968 papers:
- ECSA-2015-Gerostathopoulos #adaptation #cyber-physical
- Meta-Adaptation Strategies for Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Systems (IG, TB, PH, AH, FP, DS), pp. 45–52.
- CASE-2015-0002KL #evaluation
- Quantitative evaluation of coarse-to-fine loading strategies for material rehandling (MM, TK, AJL), pp. 450–455.
- CASE-2015-FantiMRUP #energy #strict
- A control strategy for district energy management (MPF, AMM, MR, WU, SP), pp. 432–437.
- CASE-2015-ForstnerM #optimisation #safety #using
- Using simulation-based optimization to determine production strategies and safety stock levels in semiconductor supply chains (LF, LM), pp. 655–656.
- CASE-2015-HuangHCC #performance #synthesis
- Efficient grasp synthesis and control strategy for robot hand-arm system (MBH, HPH, CCC, CAC), pp. 1256–1257.
- CASE-2015-KeroglouH #communication #constraints #distributed #using
- Distributed diagnosis using predetermined synchronization strategies in the presence of communication constraints (CK, CNH), pp. 831–836.
- CASE-2015-SchletteR #assembly
- Utilization of motion planning strategies for micro-optical assembly (CS, JR), pp. 781–786.
- CASE-2015-WangSH #concurrent
- A three-stage deadlock prevention strategy for S3PR nets (SW, CS, LH), pp. 286–291.
- CASE-2015-ZouLLJX #locality #online
- A mutual information based online access point selection strategy for WiFi indoor localization (HZ, YL, XL, HJ, LX), pp. 180–185.
- DAC-2015-RahimiCMGB #clustering #embedded #hardware #memory management #scheduling #variability
- Task scheduling strategies to mitigate hardware variability in embedded shared memory clusters (AR, DC, AM, RKG, LB), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-ChenYQFM #evaluation #model checking #scheduling #statistics #using
- Variation-aware evaluation of MPSoC task allocation and scheduling strategies using statistical model checking (MC, DY, XQ, XF, PM), pp. 199–204.
- DocEng-2015-FerreiraLCFSR #automation #classification #documentation #summary #using
- Automatic Document Classification using Summarization Strategies (RF, RDL, LdSC, FF, SJS, MR), pp. 69–72.
- DRR-2015-MiouletBCPB #architecture #multi #network #recognition
- Exploring multiple feature combination strategies with a recurrent neural network architecture for off-line handwriting recognition (LM, GB, CC, TP, SB).
- SIGMOD-2015-LiBCGM #named #network #towards
- GetReal: Towards Realistic Selection of Influence Maximization Strategies in Competitive Networks (HL, SSB, JC, YG, JM), pp. 1525–1537.
- SIGMOD-2015-VerroiosLG #crowdsourcing #named
- tDP: An Optimal-Latency Budget Allocation Strategy for Crowdsourced MAXIMUM Operations (VV, PL, HGM), pp. 1047–1062.
- ITiCSE-2015-MishraI #data type #student
- Question-Posing strategies used by students for exploring Data Structures (SM, SI), pp. 171–176.
- FoSSaCS-2015-Mamouras #hoare #logic #nondeterminism #synthesis
- Synthesis of Strategies and the Hoare Logic of Angelic Nondeterminism (KM), pp. 25–40.
- TACAS-2015-BassetKTW #game studies #multi #probability #synthesis
- Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Games with Multiple Long-Run Objectives (NB, MZK, UT, CW), pp. 256–271.
- ICSME-2015-Aniche #detection #development #smell #web
- Detection strategies of smells in web software development (MFA), pp. 598–601.
- ICALP-v2-2015-ScheweTV #symmetry
- Symmetric Strategy Improvement (SS, AT, TV), pp. 388–400.
- CHI-2015-MitraHG #quality
- Comparing Person- and Process-centric Strategies for Obtaining Quality Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk (TM, CJH, EG), pp. 1345–1354.
- CHI-2015-OttleyYC #how #predict #visualisation
- Personality as a Predictor of User Strategy: How Locus of Control Affects Search Strategies on Tree Visualizations (AO, HY, RC), pp. 3251–3254.
- HCI-DE-2015-BorzaM #assurance #design #process #usability
- Incorporating Marketing Strategies to Improve Usability Assurance in User-Centered Design Processes (ICB, JAM), pp. 152–162.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-Frimodt-MollerB #information management
- Possible Strategies for Facilitating the Exchange of Tacit Knowledge in a Team of Creative Professionals (SRFM, NB, EPB, YG), pp. 467–475.
- LCT-2015-Chu #editing
- Dual-Coding Strategy for the Chinese Characters Learners: Chinese PCS Editor (CNC), pp. 43–49.
- SCSM-2015-VillelaXP #collaboration #identification #network
- Identifying Collaboration Strategies in Scientific Collaboration Networks (MLBV, SX, ROP), pp. 253–264.
- KDD-2015-AdamopoulosT #effectiveness #social #social media
- The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in Social Media: Evidence from Promotional Events (PA, VT), pp. 1641–1650.
- KDD-2015-BegumUWK #clustering #novel
- Accelerating Dynamic Time Warping Clustering with a Novel Admissible Pruning Strategy (NB, LU, JW, EJK), pp. 49–58.
- KDD-2015-TengTYC #constraints #effectiveness
- An Effective Marketing Strategy for Revenue Maximization with a Quantity Constraint (YWT, CHT, PSY, MSC), pp. 1175–1184.
- SIGIR-2015-MaxwellAJK #adaptation
- An Initial Investigation into Fixed and Adaptive Stopping Strategies (DM, LA, KJ, HK), pp. 903–906.
- OOPSLA-2015-OhYY #adaptation #learning #optimisation #program analysis
- Learning a strategy for adapting a program analysis via bayesian optimisation (HO, HY, KY), pp. 572–588.
- SAC-2015-AldeaIHQBF #modelling
- Modelling strategy with ArchiMate (AA, MEI, JvH, DACQ, LB, HMF), pp. 1211–1218.
- SAC-2015-HuangSZSXD #privacy #pseudo
- A source-location privacy protection strategy via pseudo normal distribution-based phantom routing in WSNs (JH, MS, SZ, YS, CCX, QD), pp. 688–694.
- SAC-2015-Messaoud #collaboration #named
- Dynamic: a collaborative filtering strategy for assigning examination’s rooms to supervisors (MBM), pp. 264–266.
- SAC-2015-RighiVRRCFA #parallel #source code
- Rescheduling and checkpointing as strategies to run synchronous parallel programs on P2P desktop grids (RdRR, AV, VFR, GR, CAdC, KF, AMA), pp. 501–504.
- SAC-2015-SugiyamaS #learning #multi
- Meta-strategy for cooperative tasks with learning of environments in multi-agent continuous tasks (AS, TS), pp. 494–500.
- ICSE-v1-2015-JiaCHP #combinator #generative #interactive #learning #testing #using
- Learning Combinatorial Interaction Test Generation Strategies Using Hyperheuristic Search (YJ, MBC, MH, JP), pp. 540–550.
- ICSE-v2-2015-FalknerSVF #development #evolution
- Evolution of Software Development Strategies (KEF, CS, RV, NJGF), pp. 243–252.
- ICSE-v2-2015-Mead #collaboration #education #industrial #re-engineering
- Industry/University Collaboration in Software Engineering Education: Refreshing and Retuning Our Strategies (NRM), pp. 273–275.
- ICSE-v2-2015-Ouriques #modelling #testing
- Strategies for Prioritizing Test Cases Generated Through Model-Based Testing Approaches (JFSO), pp. 879–882.
- ICSE-v2-2015-Szabo #comprehension #maintenance
- Novice Code Understanding Strategies during a Software Maintenance Assignment (CS), pp. 276–284.
- ASPLOS-2015-AgarwalNSOK #memory management
- Page Placement Strategies for GPUs within Heterogeneous Memory Systems (NA, DWN, MS, MO, SWK), pp. 607–618.
- CADE-2015-JacquemardKS #bottom-up #constraints #term rewriting
- Term Rewriting with Prefix Context Constraints and Bottom-Up Strategies (FJ, YK, MS), pp. 137–151.
- CADE-2015-MaricJM #correctness #higher-order #proving #using
- Proving Correctness of a KRK Chess Endgame Strategy by Using Isabelle/HOL and Z3 (FM, PJ, MM), pp. 256–271.
- CADE-2015-SatoW #dependence #encoding
- Encoding Dependency Pair Techniques and Control Strategies for Maximal Completion (HS, SW), pp. 152–162.
- CAV-2015-BrazdilCCFK #learning #markov #process
- Counterexample Explanation by Learning Small Strategies in Markov Decision Processes (TB, KC, MC, AF, JK), pp. 158–177.
- CSL-2015-Klein0 #game studies #lookahead #what
- What are Strategies in Delay Games? Borel Determinacy for Games with Lookahead (FK, MZ), pp. 519–533.
- LICS-2015-CanavoiGLP #fixpoint #logic
- Defining Winning Strategies in Fixed-Point Logic (FC, EG, SL, WP), pp. 366–377.
- LICS-2015-CarayolS #game studies #how #question
- How Good Is a Strategy in a Game with Nature? (AC, OS), pp. 609–620.
- RTA-2015-CirsteaLM #encoding #programmable #term rewriting
- A faithful encoding of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems (HC, SL, PEM), pp. 74–88.
- RTA-2015-Kirchner #data analysis #graph
- Port Graphs, Rules and Strategies for Dynamic Data Analytics — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (HK), pp. 1–4.
- TAP-2015-HubnerHP #equivalence #evaluation #novel #testing
- Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Equivalence Class Partition Testing Strategy (FH, WlH, JP), pp. 155–172.
- ECSA-2014-LewisLP #architecture #bibliography #perspective
- Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging: Preliminary Results from a Systematic Literature Review (GAL, PL, GP), pp. 154–169.
- CASE-2014-MurookaNNKOI #learning #physics #scalability
- Manipulation strategy learning for carrying large objects based on mapping from object physical property to object manipulation action in virtual environment (MM, SN, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 263–270.
- CASE-2014-NodaMNKOI #behaviour #maintenance #online #predict
- Online maintaining behavior of high-load and unstable postures based on whole-body load balancing strategy with thermal prediction (SN, MM, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 1166–1171.
- DAC-2014-RoyMIT #multi #performance
- Tile Before Multiplication: An Efficient Strategy to Optimize DSP Multiplier for Accelerating Prime Field ECC for NIST Curves (DBR, DM, MI, JT), p. 6.
- DATE-2014-AfacanAFDB #automation #design #modelling #optimisation
- Model based hierarchical optimization strategies for analog design automation (EA, SA, FVF, GD, IFB), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-DogaruSR #flexibility
- A flexible BIST strategy for SDR transmitters (ED, FVdS, WR), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-WettinMKYPH #evaluation #network #performance
- Performance evaluation of wireless NoCs in presence of irregular network routing strategies (PW, JM, RK, XY, PPP, DHH), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-YangHKKCPK #parallel #predict #simulation
- Predictive parallel event-driven HDL simulation with a new powerful prediction strategy (SY, JH, DK, NK, DC, JP, JK), pp. 1–3.
- VLDB-2014-BoehmTRSTBV #hybrid #machine learning #parallel #scalability
- Hybrid Parallelization Strategies for Large-Scale Machine Learning in SystemML (MB, ST, BR, PS, YT, DB, SV), pp. 553–564.
- VLDB-2014-BrunoKW #distributed #scalability
- Advanced Join Strategies for Large-Scale Distributed Computation (NB, YK, MCW), pp. 1484–1495.
- CSEET-2014-BreivoldC #education #in the cloud
- Cloud Computing education strategies (HPB, IC), pp. 29–38.
- ITiCSE-2014-FalknerVF #identification #learning #self
- Identifying computer science self-regulated learning strategies (KF, RV, NJGF), pp. 291–296.
- ITiCSE-2014-WhalleyK
- A qualitative think-aloud study of novice programmers’ code writing strategies (JLW, NK), pp. 279–284.
- FoSSaCS-2014-Chatterjee0NV #complexity #game studies #probability
- The Complexity of Partial-Observation Stochastic Parity Games with Finite-Memory Strategies (KC, LD, SN, MYV), pp. 242–257.
- SAS-2014-MonniauxS
- Speeding Up Logico-Numerical Strategy Iteration (DM, PS), pp. 253–267.
- FM-2014-AntoninoSW #analysis #concurrent #csp #network #process #refinement
- A Refinement Based Strategy for Local Deadlock Analysis of Networks of CSP Processes (PRGA, AS, JW), pp. 62–77.
- CHI-2014-MarshallL #self
- Searching for myself: motivations and strategies for self-search (CCM, SEL), pp. 3675–3684.
- CHI-2014-WisniewskiXC #adaptation #comprehension #facebook #timeline
- Understanding user adaptation strategies for the launching of facebook timeline (PJW, HX, YC), pp. 2421–2430.
- CHI-2014-ZhangH #comprehension #modelling #multi
- Understanding multitasking through parallelized strategy exploration and individualized cognitive modeling (YZ, AJH), pp. 3885–3894.
- CSCW-2014-Vitak #facebook #maintenance #strict
- Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections (JV), pp. 842–853.
- CSCW-2014-YuAKK #comparison #learning #quality #social
- A comparison of social, learning, and financial strategies on crowd engagement and output quality (LY, PA, AK, RK), pp. 967–978.
- DHM-2014-GuarneriA #design
- Active Prevention by Motivating and Engaging Teenagers in Adopting Healthier Lifestyles: — PEGASO Strategy in Designing Future Healthcare Pillars (RG, GA), pp. 351–360.
- DHM-2014-ZhangTWHFC #modelling
- Modeling Human Control Strategies in Simulated RVD Tasks through the Time-Fuel Optimal Control Model (SZ, YT, CW, SH, YF, SC), pp. 661–670.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-ZellerGD #design
- basil.js — Bridging Mouse and Code Based Design Strategies (LZ, BG, TD), pp. 686–696.
- HCI-AS-2014-Fragoso #design #interface
- Interface Design Strategies and Disruptions of Gameplay: Notes from a Qualitative Study with First-Person Gamers (SF), pp. 593–603.
- HCI-AS-2014-PortouliP #adaptation #multi
- Adaptive Warning Strategies from Multiple Systems: A Simulator Study with Drivers with Different Reaction Times (EP, VP), pp. 485–493.
- HIMI-DE-2014-LeeY14a #documentation
- Types of Document Search Tasks and Users’ Cognitive Information Seeking Strategies (HEL, WCY), pp. 449–460.
- HIMI-DE-2014-LiH
- Improving Academic Listening Skills of Second Language by Building up Strategy Object Mashups (HL, SH), pp. 384–395.
- SCSM-2014-RayaRRP #adaptation #game studies #using
- Using Serious Games to Train Adaptive Emotional Regulation Strategies (MAR, ARO, BR, EP), pp. 541–549.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-GuilavoguiKF #hybrid
- A Hybrid Strategy for Integrating Sensor Information (KG, LK, MF), pp. 281–286.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-PintoNH #multi #optimisation
- Multi-objective Optimization of Investment Strategies — Based on Evolutionary Computation Techniques, in Volatile Environments (JMP, RFN, NH), pp. 480–488.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-ChangS #multi
- Cooperation Strategies for Multi-user Transmission in Manhattan Environment (JC, WS), pp. 415–419.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-KhashabGAK #comprehension #towards
- Scoping Customer Relationship Management Strategy in HEI — Understanding Steps towards Alignment of Customer and Management Needs (BK, SRG, AA, MK), pp. 267–274.
- ICEIS-v3-2014-PereiraV #approach #enterprise #named
- e-Strategy — An Enterprise Engineer Approach to Strategic Management (RP, AV), pp. 472–477.
- CIKM-2014-RahmanH #network #strict #using
- Sampling Triples from Restricted Networks using MCMC Strategy (MR, MAH), pp. 1519–1528.
- ICPR-2014-BouillonA #classification #evolution #gesture #learning #online
- Supervision Strategies for the Online Learning of an Evolving Classifier for Gesture Commands (MB, ÉA), pp. 2029–2034.
- ICPR-2014-HuangW #image
- A Filtration Strategy Based on FD-CRF for Image Matching (SH, WW), pp. 3286–3291.
- ICPR-2014-LiuCVC #classification
- Leaf Species Classification Based on a Botanical Shape Sub-classifier Strategy (HL, DC, LV, GC), pp. 1496–1501.
- ICPR-2014-LiZ #hybrid
- A Nonlocal Filter-Based Hybrid Strategy for Depth Map Enhancement (LL, CZ), pp. 4394–4399.
- ICPR-2014-WilliamsCD #automation #human-computer #on the #recognition
- On Human Perception and Automatic Target Recognition: Strategies for Human-Computer Cooperation (DPW, MC, SD), pp. 4690–4695.
- KDD-2014-DongYTYC #mobile #network #social
- Inferring user demographics and social strategies in mobile social networks (YD, YY, JT, YY, NVC), pp. 15–24.
- KDD-2014-PolozovG #automation #named #web
- LaSEWeb: automating search strategies over semi-structured web data (OP, SG), pp. 741–750.
- KMIS-2014-Milakovich #collaboration #quality
- Digital Governance and Collaborative Strategies for Improving Service Quality (MEM), pp. 109–118.
- MLDM-2014-AlshdaifatCD #classification #multi
- A Multi-path Strategy for Hierarchical Ensemble Classification (EA, FC, KD), pp. 198–212.
- MLDM-2014-AnanpiriyakulPV #classification #multi
- Label Correction Strategy on Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification (TA, PP, PV), pp. 213–227.
- MLDM-2014-SandovalH #learning #network #using
- Learning of Natural Trading Strategies on Foreign Exchange High-Frequency Market Data Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (JS, GH), pp. 408–421.
- MLDM-2014-UtkinZC #classification #data-driven #database #robust
- A Robust One-Class Classification Model with Interval-Valued Data Based on Belief Functions and Minimax Strategy (LVU, YAZ, AIC), pp. 107–118.
- SEKE-2014-DalliloAF #approach #multi #process
- Making the link between strategy and process model collections: a multi-layered approach (FD, JPdA, MF), pp. 387–392.
- SEKE-2014-SantosM #detection #identification
- Identifying strategies on god class detection in two controlled experiments (JAMS, MGM), pp. 244–249.
- SIGIR-2014-Voorhees #metric
- The effect of sampling strategy on inferred measures (EMV), pp. 1119–1122.
- PLATEAU-2014-DornerFM #named
- EUKLAS: Supporting Copy-and-Paste Strategies for Integrating Example Code (CD, AF, BAM), pp. 13–20.
- SAC-2014-CalvoOFR #distributed #multi #parametricity
- Parametric investigation of a distributed strategy for multiple agents systems applied to cooperative tasks (RC, JdO, MF, RAR), pp. 207–212.
- SAC-2014-GraziadioDSSUME #game studies #identification #video
- Bespoke video games to provide early response markers to identify the optimal strategies for maximizing rehabilitation (SG, RD, KS, KMAS, GU, GM, JAE), pp. 20–24.
- SAC-2014-HusemannR #multi #predict #scalability #video
- Introduction of a multi-layer predictive search strategy for scalable video coding (RH, VR), pp. 985–986.
- SAC-2014-KuhnCJN #flexibility #modelling
- Flexible modeling of policy-driven upstream notification strategies (EK, SC, GJ, MN), pp. 1352–1354.
- SAC-2014-WangEB #evolution #orthogonal
- Mirrored orthogonal sampling with pairwise selection in evolution strategies (HW, ME, TB), pp. 154–156.
- FSE-2014-SeoK #how #testing
- How we get there: a context-guided search strategy in concolic testing (HS, SK), pp. 413–424.
- HPCA-2014-GuevaraLL #design
- Strategies for anticipating risk in heterogeneous system design (MG, BL, BCL), pp. 154–164.
- HPDC-2014-BeaumontM #analysis #matrix #multi #scheduling
- Analysis of dynamic scheduling strategies for matrix multiplication on heterogeneous platforms (OB, LM), pp. 141–152.
- CAV-2014-CermakLMM #logic #model checking #named #specification #verification
- MCMAS-SLK: A Model Checker for the Verification of Strategy Logic Specifications (PC, AL, FM, AM), pp. 525–532.
- ICST-2014-LiO #analysis #empirical #modelling #testing
- An Empirical Analysis of Test Oracle Strategies for Model-Based Testing (NL, JO), pp. 363–372.
- IJCAR-2014-EchenimPT #equation #logic
- A Rewriting Strategy to Generate Prime Implicates in Equational Logic (ME, NP, ST), pp. 137–151.
