Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
K.Chakraborty M.Bhattacharya S.Kulkarni P.Mazumder D.Agarwal D.Tan J.Kulesza R.Pathak S.Stefani V.Srinivasan
Talks about:
warehous (1) redshift (1) simpler (1) static (1) repair (1) physic (1) design (1) amazon (1) built (1) tool (1)
Person: Anurag Gupta
DBLP: Gupta:Anurag
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- Amazon Redshift and the Case for Simpler Data Warehouses (AG, DA, DT, JK, RP, SS, VS), pp. 1917–1923.
- DATE-1999-ChakrabortyGBKM #design #physics #self
- A Physical Design Tool for Built-in Self-Repairable Static RAMs (KC, AG, MB, SK, PM), p. 714–?.