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241 papers:

CHI-PLAYCHI-PLAY-2019-PorterR #analysis #game studies
An Analysis of Longitudinal Trends in Consumer Thoughts on Presence and Simulator Sickness in VR Games (JPI, AR), pp. 277–285.
KDDKDD-2019-Lin #classification #multi
Advances in Cost-sensitive Multiclass and Multilabel Classification (HTL), pp. 3187–3188.
KDDKDD-2019-ZhaCLY #algorithm #mining
Mining Algorithm Roadmap in Scientific Publications (HZ, WC, KL, XY), pp. 1083–1092.
MoDELSMoDELS-2018-BadreddinKFML #bibliography #design #modelling
A Decade of Software Design and Modeling: A Survey to Uncover Trends of the Practice (OB, RK, AF, OM, TCL), pp. 245–255.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-MougoueiPHSW #research
Operationalizing human values in software: a research roadmap (DM, HP, WH, RAS, JW), pp. 780–784.
ICSAICSA-2017-FrancescoML #architecture #industrial #research
Research on Architecting Microservices: Trends, Focus, and Potential for Industrial Adoption (PDF, IM, PL), pp. 21–30.
CSEETCSEET-2017-TechapalokulT #quality
Novice Programmers and Software Quality: Trends and Implications (PT, ET), pp. 246–250.
SANERSANER-2017-NogueiraRZ #exception #java #library #open source
Trends on empty exception handlers for Java open source libraries (AFN, JCBR, MAZR), pp. 412–416.
FDGFDG-2017-HsuHJS #game studies
Indicator products for observing market conditions and game trends in MMOG (SYH, CLH, SYJ, CTS), p. 5.
Geographic and Temporal Trends in Fake News Consumption During the 2016 US Presidential Election (AF, MZR, GR, MM, EH), pp. 2071–2074.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2017-DaiB #execution #predict #realtime #worst-case
Predicting Worst-Case Execution Time Trends in Long-Lived Real-Time Systems (XD, AB), pp. 87–101.
CSLCSL-2017-Kreutzer #first-order #model checking
Current Trends and New Perspectives for First-Order Model Checking (Invited Talk) (SK), p. 5.
ICSMEICSME-2016-Mengerink #co-evolution #metamodelling #modelling
A Roadmap for Co-Evolution of Meta-Models and Models (JGMM), p. 619.
MSRMSR-2016-DilshenerWY #debugging
Locating bugs without looking back (TD, MW, YY), pp. 286–290.
CIKMCIKM-2016-LiKR #automation #generative #set #validation
Automatic Generation and Validation of Road Maps from GPS Trajectory Data Sets (HL, LK, KR), pp. 1523–1532.
ECIRECIR-2016-Martinez-Alvarez #information retrieval
First International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval (NewsIR'16) (MMA, UK, GK, FH, DC, RC0, DA), pp. 878–882.
TAPTAP-2016-CheneyMP #prolog #testing
Advances in Property-Based Testing for α Prolog (JC, AM, MP), pp. 37–56.
ECSAECSA-2015-PahlJ #architecture #formal method #modelling #towards
Software Architecture for the Cloud — A Roadmap Towards Control-Theoretic, Model-Based Cloud Architecture (CP, PJ), pp. 212–220.
A Time Machine for Information: Looking Back to Look Forward (XLD, WCT), pp. 2044–2055.
ICSMEICSME-2015-Hegedus #evolution #metric #quality
Advances in software product quality measurement and its applications in software evolution (PH), pp. 590–593.
CHI-PLAYCHI-PLAY-2015-McArthurTJ #design #framework #interface
The Avatar Affordances Framework: Mapping Affordances and Design Trends in Character Creation Interfaces (VM, RJT, JJ), pp. 231–240.
HCILCT-2015-VallsRF #architecture #design #education #game studies
E-Learning and Serious Games — New Trends in Architectural and Urban Design Education (FV, ER, DF), pp. 632–643.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-Xylogiannopoulos #detection
Discretization Method for the Detection of Local Extrema and Trends in Non-discrete Time Series (KFX, PK, RA), pp. 346–352.
SPLCSPLC-2015-LanduytWJ #as a service #middleware #multitenancy #research #variability
Variability middleware for multi-tenant SaaS applications: a research roadmap for service lines (DVL, SW, WJ), pp. 211–215.
DACDAC-2015-Foster #functional #industrial #verification
Trends in functional verification: a 2014 industry study (HDF), p. 6.
New trends in dark silicon (JH, HK, SP, MS), p. 6.
