Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Germany
1 × Lithuania
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Marchetto A.Trentini C.Ghezzi M.Felder V.Lonati D.Malchiodi M.Monga A.Morpurgo M.Torelli
Talks about:
web (3) applic (2) test (2) uml (2) challeng (1) approach (1) student (1) perform (1) italian (1) analysi (1)
Person: Carlo Bellettini
DBLP: Bellettini:Carlo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ITiCSE-2015-BellettiniLMMMT #analysis #how #performance #student
- How Challenging are Bebras Tasks?: An IRT Analysis Based on the Performance of Italian Students (CB, VL, DM, MM, AM, MT), pp. 27–32.
- SAC-2005-BellettiniMT #named #testing #web
- TestUml: user-metrics driven web applications testing (CB, AM, AT), pp. 1694–1698.
- SAC-2004-BellettiniMT #named #reverse engineering #web
- WebUml: reverse engineering of web applications (CB, AM, AT), pp. 1662–1669.
- ESEC-1993-GhezziFB #overview #realtime #specification #verification
- Real-Time Systems: A Survey of Approaches to Formal Specification and Verification (CG, MF, CB), pp. 11–36.