Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × USA
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
A.Herschtal H.L.Ferrá A.Kowalczyk
Talks about:
use (3) unlabel (2) cluster (2) classif (2) text (2) data (2) gradient (1) purchas (1) product (1) predict (1)
Person: Bhavani Raskutti
DBLP: Raskutti:Bhavani
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KDD-2005-RaskuttiH #predict
- Predicting the product purchase patterns of corporate customers (BR, AH), pp. 469–478.
- ICML-2004-HerschtalR #optimisation #using
- Optimising area under the ROC curve using gradient descent (AH, BR).
- ICML-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #clustering #parametricity #using
- Using Unlabelled Data for Text Classification through Addition of Cluster Parameters (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 514–521.
- KDD-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #clustering #using
- Combining clustering and co-training to enhance text classification using unlabelled data (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 620–625.