- LICS-CSL-2014-Velner #multi #robust #synthesis
- Finite-memory strategy synthesis for robust multidimensional mean-payoff objectives (YV), p. 10.
- CASE-2013-MuZ #research
- Research on sensing strategy for exoskeleton robot control (TM, XZ), pp. 546–549.
- CASE-2013-QiaoMG #algorithm #data-driven #scheduling
- Attribute selection algorithm of data-based scheduling strategy for semiconductor manufacturing (FQ, YM, XG), pp. 410–415.
- DATE-2013-EbrahimiDP #3d #algorithm #fault tolerance #using
- Fault-tolerant routing algorithm for 3D NoC using Hamiltonian path strategy (ME, MD, JP), pp. 1601–1604.
- DATE-2013-ShenQ #energy #performance #smarttech #streaming #video
- User-aware energy efficient streaming strategy for smartphone based video playback applications (HS, QQ), pp. 258–261.
- ICDAR-2013-ShivramZSNG #online #random #recognition #segmentation #word
- Segmentation Based Online Word Recognition: A Conditional Random Field Driven Beam Search Strategy (AS, BZ, SS, MN, VG), pp. 852–856.
- VLDB-2013-CherniakZZ #optimisation #testing
- Optimization Strategies for A/B Testing on HADOOP (AC, HZ, VZ), pp. 973–984.
- CSEET-2013-LongstreetC #development #education #re-engineering
- Positive transitions from the classroom to the cubicle: Creating strategies for augmenting professional development in the software engineering curriculum (CSL, KMLC), pp. 365–367.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2013-KorhonenNBCKMMM #design #interactive #open source #requirements
- Requirements and design strategies for open source interactive computer science eBooks (AK, TLN, CB, PC, VK, LM, BM, BM, SHR, RR, CAS), pp. 53–72.
- FoSSaCS-2013-Winskel
- Strategies as Profunctors (GW), pp. 418–433.
- CSMR-2013-BertranGCS #architecture #detection
- Enhancing the Detection of Code Anomalies with Architecture-Sensitive Strategies (IMB, AG, CC, AvS), pp. 177–186.
- ICSM-2013-SchwartzD #effectiveness #fuzzy #testing
- A Fuzzy Expert System for Cost-Effective Regression Testing Strategies (AS, HD), pp. 1–10.
- MSR-2013-GreilerZDS #evolution #smell
- Strategies for avoiding text fixture smells during software evolution (MG, AZ, AvD, MADS), pp. 387–396.
- ICALP-v2-2013-Gelderie #composition #game studies
- Strategy Composition in Compositional Games (MG), pp. 263–274.
- GT-VMT-2013-TeusnerGRK #behaviour #interactive #modelling #validation
- Interactive Strategy-Based Validation of Behavioral Models (RT, GG, SR, SK).
- CHI-2013-FasteRES #design #distributed #human-computer
- Brainstorm, Chainstorm, Cheatstorm, Tweetstorm: new ideation strategies for distributed HCI design (HF, NR, RE, ES), pp. 1343–1352.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-TeixeiraVDNRS #artificial reality #development #interface
- Strategy for the Development of a Walk-In-Place Interface for Virtual Reality (LT, EV, ED, PN, FR, FMdS), pp. 419–426.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-ChiuT #design #effectiveness #idea #network #process #social
- User Involvement in Idea Brainstorming of Design Process: Finding the Effective Strategy in Social Network Service (SCC, KT), pp. 593–598.
- DUXU-WM-2013-JangJ #case study #design
- Studies on the Design Marketing Strategies in the Experiential Economy through the Case Study of “the Starbucks Company” (YJJ, ECJ), pp. 30–36.
- DUXU-WM-2013-OzturkR #implementation #information management #navigation #web
- Selection and Implementation of Navigation and Information Search Strategies in Bank Web Sites: Turkish Case (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 284–293.
- HCI-IMT-2013-WangGHL #collaboration #communication #elicitation #nondeterminism #speech #using
- A Knowledge Elicitation Study for Collaborative Dialogue Strategies Used to Handle Uncertainties in Speech Communication While Using GIS (HW, AG, DH, RL), pp. 135–144.
- HCI-UC-2013-Brouwers #comparison #hypermedia #navigation #physics
- Search Strategies in Hypermedia Navigation and Spatial Abilities: A Comparison with Physical Navigation (AB), pp. 136–145.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-BattisteCMSVCS #automation #student #tool support
- The Effects of Early Training with Automation Tools on the Air Traffic Management Strategies of Student ATCos (HB, WC, TM, KS, KPLV, DC, TZS), pp. 13–21.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-SatonakaS #mining #visualisation
- Sales Strategy Mining System with Visualization of Action History (HS, WS), pp. 588–597.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-Tanaka-YamawakiI #prototype
- Finding a Prototype Form of Sustainable Strategies for the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (MTY, RI), pp. 616–624.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-CoutinhoPB #energy #scheduling
- A Scheduling Strategy for Global Scientific Grids — Minimizing Simultaneously Time and Energy Consumption (FC, LLP, CTB), pp. 545–553.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-RibeiroRBFE #coordination #policy
- Updating Strategies of Policies for Coordinating Agent Swarm in Dynamic Environments (RR, AFR, MACB, FF, FE), pp. 345–356.
- CIKM-2013-TongWL #web
- Latency-aware strategy for static list caching in flash-based web search engines (JT, GW, XL), pp. 1209–1212.
- KDD-2013-LuceyOCRM #using
- Assessing team strategy using spatiotemporal data (PL, DO, GPKC, JR, IM), pp. 1366–1374.
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-GonzagaLSO #case study #performance
- Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational Strategy — A Study in Brazilian Companies (RPG, ATMdL, FdAeS, MPVdO), pp. 559–566.
- SEKE-2013-RamosRO #process #source code #towards
- Towards a strategy for analysing benefits of Software Process Improvement programs (CSR, ARR, KMdO), pp. 638–643.
- SEKE-2013-YuFCL #in the cloud #modelling
- Modeling and Analyzing Attack-Defense Strategy of Resource Service in Cloud Computing (HY, GF, LC, DL), pp. 77–82.
- SIGIR-2013-Galuscakova #documentation #retrieval #segmentation
- Segmentation strategies for passage retrieval in audio-visual documents (PG), p. 1143.
- OOPSLA-2013-BolzDT
- Storage strategies for collections in dynamically typed languages (CFB, LD, LT), pp. 167–182.
- POPL-2013-Goyet #calculus
- The λ λ-Bar calculus: a dual calculus for unconstrained strategies (AG), pp. 155–166.
- RE-2013-RempelMK #empirical #traceability
- An empirical study on project-specific traceability strategies (PR, PM, TK), pp. 195–204.
- SAC-2013-CamposFHV #personalisation #query #ranking #using #xml
- XML search personalization strategies using query expansion, reranking and a search engine modification (LMdC, JMFL, JFH, EVL), pp. 872–877.
- SAC-2013-MaiaB #modelling #network #performance #predict #query
- Sensor-field modeling based on in-network data prediction: an efficient strategy for answering complex queries in wireless sensor networks (JEBM, AB), pp. 554–559.
- SAC-2013-MeloC #automation #case study #difference #evolution #generative
- Automatic generation of evolutionary operators: a study with mutation strategies for the differential evolution (VVdM, GLCC), pp. 188–193.
- SAC-2013-MouraMNS #named #network #novel
- ABOI: a novel strategy to mitigate the blocking due to outdated information in OCS/OBS network (IM, FM, JMN, ACBS), pp. 640–645.
- SAC-2013-PapadakisT #classification #mutation testing #testing #using
- Mutation testing strategies using mutant classification (MP, YLT), pp. 1223–1229.
- ICSE-2013-ApelRWGB #case study #product line #verification
- Strategies for product-line verification: case studies and experiments (SA, AvR, PW, AG, DB), pp. 482–491.
- ICSE-2013-LiuYCY #monitoring #novel #parallel #process
- Selecting checkpoints along the time line: a novel temporal checkpoint selection strategy for monitoring a batch of parallel business processes (XL, YY, DC, DY), pp. 1281–1284.
- ICSE-2013-ZhangH0RM #testing
- Bridging the gap between the total and additional test-case prioritization strategies (LZ, DH, LZ, GR, HM), pp. 192–201.
- SPLC-2013-MannionS #architecture #product line #requirements
- Aligning product line business and technical strategies: mapping product line requirements to a product line architecture (MM, JS), p. 278.
- PPoPP-2013-0003CTT #configuration management #scheduling
- Work-stealing with configurable scheduling strategies (MW, DC, JLT, PT), pp. 315–316.
- CSL-2013-Mellies #game studies #on the
- On dialogue games and coherent strategies (PAM), pp. 540–562.
- ICLP-J-2013-KaminskiSSV #logic #network
- Minimal intervention strategies in logical signaling networks with ASP (RK, TS, AS, SV), pp. 675–690.
- ICST-2013-GreilerDS #automation #detection #smell
- Automated Detection of Test Fixture Strategies and Smells (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 322–331.
- LICS-2013-MogaveroMS #behaviour #bound #on the
- On the Boundary of Behavioral Strategies (FM, AM, LS), pp. 263–272.
- VMCAI-2013-SchrammelS
- Logico-Numerical Max-Strategy Iteration (PS, PS), pp. 414–433.
- CASE-2012-ChenC #collaboration
- An expert decision-making strategy based on collaborative cloud system (CCC, APC), pp. 777–781.
- CASE-2012-DotoliFIR #agile #modelling #simulation #using
- A lean manufacturing strategy using Value Stream Mapping, the Unified Modeling Language, and discrete event simulation (MD, MPF, GI, GR), pp. 668–673.
- CASE-2012-FantiIMU #case study #design #evaluation #performance
- A three level strategy for the design and performance evaluation of Hospital Departments: A case study (MPF, GI, AMM, WU), pp. 323–328.
- CASE-2012-LakshmiNBSSBV #reduction
- A strategy-proof and budget balanced mechanism for carbon footprint reduction by global companies (LUL, YN, DB, PS, SVS, SB, NV), pp. 64–69.
- CASE-2012-SchmidtH #automation #data transformation #fault
- Managing data for a zero defect production — the contribution of manufacturing automation to a corporate strategy (GS, TH), pp. 70–73.
- CASE-2012-ZhangXG #implementation
- Promise surgery start times and implementation strategies (ZZ, XX, NG), pp. 143–149.
- DAC-2012-0001AG #memory management #realtime #runtime
- Run-time power-down strategies for real-time SDRAM memory controllers (KC, BA, KG), pp. 988–993.
- DAC-2012-Seok #design
- Decoupling capacitor design strategy for minimizing supply noise of ultra low voltage circuits (MS), pp. 968–973.
- DAC-2012-WangBDS #memory management #metadata #named #reliability
- Meta-Cure: a reliability enhancement strategy for metadata in NAND flash memory storage systems (YW, LADB, NDD, ZS), pp. 214–219.
- DATE-2012-WangBSD #3d #memory management #named
- 3D-FlashMap: A physical-location-aware block mapping strategy for 3D NAND flash memory (YW, LADB, ZS, NDD), pp. 1307–1312.
- DATE-2012-ZimmermannBR #analysis #multi #power management
- Analysis of multi-domain scenarios for optimized dynamic power management strategies (JZ, OB, WR), pp. 862–865.
- SIGMOD-2012-OhKKL #sorting
- Reducing cache misses in hash join probing phase by pre-sorting strategy (abstract only) (GHO, JMK, WHK, SWL), p. 864.
- ITiCSE-2012-Bunimovich #education #problem
- Teachers’ perception of teaching problem-solving strategies to novices (LB), p. 393.
- WRLA-2012-BruniCGLV #adaptation #maude #modelling #self
- Modelling and Analyzing Adaptive Self-assembly Strategies with Maude (RB, AC, FG, ALL, AV), pp. 118–138.
- ICALP-v1-2012-AmbainisBBKOSV #game studies #quantum
- Quantum Strategies Are Better Than Classical in Almost Any XOR Game (AA, AB, KB, DK, RO, JS, MV), pp. 25–37.
- SEFM-2012-CiobanuKS #semantics
- A Timed Mobility Semantics Based on Rewriting Strategies (GC, MK, LJS), pp. 141–155.
- CHI-2012-JianuL #evaluation #how #user interface
- An evaluation of how small user interface changes can improve scientists’ analytic strategies (RJ, DHL), pp. 2953–2962.
- CHI-2012-TeradaYI #adaptation #game studies
- Experimental investigation of human adaptation to change in agent’s strategy through a competitive two-player game (KT, SY, AI), pp. 2807–2810.
- CHI-2012-WillettHA #crowdsourcing #data analysis #social
- Strategies for crowdsourcing social data analysis (WW, JH, MA), pp. 227–236.
- CHI-2012-ZiemkiewiczGL #analysis #graph #visualisation
- Analysis within and between graphs: observed user strategies in immunobiology visualization (CZ, SRG, DHL), pp. 1655–1658.
- CAiSE-2012-DaskalakiP #approach #multi
- OtO Matching System: A Multi-strategy Approach to Instance Matching (ED, DP), pp. 286–300.
- EDOC-2012-BinzLNS #analysis #enterprise #graph transformation #segmentation
- Improving the Manageability of Enterprise Topologies Through Segmentation, Graph Transformation, and Analysis Strategies (TB, FL, AN, DS), pp. 61–70.
- EDOC-2012-IacobQJ #architecture #enterprise
- Capturing Business Strategy and Value in Enterprise Architecture to Support Portfolio Valuation (MEI, DACQ, HJ), pp. 11–20.
- ICEIS-J-2012-AversanoGT12a #bibliography
- A Literature Review of Business/IT Alignment Strategies (LA, CG, MT), pp. 471–488.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-ClavijoQG #health #named
- DISEArch — A Strategy for Searching Electronic Medical Health Records (DEPC, APQ, RAG), pp. 151–156.
- ICEIS-v3-2012-AversanoGT #framework
- A Characterization Framework for Evaluating Business/IT Alignment Strategies (LA, CG, MT), pp. 155–164.
- CIKM-2012-CuiMWGL #image #keyword #semantics
- Semantically coherent image annotation with a learning-based keyword propagation strategy (CC, JM, SW, SG, TL), pp. 2423–2426.
- ECIR-2012-AliciAOCU #adaptation #query #web
- Adaptive Time-to-Live Strategies for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines (SA, ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 401–412.
- ECIR-2012-OzcanAU #information management #lazy evaluation #web
- In Praise of Laziness: A Lazy Strategy for Web Information Extraction (RO, ISA, ÖU), pp. 565–568.
- ICPR-2012-KongW #clustering #learning #multi
- A multi-task learning strategy for unsupervised clustering via explicitly separating the commonality (SK, DW), pp. 771–774.
- ICPR-2012-PinquierKLGMBGD #multi #process #recognition #smarttech
- Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: Application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors (JP, SK, LL, PG, RM, JBP, YG, JFD), pp. 3192–3195.
- KDIR-2012-dAciernoLSV #performance #retrieval
- An Efficient Strategy for Spatio-temporal Data Indexing and Retrieval (Ad, ML, AS, MV), pp. 227–232.
- KEOD-2012-RuizHM #education #evaluation #learning #ontology #quality
- A New Proposal for Learning Objects Quality Evaluation in Learning Strategies based on Ontology for Education (LMGR, JMH, AMG), pp. 373–376.
- KMIS-2012-VanharantaK #ontology
- Strategy Needs Structure — Structure Needs Ontologies — Dynamic Ontologies Carry Meanings (HV, JK), pp. 261–264.
- KR-2012-Huang12a #constraints #simulation
- Search Strategy Simulation in Constraint Booleanization (JH).
- MLDM-2012-HoaD #learning
- A New Learning Strategy of General BAMs (NTH, TDB), pp. 213–221.
- Onward-2012-LohSC #abstraction #composition
- Managed data: modular strategies for data abstraction (AL, TvdS, WRC), pp. 179–194.
- SPLC-2012-NohrerBE #comparison #consistency #nondeterminism
- A comparison of strategies for tolerating inconsistencies during decision-making (AN, AB, AE), pp. 11–20.
- PPoPP-2012-BaskaranVML #automation #communication #memory management #optimisation #reuse
- Automatic communication optimizations through memory reuse strategies (MMB, NV, BM, RL), pp. 277–278.
- CSL-2012-Berardid #learning
- Knowledge Spaces and the Completeness of Learning Strategies (SB, Ud), pp. 77–91.
- CSL-2012-GradelL #game studies
- Banach-Mazur Games with Simple Winning Strategies (EG, SL), pp. 305–319.
- ICST-2012-FraserA #search-based #testing
- The Seed is Strong: Seeding Strategies in Search-Based Software Testing (GF, AA), pp. 121–130.
- ASE-2011-InsaS #algorithm #debugging
- An optimal strategy for algorithmic debugging (DI, JS), pp. 203–212.
- ASE-2011-WinbladhR #testing
- Evaluating test selection strategies for end-user specified flow-based applications (KW, AR), pp. 400–403.
- DAC-2011-HsuCHKD #file system #reliability
- A version-based strategy for reliability enhancement of flash file systems (PHH, YHC, PCH, TWK, DHCD), pp. 29–34.
- DAC-2011-SeokJCBS #design #energy #performance #pipes and filters
- Pipeline strategy for improving optimal energy efficiency in ultra-low voltage design (MS, DJ, CC, DB, DS), pp. 990–995.
- DAC-2011-XuLY #design #power management
- Decoupling for power gating: sources of power noise and design strategies (TX, PL, BY), pp. 1002–1007.
- DATE-2011-BoosNSHHGKS #analysis
- Strategies for initial sizing and operating point analysis of analog circuits (VB, JN, MS, SH, SH, HG, DK, RS), pp. 1672–1674.
- ICDAR-2011-BurgerKP #recognition #word
- Dempster-Shafer Based Rejection Strategy for Handwritten Word Recognition (TB, YK, TP), pp. 528–532.
- VLDB-2011-FontouraJLVZZ #evaluation #query
- Evaluation Strategies for Top-k Queries over Memory-Resident Inverted Indexes (MF, VJ, JL, SV, XZ, JYZ), pp. 1213–1224.
- CSEET-2011-BrownNOKL #game studies
- Hard choice: A game for balancing strategy for agility (NB, RLN, IO, PK, EL), p. 553.
- CSEET-2011-ChookittikulM #collaboration #effectiveness #security
- Effective real-world project collaboration: Strategies from a cyber security degree program (WC, PEM), pp. 429–433.
- CSEET-2011-GannodABB #communication #education #integration #question #re-engineering
- Is integration of communication and technical instruction across the SE curriculum a viable strategy for improving the real-world communication abilities of software engineering graduates? (GCG, PVA, JEB, AB), pp. 525–529.
- ITiCSE-2011-MartinezC #algebra #education #relational
- A cooperative learning-based strategy for teaching relational algebra (AM, AC), pp. 263–267.
- ESOP-2011-GawlitzaM #smt
- Improving Strategies via SMT Solving (TMG, DM), pp. 236–255.
- FASE-2011-EhrigET #graph #using #version control
- A Formal Resolution Strategy for Operation-Based Conflicts in Model Versioning Using Graph Modifications (HE, CE, GT), pp. 202–216.
- ICPC-J-2009-ParninR11 #programming
- Resumption strategies for interrupted programming tasks (CP, SR), pp. 5–34.
- ICSM-2011-HouP #api #code completion #evaluation #sorting
- An evaluation of the strategies of sorting, filtering, and grouping API methods for Code Completion (DH, DMP), pp. 233–242.
- ICSM-2011-NishizonoMVM #comprehension #empirical #evolution #industrial #maintenance #metric #predict #source code
- Source code comprehension strategies and metrics to predict comprehension effort in software maintenance and evolution tasks — an empirical study with industry practitioners (KN, SM, RV, KiM), pp. 473–481.
- IFM-J-2009-SchneiderT11 #csp #interface #refinement
- Changing system interfaces consistently: A new refinement strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 837–860.
- CHI-2011-KannabiranBB #how #human-computer #research
- How HCI talks about sexuality: discursive strategies, blind spots, and opportunities for future research (GK, JB, SB), pp. 695–704.
- CHI-2011-Kaye #self
- Self-reported password sharing strategies (JK), pp. 2619–2622.
- CHI-2011-KuznetsovTKHPS #bound
- Breaking boundaries: strategies for mentoring through textile computing workshops (SK, LCT, CK, IH, EP, DPS), pp. 2957–2966.
