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259 papers:

SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-UlrichG #compilation #query
The Flatter, the Better: Query Compilation Based on the Flattening Transformation (AU, TG), pp. 1421–1426.
ICSMEICSME-2015-BavotaR #code review #quality
Four eyes are better than two: On the impact of code reviews on software quality (GB, BR), pp. 81–90.
CSCWCSCW-2015-GaoXHYCF #collaboration #multi
Two is Better Than One: Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Giving Two Machine Translation Outputs (GG, BX, DCH, ZY, DC, SRF), pp. 852–863.
HCIHCI-DE-2015-BakkeB #developer #learning #proximity
The Closer the Better: Effects of Developer-User Proximity for Mutual Learning (SB, TB), pp. 14–26.
HCIHCI-UC-2015-BernardSBAC #named #web
BETTER-Project: Web Accessibility for Persons with Mental Disorders (RB, CS, DB, SAZ, AC), pp. 25–34.
ICMLICML-2015-ChangKADL #education #learning
Learning to Search Better than Your Teacher (KWC, AK, AA, HDI, JL), pp. 2058–2066.
ICMLICML-2015-RichmanM #classification #constraints
Dynamic Sensing: Better Classification under Acquisition Constraints (OR, SM), pp. 267–275.
Cross-Platform Question Routing for Better Question Answering (MB), p. 1053.
OnwardOnward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #feedback #metric #runtime #using
Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-LeOL #debugging #information retrieval #locality
Information retrieval and spectrum based bug localization: better together (TDBL, RJO, DL), pp. 579–590.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-PetersML #fault #named #predict #privacy
LACE2: Better Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Cross Project Defect Prediction (FP, TM, LL), pp. 801–811.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-ThomsonD #concurrent #lazy evaluation #partial order #reduction #testing
The lazy happens-before relation: better partial-order reduction for systematic concurrency testing (PT, AFD), pp. 259–260.
DACDAC-2014-LinWC #data mining #design #logic #mining #named #power management #synthesis
C-Mine: Data Mining of Logic Common Cases for Low Power Synthesis of Better-Than-Worst-Case Designs (CHL, LW, DC), p. 6.
ICSMEICSME-2014-AsaduzzamanRSH14a #api #code completion #usability
Context-Sensitive Code Completion Tool for Better API Usability (MA, CKR, KAS, DH), pp. 621–624.
STOCSTOC-2014-GavinskyMWW #approach #bound #complexity #composition #towards
Toward better formula lower bounds: an information complexity approach to the KRW composition conjecture (DG, OM, OW, AW), pp. 213–222.
CIAACIAA-2014-KoH #nondeterminism
Left is Better than Right for Reducing Nondeterminism of NFAs (SKK, YSH), pp. 238–251.
CHICHI-2014-FerreiraFK #visualisation
Sample-oriented task-driven visualizations: allowing users to make better, more confident decisions (NF, DF, ACK), pp. 571–580.
CHICHI-2014-RadleJMR #navigation #performance
Bigger is not always better: display size, performance, and task load during peephole map navigation (RR, HCJ, JM, HR), pp. 4127–4136.
CSCWCSCW-2014-CrabtreeC #challenge #design #enterprise
Making it “pay a bit better”: design challenges for micro rural enterprise (AC, AC), pp. 687–696.
CSCWCSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named
TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-OnalMMO #case study #challenge #experience #user interface
Enabling Better User Experiences across Domains: Challenges and Opportunities Facing a Human Factors Professional (EO, SM, CM, OO), pp. 81–89.
HILTHILT-2014-BaggeH #algebra #api #specification #why
Specification of generic APIs, or: why algebraic may be better than pre/post (AHB, MH), pp. 71–80.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Finding Expert Teams by CrewScout (NH, HF, RV, GD, CL, NZ), pp. 2030–2032.
ICMLICML-c1-2014-MannM #approximate #policy #scalability
Scaling Up Approximate Value Iteration with Options: Better Policies with Fewer Iterations (TAM, SM), pp. 127–135.
KDDKDD-2014-Melli #automation #parsing #semantics
Shallow semantic parsing of product offering titles (for better automatic hyperlink insertion) (GM), pp. 1670–1678.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-LagunHWN #metric #mobile #towards
Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search (DL, CHH, DW, VN), pp. 113–122.
RERE-2014-Chen #architecture #requirements
From architecture to requirements: Relating requirements and architecture for better Requirements Engineering (FC), pp. 451–455.
SACSAC-2014-Lutz0D #question #smarttech
Are smartphones better than CRC cards? (RL, SS, SD), pp. 987–994.
SACSAC-2014-NunesNR #contest #game studies #people
Motivating people to perform better in exergames: competition in virtual environments (MBN, LPN, VR), pp. 970–975.
SACSAC-2014-XavierOPR #clustering #database #in the cloud #towards
Towards better manageability of database clusters on cloud computing platforms (MGX, ICDO, RDDP, CAFDR), pp. 366–367.
Better Answers to Real Questions (MK, TS, AD), p. 69.
ASEASE-2013-ZhangGMK #random
Operator-based and random mutant selection: Better together (LZ, MG, DM, SK), pp. 92–102.
