34.
Reducing borders of k-disjunction free representations of frequent patterns (MK), pp. 559–563.
SACSAC-2004-VailayaBKKCA #architecture #biology #information management #representation
An architecture for biological information extraction and representation (AV, PB, RK, AK, MLC, AA), pp. 103–110.
ICSEICSE-2004-KhareT #architecture #distributed #rest
Extending the Representational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems (RK, RNT), pp. 428–437.
DACDAC-2003-BernardinisJS #performance #representation
Support vector machines for analog circuit performance representation (FDB, MIJ, ALSV), pp. 964–969.
DACDAC-2003-GoelHB #order #representation
Symbolic representation with ordered function templates (AG, GH, REB), pp. 431–435.
DocEngDocEng-2003-GuoS #ad hoc #comparison #representation
Context representation, transformation and comparison for ad hoc product data exchange (JG, CS), pp. 121–130.
ICDARICDAR-2003-DelalandreNTO #recognition #representation #xml
Symbols Recognition by Global-Local Structural Approaches, Based on the Scenarios Use, and with a XML Representation of Data (MD, SN, ÉT, JMO), pp. 1002–1006.
ICDARICDAR-2003-KangK #probability #recognition #representation
Handwritten Hangul Character Recognition with Hierarchical Stochastic Character Representation (KWK, JHK), p. 212–?.
ICDARICDAR-2003-RamelCVF #detection #representation
Detection, Extraction and Representation of Tables (JYR, MC, NV, CF), pp. 374–378.
ICDARICDAR-2003-TerradesV #representation
Radon Transform for Lineal Symbol Representation (ORT, EV), p. 195–?.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-Kruse #approach #representation
“Magic numbers” approach to introducing binary number representation in CSO (GK), p. 272.
ESOPESOP-2003-ReddyY #correctness #data transformation #data type
Correctness of Data Representations Involving Heap Data Structures (USR, HY), pp. 223–237.
FASEFASE-2003-Kelsen #object-oriented
An Information-Based View of Representational Coupling in Object-Oriented Systems (PK), pp. 216–230.
TACASTACAS-2003-BDSV #analysis #encryption #information management #protocol #representation
A New Knowledge Representation Strategy for Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (ICB, LD, RS, AV), pp. 284–298.
IWPCIWPC-2003-HopfnerSG #graph #visualisation #xml
Comprehending and Visualizing Software Based on XML — Representations and Call Graphs (MH, DS, JWvG), pp. 290–291.
WCREWCRE-2003-BaumstarkGW #representation #source code
Extracting an Explicitly Data-Parallel Representation of Image-Processing Programs (LBBJ, MG, LMW), pp. 24–35.
CIAACIAA-2003-TammU #automaton #regular expression
Bideterministic Automata and Minimal Representations of Regular Languages (HT, EU), pp. 61–71.
ICALPICALP-2003-CarayolC #infinity #on the
On Equivalent Representations of Infinite Structures (AC, TC), pp. 599–610.
ICALPICALP-2003-MunroRRR #permutation
Succinct Representations of Permutations (JIM, RR, VR, SSR), pp. 345–356.
ICFPICFP-2003-ChenX #metaprogramming #representation
Meta-programming through typeful code representation (CC, HX), pp. 275–286.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2003-MarcusFM #3d #visualisation
3D Representations for Software Visualization (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 27–36.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-CorkillRLL #process
Live-Representation Process Management (DDC, ZBR, SEL, VRL), pp. 202–208.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-Zarri #information management #representation #semantics #using #web
Semantic Annotations and Semantic Web Using NKRL (Narrative Knowledge Representation Language) (GPZ), pp. 387–394.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2003-ImperiaT #xml
An Extensible Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Representations of XML Data (MI, RT), pp. 357–362.
ECIRECIR-2003-LosadaB #documentation #evaluation #logic #query #scalability
Propositional Logic Representations for Documents and Queries: A Large-Scale Evaluation (DEL, AB), pp. 219–234.
Representational Issues in Meta-Learning (AK, MH), pp. 313–320.
ICMLICML-2003-SinghLJPS #learning #predict
Learning Predictive State Representations (SPS, MLL, NKJ, DP, PS), pp. 712–719.
ICMLICML-2003-Zhang #kernel #learning #metric #multi #representation #scalability #towards
Learning Metrics via Discriminant Kernels and Multidimensional Scaling: Toward Expected Euclidean Representation (ZZ), pp. 872–879.
KDDKDD-2003-GunduzO #behaviour #modelling #predict #representation #web
A Web page prediction model based on click-stream tree representation of user behavior (SG, MTÖ), pp. 535–540.
MLDMMLDM-2003-GiacintoR #difference #feedback #image #representation #retrieval
Dissimilarity Representation of Images for Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval (GG, FR), pp. 202–214.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-NanasUR #concept #representation
Building and applying a concept hierarchy representation of a user profile (NN, VSU, ANDR), pp. 198–204.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-OgilvieC #documentation
Combining document representations for known-item search (PO, JPC), pp. 143–150.
UMLUML-2003-PilskalnsAGF #behaviour #testing #uml
Rigorous Testing by Merging Structural and Behavioral UML Representations (OP, AAA, SG, RBF), pp. 234–248.
SACSAC-2003-CarliniB #embedded #performance #realtime #representation
An Efficient Time Representation for Real-Time Embedded Systems (AC, GCB), pp. 705–712.
CADECADE-2003-Cohn #reasoning
Reasoning about Qualitative Representations of Space and Time (AGC), p. 334.
DACDAC-2002-BertaccoO #performance #representation #simulation
Efficient state representation for symbolic simulation (VB, KO), pp. 99–104.
DACDAC-2002-LinC #named #orthogonal
TCG-S: orthogonal coupling of P*-admissible representations for general floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 842–847.
DATEDATE-2002-CiesielskiKZR #canonical #diagrams #representation #verification
Taylor Expansion Diagrams: A Compact, Canonical Representation with Applications to Symbolic Verification (MJC, PK, ZZ, BR), pp. 285–289.
CSMRCSMR-2002-Baburin #graph #re-engineering #using
Using Graph Based Representations in Reengineering (DEB), pp. 203–206.
CSMRCSMR-2002-KollmannG #diagrams #representation #uml
Metric-Based Selective Representation of UML Diagrams (RK, MG), pp. 89–98.
WCREWCRE-2002-McArthurMN #representation #source code #using #xml
An Extensible Tool for Source Code Representation Using XML (GM, JM, SKKN), p. 199–?.
SASSAS-2002-Faxen #analysis #representation
Representation Analysis for Coercion Placement (KFF), pp. 278–293.
STOCSTOC-2002-GilbertGIMS #fourier
Near-optimal sparse fourier representations via sampling (ACG, SG, PI, SM, MS), pp. 152–161.
CIAACIAA-2002-BartzisB #automation #constraints #verification
Automata-Based Representations for Arithmetic Constraints in Automated Verification (CB, TB), pp. 282–288.
DLTDLT-2002-Okhotin #automaton #linear #representation
Automaton Representation of Linear Conjunctive Languages (AO), pp. 393–404.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2002-Ploix #source code
Analogical Representations of Programs (DP), pp. 61–69.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-Olive #concept #modelling #representation
Representation of Generic Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling (AO), pp. 675–691.
ICEISICEIS-2002-RaibuletD #data transformation #industrial #representation
Data Representation in Industrial Systems (CR, CD), pp. 163–178.
ECIRECIR-2002-RajapakseD #adaptation #concept #encoding #information retrieval #representation #using
Concept Based Adaptive IR Model Using FCA-BAM Combination for Concept Representation and Encoding (RKR, MJD), pp. 150–168.
ECIRECIR-2002-TsikrikaL #documentation #network #using #web
Combining Web Document Representations in a Bayesian Inference Network Model Using Link and Content-Based Evidence (TT, ML), pp. 53–72.
ICMLICML-2002-ZhangL #bound #network
Representational Upper Bounds of Bayesian Networks (HZ, CXL), pp. 674–681.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-LiuS #classification #recognition #representation
A Spectral Representation for Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition (XL, AS), pp. 37–40.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-MaedaKI #3d #hybrid #modelling #representation #using
Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representation Using Extended B-spline Surface Model (MM, KK, KI), pp. 656–659.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-MakhervaksBB #image #representation #visual notation
Image Flows and One-Liner Graphical Image Representation (VM, GB, AMB), pp. 640–643.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-ParameswaranC #invariant #recognition #representation
Quasi-Invariants for Human Action Representation and Recognition (VP, RC), pp. 307–310.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ChoCWS #adaptation #classification #data type #image #learning #representation #robust
Robust Learning in Adaptive Processing of Data Structures for Tree Representation Based Image Classification (SYC, ZC, ZW, WCS), pp. 108–111.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-GargSCC #approach #representation #video
An Appearance Based Approach for Video Object Extraction and Representation (GG, PKS, SC, RC), pp. 536–539.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-MaZ #representation #video
Motion Texture: A New Motion Based Video Representation (YFM, HZ), pp. 548–551.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-SatoMOK #3d #image #re-engineering #representation
Hexagonal Image Representation for 3-D Photorealistic Reconstruction (HS, HM, AO, HK), pp. 672–676.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-SvenssonNAB #distance #image #representation #using
Using Grey-Level and Distance Information for Medial Surface Representation of Volume Images (SS, IN, CA, GSdB), pp. 324–327.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ZengCN #image #representation
Image Feature Representation by the Subspace of Nonlinear PCA (XYZ, YWC, ZN), pp. 228–231.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-BadawyK #graph #representation #using
Shape Representation Using Concavity Graphs (OEB, MK), pp. 461–464.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-GurevichJS #image #invariant #recognition
A Method of Image Recognition Based on the Fusion of Reduced Invariant Representations: Mathematical Substantiation (IBG, IAJ, YGS), pp. 391–394.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-PekalskaD #difference #performance #prototype
Prototype Selection for Finding Efficient Representations of Dissimilarity Data (EP, RPWD), pp. 37–40.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-ZhangPKA #3d #multi #representation
3-D Object Representation from Multi-View Range Data Applying Deformable Superquadrics (YZ, JKP, AK, MAA), pp. 611–614.
ICPRICPR-v4-2002-MendelsVT #invariant #recognition #representation #using
Rotation and Scale Invariant Shape Representation and Recognition Using Matching Pursuit (FM, PV, JPT), pp. 326–329.
KDDKDD-2002-AyresFGY #mining #representation #using
Sequential PAttern mining using a bitmap representation (JA, JF, JG, TY), pp. 429–435.