ICLPICLP-2015-Nys #deduction
Advances in Analyzing Coroutines by Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction (VN), pp. 348–357.
PODSPODS-2014-Haas #challenge #ecosystem #tool support
Model-data Ecosystems: challenges, tools, and trends (PJH), pp. 76–87.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-GomezH #case study #design #experience #smarttech
Beyond Wearables: Experiences and Trends in Design of Portable Medical Devices (RG, AH), pp. 261–272.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-CafezeiroGCM #behaviour #collaboration #interactive
A Knowledge-Construction Perspective on Human Computing, Collaborative Behavior and New Trends in System Interactions (IC, CG, VC, IdCM), pp. 58–68.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-AntunesS #data mining #mining
New Trends in Knowledge Driven Data Mining (CA, AS), pp. 346–351.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-DominguezAERLE #data mining #fuzzy #logic #mining #using
Advances in the Decision Making for Treatments of Chronic Patients Using Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining Techniques (MD, JA, JGE, IMR, JMLS, MJE), pp. 325–330.
KEODKEOD-2014-LeinweberFSL #enterprise #ontology #overview #perspective #research
Enterprise Ontologies: Open Issues and the State of Research — A Systematic Literature Review (AL, MF, PS, BL), pp. 280–287.
KMISKMIS-2014-SilvaR #crowdsourcing #ontology
An Ontology Roadmap for Crowdsourcing Innovation Intermediaries (CS, IR), pp. 54–63.
MLDMMLDM-2014-PirasG #classification #generative #image
Open Issues on Codebook Generation in Image Classification Tasks (LP, GG), pp. 328–342.
The connected car and its implication to the automotive chip roadmap (MB), p. 1.
DATEDATE-2014-RostamiWPK #challenge #security
Quo vadis, PUF?: Trends and challenges of emerging physical-disorder based security (MR, JBW, MP, FK), pp. 1–6.
Context-Aware Computing: Opportunities and Open Issues (EYC), pp. 1172–1173.
VLDBVLDB-2014-BudakGAA13 #detection #named #network #online #social
GeoScope: Online Detection of Geo-Correlated Information Trends in Social Networks (CB, TG, DA, AEA), pp. 229–240.
CSEETCSEET-2013-ArdisBFFHHS #re-engineering
Recent Trends in Graduate Software Engineering (MAA, SB, DF, DJF, TBH, GWH, TS), pp. 351–355.
CSEETCSEET-2013-MeadS #assurance
The software assurance competency model: A roadmap to enhance individual professional capability (NRM, DS), pp. 119–128.
SIGITESIGITE-2013-MillerZCO #development #web
Keeping up with web development trends (CSM, JZ, RWC, AOO), pp. 59–60.
CoGVS-Games-2013-CruzCMGB #learning #research #towards
Federation Technology and Virtual Worlds for Learning: Research Trends and Opportunities Towards Identity Federation (GC, ARC, PM0, RG, JB), pp. 1–4.
HCIOCSC-2013-GoodSP #facebook
Looking Back at Facebook Content and the Positive Impact Upon Wellbeing: Exploring Reminiscing as a Tool for Self Soothing (AG, AS, VP), pp. 278–286.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-CallegariJC #challenge #health #mobile #overview
Technical Trends and Challenges in Mobile Health — A Systematic Review of Recent Available Literature (DAC, LCJ, ACdC), pp. 519–525.
ECIRECIR-2013-WeberGT #hashtag
Political Hashtag Trends (IW, VRKG, AT), pp. 857–860.
ICSEICSE-2013-Saraiva #maintenance #metric
A roadmap for software maintainability measurement (JS), pp. 1453–1455.
DACDAC-2013-HenkelBDGNSTW #lessons learnt #reliability
Reliable on-chip systems in the nano-era: lessons learnt and future trends (JH, LB, ND, PG, SRN, MS, MBT, NW), p. 10.
DACDAC-2013-Kahng #design #process
The ITRS design technology and system drivers roadmap: process and status (ABK), p. 6.
DACDAC-2013-SinghSKH #manycore #overview
Mapping on multi/many-core systems: survey of current and emerging trends (AKS, MS, AK, JH), p. 10.
DATEDATE-2013-RuchBPMM #towards
Roadmap towards ultimately-efficient zeta-scale datacenters (PR, TB, SP, GIM, BM), pp. 1339–1344.
DATEDATE-2013-YakovlevVR #industrial #logic #tool support
Advances in asynchronous logic: from principles to GALS & NoC, recent industry applications, and commercial CAD tools (AY, PV, MR), pp. 1715–1724.
