4968 papers:
CBSE-2015-DanielsPCJH #component #low cost #metadata #named #pervasive- Refraction: Low-Cost Management of Reflective Meta-Data in Pervasive Component-Based Applications (WD, JP, DC, WJ, DH), pp. 27–36.
CBSE-2015-EscoffierLG #component #mobile- A Component Model to Manage the Heterogeneity and Dynamism in Mobile Applications (CE, PL, OG), pp. 85–90.
CBSE-2015-MouelhiACM #behaviour #component #contract #design #object-oriented #using- Object-Oriented Component-Based Design using Behavioral Contracts: Application to Railway Systems (SM, KA, SC, HM), pp. 49–58.
ECSA-2015-AgrawalP #adaptation #framework #towards #using #web- Towards a Framework for Building Adaptive App-Based Web Applications Using Dynamic Appification (AA, TVP), pp. 37–44.
ECSA-2015-RostWNLS #agile #architecture #case study #development #experience #industrial- Distilling Best Practices for Agile Development from Architecture Methodology — Experiences from Industrial Application (DR, BW, MN, TL, HS), pp. 259–267.
QoSA-2015-DurisicST #architecture #identification #set #standard- Identifying Optimal Sets of Standardized Architectural Features: A Method and its Automotive Application (DD, MS, MT), pp. 103–112.
QoSA-2015-WuLG #architecture #modelling #performance- Exploring Performance Models of Hadoop Applications on Cloud Architecture (XW, YL, IG), pp. 93–101.
WICSA-2015-BarnettVT #architecture #concept #mobile- A Conceptual Model for Architecting Mobile Applications (SB, RV, AT), pp. 105–114.
CASE-2015-AcarS #design #fault- Discrete event supervisor design and application for manufacturing systems with arbitrary faults and repairs (ANA, KWS), pp. 825–830.
CASE-2015-BjorkenstamCL- Exploiting sparsity in the discrete mechanics and optimal control method with application to human motion planning (SB, JSC, BL), pp. 769–774.
CASE-2015-Ellery #3d #self- Notes on extraterrestrial applications of 3D-printing with regard to self-replicating machines (AE), pp. 930–935.
CASE-2015-GiulianiC #optimisation #problem- Derivative-free optimization with use of problem structure: Applications to oil production (CMG, EC), pp. 764–768.
CASE-2015-KaoLJ #mobile- Application of potential field method and optimal path planning to mobile robot control (CCK, CML, JGJ), pp. 1552–1554.
CASE-2015-KruseW #predict- Application of the Smith-Åström Predictor to robot force control (DK, JTW), pp. 383–388.
CASE-2015-SenfeldsVMB #approach #industrial- Power smoothing approach within industrial DC microgrid with supercapacitor storage for robotic manufacturing application (AS, MV, DM, OB), pp. 1333–1338.
CASE-2015-ShiK #realtime- Real-time grasping planning for robotic bin-picking and kitting applications (JS, GSK), pp. 1632–1637.
CASE-2015-TanakaM #algorithm #bound #problem #strict- Dominance properties for the unrestricted block relocation problem and their application to a branch-and-bound algorithm (ST, FM), pp. 509–514.
DAC-2015-ChenH #equivalence #logic #probability- Equivalence among stochastic logic circuits and its application (THC, JPH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-GanapathyKTB #fault- Mitigating the impact of faults in unreliable memories for error-resilient applications (SG, GK, AT, AB), p. 6.
DAC-2015-GuSZCH #embedded #memory management #performance- Area and performance co-optimization for domain wall memory in application-specific embedded systems (SG, EHMS, QZ, YC, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-KehrQBS #communication #execution #legacy #manycore #parallel- Parallel execution of AUTOSAR legacy applications on multicore ECUs with timed implicit communication (SK, EQ, BB, GS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-MaoHCL #named- VWS: a versatile warp scheduler for exploring diverse cache localities of GPGPU applications (MM, JH, YC, HL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-PanthSDL #3d #clustering #mobile #power management #trade-off- Tier-partitioning for power delivery vs cooling tradeoff in 3D VLSI for mobile applications (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-RoloffSHT #architecture #parallel #simulation- Execution-driven parallel simulation of PGAS applications on heterogeneous tiled architectures (SR, DS, FH, JT), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SumbulVZFP #design #in memory #synthesis- A synthesis methodology for application-specific logic-in-memory designs (HES, KV, QZ, FF, LP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YunPB #adaptation #named #parallel #runtime #self #thread- HARS: a heterogeneity-aware runtime system for self-adaptive multithreaded applications (JY, JP, WB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BarraganL #case study #feature model #using- Feature selection for alternate test using wrappers: application to an RF LNA case study (MJB, GL), pp. 1229–1232.
DATE-2015-ChungSS #identification- Identifying redundant inter-cell margins and its application to reducing routing congestion (WC, SS, YS), pp. 1659–1664.
DATE-2015-DubenSPYAEPP #big data #case study #energy #performance- Opportunities for energy efficient computing: a study of inexact general purpose processors for high-performance and big-data applications (PDD, JS, P, SY, JA, CCE, KVP, TNP), pp. 764–769.
DATE-2015-HamdiouiXNTBCJC #architecture #data-driven #in memory- Memristor based computation-in-memory architecture for data-intensive applications (SH, LX, HADN, MT, KB, HC, HJ, FC, DW, LE, JvL), pp. 1718–1725.
DATE-2015-HanFNQ #energy #fault tolerance #multi #scheduling- Energy minimization for fault tolerant scheduling of periodic fixed-priority applications on multiprocessor platforms (QH, MF, LN, GQ), pp. 830–835.
DATE-2015-JiaoMD #reasoning #synthesis- Knowledge-intensive, causal reasoning for analog circuit topology synthesis in emergent and innovative applications (FJ, SM, AD), pp. 1144–1149.
DATE-2015-KanounS #big data #concept #data type #detection #learning #online #scheduling #streaming- Big-data streaming applications scheduling with online learning and concept drift detection (KK, MvdS), pp. 1547–1550.
DATE-2015-KapadiaP #adaptation #named #parallel #scheduling- VARSHA: variation and reliability-aware application scheduling with adaptive parallelism in the dark-silicon era (NAK, SP), pp. 1060–1065.
DATE-2015-KobbeBH #adaptation #modelling #on the fly #performance- Adaptive on-the-fly application performance modeling for many cores (SK, LB, JH), pp. 730–735.
DATE-2015-LezosDM #analysis #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse- Reuse distance analysis for locality optimization in loop-dominated applications (CL, GD, KM), pp. 1237–1240.
DATE-2015-MajumderPK #architecture #biology #manycore- On-chip network-enabled many-core architectures for computational biology applications (TM, PPP, AK), pp. 259–264.
DATE-2015-PaoneRPZSS #constraints #framework #performance- Customization of OpenCL applications for efficient task mapping under heterogeneous platform constraints (EP, FR, GP, VZ, IS, CS), pp. 736–741.
DATE-2015-PoplavkoSBBB #execution #modelling #multi #realtime- Models for deterministic execution of real-time multiprocessor applications (PP, DS, PB, SB, MB), pp. 1665–1670.
DATE-2015-RawatS #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #manycore #memory management #thread- Enabling multi-threaded applications on hybrid shared memory manycore architectures (TR, AS), pp. 742–747.
DATE-2015-RuizMK #approach #reuse- Systematic application of ISO 26262 on a SEooC: Support by applying a systematic reuse approach (AR, AM, TK), pp. 393–396.
DATE-2015-SamieBHH #multi #online- Online binding of applications to multiple clock domains in shared FPGA-based systems (FS, LB, CMH, JH), pp. 25–30.
DATE-2015-SenniBTSGM- Potential applications based on NVM emerging technologies (SS, RMB, LT, GS, AG, BM), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2015-SporrerBVMRMBBP #array #smarttech- Integrated CMOS receiver for wearable coil arrays in MRI applications (BS, LB, CV, AM, JR, JM, DOB, TB, KPP, GT, QH), pp. 1689–1694.
DATE-2015-TangXLLCWY #network #question- Spiking neural network with RRAM: can we use it for real-world application? (TT, LX, BL, RL, YC, YW, HY), pp. 860–865.
DATE-2015-TchagouTMVSQ #multi #testing- Reducing trace size in multimedia applications endurance tests (SVET, AT, JFM, BV, MS, RQ), pp. 984–985.
DATE-2015-ThangamuthuCCL #analysis #network- Analysis of ethernet-switch traffic shapers for in-vehicle networking applications (ST, NC, PJLC, JJL), pp. 55–60.
DATE-2015-ZhangYWLC #design #logic #power management- Giant spin hall effect (GSHE) logic design for low power application (YZ, BY, WW, HL, YC), pp. 1000–1005.
DATE-2015-ZhuCPP #manycore #named- TAPP: temperature-aware application mapping for NoC-based many-core processors (DZ, LC, TMP, MP), pp. 1241–1244.
DocEng-2015-AzevedoLS #3d #approach- An Approach to Convert NCL Applications into Stereoscopic 3D (RGDAA, GAFL, LFGS), pp. 177–186.
DocEng-2015-Sire #documentation #exclamation #web- Developing Web Applications with Document Engineering Technologies and Enjoying It! (SS), pp. 231–232.
DRR-2015-XuS- Missing value imputation: with application to handwriting data (ZX, SNS).
PODS-2015-Green #declarative #enterprise #named- LogiQL: A Declarative Language for Enterprise Applications (TJG), pp. 59–64.
PODS-2015-GuchtWWZ #communication #complexity #distributed #matrix #multi- The Communication Complexity of Distributed Set-Joins with Applications to Matrix Multiplication (DVG, RW, DPW, QZ), pp. 199–212.
SIGMOD-2015-BailisFFGHS #concurrent #empirical- Feral Concurrency Control: An Empirical Investigation of Modern Application Integrity (PB, AF, MJF, AG, JMH, IS), pp. 1327–1342.
SIGMOD-2015-DongS #challenge #modelling- Knowledge Curation and Knowledge Fusion: Challenges, Models and Applications (XLD, DS), pp. 2063–2066.
SIGMOD-2015-QiaoO #benchmark #metric #named #rdf- RBench: Application-Specific RDF Benchmarking (SQ, ZMÖ), pp. 1825–1838.
SIGMOD-2015-SahaSSVMC #framework #modelling- Apache Tez: A Unifying Framework for Modeling and Building Data Processing Applications (BS, HS, SS, GV, ACM, CC), pp. 1357–1369.
SIGMOD-2015-WangXLCH #grid #migration #smarttech- QMapper for Smart Grid: Migrating SQL-based Application to Hive (YW, YX, YL, JC, SH), pp. 647–658.
SIGMOD-2015-YuanWYC #big data #database #scalability- A Demonstration of Rubato DB: A Highly Scalable NewSQL Database System for OLTP and Big Data Applications (LYY, LW, JHY, YC), pp. 907–912.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhengWLCF #crowdsourcing #named- QASCA: A Quality-Aware Task Assignment System for Crowdsourcing Applications (YZ, JW, GL, RC, JF), pp. 1031–1046.
VLDB-2015-LiuDMM #named #realtime- FLORIN — A System to Support (Near) Real-Time Applications on User Generated Content on Daily News (QL, ECD, AM, WM), pp. 1944–1955.
VLDB-2015-OhKLM #memory management #mobile #optimisation- SQLite Optimization with Phase Change Memory for Mobile Applications (GO, SK, SWL, BM), pp. 1454–1465.
VLDB-2015-PhamTMFG #database- Sharing and Reproducing Database Applications (QP, ST, TM, ITF, BG), pp. 1988–1999.
ITiCSE-2015-ClarkPB #agile #development #student #web- An Experimental Project Course to Prepare Students for Agile Web Application Development (NKC, JMP, CDB), pp. 81–86.
ITiCSE-2015-SantosSFN #agile #development #framework #learning #mobile- Combining Challenge-Based Learning and Scrum Framework for Mobile Application Development (ARS, AS, PF, MN), pp. 189–194.
ESOP-2015-ChengR #detection #spreadsheet #static analysis- Static Analysis of Spreadsheet Applications for Type-Unsafe Operations Detection (TC, XR), pp. 26–52.
FASE-2015-DaniaC #modelling #reasoning- Model-Based Formal Reasoning about Data-Management Applications (CD, MC), pp. 218–232.
FASE-2015-LiuPL #energy #optimisation- Data-Oriented Characterization of Application-Level Energy Optimization (KL, GP, YDL), pp. 316–331.
ICPC-2015-CosmaM #component #comprehension #using #visual notation #web- Understanding web applications using component based visual patterns (DCC, PFM), pp. 281–284.
ICPC-2015-SohTAW #android #detection #user interface- Detecting clones in Android applications through analyzing user interfaces (CS, HBKT, YLA, LW), pp. 163–173.
ICPC-2015-WhiteVJBP #android #debugging #generative- Generating reproducible and replayable bug reports from Android application crashes (MW, MLV, PJ, CBC, DP), pp. 48–59.
ICSME-2015-FokaefsOS #evolution #named #rest #web- WSDarwin: A web application for the support of REST service evolution (MF, MO, ES), pp. 336–338.
ICSME-2015-GaoH #architecture #named #web- ArchFLoc: Locating and explaining architectural features in running web applications (YG, DH), pp. 333–335.
ICSME-2015-Hegedus #evolution #metric #quality #roadmap- Advances in software product quality measurement and its applications in software evolution (PH), pp. 590–593.
ICSME-2015-SneedV #reverse engineering #visual notation- Reverse engineering a visual age application (HMS, CV), pp. 487–496.
ICSME-2015-TianNLH #android #case study #what- What are the characteristics of high-rated apps? A case study on free Android Applications (YT, MN, DL, AEH), pp. 301–310.
MSR-2015-HashimotoTMM #effectiveness #fact extraction #optimisation #performance #predict- Extracting Facts from Performance Tuning History of Scientific Applications for Predicting Effective Optimization Patterns (MH, MT, TM, KM), pp. 13–23.
MSR-2015-KrutzMMRPFS #android #dataset #open source- A Dataset of Open-Source Android Applications (DEK, MM, SAM, AR, JP, AF, JS), pp. 522–525.
MSR-2015-RayNBNZ- The Uniqueness of Changes: Characteristics and Applications (BR, MN, CB, NN, TZ), pp. 34–44.
SANER-2015-EshkevariSCA #php #question- Are PHP applications ready for Hack? (LME, FDS, JRC, GA), pp. 63–72.
SANER-2015-LaverdiereBM #analysis #composition #graph #using- Taint analysis of manual service compositions using Cross-Application Call Graphs (MAL, BJB, EM), pp. 585–589.
SANER-2015-ZekanST #web- Protecting web applications via Unicode extension (BZ, MS, VT), pp. 419–428.
PLDI-2015-Sidiroglou-Douskos #automation #fault #multi- Automatic error elimination by horizontal code transfer across multiple applications (SSD, EL, FL, MR), pp. 43–54.
STOC-2015-AbdullahV #bound #difference- A Directed Isoperimetric Inequality with application to Bregman Near Neighbor Lower Bounds (AA, SV), pp. 509–518.
STOC-2015-AggarwalDKO #reduction- Non-malleable Reductions and Applications (DA, YD, TK, MO), pp. 459–468.
STOC-2015-BitanskyGLPT #encoding #random- Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications (NB, SG, HL, RP, ST), pp. 439–448.
STOC-2015-BravermanW #interactive- An Interactive Information Odometer and Applications (MB, OW), pp. 341–350.
CIAA-J-2013-Konstantinidis15 #automaton #implementation- Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2013) (SK), p. 1.
ICALP-v1-2015-BjorklundDH #exponential #problem #random #set #strict- The Parity of Set Systems Under Random Restrictions with Applications to Exponential Time Problems (AB, HD, TH), pp. 231–242.
ICALP-v1-2015-WeinsteinW #communication #data type- The Simultaneous Communication of Disjointness with Applications to Data Streams (OW, DPW), pp. 1082–1093.
LATA-2015-AutiliIMST #automation #specification #synthesis- Automated Synthesis of Application-Layer Connectors from Automata-Based Specifications (MA, PI, FM, RS, MT), pp. 3–24.
FM-2015-Hauck-Stattelmann #behaviour #industrial- Analyzing the Restart Behavior of Industrial Control Applications (SHS, SB, BS, SK, RJ), pp. 585–588.
FM-2015-KuritaIA #documentation #evolution #formal method #mobile #modelling- Practices for Formal Models as Documents: Evolution of VDM Application to “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware (TK, FI, KA), pp. 593–596.
ICFP-2015-Chlipala #compilation #functional #optimisation- An optimizing compiler for a purely functional web-application language (AC), pp. 10–21.
ICFP-2015-MatsudaW #bidirectional #lens #programming- Applicative bidirectional programming with lenses (KM, MW), pp. 62–74.
ICFP-2015-RendelTO #automation #pattern matching #problem- Automatic refunctionalization to a language with copattern matching: with applications to the expression problem (TR, JT, KO), pp. 269–279.
ICGT-2015-DyckG #induction #invariant- Inductive Invariant Checking with Partial Negative Application Conditions (JD, HG), pp. 237–253.
ICGT-2015-MachadoRH #evolution #graph transformation- Characterizing Conflicts Between Rule Application and Rule Evolution in Graph Transformation Systems (RM, LR, RH), pp. 171–186.
CHI-2015-BalaamCJSG #mobile #named #women- FeedFinder: A Location-Mapping Mobile Application for Breastfeeding Women (MB, RC, EJ, SS, ATG), pp. 1709–1718.
CHI-2015-BuschekLA #mobile #usability- Improving Accuracy, Applicability and Usability of Keystroke Biometrics on Mobile Touchscreen Devices (DB, ADL, FA), pp. 1393–1402.
CHI-2015-HoubenM #named #prototype #tool support- WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping Smartwatch-Centric Cross-Device Applications (SH, NM), pp. 1247–1256.
CHI-2015-McNaneyPVBZO #named #people #speech- LApp: A Speech Loudness Application for People with Parkinson’s on Google Glass (RM, IP, JV, MB, PZ, PO), pp. 497–500.
CHI-2015-MyersLLYFB #undo- Selective Undo Support for Painting Applications (BAM, AL, TML, YY, AF, JB), pp. 4227–4236.
CHI-2015-Reuter0KP #design #named #volunteer- XHELP: Design of a Cross-Platform Social-Media Application to Support Volunteer Moderators in Disasters (CR, TL, MAK, VP), pp. 4093–4102.
DHM-EH-2015-BonfantiGV #mobile- A Mobile Application for the Stereoacuity Test (SB, AG, AV), pp. 315–326.
DHM-EH-2015-KimRCMLAIS #mobile #usability- Usability of Mobile Applications Supporting Training in Diagnostic Decision-Making by Radiologists (MSK, AABR, MAC, MKM, KJL, MRA, KLI, VS), pp. 448–454.
DHM-EH-2015-LimaAIA #mobile- Mobile Application to Aid in the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers (AGL, LA, ICI, LVA), pp. 465–473.
DHM-HM-2015-SuzukiKTGH- An Investigation on Skillful Gel-Coat Techniques and its Application to Beginner’s Application (ES, TK, YT, AG, HH), pp. 182–191.
DUXU-DD-2015-FalcoZ #convergence #design #interface- Design Perspectives to the Design of Interfaces Connected and Convergent for T-Commerce Applications (MF, RZ), pp. 599–608.
DUXU-IXD-2015-AkerO #effectiveness #interactive #social #social media- Social Media Interactions and the Use of Third-Party Management Applications on Effectiveness and Perception of Information (ÇA, ÖÖ), pp. 3–12.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Celi #experience #learning #modelling #risk management #user interface- Application of Dashboards and Scorecards for Learning Models IT Risk Management: A User Experience (EC), pp. 153–165.
DUXU-IXD-2015-FernandesL #interface #internet #monitoring- An Internet of Things Application with an Accessible Interface for Remote Monitoring Patients (COF, CJPdL), pp. 651–661.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KurdiAAAAA #design #implementation #mobile- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Cloud Environmental Application for Riyadh City (HK, AAF, AAT, HAM, MAM, SAK), pp. 380–389.