KRKR-2002-BernferhatDKP #framework #logic #representation
Bipolar Representation and Fusion of Preferences on the Possibilistic Logic framework (SB, DD, SK, HP), pp. 421–448.
KRKR-2002-DeneckerMT #approximate #information management #representation
Ultimate Approximations in Nonmonotonic Knowledge Representation Systems (MD, VWM, MT), pp. 177–190.
KRKR-2002-Lang #combinator #representation
From Preference Representation to Combinatorial Vote (JL), pp. 277–290.
SEKESEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation
A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
SEKESEKE-2002-AstesianoR #information management #representation
Knowledge structuring and representation in requirement specificaiton (EA, GR), pp. 143–150.
UMLUML-2002-FelfernigFJZ #information management #ocl #representation #uml #using
Configuration Knowledge Representation Using UML/OCL (AF, GF, DJ, MZ), pp. 49–62.
POPLPOPL-2002-BanerjeeN #data access #independence #representation
Representation independence, confinement and access control [extended abstract] (AB, DAN), pp. 166–177.
SACSAC-2002-El-Ansary #analysis #behaviour #representation #requirements #towards
Behavioral Pattern Analysis: towards a new representation of systems requirements based on actions and events (AEA), pp. 984–991.
SACSAC-2002-YoungBGL #difference #object-oriented #using
Using an object oriented model for resolving representational differences between heterogeneous systems (PY, VB, JG, L), pp. 976–983.
ICSEICSE-2002-Robillard #representation #source code
A representation for describing and analyzing concerns in source code (MPR), pp. 721–722.
CCCC-2002-GuptaMZ #analysis #optimisation #representation
A Representation for Bit Section Based Analysis and Optimization (RG, EM, YZ), pp. 62–77.
HPCAHPCA-2002-BrownP #pipes and filters #using
Using Internal Redundant Representations and Limited Bypass to Support Pipelined Adders and Register Files (MDB, YNP), pp. 289–298.
CAVCAV-2002-RybinaV #canonical #infinity #model checking #using
Using Canonical Representations of Solutions to Speed Up Infinite-State Model Checking (TR, AV), pp. 386–400.
LICSLICS-2002-CalvaneseGL #information management #logic #representation
Description Logics: Foundations for Class-based Knowledge Representation (DC, GDG, ML), pp. 359–370.
RTARTA-2002-Baader #logic #representation
Engineering of Logics for the Content-Based Representation of Information (FB), p. 23.
RTARTA-2002-LiangN #representation #trade-off
Tradeoffs in the Intensional Representation of λ Terms (CL, GN), pp. 192–206.
DACDAC-2001-LinC #graph #named #representation #transitive
TCG: A Transitive Closure Graph-Based Representation for Non-Slicing Floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 764–769.
DACDAC-2001-ParkK #representation #synthesis
Digital Filter Synthesis Based on Minimal Signed Digit Representation (ICP, HJK), pp. 468–473.
DACDAC-2001-YuYW #representation #synthesis #using
Signal Representation Guided Synthesis Using Carry-Save Adders For Synchronous Data-path Circuits (ZY, MLY, ANWJ), pp. 456–461.
DATEDATE-2001-LaiW #representation #slicing
Slicing tree is a complete floorplan representation (ML, DFW), pp. 228–232.
PODSPODS-2001-BykowskiR #representation
A condensed representation to find frequent patterns (AB, CR).
TACASTACAS-2001-Yavuz-KahveciTB #library
A Library for Composite Symbolic Representations (TYK, MT, TB), pp. 52–66.
ICSMEICSM-2001-BeydedaGS #representation #testing #visual notation
A Graphical Class Representation for Integrated Black- and White-Box Testing (SB, VG, MS), pp. 706–715.
PLDIPLDI-2001-AmmeDFR #named #representation #type safety
SafeTSA: A Type Safe and Referentially Secure Mobile-Code Representation Based on Static Single Assignment Form (WA, ND, MF, JvR), pp. 137–147.
PLDIPLDI-2001-Chilimbi #abstraction #locality #performance
Efficient Representations and Abstractions for Quantifying and Exploiting Data Reference Locality (TMC), pp. 191–202.
PLDIPLDI-2001-ZhangG #representation
Timestamped Whole Program Path Representation and its Applications (YZ, RG), pp. 180–190.
FLOPSFLOPS-J1-1998-Takahashi01 #algebra
λ-Representable Functions Over Term Algebras (MT), pp. 3–29.
CIAACIAA-2001-DaciukN #automaton #finite #modelling #representation
Finite Automata for Compact Representation of Language Models in NLP (JD, GvN), pp. 65–73.
DLTDLT-2001-Prodinger #permutation #word
Words, Permutations, and Representations of Numbers (HP), pp. 81–99.
ICFPICFP-2001-DimockWMTW #ml #standard #type safety
Functioning without Closure: Type-Safe Customized Function Representations for Standard ML (AD, IW, RM, FAT, JBW), pp. 14–25.
CIKMCIKM-2001-EisensteinGSSZ #abstraction #database
Alternative Representations and Abstractions for Moving Sensors Databases (JE, SG, CS, GS, RZ), pp. 318–325.
CAVCAV-2001-Cabodi #named #representation
Meta-BDDs: A Decomposed Representation for Layered Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions (GC), pp. 118–130.
CSLCSL-2001-Schweikardt #database #order
The Natural Order-Generic Collapse for ω-Representable Databases over the Rational and the Real Ordered Group (NS), pp. 130–144.
TLCATLCA-2001-Altenkirch #algebra #first-order
Representations of First Order Function Types as Terminal Coalgebras (TA), pp. 8–21.
TLCATLCA-2001-Leiss #higher-order #independence #representation
Second-Order Pre-Logical Relations and Representation Independence (HL), pp. 298–314.
ASEASE-2000-KyaruziK #architecture #design #representation #towards
Towards Explicit Representation of Architectural Design Assumptions (JJK, JvK), pp. 249–252.
DACDAC-2000-ChangCWW #representation
B*-Trees: a new representation for non-slicing floorplans (YCC, YWC, GMW, SWW), pp. 458–463.
DACDAC-2000-PangBLC #constraints #representation #symmetry
Block placement with symmetry constraints based on the O-tree non-slicing representation (YP, FB, KL, CKC), pp. 464–467.
DACDAC-2000-YuKW #representation
The use of carry-save representation in joint module selection and retiming (ZY, KYK, ANWJ), pp. 768–773.
ESOPESOP-2000-Mauborgne #infinity #representation #set
Improving the Representation of Infinite Trees to Deal with Sets of Trees (LM), pp. 275–289.
TACASTACAS-2000-AlfaroKNPS #model checking #probability #process #representation #using
Symbolic Model Checking of Probabilistic Processes Using MTBDDs and the Kronecker Representation (LdA, MZK, GN, DP, RS), pp. 395–410.
TACASTACAS-2000-DelzannoR #representation #set
Symbolic Representation of Upward-Closed Sets (GD, JFR), pp. 426–440.
WCREWCRE-2000-MamasK #source code #towards #using #xml
Towards Portable Source Code Representations using XML (EM, KK), p. 172–?.
STOCSTOC-2000-HallgrenRT #quantum #re-engineering #using
Normal subgroup reconstruction and quantum computation using group representations (SH, AR, ATS), pp. 627–635.
ICALPICALP-2000-BournezM #on the #representation
On the Representation of Timed Polyhedra (OB, OM), pp. 793–807.
ICALPICALP-2000-Libkin #constraints #independence #quantifier
Variable Independence, Quantifier Elimination, and Constraint Representations (LL), pp. 260–271.
ICEISICEIS-2000-Morand #abduction #approach #diagrams #process #representation
Representation Process and Abductive Reasoning-An Experimental Approach of the Diagrammatic Case (BM), pp. 322–326.
ICMLICML-2000-AlerBI #information management #learning #representation
Knowledge Representation Issues in Control Knowledge Learning (RA, DB, PI), pp. 1–8.
ICMLICML-2000-Howe #comparison #representation
Data as Ensembles of Records: Representation and Comparison (NRH), pp. 391–398.
ICMLICML-2000-PaccanaroH #concept #distributed #learning #linear
Learning Distributed Representations by Mapping Concepts and Relations into a Linear Space (AP, GEH), pp. 711–718.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-AllezardDJ #3d #modelling #recognition
Recognition of 3D Textured Objects by Mixing View-Based and Model-Based Representations (NA, MD, FJ), pp. 1960–1963.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-BukerH #representation
Object Representation: On Combining Viewer-Centered and Object-Centered Elements (UB, GH), pp. 1956–1959.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ChaoNO #3d #invariant #recognition #representation
A Hierarchical Invariant Representation of Spatial Topology of 3D Objects and Its Application to Object Recognition (JC, MN, SO), pp. 1920–1923.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-Fernandez-VidalRMC #image #predict #visual notation
Image Representational Model for Predicting Visual Distinctness of Objects (XRFV, RRS, JMB, JC), pp. 1689–1694.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-LiuW #learning #recognition #representation
Learning the Face Space — Representation and Recognition (CL, HW), pp. 1249–1256.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-NealS #3d #detection #representation
A Symbolic Representation for 3-D Object Feature Detection (PJN, LGS), pp. 1221–1224.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-NgoPCZ #detection #representation #video
Motion-Based Video Representation for Scene Change Detection (CWN, TCP, RTC, HZ), pp. 1827–1830.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-NielsenP #adaptation #problem #representation #segmentation #using
A Solution to the Problem of Segmentation near Edges Using Adaptable Class-Specific Representation (CFN, PJP), pp. 1436–1440.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-TerazonoMI #representation
Shadow Representation of Image-Based Objects in Virtual Space (KT, YM, SI), pp. 5003–5006.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-VidalBMDC #comparison #representation
Object Representation and Comparison Inferred from Its Medial Axis (SFV, EB, GM, SD, NPdlB), pp. 1712–1715.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ZhouH #image #representation #retrieval #using
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Structural Features (XSZ, TSH), pp. 5039–5042.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-Kangas #classification #comparison #nearest neighbour #prototype #representation
Comparison between Two Prototype Representation Schemes for a Nearest Neighbor Classifier (JK), pp. 2773–2776.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-DaoudiM #invariant #multi #representation
New Multiscale Planar Shape Invariant Representation under a General Affine Transformations (MD, SM), pp. 3794–3797.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-HuLML #parametricity #representation
Region Based Parametric Motion Representation (CH, YL, SM, HL), pp. 3869–3872.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-KnutssonABW #automation #generative
Automated Generation of Representations in Vision (HK, MTA, MB, JW), pp. 3063–3070.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-MaloFNV #image #representation #statistics
Perceptually and Statistically Decorrelated Features for Image Representation: Application to Transform Coding (JM, FJF, RN, RV), pp. 3242–3245.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-RuizMMRL #algorithm #multi
New Algorithm for Searching Minimum Bit Rate Wavelet Representations with Application to Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Audio Coding (NR, DM, RM, MR, FL), pp. 3290–3293.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-SalamancaCA #modelling #named #representation
HWM: A New Spherical Representation Structure for Modeling Partial Views of an Object (SS, CC, AA), pp. 3778–3781.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-VertanB #classification #normalisation #representation
Color Texture Classification by Normalized Color Space Representation (CV, NB), pp. 3584–3587.