Exploiting the Diversity, Mass and Speed of Territorial Data by TELCO Operator for Better User Services (FA, AC, CC, RL, GT), pp. 1164–1165.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-MacWilliamM #feedback #towards
Streamlining grading toward better feedback (TM, DJM), pp. 147–152.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-SpaccoFSR #programming #towards
Towards improving programming habits to create better computer science course outcomes (JS, DF, JS, KR), pp. 243–248.
ICSMEICSM-2013-HillBBDLO #feature model #question
Which Feature Location Technique is Better? (EH, AB, DB, BD, DL, RO), pp. 408–411.
MSRMSR-2013-PetersMM #fault #predict
Better cross company defect prediction (FP, TM, AM), pp. 409–418.
Max flows in O(nm) time, or better (JBO), pp. 765–774.
New Doubling Spanners: Better and Simpler (THHC, ML, LN, SS), pp. 315–327.
CHICHI-2013-KnijnenburgKJ #privacy #question
Preference-based location sharing: are more privacy options really better? (BPK, AK, HJ), pp. 2667–2676.
CHICHI-2013-Mirza-BabaeiNGCF #game studies #how #research #testing
How does it play better?: exploring user testing and biometric storyboards in games user research (PMB, LEN, JG, NC, GF), pp. 1499–1508.
HCIDUXU-PMT-2013-AsthanaSS #design #interactive #usability
Assessing Designs of Interactive Voice Response Systems for Better Usability (SA, PS, AS), pp. 183–192.
ECIRECIR-2013-PotapenkoV #robust
Robust PLSA Performs Better Than LDA (AP, KV), pp. 784–787.
Better Mixing via Deep Representations (YB, GM, YD, SR), pp. 552–560.
Better Rates for Any Adversarial Deterministic MDP (OD, EH), pp. 675–683.
KDDKDD-2013-LinWHY #information management #learning #modelling #social
Extracting social events for learning better information diffusion models (SL, FW, QH, PSY), pp. 365–373.
MLDMMLDM-2013-AmalamanER #detection #using
Using Turning Point Detection to Obtain Better Regression Trees (PKA, CFE, NJR), pp. 325–339.
MLDMMLDM-2013-PoziMD #estimation #predict
Density Ratio Estimation in Support Vector Machine for Better Generalization: Study on Direct Marketing Prediction (MSMP, AM, AD), pp. 275–280.
REER-BR-2013-MarczakIS #collaboration #empirical
Expanding Empirical Studies to Better Understand Requirements-driven Collaboration (SM, II, SSS).
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-WangHJK #approach #evaluation
Searching for better configurations: a rigorous approach to clone evaluation (TW, MH, YJ, JK), pp. 455–465.
ICSEICSE-2013-RahmanD #how #metric #process #why
How, and why, process metrics are better (FR, PTD), pp. 432–441.
ICSEICSE-2013-StaplesKKLAMJB #specification
Formal specifications better than function points for code sizing (MS, RK, GK, CL, JA, TCM, DRJ, LB), pp. 1257–1260.
CAVCAV-2013-BrockschmidtCF #proving #termination
Better Termination Proving through Cooperation (MB, BC, CF), pp. 413–429.
ICSTICST-2013-CraciunML #modelling #testing #towards
Towards Better Testing of fUML Models (FC, SM, IL), pp. 485–486.
ASEASE-2012-HarmanLJWAC #challenge #programming #search-based #source code #using
The GISMOE challenge: constructing the pareto program surface using genetic programming to find better programs (keynote paper) (MH, WBL, YJ, DRW, AA, JAC), pp. 1–14.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BudimacRHG #metric #towards
Towards the Better Software Metrics Tool (ZB, GR, MH, CG), pp. 491–494.
ICSMEICSM-2012-HoraADA #question
Domain specific warnings: Are they any better? (AH, NA, SD, SA), pp. 441–450.
PLDIPLDI-2012-MorrisettTTTG #named #performance
RockSalt: better, faster, stronger SFI for the x86 (GM, GT, JT, JBT, EG), pp. 395–404.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-AmbainisBBKOSV #game studies #quantum
Quantum Strategies Are Better Than Classical in Almost Any XOR Game (AA, AB, KB, DK, RO, JS, MV), pp. 25–37.
CHICHI-2012-DellVMCT #bias #exclamation #human-computer #quote
“Yours is better!”: participant response bias in HCI (ND, VV, IM, EC, WT), pp. 1321–1330.
CSCWCSCW-2012-DongF #communication #why
One piece at a time: why video-based communication is better for negotiation and conflict resolution (WD, WTF), pp. 167–176.
Shepherding the crowd yields better work (SD, APK, SRK, BH), pp. 1013–1022.
LPQP for MAP: Putting LP Solvers to Better Use (PP, SW), p. 93.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-JohansenHFES #array #generative #modelling #product line
Generating Better Partial Covering Arrays by Modeling Weights on Sub-product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, AGE, TS), pp. 269–284.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-JohansenHFES #array #generative #modelling #product line
Generating Better Partial Covering Arrays by Modeling Weights on Sub-product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, AGE, TS), pp. 269–284.