MSRMSR-2012-MartiePSL #android #debugging #topic
Trendy bugs: Topic trends in the Android bug reports (LM, VKP, HS, CVL), pp. 120–123.
IFLIFL-2012-ReichNR #lazy evaluation
Advances in Lazy SmallCheck (JSR, MN, CR), pp. 53–70.
CoGVS-Games-2012-PereiraBPPBKK #game studies #learning #social
Serious Games for Personal and Social Learning & Ethics: Status and Trends (GDGP, AB, RP, AP, FB, MK, RK), pp. 53–65.
Trends in Blog Preservation (VB, NB, YM).
CIKMCIKM-2012-TangY #detection #named #social #social media #statistics #topic
TUT: a statistical model for detecting trends, topics and user interests in social media (XT, CCY), pp. 972–981.
ICMLICML-2012-BiessmannPBH #canonical #detection #web
Canonical Trends: Detecting Trend Setters in Web Data (FB, JMP, MLB, AH), p. 170.
KEODKEOD-2012-KhairMZ #data mining #education #mining #student #using
Creating an Educational Roadmap for Engineering Students via an Optimal and Iterative Yearly Regression Tree using Data Mining (MK, CEM, WZ), pp. 43–52.
Spotting trends: the wisdom of the few (XS, DQ, PM, MD), pp. 51–58.
Political search trends (IW, VRKG, EB), p. 1012.
RERE-2012-GotelCHZEGA #research #traceability
The quest for Ubiquity: A roadmap for software and systems traceability research (OG, JCH, JHH, AZ, AE, PG, GA), pp. 71–80.
ASEASE-2012-AchananuparpLTLL #microblog
Observatory of trends in software related microblogs (PA, INL, YT, DL, EPL), pp. 334–337.
ICSEICSE-2012-ChatzigeorgiouM #evolution #network #object-oriented
Trends in object-oriented software evolution: Investigating network properties (AC, GM), pp. 1309–1312.
DATEDATE-2012-JongheMGMTS #modelling #testing #verification
Advances in variation-aware modeling, verification, and testing of analog ICs (DdJ, EM, GGEG, TM, BT, HGDS), pp. 1615–1620.
DATEDATE-2012-QuintonEBY #analysis #challenge #probability
Challenges and new trends in probabilistic timing analysis (SQ, RE, DB, PMY), pp. 810–815.
HTHT-2011-Hearst #user interface
Emerging trends in search user interfaces (MAH), pp. 5–6.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-OzcanHBBLL #data analysis #enterprise
Emerging trends in the enterprise data analytics: connecting Hadoop and DB2 warehouse (, DH, KSB, AB, CJL, YL), pp. 1161–1164.
TPDLTPDL-2011-KruminaH #development
Digitization Practice in Latvia: Achievements and Trends of Development (LK, BH), pp. 469–472.
WCREWCRE-2011-ZhuWPXZ #composition #evolution #monitoring #quality
Monitoring Software Quality Evolution by Analyzing Deviation Trends of Modularity Views (TZ, YW, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 229–238.
HCIHCI-MIIE-2011-Chen #challenge #experience #mobile
Trends, Challenges and Promises of Rich Experience on Mobile Devices (YC), pp. 13–20.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-Najjar #design #e-commerce #user interface
Advances in E-commerce User Interface Design (LJN), pp. 292–300.
HCIOCSC-2011-KadenbachK #community #education #online #research
Recent Trends in Software Support for Online Communities for Teaching and Research Projects in Higher Education (DK, CK), pp. 50–59.
HCIOCSC-2011-ReedM #education
Teacher Agents: The Current State, Future Trends, and Many Roles of Intelligent Agents in Education (KR, GM), pp. 69–78.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-Changxian #design #industrial
New Trends of Ergonomics and Its Importance in Modern Industrial Design (CC), pp. 543–547.
CIKMCIKM-2011-KrishnaswamyGG #data type #mining #mobile #ubiquitous
Advances in data stream mining for mobile and ubiquitous environments (SK, JG, MMG), pp. 2607–2608.
KDDKDD-2011-HongYGD #modelling #topic
Tracking trends: incorporating term volume into temporal topic models (LH, DY, JG, BDD), pp. 484–492.
SPLCSPLC-2011-Krueger #industrial #product line
Industry Trends in Systems and Software Product Line Engineering (CWK), p. 360.
ICSEICSE-2011-Dresselhaus #design
Exciting new trends in design thinking (BD), p. 622.