KDDKDD-2000-DrummondH #representation
Explicitly representing expected cost: an alternative to ROC representation (CD, RCH), pp. 198–207.
KRKR-2000-Bloch #representation
Spatial representation of spatial relationship knowledge (IB), pp. 247–258.
KRKR-2000-CumbyR #learning #relational
Relational Representations that Facilitate Learning (CMC, DR), pp. 425–434.
KRKR-2000-LafageL #logic #representation
Logical representation of preferences for group decision making (CL, JL), pp. 457–468.
KRKR-2000-MorgensternT #challenge #education #information management #representation
Teaching Knowledge Representation: Challenges and Proposals (LM, RHT), pp. 725–733.
KRKR-2000-PeaseCLF #information management #knowledge base #performance #representation
Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High Performance Knowledge Bases Project (AP, VKC, FL, AF), pp. 717–724.
KRKR-2000-RychtyckyjR #information management #representation
Long-Term Maintanability of Deployed Knowledge Representation Systems (NR, RGR), pp. 494–504.
KRKR-2000-Stell #multi #representation
The Representation of Discrete Multi-resolution Spatial Knowledge (JGS), pp. 38–49.
KRKR-2000-WolterZ #reasoning #representation
Spatio-temporal representation and reasoning based on RCC-8 (FW, MZ), pp. 3–14.
UMLUML-2000-Pazzi #behaviour #representation
Part-Whole Statecharts for the Explicit Representation of Compound Behaviors (LP), pp. 541–555.
UMLUML-2000-PetriuS #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #process #representation #sequence chart
Consistent Behaviour Representation in Activity and Sequence Diagrams (DCP, YS), pp. 369–382.
SACSAC-2000-CottaT #heuristic #on the #representation
On the Influence of the Representation Granularity in Heuristic Forma Recombination (CC, JMT), pp. 433–439.
SACSAC-2000-Wainer #coordination #logic #process #representation
Logic Representation of Processes in Work Activity Coordination (JW), pp. 203–209.
ICSEICSE-2000-HayesGM #component #design #program analysis #reuse #tool support
Component design of retargetable program analysis tools that reuse intermediate representations (JH, WGG, SM), pp. 356–365.
CADECADE-2000-Kautz #information management #reasoning #representation #scalability
Scalable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems (HAK), p. 183.
ICLPCL-2000-Poole #information management #logic #representation
Logic, Knowledge Representation, and Bayesian Decision Theory (DP), pp. 70–86.
The Explicit Representability of Implicit Generalizations (RP), pp. 187–202.
DACDAC-1999-AagaardJS #constraints #parametricity
Parametric Representations of Boolean Constraints (MA, RBJ, CJHS), pp. 402–407.
DACDAC-1999-BalasaL #layout #representation #using
Module Placement for Analog Layout Using the Sequence-Pair Representation (FB, KL), pp. 274–279.
DACDAC-1999-GuoCY #representation
An O-Tree Representation of Non-Slicing Floorplan and Its Applications (PNG, CKC, TY), pp. 268–273.
DACDAC-1999-RichterZETT #embedded #optimisation #representation #synthesis
Representation of Function Variants for Embedded System Optimization and Synthesis (KR, DZ, RE, LT, JT), pp. 517–522.
HTHT-1999-AuffretCCDRB #authoring #documentation #hypermedia #performance #using
Audiovisual-Based Hypermedia Authoring: Using Structured Representations for Efficient Access to AV Documents (GA, JC, OC, TD, RR, BB), pp. 169–178.
ICDARICDAR-1999-AntonacopoulosC #analysis #comparative #representation #using
Region Description and Comparative Analysis using a Tesseral Representation (AA, FC), pp. 193–196.
ICDARICDAR-1999-CesariniGMS #documentation #representation #segmentation
Structured Document Segmentation and Representation by the Modified X-Y tree (FC, MG, SM, GS), pp. 563–566.
ICDARICDAR-1999-GrabowskiLM #segmentation
Stepwise Segmentation and Interpretation of Section Representations in Vectorized Drawings (HG, CL, AM), pp. 677–680.
ICDARICDAR-1999-RamelBE #automation #image #representation
Automatic Reading of Handwritten Chemical Formulas from a Structural Representation of the Image (JYR, GB, HE), pp. 83–86.
ICDARICDAR-1999-SundaresanK #case study #recognition
A Study of Representations for Pen based Handwriting Recognition of Tamil Characters (CSS, SSK), pp. 422–425.
ICDARICDAR-1999-TakatsukaCWV #distributed #representation
Symbolic Representation and Distributed Matching Strategies for Schematics (MT, TC, GAWW, SV), pp. 693–696.
PASTEPASTE-1999-SouterPH #analysis
Inter-Class Def-Use Analysis with Partial Class Representations (ALS, LLP, DH), pp. 47–56.
DLTDLT-1999-NiemannO #automaton
Restarting automata, Church-Rosser languages, and representations of r.e. languages (GN, FO), pp. 103–114.
FMFM-v1-1999-BozgaFGGKM #named #representation #validation
IF: An Intermediate Representation and Validation Environment for Timed Asynchronous Systems (MB, JCF, LG, SG, JPK, LM), pp. 307–327.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-1999-BottoniPS #on the #representation
On a Uniform Representation of Transformation Systems (PB, FPP, MS), pp. 63–78.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-1999-Minas #diagrams #semantics
Creating Semantic Representations of Diagrams (MM), pp. 209–224.
CHICHI-1999-OlsenHVHP #implementation #interface
Implementing Interface Attachments Based on Surface Representations (DRO, SEH, TV, JMH, MP), pp. 191–198.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-ElzerB #3d #process #representation
Three-dimensional representation of process values (PFE, CB), pp. 1296–1300.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-LiangL #matrix #metric #process #representation
Information representation and decision process: effects of measurement scale and shape of decision matrix on preferential choice (SFML, MRL), pp. 62–65.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-ShimizuIN #locality #representation #using
Pattern representation system using movement sense of localized sound (MS, KI, TN), pp. 990–994.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-DaeleC #simulation
Between the situation of simulation and the situation of reference: the operators’ representations (AVD, DC), pp. 875–879.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-ONeill #development #usability
Cooperative Development: Underspecification in External Representations and Software Usability (EO), pp. 918–922.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Suthers #bias #collaboration
The Effects of Representational Bias on Collaborative Inquiry (DDS), pp. 362–366.
CAiSECAiSE-1999-YiJ #process #reasoning #representation
Beyond Goal Representation: Checking Goal-Satisfaction by Temporal Reasoning with Business Processes (CHY, PJ), pp. 462–466.
ECIRACIR-1999-FatemiM #representation #retrieval #video
A Two-time Model for Video Content Representation and Retrieval (NF, PM).
CIKMCIKM-1999-DelisH #information management #representation #string
Binary String Relations: A Foundation for Spatiotemporal Knowledge Representation (VD, TH), pp. 27–37.
CIKMCIKM-1999-KimSC #database #image #ranking #representation
Spatial Match Representation Scheme Supporting Ranking in Iconic Images Databases (YJK, CBS, JWC), pp. 450–457.
CIKMCIKM-1999-RadevPMP #approach #behaviour #graph #multi #object-oriented #representation
Graph-Based Object-Oriented Approach for Structural and Behavioral Representation of Multimedia Data (IR, NP, KM, EKP), pp. 522–530.
ICMLICML-1999-SakakibaraK #context-free grammar #learning #using
GA-based Learning of Context-Free Grammars using Tabular Representations (YS, MK), pp. 354–360.
UMLUML-1999-EgyedM #architecture #integration #representation #uml
Extending Architectural Representation in UML with View Integration (AE, NM), pp. 2–16.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RamosP #information management #object-oriented #physics #representation #simulation
Needs of Object-Oriented Languages for Physics Knowledge Representation in the Simulation Field (JJR, MAP), pp. 162–171.
SACSAC-1999-ValasareddiC #maintenance #representation
A Representation Model for Procedural Program Maintenance (RRV, DLC), pp. 580–585.
CAVCAV-1999-BozgaM #on the #representation
On the Representation of Probabilities over Structured Domains (MB, OM), pp. 261–273.
LICSLICS-1999-GottlobP #complexity #modelling
Working with Arms: Complexity Results on Atomic Representations of Herbrand Models (GG, RP), pp. 306–315.
Extending Moment Computation to 2-Port Circuit Representations (FJL, CKC), pp. 473–476.
DATEDATE-1998-SawadaYN #detection #logic
Restructuring Logic Representations with Easily Detectable Simple Disjunctive Decompositions (HS, SY, AN), pp. 755–759.
ESOPESOP-1998-Scherlis #case study #data transformation #representation
Systematic Change of Data Representation: Program Manipulations and a Case Study (WLS), pp. 252–266.
CSMRCSMR-1998-ZhaoCU #concurrent #dependence #maintenance #object-oriented #representation
A Dependence-Based Representation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Maintenance (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 60–66.
WCREWCRE-1998-KoschkeG #analysis #representation #reverse engineering
An Intermediate Representation for Reverse Engineering Analyses (RK, JFG), pp. 241–250.
WCREWCRE-1998-OcaC #composition #representation #visual notation
A Visual Representation Model for Software Subsystem Decomposition (CMdO, DLC), pp. 231–240.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-Takahashi #revisited
λ-representable Functions over Free Structures Revisited (MT), pp. 1–19.
ICGTTAGT-1998-Minas #diagrams #representation
Hypergraphs as a Uniform Diagram Representation Model (MM), pp. 281–295.
ICGTTAGT-1998-Schuster #graph transformation #information management #representation
Knowledge Representation and Graph Transformation (SS), pp. 228–237.