REFSQREFSQ-2012-KnaussS #documentation #heuristic #learning #requirements
Supporting Learning Organisations in Writing Better Requirements Documents Based on Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS), pp. 165–171.
ICSEICSE-2012-Kalumbilo #effectiveness #re-engineering #specification
Effective specification of decision rights and accountabilities for better performing software engineering projects (MK), pp. 1503–1506.
ICSTICST-2012-ChoudharyPO #crawling #detection #difference #named #web
CrossCheck: Combining Crawling and Differencing to Better Detect Cross-browser Incompatibilities in Web Applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 171–180.
ICSTICST-2012-LiLO #algorithm #cost analysis
Better Algorithms to Minimize the Cost of Test Paths (NL, FL, JO), pp. 280–289.
LICSLICS-2012-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton
Better Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 375–384.
DATEDATE-2011-ChenLH #3d #architecture #towards
Architectural exploration of 3D FPGAs towards a better balance between area and delay (CIC, BCL, JDH), pp. 587–590.
ICDARICDAR-2011-MeierCGS #recognition
Better Digit Recognition with a Committee of Simple Neural Nets (UM, DCC, LMG, JS), pp. 1250–1254.
CSEETCSEET-2011-ChimalakondaN #education #learning #question #re-engineering
Can we make software engineering education better by applying learning theories? (SC, KVN), p. 561.
ICPCICPC-2011-DitGPA #feature model #identifier #question
Can Better Identifier Splitting Techniques Help Feature Location? (BD, LG, DP, GA), pp. 11–20.
Building a Better Map: Wayfinding in Software Systems (LM), p. xvi.
MSRMSR-2011-BhattacharyaN #debugging #modelling #predict #question
Bug-fix time prediction models: can we do better? (PB, IN), pp. 207–210.
FMFM-2011-GherghinaDQC #source code #specification #verification
Structured Specifications for Better Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CG, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 386–401.
HCIHCI-ITE-2011-AsanOPM #case study #design #interface #scalability
Designing a Better Morning: A Study on Large Scale Touch Interface Design (OA, MO, DP, ENHM), pp. 13–22.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-Huang #analysis #empirical #industrial #statistics
Which is Better Innovative Investment — An Empirical Analysis of Statistics from Chinese Industrial Undertakings (ZH), pp. 617–628.
CIKMCIKM-2011-Karger #people #user interface
Creating user interfaces that entice people to manage better information (DRK), pp. 1–2.
CIKMCIKM-2011-PCK #problem #repository #trade-off
More or better: on trade-offs in compacting textual problem solution repositories (DP, SC, DK), pp. 2321–2324.
ICMLICML-2011-OrabonaC #algorithm
Better Algorithms for Selective Sampling (FO, NCB), pp. 433–440.
KDDKDD-2011-MaiyaB #bias #network #towards
Benefits of bias: towards better characterization of network sampling (ASM, TYBW), pp. 105–113.
KDDKDD-2011-RashidiC #induction #learning #query
Ask me better questions: active learning queries based on rule induction (PR, DJC), pp. 904–912.
MLDMMLDM-2011-CelibertoM #learning
Investigation in Transfer Learning: Better Way to Apply Transfer Learning between Agents (LACJ, JPM), pp. 210–223.
RecSysRecSys-2011-LiuMLY #elicitation #rating #recommendation
Wisdom of the better few: cold start recommendation via representative based rating elicitation (NNL, XM, CL, QY), pp. 37–44.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2011-SchwarzLN #dependence #injection #named
Seuss: Better Class Responsibilities through Language-Based Dependency Injection (NS, ML, ON), pp. 276–289.
PADLPADL-2011-DevrieseP #combinator #domain-specific language #recursion #semiparsing
Explicitly Recursive Grammar Combinators — A Better Model for Shallow Parser DSLs (DD, FP), pp. 84–98.
SACSAC-2011-MajchrzakJLU #integration #mobile #social #towards #web
Towards better social integration through mobile web 2.0 ambient assisted living devices (TAM, AJ, ML, ), pp. 821–822.
SACSAC-2011-ParisAL #on-demand
Accelerated chaining: a better way to harness peer power in video-on-demand applications (JFP, AA, DDEL), pp. 534–539.
ICSEICSE-2011-SillittiSV #comprehension #towards
Toward a better understanding of tool usage (AS, GS, JV), pp. 832–835.
ICSEICSE-2011-StaatsWH11a #testing
Better testing through oracle selection (MS, MWW, MPEH), pp. 892–895.
ICSEICSE-2011-WeiFKM #contract
Inferring better contracts (YW, CAF, NK, BM), pp. 191–200.
CGOCGO-2011-SondagR #manycore #symmetry
Phase-based tuning for better utilization of performance-asymmetric multicore processors (TS, HR), pp. 11–20.
ASEASE-2010-KamalrudinGH #case study #requirements #tool support
Tool support for essential use cases to better capture software requirements (MK, JCG, JGH), pp. 255–264.
ASEASE-2010-KessentiniVS #identification #risk management
Deviance from perfection is a better criterion than closeness to evil when identifying risky code (MK, SV, HAS), pp. 113–122.