SACSAC-2011-AnttonenSMT #framework #platform #web
Transforming the web into a real application platform: new technologies, emerging trends and missing pieces (MA, AS, TM, AT), pp. 800–807.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-EsmaeilzadehCXBM #hardware #performance #scalability
Looking back on the language and hardware revolutions: measured power, performance, and scaling (HE, TC, XY, SMB, KSM), pp. 319–332.
DATEDATE-2011-Brown #power management
Power management trends in portable consumer applications (JB), pp. 1048–1052.
CADECADE-2011-Cook #liveness #proving #termination
Advances in Proving Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
HTHT-2010-LunnBMMNT #hypermedia
Past visions of hypertext and their influence on us today (DL, MB, CM, JNM, JMN, FWT), p. 315.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-KerrenJ #3d #analysis #diagrams #interactive #metric
3D kiviat diagrams for the interactive analysis of software metric trends (AK, IJ), pp. 203–204.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-KrohaN #classification #predict
Classification of Market News and Prediction of Market Trends (PK, RN), pp. 187–192.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-OlsonK #enterprise #information management
Contemporary Trends in Enterprise Information Systems (DLO, SK), pp. 9–16.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-OlsonK10a #enterprise #information management
Enterprise Information System Trends (DLO, SK), pp. 3–14.
ECIRECIR-2010-DaiD #mining #retrieval
Mining Anchor Text Trends for Retrieval (ND, BDD), pp. 127–139.
Discovery of significant emerging trends (SG, LHU), pp. 57–64.
New Advances in Sequential Diagnosis (SAS, JH).
CASECASE-2010-ChoiEF #assembly #automation #industrial
Trends and opportunities for robotic automation of trim & final assembly in the automotive industry (SC, WE, TAF), pp. 124–129.
A resilience roadmap (SRN, NM, YC), pp. 1011–1016.
VMCAIVMCAI-2010-Katoen #model checking #probability
Advances in Probabilistic Model Checking (JPK), p. 25.
TPDLECDL-2009-TonniesB #evaluation #library #quality #semantics #using
Using Semantic Technologies in Digital Libraries — A Roadmap to Quality Evaluation (ST, WTB), pp. 168–179.
ICDARICDAR-2009-ImpedovoMFS #process
New Trends in Digital Scanning Processes (SI, RM, AF, ES), pp. 1071–1075.
JCDLJCDL-2009-BolelliEZG #library #topic
Finding topic trends in digital libraries (LB, SE, DZ, CLG), pp. 69–72.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-LeeMP #database #enterprise #memory management
Advances in flash memory SSD technology for enterprise database applications (SWL, BM, CP), pp. 863–870.
CHICHI-2009-LeeSRCT #dataset #named
FacetLens: exposing trends and relationships to support sensemaking within faceted datasets (BL, GS, GGR, MC, DST), pp. 1293–1302.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-MoesleinBS #collaboration #development #tool support
Open Collaborative Development: Trends, Tools, and Tactics (KMM, ACB, JHS), pp. 874–881.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-IndulskaRRG #challenge #modelling #process
Business Process Modeling: Current Issues and Future Challenges (MI, JR, MR, PFG), pp. 501–514.
KMISKMIS-2009-AzevedoS #state of the art
Business Intelligence — State of the Art, Trends, and Open Issues (AA, MFS), pp. 296–300.
SACSAC-2009-KimTJJM #automation
Automatic discovery of technology trends from patent text (YK, YT, YJ, JR, SHM), pp. 1480–1487.
DATEDATE-2009-Garnier #challenge
Trends and challenges in wireless application processors (PG), p. 603.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-Cook #liveness #termination
Advances in Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
EDOCEDOC-2008-Ray #challenge #enterprise
Enterprise Computing in Healthcare Sector: Emerging Trends and Future Challenges (PR).
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-PetersTW #enterprise #network #research #resource management
Network Externalities for Enterprise Resource Planning Software — A Research Roadmap (GP, FT, RW), pp. 97–104.
ICPRICPR-2008-WetzkerPKBAM #detection #generative #probability #social #using
Detecting trends in social bookmarking systems using a probabilistic generative model and smoothing (RW, TP, AK, CB, TA, FM), pp. 1–4.
Anticipating annotations and emerging trends in biomedical literature (FM, MD, DF, JE, BW, MB), pp. 954–962.
Temporal pattern discovery for trends and transient effects: its application to patient records (GNN, AB, JH, KS, IRE), pp. 963–971.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-LeeB #adaptation #architecture #performance
Efficiency trends and limits from comprehensive microarchitectural adaptivity (BCL, DMB), pp. 36–47.