CSCWCSCW-1998-NeuwirthMRCW #communication
Envisioning Communication: Task-Tailorable Representations of Communication in Asynchronous Work (CN, JHM, SHR, RC, GCW), pp. 265–274.
CSCWCSCW-1998-OlsenHPHV #collaboration #ubiquitous
Ubiquitous Collaboration via Surface Representations (DRO, SEH, MP, JMH, TV), pp. 129–138.
CIKMCIKM-1998-DumaisPHS #algorithm #categorisation #induction #learning
Inductive Learning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categorization (STD, JCP, DH, MS), pp. 148–155.
ICMLICML-1998-LittmanJK #corpus #independence #learning #representation
Learning a Language-Independent Representation for Terms from a Partially Aligned Corpus (MLL, FJ, GAK), pp. 314–322.
ICPRICPR-1998-BakerS #nondeterminism #representation
Representation of uncertainty in spatial target tracking (TB, MJAS), pp. 1339–1342.
ICPRICPR-1998-ChenC #network #performance #recursion #representation
Recursive representation and progressive display of binary objects for efficient network browsing (IPC, ZC), pp. 395–399.
ICPRICPR-1998-DuyguluAD #algorithm #documentation #heuristic #representation
A heuristic algorithm for hierarchical representation of form documents (PD, VA, ED), pp. 929–931.
ICPRICPR-1998-Etoh #estimation #parametricity #representation
Promotion of block matching: parametric representation for motion estimation (ME), pp. 282–285.
ICPRICPR-1998-FlorianiMP #3d #re-engineering #representation
Managing the level of detail in 3D shape reconstruction and representation (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 389–391.
ICPRICPR-1998-HebertPG #fuzzy #geometry #online #recognition #representation
A new fuzzy geometric representation for online isolated character recognition (JFH, MP, NG), pp. 1121–1123.
ICPRICPR-1998-HepplewhiteS #fuzzy #image #representation
Image representation, texture and the fuzzy n-tuple (LH, TJS), pp. 1028–1030.
ICPRICPR-1998-HojjatoleslamiK #classification
Strategies for weighted combination of classifiers employing shared and distinct representations (AH, JK), pp. 338–340.
ICPRICPR-1998-SalmanL #modelling #recognition #representation
A layered representation for model-based filtering and recognition (MS, ML), pp. 643–647.
ICPRICPR-1998-ZhangB98a #adaptation #performance #representation
An efficient surface mesh representation adaptive to local smoothness (ZZ, MB), pp. 1555–1557.
KDDKDD-1998-KeoghP #classification #clustering #feedback #performance #representation
An Enhanced Representation of Time Series Which Allows Fast and Accurate Classification, Clustering and Relevance Feedback (EJK, MJP), pp. 239–243.
KRKR-1998-CheinMS #graph #information management #representation #semantics
Nested Graphs: A Graph-based Knowledge Representation Model with FOL Semantics (MC, MLM, GS), pp. 524–535.
KRKR-1998-Morik #how #requirements
How to Tailor Representations to Different Requirements (KM), p. 650.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-LeontievOS #implementation #interface #on the #representation
On Separation between Interface, Implementation, and Representation in Object DBMSs (YL, MTÖ, DS), pp. 155–167.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-LeviS #empirical #logic programming #refinement #source code
An Experiment in Domain Refinement: Type Domains and Type Representations for Logic Programs (GL, FS), pp. 152–169.
POPLPOPL-1998-Minamide #data type #functional #representation
A Functional Representation of Data Structures with a Hole (YM), pp. 75–84.
CAVCAV-1998-Thathachar #on the #order
On the Limitations of Ordered Representations of Functions (JST), pp. 232–243.
ICTSSIWTCS-1998-Grunsky #automaton #testing
Testing of Automata: From Experiments to Representations by Means of Fragments (ISG), pp. 3–14.
ICLPJICSLP-1998-DovierPRP #finite #on the #representation #set
On the Representation and Management of Finite Sets in CLP Languages (AD, CP, GR, EP), pp. 40–54.
LICSLICS-1998-FioreH #axiom #game studies #process #recursion #representation
Recursive Types in Games: Axiomatics and Process Representation (MPF, KH), pp. 345–356.
LICSLICS-1998-NeculaL #performance #proving #representation #validation
Efficient Representation and Validation of Proofs (GCN, PL), pp. 93–104.
ICDARICDAR-1997-AlimogluA #classification #multi
Combining Multiple Representations and Classifiers for Pen-based Handwritten Digit Recognitio (FA, EA), pp. 637–640.
ICDARICDAR-1997-GalindoF #diagrams #network #representation
Perceptually-Based Representation of Network Diagrams (DG, CF), pp. 352–356.
ICDARICDAR-1997-JunkerH #classification #documentation #learning
Evaluating OCR and Non-OCR Text Representations for Learning Document Classifiers (MJ, RH), pp. 1060–1066.
ICDARICDAR-1997-KeeniSN #distributed #network #on the #representation #using
On Distributed Representation of Output Layer for Recognizing Japanese Kana characters Using Neural Networks (KK, HS, KN), pp. 600–603.
ICDARICDAR-1997-LankB #documentation #information management #n-gram #named #recognition #representation #visual notation
N-grams: a well-structured knowledge representation for recognition of graphical documents (EL, DB), pp. 801–804.
ICDARICDAR-1997-Oguro #documentation #image #representation #using
Faxed Document Image Restoration Using Gray Level Representation (MO), pp. 679–683.
ICDARICDAR-1997-ONeil #approach #categorisation #incremental #representation #retrieval
An Incremental Approach to Text Representation, Categorization, and Retrieval (PO), pp. 714–717.
ICDARICDAR-1997-PoirierD #geometry #interactive #representation
An interactive system to extract structured text from a geometrical representation (BP, MD), pp. 342–346.
WPCWPC-1997-MooreR #information management #interactive #representation #using
Using Knowledge Representation to Understand Interactive Systems (MMM, SR), pp. 60–67.
SASSAS-1997-Ramalingam #evaluation #on the
On Sparse Evaluation Representations (GR), pp. 1–15.
ICFPICFP-1997-DimockMTW #representation
Strongly Typed Flow-Directed Representation Transformations (AD, RM, FAT, JBW), pp. 11–24.
ICFPICFP-1997-Shao #analysis #flexibility #representation
Flexible Representation Analysis (ZS), pp. 85–98.
CHICHI-1997-BellottiR #multi #web
From Web Press to Web Pressure: Multimedia Representations and Multimedia Publishing (VB, YR), pp. 279–286.
CHICHI-1997-Muller #analysis #collaboration #human-computer
Translation in HCI: Formal Representations for Work Analysis and Collaboration (MJM), pp. 544–545.
CHICHI-1997-PedersenS #named #representation
AROMA: Abstract Representation of Presence Supporting Mutual Awareness (ERP, TS), pp. 51–58.
CHICHI-1997-TerwilligerP #interface
Relationships Between Users’ and Interfaces’ Task Representations (RBT, PGP), pp. 99–106.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-BaconS #3d #representation
Hybridization of Classical Documentary Techniques and Techniques of Three Dimensional Representation in Space: Dynamical Constitution of Virtual Scenes (JB, XS), pp. 925–928.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-PedersenS #representation
Awareness Technology: Experiments with Abstract Representation (ERP, TS), pp. 933–936.
CAiSECAiSE-1997-TagashiraAAK #concept #representation
Interval-Based Representation of Spatio-Temporal Concepts (TT, TA, MA, YK), pp. 231–244.
CIKMCIKM-1997-ChangKC #database #image #query #representation
A Spatial Match Representation Scheme for Indexing and Querying in Iconic Image Databases (JWC, YJK, KJC), pp. 169–176.
SIGIRSIGIR-1997-Kwok #information retrieval
Comparing Representations in Chinese Information Retrieval (KLK), pp. 34–41.
SACSAC-1997-ChengKK #assessment #concept #fuzzy #representation #using
Knowledge assessment using fuzzy conceptual representation (PC, DK, GK), pp. 3–9.
SACSAC-1997-ChungP #algorithm #problem #question #representation #search-based #why
Why is problem-dependent and high-level representation scheme better in a genetic algorithm? (SC, RP), pp. 239–246.
SACSAC-1997-CoppaNT #formal method #representation
A formal model for the discrete representation of spatial objects (FC, EN, MT), pp. 144–151.
SACSAC-1997-FeinsilverGS #approach #on the #polynomial
On the computation of polynomial representations of nilpotent Lie groups: a symbolic mathematical approach (PF, UG, RS), pp. 537–539.
ICLPILPS-1997-Mannila #data mining #database #induction #mining
Inductive Databases and Condensed Representations for Data Mining (HM), pp. 21–30.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1996-Hainline #data transformation #education #named #representation
DATATUTOR: a package for teaching data representation (DH), p. 234.
STOCSTOC-1996-KaplanT #functional
Purely Functional Representations of Catenable Sorted Lists (HK, RET), pp. 202–211.
ICFPICFP-1996-ChuangH #approach #automation #data transformation #probability #problem
A Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Automatic Selection of Data Representations (TRC, WLH), pp. 190–200.
CSCWCSCW-1996-DourishHMMZ #named #representation #workflow
Freeflow: Mediating Between Representation and Action in Workflow Systems (PD, JH, AM, PM, AZ), pp. 190–198.
CSCWCSCW-1996-GlancePP #flexibility #process
Generalized Process Structure Grammars GPSG for Flexible Representations of Work (NSG, DP, RP), pp. 180–189.
CIKMCIKM-1996-AbdelguerfiCWSMBR #database #representation
A Terrain Database Representation Based on an Extended Vector Product Format (MA, EC, CW, KS, VM, RB, BR), pp. 27–33.
CIKMCIKM-1996-Henrich #adaptation #documentation
Adapting a Spatial Access Structure for Document Representations in Vector Space (AH), pp. 19–26.
ICMLICML-1996-ZuckerG #learning #performance #representation
Representation Changes for Efficient Learning in Structural Domains (JDZ, JGG), pp. 543–551.
ICPRICPR-1996-Ayoung-CheeDF #3d #hybrid #representation #using
Enhanced 3D representation using a hybrid model (NAC, GD, FPF), pp. 575–579.
ICPRICPR-1996-BobickD #representation
An appearance-based representation of action (AFB, JWD), pp. 307–312.
ICPRICPR-1996-DunkerHS #3d #estimation #prototype #recognition #set #using
Single view recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects using sets of prototypical views and spatially tolerant contour representations (JD, GH, MS), pp. 14–18.