ASEASE-2010-LoM #mining #specification
Scenario-based and value-based specification mining: better together (DL, SM), pp. 387–396.
DACDAC-2010-HarmsCDHUWY #design #experience #question #what
What will make your next design experience a much better one? (TH, JAC, RD, RAH, DU, GW, JY), p. 730.
CSEETCSEET-2010-Thompson #effectiveness #industrial #re-engineering #why
Why Better Industrial/Academic Links Are Needed If There is to Be an Effective Software Engineering Workforce (JBT), pp. 105–112.
CIAACIAA-2010-Maletti #fault #performance
Better Hyper-minimization — Not as Fast, But Fewer Errors (AM), pp. 201–210.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-BansalKN #algorithm #scalability #scheduling
Better Scalable Algorithms for Broadcast Scheduling (NB, RK, VN), pp. 324–335.
LISPILC-2010-Mehnert #detection #fault #type inference #type system
Extending Dylan’s type system for better type inference and error detection (HM), pp. 1–10.
CHICHI-2010-QuinnT #effectiveness #independence #performance #usability
Attractive phones don’t have to work better: independent effects of attractiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency on perceived usability (JMQ, TQT), pp. 353–362.
CHICHI-2010-ReddySDCES #named
Biketastic: sensing and mapping for better biking (SR, KS, GD, CC, DE, MBS), pp. 1817–1820.
ECIRECIR-2010-DaiDW #mining #topic
Mining Neighbors’ Topicality to Better Control Authority Flow (ND, BDD, YW), pp. 653–657.
ICPRICPR-2010-PrisacariuTZRG #3d #detection #towards
Integrating Object Detection with 3D Tracking Towards a Better Driver Assistance System (VAP, RT, KZ, IDR, LJVG), pp. 3344–3347.
ICPRICPR-2010-PuertasRFOE #comprehension #forensics #performance #recognition #towards
Towards a Better Understanding of the Performance of Latent Fingerprint Recognition in Realistic Forensic Conditions (MP, DR, JF, JOG, NE), pp. 1638–1641.
KDDKDD-2010-TangAOM #empirical #framework #performance
Overlapping experiment infrastructure: more, better, faster experimentation (DT, AA, DO, MM), pp. 17–26.
KDIRKDIR-2010-ViswanathBK #classification #nearest neighbour #performance #set
A Method to Generate a Reduced Training Set for Faster and Better Nearest Neighbor Classification (PV, VSB, TNK), pp. 232–236.
KEODKEOD-2010-KouOZKMIO #comprehension #development #ontology
Development of Fundamental Technologies for Better Understanding of Clinical Medical Ontologies (HK, MO, JZ, KK, RM, TI, KO), pp. 235–240.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-WangL #multi #summary
Many are better than one: improving multi-document summarization via weighted consensus (DW, TL), pp. 809–810.
Better science through art (RPG, KJS), pp. 885–900.
ICSEICSE-2010-ChenM #approach #evolution #monitoring #requirements #safety #towards
Towards better support for the evolution of safety requirements via the model monitoring approach (ZC, GM), pp. 219–222.
ICSEICSE-2010-DeLineR #development #towards
Code canvas: zooming towards better development environments (RD, KR), pp. 207–210.
Cashing in on hints for better prefetching and caching in PVFS and MPI-IO (CMP, MTK, MK, SWS, ANC), pp. 191–202.
ICSTICST-2010-Arcuri10a #sequence #testing
Longer is Better: On the Role of Test Sequence Length in Software Testing (AA), pp. 469–478.
DATEDATE-2009-ChambersMV #generative #performance #satisfiability
Faster SAT solving with better CNF generation (BC, PM, DV), pp. 1590–1595.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-RosslingK #education
Extending moodle to better support computing education (GR, AK), pp. 146–150.
ICSMEICSM-2009-PletcherH #api #code completion #named #usability
BCC: Enhancing code completion for better API usability (DMP, DH), pp. 393–394.
ICSMEICSM-2009-XieCN #comprehension #empirical #evolution #open source #towards
Towards a better understanding of software evolution: An empirical study on open source software (GX, JC, IN), pp. 51–60.
ICALPICALP-v1-2009-Coja-Oghlan #algorithm #random #satisfiability
A Better Algorithm for Random k-SAT (ACO), pp. 292–303.
SEFMSEFM-2009-Chalin #verification
Adjusted Verification Rules for Loops Are More Complete and Give Better Diagnostics for Less (PC), pp. 317–324.
CHICHI-2009-VoidaG09a #named
WikiFolders: augmenting the display of folders to better convey the meaning of files (SV, SG), pp. 1679–1682.
CHICHI-2009-VoidaM #case study #experience
It feels better than filing: everyday work experiences in an activity-based computing system (SV, EDM), pp. 259–268.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-AgarwalP #how #interface #usability
Building on the Usability Study: Two Explorations on How to Better Understand an Interface (AA, MP), pp. 385–394.
HCIOCSC-2009-DesurvireW #design #game studies #heuristic #usability
Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration (HD, CW), pp. 557–566.
CIKMCIKM-2009-LiuZSNW #clustering #documentation #query #ranking
Clustering queries for better document ranking (YL, LZ, RS, JYN, JRW), pp. 1569–1572.
