Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.N.Norén R.Orre J.Hopstadius K.Star I.R.Edwards
Talks about:
transient (1) discoveri (1) pattern (1) patient (1) databas (1) tempor (1) safeti (1) record (1) effect (1) duplic (1)
Person: Andrew Bate
DBLP: Bate:Andrew
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KDD-2008-NorenBHSE #roadmap
- Temporal pattern discovery for trends and transient effects: its application to patient records (GNN, AB, JH, KS, IRE), pp. 963–971.
- KDD-2005-NorenOB #database #detection #safety
- A hit-miss model for duplicate detection in the WHO drug safety database (GNN, RO, AB), pp. 459–468.