ICPRICPR-1996-HoC #multi #problem #representation
Wavelet representation for multigrid computation in surface interpolation problem (WJH, WTC), pp. 740–744.
ICPRICPR-1996-ImiyaFK #re-engineering #recognition #representation
Reconstruction, recognition, and representation of trees (AI, YF, TK), pp. 595–600.
ICPRICPR-1996-Karasik #3d #commutative #on the #representation #set
On a planar representation of 3D figures commutative with respect to set and morphological operations (YBK), pp. 615–619.
ICPRICPR-1996-KitamuraK #algorithm #generative #parallel #representation
A parallel algorithm for octree generation from polyhedral shape representation (YK, FK), pp. 303–309.
ICPRICPR-1996-LabonteDC #representation #sequence
A compact representation for stereoscopic sequences with NTSC spectral compatibility (FL, CTLD, PC), pp. 646–650.
ICPRICPR-1996-LiTH #representation
Qualitative representation of outdoor environment along route (SL, ST, AH), pp. 176–180.
ICPRICPR-1996-Maver #representation
Necessary views for a coarse representation of a scene (JM), pp. 936–940.
ICPRICPR-1996-SeitzD #representation #towards #using
Toward image-based scene representation using view morphing (SMS, CRD), pp. 84–89.
ICPRICPR-1996-WernerHLP #representation
Selection of reference views for image-based representation (TW, VH, AL, TP), pp. 73–77.
ICPRICPR-1996-YipP #detection #representation #using
Detection of moving objects using a spatiotemporal representation (HMY, TCP), pp. 483–487.
KDDKDD-1996-MannilaT96a #multi #set
Multiple Uses of Frequent Sets and Condensed Representations (Extended Abstract) (HM, HT), pp. 189–194.
KRKR-1996-CadoliDLS #information management #performance #representation
Comparing Space Efficiency of Propositional Knowledge Representation Formalisms (MC, FMD, PL, MS), pp. 364–373.
KRKR-1996-Ghallab #learning #on the #online #recognition #representation
On Chronicles: Representation, On-line Recognition and Learning (MG), pp. 597–606.
KRKR-1996-Jaeger #independence #representation
Representation Independence of Nonmonotonic Inference Relations (MJ), pp. 461–472.
KRKR-1996-KambhampatiY #constraints #on the #refinement
On the Role of Disjunctive Representations and Constraint Propagation in Refinement Planning (SK, XY), pp. 135–146.
KRKR-1996-SiegelF #logic #representation #theorem
A Representation Theorem for Preferential Logics (PS, LF), pp. 453–460.
KRKR-1996-SmirnovV #contest #integer #performance #programming #representation
Efficiency Competition through Representation Changes: Pigeonhole Principle vs. Integer Programming Methods (YVS, MMV), pp. 124–134.
SEKESEKE-1996-AdamsW #generative #information management #interface #natural language #representation
Generating Natural Language Interfaces for Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems (RA, HW), pp. 585–594.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1996-Moller #functional #information management #logic #object-oriented #representation
A Functional Layer for Description Logics: Knowledge Representation Meets Object-Oriented Programing (RM), pp. 198–213.
POPLPOPL-1996-BirkedalTV #representation
From Region Inference to von Neumann Machines via Region Representation Inference (LB, MT, MV), pp. 171–183.
CCCC-1996-ChowCLLS #alias #effectiveness #memory management #representation
Effective Representation of Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in SSA Form (FCC, SC, SML, RL, MS), pp. 253–267.
CAVCAV-1996-McMillan #model checking #representation
A Conjunctively Decomposed Boolean Representation for Symbolic Model Checking (KLM), pp. 13–25.
CSLCSL-1996-Matzinger #modelling #using
Computational Representations of Herbrand Models Using Grammars (RM), pp. 334–348.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-DeneckerBDPS #calculus #empirical #information management #protocol #representation #specification
A Realistic Experiment in Knowledge Representation in Open Event Calculus: Protocol Specification (MD, KVB, GD, FP, DDS), pp. 170–184.
DACDAC-1995-BredenfeldC #design #graph #integration #tool support #using
Tool Integration and Construction Using Generated Graph-Based Design Representations (AB, RC), pp. 94–99.
ASEKBSE-1995-Welty #towards
Towards an Epistemology for Software Representations (CAW), pp. 148–154.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-AntonacopoulosR #classification #representation #using
Representation and classification of complex-shaped printed regions using white tiles (AA, RTR), pp. 1132–1135.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-Zarri #approach #documentation #information management #knowledge-based #representation
The “Narrative Knowledge Representation Language”, a knowledge-based approach for representing the “meaning” of textual documents (GPZ), pp. 545–548.
WCREWCRE-1995-TjandraB #representation #reuse
Formal Representation of Reusable Software Modules (IAT, GB), pp. 198–202.
CAiSECAiSE-1995-ViehstaedtM #formal method #representation #visual notation
Graphical Representation and Manipulation of Complex Structures Based on a Formal Model (GV, MM), pp. 243–254.
KDDKDD-1995-TsumotoT95a #automation #component #functional #representation #sequence #set
Automated Discovery of Functional Components of Proteins from Amino-Acid Sequences Based on Rough Sets and Change of Representation (ST, HT), pp. 318–324.
SEKESEKE-1995-JaegerP #adaptation #coordination #representation
Representation and Adaptation of Organization Coordination Knowledge for Autonomous Agent Systems (TJ, AP), pp. 103–105.
SEKESEKE-1995-Kazimierczak #automation #information management #natural language #programming #representation
Knowledge Representation on the Level of Natural Language for Purposes of Automatic Programming (JK), pp. 140–143.
SEKESEKE-1995-NourO #approach #information management #representation
An Approach Based on “Frames” for Knowledge Representation and Scenes Interpretation in a Robot-Vision System (MN, KO), pp. 275–282.
SEKESEKE-1995-Patsouris #approach #framework #information management #object-oriented #representation
A Unified Framework for Knowledge Representation: A Formal Object-Oriented Approach (PAP), pp. 131–135.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-Finch #documentation #partial order #representation
Partial Orders for Document Representation: A New Methodology for Combining Document Features (SF), pp. 264–272.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-SchutzeHP #classification #comparison #documentation #problem
A Comparison of Classifiers and Document Representations for the Routing Problem (HS, DAH, JOP), pp. 229–237.
SACSAC-1995-AbualiWS #encoding #graph #representation
Determinant factorization and cycle basis: encoding schemes for the representation of spanning trees on incomplete graphs (FNA, RLW, DAS), pp. 305–312.
SACSAC-1995-LiangL #algorithm #matrix #representation #scheduling #search-based #using
A sparse matrix representation for production scheduling using genetic algorithms (SJTL, JML), pp. 313–317.
SACSAC-1995-Tunstel #fuzzy #mobile #navigation #representation
Fuzzy spatial map representation for mobile robot navigation (ET), pp. 586–589.
ICSEICSE-1995-DwyerCN #concurrent #petri net #representation #source code
A Compact Petri Net Representation for Concurrent Programs (MBD, LAC, KAN), pp. 147–157.
ICLPILPS-1995-LeuschelM #deduction #representation
Partial Deduction of the Ground Representation and its Application to Integrity Checking (ML, BM), pp. 495–509.
DACDAC-1994-DrechslerSTBP #diagrams #functional #order #performance #representation
Efficient Representation and Manipulation of Switching Functions Based on Ordered Kronecker Functional Decision Diagrams (RD, AS, MT, BB, MAP), pp. 415–419.
DACDAC-1994-ParulkarBN #representation
Extraction of a High-level structural Representation from Circuit Descriptions with Applications to DFT/BIST (IP, MAB, CN), pp. 345–356.
An OBDD-Representation of Statecharts (JH, PK), pp. 142–149.
DATEEDAC-1994-LangevinC #representation
An Extended OBDD Representation for Extended FSMs (ML, EC), pp. 208–213.
DATEEDAC-1994-YangMD #automaton #constraints #scheduling
Scheduling with Environmental Constraints based on Automata Representations (JCYY, GDM, MD), pp. 495–501.
HTHT-ECHT-1994-TaylorTB #concept #hypermedia #representation
Representation and Manipulation of Conceptual, Temporal and Geographical Knowledge in a Museum Hypermedia System (CT, DT, PBD), pp. 239–244.
PODSPODS-1994-GrumbachS #database
Finitely Representable Databases (SG, JS), pp. 289–300.
ICSMEICSM-1994-KinlochM #c #comprehension #graph #representation #source code #using
Understanding C Programs Using the Combined C Graph Representation (DAK, MM), pp. 172–180.
SASSAS-1994-ArmstrongMSS #algebra #analysis #dependence #performance #representation
Boolean Functions for Dependency Analysis: Algebraic Properties and Efficient Representation (TA, KM, PS, HS), pp. 266–280.
LISPLFP-1994-Hall #representation #type inference #using
Using Hindley-Milner Type Inference to Optimise List Representation (CVH), pp. 162–172.
Space-Efficient Closure Representations (ZS, AWA), pp. 150–161.
ICGTTAGT-1994-EhrenfeuchtHR #graph #graph transformation
Group Based Graph Transformations and Hierarchical Representations of Graphs (AE, TH, GR), pp. 502–520.
CHICHI-1994-ChaseSHH94a #behaviour #development #evaluation #representation
Development and evaluation of a taxonomical model of behavioral representation techniques (JDC, RSS, HRH, DH), pp. 159–165.
CHICHI-1994-RaoC94a #interactive #lens #visual notation #visualisation
The table lens: merging graphical and symbolic representations in an interactive focus + context visualization for tabular information (RR, SKC), pp. 318–322.
AdaTRI-Ada-1994-Duncan #ada #implementation
Implementing Internal Program Representations with Ada and Ada 9X (AGD), pp. 154–163.
CAiSECAiSE-1994-Johannesson #approach #communication #information management #representation #speech
Representation and Communication in Information Systems — A Speech Act Based Approach (PJ), pp. 200–213.
CIKMCIKM-1994-HeinleinKD #classification #guidelines #representation
Representation of Medical Guidelines on Top of a Classification-Based System (CH, KK, PD), pp. 415–422.
CIKMCIKM-1994-KarpPG #information management #representation #scalability
A Storage System for Scalable Knowledge Representation (PDK, SMP, IG), pp. 97–104.
KRKR-1994-BaalenF #representation
The Role of Reversible Grammars in Translating Between Representation Languages (JVB, RF), pp. 562–571.