CIKMCIKM-2009-PasternackR #learning
Learning better transliterations (JP, DR), pp. 177–186.
CIKMCIKM-2009-VyasPC #editing #set
Helping editors choose better seed sets for entity set expansion (VV, PP, EC), pp. 225–234.
MLDMMLDM-2009-QureshiZ #quality #using
Using Resampling Techniques for Better Quality Discretization (TQ, DAZ), pp. 68–81.
RERE-2009-KnaussSS #heuristic #learning #requirements
Learning to Write Better Requirements through Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS, KS), pp. 387–388.
SOSPSOSP-2009-ConditNFILBC #memory management #persistent
Better I/O through byte-addressable, persistent memory (JC, EBN, CF, EI, BCL, DB, DC), pp. 133–146.
CAVCAV-2009-BloemCHJ #quality #synthesis
Better Quality in Synthesis through Quantitative Objectives (RB, KC, TAH, BJ), pp. 140–156.
ICLPICLP-2009-BroechelerSS #logic programming #probability #query #source code #using
Using Histograms to Better Answer Queries to Probabilistic Logic Programs (MB, GIS, VSS), pp. 40–54.
ISSTAISSTA-2009-BravenboerS #analysis #exception #points-to
Exception analysis and points-to analysis: better together (MB, YS), pp. 1–12.
TAPTAP-2009-Gladisch #contract #invariant #question
Could We Have Chosen a Better Loop Invariant or Method Contract? (CG), pp. 74–89.
DocEngDocEng-2008-GormishWPH #approach #distributed #documentation #flexibility #metadata #security
Document logs: a distributed approach to metadata for better security and flexibility (MJG, GW, KWP, PH), pp. 119–122.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS1-2008-Yang #flexibility #information management
Better IT Governance for Organizations — A Model for Improving Flexibility and Capabilities of Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) through EA and BPR under e-Business Environment (JY), pp. 30–41.
RecSysRecSys-2008-KrishnanNNDK #online #predict #recommendation
Who predicts better?: results from an online study comparing humans and an online recommender system (VK, PKN, MN, RTD, JAK), pp. 211–218.
PPDPPPDP-2008-MarionP #complexity #polynomial
Characterizations of polynomial complexity classes with a better intensionality (JYM, RP), pp. 79–88.
SACSAC-2008-GiorgiB #performance
Filtering drowsy instruction cache to achieve better efficiency (RG, PB), pp. 1554–1555.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-CastroCM #debugging #privacy
Better bug reporting with better privacy (MC, MC, JPM), pp. 319–328.
CAVCAV-2008-Larus #design #named
Singularity: Designing Better Software (Invited Talk) (JRL), pp. 1–2.
RTARTA-2008-BoichutCHK #abstraction #approximate #refinement
Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations (YB, RC, PCH, OK), pp. 48–62.
HTHT-2007-Al-KhalifaD #comprehension #folksonomy #towards
Towards better understanding of folksonomic patterns (HSAK, HCD), pp. 163–166.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-GrustRT #off the shelf #why #xpath
Why off-the-shelf RDBMSs are better at XPath than you might expect (TG, JR, JT), pp. 949–958.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-MutoI #how #user interface
How New Technologies Can Help Create Better UI’s for Medical Devices (WHM, EWI), pp. 499–507.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-MorganWKP #information management #performance
Harder to Access, Better Performance? The Effects of Information Access Cost on Strategy and Performance (PLM, SMW, SLK, JP), pp. 115–125.
KDDKDD-2007-ParkP #collaboration #ranking
Applying collaborative filtering techniques to movie search for better ranking and browsing (STP, DMP), pp. 550–559.
RecSysRecSys-2007-UmyarovT #recommendation
Leveraging aggregate ratings for better recommendations (AU, AT), pp. 161–164.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-Koster #consistency #quality #using
Using portfolio theory for better and more consistent quality (KK), pp. 108–117.
ICSTSAT-2007-DershowitzHN #comprehension #satisfiability #towards
Towards a Better Understanding of the Functionality of a Conflict-Driven SAT Solver (ND, ZH, AN), pp. 287–293.
ICSTSAT-2007-Prestwich #dependence
Variable Dependency in Local Search: Prevention Is Better Than Cure (SDP), pp. 107–120.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-BallK #approximate #source code
Better Under-Approximation of Programs by Hiding Variables (TB, OK), pp. 314–328.
DATEDATE-2006-AhmedM #design #performance #uml #using
Faster exploration of high level design alternatives using UML for better partitions (WA, DM), pp. 579–580.
DATEDATE-2006-ChaiK #detection #symmetry
Building a better Boolean matcher and symmetry detector (DC, AK), pp. 1079–1084.
Engineering better voting systems (BH), pp. 56–58.
PLDIPLDI-2006-Grimm #composition #syntax
Better extensibility through modular syntax (RG), pp. 38–51.
ICALPICALP-v1-2006-GargK #algorithm
Better Algorithms for Minimizing Average Flow-Time on Related Machines (NG, AK), pp. 181–190.
ICALPICALP-v1-2006-KhotP #clique
Better Inapproximability Results for MaxClique, Chromatic Number and Min-3Lin-Deletion (SK, AKP), pp. 226–237.