DUXU-IXD-2015-LucenaMA #evolution #mobile #monitoring #named- MedData: A Mobile Application Designed for Medical Teams to Monitor Clinical Evolution of Inpatient in ICU Context (CAPdL, CRM, BAdA), pp. 672–681.
DUXU-UI-2015-BendoukhaMB #workflow- Building Cloud-Based Scientific Workflows Made Easy: A Remote Sensing Application (SB, DM, HB), pp. 277–288.
DUXU-UI-2015-CarvalhoP #design #user interface- Sound Design and UX: The Dynamic Audio Application Guide (LRC, ATCP), pp. 289–300.
DUXU-UI-2015-JoyceLBJ #evaluation #heuristic #smarttech #usability- Smartphone Application Usability Evaluation: The Applicability of Traditional Heuristics (GJ, ML, TB, AJ), pp. 541–550.
HCI-DE-2015-CaonACKM #health #interactive #smarttech- A Smartphone Application to Promote Affective Interaction and Mental Health (MC, LA, SC, OAK, EM), pp. 460–467.
HCI-DE-2015-HashizumeK #analysis #smarttech #usability- Analysis of Factors Influencing the Satisfaction of the Usability Evaluations in Smartphone Applications (AH, SK), pp. 194–201.
HCI-DE-2015-StopkaPF #concept #requirements- User Requirements for Intermodal Mobility Applications and Acceptance of Operating Concepts (US, RP, KF), pp. 415–425.
HCI-IT-2015-AlmeidaTRBFDSAC #multimodal- Giving Voices to Multimodal Applications (NA, AJST, AFR, DB, JF, MSD, SSS, JA, CC, NS), pp. 273–283.
HCI-IT-2015-AtroucheID #problem- A Mashup-Based Application for the Smart City Problematic (AA, DI, BD), pp. 683–694.
HCI-IT-2015-BakaevA #complexity #human-computer #optimisation #user interface- Defining and Optimizing User Interfaces Information Complexity for AI Methods Application in HCI (MB, TA), pp. 397–405.
HCI-UC-2015-AzhariF #approach #experience #social #social media #user interface #using- Using a Lexical Approach to Investigate User Experience of Social Media Applications (AA, XF), pp. 15–24.
HCI-UC-2015-FrauCT #mobile #predict #probability #prototype #visualisation- Graphic Visualization of Probabilistic Traffic/Trajectory Predictions in Mobile Applications. A First Prototype and Evaluations for General Aviation Purposes (GF, FDC, DT), pp. 154–164.
HCI-UC-2015-SpeiginerMBRLLB #artificial reality #evolution #framework #web- The Evolution of the Argon Web Framework Through Its Use Creating Cultural Heritage and Community-Based Augmented Reality Applications (GS, BM, JDB, HR, AJL, LML, LDB, MG, MS, BD, ME, RJC, EDM), pp. 112–124.
HIMI-IKC-2015-UjitokoH #interface #using- Application of the Locomotion Interface Using Anthropomorphic Finger Motion (YU, KH), pp. 666–674.
HIMI-IKD-2015-KashimAO #design #visual notation #web- Exploring Cultural Symbols in Nigeria for Contemporary Applications in Web Visual Design (IBK, OSA, SOO), pp. 215–225.
LCT-2015-Ai #automation #detection #fault #feedback #generative- Automatic Pronunciation Error Detection and Feedback Generation for CALL Applications (RA), pp. 175–186.
LCT-2015-DirinN #design #development #framework- Assessments of User Centered Design Framework for M-learning Application Development (AD, MN), pp. 62–74.
LCT-2015-KlockCCRAG #adaptation #concept #gamification #student- Gamification in e-Learning Systems: A Conceptual Model to Engage Students and Its Application in an Adaptive e-Learning System (ACTK, LFDC, MFdC, BER, AJA, IG), pp. 595–607.
AdaEurope-2015-DiazG #distributed #maintenance #middleware #open source #reliability #years after- Maintenance of Reliable Distributed Applications with Open-Source Middleware: Fifteen Years Later (MD, DG), pp. 116–128.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BozaCCA #internet- Internet of Things Applications in Production Systems (AB, BC, LC, FA), pp. 330–337.
ICEIS-v1-2015-MpindaMSR #database #graph #simulation #using- Graph Database Application using Neo4j — Railroad Planner Simulation (SATM, LGM, MTPS, MXR), pp. 399–403.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Roos-FrantzBFSF #concept #integration #modelling #petri net #simulation #using- Using Petri Nets to Enable the Simulation of Application Integration Solutions Conceptual Models (FRF, MB, RZF, SS, VBF), pp. 87–96.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SilvaBZ- Indirect Normative Conflict — Conflict that Depends on the Application Domain (VTdS, CB, JdOZ), pp. 452–461.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SirohiS #multitenancy #optimisation #performance #query #sql- Context-sensitive Indexes in RDBMS for Performance Optimization of SQL Queries in Multi-tenant/Multi-application Environments (AKS, VS), pp. 259–270.
ICEIS-v2-2015-FrancaS #named #quality- SOAQM: Quality Model for SOA Applications based on ISO 25010 (JMSF, MSS), pp. 60–70.
ICEIS-v2-2015-NetoKCBM #android #architecture #case study #design- Unveiling the Architecture and Design of Android Applications — An Exploratory Study (ECN, UK, RC, RB, LM), pp. 201–211.
ICEIS-v2-2015-RolimRLBSSG #novel #social #towards- Towards a Novel Engine to Underlie the Data Transmission of Social Urban Sensing Applications (COR, AGdMR, VRQL, GAB, TFMdS, AMS, CFRG), pp. 662–667.
ICEIS-v2-2015-VitolsBSSAS #multi- Multi-payment Solution for Smartlet Applications (GV, NB, JS, VS, IA, IS), pp. 668–673.
ICEIS-v3-2015-BauerBTR #analysis #flexibility #maintenance #repository- A SOA Repository with Advanced Analysis Capabilities — Improving the Maintenance and Flexibility of Service-Oriented Applications (TB, SB, JT, MR), pp. 238–248.
ICEIS-v3-2015-CruzV #architecture #enterprise #towards- Towards a Reference Enterprise Application Architecture for the Customer Relationship Management Domain (AC, AV), pp. 185–195.
ICEIS-v3-2015-KypriotakiZG #distributed #network #peer-to-peer- From Bitcoin to Decentralized Autonomous Corporations — Extending the Application Scope of Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks and Blockchains (KNK, EDZ, GMG), pp. 284–290.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NicastroPAMBT #approach #case study #guidelines #interface #mobile- A Semiotic-informed Approach to Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications — A Case Study on Phenology Data Acquisition (FN, RP, BA, LPCM, CB, RdST), pp. 34–43.
ICML-2015-Abbasi-YadkoriB #crowdsourcing #markov #problem #scalability- Large-Scale Markov Decision Problems with KL Control Cost and its Application to Crowdsourcing (YAY, PLB, XC, AM), pp. 1053–1062.
ICML-2015-BahadoriKFL #clustering #functional- Functional Subspace Clustering with Application to Time Series (MTB, DCK, YF, YL), pp. 228–237.
ICML-2015-HuangWSLC #classification #image #learning #metric #set #symmetry- Log-Euclidean Metric Learning on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifold with Application to Image Set Classification (ZH, RW, SS, XL, XC), pp. 720–729.
ICML-2015-SerrurierP #evaluation #learning- Entropy evaluation based on confidence intervals of frequency estimates : Application to the learning of decision trees (MS, HP), pp. 1576–1584.
ICML-2015-TheisH #probability #streaming- A trust-region method for stochastic variational inference with applications to streaming data (LT, MDH), pp. 2503–2511.
ICML-2015-WinnerBS- Inference in a Partially Observed Queuing Model with Applications in Ecology (KW, GB, DS), pp. 2512–2520.
KDD-2015-Agarwal #machine learning #scalability #statistics #web- Scaling Machine Learning and Statistics for Web Applications (DA), p. 1621.
KDD-2015-DuFASS #clustering #documentation #process- Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes with Applications to Clustering Continuous-Time Document Streams (ND, MF, AA, AJS, LS), pp. 219–228.
KDD-2015-HillMHTPT #online- Measuring Causal Impact of Online Actions via Natural Experiments: Application to Display Advertising (DNH, RM, AEH, VT, FJP, KT), pp. 1839–1847.
KDD-2015-KuoWWCYD #graph #multi #segmentation- Unified and Contrasting Cuts in Multiple Graphs: Application to Medical Imaging Segmentation (CTK, XW, PBW, OTC, JY, ID), pp. 617–626.
KDD-2015-MinorDC #algorithm #data-driven #evaluation #predict #process- Data-Driven Activity Prediction: Algorithms, Evaluation Methodology, and Applications (BM, JRD, DJC), pp. 805–814.
KDD-2015-OkumuraST #analysis #classification #incremental #linear #problem- Quick Sensitivity Analysis for Incremental Data Modification and Its Application to Leave-one-out CV in Linear Classification Problems (SO, YS, IT), pp. 885–894.
KDD-2015-Schleier-Smith #agile #architecture #machine learning #realtime- An Architecture for Agile Machine Learning in Real-Time Applications (JSS), pp. 2059–2068.
KDD-2015-WangZHSY #topic- Discerning Tactical Patterns for Professional Soccer Teams: An Enhanced Topic Model with Applications (QW, HZ, WH, ZS, YY), pp. 2197–2206.
RecSys-2015-Bourke #multi #recommendation- The Application of Recommender Systems in a Multi Site, Multi Domain Environment (SB), p. 229.
SEKE-2015-ChangCLT #design #framework- Application of Slow Intelligence Framework for Smart Pet Care System Design (SKC, WHC, WCL, CLT), pp. 51–56.
SEKE-2015-GomedeSB #approach #lifecycle- A Practical Approach to Software Continuous Delivery Focused on Application Lifecycle Management (EG, RTDS, RMdB), pp. 320–325.
SEKE-2015-Hori0TO #comparison #image #testing #web- An Oracle based on Image Comparison for Regression Testing of Web Applications (AH, ST, HT, MO), pp. 639–645.
SEKE-2015-LinHX #automation #framework #statistics #testing #user interface- An Automated Testing Framework for Statistical Testing of GUI Applications (LL, JH, YX), pp. 72–79.
SEKE-2015-LuoYZ #deployment #towards- Towards a Deployment System for Cloud Applications (RL, WY, SZ), pp. 122–127.
SEKE-2015-Martoglia #information management #named #semantics- AMBIT: Semantic Engine Foundations for Knowledge Management in Context-dependent Applications (RM), pp. 146–151.
SEKE-2015-PereiraRA #data access #database #distributed #stack- Secure, Dynamic and Distributed Access Control Stack for Database Applications (ÓMP, DDR, RLA), pp. 364–369.
SEKE-2015-QinMDJ #case study #modelling #safety- Study on the Accident-causing Model Based on Safety Region and Applications in China Railway Transportation System (YQ, HM, MD, LJ), pp. 528–535.
SEKE-2015-SongHJC #android #generative #testing- Generating various contexts from permissions for testing Android applications (KS, ARH, SJ, SDC), pp. 87–92.
SEKE-2015-XieCLC #evolution #internet #physics- An Evolution Mechanism for Dynamic Physical Applications in the Internet of Things (KX, HC, DL, LC), pp. 213–216.
SIGIR-2015-ChuklinMR #information retrieval #modelling #tutorial- Advanced Click Models and their Applications to IR: SIGIR 2015 Tutorial (AC, IM, MdR), pp. 1111–1112.
SIGIR-2015-SongNZAC #learning #multi #network #predict #social #volunteer- Multiple Social Network Learning and Its Application in Volunteerism Tendency Prediction (XS, LN, LZ, MA, TSC), pp. 213–222.
ECMFA-2015-RossiniLGN #comparison #modelling #multi- A Comparison of Two-Level and Multi-level Modelling for Cloud-Based Applications (AR, JdL, EG, NN), pp. 18–32.
MoDELS-2015-VallejoKMB #case study #reuse #symmetry- Improving reuse by means of asymmetrical model migrations: An application to the Orcc case study (PV, MK, KJMM, JPB), pp. 358–367.
ECOOP-2015-HauzarK #framework #php #static analysis- Framework for Static Analysis of PHP Applications (DH, JK), pp. 689–711.
ECOOP-2015-ParkR #javascript #precise #scalability #static analysis- Scalable and Precise Static Analysis of JavaScript Applications via Loop-Sensitivity (CP, SR), pp. 735–756.
Onward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #feedback #metric #runtime #using- Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
Onward-2015-LorenzR #in the cloud- Separation of powers in the cloud: where applications and users become peers (DHL, BR), pp. 76–89.
Onward-2015-MattisHRHA #performance- Columnar objects: improving the performance of analytical applications (TM, JH, PR, RH, MA), pp. 197–210.
OOPSLA-2015-BielikRV #android #concurrent #detection #scalability- Scalable race detection for Android applications (PB, VR, MTV), pp. 332–348.
OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegBKKM #incremental #type checking- A co-contextual formulation of type rules and its application to incremental type checking (SE, OB, EK, MK, MM), pp. 880–897.
OOPSLA-2015-HagueLO #approach #css #detection #html- Detecting redundant CSS rules in HTML5 applications: a tree rewriting approach (MH, AWL, CHLO), pp. 1–19.
OOPSLA-2015-JantzRKD #memory management- Cross-layer memory management for managed language applications (MRJ, FJR, PAK, KAD), pp. 488–504.
OOPSLA-2015-JensenMRDV #model checking- Stateless model checking of event-driven applications (CSJ, AM, VR, DD, MTV), pp. 57–73.
OOPSLA-2015-MadsenTL #javascript #static analysis- Static analysis of event-driven Node.js JavaScript applications (MM, FT, OL), pp. 505–519.
GPCE-2015-AlsharaSTBDS #component #inheritance #migration #object-oriented #scalability- Migrating large object-oriented Applications into component-based ones: instantiation and inheritance transformation (ZA, ADS, CT, HLB, CD, AS), pp. 55–64.
GPCE-2015-RingertRW #behaviour #code generation #tool support- Composing code generators for C&C ADLs with Application-specific behavior languages (tool demonstration) (JOR, BR, AW), pp. 113–116.
GPCE-2015-SelgradLKSL #generative #lightweight- Lightweight, generative variant exploration for high-performance graphics Applications (KS, AL, FK, MS, DL), pp. 141–150.
PADL-2015-FowlerDG #data flow- Reactive Single-Page Applications with Dynamic Dataflow (SF, LD, AG), pp. 58–73.
POPL-2015-Chlipala15a #case study #composition #interface #network #parallel #thread #verification #web- From Network Interface to Multithreaded Web Applications: A Case Study in Modular Program Verification (AC), pp. 609–622.
REFSQ-2015-CanchiD #functional #interactive #modelling #requirements- Functional Requirements Modelling for Interactive TV Applications (SC, JED), pp. 254–261.
SAC-2015-AmaralTMH #as a service #framework #internet #middleware- Cooperative middleware platform as a service for internet of things applications (LAA, RTT, EdM, FH), pp. 488–493.
SAC-2015-BassoMJV #architecture #design #evaluation #privacy #requirements #web- Requirements, design and evaluation of a privacy reference architecture for web applications and services (TB, RM, MJ, MV), pp. 1425–1432.
SAC-2015-ChaCBCYBC #framework #online #topic- A universal topic framework (UniZ) and its application in online search (YC, KhC, HB, YC, TWY, BB, JC), pp. 1078–1085.
SAC-2015-DAvanzoFGS #estimation #functional #metric #mobile- COSMIC functional measurement of mobile applications and code size estimation (LD, FF, CG, PS), pp. 1631–1636.
SAC-2015-DecatBLJ #as a service #data access #middleware #multitenancy #named #performance- Amusa: middleware for efficient access control management of multi-tenant SaaS applications (MD, JB, BL, WJ), pp. 2141–2148.
SAC-2015-FonsecaNRP #execution #parallel #realtime- A multi-DAG model for real-time parallel applications with conditional execution (JCF, VN, GR, LMP), pp. 1925–1932.
SAC-2015-GarciaPMR #process- A software process line for service-oriented applications (CG, MP, AM, SSR), pp. 1680–1687.
SAC-2015-HanHQY #clustering- Locality-preserving L1-graph and its application in clustering (SH, HH, HQ, DY), pp. 813–818.
SAC-2015-JesusVB #functional #testing #web- Leveraging task-based data to support functional testing of web applications (FRdJ, LGdV, LABJ), pp. 783–790.
SAC-2015-JuniorDOFB #performance #web- Handling flash-crowd events to improve the performance of web applications (UdPJ, LMdAD, DdO, YF, VCB), pp. 769–774.
SAC-2015-KambonaBM #middleware #named #realtime #scalability #web- Serena: scalable middleware for real-time web applications (KK, EGB, WDM), pp. 802–805.
SAC-2015-LiZL #mobile #network #personalisation #social- Integrating mobile sensing and social network for personalized health-care application (HL, QZ, KL), pp. 527–534.
SAC-2015-MongioviGFPT #analysis #approach #data flow #detection #hybrid #java- Combining static and dynamic data flow analysis: a hybrid approach for detecting data leaks in java applications (MM, GG, AF, GP, ET), pp. 1573–1579.
SAC-2015-Morelli #automation #generative #modelling- Automated generation of robotics applications from simulink and SysML models (MM), pp. 1948–1954.
SAC-2015-NaqviMRPHB #artificial reality #deployment #mobile- To cloud or not to cloud: a context-aware deployment perspective of augmented reality mobile applications (NZN, KM, AR, DP, DH, YB), pp. 555–562.
SAC-2015-RiccobeneS #adaptation #formal method #modelling #self- Formal modeling self-adaptive service-oriented applications (ER, PS), pp. 1704–1710.
SAC-2015-ShahriarH #approach #assessment #metric #risk management #security #web- Security assessment of clickjacking risks in web applications: metrics based approach (HS, HMH), pp. 791–797.
SAC-2015-ShahzadJKKKH #execution #in the cloud #mobile- Application-level task execution issues in mobile cloud computing (AS, HJ, PK, HK, BKK, JH), pp. 2285–2287.
SAC-2015-SoaresMV #multi- Controlling the focus and input events in multimedia applications (LFGS, MFM, ÁLVG), pp. 1278–1284.
SAC-2015-TriasCSM #migration #named #reverse engineering #tool support #web- RE-CMS: a reverse engineering toolkit for the migration to CMS-based web applications (FT, VdC, MLS, EM), pp. 810–812.
ESEC-FSE-2015-CitoLFG #development #empirical- The making of cloud applications: an empirical study on software development for the cloud (JC, PL, TF, HCG), pp. 393–403.
ESEC-FSE-2015-FratantonioMBKV #android #named- CLAPP: characterizing loops in Android applications (YF, AM, AB, CK, GV), pp. 687–697.
ESEC-FSE-2015-HammoudiBBR #debugging #on the #web- On the use of delta debugging to reduce recordings and facilitate debugging of web applications (MH, BB, GB, GR), pp. 333–344.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LiLWH #analysis #android #java #string- String analysis for Java and Android applications (DL, YL, MW, WGJH), pp. 661–672.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Moran #android #debugging- Enhancing Android application bug reporting (KM), pp. 1045–1047.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MoranVBP #android #debugging- Auto-completing bug reports for Android applications (KM, MLV, CBC, DP), pp. 673–686.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenKN #slicing #web- Cross-language program slicing for dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 369–380.
ESEC-FSE-2015-XuKB #ubiquitous #using- Using software theater for the demonstration of innovative ubiquitous applications (HX, SK, BB), pp. 894–897.
ICSE-v1-2015-FazziniSO #automation #csp #named #web- AutoCSP: Automatically Retrofitting CSP to Web Applications (MF, PS, AO), pp. 336–346.
ICSE-v1-2015-GopanDNNLM- Data-Delineation in Software Binaries and its Application to Buffer-Overrun Discovery (DG, ED, DN, DN, AL, DM), pp. 145–155.