- DUXU-v1-2011-SirotkinM #difference #experience #in the cloud #user interface #why
- The New Experience for Business: Why User Experience Is the Differentiation Strategy in the Cloud Context (AS, BM), pp. 491–499.
- HCI-DDA-2011-YinR #elicitation #induction
- An Inductive Inference Model to Elicit Noncompensatory Judgment Strategies (JY, LR), pp. 414–422.
- HCI-UA-2011-Fox #architecture
- Self Replicating Robotic Strategies as a Catalyst for Autonomous Architectural Construction (MAF), pp. 307–317.
- HCI-UA-2011-HuangCLHYCCT #comprehension
- Effects of Print-Storybooks and E-Storybooks with Reading Comprehension Strategies on Fifth Graders’ Reading Comprehension Ability (HSH, SLC, YML, HCH, CYY, YYC, CLC, YYT), pp. 570–579.
- ICEIS-v1-2011-MakkiAGJ #evaluation #performance #query #semantics
- Performance Evaluation of Query Trimming Strategies in Semantic Caching Environment (SKM, SA, YG, MSJ), pp. 169–176.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-Zang #development #multimodal #research
- Research on International Multimodal Transport Development Strategy in China (XZ), pp. 333–336.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-Zhao #analysis #contest #industrial
- The Competitive Strategy Analysis of Express Industry based on Time-based Competition (JZ), pp. 502–506.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-OndoaDS #case study #evaluation #industrial #process
- A Cross Industry Evaluation of Critical Success Factors for Alignment of Strategy and Business Processes — A Case Study of SMEs in the Region of Jönköping in Sweden (MNEO, FAD, US), pp. 338–347.
- CIKM-2011-BarbosaB #crawling #modelling
- Focusing on novelty: a crawling strategy to build diverse language models (LB, SB), pp. 755–764.
- ECIR-2011-BadrinathVM #query #summary #using
- Improving Query Focused Summarization Using Look-Ahead Strategy (RB, SV, CEVM), pp. 641–652.
- ECIR-2011-BuffoniTG #ranking
- The Importance of the Depth for Text-Image Selection Strategy in Learning-To-Rank (DB, ST, PG), pp. 743–746.
- KMIS-2011-TangPI #behaviour
- Employees’ Innovation Behavior — The Role of External Information Awareness and Proactiveness of Innovation Strategy (JT, LGP, JI), pp. 5–17.
- MLDM-2011-Sullins #smarttech
- Exploration Strategies for Learned Probabilities in Smart Terrain (JS), pp. 224–238.
- SEKE-2011-KhoshgoftaarGN #case study #comparative #predict #quality
- A Comparative Study of Different Strategies for Predicting Software Quality (TMK, KG, AN), pp. 65–70.
- SIGIR-2011-DingGIKN #quality
- Indexing strategies for graceful degradation of search quality (SD, SG, SI, KK, AN), pp. 575–584.
- SIGIR-2011-TonellottoMO #order #retrieval
- Effect of different docid orderings on dynamic pruning retrieval strategies (NT, CM, IO), pp. 1179–1180.
- LOPSTR-2011-FernandezKN #graph grammar
- A Strategy Language for Graph Rewriting (MF, HK, ON), pp. 173–188.
- SAC-2011-CollavizzaVRDG #constraints #generative
- A dynamic constraint-based BMC strategy for generating counterexamples (HC, NLV, MR, SD, TG), pp. 1633–1638.
- SAC-2011-HuLCHXL #image #segmentation #using
- Image segmentation of cervical vertebra in X-ray radiographs using the curve fitting strategy (HH, HL, LC, CCH, XX, ZL), pp. 853–858.
- SAC-2011-LucenaCSAS #architecture #modelling #named #requirements
- Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models (ML, JC, CTLLS, FMRA, ES), pp. 699–704.
- SAC-2011-MonfroyCCF #adaptation
- Adaptive hybridization strategies (EM, CC, BC, CF), pp. 922–923.
- LDTA-2011-MametjanovWL #precise #type system
- More precise typing of rewrite strategies (AM, VLW, RL), p. 3.
- SPLC-2011-Bosch #architecture #ecosystem
- Software Ecosystems — Implications for Strategy, Business Model and Architecture (JB), p. 351.
- CGO-2011-SanchezASPS #compilation #using
- Using machines to learn method-specific compilation strategies (RNS, JNA, DS, MP, MGS), pp. 257–266.
- ICLP-J-2011-AreiasR #evaluation #logic programming #on the #source code
- On combining linear-based strategies for tabled evaluation of logic programs (MA, RR), pp. 681–696.
- ICST-2011-SantelicesH #testing
- Applying aggressive propagation-based strategies for testing changes (RAS, MJH), pp. 11–20.
- LICS-2011-RideauW #concurrent
- Concurrent Strategies (SR, GW), pp. 409–418.
- CASE-2010-BonillaGCMLCZ #industrial
- A vision-based, impedance control strategy for industrial robot manipulators (IB, EJGG, CACO, MOM, ALF, FRC, BZ), pp. 216–221.
- CASE-2010-KimHS #outsourcing
- Risk-averse outsourcing strategies for optimal intellectual property protection (BK, KH, KS), pp. 978–983.
- DATE-2010-AlordaTBS #power management
- Static and dynamic stability improvement strategies for 6T CMOS low-power SRAMs (BA, GT, SAB, JS), pp. 429–434.
- DATE-2010-RickettsSRVP #power management
- Investigating the impact of NBTI on different power saving cache strategies (AJR, JS, KR, NV, DKP), pp. 592–597.
- DocEng-2010-Hassan #algorithm #evaluation #recognition #towards
- Towards a common evaluation strategy for table structure recognition algorithms (TH), pp. 255–258.
- VLDB-2010-ChengLYLLX #database #effectiveness #scalability
- Explore or Exploit? Effective Strategies for Disambiguating Large Databases (RC, EL, XSY, MHL, XL, XX), pp. 815–825.
- ITiCSE-2010-KiesmullerSBR #identification #online #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition #using
- Online identification of learner problem solving strategies using pattern recognition methods (UK, SS, TB, KR), pp. 274–278.
- ICPC-2010-BeronPOC #problem
- SVS, BORS, SVSi: Three Strategies to Relate Problem and Program Domains (MMB, MJVP, NO, DCdC), pp. 60–61.
- CHI-2010-ChinF #difference #interactive #interface #performance
- Interactive effects of age and interface differences on search strategies and performance (JC, WTF), pp. 403–412.
- CHI-2010-DornG #design #learning #programming #web
- Learning on the job: characterizing the programming knowledge and learning strategies of web designers (BD, MG), pp. 703–712.
- CHI-2010-ForlizziBS #collaboration #design #interactive #navigation
- Where should i turn: moving from individual to collaborative navigation strategies to inform the interaction design of future navigation systems (JF, WCB, TS), pp. 1261–1270.
- CHI-2010-GrigoreanuBR #approach #debugging #design #tool support
- A strategy-centric approach to the design of end-user debugging tools (VG, MMB, GGR), pp. 713–722.
- CHI-2010-NieuwenhuizenAM
- Insight into goal-directed movement strategies (KN, DA, JBM), pp. 883–886.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-CacoveanuBP #framework #predict
- Evaluating Prediction Strategies in an Enhanced Meta-learning Framework (SC, CVB, RP), pp. 148–156.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-GilS #implementation #performance #process #using
- Using Key Performance Indicators to Facilitate the Strategy Implementation and Business Process Improvement in SME’s (MMG, DNS), pp. 193–197.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MasvoulaKM #bibliography #learning
- A Review of Learning Methods Enhanced in Strategies of Negotiating Agents (MM, PK, DM), pp. 212–219.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-SandeSMFH #named
- PW-Plan — A Strategy to Support Iteration-based Software Planning (DS, AS, RM, SF, EMH), pp. 66–74.
- ICEIS-J-2010-PotoleaCL #evaluation #framework #predict
- Meta-learning Framework for Prediction Strategy Evaluation (RP, SC, CL), pp. 280–295.
- ICEIS-J-2010-SandeSMFH10a #agile #paradigm
- A Strategy to Support Software Planning Based on Piece of Work and Agile Paradigm (DS, AS, RM, SF, EMH), pp. 104–118.
- CIKM-2010-CoffmanW #database #framework #keyword
- A framework for evaluating database keyword search strategies (JC, ACW), pp. 729–738.
- CIKM-2010-DondioB #comparison
- Comparison of six aggregation strategies to compute users’ trustworthiness (PD, SB), pp. 1773–1776.
- CIKM-2010-TripathyBM #case study #network #social
- A study of rumor control strategies on social networks (RMT, AB, SM), pp. 1817–1820.
- ICPR-2010-AbdalaWJ #clustering #random
- Ensemble Clustering via Random Walker Consensus Strategy (DDA, PW, XJ), pp. 1433–1436.
- ICPR-2010-CaronJC #estimation #image #multi
- Search Strategies for Image Multi-distortion Estimation (ALC, PMJ, CC), pp. 2824–2827.
- ICPR-2010-DahmG #2d #3d #approach #invariant #novel #recognition #using
- A Novel Pose Invariant Face Recognition Approach Using a 2D-3D Searching Strategy (ND, YG), pp. 3967–3970.
- ICPR-2010-DuboisPM #adaptation #analysis #component #composition #using
- Decomposition of Dynamic Textures Using Morphological Component Analysis: A New Adaptative Strategy (SD, RP, MM), pp. 2258–2261.
- ICPR-2010-FausserS #approximate #learning
- Learning a Strategy with Neural Approximated Temporal-Difference Methods in English Draughts (SF, FS), pp. 2925–2928.
- ICPR-2010-PlazaP #image #order
- Impact of Vector Ordering Strategies on Morphological Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images (AP, JP), pp. 4412–4415.
- ICPR-2010-SoltanaACA #adaptation #algorithm #search-based #using
- Adaptive Feature and Score Level Fusion Strategy Using Genetic Algorithms (WBS, MA, LC, CBA), pp. 4316–4319.
- ICPR-2010-VajdaF #network #performance
- Exploring Pattern Selection Strategies for Fast Neural Network Training (SV, GAF), pp. 2913–2916.
- RecSys-2010-BerkovskyF #analysis #recommendation
- Group-based recipe recommendations: analysis of data aggregation strategies (SB, JF), pp. 111–118.
- SEKE-2010-XuDWG #evaluation #fault #locality
- An Evaluation of Tie-Breaking Strategies for Fault Localization Techniques (XX, VD, WEW, DG), pp. 123–128.
- OOPSLA-2010-JinTLL #concurrent #debugging
- Instrumentation and sampling strategies for cooperative concurrency bug isolation (GJ, AVT, BL, SL), pp. 241–255.
- SAC-2010-JiaLLZ #satisfiability
- Local lemma: a new strategy of pruning in SAT solvers (XJ, RL, SL, JZ), pp. 2071–2072.
- SAC-2010-Kulic #adaptation #relational #xml
- Adaptability in XML-to-relational mapping strategies (LK), pp. 1674–1679.
- SAC-2010-MarascuML #approximate #performance #set #streaming
- A fast approximation strategy for summarizing a set of streaming time series (AM, FM, YL), pp. 1617–1621.
- SPLC-2010-Jarzabek #product line #variability
- Pragmatic Strategies for Variability Management in Product Lines in Small- to Medium-Size Companies (SJ), pp. 503–504.
- SPLC-2010-MannionS #product line
- Aligning Business and Technical Strategies for Software Product Lines (MM, JS), pp. 406–419.
- SPLC-2010-TekinerdoganTS #approach #classification #multi #product line
- Multidimensional Classification Approach for Defining Product Line Engineering Transition Strategies (BT, ET, ES), pp. 461–465.
- CC-2010-Hoflehner
- Strategies for Predicate-Aware Register Allocation (GH), pp. 185–204.
- CGO-2010-WangCDLFY #adaptation #scheduling
- An adaptive task creation strategy for work-stealing scheduling (LW, HC, YD, FL, XF, PCY), pp. 266–277.
- HPDC-2010-ChenSTS #optimisation
- A layout-aware optimization strategy for collective I/O (YC, HS, RT, XHS), pp. 360–363.
- ICST-2010-Kasurinen #process #testing
- Elaborating Software Test Processes and Strategies (JK), pp. 355–358.
- ICST-2010-PerrouinSKBT #automation #generative #product line #scalability #testing
- Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines (GP, SS, JK, BB, YLT), pp. 459–468.
- ICST-2010-YanCZZZ #clustering #execution
- A Dynamic Test Cluster Sampling Strategy by Leveraging Execution Spectra Information (SY, ZC, ZZ, CZ, YZ), pp. 147–154.
- ASE-2009-AletiGMM #deployment #optimisation
- Let the Ants Deploy Your Software — An ACO Based Deployment Optimisation Strategy (AA, LG, IM, IM), pp. 505–509.
- CASE-2009-DayamaJ #multi
- Multi-strategy supplier selection for commodity sourcing (PSD, BJ), pp. 19–24.
- DAC-2009-Bertacco #debugging
- Debugging strategies for mere mortals (VB), pp. 635–638.
- DAC-2009-ChangK #performance #reliability
- A commitment-based management strategy for the performance and reliability enhancement of flash-memory storage systems (YHC, TWK), pp. 858–863.
- DATE-2009-ChuHCK #reliability
- A set-based mapping strategy for flash-memory reliability enhancement (YSC, JWH, YHC, TWK), pp. 405–410.
- HT-2009-MahmoodR #adaptation #recommendation
- Improving recommender systems with adaptive conversational strategies (TM, FR), pp. 73–82.
- ICDAR-2009-AlmaksourA #incremental #learning #online #performance #recognition
- Fast Incremental Learning Strategy Driven by Confusion Reject for Online Handwriting Recognition (AA, ÉA), pp. 81–85.
- ICDAR-2009-SantosKOSKB #evaluation #recognition
- Evaluation of Different Strategies to Optimize an HMM-Based Character Recognition System (MS, AHRK, LSO, RS, ALK, AdSBJ), pp. 666–670.
- ICDAR-2009-YinHTSN #classification #multi #recognition
- Rejection Strategies with Multiple Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition (XCY, HWH, YFT, JS, SN), pp. 1126–1130.
- VLDB-2009-YangRW #execution #mining #multi #streaming
- A Shared Execution Strategy for Multiple Pattern Mining Requests over Streaming Data (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 874–885.
- CSEET-2009-PrayagaWB
- Innovative Strategies to Build IT Workforce (LP, LJW, SB), pp. 202–209.
- ITiCSE-2009-KiesmullerB #algorithm #automation #identification #problem
- Automatically identifying learners’ problem solving strategies in-process solving algorithmic problems (UK, TB), p. 354.
- WRLA-2008-AndreiL09 #calculus #proving
- Strategy-Based Proof Calculus for Membrane Systems (OA, DL), pp. 23–43.
- WRLA-2008-Marti-OlietMV09 #maude #semantics
- A Rewriting Semantics for Maude Strategies (NMO, JM, AV), pp. 227–247.
- TACAS-2009-KuijperP #game studies #safety
- Computing Weakest Strategies for Safety Games of Imperfect Information (WK, JvdP), pp. 92–106.
- ICPC-2009-ParninR #programming
- Resumption strategies for interrupted programming tasks (CP, SR), pp. 80–89.
- CIAA-2009-Zimmermann #game studies
- Time-Optimal Winning Strategies for Poset Games (MZ0), pp. 217–226.
- ICALP-v2-2009-CooperIKK #graph #random #using
- Derandomizing Random Walks in Undirected Graphs Using Locally Fair Exploration Strategies (CC, DI, RK, AK), pp. 411–422.
- IFM-2009-SchneiderT #csp #interface #refinement
- Changing System Interfaces Consistently: A New Refinement Strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 103–117.
- CHI-2009-BrumbySH #adaptation #constraints #how
- Focus on driving: how cognitive constraints shape the adaptation of strategy when dialing while driving (DPB, DDS, AH), pp. 1629–1638.
- CHI-2009-ChinFK #adaptation #information management #interactive
- Adaptive information search: age-dependent interactions between cognitive profiles and strategies (JC, WTF, TGK), pp. 1683–1692.
- CHI-2009-ConsolvoML #behaviour #design
- Theory-driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life (SC, DWM, JAL), pp. 405–414.
- CHI-2009-EcklesWCTBF #mobile #self #social
- Social responses in mobile messaging: influence strategies, self-disclosure, and source orientation (DE, DW, CC, AT, MBF, BJF), pp. 1651–1654.
- HCI-AUII-2009-PirhonenK #comparison #design #interface
- Flight Searching — A Comparison of Two User-Interface Design Strategies (AP, NK), pp. 179–188.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-MaceA #composition #interactive #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #sketching
- Pattern Recognition Strategies for Interactive Sketch Composition (SM, ÉA), pp. 840–849.
- HCI-VAD-2009-NielloFGFBV #set
- A Set of Rules and Strategies for UNSAM Virtual Campus (JFN, FVCF, MG, RFZ, SB, MV), pp. 101–110.
- IDGD-2009-BoseS #hypermedia
- The Use of Hypertext as a Vocabulary Acquisition Strategy for English as Second Language Learners (DB, DS), pp. 147–155.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-BratuP #data mining #mining #preprocessor #towards
- Towards a Unified Strategy for the Preprocessing Step in Data Mining (CVB, RP), pp. 230–235.
- ICEIS-HCI-2009-JuniorJATPASN #interactive #internet #multi #prototype #using #web
- Back Channel in Interactive Digital Television Systems: Strategies for Prototyping Applications using an Interactive Service Provider — Internet Computing — Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications (JBdSJ, JCdMMJ, ICA, FCT, GMP, PMdÁ, MdS, RFdN), pp. 130–135.
- ICEIS-J-2009-ChenPZQ #case study #hybrid
- A Study of Indexing Strategies for Hybrid Data Spaces (CC, SP, QZ, GQ), pp. 149–159.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2009-BalzanoSL #ajax #collaboration #realtime #web
- A Scheme of Strategies for Real-time Web Collaboration based on AJAX/Comet Techniques for Live RIA (WB, MRDS, LDL), pp. 35–40.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2009-WuFL #implementation #integration #online #physics #process
- A Process for Implementing Online and Physical Business based on a Strategy Integration Aspect (ILW, CYF, CWL), pp. 5–11.
- CIKM-2009-DengKL #retrieval #using
- Enhancing expertise retrieval using community-aware strategies (HD, IK, MRL), pp. 1733–1736.
- CIKM-2009-HuangE #query #web
- Analyzing and evaluating query reformulation strategies in web search logs (JH, ENE), pp. 77–86.
- ECIR-2009-AltingovdeOU #cost analysis #query #web
- A Cost-Aware Strategy for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines (ISA, RO, ÖU), pp. 628–636.
- ECIR-2009-EsuliS #classification #learning #multi
- Active Learning Strategies for Multi-Label Text Classification (AE, FS), pp. 102–113.
- ECIR-2009-JohoHJ #collaboration #information retrieval
- Revisiting IR Techniques for Collaborative Search Strategies (HJ, DH, JMJ), pp. 66–77.
- KDD-2009-HanhijarviOVPTM #data mining #mining
- Tell me something I don’t know: randomization strategies for iterative data mining (SH, MO, NV, KP, NT, HM), pp. 379–388.
- KDD-2009-YangCWHZM #crawling #incremental #web
- Incorporating site-level knowledge for incremental crawling of web forums: a list-wise strategy (JMY, RC, CW, HH, LZ, WYM), pp. 1375–1384.
- KDIR-2009-Abbadeni #multi #representation #retrieval
- Texture Representation and Retrieval based on Multiple Strategies (NA), pp. 53–61.
- KDIR-2009-GhemtioSDSM #approach #design
- A KDD Approach for Designing Filtering Strategies to Improve Virtual Screening (LG, MST, MDD, MS, BM), pp. 146–151.
- KDIR-2009-Kirsch #implementation
- KM Implementation Strategy (DK), p. 11.
- KEOD-2009-Kirsch #implementation
- KM Implementation Strategy (DK), p. 11.
- KEOD-2009-RenaudZR #ontology
- A Compound Strategy for Ontologies Combining (DR, CZM, FR), pp. 200–205.
- KMIS-2009-Grundstein
- Distinguishing Knowledge from Information — A Prerequisite for Elaborating KM Initiative Strategy (MG), pp. 135–140.
- KMIS-2009-Kirsch #implementation
- KM Implementation Strategy (DK), p. 11.
- SEKE-2009-AlvesPCL #approach #development #lifecycle #lightweight #outsourcing
- From Strategy to Solution: A Lightweight Semi-prescriptive Approach for Software Development Lifecycle with Outsourcing Support (NA, SP, AC, ELJ), pp. 672–675.