KRKR-1994-CalvaneseLN #framework #representation
A Unified Framework for Class-Based Representation Formalisms (DC, ML, DN), pp. 109–120.
KRKR-1994-Carbonell #information management #learning #representation
Knowledge Representation Issues in Integrated Planning and Learning Systems (Abstract) (JGC), p. 633.
KRKR-1994-DuboisP94a #information management #nondeterminism #reasoning #representation #standard
Non-Standard Theories of Uncertainty in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (DD, HP), pp. 634–645.
KRKR-1994-Eugenio #natural language #representation
Action Representation for Interpreting Purpose Clauses in Natural Language Instructions (BDE), pp. 158–169.
KRKR-1994-Schubert #information management #natural language #reasoning #representation
Exploiting Natural Language for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Abstract) (LKS), pp. 650–651.
SEKESEKE-1994-ReinfeldsK #information management #representation #visualisation
Visualization and transformation of SGML knowledge representation structures (JR, KK), pp. 330–335.
PPDPPLILP-1994-TarauN #data transformation #novel #representation
A Novel Term Compression Scheme and Data Representation in the BinWAM (PT, UN), pp. 73–87.
POPLPOPL-1994-HondaY #combinator #mobile #process #representation
Combinatory Representation of Mobile Processes (KH, NY), pp. 348–360.
POPLPOPL-1994-WeiseCES #dependence #graph #representation
Value Dependence Graphs: Representation without Taxation (DW, RFC, MDE, BS), pp. 297–310.
SACSAC-1994-Sen #classification
Representational effects in a simple classifier system (SS), pp. 206–211.
CAVCAV-1994-McMillan #model checking
Hierarchical Representations of Discrete Functions, with Application to Model Checking (KLM), pp. 41–54.
ICDARICDAR-1993-JiangKT #recognition #representation #using
Recognition and representation of text characters using rubber band (JJ, WK, HT), pp. 955–958.
ICDARICDAR-1993-MonaganR #graph #representation #using
Appropriate base representation using a run graph (GM, MR), pp. 623–626.
ICDARICDAR-1993-PettierC #representation
Script representation by a generalized skeleton (JCP, JC), pp. 850–853.
ICDARICDAR-1993-WatanabeLS #comprehension #documentation #framework #information management #representation #towards
Toward a practical document understanding of table-form documents: its framework and knowledge representation (TW, QL, NS), pp. 510–515.
PODSPODS-1993-LibkinW #query #semantics
Semantic Representations and Query Languages for Or-sets (LL, LW), pp. 37–48.
PLDIPLDI-1993-AdamsCS #data type
First-Class Data-Type Representations in SchemeXerox (NA, PC, MS), pp. 139–146.
FPCAFPCA-1993-CattrallR #functional #implementation #programming #relational #representation
Widening the Representation Bottleneck: A Functional Implementation of Relational Programming (DC, CR), pp. 191–200.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-MorimotoKN #human-computer #interactive #representation
Dynamic Representation of Icons in Human-Computer Interaction (KM, TK, TN), pp. 38–43.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-SaitoN #algebra #comprehension #visual notation
An Algebraic System that Symbolic Expressions Can Interact with Graphical Representations for Understanding Mathematics (HS, MN), pp. 267–272.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-TakeguchiTO #analysis #information management #representation #scalability
A Knowledge Representation for Large Scale Integrated Circuit Failure Analysis (YT, TT, SO), pp. 92–97.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-FixWS #source code
Mental representations of programs by novices and experts (VF, SW, JS), pp. 74–79.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-Staples #representation #user interface #visual notation
Representation in virtual space: visual convention in the graphical user interface (LS), pp. 348–354.
CIKMCIKM-1993-GriffioenMY #image #object-oriented #representation
An Object-Oriented Model for Image Information Representation (JG, RM, RY), pp. 393–402.
CIKMCIKM-1993-Le #fuzzy #representation
Representation and Interpretation of Fuzzy Information (TVL), pp. 735–737.
CIKMCIKM-1993-LeeRTL #assembly #representation
An Information Model for Human Genome Map Representation and Assembly (AJL, EAR, ST, SL), pp. 75–84.
CIKMCIKM-1993-PissinouM #database #representation #semantics
Separating Semantics from Representation in a Temporal Object Database Domain (NP, KM), pp. 295–304.
ICMLICML-1993-SuttonW #learning #online #random
Online Learning with Random Representations (RSS, SDW), pp. 314–321.
SEKESEKE-1993-McFallSH #object-oriented #representation #reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering Structured Code to an Object-Oriented Representation (DM, GS, JH), pp. 86–93.
SEKESEKE-1993-Semmel #information management #query #representation
Knowledge Representation for Intelligent Query Processing (RDS), pp. 18–27.
SEKESEKE-1993-SuhST #information management #named #representation
INTEK: A Software Tool for an Intermediate Knowledge Representation Formalism (SCS, CFS, MMT), pp. 288–290.
SEKESEKE-1993-VazirgiannisPTH #design #fuzzy #hypermedia #information management #logic #object-oriented #representation
Hypermedia and Knowledge Representation: An Object-Oriented Design Based on Fuzzy Logic (MV, KP, AT, MH), pp. 337–342.
SIGIRSIGIR-1993-BelkinCCC #information retrieval #multi #performance #query
Effect of Multiple Query Representations on Information Retrieval System Performance (NJB, CC, WBC, JPC), pp. 339–346.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1993-Gurr #logic programming #programming language #representation
Specialising the Ground Representation in the Logic Programming Language Gödel (CAG), pp. 124–140.
SACSAC-1993-AguirreBBG #information management #prototype #representation #using
Using a High Level Knowledge Representation for Expert Systems Knowledge Acquisition and Prototyping (JLA, OB, RFB, MNG), pp. 490–497.
SACSAC-1993-PelkeyTTLD #gnome #representation #visual notation
Gnome View: A Tool for Visual Representation of Human Genome Data (JEP, GST, DAT, VBL, RJD), pp. 21–27.
ESECESEC-1993-JarkePJBAHWRPSSJMTVCS #process #representation #requirements
Requirements Engineering: An Integrated View of Representation, Process, and Domain (MJ, KP, SJ, JABJ, PA, PH, BW, CR, VP, JRS, AGS, SJ, NAMM, DT, YV, PC, GS), pp. 100–114.
FSEFSE-1993-Griswold #data flow
Direct Update of Data Flow Representations for a Meaning-Preserving Program Restructuring Tool (WGG), pp. 42–55.
ICSEICSE-1993-UralY #data flow #modelling #representation
Modeling Software for Accurate Data Flow Representation (HU, BY), pp. 277–286.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-BalaFC #optimisation #representation
Explicit Data Placement (XDP): A Methodology for Explicit Compile-Time Representation and Optimization (VB, JF, LC), pp. 139–148.
CAVCAV-1993-GuptaF #induction #parametricity #representation #using
Parametric Circuit Representation Using Inductive Boolean Functions (AG, ALF), pp. 15–28.
DACDAC-1992-MercerKR #functional #generative #order #performance
Functional Approaches to Generating Orderings for Efficient Symbolic Representations (MRM, RK, DER), pp. 624–627.
LISPLFP-1992-WandO #correctness #proving
Proving the Correctness of Storage Representations (MW, DO), pp. 151–160.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1992-Cheng #ada #concurrent #dependence #representation #source code
Task Dependence Net as a Representation for Concurrent Ada Programs (JC), pp. 150–164.
CAiSECAiSE-1992-BudgenF #design #process
Augmenting the Design Process Transformations from Abstract Design Representations (DB, GF), pp. 378–393.
CIKMCIKM-1992-FormicaM #constraints #database #object-oriented #representation
Integrity Constraints Representation in Object-Oriented Databases (AF, MM), pp. 69–85.
KRKR-1992-BaaderH #information management #representation
Embedding Defaults into Terminological Knowledge Representation Formalisms (FB, BH), pp. 306–317.
KRKR-1992-BaaderHNPF #analysis #empirical #optimisation #representation
An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for Terminological Representation Systems, or Making KRIS Get a Move On (FB, BH, BN, HJP, EF), pp. 270–281.
KRKR-1992-Brachman #information management #representation
“Reducing” CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality (RJB), pp. 247–258.
KRKR-1992-Dalal #deduction #information management #representation
Tractable Deduction in Knowledge Representation Systems (MD), pp. 393–402.
KRKR-1992-Gibert #declarative #information management #representation #scheduling
Declarative Knowledge Representation in Planning and Scheduling (JG), pp. 3–13.
Representations for Decision-Theoretic Planning: Utility Functions for Deadline Goals (PH, SH), pp. 71–82.
KRKR-1992-Iwanska #natural language #representation #semantics
A General Semantic Model of Negation in Natural Language: Representation and Inference (LI), pp. 357–368.
KRKR-1992-Jang #feedback #hybrid #information management #representation
Knowledge Representation and Incorporation in a Hybrid System with Feedback (YJ), pp. 477–488.
KRKR-1992-Maida #communication #information management #representation #requirements
Knowledge Representation Requirements for Description-Based Communication (ASM), pp. 232–243.
KRKR-1992-MyersK #reasoning
Reasoning with Analogical Representations (KLM, KK), pp. 189–200.
ICMLML-1992-ChengS #representation
The Right Representation for Discovery: Finding the Conservation of Momentum (PCHC, HAS), pp. 62–71.
SEKESEKE-1992-ArmeniseBGM #assessment #bibliography #process #representation
Software Processes Representation Languages: Survey and Assessment (PA, SB, CG, AM), pp. 455–462.
SIGIRSIGIR-1992-Lewis #categorisation #clustering #evaluation
An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text Categorization Task (DDL), pp. 37–50.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DojatP #prototype #representation #smalltalk #using
Representation of a Medical Expertise using the Smalltalk Environment: Putting a Prototype to Work (MD, FP), pp. 379–389.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Menzies #information management #representation
Is-a Object Part-of Knowledge Representation (Part 2) (TM), pp. 213–223.
PPDPPLILP-1992-CattrallR #programming #relational
A Relational Programming System with Inferred Representations (DC, CR), pp. 475–476.
DACDAC-1991-WalkerKS #database #editing #process #representation #statistics
A Semiconductor Wafer Representation Database and Its Use in the PREDITOR Process Editor and Statistical Simulator (DMHW, CSK, AJS), pp. 579–584.
ASEKBSE-1991-AllemangC #debugging #functional #representation
Functional Representation and Program Debugging (DA, BC), pp. 136–143.