ICSE-v1-2015-OcarizaP0 #consistency #detection #javascript #mvc #nondeterminism- Detecting Inconsistencies in JavaScript MVC Applications (FSOJ, KP, AM), pp. 325–335.
ICSE-v1-2015-OcteauLDJM #analysis #android #communication #component #constant- Composite Constant Propagation: Application to Android Inter-Component Communication Analysis (DO, DL, MD, SJ, PM), pp. 77–88.
ICSE-v1-2015-PhamNRR #named- Hercules: Reproducing Crashes in Real-World Application Binaries (VTP, WBN, KR, AR), pp. 891–901.
ICSE-v1-2015-YangYWWR #analysis #android #control flow- Static Control-Flow Analysis of User-Driven Callbacks in Android Applications (SY, DY, HW, YW, AR), pp. 89–99.
ICSE-v2-2015-ChenGSYH #energy #named #performance- StressCloud: A Tool for Analysing Performance and Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications (FC, JCG, JGS, YY, QH), pp. 721–724.
ICSE-v2-2015-ElliottPP #artificial reality #challenge #re-engineering- Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: Affordances, Applications, and Challenges (AE, BP, CP), pp. 547–550.
ICSE-v2-2015-Merwe #android #verification- Verification of Android Applications (HvdM), pp. 931–934.
ICSE-v2-2015-NguyenKN #embedded #ide #named #php #web- Varis: IDE Support for Embedded Client Code in PHP Web Applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 693–696.
ICSE-v2-2015-TannoZHS #automation #enterprise #generative #modelling #testing #tool support- TesMa and CATG: Automated Test Generation Tools for Models of Enterprise Applications (HT, XZ, TH, KS), pp. 717–720.
SPLC-2015-LanduytWJ #as a service #middleware #multitenancy #research #roadmap #variability- Variability middleware for multi-tenant SaaS applications: a research roadmap for service lines (DVL, SW, WJ), pp. 211–215.
ASPLOS-2015-NguyenWBFHX #big data #bound #compilation #named #runtime- FACADE: A Compiler and Runtime for (Almost) Object-Bounded Big Data Applications (KN, KW, YB, LF, JH, G(X), pp. 675–690.
CGO-2015-OhM #web- Snapshot-based loading-time acceleration for web applications (JO, SMM), pp. 179–189.
CGO-2015-ShresthaGMMF #concurrent #locality- Locality aware concurrent start for stencil applications (SS, GRG, JM, AM, JF), pp. 157–166.
HPCA-2015-ZhuHR #energy #mobile #scheduling #web- Event-based scheduling for energy-efficient QoS (eQoS) in mobile Web applications (YZ, MH, VJR), pp. 137–149.
HPDC-2015-BerrocalBDLC #data analysis #detection #lightweight #runtime- Lightweight Silent Data Corruption Detection Based on Runtime Data Analysis for HPC Applications (EB, LABG, SD, ZL, FC), pp. 275–278.
HPDC-2015-GamellTHMKCP- Exploring Failure Recovery for Stencil-based Applications at Extreme Scales (MG, KT, MAH, JM, HK, JC, MP), pp. 279–282.
HPDC-2015-KocoloskiL #memory management #multi #named #performance- XEMEM: Efficient Shared Memory for Composed Applications on Multi-OS/R Exascale Systems (BK, JRL), pp. 89–100.
HPDC-2015-RothMV #automation #communication #parallel- Automated Characterization of Parallel Application Communication Patterns (PCR, JSM, JSV), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2015-WahibM #automation #gpu #kernel #scalability- Automated GPU Kernel Transformations in Large-Scale Production Stencil Applications (MW, NM), pp. 259–270.
HPDC-2015-XiaoCHZ #cpu #gpu #monte carlo- Monte Carlo Based Ray Tracing in CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems and Applications in Radiation Therapy (KX, DZC, XSH, BZ), pp. 247–258.
LCTES-2015-BarijoughHKG #analysis #streaming #trade-off- Implementation-Aware Model Analysis: The Case of Buffer-Throughput Tradeoff in Streaming Applications (KMB, MH, VK, SG), p. 10.
LCTES-2015-StilkerichLES #analysis #embedded #realtime- A Practical Getaway: Applications of Escape Analysis in Embedded Real-Time Systems (IS, CL, CE, MS), p. 11.
PPoPP-2015-RadoiHSD #parallel #question #web- Are web applications ready for parallelism? (CR, SH, JS, DD), pp. 289–290.
SOSP-2015-AguileraLW #named #scalability #sql #web- Yesquel: scalable sql storage for web applications (MKA, JBL, MW), pp. 245–262.
SOSP-2015-Hoffmann #approximate #energy #named- JouleGuard: energy guarantees for approximate applications (HH), pp. 198–214.
SOSP-2015-PalkarLHJPRRS #framework #named- E2: a framework for NFV applications (SP, CL, SH, KJ, AP, SR, LR, SS), pp. 121–136.
CSL-2015-BrihayeBMR #reachability- Weak Subgame Perfect Equilibria and their Application to Quantitative Reachability (TB, VB, NM, JFR), pp. 504–518.
ICLP-2015-Hallen #data mining #higher-order #logic #mining #specification- Higher Order Support in Logic Specification Languages for Data Mining Applications (MvdH).
ICLP-2015-SchullerW #case study #programming #set- Answer Set Application Programming: a Case Study on Tetris (PS, AW).
ICST-2015-AlegrothBB #case study #empirical #industrial #on the- On the Industrial Applicability of TextTest: An Empirical Case Study (EA, GB, EB), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2015-AppeltNB #injection #question #sql- Behind an Application Firewall, Are We Safe from SQL Injection Attacks? (DA, CDN, LCB), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2015-BrajnikBF #integration #latency #modelling #testing #web- Model-Based Continuous Integration Testing of Responsiveness of Web Applications (GB, AB, SF), pp. 1–2.
ICST-2015-HalleBGB #constraints #layout #testing #web- Testing Web Applications Through Layout Constraints (SH, NB, FG, GLB), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-HerboldFGHHKMMN #framework #testing- The MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications (SH, ADF, JG, PH, LMH, FK, APM, LM, CDN, FDR, MAS, NT, MFW, PHW), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-KobashiYWFYOK #design pattern #named #security #testing #verification- TESEM: A Tool for Verifying Security Design Pattern Applications by Model Testing (TK, MY, HW, YF, NY, TO, HK), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-ZhangAC #exclamation #model checking #verification- Yes! You Can Use Your Model Checker to Verify OSEK/VDX Applications (HZ, TA, YC), pp. 1–10.
ISSTA-2015-HayTP #android #communication #detection- Dynamic detection of inter-application communication vulnerabilities in Android (RH, OT, MP), pp. 118–128.
ISSTA-2015-SatoHC #testing- Calculation coverage testing in scientific applications (YS, SH, SC), pp. 350–360.
ISSTA-2015-ShenLPG #automation #detection #performance #profiling #search-based #using- Automating performance bottleneck detection using search-based application profiling (DS, QL, DP, MG), pp. 270–281.
LICS-2015-BallePP #approximate #automaton #canonical- A Canonical Form for Weighted Automata and Applications to Approximate Minimization (BB, PP, DP), pp. 701–712.
SAT-2015-ArifMM #axiom #performance- Efficient MUS Enumeration of Horn Formulae with Applications to Axiom Pinpointing (MFA, CM, JMS), pp. 324–342.
VMCAI-2015-CortesiFPT #mobile #policy #privacy #semantics #verification- Datacentric Semantics for Verification of Privacy Policy Compliance by Mobile Applications (AC, PF, MP, OT), pp. 61–79.
VMCAI-2015-KafleG #horn clause #refinement #verification- Tree Automata-Based Refinement with Application to Horn Clause Verification (BK, JPG), pp. 209–226.
CBSE-2014-CidHMJ- Ensuring application integrity in shared sensing environments (PJdC, DH, SM, WJ), pp. 149–158.
CBSE-2014-DuranS #configuration management #robust- Robust reconfiguration of cloud applications (FD, GS), pp. 179–184.
CBSE-2014-SmaaliCB #metamodelling #towards- Towards a meta-model for dynamic applications (SS, AC, FB), pp. 23–28.
ECSA-2014-MusilMB #architecture #coordination #metamodelling #social #towards #web- Towards a Coordination-Centric Architecture Metamodel for Social Web Applications (JM, AM, SB), pp. 106–113.
ECSA-2014-SeriaiSS #component #object-oriented- Enactment of Components Extracted from an Object-Oriented Application (AS, SS, HAS), pp. 234–249.
QoSA-2014-BrunnertWK #architecture #enterprise #modelling #performance #using- Using architecture-level performance models as resource profiles for enterprise applications (AB, KW, HK), pp. 53–62.
WICSA-2014-FuZBX #analysis- A Recoverability-Oriented Analysis for Operations on Cloud Applications (MF, LZ, LB, XX), pp. 125–128.
ASE-2014-CosmoLTZZEA #automation #deployment #synthesis- Automated synthesis and deployment of cloud applications (RDC, ML, RT, SZ, JZ, AE, AA), pp. 211–222.
ASE-2014-FardMM #automation #generative #testing #web- Leveraging existing tests in automated test generation for web applications (AMF, MM, AM), pp. 67–78.
ASE-2014-Kechagia #api #robust- Improvement of applications’ stability through robust APIs (MK), pp. 907–910.
ASE-2014-MaezawaNWH #ajax #using #validation- Validating ajax applications using a delay-based mutation technique (YM, KN, HW, SH), pp. 491–502.
ASE-2014-MarasSC #analysis #named #reuse #web- Firecrow: a tool for web application analysis and reuse (JM, MS, JC), pp. 847–850.
ASE-2014-NearJ #analysis #interactive #named #security #web- Derailer: interactive security analysis for web applications (JPN, DJ), pp. 587–598.
ASE-2014-RenCL #android #named- Droidmarking: resilient software watermarking for impeding android application repackaging (CR, KC, PL), pp. 635–646.
ASE-2014-YangXLCML #adaptation #nondeterminism #self #verification- Verifying self-adaptive applications suffering uncertainty (WY, CX, YL, CC, XM, JL), pp. 199–210.
CASE-2014-ChenFSWJF #internet- Complex event processing for the Internet of Things and its applications (CYC, JHF, TS, PFW, EJ, MWF), pp. 1144–1149.
CASE-2014-HuiM #assessment #performance #reduction- Performance assessment of virtual metrology in APC applications for the viability of sampling reductions (KH, JM), pp. 750–755.
CASE-2014-KanagarajPL #algorithm #optimisation #process- Application of a hybridized cuckoo search-genetic algorithm to path optimization for PCB holes drilling process (GK, SGP, WCEL), pp. 373–378.
CASE-2014-LinW- Applications of data assimilation to forecasting indoor environment (CCL, LW), pp. 1097–1102.
CASE-2014-LiWGC #assembly #case study- A pilot study of dual 7-axis -arm robot in small part assembly application (QL, GW, HG, ZC), pp. 196–201.
CASE-2014-WantiaLR #approach #industrial- Symbolic planning for industrial applications — the eRobotics approach (NW, DL, JR), pp. 367–372.
CASE-2014-XueL #finite- Input-output finite-time stability of time-delay systems and its application to active vibration control (WX, KL), pp. 878–882.
DAC-2014-0001SMAKV #manycore #optimisation- Reinforcement Learning-Based Inter- and Intra-Application Thermal Optimization for Lifetime Improvement of Multicore Systems (AD, RAS, GVM, BMAH, AK, BV), p. 6.
DAC-2014-HenkelBZRS #architecture #dependence #multi- Multi-Layer Dependability: From Microarchitecture to Application Level (JH, LB, HZ, SR, MS), p. 6.
DAC-2014-HollerDKSF #co-evolution #design #encryption #hardware- Hardware/Software Co-Design of Elliptic-Curve Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Applications (AH, ND, CK, CS, TF), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KangYKBHT #fault tolerance- Static Mapping of Mixed-Critical Applications for Fault-Tolerant MPSoCs (SHK, HY, SK, IB, SH, LT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SiyoumGC #analysis #data flow- Symbolic Analysis of Dataflow Applications Mapped onto Shared Heterogeneous Resources (FS, MG, HC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WeiKPZTCUM #energy- Battery Management and Application for Energy-Efficient Buildings (TW, TK, SP, QZ, SXDT, NC, SU, MM), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AlamPTSN #android #energy #optimisation- Energy optimization in Android applications through wakelock placement (FA, PRP, NT, NS, SN), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-AlhammadP #execution #manycore #parallel #predict #thread- Time-predictable execution of multithreaded applications on multicore systems (AA, RP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-AlordaCB #embedded #power management #reliability- Word-line power supply selector for stability improvement of embedded SRAMs in high reliability applications (BA, CC, SAB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-AzimCPF #communication #distributed #generative #multi #realtime- Generation of communication schedules for multi-mode distributed real-time applications (AA, GC, RP, SF), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-BournoutianO #framework #mobile #optimisation- On-device objective-C application optimization framework for high-performance mobile processors (GB, AO), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-CannellaBS #approach #realtime #scheduling #streaming #using- System-level scheduling of real-time streaming applications using a semi-partitioned approach (EC, MB, TS), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ClermidyJOOTTVPB #question- Resistive memories: Which applications? (FC, NJ, SO, HO, OT, OT, EV, JMP, MB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-DasKV #energy #multi #trade-off- Temperature aware energy-reliability trade-offs for mapping of throughput-constrained applications on multimedia MPSoCs (AD, AK, BV), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-DongZ #manycore #memory management #realtime #stack- Minimizing stack memory for hard real-time applications on multicore platforms (CD, HZ), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-EusseLASLS #architecture #component #embedded #flexibility- A flexible ASIP architecture for connected components labeling in embedded vision applications (JFE, RL, GA, PS, BL, TS), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GiannopoulouSHT #architecture #manycore- Mapping mixed-criticality applications on multi-core architectures (GG, NS, PH, LT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KatzschkeSOBTB #constraints #design- Application of Mission Profiles to enable cross-domain constraint-driven design (CK, MPS, MO, VMzB, MT, EB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LiuSZSC #constraints #latency #optimisation #streaming- Resource optimization for CSDF-modeled streaming applications with latency constraints (DL, JS, JTZ, TS, GC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-NawinneSJP #performance- Hardware-based fast exploration of cache hierarchies in application specific MPSoCs (IN, JS, HJ, SP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-PalominoSASH #named #performance #video- hevcDTM: Application-driven Dynamic Thermal Management for High Efficiency Video Coding (DP, MS, HA, AAS, JH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-PandeyV #analysis #fault #safety- Transient errors resiliency analysis technique for automotive safety critical applications (SP, BV), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-RosvallS #constraints #design #framework #realtime- A constraint-based design space exploration framework for real-time applications on MPSoCs (KR, IS), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SarmaD #estimation #network #runtime- Minimal sparse observability of complex networks: Application to MPSoC sensor placement and run-time thermal estimation & tracking (SS, ND), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-Thanner #lifecycle #prototype- Virtual prototype life cycle in automotive applications (MT), p. 1.
DATE-2014-UbolliGBC #linear #megamodelling- Sensitivity-based weighting for passivity enforcement of linear macromodels in power integrity applications (AU, SGT, MB, AC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZebeleinHFST #communication #modelling #multi #protocol- Model-based actor multiplexing with application to complex communication protocols (CZ, CH, JF, TS, JT), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ZhuCYP- Application mapping for express channel-based networks-on-chip (DZ, LC, SY, MP), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-SarkisCD #multi #refactoring #web- The virtual splitter: refactoring web applications for themultiscreen environment (MS, CC, JCD), pp. 139–142.
DRR-2014-DaherB #documentation #segmentation- Document flow segmentation for business applications (HD, AB), p. ?–11.
SIGMOD-2014-ArnoldHFSKL #database #set- An application-specific instruction set for accelerating set-oriented database primitives (OA, SH, GF, BS, TK, WL), pp. 767–778.
SIGMOD-2014-PolychroniouR #clustering #in memory #scalability- A comprehensive study of main-memory partitioning and its application to large-scale comparison- and radix-sort (OP, KAR), pp. 755–766.
VLDB-2014-CetintemelDKMMMPSSTTWZ #named #streaming- S-Store: A Streaming NewSQL System for Big Velocity Applications (UÇ, JD, TK, SM, DM, JM, AP, MS, ES, NT, KT, HW, SBZ), pp. 1633–1636.
VLDB-2014-FunkeNS #on the- On k-Path Covers and their Applications (SF, AN, SS), pp. 893–902.
VLDB-2014-GuptaHWWW #named #ontology- Biperpedia: An Ontology for Search Applications (RG, AYH, XW, SEW, FW), pp. 505–516.
VLDB-2014-ZouJLGWX #framework #learning #named- Mariana: Tencent Deep Learning Platform and its Applications (YZ, XJ, YL, ZG, EW, BX), pp. 1772–1777.
ITiCSE-2014-ChenD #development #education #mobile- A teaching model for development of sensor-driven mobile applications (HC, KD), pp. 147–152.
ITiCSE-2014-SungS #development #mobile- Mobile application development classes for the mobile era (KS, AS), pp. 141–146.
ESOP-2014-CrubilleL #bisimulation #call-by #on the #probability #λ-calculus- On Probabilistic Applicative Bisimulation and Call-by-Value λ-Calculi (RC, UDL), pp. 209–228.
ESOP-2014-Fu #abstraction #analysis #memory management- Targeted Update — Aggressive Memory Abstraction Beyond Common Sense and Its Application on Static Numeric Analysis (ZF), pp. 534–553.
ESOP-2014-LaunchburyADM #multi- Application-Scale Secure Multiparty Computation (JL, DA, TD, EM), pp. 8–26.
FASE-2014-HuangDM #analysis #java #type system #web- Type-Based Taint Analysis for Java Web Applications (WH, YD, AM), pp. 140–154.
TACAS-2014-SoudjaniA #approximate #markov #precise #probability #process- Precise Approximations of the Probability Distribution of a Markov Process in Time: An Application to Probabilistic Invariance (SEZS, AA), pp. 547–561.
WRLA-2014-Olveczky #maude #realtime- Real-Time Maude and Its Applications (PCÖ), pp. 42–79.
WRLA-2014-ZhangCO #framework #semantics #standard #𝕂- A Formal Semantics of the OSEK/VDX Standard in 𝕂 Framework and Its Applications (MZ, YC, KO), pp. 280–296.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MihanceaM #named #security #verification #web- JMODEX: Model extraction for verifying security properties of web applications (PFM, MM), pp. 450–453.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-VosTPKBHS #automation #internet #named #process #testing- FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future Internet applications (TEJV, PT, WP, PMK, AB, MH, OS), pp. 407–410.
ICPC-2014-EshkevariACP #identification #php- Identifying and locating interference issues in PHP applications: the case of WordPress (LME, GA, JRC, MDP), pp. 157–167.
ICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #anti #java #matter #metric #mobile- Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
ICSME-2014-CachoBAPGCSCFG #behaviour #c# #case study #exception #how #java- How Does Exception Handling Behavior Evolve? An Exploratory Study in Java and C# Applications (NC, EAB, JA, FP, AFG, TC, ES, AC, TF, IG), pp. 31–40.
ICSME-2014-ChristopheSRM #automation #functional #maintenance #testing #web- Prevalence and Maintenance of Automated Functional Tests for Web Applications (LC, RS, CDR, WDM), pp. 141–150.
ICSME-2014-GauthierMST #data access #evolution #maintenance #modelling #web- Supporting Maintenance and Evolution of Access Control Models in Web Applications (FG, EM, ES, DT), pp. 506–510.
ICSME-2014-Haiduc #query #re-engineering #retrieval- Supporting Query Formulation for Text Retrieval Applications in Software Engineering (SH), pp. 657–662.
ICSME-2014-KyriakakisC #maintenance #php #scalability #web- Maintenance Patterns of Large-Scale PHP Web Applications (PK, AC), pp. 381–390.