DATEDATE-2008-Abraham #dependence
Implications of Technology Trends on System Dependability (JAA), p. 940.
DATEDATE-2008-Katoen #analysis #design #embedded #evaluation #modelling
Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Trends in Modeling and Analysis Techniques (JPK), pp. 86–87.
TPDLECDL-2007-AgostiBFPS #information management #library #multi
Roadmap for MultiLingual Information Access in the European Library (MA, MB, NF, CP, SS), pp. 136–147.
TPDLECDL-2007-IshikawaH #documentation #interactive #named #visualisation
T-Scroll: Visualizing Trends in a Time-Series of Documents for Interactive User Exploration (YI, MH), pp. 235–246.
ICDARICDAR-2007-Schomaker07a #identification #verification
Advances in Writer Identification and Verification (LS), pp. 1268–1273.
JCDLJCDL-2007-PalmerZM #metadata
Trends in metadata practices: a longitudinal study of collection federation (CLP, OLZ, MM), pp. 386–395.
ICPCICPC-2007-LuccaSFSH #aspect-oriented #challenge #source code
Comprehending Aspect-Oriented Programs: Challenges and Open Issues (GADL, MS, BF, ES, HJH), pp. 286–292.
Advances in Visible Human Based Virtual Medicine (PAH), pp. 623–632.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Aalst #analysis #mining #process #verification
Trends in business process analysis — from verification to process mining (WMPvdA), pp. 5–9.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-Aalst #analysis #mining #process #verification
Trends in business process analysis — from verification to process mining (WMPvdA), pp. 5–9.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-Aalst #analysis #mining #process #verification
Trends in business process analysis — from verification to process mining (WMPvdA), pp. 5–9.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2007-Aalst #analysis #mining #process #verification
Trends in business process analysis — from verification to process mining (WMPvdA), pp. 5–9.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-Aalst #analysis #mining #process #verification
Trends in business process analysis — from verification to process mining (WMPvdA), pp. 5–9.
RERE-2007-DjebbiSF #industrial #overview #product line #requirements #tool support
Industry Survey of Product Lines Management Tools: Requirements, Qualities and Open Issues (OD, CS, GF), pp. 301–306.
Megatrends and EDA 2017 (FB, GS, JAC, KK, AJdG, FCH, KY), pp. 21–22.
JCDLJCDL-2006-GoldsmithK #metadata #repository #standard
Looking back, looking forward: a metadata standard for LANL’s aDORe repository (BG, FK), pp. 272–273.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-Matias #performance
Trends in high performance analytics (YM), p. 720.
VLDBVLDB-2006-Kim #in memory #memory management
Advances in Memory Technology (CK), p. 1105.
ICPCICPC-2006-LuccaP #challenge #comprehension
Experimental Settings in Program Comprehension: Challenges and Open Issues (GADL, MDP), pp. 229–234.
KDDKDD-2006-Forman #classification #fault
Quantifying trends accurately despite classifier error and class imbalance (GF), pp. 157–166.
KDDKDD-2006-WangM #topic
Topics over time: a non-Markov continuous-time model of topical trends (XW, AM), pp. 424–433.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2006-RiosBBG #development #maturity #modelling
MDD Maturity Model: A Roadmap for Introducing Model-Driven Development (ER, TB, AB, NG), pp. 78–89.
SACSAC-2006-AdvaniHC #open source #refactoring
Extracting refactoring trends from open-source software and a possible solution to the “related refactoring” conundrum (DA, YH, SC), pp. 1713–1720.
GPCEGPCE-2006-LeavensABBCFHJMJSSS #verification
Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification (GTL, JRA, DSB, MJB, AC, KF, ECRH, CBJ, DM, SLPJ, MS, DRS, AS), pp. 221–236.
STOCSTOC-2006-AbrahamBN #metric
Advances in metric embedding theory (IA, YB, ON), pp. 271–286.
HPCAHPCA-2005-RanganathanJ #architecture #enterprise #research
Enterprise IT Trends and Implications for Architecture Research (PR, NPJ), pp. 253–256.
Trends in High-Performance Processors (FW), p. 3.
VLDBVLDB-2004-OConnell #perspective
Trends in Data Warehousing: A Practitioner’s View (WO), p. 1224.
CSEETCSEET-2004-Bagert #education #named #re-engineering
SEER: Charting a Roadmap for Software Engineering Education (DJB), pp. 158–161.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-VasconcelosPST #architecture #information management #research
Open Issues on Information System Architecture Research Domain: The Vision (AV, CMP, PMAS, JMT), pp. 273–282.
