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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Croatia
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Herbreteau I.Walukiewicz M.Praveen P.Gastin S.M.0002
Talks about:
automata (4) time (4) abstract (2) constraint (1) algorithm (1) presenc (1) partit (1) effici (1) diagon (1) better (1)

Person: B. Srivathsan

DBLP DBLP: Srivathsan:B=

Contributed to:

PODS 20152015
CAV 20132013
LICS 20122012
CAV 20102010
CAV (1) 20192019

Wrote 5 papers:

PODS-2015-PraveenS #graph #how #question
Defining Relations on Graphs: How Hard is it in the Presence of Node Partitions? (MP, BS), pp. 159–172.
CAV-2013-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton #lazy evaluation
Lazy Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 990–1005.
LICS-2012-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton
Better Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 375–384.
CAV-2010-HerbreteauSW #automaton #performance
Efficient Emptiness Check for Timed Büchi Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 148–161.
CAV-2019-Gastin0S #algorithm #automaton #constraints #performance
Fast Algorithms for Handling Diagonal Constraints in Timed Automata (PG, SM0, BS), pp. 41–59.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.