ICSME-2014-LiHGH #android #empirical #energy- An Empirical Study of the Energy Consumption of Android Applications (DL, SH, JG, WGJH), pp. 121–130.
ICSME-2014-ZhangHD #automation #parallel #scalability #simulation #tool support #validation- Tools for Enabling Automatic Validation of Large-Scale Parallel Application Simulations (DZ, GH, DD), pp. 601–604.
SCAM-2014-KallenHH #object-oriented #refactoring #using- Impact of Code Refactoring Using Object-Oriented Methodology on a Scientific Computing Application (MK, SH, EÞH), pp. 125–134.
PLDI-2014-HanxledenDMSMAMO #named #safety- SCCharts: sequentially constructive statecharts for safety-critical applications: HW/SW-synthesis for a conservative extension of synchronous statecharts (RvH, BD, CM, SS, MM, JA, SM, OO), p. 39.
PLDI-2014-HsiaoPYPNCKF #concurrent #detection #mobile- Race detection for event-driven mobile applications (CHH, CP, JY, GP, SN, PMC, ZK, JF), p. 35.
PLDI-2014-MaiyaKM #android #concurrent #detection- Race detection for Android applications (PM, AK, RM), p. 34.
PLDI-2014-MitraLABSG #analysis #debugging #parallel #scalability- Accurate application progress analysis for large-scale parallel debugging (SM, IL, DHA, SB, MS, TG), p. 23.
SAS-2014-BessonJV #java #named #static analysis- SawjaCard: A Static Analysis Tool for Certifying Java Card Applications (FB, TPJ, PV), pp. 51–67.
SAS-2014-MandelP #ml- Reactivity of Cooperative Systems — Application to ReactiveML (LM, CP), pp. 219–236.
STOC-2014-FriggstadS #algorithm #approximate #bound- Approximation algorithms for regret-bounded vehicle routing and applications to distance-constrained vehicle routing (ZF, CS), pp. 744–753.
STOC-2014-GenkinIPST- Circuits resilient to additive attacks with applications to secure computation (DG, YI, MP, AS, ET), pp. 495–504.
ICALP-v1-2014-Ben-SassonRTW #algorithm #proving- Sampling-Based Proofs of Almost-Periodicity Results and Algorithmic Applications (EBS, NRZ, MT, JW), pp. 955–966.
ICALP-v1-2014-FialaKKN #algorithm #aspect-oriented #graph- Algorithmic Aspects of Regular Graph Covers with Applications to Planar Graphs (JF, PK, JK, RN), pp. 489–501.
ICALP-v1-2014-IshaiW- Partial Garbling Schemes and Their Applications (YI, HW), pp. 650–662.
ICALP-v1-2014-LuWZ #fibonacci- FPTAS for Weighted Fibonacci Gates and Its Applications (PL, MW, CZ), pp. 787–799.
LATA-2014-DingSXHMC #modelling #probability- Stochastic k-Tree Grammar and Its Application in Biomolecular Structure Modeling (LD, AS, XX, XH, RLM, LC), pp. 308–322.
FM-2014-DuggiralaWMVM #modelling #parallel #precedence #protocol- Temporal Precedence Checking for Switched Models and Its Application to a Parallel Landing Protocol (PSD, LW, SM, MV, CAM), pp. 215–229.
SEFM-2014-HauzarK #named #php #verification #web- WeVerca: Web Applications Verification for PHP (DH, JK), pp. 296–301.
SEFM-2014-WangW #database- Translating Event-B Machines to Database Applications (QW, TW), pp. 265–270.
ICFP-2014-Pottier #functional- Hindley-milner elaboration in applicative style: functional pearl (FP), pp. 203–212.
ICFP-2014-SchoepeHS #bound #named- SeLINQ: tracking information across application-database boundaries (DS, DH, AS), pp. 25–38.
ICGT-2014-CorradiniH #canonical- Canonical Derivations with Negative Application Conditions (AC, RH), pp. 207–221.
CHI-2014-AdamsBG #health #mobile #social- Staccato social support in mobile health applications (PA, EPSB, GG), pp. 653–662.
CHI-2014-AthukoralaLKJOTJ #behaviour #how #mobile- How carat affects user behavior: implications for mobile battery awareness applications (KA, EL, MvK, AJ, AJO, ST, GJ), pp. 1029–1038.
CHI-2014-BuntDLTC #named #online- TaggedComments: promoting and integrating user comments in online application tutorials (AB, PD, BL, MAT, DTC), pp. 4037–4046.
CHI-2014-HellerKB #artificial reality #metric #mobile- Simplifying orientation measurement for mobile audio augmented reality applications (FH, AK, JOB), pp. 615–624.
CHI-2014-MoranPRCGZMR #deployment #lessons learnt #smarttech- Listening to the forest and its curators: lessons learnt from a bioacoustic smartphone application deployment (SM, NP, TR, AC, CG, DZ, GVM, AR), pp. 2387–2396.
CHI-2014-NielsenH #case study- Personas is applicable: a study on the use of personas in Denmark (LN, KSH), pp. 1665–1674.
CHI-2014-ShelleyLMDSS #data analysis #design #student- Information-building applications: designing for data exploration and analysis by elementary school students (TS, LL, TM, CD, BLS, AS), pp. 2123–2132.
CHI-2014-YangW #named #specification #web- Panelrama: enabling easy specification of cross-device web applications (JY, DW), pp. 2783–2792.
CSCW-2014-HanSRC #community #mobile- Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application (KH, PCS, MBR, JMC), pp. 1144–1155.
DHM-2014-GotoYTWS- Application of E-learning System Reality in Kyoto-style Earthen Wall Training (AG, HY, YT, ZW, HS), pp. 247–253.
DHM-2014-ZhangGBD #industrial #network- Application of Bayesian Networks in Consumer Service Industry and Healthcare (LZ, YG, BB, VGD), pp. 484–495.
DUXU-DI-2014-AderholdWCJGK #3d #framework #implementation #novel #towards #web- The Common Implementation Framework as Service — Towards Novel Applications for Streamlined Presentation of 3D Content on the Web (AA, KW, MC, YJ, HG, AK), pp. 3–14.
DUXU-DI-2014-AsciR #case study #comparative #mobile #user interface- Left vs. Right-Handed UX: A Comparative User Study on a Mobile Application with Left and Right-Handed Users (SA, KR), pp. 173–183.
DUXU-DI-2014-CorreiaBMM #formal method #gesture #interface #metric #semantics- Syntactic/Semantic Formalizations and Metrics of Residential Applications Based on Gestural Interface (ACdCC, PLSB, LCdM, JNM), pp. 521–532.
DUXU-DI-2014-GencerBZV #detection #machine learning #mobile- Detection of Churned and Retained Users with Machine Learning Methods for Mobile Applications (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 234–245.
DUXU-DI-2014-GomezF #experience #mobile #user interface- Territorial Brand Graphic Interface Management in Mobile Applications Focused on User Experience (LSRG, VCF), pp. 323–333.
DUXU-DI-2014-OrlandiniCB #evaluation #interface #mobile #usability- Ergonomics and Usability in Sound Dimension: Evaluation of a Haptic and Acoustic Interface Application for Mobile Devices (GO, GAC, LMPB), pp. 193–202.
DUXU-DI-2014-PaulaMA #design #experience #mobile #quality #usability #user interface- Building a Quality Mobile Application: A User-Centered Study Focusing on Design Thinking, User Experience and Usability (DFOdP, BHXMM, CCA), pp. 313–322.
DUXU-DP-2014-BuchdidPB #aspect-oriented #persuasion- You Can Interact with Your TV and You May Like It an Investigation on Persuasive Aspects for an iDTV Application (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 208–219.
DUXU-DP-2014-MieslerGHW #case study #experience #on-demand #user interface- User Experience of Video-on-Demand Applications for smart TVs: A Case Study (LM, BG, FH, AW), pp. 412–422.
DUXU-DP-2014-SpillersA #experience #health #mobile #motivation #social #user interface- Does Social User Experience Improve Motivation for Runners? — A Diary Study Comparing Mobile Health Applications (FS, SA), pp. 358–369.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-DaggeF- The HARSim Application to the Task of Carrying School Supplies (RD, EF), pp. 653–661.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-FordSCT #energy #personalisation- Personalized Energy Priorities: A User-Centric Application for Energy Advice (RF, OS, AC, PT), pp. 542–553.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ShalashAAASA #mobile- A Mobile Application for Controlling Domestic Gas Cylinders Remotely (WMS, SAB, NAQ, MAM, BS, AA), pp. 347–356.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Takei #interactive #smarttech- Human Interactive Wearable Devices: Applications of Artificial Electronic Skins and Smart Bandages (KT), pp. 710–718.
DUXU-TMT-2014-JoyceL #development #heuristic #mobile #smarttech #towards #usability- Towards the Development of Usability Heuristics for Native Smartphone Mobile Applications (GJ, ML), pp. 465–474.
DUXU-TMT-2014-KulpaA #evaluation #interface #tablet #usability- Evaluation of Tablet PC Application Interfaces with Low Vision Users: Focusing on Usability (CCK, FGA), pp. 273–284.
DUXU-TMT-2014-NetoC #case study #interface #multimodal #usability- Evaluating the Usability on Multimodal Interfaces: A Case Study on Tablets Applications (EVN, FFCC), pp. 484–495.
DUXU-TMT-2014-QuaresmaG #analysis #smarttech #usability- Usability Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Drivers (MQ, RCG), pp. 352–362.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SakamotoM #elicitation #interactive #mobile #named #perspective #requirements- M4REMAIP: Method for Requirements Elicitation Based on Mobile Applications under an Interaction Perspective (SGS, LCdM), pp. 74–85.
HCI-AIMT-2014-Feng #human-computer- Chinese Romanization and Its Application in HCI (ZF), pp. 406–416.
HCI-AIMT-2014-HumayounRHE #gesture #interactive #mobile #multi #web- Adding Multi-Touch Gesture Interaction in Mobile Web Applications (SRH, FAR, SH, AE), pp. 48–57.
HCI-AS-2014-KadomuraITRS #named #using #visualisation- AwareCycle: Application for Sports Visualization Using an Afterimage Display Attached to the Wheel of a Bicycle (AK, YI, KT, JR, IS), pp. 256–264.
HCI-AS-2014-KellerPBS #adaptation #mobile #semantics- An Adaptive Semantic Mobile Application for Individual Touristic Exploration (CK, RP, SB, TS), pp. 434–443.
HCI-AS-2014-MateiRR #quantifier- Refreshing Quantification and other Ploys to Give Up the Habit — A Repertoire of Relations, Identities, and Rhetorical Devices in Smoking Cessation Applications (SM, CR, RR), pp. 265–276.
HCI-AS-2014-Stopka #identification #mobile #requirements- Identification of User Requirements for Mobile Applications to Support Door-to-Door Mobility in Public Transport (US), pp. 513–524.
HCI-TMT-2014-BatistaUF #adaptation #design #guidelines #interface #process #web- A Model and Guidelines for the Interface Design Process for Adaptive Web Applications (IDPAWA) (CRB, VRU, AMdVF), pp. 387–398.
HCI-TMT-2014-NguyenTD #development #multi #user interface- Picture-Driven User Interface Development for Applications on Multi-platforms (VTN, MTT, ADD), pp. 350–360.
HIMI-AS-2014-ItouMM #chat #communication #development- Development and Application of Manga-Style Chat System Aiming to Communicate Nonverbal Expression (JI, YM, JM), pp. 423–434.
HIMI-AS-2014-KhaoulaOSO #concept- Concepts and Applications of Human-Dependent Robots (YK, NO, PRSDS, MO), pp. 435–444.
HIMI-AS-2014-TerwilligerIVL #interface- Advancement and Application of Unmanned Aerial System Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) Technology (BAT, DCI, DAV, DL), pp. 273–283.
HIMI-DE-2014-HarbaouiSGG #community #information retrieval #personalisation- Personalized Information Retrieval: Application to Virtual Communities (AH, SS, MG, HHBG), pp. 431–438.
HIMI-DE-2014-KaramT #gesture #interactive #symmetry- Two-Handed Interactive Menu: An Application of Asymmetric Bimanual Gestures and Depth Based Selection Techniques (HK, JT), pp. 187–198.
HIMI-DE-2014-KimitaNS #analysis #education- Application of a Requirement Analysis Template to Lectures in a Higher Education Institution (KK, YN, YS), pp. 594–601.
HIMI-DE-2014-MatsuyamaNKYI #crowdsourcing #development #mobile- Development of a Mobile Application for Crowdsourcing the Data Collection of Environmental Sounds (MM, RN, HK, JY, TI), pp. 514–524.
HIMI-DE-2014-TeixeiraSFSS #prototype #requirements #tool support #using- Requirements Engineering Using Mockups and Prototyping Tools: Developing a Healthcare Web-Application (LT, VS, CF, JS, BSS), pp. 652–663.
LCT-NLE-2014-OrehovackiBJ #education #quality #web- Exploring the Validity of an Instrument to Measure the Perceived Quality in Use of Web 2.0 Applications with Educational Potential (TO, SB, MJ), pp. 192–203.
LCT-TRE-2014-AzkorretaO #artificial reality- Augmented Reality Applications in the Engineering Environment (KOA, HOR), pp. 83–90.
LCT-TRE-2014-IkedaS #learning- Dream Drill: A Bedtime Learning Application (AI, IS), pp. 138–145.
LCT-TRE-2014-MartinezMLLC #3d #interactive #learning- Supporting Learning with 3D Interactive Applications in Early Years (ACM, MJMS, MLS, DCPL, MC), pp. 11–22.
LCT-TRE-2014-MorrealeGCHLLSB #design #integration #mobile #visual notation- Visual and Spatial Data Integration in Mobile Application Design (PM, AG, DC, SH, JL, NL, CS, JB), pp. 173–181.
LCT-TRE-2014-TzanavariMCP #experience #performance #user interface #using- User Experience Observations on Factors That Affect Performance in a Road-Crossing Training Application for Children Using the CAVE (AT, SM, CGC, CP), pp. 91–101.
SCSM-2014-BrockmannSL #mobile #taxonomy- Taxonomy of Enterprise-Related Mobile Applications (TB, SS, CL), pp. 37–47.
AdaEurope-2014-Shawky #challenge #design #embedded #framework- Future Challenges in Design Frameworks for Embedded Systems: Application to Intelligent Transportation Systems (MS), pp. 7–10.
CAiSE-2014-AndrikopoulosSLW #in the cloud- Optimal Distribution of Applications in the Cloud (VA, SGS, FL, JW), pp. 75–90.
CAiSE-2014-LaurentBBG #formal method #process #verification- Formalization of fUML: An Application to Process Verification (YL, RB, SB, MPG), pp. 347–363.
EDOC-2014-BorhaniLLLH #benchmark #metric #named #performance #virtual machine- WPress: An Application-Driven Performance Benchmark for Cloud-Based Virtual Machines (AHB, PL, BSL, XL, TH), pp. 101–109.
ICEIS-v1-2014-BouzidCFP #approach #enterprise #retrieval #semantics- A Pattern-based Approach for Semantic Retrieval of Information Resources in Enterprises — Application Within STMicroelectronics (SB, CC, CSF, JP), pp. 193–200.
ICEIS-v1-2014-CelikDDT #industrial- Artificial Intelligence — Applications on Bioinformatics and Textile Industry (HIÇ, MTD, LCD, MT), pp. 425–431.
ICEIS-v1-2014-DavarG #distributed #information management #object-oriented #performance- Performance Tuning of Object-Oriented Applications in Distributed Information Systems (ZD, JRG), pp. 201–208.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KammererN #approach #comparison #named #sql- Application-Mimes — An Approach for Quantitative Comparison of SQL — and NoSQL-databases (MK, JN), pp. 256–263.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KleinSRF #formal method #integration #on the #using- On the Formalisation of an Application Integration Language Using Z Notation (MJK, SS, FRF, RZF), pp. 314–319.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Malgorzata #algorithm #mobile #search-based- The Use of Genetic Algorithms in Mobile Applications (MPW), pp. 520–525.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PereiraP #aspect-oriented #database #evolution- Evolution of the Application and Database with Aspects (RHRP, JBGPS), pp. 308–313.
ICEIS-v2-2014-LiuDT #network #reliability- Auditing Data Reliability in International Logistics — An Application of Bayesian Networks (LL, HAMD, RT), pp. 707–712.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MaretLL #ad hoc #community #semantics #web- A Semantic Web Model for Ad Hoc Context-aware Virtual Communities — Application to the Smart Place Scenario (PM, FL, DL), pp. 591–598.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PereiraZS #concept analysis- Extraction of Classes Through the Application of Formal Concept Analysis (DP, LZ, MS), pp. 275–282.
ICEIS-v2-2014-RibeiroFVO #2d #design pattern #named- DC2DP: A Dublin Core Application Profile to Design Patterns (AAdAR, JLF, LFdMV, AdPO), pp. 209–216.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SamejimaMK #flexibility #resource management- Flexible Peak Shaving in Data Center by Suppression of Application Resource Usage (MS, HTM, NK), pp. 355–360.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ShamsuzzohaAKH #collaboration #internet #monitoring #process #realtime #repository- Smart Collaborative Processes Monitoring in Real-time Business Environment — Applications of Internet of Things and Cloud-data Repository (AS, SA, SK, PTH), pp. 556–563.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BuchdidPB #design #game studies- Playing Cards and Drawing with Patterns — Situated and Participatory Practices for Designing iDTV Applications (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 14–27.
ICEIS-v3-2014-GhezziCRB #framework #rest- Applications of the REST Framework to Test Technology Activation in Different ICT Domains (AG, AC, AR, RB), pp. 87–91.
ICEIS-v3-2014-NunoG #in the cloud #outsourcing #using- Methodology for Developing and Application Outsourcing in the Cloud Using SOA (AGN, CMG), pp. 419–426.
ICEIS-v3-2014-PutterRS #consistency #enterprise #testing- Testing Conformance of EJB 3 Enterprise Application Servers (SdP, SAR, AS), pp. 272–279.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaFG14a #artificial reality #speech- Assisting Speech Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders with an Augmented Reality Application (CAdS, ARF, APG), pp. 38–45.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SvedaH #cyber-physical #enterprise #information management- Cyber-physical Information Systems for Enterprise Engineering — Cyber-physical Applications Timing (MS, PH), pp. 441–446.
CIKM-2014-BudaCMK #database #named #performance- VFDS: An Application to Generate Fast Sample Databases (TSB, TC, JM, MK), pp. 2048–2050.
CIKM-2014-KalyanakrishnanSK #on the #online #scalability- On Building Decision Trees from Large-scale Data in Applications of On-line Advertising (SK, DS, RK), pp. 669–678.
CIKM-2014-VlachosFMKV #clustering #quality #recommendation- Improving Co-Cluster Quality with Application to Product Recommendations (MV, FF, CM, ATK, VGV), pp. 679–688.
CIKM-2014-YuanWYC #big data #database #grid #scalability #staged- Rubato DB: A Highly Scalable Staged Grid Database System for OLTP and Big Data Applications (LYY, LW, JHY, YC), pp. 1–10.
ECIR-2014-LvFC #evaluation #information retrieval- Evaluation of IR Applications with Constrained Real Estate (YL, AF, AKC), pp. 160–171.
ICML-c2-2014-AhmedTBZDKB #detection #random- Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields for Outlier Detection: An Application to Detecting Epileptogenic Cortical Malformations (BA, TT, KB, YZ, OD, RK, CEB), pp. 1080–1088.
ICML-c2-2014-BratieresQNG #graph #grid #predict #process #scalability- Scalable Gaussian Process Structured Prediction for Grid Factor Graph Applications (SB, NQ, SN, ZG), pp. 334–342.
ICML-c2-2014-DworkinKN- Pursuit-Evasion Without Regret, with an Application to Trading (LD, MK, YN), pp. 1521–1529.
ICML-c2-2014-HaeffeleYV #algorithm #image #matrix #rank- Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Optimality, Algorithm, and Applications to Image Processing (BDH, EY, RV), pp. 2007–2015.