SEFMSEFM-2006-NguyenS #aspect-oriented #protocol
VPA-Based Aspects: Better Support for AOP over Protocols (DHN, MS), pp. 167–176.
CSCWCSCW-2006-YankelovichKPWD #question
Improving audio conferencing: are two ears better than one? (NY, JK, JP, MW, JMD), pp. 333–342.
CIKMCIKM-2006-CaoNB #documentation #markov #modelling #query
Constructing better document and query models with markov chains (GC, JYN, JB), pp. 800–801.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-SunYMW #energy #segmentation
Better Foreground Segmentation for Static Cameras via New Energy Form and Dynamic Graph-cut (YS, BY, ZM, CW), pp. 49–52.
KRKR-2006-BoothMW #how
A Bad Day Surfing Is Better than a Good Day Working: How to Revise a Total Preorder (RB, TAM, KSW), pp. 230–238.
SEKESEKE-2006-SunSADH #analysis #design #formal method #middleware #modelling
Achieving a Better Middleware Design through Formal Modeling and Analysis (WS, TS, GAG, YD, XH), pp. 463–468.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-SmuckerA06a #documentation #modelling #retrieval
Lightening the load of document smoothing for better language modeling retrieval (MDS, JA), pp. 699–700.
GPCEGPCE-2006-Weimer #debugging
Patches as better bug reports (WW), pp. 181–190.
POPLPOPL-2006-Odersky #component #empirical #question #scala
The Scala experiment: can we provide better language support for component systems? (MO), pp. 166–167.
ICSEICSE-2006-CeballosG #analysis #performance
P2P file sharing analysis for a better performance (MRC, JLG), pp. 941–944.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-YorshBS #abstraction #exclamation #proving #testing #theorem proving
Testing, abstraction, theorem proving: better together! (GY, TB, MS), pp. 145–156.
ASEASE-2005-CassO #design #performance #process
Process support to help novices design software faster and better (AGC, LJO), pp. 295–299.
DACDAC-2005-BrennerS #algorithm #performance
Faster and better global placement by a new transportation algorithm (UB, MS), pp. 591–596.
TACASTACAS-2005-Genest #composition #sequence chart
Compositional Message Sequence Charts (CMSCs) Are Better to Implement Than MSCs (BG), pp. 429–444.
CIAACIAA-2005-GarciaRCA #learning #question
Is Learning RFSAs Better Than Learning DFAs? (PG, JR, AC, GIA), pp. 343–344.
ICALPICALP-2005-Karakostas #approximate #problem
A Better Approximation Ratio for the Vertex Cover Problem (GK), pp. 1043–1050.
CIKMCIKM-2005-BotWCL #automation #classification #concept #documentation #generative #using
Generating better concept hierarchies using automatic document classification (RSB, YfBW, XC, QL), pp. 281–282.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #clustering #modelling #pseudo #using
Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
RERE-2005-EasterbrookYAFHLQ #case study #concept #modelling
Do Viewpoints Lead to Better Conceptual Models? An Exploratory Case Study (SME, ESKY, JA, YF, JH, ML, RAQ), pp. 199–208.
RERE-2005-Robertson #requirements
Exemplars for Better Requirements — Tales from the Trenches (SR), p. 5.
VMCAIVMCAI-2005-LatvalaBHJ #bound #ltl #model checking #performance
Simple Is Better: Efficient Bounded Model Checking for Past LTL (TL, AB, KH, TAJ), pp. 380–395.
DACDAC-2004-KahngR #concept #feedback
Placement feedback: a concept and method for better min-cut placements (ABK, SR), pp. 357–362.
STOCSTOC-2004-Guruswami #question
Better extractors for better codes? (VG), pp. 436–444.
CIKMCIKM-2004-KangJC #automation #image #modelling
Regularizing translation models for better automatic image annotation (FK, RJ, JYC), pp. 350–359.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-MadsenSHL #recognition
Pruning The Vocabulary For Better Context Recognition (REM, SS, LKH, JL), pp. 483–488.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-HawkingUC #towards
Toward better weighting of anchors (DH, TU, NC), pp. 512–513.
STOCSTOC-2003-CharikarOP #algorithm #clustering #problem #streaming
Better streaming algorithms for clustering problems (MC, LO, RP), pp. 30–39.
STOCSTOC-2003-GuptaKR #algorithm #approximate #design #network
Simpler and better approximation algorithms for network design (AG, AK, TR), pp. 365–372.
DLTDLT-2003-HolzerK03a #automaton #nondeterminism
Flip-Pushdown Automata: Nondeterminism Is Better than Determinism (MH, MK), pp. 361–372.
ICALPICALP-2003-HolzerK #automaton
Flip-Pushdown Automata: k+1 Pushdown Reversals Are Better than k (MH, MK), pp. 490–501.
CHICHI-2003-BaileyK #design #multi #tool support
Are informal tools better?: comparing DEMAIS, pencil and paper, and authorware for early multimedia design (BPB, JAK), pp. 313–320.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-GoeppK #evolution #information management #problem #towards
Towards a Definition of the Key-Problems in Information System Evolution — Formulating Problems to Better Address Information System Projects (VG, FK), pp. 586–589.