KDDKDD-2004-MorinagaY #finite #topic #using
Tracking dynamics of topic trends using a finite mixture model (SM, KY), pp. 811–816.
DACDAC-2004-Baron #configuration management #platform #using
Trends in the use of re-configurable platforms (MB), p. 415.
TPDLECDL-2003-BollenLVX #detection #library #research
Detecting Research Trends in Digital Library Readership (JB, RL, SV, WX), pp. 24–28.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-RobbertR #database #education #evolution
Trends in the evolution of the database curriculum (MAR, CMR), pp. 139–143.
FMFME-2003-Holzmann #verification
Trends in Software Verification (GJH), pp. 40–50.
FMFME-2003-Kishida #development #paradigm
Looking Back to the Future: Thoughts on Paradigm Shift in Software Development (KK), pp. 1–6.
Assuming a Roadmap Strategy for E-Business: Matching the Right Solution Over a Thousand Answers (FRG, LBG), pp. 550–553.
ICSEICSE-2003-BinkleyH #dependence #empirical
An Empirical Study of Predicate Dependence Levels and Trends (DB, MH), pp. 330–340.
LDTALDTA-2003-MensDBSG #named #refactoring #research
Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends (TM, SD, BDB, HS, PVG), pp. 483–499.
RF front end application and technology trends (PWH), pp. 73–78.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ChenQ #2d #evaluation
Recent Trends in 2D Blind Deconvolution for Nondestructive Evaluation (CHC, UQ), pp. 989–992.
WRLAWRLA-J-1996-Marte-OlietM02 #logic #overview
Rewriting logic: roadmap and bibliography (NMO, JM), pp. 121–154.
TPDLECDL-2001-LiH #development #library #research
Research and Development of Digital Libraries in China: Major Issues and Trends (GL, MBH), pp. 450–457.
VLDBVLDB-2001-DayalHL #coordination #process #state of the art
Business Process Coordination: State of the Art, Trends, and Open Issues (UD, MH, RL), pp. 3–13.
ICSMEICSM-2001-BennettR #evolution
Software Evolution: A Road Map (KHB, VR), p. 4.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Layzell #evolution #maintenance #re-engineering #research
Addressing the Software Evolution Crisis Through a Service-Oriented View of Software: A Roadmap for Software Engineering and Maintenance Research (PJL), p. 5.
ICSMEICSM-2001-LehmanRS #approach #modelling
An Approach to Modelling Long-Term Growth Trends in Software Systems (MML, JFR, US), p. 219–?.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Rajlich #evolution
Software Evolution: A Road Map (VR), p. 6.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Sneed #evolution
Software Evolution: A Road Map (HMS), p. 7.
CIKMCIKM-2001-AmirES #word
Advances in Phonetic Word Spotting (AA, AE, SS), pp. 580–582.
KDDKDD-2001-Kandogan #clustering #coordination #multi #using #visualisation
Visualizing multi-dimensional clusters, trends, and outliers using star coordinates (EK), pp. 107–116.
Advances in decision tree construction (JG, WYL), pp. 119–185.
DATEDATE-2001-StaaB #design #embedded #tutorial
Embedded tutorial: current trends in the design of automotive electronic systems (PvS, TB), pp. 38–39.
LCTESLCTES-OM-2001-Yellin #challenge #middleware #optimisation
Stuck in the Middle: Challenges and Trends in Optimizing Middleware (DMY), pp. 175–180.
ADLADL-2000-PopesculFLUG #clustering #database #documentation #identification
Clustering and Identifying Temporal Trends in Document Databases (AP, GWF, SL, LHU, CLG), pp. 173–182.
VLDBVLDB-2000-KoudasIM #identification #set #sketching #using
Identifying Representative Trends in Massive Time Series Data Sets Using Sketches (PI, NK, SM), pp. 363–372.
Trends in Preserving and Enhancing the Value of Software (NC), pp. 6–8.
EDOCEDOC-2000-Feldman #future of
Technology Trends and Drivers and a Vision of the Future of e-Business (SIF), p. 2.
KDDKDD-2000-GerstenWA #case study #experience #modelling #predict #tool support
Predictive modeling in automotive direct marketing: tools, experiences and open issues (WG, RW, DA), pp. 398–406.
PADLPADL-2000-Ramakrishnan #logic programming
Current Trends in Logic Programming: Prospects and Promises (IVR), p. 324.
ICSEFoSE-2000-BennettR #evolution #maintenance
Software maintenance and evolution: a roadmap (KHB, VR), pp. 73–87.