ICML-c2-2014-LinAKLC #combinator #feedback #game studies #linear #monitoring- Combinatorial Partial Monitoring Game with Linear Feedback and Its Applications (TL, BDA, RDK, JL, WC), pp. 901–909.
ICML-c2-2014-LiuZWY- Safe Screening with Variational Inequalities and Its Application to Lasso (JL, ZZ, JW, JY), pp. 289–297.
ICML-c2-2014-WangST #statistics- The Falling Factorial Basis and Its Statistical Applications (YXW, AJS, RJT), pp. 730–738.
ICML-c2-2014-ZhouCL #crowdsourcing #identification #multi- Optimal PAC Multiple Arm Identification with Applications to Crowdsourcing (YZ, XC, JL), pp. 217–225.
ICPR-2014-AwadCR #hybrid- A New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR (DA, VC, AR), pp. 1150–1155.
ICPR-2014-ChatbriKK #approach #documentation #image #independence #query- An Application-Independent and Segmentation-Free Approach for Spotting Queries in Document Images (HC, PWK, KK), pp. 2891–2896.
ICPR-2014-ChenH #composition #detection- Implicit Rank-Sparsity Decomposition: Applications to Saliency/Co-saliency Detection (YLC, CTH), pp. 2305–2310.
ICPR-2014-DengHXC #analysis #composition #matrix #rank- Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Decomposition Based Local Morphological Analysis and Its Application to Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Livers (JD, XHH, GX, YWC), pp. 3363–3368.
ICPR-2014-DongSFBC #3d- Three-Dimensional Deconvolution of Wide Field Microscopy with Sparse Priors: Application to Zebrafish Imagery (BD, LS, AFF, OB, MDC), pp. 865–870.
ICPR-2014-DornaikaBSR #classification #encoding #graph #locality- Locality Constrained Encoding Graph Construction and Application to Outdoor Object Classification (FD, AB, HS, YR), pp. 2483–2488.
ICPR-2014-GavriilidisT #classification #kernel #random #using- Random Walk Kernel Applications to Classification Using Support Vector Machines (VG, AT), pp. 3898–3903.
ICPR-2014-GousenbourgerSA #2d- Piecewise-Bézier C1 Interpolation on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to 2D Shape Morphing (PYG, CS, PAA), pp. 4086–4091.
ICPR-2014-NocetiO #classification #graph #kernel #process- A Spectral Graph Kernel and Its Application to Collective Activities Classification (NN, FO), pp. 3892–3897.
ICPR-2014-OuyedA #classification #kernel- Feature Relevance for Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Action Classification (OO, MSA), pp. 1325–1329.
ICPR-2014-PertuzJP #framework #image #novel #representation- A Novel Mammography Image Representation Framework with Application to Image Registration (SP, CJ, DP), pp. 3292–3297.
ICPR-2014-VilaltaGM #adaptation #classification- Domain Adaptation under Data Misalignment: An Application to Cepheid Variable Star Classification (RV, KDG, LM), pp. 3660–3665.
KDD-2014-LiuGXXGP #modelling #probability #process #workflow- Proactive workflow modeling by stochastic processes with application to healthcare operation and management (CL, YG, HX, KX, WG, MP), pp. 1593–1602.
KDD-2014-ZhuSY #analysis #mining #network #social- Network mining and analysis for social applications (FZ, HS, XY), p. 1974.
KDIR-2014-HafethAC #analysis #case study #classification- Text Analysis of User-Generated Contents for Health-care Applications — Case Study on Smoking Status Classification (DAH, AA, DC), pp. 242–249.
KEOD-2014-Talia #big data #data mining #distributed #information management #mining- Big Data Mining Services and Distributed Knowledge Discovery Applications on Clouds (DT), pp. 1–5.
KMIS-2014-Kaczmarek #architecture #documentation #music- The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data (ALK), pp. 268–273.
KR-2014-LudwigK #difference #logic- Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference (ML, BK).
MLDM-2014-WangLK #concurrent #data mining #mining- Applications of Concurrent Sequential Patterns in Protein Data Mining (CW, JL, MK), pp. 243–257.
SEKE-2014-ArnatovichTDLS #android #comparison #empirical- Empirical Comparison of Intermediate Representations for Android Applications (YA, HBKT, SD, KL, LKS), pp. 205–210.
SEKE-2014-ChenCH #energy #framework- Applications of Slow Intelligence Frameworks for Energy-Saving Control (WHC, SKC, WPH), pp. 511–515.
SEKE-2014-ChenX #automation #consistency #mobile #towards #web- Towards Automatic Consistency Checking between Web Application and its Mobile Application (XC, ZX), pp. 53–58.
SEKE-2014-DaubalDDA #concept- Tracing Domain Data Concepts in Layered Applications (MD, ND, DBD, HUA), pp. 292–297.
SEKE-2014-JuniorFJB #learning #mobile #product line #towards- Towards the Establishment of a Software Product Line for Mobile Learning Applications (VFJ, NFDF, EAdOJ, EFB), pp. 678–683.
SEKE-2014-NassarJSB #energy #generative #java #realtime #runtime- Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications (MN, JJ, IS, MBB), pp. 592–597.
SEKE-2014-NetoASFM #architecture #behaviour #data transformation #framework #modelling #named #using- CoMoVi: a Framework for Data Transformation in Credit Behavioral Scoring Applications Using Model Driven Architecture (RFON, PJLA, ACS, DRdCF, GRM), pp. 286–291.
SEKE-2014-Saito0TO #approach #constraints #generative #knowledge-based #testing #web- Test Data Generation for Web Applications: A Constraint and Knowledge-based Approach (HS, ST, HT, MO), pp. 110–114.
SEKE-2014-SouzaA #estimation #mobile- Mobile Applications: The Paradox of Software Estimation (LSdS, GSdAJ), pp. 59–62.
SEKE-2014-ZhangCL #adaptation #random #sequence #testing- An Application of Adaptive Random Sequence in Test Case Prioritization (XZ, TYC, HL), pp. 126–131.
SIGIR-2014-BingGLNW #classification #predict #segmentation #web- Web page segmentation with structured prediction and its application in web page classification (LB, RG, WL, ZYN, HW), pp. 767–776.
SKY-2014-ExmanI #generative #named #ontology- Apogee: Application Ontology Generation from Domain Ontologies (IE, DI), pp. 31–42.
MoDELS-2014-ChakiE #compilation #distributed #modelling #verification- Model-Driven Verifying Compilation of Synchronous Distributed Applications (SC, JRE), pp. 201–217.
MoDELS-2014-VaupelTHSGG #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications Allowing Role-Driven Variants (SV, GT, JPH, RS, RG, MG), pp. 1–17.
MoDELS-2014-ChakiE #compilation #distributed #modelling #verification- Model-Driven Verifying Compilation of Synchronous Distributed Applications (SC, JRE), pp. 201–217.
MoDELS-2014-VaupelTHSGG #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications Allowing Role-Driven Variants (SV, GT, JPH, RS, RG, MG), pp. 1–17.
ECOOP-2014-LavoieDF #javascript #monitoring #performance #runtime #using #virtual machine- Portable and Efficient Run-time Monitoring of JavaScript Applications Using Virtual Machine Layering (EL, BD, MF), pp. 541–566.
ECOOP-2014-NittaKT #framework #identification- Identifying Mandatory Code for Framework Use via a Single Application Trace (NN, IK, YT), pp. 593–617.
Onward-2014-LorenzR #version control- Versionable, Branchable, and Mergeable Application State (DHL, BR), pp. 29–42.
PADL-2014-SonPL #multi #prolog #source code- Two Applications of the ASP-Prolog System: Decomposable Programs and Multi-context Systems (TCS, EP, TL), pp. 87–103.
RE-2014-AntonelliRLO #using- Language Extended Lexicon points: Estimating the size of an application using its language (LA, GR, JCSdPL, AO), pp. 263–272.
RE-2014-SaxenaC #agile #analysis #named #requirements- Decisively: Application of Quantitative Analysis and Decision Science in Agile Requirements Engineering (SKS, RC), pp. 323–324.
RE-2014-WittFSH #process #validation #verification- Business Application Modeler: A process model Validation and Verification tool (SW, SF, AS, CH), pp. 333–334.
SAC-2014-AndradeRMOCFR #architecture #hybrid #performance #scheduling- Efficient dynamic scheduling of heterogeneous applications in hybrid architectures (GA, GSR, DM, RSO, EC, RF, LCdR), pp. 866–871.
SAC-2014-ChakrabortyCKD #adaptation #distributed- Hierarchical topology adaptation for distributed convergecast applications (SC, SC, SK, HSD), pp. 405–407.
SAC-2014-ChangCHKL #analysis #behaviour #mobile- Application behavior analysis in resource consumption for mobile devices (SWC, SWC, PCH, TWK, CWL), pp. 1469–1474.
SAC-2014-DaDR #middleware #mobile #named- Kalimucho: middleware for mobile applications (KD, MD, PR), pp. 413–419.
SAC-2014-DouglasL #database #embedded #named #sql- LittleD: a SQL database for sensor nodes and embedded applications (GD, RL), pp. 827–832.
SAC-2014-EtcheversSBCP #reliability #self- Reliable self-deployment of cloud applications (XE, GS, FB, TC, NDP), pp. 1331–1338.
SAC-2014-Fernandez-MarquezSSYDZ #approach #mobile #self- Self-managing and self-organising mobile computing applications: a separation of concerns approach (JLFM, GDMS, GS, JY, SD, FZ), pp. 458–465.
SAC-2014-GriebeG #approach #automation #mobile #modelling #testing- A model-based approach to test automation for context-aware mobile applications (TG, VG), pp. 420–427.
SAC-2014-KrichenAB #health #monitoring- WSN-based flutter control application for aircraft wings structural health monitoring (DK, WA, NB), pp. 680–685.
SAC-2014-KumeNNS #dynamic analysis #framework- A dynamic analysis technique to extract symptoms that suggest side effects in framework applications (IK, NN, MN, ES), pp. 1176–1178.
SAC-2014-Le #android #framework #modelling- A model driven framework for modeling and composing service based Android applications (CL), pp. 450–457.
SAC-2014-LiMZ #using #visualisation- Visualization of oceanographic applications using a common data model (JL, ZPM, KZ), pp. 933–938.
SAC-2014-ManducaMFP #approach #database #implementation #multitenancy #web- A nonintrusive approach for implementing single database, multitenant services from web applications (AMM, EVM, RPMF, MdGCP), pp. 751–756.
SAC-2014-MartorellFRV #adaptation #embedded- Improving adaptiveness of AUTOSAR embedded applications (HM, JCF, MR, RV), pp. 384–390.
SAC-2014-PengST #case study #development #mobile #network #social- Success factors in mobile social networking application development: case study of instagram (RP, DS, WTT), pp. 1072–1079.
SAC-2014-RibeiroS #domain-specific language #mobile #named- XIS-mobile: a DSL for mobile applications (AR, ARdS), pp. 1316–1323.
SAC-2014-SantosBAP #health #protocol- Integrating IEEE 11073 and constrained application protocol for personal health devices (DFSS, FB, HOA, AP), pp. 466–467.
SAC-2014-SehicNVLD #adaptation #development #named #programming- Entity-adaptation: a programming model for development of context-aware applications (SS, SN, MV, FL, SD), pp. 436–443.
SAC-2014-ZhanLS #analysis #in the cloud #mobile- A green analysis of mobile cloud computing applications (KZ, CHL, PS), pp. 357–362.
FSE-2014-BaeCLR #api #detection #named #web- SAFEWAPI: web API misuse detector for web applications (SB, HC, IL, SR), pp. 507–517.
FSE-2014-LiAG #automation #javascript #named #testing #web- SymJS: automatic symbolic testing of JavaScript web applications (GL, EA, IG), pp. 449–459.
FSE-2014-LinRD #android #concurrent #refactoring- Retrofitting concurrency for Android applications through refactoring (YL, CR, DD), pp. 341–352.
FSE-2014-LuoMW0Z #comparison #detection #obfuscation #semantics #similarity- Semantics-based obfuscation-resilient binary code similarity comparison with applications to software plagiarism detection (LL, JM, DW, PL, SZ), pp. 389–400.
FSE-2014-NguyenKN #embedded #graph #web- Building call graphs for embedded client-side code in dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 518–529.
ICSE-2014-AkikiBY #adaptation #enterprise #user interface- Integrating adaptive user interface capabilities in enterprise applications (PAA, AKB, YY), pp. 712–723.
ICSE-2014-BocicB #induction #invariant #verification #web- Inductive verification of data model invariants for web applications (IB, TB), pp. 620–631.
ICSE-2014-ChenLZ #android #detection #scalability- Achieving accuracy and scalability simultaneously in detecting application clones on Android markets (KC, PL, YZ), pp. 175–186.
ICSE-2014-ChenSJHNF #anti #detection #performance #using- Detecting performance anti-patterns for applications developed using object-relational mapping (THC, WS, ZMJ, AEH, MNN, PF), pp. 1001–1012.
ICSE-2014-GhezziPST #behaviour #mining #modelling #web- Mining behavior models from user-intensive web applications (CG, MP, MS, GT), pp. 277–287.
ICSE-2014-HuangZTWL #android #behaviour #detection #named #user interface- AsDroid: detecting stealthy behaviors in Android applications by user interface and program behavior contradiction (JH, XZ, LT, PW, BL), pp. 1036–1046.
ICSE-2014-KleinMAH #named #robust- Brownout: building more robust cloud applications (CK, MM, KEÅ, FHR), pp. 700–711.
ICSE-2014-LiTH #energy #performance #smarttech #web- Making web applications more energy efficient for OLED smartphones (DL, AHT, WGJH), pp. 527–538.
ICSE-2014-LiuXC #debugging #detection #performance #smarttech- Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications (YL, CX, SCC), pp. 1013–1024.
ICSE-2014-NguyenKN #execution #testing #variability #web- Exploring variability-aware execution for testing plugin-based web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 907–918.
ICSE-2014-NguyenNNN #interprocedural #javascript #mining #web- Mining interprocedural, data-oriented usage patterns in JavaScript web applications (HVN, HAN, ATN, TNN), pp. 791–802.
ICSE-2014-NikzadCG #development #energy #middleware #mobile #named- APE: an annotation language and middleware for energy-efficient mobile application development (NN, OC, WGG), pp. 515–526.
ICSE-2014-ThomasBPN #mobile #privacy #requirements- Distilling privacy requirements for mobile applications (KT, AKB, BAP, BN), pp. 871–882.
SLE-J-2012-SloaneR #attribute grammar #domain-specific language #profiling #term rewriting- Domain-specific program profiling and its application to attribute grammars and term rewriting (AMS, MR), pp. 488–510.
SLE-2014-PredaGLMG #adaptation #distributed #framework #named- AIOCJ: A Choreographic Framework for Safe Adaptive Distributed Applications (MDP, SG, IL, JM, MG), pp. 161–170.
SPLC-2014-MoensT #development #multitenancy- Feature-based application development and management of multi-tenant applications in clouds (HM, FDT), pp. 72–81.
ASPLOS-2014-CriswellDA #operating system- Virtual ghost: protecting applications from hostile operating systems (JC, ND, VSA), pp. 81–96.
ASPLOS-2014-SamadiJLM #approximate #named #parallel- Paraprox: pattern-based approximation for data parallel applications (MS, DAJ, JL, SAM), pp. 35–50.
ASPLOS-2014-SantosRSW #mobile #runtime #using- Using ARM trustzone to build a trusted language runtime for mobile applications (NS, HR, SS, AW), pp. 67–80.
CC-2014-CharlesCLEG #code generation- deGoal a Tool to Embed Dynamic Code Generators into Applications (HPC, DC, VL, FAE, RG), pp. 107–112.
CGO-2014-BarikKMLSHNA #c++ #performance- Efficient Mapping of Irregular C++ Applications to Integrated GPUs (RB, RK, DM, BTL, TS, CH, YN, ARAT), p. 33.
HPDC-2014-FaltBKYZ #named #parallel #streaming- Bobolang: a language for parallel streaming applications (ZF, DB, MK, JY, FZ), pp. 311–314.
HPDC-2014-MaratheHLSRS #effectiveness #execution- Exploiting redundancy for cost-effective, time-constrained execution of HPC applications on amazon EC2 (AM, RH, DKL, BRdS, BR, MS), pp. 279–290.
HPDC-2014-RezaeiCLCM #manycore #named- Snapify: capturing snapshots of offload applications on xeon phi manycore processors (AR, GC, CHL, STC, FM), pp. 1–12.
LCTES-2014-BebelisFG #data flow #framework #manycore #parametricity- A framework to schedule parametric dataflow applications on many-core platforms (VB, PF, AG), pp. 125–134.
OSDI-2014-BaumannPH- Shielding Applications from an Untrusted Cloud with Haven (AB, MP, GCH), pp. 267–283.
OSDI-2014-ChenKWZK #identification #web- Identifying Information Disclosure in Web Applications with Retroactive Auditing (HC, TK, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 555–569.
OSDI-2014-PillaiCAAAA #complexity #file system- All File Systems Are Not Created Equal: On the Complexity of Crafting Crash-Consistent Applications (TSP, VC, RA, SAK, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 433–448.
OSDI-2014-ZhangSAAGKL #deployment #mobile- Customizable and Extensible Deployment for Mobile/Cloud Applications (IZ, AS, DVA, IA, SDG, AK, HML), pp. 97–112.
PPoPP-2014-Bautista-GomezC #detection #monitoring- Detecting silent data corruption through data dynamic monitoring for scientific applications (LABG, FC), pp. 381–382.
PPoPP-2014-YangZ #concurrent #named #parallel #thread- CUDA-NP: realizing nested thread-level parallelism in GPGPU applications (YY, HZ), pp. 93–106.
ICST-2014-HongPK #concurrent #detection #fault #java #web- Detecting Concurrency Errors in Client-Side Java Script Web Applications (SH, YP, MK), pp. 61–70.
ICST-2014-LiGP #database #outsourcing- Sanitizing and Minimizing Databases for Software Application Test Outsourcing (BL, MG, DP), pp. 233–242.
ICST-2014-MiicBT #analysis #automation #multi #test coverage #testing- Automated Multi-platform Testing and Code Coverage Analysis of the CP2K Application (MM, IB, MT), pp. 95–98.
ICST-2014-WeisslederS #embedded #evaluation #modelling #testing- An Evaluation of Model-Based Testing in Embedded Applications (SW, HS), pp. 223–232.
IJCAR-2014-Lellmann #axiom #strict #theory and practice- Axioms vs Hypersequent Rules with Context Restrictions: Theory and Applications (BL), pp. 307–321.
ISSTA-2014-ChoudharyPO #web- Cross-platform feature matching for web applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 82–92.
ISSTA-2014-ChoudharyPO14a #consistency #detection #named #nondeterminism #testing #web- X-PERT: a web application testing tool for cross-browser inconsistency detection (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 417–420.
ISSTA-2014-Mirshokraie #assessment #effectiveness #generative #testing #web- Effective test generation and adequacy assessment for JavaScript-based web applications (SM), pp. 453–456.
ISSTA-2014-MirzaAghaeiM #test coverage #testing #web- DOM-based test adequacy criteria for web applications (MM, AM), pp. 71–81.
ISSTA-2014-NistorR #developer #named #performance #predict #problem #smarttech- SunCat: helping developers understand and predict performance problems in smartphone applications (AN, LR), pp. 282–292.
ISSTA-2014-SchurRZ #mining #modelling #multi #named #web- ProCrawl: mining test models from multi-user web applications (MS, AR, AZ), pp. 413–416.
ISSTA-2014-ZhangW #concurrent #parallel #runtime #thread- Runtime prevention of concurrency related type-state violations in multithreaded applications (LZ, CW), pp. 1–12.
ISSTA-2014-ZouCZZG #effectiveness #testing #web- Virtual DOM coverage for effective testing of dynamic web applications (YZ, ZC, YZ, XZ, ZG), pp. 60–70.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-SchaussS #call-by #λ-calculus- Applicative May- and Should-Simulation in the Call-by-Value λ Calculus with AMB (MSS, DS), pp. 379–394.