- ICMT-2009-BergmannHRV #model transformation #pattern matching #performance
- Efficient Model Transformations by Combining Pattern Matching Strategies (GB, ÁH, IR, DV), pp. 20–34.
- ICMT-2009-SenBM #automation #generative #model transformation #testing
- Automatic Model Generation Strategies for Model Transformation Testing (SS, BB, JMM), pp. 148–164.
- LOPSTR-2009-AstefanoaeiBR #testing #using
- Using Rewrite Strategies for Testing BUpL Agents (LA, FSdB, MBvR), pp. 143–157.
- PPDP-2009-KaiserL #higher-order #traversal
- An Isabelle/HOL-based model of stratego-like traversal strategies (MK, RL), pp. 93–104.
- REFSQ-2009-KhurumGAF #empirical #requirements
- A Controlled Experiment of a Method for Early Requirements Triage Utilizing Product Strategies (MK, TG, LA, RF), pp. 22–36.
- SAC-2009-ChenJ #evolution
- A gradient oriented recombination scheme for evolution strategies (HC, GJ), pp. 1080–1084.
- SAC-2009-HuangCZLT #java #testing
- An optimized change-driven regression testing selection strategy for binary Java applications (SH, YC, JZ, ZJL, HT), pp. 558–565.
- SAC-2009-KrocSS #heuristic #message passing #satisfiability
- Message-passing and local heuristics as decimation strategies for satisfiability (LK, AS, BS), pp. 1408–1414.
- SAC-2009-ShenU #approximate #composition #concept #matrix #multi
- A class of multistep sparse matrix strategies for concept decomposition matrix approximation (CS, MU), pp. 1714–1718.
- SAC-2009-WangCH #learning #multi #music #retrieval
- Music retrieval based on a multi-samples selection strategy for support vector machine active learning (TW, GC, PH), pp. 1750–1751.
- SPLC-2009-CetinaHZFP #runtime #variability
- Strategies for variability transformation at run-time (CC, ØH, XZ, FF, VP), pp. 61–70.
- SPLC-2009-Jarzabek #product line #variability
- Pragmatic strategies for variability management in product lines in small- to medium-size companies (SJ), p. 327.
- HPDC-2009-LingrandMG #modelling
- Modeling user submission strategies on production grids (DL, JM, TG), pp. 121–130.
- PPoPP-2009-SpearDMS #memory management #transaction
- A comprehensive strategy for contention management in software transactional memory (MFS, LD, VJM, MLS), pp. 141–150.
- LICS-2009-Friedmann #algorithm #bound #exponential #game studies
- An Exponential Lower Bound for the Parity Game Strategy Improvement Algorithm as We Know it (OF), pp. 145–156.
- RTA-2009-ThiemannS
- Loops under Strategies (RT, CS), pp. 17–31.
- SAT-2009-HaimW #machine learning #using
- Restart Strategy Selection Using Machine Learning Techniques (SH, TW), pp. 312–325.
- TLCA-2009-FaggianP #linear #partial order
- Partial Orders, Event Structures and Linear Strategies (CF, MP), pp. 95–111.
- ASE-2008-PortOM #requirements #simulation #using
- Using Simulation to Investigate Requirements Prioritization Strategies (DP, AO, TM), pp. 268–277.
- DAC-2008-Mitra #verification
- Strategies for mainstream usage of formal verification (RSM), pp. 800–805.
- DATE-2008-BriaoBW #realtime
- Dynamic Task Allocation Strategies in MPSoC for Soft Real-time Applications (EWB, DB, FRW), pp. 1386–1389.
- DATE-2008-BrisolaraORLCW #code generation #uml #using
- Using UML as Front-end for Heterogeneous Software Code Generation Strategies (LBdB, MFdSO, RMR, LCL, LC, FRW), pp. 504–509.
- DATE-2008-GizopoulosRGNW #power management #testing
- Power-Aware Testing and Test Strategies for Low Power Devices (DG, KR, PG, NN, XW).
- DATE-2008-RavikumarHW #power management
- Test Strategies for Low Power Devices (CPR, MH, XW), pp. 728–733.
- DocEng-2008-Giannetti
- An exploratory mapping strategy for web-driven magazines (FG), pp. 223–229.
- CSMR-2008-CeccatoTM #goto #java #legacy #migration
- Goto Elimination Strategies in the Migration of Legacy Code to Java (MC, PT, CM), pp. 53–62.
- PLDI-2008-AndersonGEB #c #named #parallel #thread
- SharC: checking data sharing strategies for multithreaded C (ZRA, DG, RE, EAB), pp. 149–158.
- CHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #debugging #testing #what
- Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
- CHI-2008-TsengH #adaptation #visual notation
- The adaptation of visual search strategy to expected information gain (YCT, AH), pp. 1075–1084.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MendezPM #testing
- Improving Software Test Strategy with a Method to Specify Test Cases (MSTC) (EMM, MAP, LEM), pp. 159–164.
- ICEIS-HCI-2008-AkoumianakisMKV #component #interactive #visual notation
- Generic Strategies for Manipulating Graphical Interaction Objects: Augmenting, Expanding and Integrating Components (DA, GM, DK, GV), pp. 21–29.
- CIKM-2008-MiaoLD #integration #mining
- An integration strategy for mining product features and opinions (QM, QL, RD), pp. 1369–1370.
- ICML-2008-BowlingJBS #evaluation #game studies
- Strategy evaluation in extensive games with importance sampling (MHB, MJ, NB, DS), pp. 72–79.
- ICPR-2008-LotteML #design #human-computer #interface #self
- Pattern rejection strategies for the design of self-paced EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (FL, HM, AL), pp. 1–5.
- KR-2008-RamanujamS #game studies #logic
- Dynamic Logic on Games with Structured Strategies (RR, SES), pp. 49–58.
- SEKE-2008-OliveiraO #approach #comparison #difference
- Model Comparison: a Strategy-Based Approach (KSFO, TCdO), pp. 912–917.
- SIGIR-2008-WangYLCZM #crawling #traversal #web
- Exploring traversal strategy for web forum crawling (YW, JMY, WL, RC, LZ, WYM), pp. 459–466.
- SAC-2008-FilhoPRA #memory management #mobile #visualisation
- A strategy for memory traffic management of bitmap fonts for text visualization in mobile devices (JBFF, HSP, RR, RMCA), pp. 449–450.
- SAC-2008-PavelecJBO #identification #independence #using
- Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies (DP, EJRJ, LVB, LSO), pp. 414–418.
- SAC-2008-RochaO #scheduling
- Strategies for QoS improvement on the time-interval scheduling (FRdlR, RSdO), pp. 320–321.
- SAC-2008-VasiraniO #coordination #distributed #problem
- Decentralized coordination strategies for the vehicle routing problem (MV, SO), pp. 130–131.
- ICSE-2008-FlemingKSXD #case study #concurrent #maintenance #student
- A study of student strategies for the corrective maintenance of concurrent software (SDF, EK, REKS, SX, LKD), pp. 759–768.
- CC-2008-CooperHW #adaptation
- An Adaptive Strategy for Inline Substitution (KDC, TJH, TW), pp. 69–84.
- HPDC-2008-RamakrishnanR #fault tolerance #modelling #scheduling #workflow
- Performability modeling for scheduling and fault tolerance strategies for scientific workflows (LR, DAR), pp. 23–34.
- CSL-2008-Schewe #algorithm #game studies
- An Optimal Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Solving Parity and Payoff Games (SS), pp. 369–384.
- ICST-2008-TappendenM #testing
- A Three-Tiered Testing Strategy for Cookies (AFT, JM), pp. 131–140.
- RTA-2008-EchahedP #pointer
- A Needed Rewriting Strategy for Data-Structures with Pointers (RE, NP), pp. 63–78.
- SAT-2008-Biere #adaptation #satisfiability
- Adaptive Restart Strategies for Conflict Driven SAT Solvers (AB), pp. 28–33.
- CASE-2007-ChienW
- Structuring Manufacturing Strategy (CFC, JZW), pp. 265–269.
- CASE-2007-KaberST #interactive #research
- Human-automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), pp. 615–620.
- CASE-2007-KaberST07a #interactive #research
- Human-Automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), p. 92–?.
- CASE-2007-LeungG #behaviour #locality #multi
- Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping Strategy: Utilizing Behavior Based Dynamic Tree Structure and Observer-explorer Routine (KKKL, GG), pp. 881–886.
- DAC-2007-PaulaH #effectiveness #simulation
- An Effective Guidance Strategy for Abstraction-Guided Simulation (FMdP, AJH), pp. 63–68.
- ICDAR-2007-BoubakerKA #modelling #online
- New Strategy for the On-Line Handwriting Modelling (HB, MK, AMA), pp. 1233–1247.
- ICDAR-2007-FuDLL #classification #effectiveness #recognition
- An Effective and Practical Classifier Fusion Strategy for Improving Handwritten Character Recognition (QF, XD, TL, CL), pp. 1038–1042.
- ICDAR-2007-JlaielKAM #difference
- Three decision levels strategy for Arabic and Latin texts differentiation in printed and handwritten natures (MBJ, SK, AMA, RM), pp. 1103–1107.
- ICDAR-2007-MozaffariFMA #reduction #scalability
- Strategies for Large Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Lexicon Reduction (SM, KF, VM, HEA), pp. 98–102.
- ICDAR-2007-SilvaL #documentation #synthesis
- Color Document Synthesis as a Compression Strategy (JMS, RL), pp. 466–470.
- ICDAR-2007-SuZHZ
- HMM-Based Recognizer with Segmentation-free Strategy for Unconstrained Chinese Handwritten Text (THS, TWZ, HJH, YZ), pp. 133–137.
- ICDAR-2007-YinSNFFKT #documentation #image #mobile #multi
- A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images (XCY, JS, SN, KF, YF, KK, HT), pp. 574–578.
- SIGMOD-2007-ElhemaliGGJ #execution #sql
- Execution strategies for SQL subqueries (ME, CAGL, TG, MJ), pp. 993–1004.
- ITiCSE-2007-CukiermanT #learning
- Learning strategies sessions within the classroom in computing science university courses (DC, DMT), p. 341.
- ITiCSE-2007-McCartneyEMSZ #student
- Successful students’ strategies for getting unstuck (RM, AE, JEM, KS, CZ), pp. 156–160.
- ESOP-2007-GawlitzaS #fixpoint #precise
- Precise Fixpoint Computation Through Strategy Iteration (TG, HS), pp. 300–315.
- FoSSaCS-2007-Chatterjee #game studies #probability #synthesis
- Optimal Strategy Synthesis in Stochastic Müller Games (KC), pp. 138–152.
- SCAM-2007-MarinMD #migration
- An Integrated Crosscutting Concern Migration Strategy and its Application to JHOTDRAW (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 101–110.
- CIAA-2007-HoltmannL #game studies #infinity #memory management #reduction
- Memory Reduction for Strategies in Infinite Games (MH, CL), pp. 253–264.
- ICALP-2007-MoranNS #independence #information management
- Deterministic History-Independent Strategies for Storing Information on Write-Once Memories (TM, MN, GS), pp. 303–315.
- CHI-2007-GrossmanDB #learning #online
- Strategies for accelerating on-line learning of hotkeys (TG, PD, RB), pp. 1591–1600.
- DHM-2007-KanezashiMO #difference #interface
- Strategy to Operate Cylindrical Interface-Operation Difference According to the Dimension of the Cylinder and That of the Hand (OK, NM, JO), pp. 865–873.
- HCI-AS-2007-JeenHKLP #interactive #persuasion
- Persuasive Interaction Strategy for Self Diet System: Exploring the Relation of User Attitude and Intervention by Computerized Systematic Methods (YJ, JH, HK, KL, PP), pp. 450–458.
- HCI-AS-2007-SteinickeRBH #3d #design #interactive #modelling
- 3D Modeling and Design Supported Via Interscopic Interaction Strategies (FS, TR, GB, KHH), pp. 1160–1169.
- HCI-IDU-2007-GuoGW #adaptation #evaluation
- Adaptive Evaluation Strategy Based on Surrogate Model (YNG, DWG, HW), pp. 472–481.
- HCI-MIE-2007-BaranDC #approach #eye tracking #how #problem
- How Do Adults Solve Digital Tangram Problems? Analyzing Cognitive Strategies Through Eye Tracking Approach (BB, BD, KÇ), pp. 555–563.
- HCI-MIE-2007-ZhouZ #eye tracking #metric
- Impact of Mental Rotation Strategy on Absolute Direction Judgments: Supplementing Conventional Measures with Eye Movement Data (RZ, KZ), pp. 789–798.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-MorganWKP #information management #performance
- Harder to Access, Better Performance? The Effects of Information Access Cost on Strategy and Performance (PLM, SMW, SLK, JP), pp. 115–125.
- CAiSE-2007-PijpersG #comprehension #named
- e3forces: Understanding Strategies of Networked e 3 value Constellations by Analyzing Environmental Forces (VP, JG), pp. 188–202.
- CAiSE-2007-ThevenetS
- Aligning IS to Organization’s Strategy: The InStAlMethod (LHT, CS), pp. 203–217.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Calvo-FloresNGF07a #empirical
- An Empirical Study of Significant Variables for Trading Strategies (MDCF, JFNN, EGG, CMF), pp. 330–335.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Rodriguez-EliasMFVS #analysis #approach #design #identification #information management
- Knowledge Flow Analysis to Identify Knowledge Needs for the Design of Knowledge Management Systems and Strategies — A Methodological Approach (OMRE, AIMG, JF, AV, JPS), pp. 492–497.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-Calvo-FloresNGF #case study #fuzzy #using
- Using fuzzy datacubes in the study of trading strategies (MDCF, JFNN, ELGG, JCFM), pp. 164–169.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-OsbornB #2d
- An insertion strategy for a two-dimensional spatial access method (WO, KB), pp. 295–300.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-Custers #problem #profiling
- Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding — Practical Problems of Current Information Strategies (BHMC), pp. 90–94.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-FosterLHS #security
- A Change Strategy for Organisational Security: The Role of Critical Success Factors (SF, KL, PH, AS), pp. 375–380.
- CIKM-2007-DornelesHOSM #approximate
- A strategy for allowing meaningful and comparable scores in approximate matching (CFD, CAH, VMO, ASdS, ESdM), pp. 303–312.
- CIKM-2007-OuyangLL #learning #summary #topic
- Developing learning strategies for topic-based summarization (OY, SL, WL), pp. 79–86.
- ECIR-2007-GengWLZ #ranking
- Fighting Link Spam with a Two-Stage Ranking Strategy (GG, CW, QL, YZ), pp. 699–702.
- MLDM-2007-GomezF #2d #algorithm #evolution #hybrid #image #learning
- A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Evolution Strategies and Instance-Based Learning, Used in Two-Dimensional Fitting of Brightness Profiles in Galaxy Images (JCG, OF), pp. 716–726.
- MLDM-2007-HulsmannF #algorithm #comparison #multi #novel #optimisation #parametricity
- Comparison of a Novel Combined ECOC Strategy with Different Multiclass Algorithms Together with Parameter Optimization Methods (MH, CMF), pp. 17–31.
- RecSys-2007-WinterboerM #recommendation
- Evaluating information presentation strategies for spoken recommendations (AW, JDM), pp. 157–160.
- SIGIR-2007-CormackL07a #bias #set
- Power and bias of subset pooling strategies (GVC, TRL), pp. 837–838.
- SIGIR-2007-Huis
- Strategy follows technology (EvH), p. 1.
- SIGIR-2007-SteinEP #documentation
- Strategies for retrieving plagiarized documents (BS, SMzE, MP), pp. 825–826.
- SIGIR-2007-Wan #clustering #documentation #evaluation #named #using
- OMES: a new evaluation strategy using optimal matching for document clustering (XW), pp. 693–694.
- SIGIR-2007-YuanB #framework #multi
- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (XJY, NJB), pp. 247–254.
- SAC-2007-BrunauerLMMP #evolution
- Evolution of iterated prisoner’s dilemma strategies with different history lengths in static and cultural environments (RB, AL, HAM, GM, HP), pp. 720–727.
- SAC-2007-ChenTL
- A priority assignment strategy of processing elements over an on-chip bus (YSC, SJT, SWL), pp. 1176–1180.
- SAC-2007-LiuD #performance #web #web service
- An efficient dual caching strategy for web service-enabled PDAs (XL, RD), pp. 788–794.
- SPLC-2007-GanesanKKHM #case study #cost analysis #product line
- Comparing Costs and Benefits of Different Test Strategies for a Software Product Line: A Study from Testo AG (DG, JK, RK, UH, GM), pp. 74–83.
- CC-2007-ChoAUP #effectiveness #multi #preprocessor #scheduling
- Preprocessing Strategy for Effective Modulo Scheduling on Multi-issue Digital Signal Processors (DC, RA, GRU, YP), pp. 16–31.
- CSL-2007-GawlitzaS #invariant #precise #relational
- Precise Relational Invariants Through Strategy Iteration (TG, HS), pp. 23–40.
- LICS-2007-HarmerHM #category theory #combinator
- Categorical Combinatorics for Innocent Strategies (RH, MH, PAM), pp. 379–388.
- CASE-2006-PengWL #image
- A Strategy Improving Registration Accuracy Progressively for INSAR Complex Image (SP, YW, GL), pp. 626–629.
- DAC-2006-MuraliABM #fault tolerance #multi #network
- A multi-path routing strategy with guaranteed in-order packet delivery and fault-tolerance for networks on chip (SM, DA, LB, GDM), pp. 845–848.
- HT-2006-JensenM #corpus #multi #retrieval #web
- Different indexing strategies for multilingual web retrieval: experiments with the EuroGOV corpus (NJ, TM), pp. 169–170.
- ICPC-2006-SmithOK #architecture #comprehension #migration #web #web service
- Working Session: Program Comprehension and Migration Strategies for Web Service and Service-Oriented Architectures (DBS, LO, KK), pp. 235–240.
- ICSM-2006-LuciaFSTV #architecture #eclipse #legacy #migration #multi
- A Strategy and an Eclipse Based Environment for the Migration of Legacy Systems to Multi-tier Web-based Architectures (ADL, RF, GS, GT, NV), pp. 438–447.
- FM-2006-DonaldsonM #approximate #model checking #reduction #symmetry
- Exact and Approximate Strategies for Symmetry Reduction in Model Checking (AFD, AM), pp. 541–556.
- IFL-2006-Hidalgo-HerreroOR #evaluation #functional #parallel
- Comparing Alternative Evaluation Strategies for Stream-Based Parallel Functional Languages (MHH, YOM, FR), pp. 55–72.
- EDOC-2006-PatelG #adaptation #transaction
- An Adaptive Negotiation Strategy for Electronic Transactions (DP, AG), pp. 243–252.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-KafkasBY #algebra #equation #implementation
- Implementation Strategies for “Equation Guru” — A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor (SK, ZB, HY), pp. 58–65.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-RinderleBR #framework #process #semantics
- A Framework for Semantic Recovery Strategies in Case of Process Activity Failures (SR, SB, MR), pp. 136–143.
- CIKM-2006-AnhM #query
- Pruning strategies for mixed-mode querying (VNA, AM), pp. 190–197.
- CIKM-2006-ShiN #adaptation #corpus #information retrieval #parallel
- Filtering or adapting: two strategies to exploit noisy parallel corpora for cross-language information retrieval (LS, JYN), pp. 814–815.
- ICPR-v1-2006-LiHH #clustering
- A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Vehicle Motion Trajectory Clustering (XL, WH, WH), pp. 591–594.
- ICPR-v2-2006-MouchereA
- A Unified Strategy to Deal with Different Natures of Reject (HM, ÉA), pp. 792–795.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ChatelainHP #documentation
- A two-stage outlier rejection strategy for numerical field extraction in handwritten documents (CC, LH, TP), pp. 224–227.
- ICPR-v3-2006-EscaleraP #named #novel
- ECOC-ONE: A Novel Coding and Decoding Strategy (SE, OP), pp. 578–581.
- ICPR-v4-2006-FengFDW #locality
- Iris Localization with Dual Coarse-to-fine Strategy (XF, CF, XD, YW), pp. 553–556.
- KDD-2006-YooHS #clustering #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics
- Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
- LOPSTR-2006-Silva #algorithm #case study #comparative #debugging
- A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Debugging Strategies (JS), pp. 143–159.
- RE-2006-GordijnPW #comprehension #modelling #using
- Understanding Business Strategies of Networked Value Constellations Using Goal- and Value Modeling (JG, MP, RW), pp. 126–135.