ICMLICML-2003-LingY #ranking
Decision Tree with Better Ranking (CXL, RJY), pp. 480–487.
SEKESEKE-2003-MenziesLM #analysis #fault
Better Analysis of Defect Data at NASA (TM, RRL, ICM), pp. 607–611.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-TeevanK #analysis #development #empirical #exponential #probability #retrieval #using
Empirical development of an exponential probabilistic model for text retrieval: using textual analysis to build a better model (JT, DRK), pp. 18–25.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2002-AlmBEOS #c# #exclamation #set
You’d better set down for this!: creating a set type for CS1 & CS2 in C# (JA, RB, SE, CDO, AS), pp. 14–18.
FASEFASE-2002-KumarH #slicing #source code
Better Slicing of Programs with Jumps and Switches (SK, SH), pp. 96–112.
CIKMCIKM-2002-HamerlyE #algorithm #clustering
Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings (GH, CE), pp. 600–607.
ICMLICML-2002-DzeroskiZ #classification
Is Combining Classifiers Better than Selecting the Best One (SD, BZ), pp. 123–130.
ICMLICML-2002-Seewald #how #performance
How to Make Stacking Better and Faster While Also Taking Care of an Unknown Weakness (AKS), pp. 554–561.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ZivkovicH #convergence
Better Features to Track by Estimating the Tracking Convergence Region (ZZ, FvdH), pp. 635–638.
SEKESEKE-2002-BaresiDMP #debugging
Assertions to better specify the amazon bug (LB, GD, LM, PP), pp. 585–592.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-DumaisBBLN #question #web
Web question answering: is more always better? (STD, MB, EB, JJL, AYN), pp. 291–298.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-DziadoszC #question #web
Do thumbnail previews help users make better relevance decisions about web search results? (SD, RC), pp. 365–366.
ECOOPECOOP-2002-Filman #encoding
Polychotomic Encoding: A Better Quasi-Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies (REF), pp. 545–561.
PADLPADL-2002-Kiselyov #functional #parsing #programming #xml
A Better XML Parser through Functional Programming (OK), pp. 209–224.
ASEASE-2001-MenziesK #process #re-engineering #reasoning
Better Reasoning About Software Engineering Activities (TM, JDK), pp. 391–394.
DATEDATE-2001-LechnerRH #comprehension #requirements #towards
Towards a better understanding of failure modes and test requirements of ADCs (AL, AR, BH), p. 803.
CHICHI-2001-CarrollR #community #network
Better home shopping or new democracy? evaluating community network outcomes (JMC, MBR), pp. 372–379.
KDDKDD-2001-BeygelzimerPM #category theory #dataset #performance #scalability #visualisation
Fast ordering of large categorical datasets for better visualization (AB, CSP, SM), pp. 239–244.
DATEDATE-2000-Veelenturf #embedded #reliability #tool support
The Road to Better Reliability and Yield Embedded DfM Tools (KV), pp. 67–68.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure (MKM, GB, IN, AS, PEL), p. 184–?.
STOCSTOC-2000-FiatM #algorithm
Better algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and applications (AF, MM), pp. 725–734.
ICEISICEIS-2000-GeneroPCS #database #metric #quality
Measures to Get Better Quality Databases (MG, MP, CC, MAS), pp. 49–55.
FSEFSE-2000-Chu-CarrollS #collaboration #configuration management #named
Coven: brewing better collaboration through software configuration management (MCC, SS), pp. 88–97.
ICLPCL-2000-Hofstedt #communication
Better Communication for Tighter Cooperation (PH), pp. 342–358.
LICSLICS-2000-AbdullaN #infinity #performance #verification
Better is Better than Well: On Efficient Verification of Infinite-State Systems (PAA, AN), pp. 132–140.
CHICHI-1999-HarrisH #design
A Better Mythology for System Design (JH, DAHJ), pp. 88–95.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Cierjacks #question
Acquiring Tasks: A Better Way Than Asking? (MC), pp. 1194–1198.
CAiSECAiSE-1999-PrakashS #heuristic #modelling #quality
Modelling Method Heuristics for Better Quality Products (NP, RS), pp. 429–433.
Making Better Use of Global Discretization (EF, IHW), pp. 115–123.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-Eastman #internet #precise
30, 000 Hits may be Better than 300: Precision Anomalies in Internet Searches (poster abstract) (CME), pp. 313–314.
ICLPICLP-1999-CaseauJL #algorithm #named #set
CLAIRE: Combining Sets, Search, and Rules to Better Express Algorithms (YC, FXJ, FL), pp. 245–259.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-LeungN #case study #learning #library #web
Does World Wide Web provide better resources than library for learning — a case study (poster) (RMWL, EMWN), p. 290.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-Ersavas #development #experience #towards
RASEing Towards a Better Systems Development Tool: The Snowball Experience (TE), p. 203–?.
ICSEICSE-1998-KontioPS #contract #development #specification #towards
Towards Better Software Projects and Contracts: Commitment Specifications in Software Development Projects (JK, OP, RS), pp. 486–489.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1997-Makkonen #collaboration #hypermedia #learning #question
Does collaborative hypertext support better engagement in learning of the basics in informatics? (PM), pp. 130–132.