CBSE-2013-VanwormhoudtF #adaptation #component #framework #named- CIAO: a component model and its OSGi framework for dynamically adaptable telephony applications (GV, AF), pp. 23–32.
ECSA-2013-CavalcanteMB #architecture- Describing Cloud Applications Architectures (EC, ALM, TVB), pp. 320–323.
ECSA-2013-HeseniusG #interactive #multimodal #mvc #named- MVIC — An MVC Extension for Interactive, Multimodal Applications (MH, VG), pp. 324–327.
ASE-2013-GuoZYZZ #android #detection- Characterizing and detecting resource leaks in Android applications (CG, JZ, JY, ZZ, YZ), pp. 389–398.
ASE-2013-HolderSDT #android #execution- Cloud Twin: Native execution of android applications on the Windows Phone (EH, ES, MD, ET), pp. 598–603.
ASE-2013-KusanoW #c #c++ #concurrent #generative #named #parallel #thread- CCmutator: A mutation generator for concurrency constructs in multithreaded C/C++ applications (MK, CW), pp. 722–725.
ASE-2013-MaezawaWTH #ajax #automation #interactive #invariant #verification- Automated verification of pattern-based interaction invariants in Ajax applications (YM, HW, YT, SH), pp. 158–168.
ASE-2013-MirshokraieMP #generative #javascript #named #testing- PYTHIA: Generating test cases with oracles for JavaScript applications (SM, AM, KP), pp. 610–615.
ASE-2013-NguyenNNNN #multi #web- Dangling references in multi-configuration and dynamic PHP-based Web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, ATN, TNN), pp. 399–409.
ASE-2013-XuYMCL #adaptation #dependence #self #towards- Environment rematching: Toward dependability improvement for self-adaptive applications (CX, WY, XM, CC, JL), pp. 592–597.
CASE-2013-ChoiZFWT #industrial #requirements- Applications and requirements of industrial robots in meat processing (SC, GZ, TAF, TW, RT), pp. 1107–1112.
CASE-2013-GiulianiCP #analysis #optimisation- A computational analysis of nondifferentiable optimization: Applications to production maximization in gas-lifted oil fields (CMG, EC, AP), pp. 286–291.
CASE-2013-ShenWWW #modelling #optimisation- Application of vector ordinal optimization to the transportation systems with agent based modelling (ZS, KW, FYW, KW), pp. 898–903.
CASE-2013-SustoSPPMB #fault #maintenance #predict- A predictive maintenance system for integral type faults based on support vector machines: An application to ion implantation (GAS, AS, SP, DP, SFM, AB), pp. 195–200.
CASE-2013-ZhangH #algorithm #analysis #convergence #coordination #implementation #optimisation #parallel- Convergence analysis and parallel computing implementation for the multiagent coordination optimization algorithm with applications (HZ, QH), pp. 825–830.
CASE-2013-ZhangPJST #energy #interface #monitoring #scalability #using- A secure and scalable telemonitoring system using ultra-low-energy wireless sensor interface for long-term monitoring in life science applications (WZ, PP, EJ, RS, KT), pp. 617–622.
DAC-2013-AgostaBMP #analysis- Compiler-based side channel vulnerability analysis and optimized countermeasures application (GA, AB, MM, GP), p. 6.
DAC-2013-AgrawalRHSPC #architecture #clustering #framework #multi- Early exploration for platform architecture instantiation with multi-mode application partitioning (PA, PR, MH, NS, LVdP, FC), p. 8.
DAC-2013-AlaghiLH #probability #realtime- Stochastic circuits for real-time image-processing applications (AA, CL, JPH), p. 6.
DAC-2013-AnagnostopoulosTBS #distributed #manycore #resource management #runtime- Distributed run-time resource management for malleable applications on many-core platforms (IA, VT, AB, DS), p. 6.
DAC-2013-ChippaCRR #analysis #approximate- Analysis and characterization of inherent application resilience for approximate computing (VKC, STC, KR, AR), p. 9.
DAC-2013-HamzehSV #architecture #configuration management #named- REGIMap: register-aware application mapping on coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) (MH, AS, SBKV), p. 10.
DAC-2013-MishraMD #approach #design #multi- A heterogeneous multiple network-on-chip design: an application-aware approach (AKM, OM, CRD), p. 10.
DAC-2013-SinghDK #energy #execution #multi #optimisation #streaming- Energy optimization by exploiting execution slacks in streaming applications on multiprocessor systems (AKS, AD, AK), p. 7.
DAC-2013-TrivediCM #case study #power management- Exploring tunnel-FET for ultra low power analog applications: a case study on operational transconductance amplifier (ART, SC, SM), p. 6.
DAC-2013-ZhaiBS #parallel #realtime #streaming- Exploiting just-enough parallelism when mapping streaming applications in hard real-time systems (JTZ, MB, TS), p. 8.
DATE-2013-AliasDP #kernel #optimisation #synthesis- Optimizing remote accesses for offloaded kernels: application to high-level synthesis for FPGA (CA, AD, AP), pp. 575–580.
DATE-2013-BertaccoCBFVKP #on the- On the use of GP-GPUs for accelerating compute-intensive EDA applications (VB, DC, NB, FF, SV, AMK, HDP), pp. 1357–1366.
DATE-2013-ChenPKSCP #configuration management #named- SMART: a single-cycle reconfigurable NoC for SoC applications (CHOC, SP, TK, SS, APC, LSP), pp. 338–343.
DATE-2013-DarbelL #power management- SoC low-power practices for wireless applications (ND, SL), p. 778.
DATE-2013-GurgenGBG #cyber-physical #self- Self-aware cyber-physical systems and applications in smart buildings and cities (LG, OG, YB, MG), pp. 1149–1154.
DATE-2013-HeLLHY #streaming #synthesis- Utilizing voltage-frequency islands in C-to-RTL synthesis for streaming applications (XH, SL, YL, XSH, HY), pp. 992–995.
DATE-2013-HsiehWH #configuration management #distributed #named #network- DANCE: distributed application-aware node configuration engine in shared reconfigurable sensor networks (CMH, ZW, JH), pp. 839–842.
DATE-2013-HuYH0 #concurrent #low cost #multi #named #thread- Orchestrator: a low-cost solution to reduce voltage emergencies for multi-threaded applications (XH, GY, YH, XL), pp. 208–213.
DATE-2013-LiSRRRAHP #configuration management #named- CSER: HW/SW configurable soft-error resiliency for application specific instruction-set processors (TL, MS, SR, SR, RGR, JAA, JH, SP), pp. 707–712.
DATE-2013-LiuN #multi- Radar signature in multiple target tracking system for driver assistant application (HL, SN), pp. 887–892.
DATE-2013-LiYHL #adaptation #named #smarttech #user interface- SmartCap: user experience-oriented power adaptation for smartphone’s application processor (XL, GY, YH, XL), pp. 57–60.
DATE-2013-MiyamoriXKUST #development #manycore #power management- Development of low power many-core SoC for multimedia applications (TM, HX, TK, HU, TS, JT), pp. 773–777.
DATE-2013-NegreanKE #analysis #manycore- Timing analysis of multi-mode applications on AUTOSAR conform multi-core systems (MN, SK, RE), pp. 302–307.
DATE-2013-RizkBJMA #case study #design- Statically-scheduled application-specific processor design: a case-study on MMSE MIMO equalization (MR, AB, MJ, YM, YA), pp. 677–680.
DATE-2013-ShenQ #energy #performance #smarttech #streaming #video- User-aware energy efficient streaming strategy for smartphone based video playback applications (HS, QQ), pp. 258–261.
DATE-2013-StanisicVCDMLM #analysis #embedded #performance #power management- Performance analysis of HPC applications on low-power embedded platforms (LS, BV, JC, AD, VMM, AL, JFM), pp. 475–480.
DATE-2013-TodorovMRS #approach #clustering #synthesis- A spectral clustering approach to application-specific network-on-chip synthesis (VT, DMG, HR, US), pp. 1783–1788.
DATE-2013-WagnerW #analysis #performance #statistics- Efficient variation-aware statistical dynamic timing analysis for delay test applications (MW, HJW), pp. 276–281.
DATE-2013-YakovlevVR #industrial #logic #roadmap #tool support- Advances in asynchronous logic: from principles to GALS & NoC, recent industry applications, and commercial CAD tools (AY, PV, MR), pp. 1715–1724.
DATE-2013-YanLH #adaptation #fault #self- A dynamic self-adaptive correction method for error resilient application (LY, HL, ZH), pp. 943–946.
DATE-2013-YetimMM #streaming- Extracting useful computation from error-prone processors for streaming applications (YY, MM, SM), pp. 202–207.
DocEng-2013-SilvaSM #html #named #web- NCL4WEB: translating NCL applications to HTML5 web pages (ECOS, JAFdS, DCMS), pp. 253–262.
DocEng-2013-SimkoFHV #metadata- Managing content, metadata and user-created annotations in web-based applications (MS, MF, MH, PV), pp. 201–204.
DocEng-2013-VielMPT #bound- Go beyond boundaries of iTV applications (CCV, ELM, MdGCP, CACT), pp. 263–272.
DRR-2013-SalahRP #adaptation #assessment #automation #detection #quality- Adaptive detection of missed text areas in OCR outputs: application to the automatic assessment of OCR quality in mass digitization projects (ABS, NR, TP).
ICDAR-2013-CecottiV #classification #multi #recognition- Rejection Schemes in Multi-class Classification — Application to Handwritten Character Recognition (HC, SV), pp. 445–449.
ICDAR-2013-GaoRKLSIK #detection #documentation #image #retrieval- Key-Region Detection for Document Images — Application to Administrative Document Retrieval (HG, MR, DK, JL, TS, MI, KK), pp. 230–234.
ICDAR-2013-GordoRKB #classification #documentation #segmentation- Document Classification and Page Stream Segmentation for Digital Mailroom Applications (AG, MR, DK, ADB), pp. 621–625.
ICDAR-2013-HedjamC #documentation #estimation #image #multi #representation- Ground-Truth Estimation in Multispectral Representation Space: Application to Degraded Document Image Binarization (RH, MC), pp. 190–194.
ICDAR-2013-LebourgeoisDGD #documentation #image #performance #segmentation- Fast Integral MeanShift: Application to Color Segmentation of Document Images (FL, FD, DG, JD), pp. 52–56.
ICDAR-2013-MoallaLA- Generalized Eigen Cooccurrence: Application to Palaeography (IM, FL, AMA), pp. 555–559.
ICDAR-2013-NafchiMC #documentation #image- Application of Phase-Based Features and Denoising in Postprocessing and Binarization of Historical Document Images (HZN, RFM, MC), pp. 220–224.
SIGMOD-2013-AbiteboulAMST #development #rule-based #using- Rule-based application development using Webdamlog (SA, ÉA, GM, JS, JT), pp. 965–968.
SIGMOD-2013-CheungAMM #database- Speeding up database applications with Pyxis (AC, OA, SM, ACM), pp. 969–972.
SIGMOD-2013-SametSA #database #game studies- Indexing methods for moving object databases: games and other applications (HS, JS, MA), pp. 169–180.
VLDB-2013-CiviliCGLLLMPRRSS #data access #ontology- MASTRO STUDIO: Managing Ontology-Based Data Access applications (CC, MC, GDG, DL, ML, LL, RM, AP, RR, MR, VS, DFS), pp. 1314–1317.
VLDB-2013-Lomet #approach #database #hardware #sql- Microsoft SQL Server’s Integrated Database Approach for Modern Applications and Hardware (DBL), pp. 1178–1179.
VLDB-2013-SikkaFGL #enterprise #evolution #framework #in memory- SAP HANA: The Evolution from a Modern Main-Memory Data Platform to an Enterprise Application Platform (VS, FF, AKG, WL), pp. 1184–1185.
ITiCSE-2013-EdwardsA #android #framework #named- Sofia: the simple open framework for inventive android applications (SHE, AA), p. 321.
FASE-2013-SakamotoTHWF #code generation #integration #named #testing #web- POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coverage in Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications (KS, KT, DH, HW, YF), pp. 343–358.
FASE-2013-TrippPCCG #analysis #named #scalability #security #web- Andromeda: Accurate and Scalable Security Analysis of Web Applications (OT, MP, PC, RC, SG), pp. 210–225.
FASE-2013-YangPX #approach #automation #generative #mobile- A Grey-Box Approach for Automated GUI-Model Generation of Mobile Applications (WY, MRP, TX), pp. 250–265.
TACAS-2013-GligoricM #database #model checking- Model Checking Database Applications (MG, RM), pp. 549–564.
CSMR-2013-BergerSK #architecture #security- Extracting and Analyzing the Implemented Security Architecture of Business Applications (BJB, KS, RK), pp. 285–294.
CSMR-2013-BorrielloMC #android #architecture #migration #towards- Migrating Android Applications towards Service-centric Architectures with Sip2Share (AB, FM, GC), pp. 413–416.
CSMR-2013-DuclosDGA #automation #c++ #named #testing- ACRE: An Automated Aspect Creator for Testing C++ Applications (ED, SLD, YGG, BA), pp. 121–130.
CSMR-2013-MinelliL #lessons learnt #mobile- Software Analytics for Mobile Applications-Insights & Lessons Learned (RM, ML), pp. 144–153.
CSMR-2013-Nagy #data-driven #static analysis- Static Analysis of Data-Intensive Applications (CN), pp. 435–438.
CSMR-2013-NegaraTS #detection #web- Feature Detection in Ajax-Enabled Web Applications (NN, NT, ES), pp. 154–163.
CSMR-2013-SnajberkHB #component #using #visualisation- Visualization of Component-Based Applications Structure Using AIVA (JS, LH, PB), pp. 409–412.
CSMR-2013-StevensRNJ #detection #multi #query #refactoring- A History Querying Tool and Its Application to Detect Multi-version Refactorings (RS, CDR, CN, VJ), pp. 335–338.
ICPC-2013-AlyCM #comprehension #towards- Building extensions for applications: Towards the understanding of extension possibilities (MA, AC, MM), pp. 182–191.
ICSM-2013-CastrejonVCL #maintenance #named #persistent- ExSchema: Discovering and Maintaining Schemas from Polyglot Persistence Applications (JCC, GVS, CC, RL), pp. 496–499.
ICSM-2013-FontanaFMWM #empirical #quality #smell- Investigating the Impact of Code Smells on System’s Quality: An Empirical Study on Systems of Different Application Domains (FAF, VF, AM, BW, PM), pp. 260–269.
ICSM-2013-HolySBJ #component #visualisation- A Visualization Tool for Reverse-Engineering of Complex Component Applications (LH, JS, PB, KJ), pp. 500–503.
ICSM-2013-KwonT #energy #mobile- Reducing the Energy Consumption of Mobile Applications Behind the Scenes (YWK, ET), pp. 170–179.
ICSM-2013-MinelliL #framework #mobile #named #visual notation- SAMOA — A Visual Software Analytics Platform for Mobile Applications (RM, ML), pp. 476–479.
ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN #refactoring #web- Output-Oriented Refactoring in PHP-Based Dynamic Web Applications (HAN, HVN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN13a #fault #locality #web- Database-Aware Fault Localization for Dynamic Web Applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 456–459.
ICSM-2013-SiebraMSS #framework- The Adventure of Developing a Software Application on a Pre-release Platform: Features and Learned Lessons (CdS, AM, FQBdS, ALMS), pp. 556–559.
WCRE-2013-AvanciniC #grammarware #named #testing #web- Circe: A grammar-based oracle for testing Cross-site scripting in web applications (AA, MC), pp. 262–271.
WCRE-2013-KhadkaSJHH #challenge #legacy #lessons learnt #migration #scalability- Migrating a large scale legacy application to SOA: Challenges and lessons learned (RK, AS, SJ, JH, GPH), pp. 425–432.
WCRE-2013-MemonBNR #user interface- The first decade of GUI ripping: Extensions, applications, and broader impacts (AMM, IB, BNN, BR), pp. 11–20.
PEPM-2013-DevrieseSCP #domain-specific language #recursion- Fixing idioms: a recursion primitive for applicative DSLs (DD, IS, DC, FP), pp. 97–106.
PLDI-2013-CheungSM #optimisation #query #synthesis- Optimizing database-backed applications with query synthesis (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 3–14.
PLDI-2013-ZhangLYS #algorithm #alias #analysis #performance- Fast algorithms for Dyck-CFL-reachability with applications to alias analysis (QZ, MRL, HY, ZS), pp. 435–446.
STOC-2013-AlonLSV #algorithm #approximate #matrix #rank- The approximate rank of a matrix and its algorithmic applications: approximate rank (NA, TL, AS, SV), pp. 675–684.
STOC-2013-BitanskyP #approximate #encryption #obfuscation #on the- On the impossibility of approximate obfuscation and applications to resettable cryptography (NB, OP), pp. 241–250.
STOC-2013-BrandaoH #metric #quantum #theorem- Quantum de finetti theorems under local measurements with applications (FGSLB, AWH), pp. 861–870.
STOC-2013-ChekuriC #graph- Large-treewidth graph decompositions and applications (CC, JC), pp. 291–300.
STOC-2013-ChungPS #security #simulation- Non-black-box simulation from one-way functions and applications to resettable security (KMC, RP, KS), pp. 231–240.
STOC-2013-GargGSW #encryption- Witness encryption and its applications (SG, CG, AS, BW), pp. 467–476.
STOC-2013-KaneM- A PRG for lipschitz functions of polynomials with applications to sparsest cut (DMK, RM), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2013-MengM #linear #robust- Low-distortion subspace embeddings in input-sparsity time and applications to robust linear regression (XM, MWM), pp. 91–100.
CIAA-2013-HasanIRS #automaton #on the #sequence- On Palindromic Sequence Automata and Applications (MMH, ASMSI, MSR, AS), pp. 158–168.
CIAA-2013-Veanes #automaton #finite- Applications of Symbolic Finite Automata (MV), pp. 16–23.
SEFM-2013-BorekMSR #approach #model checking #modelling- Model Checking of Security-Critical Applications in a Model-Driven Approach (MB, NM, KS, WR), pp. 76–90.
ICFP-2013-PetersenGDAD #case study #experience #functional #programming- Experience report: functional programming of mHealth applications (CP, MG, DTD, JMA, GAD), pp. 357–362.
GT-VMT-2013-Corradini #concurrent #semantics- Invited Talk: On the Concurrent Semantics of Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (AC).
CHI-2013-CassidyAR #game studies #mobile #using- Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store (BC, DSA, JCR), pp. 2287–2290.
CHI-2013-LawsonJGLKVRM #metric #mobile #validation- Validating a mobile phone application for the everyday, unobtrusive, objective measurement of sleep (SWL, SJP, AG, CL, EK, SV, DR, KM), pp. 2497–2506.
CHI-2013-MatejkaGF13a #heatmap #named #visualisation- Patina: dynamic heatmaps for visualizing application usage (JM, TG, GWF), pp. 3227–3236.
CHI-2013-RoedlS #design #research- Design research at CHI and its applicability to design practice (DR, ES), pp. 1951–1954.
CHI-2013-XiaoHH13a #ad hoc #agile #interactive #named- WorldKit: rapid and easy creation of ad-hoc interactive applications on everyday surfaces (RX, CH, SEH), pp. 879–888.
CSCW-2013-ShaQDM #mobile- Trend makers and trend spotters in a mobile application (XS, DQ, MD, PM), pp. 1365–1374.
CSCW-2013-WangGX #empirical #online #privacy #social- An online experiment of privacy authorization dialogues for social applications (NW, JG, HX), pp. 261–272.
DHM-HB-2013-IllmannFLBD- Application and Future Developments of EMA in Digital Production Planning and Ergonomics (BI, LF, WL, SB, MD), pp. 66–75.