- SAC-2006-DuranX #algorithm #scheduling #search-based
- The effects of two replacement strategies on a genetic algorithm for scheduling jobs on computational grids (BD, FX), pp. 960–961.
- SAC-2006-HabichWLP #clustering #set
- Two-phase clustering strategy for gene expression data sets (DH, TW, WL, CP), pp. 145–150.
- ICSE-2006-DamianHA #assessment #design #development #education #framework
- Instructional design and assessment strategies for teaching global software development: a framework (DED, AH, BAA), pp. 685–690.
- ICSE-2006-Grunske #architecture #design #identification #multi #optimisation
- Identifying “good” architectural design alternatives with multi-objective optimization strategies (LG), pp. 849–852.
- HPDC-2006-ChingFLMC #parallel #tool support
- Exploring I/O Strategies for Parallel Sequence-Search Tools with S3aSim (AC, WcF, HL, XM, ANC), pp. 229–240.
- RTA-2006-BournezG #proving #termination
- Proving Positive Almost Sure Termination Under Strategies (OB, FG), pp. 357–371.
- SAT-2006-Zhang #random
- A Complete Random Jump Strategy with Guiding Paths (HZ), pp. 96–101.
- WICSA-2005-LandBLC #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #integration
- Architectural Concerns When Selecting an In-House Integration Strategy — Experiences from Industry (RL, LB, SL, IC), pp. 274–275.
- ASE-2005-FriasGSB #analysis #performance #relational #specification #verification
- A strategy for efficient verification of relational specifications, based on monotonicity analysis (MFF, RG, GS, LB), pp. 305–308.
- DAC-2005-GuardianiBDMM #effectiveness #process
- An effective DFM strategy requires accurate process and IP pre-characterization (CG, MB, ND, MM, PM), pp. 760–761.
- DATE-2005-LuIPWCC #performance #satisfiability
- An Efficient Sequential SAT Solver With Improved Search Strategies (FL, MKI, GP, LCW, KTC, KCC), pp. 1102–1107.
- DATE-2005-MarconCMSRH #energy
- Exploring NoC Mapping Strategies: An Energy and Timing Aware Technique (CAMM, NLVC, FGM, AAS, IMR, FH), pp. 502–507.
- DocEng-2005-BeheraLI #documentation #identification
- Influence of fusion strategies on feature-based identification of low-resolution documents (AB, DL, RI), pp. 20–22.
- ICDAR-2005-CecottiB #adaptation #network #recognition
- Rejection strategy for Convolutional Neural Network by adaptive topology applied to handwritten digits recognition (HC, AB), pp. 765–769.
- ICDAR-2005-MilewskiSG #reduction
- A Lexicon Reduction Strategy in the Context of Handwritten Medical Forms (RM, SS, VG), pp. 1146–1150.
- ICDAR-2005-ZanibbiBC05a #recognition
- The Recognition Strategy Language (RZ, DB, JRC), pp. 565–569.
- CSEET-2005-BunseGOPS #education #learning #re-engineering
- xd Software Engineering Education Applying a Blended Learning Strategy for (CB, IG, MO, CP, SSN), pp. 95–102.
- WRLA-2004-Marti-OlietMV05 #maude #towards
- Towards a Strategy Language for Maude (NMO, JM, AV), pp. 417–441.
- TACAS-2005-HardingRS #algorithm #game studies #ltl #synthesis
- A New Algorithm for Strategy Synthesis in LTL Games (AH, MR, PYS), pp. 477–492.
- ICSM-2005-AlvesCVSDBR #analysis #comparative #game studies #migration
- Comparative Analysis of Porting Strategies in J2ME Games (VA, IC, HV, PHMS, ALGD, PB, GR), pp. 123–132.
- STOC-2005-CicaleseL #query
- A new strategy for querying priced information (FC, ESL), pp. 674–683.
- SEFM-2005-MesquitaSM #composition #framework
- A Strategy for the Formal Composition of Frameworks (WM, AS, ACVdM), pp. 404–413.
- SFM-2005-AcquavivaBL #power management #standard
- Dynamic Power Management Strategies Within the IEEE 802.11 Standard (AA, EB, EL), pp. 190–214.
- IFL-2005-Mackie #encoding #interactive #λ-calculus
- Encoding Strategies in the λ Calculus with Interaction Nets (IM), pp. 19–36.
- SOFTVIS-2005-GhoniemCFJ #constraints #graph #programming #using #visualisation
- Peeking in solver strategies using explanations visualization of dynamic graphs for constraint programming (MG, HC, JDF, NJ), pp. 27–36.
- AdaEurope-2005-BordinV #ada
- A New Strategy for the HRT-HOOD to Ada Mapping (MB, TV), pp. 51–66.
- ICEIS-v2-2005-Hakansson #comprehension #problem
- Transferring Problem Solving Strategies from the Expert to the End Users — Supporting Understanding (AH), pp. 3–10.
- ECIR-2005-RenJ #segmentation #video
- Football Video Segmentation Based on Video Production Strategy (RR, JMJ), pp. 433–446.
- ICML-2005-GroisW #approach #comprehension #learning
- Learning strategies for story comprehension: a reinforcement learning approach (EG, DCW), pp. 257–264.
- SEKE-2005-HeBZH #framework #integration
- Dynamic Integration Strategy for Mediation Framework (LH, HB, JZ, CH), pp. 520–524.
- SEKE-2005-Short #re-engineering
- Software Engineering Strategies for Seamless Computing (CS), p. 2.
- SEKE-2005-YangE #framework #integration
- Dynamic Integration Strategy for Mediation Framework (LY, RKE), pp. 525–530.
- SIGIR-2005-ArtilesGV #people
- A testbed for people searching strategies in the WWW (JA, JG, FV), pp. 569–570.
- SIGIR-2005-StrohmanTC #optimisation #query
- Optimization strategies for complex queries (TS, HRT, WBC), pp. 219–225.
- PPDP-2005-CortierRZ #encryption #protocol #verification
- A resolution strategy for verifying cryptographic protocols with CBC encryption and blind signatures (VC, MR, EZ), pp. 12–22.
- RE-2005-Corniou #challenge #information management #policy
- The Role of Information Systems within Corporate Strategy and Management Policies: New Challenges (JPC), p. 4.
- SAC-2005-BartakR
- Limited assignments: a new cutoff strategy for incomplete depth-first search (RB, HR), pp. 388–392.
- SAC-2005-LambertMS #constraints #using
- Solving strategies using a hybridization model for local search and constraint propagation (TL, EM, FS), pp. 398–403.
- SAC-2005-ManceboA #component #multi
- A strategy for selecting multiple components (EM, AAA), pp. 1505–1510.
- SAC-2005-ZhangP #analysis
- Effort and accuracy analysis of choice strategies for electronic product catalogs (JZ, PP), pp. 808–814.
- SPLC-2005-DiazTA #process
- Supporting Production Strategies as Refinements of the Production Process (OD, ST, FIA), pp. 210–221.
- SPLC-2005-Niemela #architecture #development #product line
- Strategies of Product Family Architecture Development (EN), pp. 186–197.
- CC-2005-OlmosV #data flow #text-to-text
- Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules (KO, EV), pp. 204–220.
- HPCA-2005-DuatoJFNGF #effectiveness #multi #network #scalability
- A New Scalable and Cost-Effective Congestion Management Strategy for Lossless Multistage Interconnection Networks (JD, IJ, JF, FN, PJG, TNF), pp. 108–119.
- HPDC-2005-MandalKKMMLJ #grid #scheduling #workflow
- Scheduling strategies for mapping application workflows onto the grid (AM, KK, CK, GM, JMMC, BL, SLJ), pp. 125–134.
- CADE-2005-MeierM #multi #proving #theorem proving
- System Description: Multi A Multi-strategy Proof Planner (AM, EM), pp. 250–254.
- CSL-2005-CurienF
- L-Nets, Strategies and Proof-Nets (PLC, CF), pp. 167–183.
- ICLP-2005-RochaSC #evaluation #logic programming #source code
- Dynamic Mixed-Strategy Evaluation of Tabled Logic Programs (RR, FMAS, VSC), pp. 250–264.
- CBSE-2004-AldaC #adaptation #architecture #component #peer-to-peer #self
- Strategies for a Component-Based Self-adaptability Model in Peer-to-Peer Architectures (SA, ABC), pp. 59–67.
- DAC-2004-SentovichALR #industrial
- Competitive strategies for the electronics industry (ES, JA, PL, BR), p. 264.
- DAC-2004-ShehataA #composition #verification
- A general decomposition strategy for verifying register renaming (HIS, MA), pp. 234–237.
- DATE-v1-2004-BenabdenbiGPVT #named #testing
- STEPS: Experimenting a New Software-Based Strategy for Testing SoCs Containing P1500-Compliant IP Cores (MB, AG, FP, EV, MT), pp. 712–713.
- DATE-v1-2004-NikitovicB #mobile #power management
- A Low Power Strategy for Future Mobile Terminals (MN, MB), pp. 702–703.
- DATE-v1-2004-PaschalisG #effectiveness #embedded #online #self #testing
- Effective Software-Based Self-Test Strategies for On-Line Periodic Testing of Embedded Processors (AMP, DG), pp. 578–583.
- DATE-v1-2004-SrinivasanBCC #metric #performance #using
- Efficient Test Strategy for TDMA Power Amplifiers Using Transient Current Measurements: Uses and Benefit (GS, SB, SC, AC), pp. 280–285.
- DATE-v2-2004-GrunewaldNPR #multi #network
- A Mapping Strategy for Resource-Efficient Network Processing on Multiprocessor SoC (MG, JCN, MP, UR), pp. 758–763.
- DocEng-2004-MeneguzziMMOS #documentation #optimisation
- Strategies for document optimization in digital publishing (FRM, LLM, FTMM, JBSdO, ACBdS), pp. 163–170.
- VLDB-2004-CunninghamGG #execution #optimisation
- PIVOT and UNPIVOT: Optimization and Execution Strategies in an RDBMS (CC, GG, CAGL), pp. 998–1009.
- ITiCSE-2004-ArgolloHMBFBLMR #collaboration #learning #research #student
- Graduate students learning strategies through research collaboration (EA, MH, DM, GB, PCF, FB, EL, JCM, DR), p. 262.
- ITiCSE-2004-ChesnevarGM #automaton #formal method #learning
- Didactic strategies for promoting significant learning in formal languages and automata theory (CIC, MPG, AGM), pp. 7–11.
- ITiCSE-2004-Sheard #community #learning
- Electronic learning communities: strategies for establishment and management (JS), pp. 37–41.
- ICSM-2004-Gustavsson #evolution #problem #process #runtime
- Strategies for Handling the Activity Problem in Runtime Software Evolution by Reducing Activity (JG), p. 525.
- ICSM-2004-Marinescu #design #detection
- Detection Strategies: Metrics-Based Rules for Detecting Design Flaws (RM), pp. 350–359.
- IWPC-2004-OBrienS #architecture #comprehension #web #web service
- Working Session: Program Comprehension Strategies for Web Service and Service-oriented Architectures (LO, DBS), pp. 260–263.
- IWPC-2004-StoermerOV #architecture
- Architectural Views through Collapsing Strategies (CS, LO, CV), pp. 100–110.
- WCRE-2004-MarinescuR #design #object-oriented #quality
- Quantifying the Quality of Object-Oriented Design: The Factor-Strategy Model (RM, DR), pp. 192–201.
- CHI-2004-EverettB #visual notation
- Unintended effects: varying icon spacing changes users’ visual search strategy (SPE, MDB), pp. 695–702.
- CHI-2004-Oulasvirta #research
- Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: the humanistic research strategy (AO), pp. 247–254.
- CSCW-2004-MorrisMW #communication
- Individual audio channels with single display groupware: effects on communication and task strategy (MRM, DM, TW), pp. 242–251.
- EDOC-2004-BalasubramanianSDO #middleware #performance
- Evaluating the Performance of Middleware Load Balancing Strategies (JB, DCS, LWD, OO), pp. 135–146.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-LancM #information management
- A Holistic Information Systems Strategy for Organisational Management (HISSOM), Applied to Europe’s Largest Bancassurer (DL, LMM), pp. 427–437.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-QuadrosHBS #how
- Strategies for the Digital Entrepreunership: How to Survive in the Actual Dotcom Reallity (FZQ, HCH, AB, FPdS), pp. 527–530.
- ICEIS-v5-2004-EscribanoCGC #internet
- Basic Strategies to Enhance Teleoperation Platforms through the Internet (JE, JAC, RG, CC), pp. 242–245.
- ICPR-v2-2004-BaiH04a #detection #documentation #image #multi #using
- Underline Detection and Removal in a Document Image Using Multiple Strategies (ZLB, QH), pp. 578–581.
- ICPR-v2-2004-ZimmermannBB #recognition
- Rejection Strategies for Offline Handwritten Sentence Recognition (MZ, RB, HB), pp. 550–553.
- ICPR-v4-2004-PagesSF
- A New Optimised De Bruijn Coding Strategy for Structured Light Patterns (JP, JS, JF), pp. 284–287.
- KR-2004-EveraereKM #on the
- On Merging Strategy-Proofness (PE, SK, PM), pp. 357–368.
- KR-2004-MeyerFKZ #logic
- Logical Foundations of Negotiation: Strategies and Preferences (TAM, NYF, RK, DZ), pp. 311–318.
- SIGIR-2004-Yuan #framework #multi
- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (abstract only) (XY), p. 604.
- SAC-2004-DerntlM #case study #concept #evaluation #experience #learning
- Patterns for blended, Person-Centered learning: strategy, concepts, experiences, and evaluation (MD, RMP), pp. 916–923.
- SAC-2004-KampsR #effectiveness #information retrieval
- The effectiveness of combining information retrieval strategies for European languages (JK, MdR), pp. 1073–1077.
- HPDC-2004-ZhangKPCNWS #algorithm #parallel #using
- Strategies for Using Additional Resources in Parallel Hash-Based Join Algorithms (XZ, TMK, TP, ÜVÇ, SN, PW, JHS), pp. 4–13.
- DAC-2003-MathysC #integration #verification
- Verification strategy for integration 3G baseband SoC (YM, AC), pp. 7–10.
- DATE-2003-KandemirKZ #energy #evaluation #implementation #on-demand
- Implementation and Evaluation of an On-Demand Parameter-Passing Strategy for Reducing Energy (MTK, IK, WZ), pp. 11058–11063.
- ICDAR-2003-MoritaSBS #recognition #verification #word
- A Recognition and Verification Strategy for Handwritten Word Recognition (MEM, RS, FB, CYS), p. 482–?.
- VLDB-2003-TianD #distributed #tuple
- Tuple Routing Strategies for Distributed Eddies (FT, DJD), pp. 333–344.
- CSEET-2003-Mason #development #process #re-engineering
- Aligning Workforce Development & Software Process Improvement Strategy for Accelerated Adoption of Software Engineering Capability (JM), pp. 70–77.
- TACAS-2003-AlurTM #composition #game studies #graph #recursion
- Modular Strategies for Recursive Game Graphs (RA, SLT, PM), pp. 363–378.
- TACAS-2003-BDSV #analysis #encryption #information management #protocol #representation
- A New Knowledge Representation Strategy for Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (ICB, LD, RS, AV), pp. 284–298.
- TACAS-2003-ConchonK
- Strategies for Combining Decision Procedures (SC, SK), pp. 537–552.
- CSMR-2003-ChaimMJ #debugging #requirements
- A Debugging Strategy Based on Requirements of Testin (MLC, JCM, MJ), pp. 160–169.
- IWPC-2003-KoU #comprehension #difference #programming
- Individual Differences in Program Comprehension Strategies in Unfamiliar Programming Systems (AJK, BU), pp. 175–184.
- ICALP-2003-Schonhage #adaptation #optimisation #performance
- Adaptive Raising Strategies Optimizing Relative Efficiency (AS), pp. 611–623.
- FME-2003-DuranCS #compilation #inheritance
- A Strategy for Compiling Classes, Inheritance, and Dynamic Binding (AD, AC, AS), pp. 301–320.
- ICFP-2003-EnnalsJ #adaptation #evaluation #source code #strict
- Optimistic evaluation: an adaptive evaluation strategy for non-strict programs (RE, SLPJ), pp. 287–298.
- CHI-2003-BhavnaniCJLPSS
- Strategy hubs: next-generation domain portals with search procedures (SKB, CKB, TMJ, RJL, FAP, JLS, VJS), pp. 393–400.
- CHI-2003-HornofH #eye tracking
- Cognitive strategies and eye movements for searching hierarchical computer displays (AJH, TH), pp. 249–256.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-GouveiaG #roadmap
- Assuming a Roadmap Strategy for E-Business: Matching the Right Solution Over a Thousand Answers (FRG, LBG), pp. 550–553.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-WallS
- The Kinds of IT Services Most Appropriate for a Particular Sourcing Strategy (PW, LS), pp. 590–593.
- CIKM-2003-ChenC #parallel #replication #retrieval
- Replication and retrieval strategies of multidimensional data on parallel disks (CMC, CTC), pp. 32–39.
- ICML-2003-JohnsonTG #crawling #evolution #web
- Evolving Strategies for Focused Web Crawling (JJ, KT, CLG), pp. 298–305.
- KDD-2003-BoltonA
- An iterative hypothesis-testing strategy for pattern discovery (RJB, NMA), pp. 49–58.
- KDD-2003-WangHP #mining
- CLOSET+: searching for the best strategies for mining frequent closed itemsets (JW, JH, JP), pp. 236–245.
- SEKE-2003-DaiD
- Software Warehouse and Its Management Strategies (HD, WD), pp. 685–690.
- SEKE-2003-NiaziWZ #design #effectiveness #framework #implementation #process
- A Framework for Guiding the Design of Effective Implementation Strategies for Software Process Improvement (MN, DW, DZ), pp. 366–371.
- SEKE-2003-YanZZ #independence
- A Database-Independent Strategy for Confidence Determination (XY, CZ, SZ), pp. 621–625.
- SIGIR-2003-McDonaldT #image #retrieval
- Search strategies in content-based image retrieval (SM, JT), pp. 80–87.
- PPDP-2003-FissoreGK #rule-based #termination
- Simplification and termination of strategies in rule-based languages (OF, IG, HK), pp. 124–135.
- SAC-2003-Abdellatif-KaddourTW #testing
- Property-Oriented Testing: A Strategy for Exploring Dangerous Scenarios (OAK, PTF, HW), pp. 1128–1134.
- SAC-2003-BeitzelJCFGG #analysis #data fusion #effectiveness #information retrieval
- Disproving the Fusion Hypothesis: An Analysis of Data Fusion via Effective Information Retrieval Strategies (SMB, ECJ, AC, OF, DAG, NG), pp. 823–827.
- SAC-2003-FuT
- A Dynamic Load Distribution Strategy for Systems Under High Task Variation and Heavy Traffic (BF, ZT), pp. 1031–1037.
- SAC-2003-RaisanenW #communication #evaluation #multi #network #optimisation #problem
- Multi-objective Optimization in the Area Coverage Problems for Cellular Communication Networks: Evaluation of an Elitist Evolutionary Strategy (LR, RMW), pp. 714–720.
- SAC-2003-Traore #object-oriented #testing
- A Transition-based Strategy for Object-oriented Software Testing (IT), pp. 1055–1062.
- ESEC-FSE-2003-JeffordsH #requirements #verification
- A strategy for efficiently verifying requirements (RDJ, CLH), pp. 28–37.
- CAV-2003-AlurTM #composition #game studies #graph #infinity #recursion
- Modular Strategies for Infinite Games on Recursive Graphs (RA, SLT, PM), pp. 67–79.
- CSL-2003-Duparc #game studies #persistent
- Positive Games and Persistent Strategies (JD), pp. 183–196.
- CSL-2003-Walukiewicz #synthesis #tutorial
- Winning Strategies and Synthesis of Controllers (Tutorial) (IW), p. 574.
- SAT-2003-EglySTWZ #quantifier
- Comparing Different Prenexing Strategies for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UE, MS, HT, SW, MZ), pp. 214–228.
- SAT-2003-LiSB #effectiveness #performance #satisfiability #using
- A Local Search SAT Solver Using an Effective Switching Strategy and an Efficient Unit Propagation (XYL, MFMS, FB), pp. 53–68.
- DAC-2002-KadayifKK #adaptation #energy #parallel
- An energy saving strategy based on adaptive loop parallelization (IK, MTK, MK), pp. 195–200.