Software economics: a roadmap (BWB, KJS), pp. 319–343.
ICSEFoSE-2000-BompaniCV #internet #re-engineering
Software engineering and the Internet: a roadmap (LB, PC, FV), pp. 303–315.
ICSEFoSE-2000-DevanbuS #re-engineering #security
Software engineering for security: a roadmap (PTD, SGS), pp. 227–239.
ICSEFoSE-2000-DittrichTG #database #re-engineering
Databases in software engineering: a roadmap (KRD, DT, AG), pp. 293–302.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Emmerich #middleware #re-engineering
Software engineering and middleware: a roadmap (WE), pp. 117–129.
ICSEFoSE-2000-EngelsG #modelling #object-oriented
Object-oriented modeling: a roadmap (GE, LG), pp. 103–116.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Estublier #configuration management
Software configuration management: a roadmap (JE), pp. 279–289.
ICSEFoSE-2000-FentonN #metric
Software metrics: roadmap (NEF, MN), pp. 357–370.
ICSEFoSE-2000-FinkelsteinK #re-engineering
Software engineering: a roadmap (AF, JK), pp. 3–22.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Fuggettap #process
Software process: a roadmap (AF), pp. 25–34.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Garlan #architecture
Software architecture: a roadmap (DG), pp. 91–101.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Harrold #named #testing
Testing: a roadmap (MJH), pp. 61–72.
ICSEFoSE-2000-JacksonR #analysis
Software analysis: a roadmap (DJ, MCR), pp. 133–145.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Kopetz #re-engineering #realtime
Software engineering for real-time: a roadmap (HK), pp. 201–211.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Lamsweerde00a #specification
Formal specification: a roadmap (AvL), pp. 147–159.
ICSEFoSE-2000-LittlewoodS00b #dependence #reliability
Software reliability and dependability: a roadmap (BL, LS), pp. 175–188.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Lutz #re-engineering #safety
Software engineering for safety: a roadmap (RRL), pp. 213–226.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Maibaum #re-engineering
Mathematical foundations of software engineering: a roadmap (TSEM), pp. 161–172.
ICSEFoSE-2000-MullerJSSTW #reverse engineering
Reverse engineering: a roadmap (HAM, JHJ, DBS, MADS, SRT, KW), pp. 47–60.
ICSEFoSE-2000-NuseibehE #requirements
Requirements engineering: a roadmap (BN, SME), pp. 35–46.
ICSEFoSE-2000-OssherHT #re-engineering #tool support
Software engineering tools and environments: a roadmap (HO, WHH, PLT), pp. 261–277.
ICSEFoSE-2000-PerryPV #empirical #re-engineering
Empirical studies of software engineering: a roadmap (DEP, AAP, LGV), pp. 345–355.
ICSEFoSE-2000-RomanPM #re-engineering
Software engineering for mobility: a roadmap (GCR, GPP, ALM), pp. 241–258.
ICSEFoSE-2000-Shaw #education #re-engineering
Software engineering education: a roadmap (MS), pp. 371–380.
WICSAWICSA-1999-BorrmannP #architecture #challenge
Software Architecture at Siemens: The challenges, our approaches, and some open issues (LB, FNP), pp. 529–544.
Advances in the BBN BYBLOS OCR System (ZL, RMS, PN, IB, JM), pp. 337–340.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Czerwinski99a #design #web
Trends in Future Web Designs (MC), pp. 1223–1226.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-JohnsonC #mobile #usability
Mobile and Stationary Usability Labs: Technical Issues, Trends and Perspectives (RJ, EC), pp. 1123–1127.
KDDKDD-1999-DongL #difference #mining #performance
Efficient Mining of Emerging Patterns: Discovering Trends and Differences (GD, JL), pp. 43–52.
Trends in Technology — Getting Ready for the 21st Century (JPF), p. 5.
ADLADL-1998-ZaianeXH #data access #data mining #mining #web
Discovering Web Access Patterns and Trends by Applying OLAP and Data Mining Technology on Web Logs (ORZ, MX, JH), pp. 19–29.
WCREWCRE-1998-Balmas #c
Outlining C Loops: Preliminary Results and Trends (FB), pp. 115–124.
Advances in medical imaging (TT, AL, JS, SH), pp. 505–508.
SIGIRSIGIR-1998-WangL #approach #documentation
Discovering Typical Structures of Documents: A Road Map Approach (KW, HL), pp. 146–154.
CHICHI-1997-LambourneFR #social
Social Trends and Product Opportunities: Philips’ Vision of the Future Project (RL, KF, BR), pp. 494–501.