DHM-HB-2013-TheisAMW #artificial reality #aspect-oriented #industrial- Considering Ergonomic Aspects of Head-Mounted Displays for Applications in Industrial Manufacturing (ST, TA, MPM, MW), pp. 282–291.
DHM-SET-2013-BerberianSC- Causal Attribution and Control: Between Consciousness and Psychical Half-Shadow Application to Flight Operations (BB, JCS, LC), pp. 11–20.
DHM-SET-2013-Yamamoto #modelling- Investigation of an Agent-Based Modeling on Crowd Evacuation and Its Application to Real Buildings (FY), pp. 373–382.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Al-ArifiAAAA #communication #towards- Towards an Arabic Language Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application for Autism (BAA, AAR, GAO, NAR, AAW), pp. 333–341.
DUXU-CXC-2013-AlhafzyAMA #experience #novel- A Novel Reading Technique Application: Exploring Arabic Children Experience (MSA, EAA, HHM, MA), pp. 3–10.
DUXU-CXC-2013-CarignanK #case study #gamification #identification- Case Study: Identifying Gamification Opportunities in Sales Applications (JC, SLK), pp. 501–507.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ChuM #design #health #interactive- Application of Rhetorical Appeals in Interactive Design for Health (SC, GMM), pp. 371–380.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Maciel #named #testing #usability- PALMA: Usability Testing of an Application for Adult Literacy in Brazil (FRM), pp. 229–237.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MakanawalaGGL #gamification #performance- Applying Gamification in Customer Service Application to Improve Agents’ Efficiency and Satisfaction (PM, JG, EG, HL), pp. 548–557.
DUXU-CXC-2013-RosaGP #design #mobile- Participatory Design for Mobile Application for Academic Management in a Brazilian University (JGSR, AG, MdOP), pp. 286–295.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ThianthaiZ #enterprise #gamification- Bridging the Gap between Consumer and Enterprise Applications through Gamification (TT, BZ), pp. 602–607.
DUXU-CXC-2013-TsueiCC #metric #mobile #usability- Measuring Usability of the Mobile Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement Application with Children (MT, HYC, BSC), pp. 304–310.
DUXU-NTE-2013-BreyerRVCTK #artificial reality #case study #design- Design Methodology for Body Tracking Based Applications — A Kinect Case Study (FB, BR, LAV, AC, JMXNT, JK), pp. 227–236.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusAA #evaluation #heuristic- Heuristic Evaluation of iCalamityGuide Application (AM, SA, MFA), pp. 130–139.
DUXU-PMT-2013-BuchdidPB #design- Designing iDTV Applications from Participatory Use of Patterns (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 459–468.
DUXU-PMT-2013-OrehovackiH #development #education #usability #validation #web- Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure the Usability of Educational Artifacts Created with Web 2.0 Applications (TO, NZH), pp. 369–378.
DUXU-PMT-2013-PenhaCSCB #evaluation #usability- Ergonomic Evaluation of Usability with Users — Application of the Technique of Cooperative Evaluation (MP, WC, MMS, FC, MB), pp. 379–388.
DUXU-PMT-2013-SandinoMV #design #interactive #realtime- Design Thinking Methodology for the Design of Interactive Real-Time Applications (DS, LMM, GV), pp. 583–592.
DUXU-PMT-2013-VinagreN #design #named- Usagame — A New Methodology to Support User Centered Design of Touchscreen Applications (PV, ILN), pp. 620–629.
DUXU-WM-2013-BaldassariDPEG #case study #interactive #online #scalability- Behind Livia’s Villa: A Case Study for the Devolution of Large Scale Interactive “in-site” to “on-line” Application (GLB, ED, SP, JE, HG), pp. 238–247.
DUXU-WM-2013-BohmS #design #energy #mobile #performance #smarttech- Smart Metering with Smartphones: User-Centered Design of a Mobile Application in the Context of Energy Efficiency (SB, LS), pp. 631–640.
DUXU-WM-2013-FalcaoS #artificial reality #usability- Application of Virtual Reality Technologies in Consumer Product Usability (CSF, MMS), pp. 342–351.
DUXU-WM-2013-GencerBZV #framework #machine learning #mobile #using- A New Framework for Increasing User Engagement in Mobile Applications Using Machine Learning Techniques (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 651–659.
DUXU-WM-2013-Igler #approach #design #evaluation #mobile #prototype- Feature Evaluation for Mobile Applications: A Design Science Approach Based on Evolutionary Software Prototypes (BI), pp. 673–681.
DUXU-WM-2013-PrataMQ #mobile #testing #usability- Usability Testing of Mobile Applications Store: Purchase, Search and Reviews (WP, CRM, MQ), pp. 714–722.
DUXU-WM-2013-WelchK #mobile #usability- Determining the Effect of Menu Element Size on Usability of Mobile Applications (SW, SJK), pp. 740–749.
HCI-AMTE-2013-Ariya #case study #experience- Case Study for Experience Vision — Application for PC (KA), pp. 275–280.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BurzaccaP #evaluation #mobile #usability #web- Remote Usability Evaluation of Mobile Web Applications (PB, FP), pp. 241–248.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ErturanBTCYO #comprehension #mobile #representation- A Mobile Application Flow Representation for Mutual Understanding of IT and Healthcare Professionals (YNE, SB, GT, NEÇ, EY, EÖ), pp. 310–319.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HermannCW #human-computer #industrial #interactive #manycore #parallel- Parallel Rendering of Human-Computer Interaction Industrial Applications on Multi-/Many-Core Platforms (SH, AC, L(W), pp. 350–360.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LuderschmidtHLD #agile #authoring #design #interactive #named #prototype- EMIL: A Rapid Prototyping Authoring Environment for the Design of Interactive Surface Applications (JL, NH, SL, RD), pp. 381–390.
HCI-AMTE-2013-WincklerBB- Characterizing Incidents Reporting Systems across Applications Domains (MW, CB, RB), pp. 521–530.
HCI-AS-2013-BergmansS #behaviour #mobile #persuasion #using- Reducing Speeding Behavior in Young Drivers Using a Persuasive Mobile Application (AB, SS), pp. 541–550.
HCI-AS-2013-CravenSMSMVRC #development #requirements #self #smarttech- User Requirements for the Development of Smartphone Self-reporting Applications in Healthcare (MPC, KS, RSKM, HS, AM, KV, NRF, JC), pp. 36–45.
HCI-AS-2013-DixonDD13a #design #health #implementation #mobile #testing- Designing, Implementing and Testing a Mobile Application to Assist with Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition (JD, JD, SDD), pp. 66–75.
HCI-AS-2013-KalwarHP #concept #internet #named- SWord: A Concept Application for Mitigating Internet Terminology Anxiety (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 239–248.
HCI-AS-2013-MontAlvaoPL #case study #testing #usability- Usability Testing for e-health Application: A Case Study for Sana/Open MRS (CRM, FP, CAPdL), pp. 144–149.
HCI-AS-2013-SelvarajahCMCVR #question #web- Native Apps versus Web Apps: Which Is Best for Healthcare Applications? (KS, MPC, AM, JC, KV, NRF), pp. 189–196.
HCI-III-2013-DavidCD #collaboration #mobile #user interface- Supportive User Interfaces for MOCOCO (Mobile, Contextualized and Collaborative) Applications (BD, RC, FD), pp. 29–38.
HCI-III-2013-FunkeBKS #concept #interactive #ontology- An Ontology-Based Interaction Concept for Social-Aware Applications (AF, SB, RK, TS), pp. 46–55.
HCI-III-2013-LimD- Evaluating Intelligibility Usage and Usefulness in a Context-Aware Application (BYL, AKD), pp. 92–101.
HCI-III-2013-OhiroIN #communication- An Awareness System for Supporting Remote Communication — Application to Long-Distance Relationships (TO, TI, YN), pp. 329–338.
HCI-IMT-2013-AlexandrisM #human-computer #multi- Linguistic Processing of Implied Information and Connotative Features in Multilingual HCI Applications (CA, IM), pp. 13–22.
HCI-IMT-2013-BraunFMSM #bound #gesture- Context-Based Bounding Volume Morphing in Pointing Gesture Application (AB, AF, AM, CS, MM), pp. 147–156.
HCI-IMT-2013-Chen13b #gesture #people- Gesture-Based Applications for Elderly People (WC), pp. 186–195.
HCI-IMT-2013-GreeneTM #challenge #gesture #mobile #modelling #multi- Computational Cognitive Modeling of Touch and Gesture on Mobile Multitouch Devices: Applications and Challenges for Existing Theory (KKG, FPT, RJM), pp. 449–455.
HCI-IMT-2013-RyuLYL #gesture #interface- Conditions of Applications, Situations and Functions Applicable to Gesture Interface (TR, JL, MHY, JHL), pp. 368–377.
HCI-UC-2013-GuercioMBL #education #experience #named #network #social- SOCIETY: A Social Reading Application to Join Education and Social Network Experience (EG, FLM, MB, LL), pp. 277–284.
HCI-UC-2013-HarleyKRBBPHF #evaluation #web- The Evaluation of a Voting Web Based Application (LH, KK, JR, CB, AB, CP, MH, WBF), pp. 285–294.
HCI-UC-2013-KraftT #enterprise #resource management #semantics- Semantically Integrated Business Applications for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (PK, RT), pp. 411–417.
HCI-UC-2013-LinCTH- An Application of the Ballistic Movement Method for Evaluating Computer Mice (RFL, CWC, YCT, CYH), pp. 199–208.
HCI-UC-2013-RossvollF #social #social media- Trustworthy and Inclusive Identity Management for Applications in Social Media (THR, LF), pp. 68–77.
HIMI-D-2013-HiranoNN #development #evaluation #tool support- Evaluation of System Engineers’ Intellectual Productivity — Focusing on Coding Procedures in Application Development Tools (RH, YN, MN), pp. 305–315.
HIMI-HSM-2013-CastronovoMM #interface #what- What, Where, and When? Intelligent Presentation Management for Automotive Human Machine Interfaces and Its Application (SC, AM, CAM), pp. 460–469.
HIMI-HSM-2013-JangOKK- User Guiding Information Supporting Application for Clinical Procedure in Traditional Medicine (HJ, YTO, AK, SKK), pp. 100–109.
HIMI-HSM-2013-KimKL #design #standard #verification- Designing and Verifying Application Schema by Applying Standard Element for Managing Ocean Observation Data (STK, LKK, TYL), pp. 110–115.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MizutaniKSASUKSI #development #eye tracking #visual notation- Development of Screening Visual Field Test Application that Use Eye Movement (MM, KK, SS, TA, TS, MU, SK, MS, TI), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MoodyW #mobile #security #what- Security, But at What Cost? — An Examination of Security Notifications within a Mobile Application (GM, DW), pp. 391–399.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ZhangA #flexibility #user interface- Improving the Flexibility of In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems by the Smart Management of GUI-Application Binding Related Information (RZ, TA), pp. 223–232.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-AehneltBRKUK #interactive #multi #smarttech- Situation Aware Interaction with Multi-modal Business Applications in Smart Environments (MA, SB, GR, FK, BU, TK), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-WatabeMH #process- Application to Help Learn the Process of Transforming Mathematical Expressions with a Focus on Study Logs (TW, YM, YH), pp. 157–164.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-YajimaHY #analysis #communication #design- Application of Ethno-Cognitive Interview and Analysis Method for the Smart Communication Design (AY, HH, TY), pp. 649–657.
OCSC-2013-AlaouiL #approach #communication #design- A LivingLab Approach to Involve Elderly in the Design of Smart TV Applications Offering Communication Services (MA, ML), pp. 325–334.
OCSC-2013-BourimiK #case study #collaboration #community #experience #online #using- Experiences by Using AFFINE for Building Collaborative Applications for Online Communities (MB, DK), pp. 345–354.
AdaEurope-2013-KampenhoutH #deployment #manycore #modelling- Model-Based Deployment of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Applications on Multicore Processors (JRvK, RH), pp. 35–50.
CAiSE-2013-KapurugeHCK #as a service #named #scalability- ROAD4SaaS: Scalable Business Service-Based SaaS Applications (MK, JH, AWC, IK), pp. 338–352.
EDOC-2013-AlyCEM #interface #multi #named- XPoints: Extension Interfaces for Multilayered Applications (MA, AC, SE, MM), pp. 237–246.
EDOC-2013-MullerBHKP #database #enterprise #in memory #maintenance #performance- Efficient View Maintenance for Enterprise Applications in Columnar In-Memory Databases (SM, LB, KH, SK, HP), pp. 249–258.
EDOC-2013-SuleimanV #modelling #performance- Modeling Performance of Elasticity Rules for Cloud-Based Applications (BS, SV), pp. 201–206.
ICEIS-J-2013-BouneffaA13a #approach #graph grammar #impact analysis #ontology- The Change Impact Analysis in BPM Based Software Applications: A Graph Rewriting and Ontology Based Approach (MB, AA), pp. 280–295.
ICEIS-J-2013-HarbuschP13a #exclamation #optimisation #smarttech #usability #user interface- Optimizing the User Interface of a First-Aid App: A “Realistic” Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 421–437.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Castanon-PugaCF #fuzzy #java #library #named #object-oriented- JT2FIS: Java Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System — An Object-oriented Class Library for Building Java Intelligent Applications (MCP, JRC, MFP), pp. 524–529.
ICEIS-v1-2013-GrabisK #integration #on-demand- On-demand Data Integration for Decision-making Applications (JG, JK), pp. 201–208.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Prados-SuarezMRY #health- Contextualized Access to Electronic Health Records — Application to Hospital Interoperability (BPS, CM, MAPdR, MCPY), pp. 272–279.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SilveiraMAC #development #library #matrix #memory management #process- A Library to Support the Development of Applications that Process Huge Matrices in External Memory (JAS, SVGM, MVAA, VSC), pp. 153–160.
ICEIS-v2-2013-BouneffaA- Change Management of BPM-based Software Applications (MB, AA), pp. 37–45.
ICEIS-v2-2013-FragalSGJ #approach #embedded #product line #specification- Application Engineering for Embedded Systems — Transforming SysML Specification to Simulink within a Product-Line based Approach (VHF, RFS, IMdSG, EAdOJ), pp. 94–101.
ICEIS-v2-2013-KimMMK #optimisation #visualisation- Application of Information Technology for Visualizing and Optimizing Construction Project Schedule (HSK, SYM, HSM, LSK), pp. 329–332.
ICEIS-v2-2013-Milosz #case study #enterprise #legacy #performance #testing #using- Performance Testing of New Enterprise Applications using Legacy Load Data — A HIS Case Study (MM), pp. 151–156.
ICEIS-v2-2013-VitolsSB #development #mobile- Cross-platform Solution for Development of Mobile Applications (GV, IS, OB), pp. 273–277.
ICEIS-v2-2013-WolfengagenRSBS #approach #modelling #process #towards- Applicative Approach to Information Processes Modeling — Towards a Constructive Information Theory (VW, VR, LS, AB, AS), pp. 323–328.
ICEIS-v3-2013-HarbuschP #exclamation #smarttech #usability #user interface- The User Interface of a Medical First Aid Application — A Close-to-Realistic Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 91–98.
ICEIS-v3-2013-Plechawska-WojcikLW #assessment #case study #experience #user interface #using #web- Assessment of User Experience with Responsive Web Applications using Expert Method and Cognitive Walkthrough — A Case Study (MPW, SLM, LW), pp. 111–118.
CIKM-2013-ManiuC #performance #social- Network-aware search in social tagging applications: instance optimality versus efficiency (SM, BC), pp. 939–948.
ECIR-2013-CrestaniM #distributed #information retrieval- Distributed Information Retrieval and Applications (FC, IM), pp. 865–868.
ECIR-2013-MoensV #information retrieval #modelling #probability #topic- Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Probabilistic Topic Models and Their Applications in Information Retrieval (MFM, IV), pp. 874–877.
ICML-c1-2013-BuhlerRSH #clustering #community #detection #set #source code- Constrained fractional set programs and their application in local clustering and community detection (TB, SSR, SS, MH), pp. 624–632.
ICML-c1-2013-ChenWC- Maximum Variance Correction with Application to A* Search (WC, KQW, YC), pp. 302–310.
ICML-c1-2013-ChenWY #combinator #framework #multi- Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit: General Framework and Applications (WC, YW, YY), pp. 151–159.
ICML-c1-2013-SznitmanLFJF #locality #policy- An Optimal Policy for Target Localization with Application to Electron Microscopy (RS, AL, PIF, BJ, PF), pp. 1–9.
ICML-c3-2013-AhmedHS #documentation #modelling #process- Nested Chinese Restaurant Franchise Process: Applications to User Tracking and Document Modeling (AA, LH, AJS), pp. 1426–1434.
ICML-c3-2013-BaktashmotlaghHBLS #analysis #classification #video- Non-Linear Stationary Subspace Analysis with Application to Video Classification (MB, MTH, AB, BCL, MS), pp. 450–458.
ICML-c3-2013-WytockK #algorithm #energy #random #theory and practice- Sparse Gaussian Conditional Random Fields: Algorithms, Theory, and Application to Energy Forecasting (MW, JZK), pp. 1265–1273.
ICML-c3-2013-YangMM #scalability- Quantile Regression for Large-scale Applications (JY, XM, MWM), pp. 881–887.
KDD-2013-GilpinED #algorithm #framework #learning- Guided learning for role discovery (GLRD): framework, algorithms, and applications (SG, TER, IND), pp. 113–121.
KDD-2013-KengneFTIRWS #execution #multi #scalability #sequence- Efficiently rewriting large multimedia application execution traces with few event sequences (CKK, LCF, AT, NI, MCR, TW, MS), pp. 1348–1356.
KDD-2013-ZhaoH #detection #learning #online- Cost-sensitive online active learning with application to malicious URL detection (PZ, SCHH), pp. 919–927.
KEOD-2013-AlmKLS #design pattern #metric #ontology #quality- Applicability of Quality Metrics for Ontologies on Ontology Design Patterns (RA, SK, BL, KS), pp. 48–57.
KEOD-2013-NogueiraG #multi #nondeterminism #programming #set- Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information — An Application of Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 399–406.
MLDM-2013-BouillonAA #evolution #fuzzy #gesture #learning #recognition- Decremental Learning of Evolving Fuzzy Inference Systems: Application to Handwritten Gesture Recognition (MB, ÉA, AA), pp. 115–129.
RecSys-2013-PizzatoB #network #people #recommendation #social- Beyond friendship: the art, science and applications of recommending people to people in social networks (LAP, AB), pp. 495–496.
RecSys-2013-SavirBS #recommendation- Recommending improved configurations for complex objects with an application in travel planning (AS, RIB, GS), pp. 391–394.
SEKE-2013-AlmeidaCBCLDP #adaptation #in the cloud- Dynamic Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications (AA, EC, TB, NC, FL, FCD, PFP), pp. 67–72.
SEKE-2013-BuenoA #experience #knowledge base- Releasing the OMCS-Br Knowledgebase to Facilitate Insertion of Culture in Applications: Brazilian Experience (S) (AdOB, JCA), pp. 137–140.
SEKE-2013-CorralSS #mobile #quality #using- Using a Partially Instantiated GQM to Measure the Quality of Mobile Applications (S) (LC, AS, GS), pp. 520–524.
SEKE-2013-JuniorF #experience #mobile #web- SIGAA Mobile — A sucessful experience of constructing a mobile application from a existing web system (GSdAJ, IdMBF), pp. 510–515.
SEKE-2013-Lacanienta0TO #approach #generative #knowledge-based #web- A Knowledge-based Approach for Generating Test Scenarios for Web Applications (RL, ST, HT, MO), pp. 166–171.
SEKE-2013-NishiuraMWH #analysis #mutation testing #testing- Mutation Analysis for JavaScriptWeb Application Testing (KN, YM, HW, SH), pp. 159–165.
SEKE-2013-PramudiantoIJ #development #internet #modelling #prototype- Model Driven Development for Internet of Things Application Prototyping (FP, IRI, MJ), pp. 703–708.
SEKE-2013-TriasCSM #migration #web- An ADM-based Method for migrating CMS-based Web applications (FT, VdC, MLS, EM), pp. 256–261.