- DATE-2002-BrockELSDBOK #design #power management
- Power Crisis in SoC Design: Strategies for Constructing Low-Power, High-Performance SoC Designs (KB, CE, RL, US, AD, JB, DO, MK), p. 538.
- DATE-2002-IraniGS #analysis #multi #power management
- Competitive Analysis of Dynamic Power Management Strategies for Systems with Multiple Power Savings States (SI, RKG, SKS), pp. 117–123.
- PODS-2002-ChenC #clustering #multi #query
- From Discrepancy to Declustering: Near optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queries (CMC, CTC), pp. 29–38.
- WRLA-2002-AlpuenteEL
- Correct and Complete (Positive) Strategy Annotations for OBJ (MA, SE, SL), pp. 70–89.
- CSMR-2002-AlbaneseBGT #case study #migration #tool support
- A Toolkit for Applying a Migration Strategy: A Case Study (CA, TB, EG, MT), pp. 154–163.
- ICSM-2002-Seaman #information management #maintenance
- The Information Gathering Strategies of Software Maintainers (CBS), pp. 141–149.
- IWPC-2002-Exton #comprehension
- Constructivism and Program Comprehension Strategies (CE), pp. 281–284.
- WCRE-2002-HenrardHTH #re-engineering
- Strategies for Data Reengineering (JH, JMH, PT, JLH), pp. 211–220.
- ICALP-2002-AkcogluDK #performance
- Fast Universalization of Investment Strategies with Provably Good Relative Returns (KA, PD, MYK), pp. 888–900.
- ICALP-2002-Cachat #automaton #game studies #graph #synthesis
- Symbolic Strategy Synthesis for Games on Pushdown Graphs (TC), pp. 704–715.
- ICALP-2002-KumarM #scheduling
- Improved Results for Stackelberg Scheduling Strategies (VSAK, MVM), pp. 776–787.
- EDOC-2002-SalinesiP #adaptation #information management
- A Method to Analyse Changes in the Realisation of Business Intentions and Strategies for Information System Adaptation (CS, MJP), pp. 84–95.
- ICEIS-2002-HanlonS #framework
- A Framework for the Dynamic Alignment of Strategies (SH, LS), pp. 752–757.
- ICEIS-2002-Heng
- Rethinking the Strategy of Amazon.com (MSHH), pp. 915–921.
- ICEIS-2002-Oliver #automation
- A Training Environment for Automated Sales Agents to Learn Negotiation Strategies (JRO), pp. 410–417.
- CIKM-2002-TangZ #set
- An iterative strategy for pattern discovery in high-dimensional data sets (CT, AZ), pp. 10–17.
- CIKM-2002-WibowoW #categorisation #fault #web
- Strategies for minimising errors in hierarchical web categorisation (WW, HEW), pp. 525–531.
- ICPR-v1-2002-ArlandisPC #classification #metric
- Rejection Strategies and Confidence Measures for a k- NN Classifier in an OCR Task (JA, JCPC, JCP), pp. 576–579.
- ICPR-v3-2002-LiZL #set
- A New Strategy for Selecting Working Sets Applied in SMO (JL, BZ, FL), pp. 427–430.
- SIGIR-2002-XuFW #empirical #retrieval
- Empirical studies in strategies for Arabic retrieval (JX, AMF, RMW), pp. 269–274.
- PPDP-2002-FissoreGK #induction #proving #termination
- System Presentation — CARIBOO: An induction based proof tool for termination with strategies (OF, IG, HK), pp. 62–73.
- SAC-2002-MorvanH #execution #memory management #parallel #query
- Dynamic memory allocation strategies for parallel query execution (FM, AH), pp. 897–901.
- SAC-2002-OConnorC #comparison #process
- Strategies for personal process improvement a comparison (RO, GC), pp. 1036–1040.
- LDTA-2002-DolstraV
- Building Interpreters with Rewriting Strategies (ED, EV), pp. 57–76.
- CSL-2002-FaggianH #design
- Designs, Disputes and Strategies (CF, MH), pp. 442–457.
- RTA-2002-BournezK #probability
- Probabilistic Rewrite Strategies. Applications to ELAN (OB, CK), pp. 252–266.
- RTA-2002-BravenboerV
- Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection (MB, EV), pp. 237–251.
- RTA-2002-Pol #named
- JITty: A Rewriter with Strategy Annotations (JvdP), pp. 367–370.
- RTA-2002-RetyV #set
- Regular Sets of Descendants by Some Rewrite Strategies (PR, JV), pp. 129–143.
- ASE-2001-ParissisV #automation #testing
- Strategies for Automated Specification-Based Testing of Synchronous Software (IP, JV), pp. 364–367.
- DAC-2001-OckunzziP #algorithm
- Test Strategies for BIST at the Algorithmic and Register-Transfer Levels (KAO, CAP), pp. 65–70.
- DATE-2001-GerfersM #design #power management
- A design strategy for low-voltage low-power continuous-time sigma-delta A/D converters (FG, YM), pp. 361–369.
- ICDAR-2001-GauthierAGD #online #recognition
- Strategies for Combining On-line and Off-line Information in an On-line Handwriting Recognition System (NG, TA, PG, BD), pp. 412–416.
- ICDAR-2001-VielhauerSM #transitive #verification
- Transitivity Based Enrollment Strategy for Signature Verification (CV, RS, AM), p. 1263–?.
- VLDB-2001-LabrinidisR #quality #web
- Update Propagation Strategies for Improving the Quality of Data on the Web (AL, NR), pp. 391–400.
- CSEET-2001-DonaldsonJ01a #approach
- Systems Failures: An Approach to Building a Coping Strategy (JD, JJ), pp. 187–190.
- FASE-J-1998-MotaS01 #industrial #model checking #tool support
- Model-checking CSP-Z: strategy, tool support and industrial application (AM, AS), pp. 59–96.
- TACAS-2001-CiardoLS #generative #named #performance
- Saturation: An Efficient Iteration Strategy for Symbolic State-Space Generation (GC, GL, RS), pp. 328–342.
- CSMR-2001-MartinM #c #java #migration
- Strategies for Migration from C to Java (JM, HAM), pp. 200–209.
- STOC-2001-Roughgarden #scheduling
- Stackelberg scheduling strategies (TR), pp. 104–113.
- FLOPS-J1-1998-BorovanskyKKR01 #functional #semantics
- Rewriting with Strategies in ELAN: A Functional Semantics (PB, CK, HK, CR), pp. 69–95.
- ICALP-2001-BofillG #on the
- On the Completeness of Arbitrary Selection Strategies for Paramodulation (MB, GG), pp. 951–962.
- CAiSE-2001-TreschJ #evolution
- Evolution not Revolution: The Data Warehousing Strategy at Credit Suisse Financial Services (MT, DJ), pp. 36–45.
- EDOC-2001-VasconcelosCNSMT #framework #information management #modelling #process
- A Framework for Modeling Strategy, Business Processes and Information Systems (AV, AC, JN, PS, RM, JMT), p. 69–?.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-Maamar
- Moving Code (Servlet Strategy) vs. Inviting Code (Applet Strategy) (ZM), pp. 295–303.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-RuizEGG #adaptation #development #information management
- A Strategy to Development Adaptive Workers Information Management Systems (ILR, ELE, GCG, MÁGN), pp. 271–274.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-SharpED #architecture #multi
- A Layered Architecture for Multi-Agent Systems to Support a Water Main Rehabilitation Strategy 299 (BS, ERE, AD), pp. 304–310.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-AbidiC #enterprise #information management
- A Knowledge Creation Strategy to Enrich Enterprise Information Systems with Enterprise-Specific Tacit Knowledge (SSRA, YNC), pp. 633–638.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-MendesVCNST #modelling #representation
- Representing Business Strategy through Goal Modeling (RM, AV, AC, JN, PS, JMT), pp. 884–887.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-NunesP #enterprise #identification #information management #modelling
- The Use of Information Systems Modelling to Identify and Evaluate E-Business Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) (JMBN, DP), pp. 1018–1025.
- SIGIR-2001-ChowdhuryFGM #analysis #multi #retrieval
- Analyses of Multiple-Evidence Combinations for Retrieval Strategies (AC, OF, DAG, MCM), pp. 394–395.
- SIGIR-2001-Yang #case study #categorisation
- A Study on Thresholding Strategies for Text Categorization (YY), pp. 137–145.
- ECOOP-2001-HanhATJ #comparison #integration #object-oriented #performance #testing
- Selecting an Efficient OO Integration Testing Strategy: An Experimental Comparison of Actual Strategies (VLH, KA, YLT, JMJ), pp. 381–401.
- PPDP-2001-AntoyHMS #implementation
- An Implementation of Narrowing Strategies (SA, MH, BM, FS), pp. 207–217.
- PADL-2001-Cirstea #authentication #protocol #specification #using
- Specifying Authentication Protocols Using Rewriting and Strategies (HC), pp. 138–152.
- RE-2001-FarbeyF #analysis
- Software Acquisition: A Business Strategy Analysis (BF, AF), pp. 76–83.
- SAC-2001-HuangC #evolution
- Diversity-based selection pooling scheme in evolution strategies (TYH, YYC), pp. 351–355.
- SAC-2001-KallesK #design #game studies #learning #on the #using #verification
- On verifying game designs and playing strategies using reinforcement learning (DK, PK), pp. 6–11.
- SAC-2001-YajimaHTN #correlation #scheduling
- Scheduling and caching strategies for broadcasting correlated data (EY, TH, MT, SN), pp. 504–510.
- ESEC-FSE-2001-NordPSS #architecture #design
- Software architecture in a changing world: developing design strategies that anticipate change (RLN, DJP, RWS, DS), pp. 309–310.
- LCTES-OM-2001-PyaraliSCS #concurrent #corba #optimisation #realtime #thread
- Evaluating and Optimizing Thread Pool Strategies for Real-Time CORBA (IP, MS, RC, DCS), pp. 214–222.
- RTA-2001-Visser #named #program transformation #stratego
- Stratego: A Language for Program Transformation Based on Rewriting Strategies (EV), pp. 357–362.
- VLDB-2000-YagoubFIV #data-driven #web
- Caching Strategies for Data-Intensive Web Sites (KY, DF, VI, PV), pp. 188–199.
- CSEET-2000-DupuisB #information management #re-engineering
- Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Diffusion and Experimentation Strategy (RD, PB), pp. 49–50.
- ITiCSE-2000-OuCLL #learning #web
- Instructional instruments for Web group learning systems: the grouping, intervention, and strategy (KLO, GDC, CCL, BJL), pp. 69–72.
- ESOP-2000-Danvy #continuation #formal method #implementation
- Formalizing Implementation Strategies for First-Class Continuations (OD), pp. 88–103.
- WRLA-2000-KirchnerG #normalisation #proving #termination
- Termination and normalisation under strategy Proofs in ELAN (HK, IG), pp. 93–120.
- WRLA-2000-NakamuraO #evaluation #normalisation #on-demand
- The evaluation strategy for head normal form with and without on-demand flags (MN, KO), pp. 212–228.
- IWPC-2000-Muller #comprehension #migration
- Program Comprehension and Software Migration Strategies (HAM), p. 5–?.
- STOC-2000-CharikarFGKRS #query
- Query strategies for priced information (extended abstract) (MC, RF, VG, JMK, PR, AS), pp. 582–591.
- CIAA-2000-SchmitzV #algorithm #finite #game studies #implementation
- Implementation of a Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Finite-State Parity Games (DS, JV), pp. 263–271.
- ICEIS-2000-LancM #information management
- A Holistic Information Systems Strategy for Organisational Management-HISSOM (DL, LMM), pp. 304–309.
- CIKM-2000-BressanGOT #framework #modelling
- A Framework for Modeling Buffer Replacement Strategies (SB, CLG, BCO, KLT), pp. 62–69.
- ICML-2000-YangAP #effectiveness #learning #multi #validation
- Combining Multiple Learning Strategies for Effective Cross Validation (YY, TA, TP), pp. 1167–1174.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Louchet #analysis #evolution #using
- Stereo Analysis Using Individual Evolution Strategy (JL), pp. 1908–1911.
- ICPR-v1-2000-MullerMMPS #feedback #image #retrieval
- Strategies for Positive and Negative Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval (HM, WM, SMM, TP, DS), pp. 5043–5042.
- ICPR-v2-2000-AlkootK #performance
- Improving the Performance of the Product Fusion Strategy (FMA, JK), pp. 2164–2167.
- ICPR-v2-2000-Figueiredo #approximate #learning #on the
- On Gaussian Radial Basis Function Approximations: Interpretation, Extensions, and Learning Strategies (MATF), pp. 2618–2621.
- ICPR-v2-2000-KangL #classification #multi
- An Information-Theoretic Strategy for Constructing Multiple Classifier Systems (HJK, SWL), pp. 2483–2486.
- ICPR-v2-2000-MollinedaFV #classification #clustering #prototype
- A Cluster-Based Merging Strategy for Nearest Prototype Classifiers (RAM, FJF, EV), pp. 2755–2758.
- ICPR-v3-2000-Levienaise-ObadiaKC #retrieval #similarity
- Defining Quantization Strategies and a Perceptual Similarity Measure for Texture-Based Annotation and Retrieval (BLO, JK, WJC), pp. 3453–3457.
- ICPR-v3-2000-SalembierG
- Connected Operators Based on Region-Tree Pruning Strategies (PS, JLG), pp. 3371–3374.
- ICPR-v4-2000-BergerABSP #3d #convergence #modelling #realtime
- 3D Model Based Pose Determination in Real-Time: Strategies, Convergence, Accurac (MB, TA, GB, SS, AP), pp. 4567–4570.
- ICPR-v4-2000-BrunelliM #image #query #retrieval
- Query Simplification and Strategy Selection for Image Retrieval (RB, OM), pp. 4279–4282.
- ICPR-v4-2000-RahmanF #comparison #multi #performance
- Comparison of Some Multiple Expert Strategies: An Investigation of Resource Prerequisites and Achievable Performance (AFRR, MCF), pp. 4841–4844.
- ECOOP-2000-EckelG #empirical #optimisation
- Empirical Study of Object-Layout Strategies and Optimization Techniques (NE, JYG), pp. 394–421.
- TOOLS-ASIA-2000-XuHWC #corba #persistent #web
- A Strategy for Persistent Object Service under CORBA and WEB Environment (DX, XH, JW, YC), pp. 100–107.
- TOOLS-USA-2000-Anton #agile #development #effectiveness #object-oriented
- Effective Strategies and Techniques for Rapid Object-Oriented Application Development (MA), pp. 407–408.
- LOPSTR-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code
- Automated strategies for specializing constraint logic programs (FF, AP, MP).
- LOPSTR-J-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code
- Automated Strategies for Specializing Constraint Logic Programs (FF, AP, MP), pp. 125–146.
- SAC-2000-OgataF #evaluation #on-demand #semantics
- Operational Semantics of Rewriting with the On-demand Evaluation Strategy (KO, KF), pp. 756–764.
- HPDC-2000-Anglano #comparative #evaluation #network
- A Comparative Evaluation of Implicit Coscheduling Strategies for Networks of Workstations (CA), pp. 221–228.
- CAV-2000-VogeJ #algorithm #game studies
- A Discrete Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Solving Parity Games (JV, MJ), pp. 202–215.
- CL-2000-MelisM #multi #proving #theorem proving
- Proof Planning with Multiple Strategies (EM, AM), pp. 644–659.
- ISSTA-2000-SouterP #named #object-oriented #testing
- OMEN: A strategy for testing object-oriented software (ALS, LLP), pp. 49–59.
- LICS-2000-McMillan #model checking #proving #theorem
- Some Strategies for Proving Theorems with a Model Checker (KLM), pp. 305–306.
- DAC-1999-YueW #design
- Design Strategy of On-Chip Inductors for Highly Integrated RF Systems (CPY, SSW), pp. 982–987.
- DATE-1999-SantosoMRA #generative #named #testing #using
- FreezeFrame: Compact Test Generation Using a Frozen Clock Strategy (YS, MCM, EMR, MA), p. 747–?.
- HT-1999-Bouvin #web
- Unifying Strategies for Web Augmentation (NOB), pp. 91–100.
- ICDAR-1999-AdamOCMGL #multi #recognition
- Multi-scaled and Multi-oriented Character Recognition: An Original Strategy (SA, JMO, CC, RM, JG, YL), pp. 45–48.
- ICDAR-1999-ChaudhuryS #identification
- Trainable Script Identification Strategies for Indian Languages (SC, RS), pp. 657–660.
- ICDAR-1999-TakatsukaCWV #distributed #representation
- Symbolic Representation and Distributed Matching Strategies for Schematics (MT, TC, GAWW, SV), pp. 693–696.
- SIGMOD-1999-JagadishLS #clustering
- Snakes and Sandwiches: Optimal Clustering Strategies for a Data Warehouse (HVJ, LVSL, DS), pp. 37–48.
- ITiCSE-1999-EllisHSLDCRT #collaboration #education #java #programming
- A collaborative strategy for developing shared Java teaching resources to support first year programming (AE, DH, JS, JL, WD, AC, JR, ST), pp. 84–87.
- ITiCSE-1999-SternSN #algorithm #animation #complexity
- A strategy for managing content complexity in algorithm animation (LS, HS, LN), pp. 127–130.
- ITiCSE-1999-Taylor99a #education #learning
- Math link: linking curriculum, instructional strategies, and technology to enhance teaching and learning (HGT), p. 201.
- STOC-1999-ChenKLW #bound
- Optimal Buy-and-Hold Strategies for Financial Markets with Bounded Daily Returns (GHC, MYK, YDL, HKW), pp. 119–128.
- FLOPS-1999-AntoyT #higher-order
- Typed Higher-Order Narrowing without Higher-Order Strategies (SA, APT), pp. 335–353.
- CHI-1999-MoherJOG #learning
- Bridging Strategies for VR-Based Learning (TGM, AEJ, SO, MG), pp. 536–543.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-LinDF #comprehension #data flow #diagrams #difference
- Strategy differences in data flow diagram comprehension between intermediates and novices (CJL, TCD, YMF), pp. 48–52.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-WainwrightL #integration
- Virtual vertical integration as a strategy for agility (CEW, PGL), pp. 1245–1249.
- HCI-EI-1999-Wolff #design #html #user interface
- Design strategy for an HTML administration and management user interface (TW), pp. 595–599.
- KDD-1999-BonchiGMP #classification #detection
- A Classification-Based Methodology for Planning Audit Strategies in Fraud Detection (FB, FG, GM, DP), pp. 175–184.
- Strategies and Techniques of Freeze/Melt (YL, YX, GX, ZZ), pp. 98–107.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-Anton #agile #development #effectiveness #object-oriented
- Effective Strategies and Techniques for Rapid Object-Oriented Application Development (MPA), pp. 505–517.
- RE-1999-AlspaughABM
- An Integrated Scenario Management Strategy (TAA, AIA, TB, BWM), pp. 142–149.
- RE-1999-Potts #named #requirements
- ScenIC: A Strategy for Inquiry-Driven Requirements Determination (CP), pp. 58–65.
- SAC-1999-SodanT #fuzzy #implementation
- Hierarchical Fuzzy Configuration of Implementation Strategies (AS, VT), pp. 250–259.
- CADE-1999-Bishop
- A Breadth-First Strategy for Mating Search (MB), pp. 359–373.
- CADE-1999-Lopes #automation #generative #higher-order #logic #proving
- Automatic Generation of Proof Search Strategies for Second-order Logic (RHCL), pp. 414–428.
- IWTCS-1999-BaumgartenH #bound #testing
- Testability with Unbounded Testing Strategies (BB, OH), pp. 43–60.
- TLCA-1999-Berardid
- Total Functionals and Well-Founded Strategies (SB, Ud), pp. 54–68.
- DAC-1998-Zorian #tutorial
- System-Chip Test Strategies (Tutorial) (YZ), pp. 752–757.
- DATE-1998-KahngMSS
- Interconnect Tuning Strategies for High-Performance Ics (ABK, SM, ES, RS), pp. 471–478.
- DATE-1998-KoegstGCW #analysis #design #reuse
- A Systematic Analysis of Reuse Strategies for Design of Electronic Circuits (MK, DG, PC, MGW), pp. 292–296.
- SIGMOD-1998-RaoR #correlation #invariant #query #reuse
- Reusing Invariants: A New Strategy for Correlated Queries (JR, KAR), pp. 37–48.
- VLDB-1998-ZhangL
- Buffering and Read-Ahead Strategies for External Mergesort (WZ, PÅL), pp. 523–533.
- ITiCSE-1998-Clear #collaboration #communication #database #education
- A generic collaborative database — part of a strategy to internationalise the curriculum and develop teamwork and communication capabilities (poster) (AGC), p. 274.