STOCSTOC-1997-Albers #bound #online #scheduling
Better Bounds for Online Scheduling (SA), pp. 130–139.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-NorrisW #performance #question #video
Supporting Task Performance: Is Text or Video Better? (BEN, WBLW), pp. 647–650.
ICMLICML-1997-SchefferGD #why
Why Experimentation can be better than “Perfect Guidance” (TS, RG, CD), pp. 331–339.
POPLPOPL-1997-PlezbertC #question
Is “Just in Time” = “Better Late than Never”? (MPP, RC), pp. 120–131.
SACSAC-1997-ChungP #algorithm #problem #question #representation #search-based #why
Why is problem-dependent and high-level representation scheme better in a genetic algorithm? (SC, RP), pp. 239–246.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-RaoBG #query
Providing Better Support for a Class of Decision Support Queries (SR, AB, DVG), pp. 217–227.
REICRE-1996-DeMarco #question #requirements #why
Requirements Engineering: Why Aren’t We Better at It? (TD), pp. 2–3.
DACDAC-1995-AlpertY #clustering
Spectral Partitioning: The More Eigenvectors, The Better (CJA, SZY), pp. 195–200.
PLDIPLDI-1995-AikenFL #analysis #higher-order #memory management
Better Static Memory Management: Improving Region-Based Analysis of Higher-Order Languages (AA, MF, RL), pp. 174–185.
PPDPPLILP-1995-ChinK #deforestation
Better Consumers for Deforestation (Extended Abstract) (WNC, SCK), pp. 223–240.
Two heads are better than two tapes (TJ, JIS, PMBV), pp. 668–675.
LISPLFP-1994-DeanC #towards #using
Towards Better Inlining Decisions Using Inlining Trials (JD, CC), pp. 273–282.
ICMLICML-1994-RachlinKSA #comprehension #reasoning #towards
Towards a Better Understanding of Memory-based Reasoning Systems (JR, SK, SS, DWA), pp. 242–250.
DACDAC-1993-AlpertK #clustering #geometry #multi #performance
Geometric Embeddings for Faster and Better Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning (CJA, ABK), pp. 743–748.
ICMLICML-1993-VanLehnJ #problem
Better Learners Use Analogical Problem Solving Sparingly (KV, RMJ), pp. 338–345.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-HaynesM #question #smalltalk
“C++ is Better Than Smalltalk”?? (PH, TM), pp. 75–82.
Net Partitions Yield Better Module Partitions (JC, LWH, ABK), pp. 47–52.
HTHT-ECHT-1992-MarmannS #authoring #hypermedia #towards
Towards a Better Support for Hypermedia Authoring: The HYDESIGN Model (MM, GS), pp. 232–241.
CHICHI-1992-MynattLIFR #hypermedia #question
Hypertext or Book: Which is Better for Answering Questions? (BTM, LML, KI, JF, DSR), pp. 19–25.
ICALPICALP-1991-BodlaenderK #algorithm #graph
Better Algorithms for the Pathwidth and Treewidth of Graphs (HLB, TK), pp. 544–555.
FPCAFPCA-1991-ConselD #data flow
For a Better Support of Static Data Flow (CC, OD), pp. 496–519.
ICLPNACLP-1990-Sagiv #question
Is There Anything Better than Magic? (YS), pp. 235–254.
ICMLML-1989-GamsK #empirical #learning
New Empirical Learning Mechanisms Perform Significantly Better in Real Life Domains (MG, AK), pp. 99–103.
DACDAC-1988-Savir #design #verification #why
Why Partial Design Verification Works Better Than It Should (JS), pp. 704–707.
STOCSTOC-1987-MaassSS #turing machine
Two Tapes Are Better than One for Off-Line Turing Machines (WM, GS, ES), pp. 94–100.
Is Bigger Better? The Effects of Display Size on Program Reading (JFR, BS), pp. 113–122.
LISPLFP-1984-Lieberman #debugging #lisp #tool support #towards
Steps Toward Better Debugging Tools for Lisp (HL), pp. 247–255.
LISPLFP-1984-Wadler #evaluation #garbage collection #lazy evaluation
Listlessness is Better than Laziness: Lazy Evaluation and Garbage Collection at Compile Time (PW), pp. 45–52.
STOCSTOC-1982-DurisG #nondeterminism
Two Tapes are Better than One for Nondeterministic Machines (PD, ZG), pp. 1–7.
STOCSTOC-1982-MehlhornS #distributed
Las Vegas Is better than Determinism in VLSI and Distributed Computing (Extended Abstract) (KM, EMS), pp. 330–337.
STOCSTOC-1981-DurisG #automaton
Fooling a Two-Way Automaton or One Pushdown Store Is Better Than One Counter for Two Way Machines (Preliminary Version) (PD, ZG), pp. 177–188.
ICSEICSE-1976-MannaW #correctness #proving
Is “Sometime” Sometimes Better Than “Always”? Intermittent Assertions in Proving Program Correctness (ZM, RJW), pp. 32–39.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.