KDDKDD-1997-HinkeRRG #independence #mining
Target-Independent Mining for Scientific Data: Capturing Transients and Trends for Phenomena Mining (THH, JAR, HSR, SJG), pp. 187–190.
KDDKDD-1997-LentAS #database
Discovering Trends in Text Databases (BL, RA, RS), pp. 227–230.
Future Trends of TAPSOFT (HE, BM), pp. 6–10.
CSCWCSCW-1996-PoltrockG #case study #experience #workflow
CSCW, Groupware and Workflow: Experiences, State of Art and Future Trends (SEP, JG), p. 3.
REICRE-1996-Boehm #requirements
Requirements Engineering at Age 20: Looking Back, Looking Ahead (BWB), p. 255.
CSEETCSEE-1995-Mead #education #re-engineering
Education Trends and Their Impact on Management of Software Engineering Education (NRM), pp. 419–428.
SOSPSOSP-1995-RosenblumBHWG #architecture #operating system #performance
The Impact of Architectural Trends on Operating System Performance (MR, EB, SAH, EW, AG), pp. 285–298.
CIKMCIKM-1994-ZhaoZ #approach #database #graph #traversal
Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach (JLZ, AZ), pp. 355–362.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Sikora #empirical #object-oriented #problem #programming
Selected Results from an Empirical Study on Problem Areas and Trends of Object-Oriented Programming (HS), pp. 303–313.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-Unger #generative
The Fifth Generation Fallacy: Looking Back from 1993 (JMU), pp. 933–938.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Kanegaard #development #named
Keynote: Software Development Trends and the Importance of the Workgroup (JK), pp. 11–12.
CSEETSEI-1990-Bustard #concurrent #education #experience
An Experience of Teaching Concurrency: looking back, looking forward (DWB), pp. 123–135.
ICALPICALP-1989-EhrigPO #algebra #on the #specification
On Recent Trends in Algebraic Specification (HE, PP, FO), pp. 263–288.
CAiSECAiSE-1989-Welter #development
Application Development Trends and Directions (MW).
ICSEICSE-1989-DeMarco #re-engineering
Twenty Years of Software Engineering: Looking Forward, Looking Back (TD), p. 134.
ICSEICSE-1989-Jackson #re-engineering
Software Engineering for Business DP: Looking Back and Looking Forward (MJ), p. 135.
A Look Back and A Look Forward (KSJ), pp. 13–29.
DACDAC-1988-LathropHDAK #abstraction #functional
Advances in Functional Abstraction from Structure (RHL, RJH, GD, KMA, RSK), pp. 708–711.
Technology Trends in Mass-Storage Systems (DB), pp. 7–8.
ICALPICALP-1987-Karhumaki #formal method #on the
On Recent Trends in Formal Language Theory (JK), pp. 136–162.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-BullingerFZ #named
Software-Ergonomics: History, State-of-Art and Important Trends (HJB, KPF, JZ), pp. 307–316.
ICGTGG-1986-Siromoney #array
Advances in array languages (RS), pp. 549–563.
Computer-supported groups: trends & markets (RJ), p. 254.
SIGIRSIGIR-1986-Salton #automation #information retrieval
Recent Trends in Automatic Information Retrieval (GS), pp. 1–10.
ICLPICLP-1986-JaffarLM86 #logic programming #semantics
Invited Talk: Some Issues and Trends in the Semantics of Logic Programming (JJ, JLL, MJM), pp. 223–241.
SIGIRSIGIR-1984-KraftB #behaviour #information retrieval
Advances in a Bayesian Decision Model of User Stopping Behaviour for Scanning the Output of an Information Retrieval System (DHK, DAB), pp. 421–433.
Advances in Pebbling (NP), pp. 407–417.
DACDAC-1981-BreuerP #simulation
Digital system simulation: Current status and future trends or darwin’s theory of simulation (MAB, ACP), pp. 269–275.
Current issues in government interest and involvement in CAD (PL), pp. 337–341.
DACDAC-1980-Gwyn #automation #design
Design automation trends for VLSI in the 1980s (CWG), p. 340.
DACDAC-1975-CiompiSTV #automation #design #state of the art
State of the art and trends in Design Automation in Italy (PC, LS, MT, GV), pp. 23–31.
DACDAC-1975-JacquartRVF #development
Current trends in the development of integrated general purpose CAD systems (RJ, PR, FRV, JF), pp. 180–188.
Some Current Issues in Data Description (WCM), pp. 1–12.
A tourguide to the AEDCAP Roadmap (RR), pp. 16–28.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.