ASEKBSE-1991-CabralD #concept
Domain-Specific Representations in the KBSA Concept Demo (GC, MD), pp. 97–106.
ASEKBSE-1991-RameshD #development #maintenance #process #representation #scalability
Representation and Maintenance of Process Knowledge for Large Scale Systems Development (BR, VD), pp. 223–231.
HTHT-1991-KaindlS #hypermedia #perspective #representation
Hypertext and Structured Object Representation: A Unifying View (HK, MHS), pp. 345–358.
PODSPODS-1991-BaudinetNW #infinity #on the #query #representation
On the Representation of Infinite Temporal Data and Queries (MB, MN, PW), pp. 280–290.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1991-ChenK #database #information management #representation
Nested Relation Based Database Knowledge Representation (QC, YK), pp. 328–337.
SASWSA-1991-NielBV #functional #partial evaluation #problem #representation
Partial Evaluation of Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages: the Representation Problem (ADN, EB, KDV), pp. 90–97.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-Chung #design #information management #non-functional #representation #requirements
Representation and Utilization of Non-Functional Requirements for Information System Design (LC), pp. 5–30.
KDDKDD-1991-Ziarko #analysis #database #dependence #representation
The Discovery, Analysis, and Representation of Data Dependencies in Databases (WZ), pp. 195–212.
KRKR-1991-BrogiT #information management #logic #representation
Metalogic for Knowledge Representation (AB, FT), pp. 61–69.
KRKR-1991-Castaing #formal method #representation
A New Formalisation of Subsumption in Frame-Based Representation Systems (JC), pp. 78–88.
KRKR-1991-Freuder #constraints #problem
Completable Representations of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (ECF), pp. 186–195.
KRKR-1991-Rich #information management #question #reasoning #representation
Implemented Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems: An Endangered Species? (CR), pp. 591–592.
KRKR-1991-Wilensky #ontology #representation
The Ontology and Representation of Situations (RW), pp. 558–569.
ICMLML-1991-Saxena #on the #representation
On the Effect of Instance Representation on Generalization (SS), pp. 198–202.
ICMLML-1991-Tan #learning #representation
Learning a Cost-Sensitive Internal Representation for Reinforcement Learning (MT), pp. 358–362.
SIGIRSIGIR-1991-FowlerFW #documentation #query #representation #visual notation
Integrating Query, Thesaurus, and Documents Through a Common Visual Representation (RHF, WALF, BAW), pp. 142–151.
SIGIRSIGIR-1991-Sutcliffe #distributed #information retrieval #using
Distributed Representations in a Text Based Information Retrieval System: A New Way of Using the Vector Space Model (RFES), pp. 123–132.
ECOOPECOOP-1991-WolinskiP #multi #representation
Representation of Complex Objects: Multiple Facets with Part-Whole Hierarchies (FW, JFP), pp. 288–306.
CSLCSL-1991-Troelstra #formal method
Comparing the Theory of Representations and Constructive Mathematics (AST), pp. 383–395.
RTARTA-1991-CohenW #performance #representation #term rewriting
An Efficient Representation of Arithmetic for Term Rewriting (DC, PW), pp. 240–251.
DACDAC-1990-DuttHG #behaviour #representation #synthesis
An Intermediate Representation for Behavioral Synthesis (NDD, TH, DG), pp. 14–19.
PODSPODS-1990-YuR #design #specification
Representability of Design Objects by Ancestor-Controlled Hierarchical Specifications (LY, DJR), pp. 28–39.
ESOPESOP-1990-SteffenKR #graph #program transformation #representation
The Value Flow Graph: A Program Representation for Optimal Program Transformations (BS, JK, OR), pp. 389–405.
PLDIPLDI-1990-BallanceMO #dependence #imperative #representation #web
The Program Dependence Web: A Representation Supporting Control, Data, and Demand-Driven Interpretation of Imperative Languages (RAB, ABM, KJO), pp. 257–271.
PLDIPLDI-1990-CytronFS #dependence
Compact Representations for Control Dependence (RC, JF, VS), pp. 337–351.
STOCSTOC-1990-SundarT #sequence #set
Unique Binary Search Tree Representations and Equality-testing of Sets and Sequences (RS, RET), pp. 18–25.
LISPLFP-1990-NadathurW #representation
A Representation of λ Terms Suitable for Operations on Their Intensions (GN, DSW), pp. 341–348.
ICGTGG-1990-Mayoh #graph grammar #information management #representation
Graph Grammars for Knowledge Representation (BHM), p. 53.
ICMLML-1990-ArunkumarY #information management #learning #representation #using
Knowledge Acquisition from Examples using Maximal Representation Learning (SA, SY), pp. 2–8.
ICMLML-1990-Cohen #analysis #concept #learning #representation
An Analysis of Representation Shift in Concept Learning (WWC), pp. 104–112.
SEKESEKE-1990-Maim #named #representation
CRL: Common Representation Language (EM), pp. 209–215.
SEKESEKE-1990-SaveantC #metalanguage #problem #representation
A Metalanguage for Representation and Control in Assumption-based Problem Solvers (PS, PC), pp. 159–164.
SEKESEKE-1990-WangYT #information management #named #representation
CKRL: A Connectionist Knowledge Representation Language (JW, YY, JT), pp. 166–170.
PPDPPLILP-1990-Leroy #data transformation #performance #polymorphism #representation
Efficient Data Representation in Polymorphic Languages (XL), pp. 255–276.
CADECADE-1990-MullerBNNS #concept #reasoning #representation #tutorial
Tutorial on Reasoning and Representation with Concept Languages (JM, FB, BN, WN, GS), p. 681.
DACDAC-1989-AudeK #adaptation #design #representation
Representation and Use of Design Rules within a Technology Adaptable CAD System (JSA, HJK), pp. 478–484.
DACDAC-1989-DaveP #generative #testing #using
A Functional-Level Test Generation Methodology Using Two-level Representations (UJD, JHP), pp. 722–725.
DACDAC-1989-KollaritschLMSS #design #representation
A Unified Design Representation Can Work (PK, SL, DM, DS, PS), pp. 811–813.
HTHT-1989-JordanRJR #development #hypermedia #ide
Facilitating the Development of Representations in Hypertext with IDE (DSJ, DMR, AMSJ, RAR), pp. 93–104.
HTHT-1989-NeuwirthK #design #process #tool support
The Role of External Representations in the Writing Process: Implications for the Design of Hypertext-Based Writing Tools (CN, DK), pp. 319–341.
HTHT-1989-Travers #representation #visual notation
A Visual Representation for Knowledge Structures (MT), pp. 147–158.
STOCSTOC-1989-GoodmanPS #coordination #exponential #order #representation
Coordinate Representation of Order Types Requires Exponential Storage (JEG, RP, BS), pp. 405–410.
Untagged Data in Tagged Environments: Choosing Optimal Representations at Compile Time (JP), pp. 89–99.
CHICHI-1989-SiochiH #representation #user interface
Task-oriented representation of asynchronous user interfaces (ACS, HRH), pp. 183–188.
KRKR-1989-CrawfordK #formal method #information management #logic #representation #towards
Towards a Theory of Access-Limited Logic for Knowledge Representation (JMC, BK), pp. 67–78.
KRKR-1989-Hirst #information management #ontology #representation
Ontological Assumptions in Knowledge Representation (GH), pp. 157–169.
KRKR-1989-Ishida #framework #information management #representation
A Framework for Dynamic Representation of Knowledge: A Minimum Principle in Organizing Knowledge Representation (YI), pp. 170–179.
KRKR-1989-KotonC #exception #information management #reasoning #representation
Knowledge Representation in a Case-Based Reasoning System: Defaults and Exceptions (PK, MPC), pp. 203–211.
KRKR-1989-Schmolze #information management #representation
Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems Supporting N-ary Terms (JGS), pp. 432–443.
KRKR-1989-SchubertH #information management #representation
An Episodic Knowledge Representation for Narrative Texts (LKS, CHH), pp. 444–458.
KRKR-1989-Stabler #information management #reasoning #representation #similarity
Syntactic Equality in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (EPSJ), pp. 459–466.
ICMLML-1989-CaruanaSE #algorithm #bias #induction #multi #search-based #using
Using Multiple Representations to Improve Inductive Bias: Gray and Binary Coding for Genetic Algorithms (RC, JDS, LJE), pp. 375–378.
ICMLML-1989-HolteZ #framework #representation
A Mathematical Framework for Studying Representation (RCH, RMZ), pp. 454–456.
ICMLML-1989-Mostow #algorithm #object-oriented #representation
An Object-Oriented Representation for Search algorithms (JM), pp. 489–491.
Evaluating alternative Instance Representations (SS), pp. 465–468.
ICMLML-1989-Schlimmer #problem #quality
Refining Representations to Improve Problem Solving Quality (JCS), pp. 457–460.
ICMLML-1989-Segen #clustering #incremental #representation
Incremental Clustering by Minimizing Representation Length (JS), pp. 400–403.
ICMLML-1989-Subramanian #machine learning
Representational Issues in Machine Learning (DS), pp. 426–429.
SEKESEKE-1989-MohanK #abstraction #modelling #object-oriented #representation
Abstractions in Object-oriented Data Models: A Formalized Representation Scheme (LM, RLK), pp. 79–84.
SEKESEKE-1989-WongW #hybrid #information management #representation
Object Formation in A Hybrid Knowledge Representation (STCW, JLW), pp. 42–47.
SIGIRSIGIR-1989-Belew #adaptation #documentation #information retrieval #representation #using
Adaptive Information Retrieval: Using a Connectionist Representation to Retrieve and Learn About Documents (RKB), pp. 11–20.
ICSEICSE-1989-Finkelstein #development #modelling #quote #representation
“Not Waving but Drowning”: Representation Schemes for Modelling Software Development (AF), pp. 402–404.
CSLCSL-1989-Parigot #on the #representation #λ-calculus
On the Representation of Data in λ-Calculus (MP), pp. 309–321.
CSLCSL-1989-Wette #complexity #recursion #representation
Sequential Representation of Primitive Recursive Functions, and Complexity Classes (EW), pp. 422–437.
LICSLICS-1989-HarperST #representation
Structure and Representation in LF (RH, DS, AT), pp. 226–237.
DACDAC-1988-BarthS #design #representation
A Structural Representation for VLSI Design (RB, BS), pp. 237–242.
VLDBVLDB-1988-Rougemont #algorithm #fixpoint #representation #scalability #semantics
Fixed-point semantics and the representation of algorithms on large data (MdR), pp. 264–272.
