Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
J.M.Neto F.Mazullo I.Moura A.Fontinele I.Santos
Talks about:
network (2) transpar (1) strategi (1) problem (1) physic (1) outdat (1) inform (1) degrad (1) consid (1) solut (1)
Person: André Castelo Branco Soares
DBLP: Soares:Andr=eacute=_Castelo_Branco
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2015-FontineleSSNM #network #physics #problem
- A solution to the MCSP problem considering physical layer degradations in transparent optical networks (AF, IS, ACBS, JMN, FM), pp. 662–664.
- SAC-2013-MouraMNS #named #network #novel
- ABOI: a novel strategy to mitigate the blocking due to outdated information in OCS/OBS network (IM, FM, JMN, ACBS), pp. 640–645.