- ITiCSE-1998-King #education #evaluation #student #topic
- An evaluation of strategies for teaching technical computing topics to students at different levels (poster) (CK), p. 285.
- ITiCSE-1998-Roberts #education #using
- Strategies for using technology in the teaching of ethics (ER), pp. 209–212.
- WRLA-1998-Borovansky #implementation
- Controlling rewriting: study and implementation of a strategy formalism (PB), pp. 299–310.
- WRLA-1998-BruniMM #implementation
- Internal strategies in a rewriting implementation of tile systems (RB, JM, UM), pp. 263–284.
- WRLA-1998-Eker #evaluation #term rewriting
- Term rewriting with operator evaluation strategies (SE), pp. 311–330.
- CSMR-1998-Castelli #database #maintenance
- A Strategy for Reducing the Effort for Database Schema Maintenance (DC), pp. 29–36.
- IWPC-1998-DetienneBW #comprehension #object-oriented #programming
- The Effect of Object-Oriented Programming Expertise in Several Dimensions of Comprehension Strategies (FD, JMB, SW), pp. 82–89.
- WCRE-1998-CimitileCL #analysis #data flow #incremental #migration
- Incremental Migration Strategies: Data Flow Analysis For Wrapping (AC, UdC, ADL), pp. 59–68.
- FLOPS-1998-BorovanskyKK #functional #semantics
- A Functional View of Rewriting and Strategies for a Semantics of ELAN (PB, CK, HK), pp. 143–166.
- ICALP-1998-MartinezR
- Optimal Sampling Strategies in Quicksort (CM, SR), pp. 327–338.
- ICFP-1998-VisserBT
- Building Program Optimizers with Rewriting Strategies (EV, ZEAB, APT), pp. 13–26.
- CSCW-1998-FussellKLSMC #communication #coordination #performance
- Coordination, Overload and Team Performance: Effects of Team Communication Strategies (SRF, REK, FJL, WLS, MMM, JJC), pp. 275–284.
- ACIR-1998-Smeaton #data fusion #effectiveness #independence #information retrieval
- Independence of Contributing Retrieval Strategies in Data Fusion for Effective Information Retrieval (AFS).
- CIKM-1998-NagD #memory management #query
- Memory Allocation Strategies for Complex Decision Support Queries (BN, DJD), pp. 116–123.
- ICML-1998-AbeM #learning #query #using
- Query Learning Strategies Using Boosting and Bagging (NA, HM), pp. 1–9.
- ICML-1998-AlerBI #approach #learning #multi #programming #search-based
- Genetic Programming and Deductive-Inductive Learning: A Multi-Strategy Approach (RA, DB, PI), pp. 10–18.
- ICPR-1998-HojjatoleslamiK #classification
- Strategies for weighted combination of classifiers employing shared and distinct representations (AH, JK), pp. 338–340.
- KR-1998-WilliamsA
- A Strategy for Revising Default Theory Extensions (MAW, GA), pp. 24–35.
- SIGIR-1998-SaitoO #user satisfaction #web
- A Cognitive Model for Searching for Ill-Defined Targets on the Web: The Relationship Between Search Strategies and User Satisfaction (MS, KO), pp. 155–163.
- SAC-1998-BarkatakiHDJ #component #reuse
- Strategies for developing reusable software components in Ada-95 (SB, SH, PJD, GJ), pp. 10–17.
- SAC-1998-CornoRS #algorithm #optimisation
- The selfish gene algorithm: a new evolutionary optimization strategy (FC, MSR, GS), pp. 349–355.
- SAC-1998-SandadlidisSR #combinator #evolution
- A combinatorial evolution strategy for dynamic channel assignment in cellular radio (HGS, PPS, JRT), pp. 303–307.
- SAC-1998-WieseG #algorithm #search-based
- Keep-best reproduction: a selection strategy for genetic algorithms (KCW, SDG), pp. 343–348.
- CC-1998-MizushimaK #recursion
- Storage Allocation Strategies for Recursive Attributes Evaluators (KM, TK), pp. 50–64.
- HPDC-1998-AndersenA #case study #clustering #implementation #multi
- Implementation and Utilization of a Heterogeneous Multicomputer Cluster for the Study of Load Balancing Strategies (PHA, JKA), pp. 362–363.
- HPDC-1998-RussBGJRL #integration #named
- Hectiling: An Integration of Fine and Coarse-Grained Load-Balancing Strategies (SHR, IB, SG, BJ, JR, RL), pp. 106–113.
- JICSLP-1998-RaoRR #on the #scheduling
- On the Optimality of Scheduling Strategies in Subsumption-based Tabled Resolution (PR, CRR, IVR), pp. 310–324.
- JICSLP-1998-Ruiz-AndinoR #integration #optimisation #probability
- Integration of CLP and Stochastic Optimisation Strategies (ARA, JJR), pp. 351–352.
- ASE-1997-MatskinT #source code #synthesis
- Strategies of Structural Synthesis of Programs (MM, ET), pp. 305–306.
- EDTC-1997-DargelasGB #multi #named
- MOSAIC: a multiple-strategy oriented sequential ATPG for integrated circuits (AD, CG, YB), pp. 29–36.
- ICDAR-1997-EglinE #development #documentation #grid #segmentation #visual notation
- Logarithmic Spiral Grid and Gaze Control for the Development of Strategies of Visual Segmentation on a Document (VE, HE), pp. 689–692.
- ICDAR-1997-HuttonCEH #online #sketching
- A Strategy for On-line Interpretation of Sketched Engineering Drawings (GH, MC, DE, CH), pp. 771–775.
- ICDAR-1997-LinDW #multi #recognition #using
- Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using MFNN Based Multiexpert Combination Strategy (XL, XD, YW), pp. 471–474.
- VLDB-1997-LeeLWS #database #design #multi #physics
- A Region Splitting Strategy for Physical Database Design of Multidimensional File Organizations (JHL, YKL, KYW, IYS), pp. 416–425.
- FME-1997-SilvaSB #clustering #hardware #normalisation #reduction
- A Normal Form Reduction Strategy for Hardware/Software Partitioning (LS, AS, EB), pp. 624–643.
- HCI-CC-1997-BrandtH #case study #enterprise #experience
- Applying the Sociotechnical Strategy to the Redesign of Organizations: Experiences in German Manufacturing and Service Enterprises (DB, KH), pp. 217–220.
- HCI-CC-1997-DobronetsSV #identification
- Ergodynamic Method of Identification of the Cognitive Strategy Used by the Human-Operator (BSD, AAS, VFV), pp. 837–840.
- HCI-SEC-1997-ChangKC #development #maintenance
- Development Strategies on an Intelligent Software System for Total Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (SHC, HGK, SSC), pp. 229–232.
- HCI-SEC-1997-KrishnanM
- Strategies for Integrating and Separating Pen-Based Operational States (SNK, SM), pp. 439–442.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Lockett #modelling
- Task Netwoerk Modeling of Human Workload Coping Strategies (JFLI), pp. 71–74.
- HCI-SEC-1997-PedottiFB
- Human Motor Strategies in Long Term Space Flights (AP, GF, GB), pp. 1009–1012.
- EDOC-1997-LoftusOIV #code generation #corba #internet
- A Code Generation Strategy for CORBA-Based Internet Applications (CWL, AO, EI, PV), pp. 160–169.
- ICML-1997-SchuurmansUF #performance
- Characterizing the generalization performance of model selection strategies (DS, LHU, DPF), pp. 340–348.
- OOPSLA-1997-OlerLC #biology #experience #lessons learnt #migration #relational
- Migrating Relational Data to an OODB: Strategies and Lessons from a Molecular Biology Experience (JRO, GL, TC), pp. 243–252.
- PLILP-1997-OgataF #evaluation #implementation #term rewriting
- Implementation of Term Rewritings with the Evaluation Strategy (KO, KF), pp. 225–239.
- SAC-1997-LiuLS #clustering #concurrent #multi #performance #thread
- An efficient processor partitioning and thread mapping strategy for mesh-connected multiprocessor systems (HL, WML, YS), pp. 403–412.
- SAC-1997-SchusterH #scalability #workflow
- A workflow data distribution strategy for scalable workflow management systems (HS, PH), pp. 174–176.
- ICSE-1997-Muller #migration #reverse engineering #tutorial
- Reverse Engineering Strategies for Software Migration (Tutorial) (HAM), pp. 659–660.
- ASF+SDF-1997-BorovanskyK #partial evaluation
- Strategies of ELAN: meta-interpretation and partial evaluation (PB, HK), p. 2.
- ASF+SDF-1997-LuttikV #specification
- Specification of rewriting strategies (SPL, EV), p. 9.
- HPCA-1997-AugustCGH #architecture #branch #predict
- Architectural Support for Compiler-Synthesized Dynamic Branch Prediction Strategies: Rationale and Initial Results (DIA, DAC, JCG, WmWH), pp. 84–93.
- PPoPP-1997-TauraY #effectiveness #garbage collection #parallel #programming language #scalability
- An Effective Garbage Collection Strategy for Parallel Programming Languages on Large Scale Distributed-Memory Machines (KT, AY), pp. 264–275.
- ICLP-1997-AntoyEH #evaluation #functional #logic #parallel
- Parallel Evaluation Strategies for Functional Logic Languages (SA, RE, MH), pp. 138–152.
- ICLP-1997-ShimajiriSI #modelling
- Incorporating a Pruning Strategy into the Computation of Stable Models based on MGTP (YS, HS, HI), pp. 376–390.
- RTA-1997-Statman #combinator #effectiveness #reduction
- Effective Reduction and Conversion Strategies for Combinators (RS), pp. 299–307.
- DAC-1996-CarleyGRS #synthesis #tool support
- Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs: Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies (LRC, GGEG, RAR, WMCS), pp. 298–303.
- DAC-1996-PopescuM #design #verification
- Innovative Verification Strategy Reduces Design Cycle Time for High-End Sparc Processor (VP, BM), pp. 311–314.
- DAC-1996-VercauterenLM96a #architecture #embedded #kernel #realtime
- A Strategy for Real-Time Kernel Support in Application-Specific HW/SW Embedded Architectures (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 678–683.
- RWLW-1996-ClavelM #logic
- Reflection and strategies in rewriting logic (MC, JM), pp. 126–148.
- TACAS-1996-BuhrkeLV #infinity
- Strategy Construction in Infinite Ganes with Streett and Rabin Chain Winning Conditions (NB, HL, JV), pp. 207–224.
- CHI-1996-DarkenS #behaviour #scalability
- Wayfinding Strategies and Behaviors in Large Virtual Worlds (RPD, JLS), pp. 142–149.
- TRI-Ada-1996-MeyerR #design #embedded #safety
- Design and Test Strategies for a Safety-Critical Embedded Executive (CAM, MGR), pp. 29–37.
- ICPR-1996-KimGS #recognition #segmentation
- A segmentation and recognition strategy for handwritten phrases (GK, VG, SNS), pp. 510–514.
- ICPR-1996-LamY #detection #performance
- Efficient circular object detection with hypothesis filtering strategy and Hough transform (WCYL, SYY), pp. 542–546.
- ICPR-1996-ShiniK #3d #analysis #metric
- 3D measurement strategy based on a projection invariance motion analysis with an artificial retina sensor (CWS, KIK), pp. 369–373.
- KDD-1996-WirthR #approach #database #detection #multi
- Detecting Early Indicator Cars in an Automotive Database: A Multi-Strategy Approach (RW, TPR), pp. 76–81.
- SEKE-1996-Balmas96a #formal method #named #programming #source code
- PRISME: Formalizing Programming Strategies as a Way to Understand Programs (FB), pp. 361–368.
- ECOOP-1996-Goldberg #metric
- Measurement Strategies (AG), p. 1.
- PLILP-1996-BenaissaLR #modelling #recursion #reduction #using
- Modeling Sharing and Recursion for Weak Reduction Strategies Using Explicit Substitution (ZEAB, PL, KHR), pp. 393–407.
- PLILP-1996-FreireSW #logic programming #scheduling #source code
- Beyond Depth-First: Improving Tabled Logic Programs through Alternative Scheduling Strategies (JF, TS, DSW), pp. 243–258.
- SAC-1996-LiuC #algorithm #distributed #heuristic #query
- A heuristic algorithm for partition strategy in distributed query processing (CL, HC), pp. 196–200.
- FSE-1996-RosenblumW #effectiveness #predict #testing
- Predicting the Cost-Effectiveness of Regression Testing Strategies (DSR, EJW), pp. 118–126.
- ICSE-1996-WatanabeS #adaptation #generative #operating system #standard #testing
- A Specification-Based Adaptive Test Case Generation Strategy for Open Operating System Standards (AW, KS), pp. 81–89.
- CADE-1996-Dixon #logic
- Search Strategies for Resolution in Temporal Logics (CD), pp. 673–687.
- DAC-1995-KriegerBK #fault #multi #simulation
- Symbolic Fault Simulation for Sequential Circuits and the Multiple Observation Time Test Strategy (RK, BB, MK), pp. 339–344.
- KBSE-1995-EllmanKMS #design #interactive #optimisation
- A Transformation System for Interactive Reformulation of Design Optimization Strategies (TE, JEK, TM, MS), pp. 44–51.
- ICDAR-v1-1995-SabourinG #approach #classification #evaluation #multi #verification
- An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification. II. Evaluation of several multi-classifier combination strategies (RS, GG), pp. 197–201.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-CaseyL #bibliography #segmentation
- Strategies in character segmentation: a survey (RGC, EL), pp. 1028–1033.
- VLDB-1995-BassiliadesV #database #parallel
- A Non-Uniform Data Fragmentation Strategy for Parallel Main-Menory Database Systems (NB, IPV), pp. 370–381.
- VLDB-1995-MoserKK #data flow #interactive #multi #named
- L/MRP: A Buffer Management Strategy for Interactive Continuous Data Flows in a Multimedia DBMS (FM, AK, WK), pp. 275–286.
- ICALP-1995-Le #game studies #on the
- On Determining Optimal Strategies in Pursiut Games in the Plane (NML), pp. 499–510.
- AdaEurope-1995-RybinSZ #implementation #problem
- ASIS for GNAT: Goals, Problems and Implementation Strategy (SR, AS, EZ), pp. 139–151.
- CAiSE-1995-GeppertD #database #reuse
- Strategies and Techniques: Reusable Artifacts for the Construction of Database Management Systems (AG, KRD), pp. 297–310.
- CIKM-1995-BrunstromLS #database #distributed #evaluation
- Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Data Allocation Strategies in A Distributed Database with Changing Workloads (AB, STL, RS), pp. 395–402.
- CIKM-1995-LeongS #multi
- Data Broadcasting Strategies over Multiple Unreliable Wireless Channels (HVL, AS), pp. 96–104.
- ICML-1995-TowellVGJ #information retrieval #learning
- Learning Collection FUsion Strategies for Information Retrieval (GGT, EMV, NKG, BJL), pp. 540–548.
- KDD-1995-ZhongO #multi #towards
- Toward a Multi-Strategy and Cooperative Discovery System (NZ, SO), pp. 337–343.
- SIGIR-1995-IwayamaT #categorisation #clustering #comparison
- Cluster-Based Text Categorization: A Comparison of Category Search Strategies (MI, TT), pp. 273–280.
- SIGIR-1995-VoorheesGJ #learning
- Learning Collection Fusion Strategies (EMV, NKG, BJL), pp. 172–179.
- LOPSTR-1995-KreitzOS #development #proving
- Guiding Program Development Systems by a Connection Based Proof Strategy (CK, JO, SS), pp. 137–151.
- PLILP-1995-ButowGOT #semantics
- A New Strategy for Semantic Matching (BB, RG, EO, ST), pp. 81–96.
- SAC-1995-PittasSS #documentation #hypermedia #modelling #multi
- Reader’s document models and access strategies in hypermedia and multimedia systems (MP, SS, DS), pp. 253–257.
- PPoPP-1995-BordawekarCKKP #compilation #parallel #source code
- A Model and Compilation Strategy for Out-of-Core Data Parallel Programs (RB, ANC, KK, CK, MHP), pp. 1–10.
- ILPS-1995-Prehofer #call-by #functional #higher-order #logic programming
- A Call-by-Need Strategy for Higher-Order Functional-Logic Programming (CP), pp. 147–161.
- DAC-1994-SchobingerN #design #power management
- Low Power CMOS Design Strategies (MS, TGN), pp. 594–595.
- EDAC-1994-DumasGLP #effectiveness #fault
- Effectiveness of a Variable Sampling Time Strategy for Delay Fault Diagnosis (DD, PG, CL, SP), pp. 518–523.
- SIGMOD-1994-BarbaraI #mobile
- Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments (DB, TI), pp. 1–12.
- VLDB-1994-KemperK
- Dual-Buffering Strategies in Object Bases (AK, DK), pp. 427–438.
- ESOP-1994-CiceroneP #composition #design #interface
- Strategies in Modular System Design by Interface Rewriting (SC, FPP), pp. 165–179.
- STOC-1994-KollerMS #algorithm #game studies #performance #random
- Fast algorithms for finding randomized strategies in game trees (DK, NM, BvS), pp. 750–759.
- STOC-1994-LiptonY #complexity #game studies #scalability
- Simple strategies for large zero-sum games with applications to complexity theory (RJL, NEY), pp. 734–740.
- ICALP-1994-MeiI #navigation #performance
- Efficient Strategies for Robot Navigation in Unknown Environment (AM, YI), pp. 630–641.
- FME-1994-Naftalin #design #refinement
- Informal Strategies in Design by Refinement (MN), pp. 401–420.
- FME-1994-StoreyH #using
- A Strategy for the Production of Verifiable Code Using the B Method (AS, HPH), pp. 346–365.
- AdaEurope-1994-FrancolaM #realtime #validation
- Test Philosophy and Validation Strategy of On-Board Real Time Software in Envisat-1 Satellite Radar-Altimeter (SF, MM), pp. 270–281.
- AdaEurope-1994-Gale #ada #development #recommendation
- Recommendations and Proposals for an Ada Strategy in the Space Software Development Environment (LPG), pp. 175–203.
- ECOOP-1994-ChenTK #multi #performance
- Efficient Dynamic Look-Up Strategy for Multi-Methods (WC, VT, WK), pp. 408–431.
- ALP-1994-AntoyM #reduction
- A Sequential Reduction Strategy (SA, AM), pp. 168–185.
- POPL-1994-AntoyEH
- A Needed Narrowing Strategy (SA, RE, MH), pp. 268–279.
- SAC-1994-AfshariG #fuzzy #modelling
- A fuzzy model-based optimal control strategy (AA, CG), pp. 120–125.
- CADE-1994-Plaisted #performance #proving #theorem proving
- The Search Efficiency of Theorem Proving Strategies (DAP), pp. 57–71.
- ICLP-1994-ProiettiP #logic
- Completeness of Some Transformation Strategies for Avoiding Unnecessary Logical Variables (MP, AP), pp. 714–729.
- ILPS-1994-Dutra #logic programming #parallel #scheduling
- Strategies for Scheduling And- and Or-Parallel Work in Parallel Logic Programming Systems (IdCD), pp. 289–304.
- ISSTA-1994-Damodaran-KamalF #parallel #source code #testing
- Testing Races in Parallel Programs with an OtOt Strategy (SKDK, JMF), pp. 216–227.
- DAC-1993-ChessL #fault #simulation
- Bridge Fault simulation strategies for CMOS integrated Circuits (BC, TL), pp. 458–462.
- DAC-1993-SrinivasanGB #clustering #performance #pseudo #testing
- An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing (RS, SKG, MAB), pp. 242–248.
- ICDAR-1993-GillouxLB #markov #modelling #recognition #using #word
- Strategies for handwritten words recognition using hidden Markov models (MG, ML, JMB), pp. 299–304.
- ICDAR-1993-PlessisSHMLDM #classification #multi #recognition #word
- A multi-classifier combination strategy for the recognition of handwritten cursive words (BP, AS, LH, EM, EL, OD, JVM), pp. 642–645.
- VLDB-1993-LanzelotteVZ #effectiveness #execution #on the #optimisation #parallel
- On the Effectiveness of Optimization Search Strategies for Parallel Execution Spaces (RSGL, PV, MZ), pp. 493–504.
- VLDB-1993-Lomet #concurrent
- Key Range Locking Strategies for Improved Concurrency (DBL), pp. 655–664.
- VLDB-1993-RahmM #analysis #database #parallel
- Analysis of Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel Shared Nothing Database Systems (ER, RM), pp. 182–193.