STOCSTOC-1988-KannanNR #graph #representation
Implicit Representation of Graphs (SK, MN, SR), pp. 334–343.
LISPLFP-1988-QueinnecC #data transformation #lisp #representation
An Open-Ended Data Representation Model for EU_LISP (CQ, PC), pp. 298–308.
ICMLML-1988-CaruanaS #algorithm #bias #representation #search-based
Representation and Hidden Bias: Gray vs. Binary Coding for Genetic Algorithms (RC, JDS), pp. 153–161.
SIGIRSIGIR-1988-BrachmanM #concept #information management #representation #retrieval
Knowledge Representation, Connectionism, and Conceptual Retrieval (RJB, DLM), pp. 161–174.
SIGIRSIGIR-1988-Zarri #concept #information retrieval #knowledge base #representation
Conceptual Representation for Knowledge Bases and “Intelligent” Information Retrieval Systems (GPZ), pp. 551–565.
CADECADE-1988-McAllester #information management #named #representation
Ontic: A Knowledge Representation System for Mathematics (DAM), pp. 742–743.
CSLCSL-1988-BeierleDPRSS #information management #representation
The Knowledge Representation Language LLILOG (CB, JD, UP, CRR, PHS, RS), pp. 14–51.
DACDAC-1987-Brei #metalanguage #named #representation
Needed: A Meta-Language for Evaluating the Expressiveness of EDIF, IGES, VHDL and Other Representation Mechanisms (MLB), p. 565.
DACDAC-1987-DaiSK #layout #performance #representation
A Dynamic and Efficient Representation of Building-Block Layout (WWMD, MS, ESK), pp. 376–384.
DACDAC-1987-WuWN #automation #design #representation #rule-based #verification
A Rule-Based Circuit Representation for Automated CMOS Design and Verification (CFEW, ASW, LMN), pp. 786–792.
HTHT-1987-Marshall #hypermedia #problem #representation #using
Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext (CCM), pp. 253–268.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-AbiteboulKG #on the #query #representation #set
On the Representation and Querying of Sets of Possible Worlds (SA, PCK, GG), pp. 34–48.
VLDBVLDB-1987-GuntherW #geometry #representation
A Dual Space Representation for Geometric Data (OG, EW), pp. 501–506.
Posets, Boolean Representations and Quick Path Searching (GG, JN, MT), pp. 404–424.
FPCAFPCA-1987-Lester #representation #semantics #stack
The G-machine as a representation of stack semantics (DRL), pp. 46–59.
SIGIRSIGIR-1987-Teskey #information management #information retrieval
Enriched Knowledge Representations for Information Retrieval (FNT), pp. 43–44.
ECOOPECOOP-1987-Dewhurst #representation
Object Representation of Scope During Translation (SCD), pp. 71–78.
DACDAC-1986-Gerveshi #comparison #logic
Comparison of CMOS PLA and polycell representations of control logic (CMG), pp. 638–642.
DACDAC-1986-NandyR #design #representation
Dual quadtree representation for VLSI designs (SKN, LVR), pp. 663–666.
DACDAC-1986-OrailogluG #graph #representation
Flow graph representation (AO, DG), pp. 503–509.
ICGTGG-1986-Courcelle #algebra #graph #graph grammar #representation #term rewriting
A representation of graphs by algebraic expressions and its use for graph rewriting systems (BC), pp. 112–132.
SIGIRSIGIR-1986-BelkinK #documentation #retrieval #using
Using Structural Representations of Anomalous States of Knowledge for Choosing Document Retrieval Strategies (NJB, BHK), pp. 11–22.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1986-IshikawaT #concurrent #implementation #information management #object-oriented #representation
A Concurrent Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation Language Orient84/K: Its Features and Implementation (YI, MT), pp. 232–241.
POPLPOPL-1986-Mitchell #abstraction #independence #representation
Representation Independence and Data Abstraction (JCM), pp. 263–276.
ICLPSLP-1986-MannilaU86 #implementation #prolog #representation
Timestamped Term Representation for Implementing Prolog (HM, EU), pp. 159–165.
DACDAC-1985-BlackburnT #behaviour #representation #synthesis
Linking the behavioral and structural dominis of representation in a synthesis system (RLB, DET), pp. 374–380.
DACDAC-1985-Bryant #representation #using #visual notation
Symbolic manipulation of Boolean functions using a graphical representation (REB), pp. 688–694.
DACDAC-1985-WalkerT #design #representation #synthesis
A model of design representation and synthesis (RAW, DET), pp. 453–459.
VLDBVLDB-1985-Zaniolo #deduction #representation #retrieval
The Representation and Deductive Retrieval of Complex Objects (CZ), pp. 458–469.
ICLPSLP-1984-Nakashima84 #information management #prolog #representation
Knowledge representation in Prolog/KR (HN), pp. 126–130.
DACDAC-1983-MetosO #diagrams #implementation #physics
Binary Decision Diagrams: From abstract representations to physical implementations (JSM, JVO), pp. 567–570.
SIGIRSIGIR-1983-Das-GuptaK #case study #documentation
A Study of the Overlap Among Document Representations (PDG, JK), pp. 106–114.
SIGIRSIGIR-1983-Zarri #information management #information retrieval #representation #using
Reseda, An Information Retrieval System Using Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation Techniques (GPZ), pp. 189–195.
DACDAC-1982-NestorT #design #implementation #multi #representation #simulation
Defining and implementing a multilevel design representation with simulation applications (JAN, DET), pp. 740–746.
ICGTGG-1982-Staples #evaluation #performance #representation
Two-level expression representation for faster evaluation (JS), pp. 392–404.
ICSEICSE-1982-LucasR #equation #evaluation #representation
Representation of Factual Information by Equations and Their Evaluation (PL, TR), pp. 367–376.
ICLPILPC-1982-Pique82 #natural language #on the #representation #semantics
On a Semantic Representation of Natural Language Sentences (JFP), pp. 215–223.
DACDAC-1981-Eastman #design #representation
Recent developments in representation in the science of design (CME), pp. 13–21.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1981-SwartwoutL #on the #requirements
On the Requirements of Navigational Relationship Representations (DES, JCL), pp. 1–9.
ICALPICALP-1981-Istrail #product line
Chomsky-Schützenberger Representations for Families of Languages and Grammatical Types (SI), pp. 333–347.
SIGIRSIGIR-1981-NikkuniT #documentation #representation #retrieval
Document Contents Representation Model of Sentence Retrieval System SCAT-IR (MN, HT), pp. 106–112.
Spatial Representations of Knowledge: Validity and Applications to Information Science (TN, JFD), pp. 113–125.
SIGIRSIGIR-1981-Smith #design #information retrieval #representation
Representation Issues in Information Retrieval System Design (LCS), pp. 100–105.
DACDAC-1980-SoukupR #layout #representation
Cell map representation for hierarchical layout (JS, JR), pp. 591–594.
DACDAC-1980-Wilmore #representation
A hierarchical bit-map format for the representation of IC mask data (JAW), pp. 585–589.
ICALPICALP-1980-Kozen #modelling #representation #theorem
A Representation Theorem for Models of *-Free PDL (DK), pp. 351–362.
SIGIRSIGIR-1980-Hafner #information retrieval #representation
Representation of Knowledge in a Legal Information Retrieval System (CDH), pp. 139–153.
SIGIRSIGIR-1980-NoreaultMK #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #similarity
A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment (TN, MM, MBK), pp. 57–76.
CCSDCG-1980-Gaudel #compilation #data type #specification
Specification of compilers as abstract data type representations (MCG), pp. 140–164.
DACDAC-1979-Lauther #algorithm #graph #representation
A min-cut placement algorithm for general cell assemblies based on a graph representation (UL), pp. 1–10.
STOCSTOC-1979-RosenbergWG #data type
Storage Representations for Tree-Like Data Structures (ALR, DW, ZG), pp. 99–107.
ICALPICALP-1979-Hartmanis #on the
On the Succintness of Different Representations of Languages (JH), pp. 282–288.
SIGIRSIGIR-1979-Miller #documentation #modelling #representation #retrieval
Document Representation Models for Retrieval Systems (LLM), pp. 41–44.
DACDAC-1978-Flemming #generative #representation
Representation and generation of rectangular dissections (UF), pp. 138–144.
DACDAC-1978-SnowST #design #trade-off
A technology-relative computer-aided design system: Abstract representations, transformations, and design tradeoffs (EAS, DPS, DET), pp. 220–226.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1978-NavatheS #database #design #logic #representation
View Representation in Logical Database Design (SBN, MS), pp. 144–156.
STOCSTOC-1978-BrownT #linear #representation
A Representation for Linear Lists with Movable Fingers (MRB, RET), pp. 19–29.
STOCSTOC-1978-Dowd #proving #representation
Propositional Representation of Arithmetic Proofs (Preliminary Version) (MD), pp. 246–252.
STOCSTOC-1977-GuibasMPR #linear #representation
A New Representation for Linear Lists (LJG, EMM, MFP, JRR), pp. 49–60.
ICSEICSE-1976-BillawalaST #data type #multi #simulation
A Data Structure and Drive Mechanism for a Table-Driven Simulation System Employing Multilevel Structural Representations of Digital Systems (NB, SAS, EWT), pp. 151–157.
VLDBVLDB-1975-Reiter #modelling
Data Models for Secondary Storage Representations (AR), pp. 87–119.
SIGMODSIGFIDET-1974-Beitz #database #representation
A Set-Theoretic View of Data Base Representation (EHB), pp. 477–494.
STOCSTOC-1974-Kirkpatrick #graph #matrix
Determining Graph Properties from Matrix Representations (DGK), pp. 84–90.
ICALPICALP-1974-PaciniMT #graph #recursion #representation
Graph Representation and Computation Rules for Typeless Recursive Languages (GP, CM, FT), pp. 157–169.
SIGIRSIGIR-1973-SuCL #data transformation #retrieval
Retrieval Operations and Data Representations in a Context-Addressed Disc System (SYWS, GPC, GJL), pp. 144–160.
Mode Modules as Representations of Domains (AEF, MJF), pp. 139–143.
STOCSTOC-1971-Meyers #linear #representation
Linear Representation of Tree Structure: A Mathematical Theory of Parenthesis-Free Notations (WJM), pp. 50–62.
DACDAC-1969-Chace #multi #representation
A network-variational basis for generalized computer representation of multifreedom, constrained, mechanical systems (MAC), pp. 169–178.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.