- PEPM-1993-Chin #automation #towards
- Towards an Automated Tupling Strategy (WNC), pp. 119–132.
- HCI-ACS-1993-BrinkmanS #analysis #fault
- Analysis and Support of Fault Diagnosis Strategies (JAB, TWvdS), pp. 115–120.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Chung #using
- Decision Maker’s Knowledge Level and the Selection of Decision Strategies in Using a Decision Support System (HMMC), pp. 487–491.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Davies #design #process
- Articulating the Design Process: TheEffects of Verbalisation Upon Design Strategies (SPD), pp. 528–533.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Sanchez #education
- Metalearning and Metaknowledge Strategies to Produce Educational Software (JHS), pp. 368–373.
- HCI-ACS-1993-SonntagS #fault #maintenance #optimisation #process
- Strategies and Training for Maintenance Personnel: Optimizing Fault Diagnosis Activities (KS, NS), pp. 90–95.
- HCI-ACS-1993-StanneyS #human-computer #information management #performance
- The Influence of Information Processing Strategies on Human-Computer Performance (KMS, GS), pp. 463–468.
- HCI-ACS-1993-WestlanderSCA #evaluation
- The Success of an Ambtious Broad QWL Strategy — Our Methods of Evaluation and Interpretation of the Findings (GW, IS, BC, EÅ), pp. 857–862.
- HCI-ACS-1993-ZimolongK #interactive #maintenance
- Interactive Support System for Maintenance and Repair: Diagnosis Strategies (BZ, UK), pp. 86–89.
- HCI-SHI-1993-HowardC #towards
- Snapshots from the Eye: Toward Strategies for Viewing Bibliographic Citations (DLH, MEC), pp. 488–493.
- HCI-SHI-1993-YeS #design #interface #problem
- Introducing Problem Solving Strategies of Users into the Interface Design (NY, GS), pp. 873–878.
- TRI-Ada-1993-MathiasR #ada
- Ada/X Window System Bindings: Conversion Strategies (KSM, MAR), pp. 29–36.
- CIKM-1993-ChanS #learning #multi
- Experiments on Multi-Strategy Learning by Meta-Learning (PKC, SJS), pp. 314–323.
- SEKE-1993-LeloucheV #automation #knowledge-based #testing #using
- Using the Inference Engine Strategy in the Automatic Construction of Test Cases for a Knowledge-Based System (RL, LV), pp. 388–395.
- SIGIR-1993-CallanC #evaluation #query #using
- An Evaluation of Query Processing Strategies Using the TIPSTER Collection (JPC, WBC), pp. 347–355.
- ECOOP-1993-RossonC #programming #reuse
- Active Programming Strategies in Reuse (MBR, JMC), pp. 4–20.
- LOPSTR-1993-Johansson #incremental #interactive #using
- Interactive Program Derivation Using Program Schemata and Incrementally Generated Strategies (ALJ), pp. 100–112.
- PLILP-1993-Letichevsky #development
- Development of Rewriting Strategies (AAL), pp. 378–390.
- PLILP-1993-LoogenFR #lazy evaluation
- A Demand Driven Computation Strategy for Lazy Narrowing (RL, FJLF, MRA), pp. 184–200.
- RE-1993-LeiteF #concept
- A strategy for conceptual model acquisition (JCSdPL, APMF), pp. 243–246.
- SAC-1993-GrimmLT #multi #problem
- A Parallelized Search Strategy for Solving a Multicriteria Aircraft Routing Problem (JJG, GBL, AJT), pp. 570–577.
- HT-ECHT-1992-OgawaTTH #design #hypermedia
- Design Strategies for Scenario-Based Hypermedia: Description of its Structure, Dynamics, and Style (RO, ET, DT, KH), pp. 71–80.
- PODS-1992-Greiner #learning #performance #query
- Learning Efficient Query Processing Strategies (RG), pp. 33–46.
- SIGMOD-1992-GhandeharizadehDQ #analysis #clustering #multi #performance
- A Performance Analysis of Alternative Multi-Attribute Declustering Strategies (SG, DJD, WQ), pp. 29–38.
- SIGMOD-1992-LanzelotteVZ #object-oriented #optimisation #query #recursion #using
- Optimization of Object-Oriented Recursive Queries using Cost-Controlled Strategies (RSGL, PV, MZ), pp. 256–265.
- VLDB-1992-WhiteD #performance #pointer
- A Performance Study of Alternative Object Faulting and Pointer Swizzling Strategies (SJW, DJD), pp. 419–431.
- PEPM-1992-ShermanS #equation #logic programming #source code
- Call Unfolding Strategies for Equational Logic Programs (DS, RS), pp. 48–53.
- CHI-1992-TealR #performance
- A performance model of system delay and user strategy selection (SLT, AIR), pp. 295–305.
- CAiSE-1992-HainautCDM #architecture #automation #database #design #flexibility
- Database CASE Tool Architecture: Principles for Flexible Design Strategies (JLH, MC, BD, OM), pp. 187–207.
- ML-1992-OliveiraS #feature model #induction #using
- Constructive Induction Using a Non-Greedy Strategy for Feature Selection (ALO, ALSV), pp. 355–360.
- ML-1992-Tesauro #difference #learning
- Temporal Difference Learning of Backgammon Strategy (GT), pp. 451–457.
- ALP-1992-Echahed
- Uniform Narrowing Strategies (RE), pp. 259–275.
- ALP-1992-Socher-Ambrosius
- A Goal Oriented Strategy Based on Completion (RSA), pp. 435–445.
- LOPSTR-1992-ProiettiP #incremental #logic programming #source code
- Best-first Strategies for Incremental Transformations of Logic Programs (MP, AP), pp. 82–98.
- CADE-1992-Hines
- The Central Variable Strategy of Str+ve (LMH), pp. 35–49.
- CAV-1992-BalarinS #verification
- A Verification Strategy for Timing-Constrained Systems (FB, ALSV), pp. 151–163.
- DAC-1991-RaithB
- A New Hypergraph Based Rip-Up and Reroute Strategy (MR, MB), pp. 54–59.
- DAC-1991-SteinNGR #adaptation #named #simulation
- ADAPTS: A Digital Transient Simulation Strategy for Integrated Circuits (ADS, TVN, BJG, RAR), pp. 26–31.
- KBSE-1991-Sasso
- Motivating Adoption of KBSA: Issues, Arguments, and Strategies (WCS), pp. 90–96.
- SIGMOD-1991-IoannidisK #analysis #optimisation #query
- Left-Deep vs. Bushy Trees: An Analysis of Strategy Spaces and its Implications for Query Optimization (YEI, YCK), pp. 168–177.
- VLDB-1991-Joshi #adaptation #multi
- Adaptive Locking Strategies in a Multi-node Data Sharing Environment (AMJ), pp. 181–191.
- WSA-1991-Breuer #analysis #learning #synthesis
- An Analysis/Synthesis Language with Learning Strategies (PTB), pp. 202–209.
- CHI-1991-KoenemannR #comprehension #problem
- Expert problem solving strategies for program comprehension (JK, SPR), pp. 125–130.
- KR-1991-GreinerO #approximate
- Probably Approximately Optimal Derivation Strategies (RG, PO), pp. 277–288.
- ML-1991-GratchD #approach #effectiveness #hybrid
- A Hybrid Approach to Guaranteed Effective Control Strategies (JG, GD), pp. 509–513.
- ML-1991-JonesV
- A Computational Model of Acquisition for Children’s Addtion Strategies (RMJ, KV), pp. 65–69.
- ML-1991-Nedellec
- A Smallest Generalization Step Strategy (CN), pp. 529–533.
- SIGIR-1991-WendlandtD #analysis #documentation #retrieval #semantics
- Incorporating a Semantic Analysis into a Document Retrieval Strategy (EBW, JRD), pp. 270–279.
- LOPSTR-1991-ProiettiP #automation #logic programming #source code
- An Automatic Transfomation Strategy for Avoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (MP, AP), pp. 126–128.
- PLILP-1991-LangendoenV #memory management #named #parallel #reduction
- FRATS: A Parallel Reduction Strategy for Shared Memory (KL, WGV), pp. 99–110.
- RTA-1991-BonacinaH #on the #proving #theorem proving
- On Fairness of Completion-Based Theorem Proving Strategies (MPB, JH), pp. 348–360.
- RTA-1991-Hermann #on the #proving
- On Proving Properties of Completion Strategies (MH), pp. 398–410.
- RTA-1991-SnyderL
- Goal Directed Strategies for Paramodulation (WS, CL), pp. 150–161.
- TAV-1991-WeyukerWH #comparison #testing
- Comparison of Program Testing Strategies (EJW, SNW, RGH), pp. 1–10.
- PODS-1990-Tay #multi #on the
- On the Optimality of Strategies for Multiple Joins (YCT), pp. 124–131.
- VLDB-1990-CheineyM #clustering #parallel #transitive
- A Parallel Strategy for Transitive Closure usind Double Hash-Based Clustering (JPC, CdM), pp. 347–358.
- VLDB-1990-GhandeharizadehD #clustering #database #multi
- Hybrid-Range Partitioning Strategy: A New Declustering Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines (SG, DJD), pp. 481–492.
- SIGIR-1990-Burkowski #retrieval #set
- Surrogate Subsets: A Free Space Management Strategy for the Index of a Text Retrieval System (FJB), pp. 211–226.
- PODS-1989-CohenW #knowledge base #parallel #why
- Why a Single Parallelization Strategy in not Enough in Knowledge Bases (SRC, OW), pp. 200–216.
- CHI-1989-LangeM #object-oriented #programming #reuse
- Some strategies of reuse in an object-oriented programming environment (BML, TGM), pp. 69–73.
- CAiSE-1989-HernbackL #analysis #automation #classification #framework #implementation #tool support
- A Framework for Use and Classification of CASE Tools in Systems Analysis and a Strategy for Implementation (JH, IL).
- ML-1989-Grefenstette #algorithm #incremental #learning #search-based
- Incremental Learning of Control Strategies with Genetic algorithms (JJG), pp. 340–344.
- ML-1989-Selfridge #adaptation #case study #contest #learning
- Atoms of Learning II: Adaptive Strategies A Study of Two-Person Zero-Sum Competition (OGS), pp. 412–415.
- ML-1989-TecuciK #learning #multi
- Multi-Strategy Learning in Nonhomongeneous Domain Theories (GT, YK), pp. 14–16.
- ML-1989-VanLehn #problem #what
- Discovering Problem Solving Strategies: What Humans Do and Machines Don’t (Yet) (KV), pp. 215–217.
- OOPSLA-1989-WaltherP #prototype #smalltalk
- Strategies for Scientific Prototyping in Smalltalk (SSW, RLP), pp. 159–167.
- ESEC-1989-Shutt #development #program analysis #specification #tool support #using
- A Rigorous Development Strategy Using the OBJ Specification Language and the MALPAS Program Analysis Tools (RNS), pp. 260–291.
- TAV-1989-RowlandZ #comparison
- Experimental Comparison of Three System Test Strategies Preliminary Report (JHR, YZ), pp. 141–149.
- VLDB-1988-NakayamaK #using
- Hash-Partitioned Join Method Using Dynamic Destaging Strategy (MN, MK, MT), pp. 468–478.
- STOC-1988-LoeblN #problem #set
- Linearity and Unprovability of Set Union Problem Strategies (ML, JN), pp. 360–366.
- LFP-1988-ClingerHO #continuation #implementation
- Implementation Strategies for Continuations (WDC, AH, EO), pp. 124–131.
- LFP-1988-Pugh
- An Improved Replacement Strategy for Function Aaching (WP), pp. 269–276.
- CSCW-1988-Greenbaum #analysis
- In Search of Cooperation: An Historical Analysis of Work Organization and Management Strategies (JG), pp. 102–114.
- SIGIR-1988-SmeatonR #documentation #empirical #query #retrieval
- Experiment on Incorporation Syntactic Processing of User Queries into a Document Retrieval Strategy (AFS, CJvR), pp. 31–51.
- ICSE-1988-DucasseE #automation #bibliography #debugging
- A Review of Automated Debugging Systems: Knowledge, Strategies, and Techniques (MD, AME), pp. 162–173.
- CADE-1988-HeiselRS #implementation #verification
- Implementing Verification Strategies in the KIV-System (MH, WR, WS), pp. 131–140.
- HT-1987-Charney
- Comprehending Non-Linear Text: The Role of Discourse Cues and Reading Strategies (DC), pp. 109–120.
- SIGMOD-1987-Hanson #analysis #performance
- A Performance Analysis of View Materialization Strategies (ENH), pp. 440–453.
- VLDB-1987-Lu #database #transitive
- New Strategies for Computing the Transitive Closure of a Database Relation (HL), pp. 267–274.
- VLDB-1987-Nejdl #query #recursion
- Recursive Strategies for Answering Recursive Queries — The RQA/FQI Strategy (WN), pp. 43–50.
- HCI-CE-1987-Salvendy #development #human-computer #interactive #research #what
- What We Know and What We Should Know About Human-Computer Interaction: Strategies for Research and Development (GS), pp. 13–19.
- RTA-1987-Padawitz #reduction
- Strategy-Controlled Reduction and Narrowing (PP), pp. 242–255.
- SIGMOD-1986-BancilhonR #query #recursion
- An Amateur’s Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies (FB, RR), pp. 16–52.
- SIGMOD-1986-Bocca #evaluation #on the
- On the Evaluation Strategy of EDUCE (JBB), pp. 368–378.
- VLDB-1986-RaschidS #parallel #query #recursion
- A Parallel Processing Strategy for Evaluating Recursive Queries (LR, SYWS), pp. 412–419.
- CSCW-1986-GarrettSM #design #documentation #hypermedia #named
- Intermedia: issues, strategies, and tactics in the design of a hypermedia document system (LNG, KES, NKM), pp. 163–174.
- SIGIR-1986-BelkinK #documentation #retrieval #using
- Using Structural Representations of Anomalous States of Knowledge for Choosing Document Retrieval Strategies (NJB, BHK), pp. 11–22.
- SIGIR-1986-Smeaton #documentation #retrieval
- Incorporating Syntactic Information into a Document Retrieval Strategy: An Investigation (AFS), pp. 103–113.
- LICS-1986-HalpernWW
- Good Rewrite Strategies for FP (JYH, JHW, ELW), pp. 149–162.
- SLP-1986-RossR86 #memory management #prolog
- Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory (MLR, KR), pp. 46–57.
- VLDB-1985-ChouD #database #evaluation #relational
- An Evaluation of Buffer Management Strategies for Relational Database Systems (HTC, DJD), pp. 127–141.
- SLP-1985-GlasgowJM85 #parallel
- User Defined Parallel Control Strategies in Nial (JIG, MAJ, CM), pp. 22–28.
- DAC-1984-Richard #standard
- A standard cell initial placement strategy (BDR), pp. 392–398.
- VLDB-1984-DeenAT #query
- A Strategy for Decomposing Complex Queries in a Heterogeneous DDB (SMD, RRA, MCT), pp. 397–400.
- LFP-1984-Pettorossi #performance #source code
- A Powerful Strategy for Deriving Efficient Programs by Transformation (AP), pp. 273–281.
- SIGIR-1984-CroftT #adaptation #documentation #retrieval
- The Use of Adaptive Mechanisms for Selection of Search Strategies in Document Retrieval Systems (WBC, RT), pp. 95–110.
- ICSE-1984-Ntafos #evaluation #testing
- An Evaluation of Required Element Testing Strategies (SCN), pp. 250–256.
- CADE-1984-ForsytheM #deduction #implementation
- Implementation Strategies for Plan-Based Deduction (KF, SM), pp. 426–444.
- ILPC-1984-WolframML84 #logic programming #source code
- A Unified Treatment of Resolution Strategies for Logic Programs (DAW, MJM, JLL), pp. 263–276.
- SLP-1984-SubrahmanyamY84 #concept #evaluation #functional #logic programming
- Conceptual Basis and Evaluation Strategies for Integrating Functional and Logic Programming (PAS, JHY), pp. 144–153.
- SLP-1984-Warren84 #flexibility #memory management #performance #prolog
- Efficient Prolog Memory Management for Flexible Control Strategies (DSW), pp. 198–202.
- DAC-1983-JainS
- Test strategy for microprocessers (SKJ, AKS), pp. 703–708.
- SIGMOD-1983-YuC #database #design #distributed #on the #query
- On the Design of a Query Processing Strategy in a Distributed Database Environment (CTY, CCC), pp. 30–39.
- SIGMOD-1982-JarkeS #database #pascal #query #relational
- Query Processing Strategies in the PASCAL/R Relational Database Management System (MJ, JWS), pp. 256–264.
- SCC-1982-RudmikM #compilation #performance #scalability #source code
- An Efficient Separate Compilation Strategy for Very Large Programs (AR, BGM), pp. 301–307.
- STOC-1982-Leighton #layout
- A Layout Strategy for VLSI which Is Provably Good (Extended Abstract) (FTL), pp. 85–98.
- SIGIR-1982-BuellK #named #query #testing
- LIARS: A Software Environment for Testing Query Processing Strategies (DAB, DHK), pp. 20–27.
- CADE-1982-PietrzykowskiM #backtracking #deduction #exponential #performance
- Exponential Improvement of Efficient Backtracking: A Strategy for Plan-Based Deduction (TP, SM), pp. 223–239.
- DAC-1981-DeesS #performance
- Performance of interconnection rip-up and reroute strategies (WADJ, RJSI), pp. 382–390.
- DAC-1981-Heinisch
- Aiming at a general routing strategy (JH), pp. 668–675.
- VLDB-1981-MakinouchiTKA #evaluation #optimisation #query
- The Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation in RDB/V1 (AM, MT, HK, SA), pp. 518–529.
- ICALP-1981-FraenkelL #exponential
- Computing a Perfect Strategy for n*n Chess Requires Time Exponential in N (ASF, DL), pp. 278–293.
- ICSE-1981-ZeilW #analysis #testing
- Sufficient Tset Sets for Path Analysis Testing Strategies (SJZ, LJW), pp. 184–194.
- SOSP-1981-MeyrowitzM #adaptation #design #named
- BRUWIN: An Adaptable Design Strategy for Window Manager / Virtual Terminal Systems (NKM, MM), pp. 180–189.
- VLDB-1980-EpsteinS #analysis #database #distributed
- Analysis of Distributed Data Base Processing Strategies (RSE, MS), pp. 92–101.
- VLDB-1980-Walter #database #distributed #transaction
- Strategies for Handling Transactions in Distributed Data Base Systems During Recovery (BW), pp. 384–389.
- ICALP-1980-RaoultV #bound #semiparsing
- Optimal Unbounded Search Strategies (JCR, JV), pp. 512–530.
- LISP-1980-Steele #abstraction #lisp
- Strategies for Data Abstraction in LISP (BS), pp. 173–178.
- SCC-1979-Morris #abstraction #implementation
- Data abstraction: A static implementation strategy (JBM), pp. 1–7.
- SCC-1979-PaiK #fault #parsing #syntax
- Global context recovery: A new strategy for parser recovery from syntax errors (ABP, RBK), pp. 158–167.
- SIGIR-1979-RaghavanB #clustering #effectiveness #process
- A Clustering Strategy Based on a Formalism of the Reproductive Process in Natural Systems (VVR, KB), pp. 10–22.
- DAC-1978-Cha #testing
- A testing strategy for PLAs (CWC), pp. 326–334.
- POPL-1977-Harrison #code generation #compilation #optimisation
- A New Strategy for Code Generation — The General Purpose Optimizing Compiler (WHH), pp. 29–37.
- SOSP-1977-Masuda #memory management
- Effect of Program Localities on Memory Management Strategies (TM), pp. 117–124.
- SIGMOD-1976-WongY #composition #named #query
- Decomposition — A Strategy for Query Processing (Abstract) (EW, KY), p. 155.
- VLDB-1975-Weldon #database #implementation
- Implementation Strategies for the Census Data Base (JLW), pp. 589–590.
- SOSP-1973-ChamberlinFL #memory management #multi
- A Page Allocation Strategy for Multiprogramming Systems with Virtual Memory (DDC, SHF, LYL), pp. 66–72.
- STOC-1970-Reiter #proving #theorem proving
- The Predicate Elimination Strategy in Theorem Proving (RR), pp. 180–183.
- DAC-1969-KrolakBCG #effectiveness #simulation
- A simulation model for evaluating the effectiveness of various stock market strategies (PDK, REB, AC, HG), pp. 351–356.
- SOSP-1969-VarehaRG
- Strategies for structuring two level memories in a paging environment (ALV, RMR, MMG), pp. 54–59.