SEKE-2013-YuYLC #empirical #testing #web- An Empirical Study of an Improved Web Application Fuzz Testing Technique (S) (LY, ZY, CL, FC), pp. 400–404.
SIGIR-2013-BuccioNS #linked data #open data #web- A geolinguistic web application based on linked open data (EDB, GMDN, GS), pp. 1101–1102.
SIGIR-2013-Ruiz-RicoTGR #multi- A multilingual and multiplatform application for medicinal plants prescription from medical symptoms (FRR, DT, JLVG, MCRS), pp. 1121–1122.
SIGIR-2013-YankovBS #mobile #ranking- Interoperability ranking for mobile applications (DY, PB, RS), pp. 857–860.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MoDELS-2013-SaadB #analysis #data flow- Data-Flow Based Model Analysis and Its Applications (CS, BB), pp. 707–723.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MoDELS-2013-SaadB #analysis #data flow- Data-Flow Based Model Analysis and Its Applications (CS, BB), pp. 707–723.
Onward-2013-MilicevicJGM #interactive #modelling #paradigm #programming #web- Model-based, event-driven programming paradigm for interactive web applications (AM, DJ, MG, DM), pp. 17–36.
OOPSLA-2013-BoisSEE #concurrent #graph #multi #scalability #thread #visualisation- Bottle graphs: visualizing scalability bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications (KDB, JBS, SE, LE), pp. 355–372.
PADL-2013-DreyMHC #debugging- Reversible Language Extensions and Their Application in Debugging (ZD, JFM, MVH, MC), pp. 206–221.
PADL-2013-Jeffrey #html #web- Dependently Typed Web Client Applications — FRP in Agda in HTML5 (AJ), pp. 228–243.
ER-BR-2013-CabrejosMC #approach #development #elicitation #requirements #usability #web- An Approach for the Elicitation of Usability Requirements in the Development of Web Applications (LJERC, SM, TC).
RE-2013-BreauxR #analysis #formal method #multi #privacy #requirements #specification- Formal analysis of privacy requirements specifications for multi-tier applications (TDB, AR), pp. 14–20.
RE-2013-SultanovH #learning #requirements- Application of reinforcement learning to requirements engineering: requirements tracing (HS, JHH), pp. 52–61.
RE-2013-YuAMFC #industrial #state of the art- Practical applications of i∗ in industry: The state of the art (ESKY, DA, GM, XF, JC), pp. 366–367.
REFSQ-2013-AdamS #effectiveness #elicitation #empirical #product line #requirements- Effective Requirements Elicitation in Product Line Application Engineering — An Experiment (SA, KS), pp. 362–378.
SAC-2013-BaldovinGMV #kernel- Kernel-level time composability for avionics applications (AB, AG, EM, TV), pp. 1552–1554.
SAC-2013-CameronSNMM #analysis #component #performance #realtime #rule-based- Performance analysis of a rule-based SOA component for real-time applications (AC, MS, NN, WM, TM), pp. 1877–1884.
SAC-2013-CostaFLAV #metaheuristic #optimisation #statistics- Optimization metaheuristics for minimizing variance in a real-world statistical application (EC, FF, ARL, HA, FMV), pp. 206–207.
SAC-2013-CruzCMZ #monitoring- Monitoring SOA-based applications with business provenance (SMSdC, RMC, LMBM, JZ), pp. 1927–1932.
SAC-2013-GaubatzZ #collaboration #constraints #web- Supporting entailment constraints in the context of collaborative web applications (PG, UZ), pp. 736–741.
SAC-2013-GrootGYNK #data-driven #distributed #modelling- Modeling I/O interference for data intensive distributed applications (SG, KG, DY, MN, MK), pp. 343–350.
SAC-2013-HeitkotterMK #development #mobile #modelling- Cross-platform model-driven development of mobile applications with md2 (HH, TAM, HK), pp. 526–533.
SAC-2013-HongJ #named #network #object-oriented #programming language- Meso: an object-oriented programming language for building strongly-typed internet-based network applications (SH, YJJ), pp. 1579–1586.
SAC-2013-JangJHJKJ #android- Protecting Android applications with steganography-based software watermarking (JJ, HJ, JH, JJ, DK, SKJ), pp. 1657–1658.
SAC-2013-KimHCYWNPC #similarity #using- Measuring similarity of windows applications using static and dynamic birthmarks (DJK, YH, SC, HY, JW, YN, MP, LC), pp. 1628–1633.
SAC-2013-LoTNCLC #development #framework #multimodal- i*Chameleon: a platform for developing multimodal application with comprehensive development cycle (KWKL, WWWT, GN, ATSC, HVL, SCFC), pp. 1103–1108.
SAC-2013-MagalhaesS #adaptation #monitoring #performance- Adaptive monitoring of web-based applications: a performance study (JPM, LMS), pp. 471–478.
SAC-2013-MeilingSSW #communication #framework #grid #multi #network #scalability #smarttech #using- A scalable communication infrastructure for smart grid applications using multicast over public networks (SM, TS, TCS, MW), pp. 690–694.
SAC-2013-OliveiraP #experience #framework #middleware- Experience with a middleware infrastructure for service oriented financial applications (JPO, JP), pp. 479–484.
SAC-2013-PougetSCM #approach #data flow #debugging #embedded #interactive #novel- A novel approach for interactive debugging of dynamic dataflow embedded applications (KP, MS, PLC, JFM), pp. 1547–1549.
SAC-2013-SpreitzenbarthFESH #android #named- Mobile-sandbox: having a deeper look into android applications (MS, FCF, FE, TS, JH), pp. 1808–1815.
SAC-2013-SunGYFC #multi #testing #user interface- Multi-objective test case prioritization for GUI applications (WS, ZG, WY, CF, ZC), pp. 1074–1079.
SAC-2013-VeeraragavanBMVNM #analysis #comprehension #distributed #experience #interactive #metric #multi #quality- Understanding the quality of experience in modern distributed interactive multimedia applications in presence of failures: metrics and analysis (NRV, AB, LM, RV, NN, HM), pp. 439–446.
SAC-2013-WilkePRPGA #energy #mobile- Comparing mobile applications’ energy consumption (CW, CP, SR, GP, SG, UA), pp. 1177–1179.
ESEC-FSE-2013-EscoffierLR #component #framework #javascript #named- h-ubu: an industrial-strength service-oriented component framework for JavaScript applications (CE, PL, NR), pp. 699–702.
ESEC-FSE-2013-GrechanikHBW #database- Preventing database deadlocks in applications (MG, BMMH, UB, HW), pp. 356–366.
ESEC-FSE-2013-HossainGBW #database #named #transaction- REDACT: preventing database deadlocks from application-based transactions (BMMH, MG, UB, HW), pp. 591–594.
ESEC-FSE-2013-JensenMS #automation #interface #javascript #testing #web- Server interface descriptions for automated testing of JavaScript web applications (CSJ, AM, ZS), pp. 510–520.
ESEC-FSE-2013-MadsenLF #framework #javascript #library #static analysis- Practical static analysis of JavaScript applications in the presence of frameworks and libraries (MM, BL, MF), pp. 499–509.
ESEC-FSE-2013-QiuLS #analysis #co-evolution #database #empirical- An empirical analysis of the co-evolution of schema and code in database applications (DQ, BL, ZS), pp. 125–135.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SchurRZ #behaviour #enterprise #mining #modelling #web- Mining behavior models from enterprise web applications (MS, AR, AZ), pp. 422–432.
ESEC-FSE-2013-ZhengZG #analysis #named #string #web- Z3-str: a z3-based string solver for web application analysis (YZ, XZ, VG), pp. 114–124.
ICSE-2013-ChoudharyPO #identification #named #web- X-PERT: accurate identification of cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 702–711.
ICSE-2013-GhoshSLC #automation #generative #industrial #java #named #string #testing- JST: an automatic test generation tool for industrial Java applications with strings (IG, NS, GL, WFC), pp. 992–1001.
ICSE-2013-HaoLHG #energy #mobile #program analysis #using- Estimating mobile application energy consumption using program analysis (SH, DL, WGJH, RG), pp. 92–101.
ICSE-2013-MemonC #automation #modelling #testing #tool support #user interface- Automated testing of GUI applications: models, tools, and controlling flakiness (AMM, MBC), pp. 1479–1480.
ICSE-2013-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- DRC: a detection tool for dangling references in PHP-based web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1299–1302.
ICSE-2013-Rimba #assurance #security #using- Building high assurance secure applications using security patterns for capability-based platforms (PR), pp. 1401–1404.
ICSE-2013-ShangJHAHM #big data #data analysis #developer- Assisting developers of big data analytics applications when deploying on hadoop clouds (WS, ZMJ, HH, BA, AEH, PM), pp. 402–411.
ICSE-2013-SmitSSL #development #in the cloud #query- Supporting application development with structured queries in the cloud (MS, BS, MS, ML), pp. 1213–1216.
ICSE-2013-ThummalapentaLSSC #generative #testing #web- Guided test generation for web applications (ST, KVL, SS, NS, SC), pp. 162–171.
ICSE-2013-ZhengZ #detection #execution #static analysis #web- Path sensitive static analysis of web applications for remote code execution vulnerability detection (YZ, XZ), pp. 652–661.
ASPLOS-2013-HofmannKDLW #named #operating system- InkTag: secure applications on an untrusted operating system (OSH, SK, AMD, MZL, EW), pp. 265–278.
ASPLOS-2013-HonarmandDTKPP #named #parallel- Cyrus: unintrusive application-level record-replay for replay parallelism (NH, ND, JT, STK, GP, CP), pp. 193–206.
CGO-2013-ChoMHBM #profiling- Instant profiling: Instrumentation sampling for profiling datacenter applications (HKC, TM, REH, DB, SAM), p. 10.
CGO-2013-RenALMPS #data type #parallel- SIMD parallelization of applications that traverse irregular data structures (BR, GA, JRL, TM, TP, WS), p. 10.
HPCA-2013-DasAMKA #manycore #memory management #policy- Application-to-core mapping policies to reduce memory system interference in multi-core systems (RD, RA, OM, AK, MA), pp. 107–118.
HPCA-2013-GilaniKS #power management- Power-efficient computing for compute-intensive GPGPU applications (SZG, NSK, MJS), pp. 330–341.
HPCA-2013-SudanBLXMLB #architecture #lightweight #novel #using #web- A novel system architecture for web scale applications using lightweight CPUs and virtualized I/O (KS, SB, SL, MX, DM, GL, RB), pp. 167–178.
HPDC-2013-AjiPJCMBBDFMMT #on the- On the efficacy of GPU-integrated MPI for scientific applications (AMA, LSP, FJ, MC, KM, PB, KRB, JD, WcF, JMMC, XM, RT), pp. 191–202.
HPDC-2013-BehzadHLABYKP #framework- A framework for auto-tuning HDF5 applications (BB, JH, HVTL, RAA, SB, YY, QK, P), pp. 127–128.
HPDC-2013-BuRX #clustering #pipes and filters #scheduling- Interference and locality-aware task scheduling for MapReduce applications in virtual clusters (XB, JR, CZX), pp. 227–238.
HPDC-2013-LiuJZZSMC #automation #named #parallel- ACIC: automatic cloud I/O configurator for parallel applications (ML, YJ, JZ, YZ, QS, XM, WC), pp. 111–112.
HPDC-2013-SajjapongseWB #clustering #multi #runtime- A preemption-based runtime to efficiently schedule multi-process applications on heterogeneous clusters with GPUs (KS, XW, MB), pp. 179–190.
HPDC-2013-ZhangKWWF #parallel #scalability- MTC envelope: defining the capability of large scale computers in the context of parallel scripting applications (ZZ, DSK, MW, JMW, ITF), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2013-ZhouWSJS #parallel #realtime- Supporting parallel soft real-time applications in virtualized environment (LZ, SW, HS, HJ, XS), pp. 117–118.
ISMM-2013-BuBXC #big data #design- A bloat-aware design for big data applications (YB, VRB, G(X, MJC), pp. 119–130.
LCTES-2013-GeunsHB #automation #data flow #realtime- Automatic dataflow model extraction from modal real-time stream processing applications (SJG, JPHMH, MJGB), pp. 143–152.
PPoPP-2013-PadmanabhanCC #composition #streaming- Decomposition techniques for optimal design-space exploration of streaming applications (SP, YC, RDC), pp. 285–286.
PPoPP-2013-WozniakAWKLF #data flow #named #programming #scalability- Swift/T: scalable data flow programming for many-task applications (JMW, TGA, MW, DSK, ELL, ITF), pp. 309–310.
SOSP-2013-RavindranathPMB #mobile #named- Timecard: controlling user-perceived delays in server-based mobile applications (LR, JP, RM, HB), pp. 85–100.
CADE-2013-BeckertGS #algorithm #logic- Analysing Vote Counting Algorithms via Logic — And Its Application to the CADE Election Scheme (BB, RG, CS), pp. 135–144.
CSL-2013-Maruyama #category theory #monad- Categorical Duality Theory: With Applications to Domains, Convexity, and the Distribution Monad (YM), pp. 500–520.
ICLP-J-2013-MazuranSZ #datalog #declarative #horn clause- A declarative extension of horn clauses, and its significance for datalog and its applications (MM, ES, CZ), pp. 609–623.
ICST-2013-GrechanikHB #database #testing- Testing Database-Centric Applications for Causes of Database Deadlocks (MG, BMMH, UB), pp. 174–183.
ICST-2013-MunetohY #agile #development #framework #named #security #testing- RAILROADMAP: An Agile Security Testing Framework for Web-application Development (SM, NY), pp. 491–492.
ICST-2013-Torsel #domain-specific language #model checking #modelling #testing #using #web- A Testing Tool for Web Applications Using a Domain-Specific Modelling Language and the NuSMV Model Checker (AMT), pp. 383–390.
ICST-2013-Vernotte #modelling #research #testing #web- Research Questions for Model-Based Vulnerability Testing of Web Applications (AV), pp. 505–506.
ISSTA-2013-GuiSLSDW #model checking #predict #reliability #testing- Combining model checking and testing with an application to reliability prediction and distribution (LG, JS, YL, YJS, JSD, XW), pp. 101–111.
ISSTA-2013-LiHHG #android #energy- Calculating source line level energy information for Android applications (DL, SH, WGJH, RG), pp. 78–89.
ISSTA-2013-ZhangLE #automation #evolution #user interface #workflow- Automatically repairing broken workflows for evolving GUI applications (SZ, HL, MDE), pp. 45–55.
RTA-2013-GuiraudMM #monad #topic- A Homotopical Completion Procedure with Applications to Coherence of Monoids (YG, PM, SM), pp. 223–238.
SAT-2013-AudemardLS #incremental #satisfiability- Improving Glucose for Incremental SAT Solving with Assumptions: Application to MUS Extraction (GA, JML, LS), pp. 309–317.
CBSE-2012-CalmantAGDG #component #python- A dynamic and service-oriented component model for python long-lived applications (TC, JCA, OG, DD, KG), pp. 35–40.
QoSA-2012-Marzolla #energy #optimisation #scalability- Optimizing the energy consumption of large-scale applications (MM), pp. 123–132.
ASE-2012-AmalfitanoFTCM #android #automation #testing #user interface #using- Using GUI ripping for automated testing of Android applications (DA, ARF, PT, SDC, AMM), pp. 258–261.
ASE-2012-BartelKTM #android #automation- Automatically securing permission-based software by reducing the attack surface: an application to Android (AB, JK, YLT, MM), pp. 274–277.
ASE-2012-NguyenNNNN #detection #embedded #smell #web- Detection of embedded code smells in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, ATN, TNN), pp. 282–285.
ASE-2012-SharT #predict #validation #web- Predicting common web application vulnerabilities from input validation and sanitization code patterns (LKS, HBKT), pp. 310–313.
CASE-2012-HoSY #data mining #mining #modelling- Data Mining of Life Log for Developing a User model-based Service Application (YH, ESS, TY), pp. 757–760.
CASE-2012-HsiehYCLTC- A new swappable fluidic module for applications of capillary convective polymerase chain reaction (YFH, ASY, CWC, SKL, LYT, PHC), pp. 900–903.
CASE-2012-JangLKAPR- Hydraulic actuators in application of robot manipulator (SJ, GL, HK, KA, JP, SR), pp. 924–925.
CASE-2012-KimM #modelling #on the #probability #random #throughput- On the throughput of deterministic flow lines with random state dependent setups: Stochastic models and applications (WsK, JRM), pp. 650–655.
CASE-2012-LiuSJT #automation #hybrid #mobile- A Floyd-Dijkstra hybrid application for mobile robot path planning in life science automation (HL, NS, SJ, KT), pp. 279–284.
CASE-2012-ParkBPB #development- Development of an anthropomorphic robot hand aimed at practical use for wide service robot application (SWP, JHB, JHP, MB), pp. 431–435.
CASE-2012-ParkM #behaviour #bound #clustering #hybrid #linear #performance #tool support- Performance bounds for hybrid flow lines: Fundamental behavior, practical features and application to linear cluster tools (KP, JRM), pp. 371–376.
DAC-2012-CastrillonTLA- Communication-aware mapping of KPN applications onto heterogeneous MPSoCs (JC, AT, RL, GA), pp. 1266–1271.
DAC-2012-CheC #embedded #manycore- Unrolling and retiming of stream applications onto embedded multicore processors (WC, KSC), pp. 1272–1277.
DAC-2012-ChenZCZX #mobile #scalability #streaming #video- Quality-retaining OLED dynamic voltage scaling for video streaming applications on mobile devices (XC, JZ, YC, MZ, CJX), pp. 1000–1005.
DAC-2012-HamzehSV #morphism #named #using- EPIMap: using epimorphism to map applications on CGRAs (MH, AS, SBKV), pp. 1284–1291.
DAC-2012-HuangYCL #case study #industrial- Alternate hammering test for application-specific DRAMs and an industrial case study (RFH, HYY, MCTC, SCL), pp. 1012–1017.
DAC-2012-KuangBK #manycore #network #optimisation- Traffic-aware power optimization for network applications on multicore servers (JK, LNB, RK), pp. 1006–1011.
DAC-2012-LinK #comprehension #logic #search-based #synthesis- Application of logic synthesis to the understanding and cure of genetic diseases (PCKL, SPK), pp. 734–740.
DAC-2012-MelpignanoBFJLHCD #embedded #evaluation #framework #manycore #performance #visual notation- Platform 2012, a many-core computing accelerator for embedded SoCs: performance evaluation of visual analytics applications (DM, LB, EF, BJ, TL, GH, FC, DD), pp. 1137–1142.
DAC-2012-SinhaVVXZ #concept #statistics- Reversible statistical max/min operation: concept and applications to timing (DS, CV, NV, JX, VZ), pp. 1067–1073.
DATE-2012-BattezzatiCMS #algorithm #architecture #industrial #novel- SURF algorithm in FPGA: A novel architecture for high demanding industrial applications (NB, SC, MM, LS), pp. 161–162.
DATE-2012-CanedoF #cyber-physical #execution #industrial #parallel #towards- Towards parallel execution of IEC 61131 industrial cyber-physical systems applications (AC, MAAF), pp. 554–557.
DATE-2012-DenizSH #embedded #manycore #verification- Verification coverage of embedded multicore applications (ED, AS, JH), pp. 252–255.
DATE-2012-Gamatie #design #streaming #using- Design of streaming applications on MPSoCs using abstract clocks (AG), pp. 763–768.
DATE-2012-GanPGM #design #distributed #flexibility #realtime #robust- Robust and flexible mapping for real-time distributed applications during the early design phases (JG, PP, FG, JM), pp. 935–940.
DATE-2012-GerdesKURS #realtime- Time analysable synchronisation techniques for parallelised hard real-time applications (MG, FK, TU, CR, PS), pp. 671–676.
DATE-2012-KwonKKYL #case study #in memory #memory management #ram- A case study on the application of real phase-change RAM to main memory subsystem (SK, DK, YK, SY, SL), pp. 264–267.
DATE-2012-LevequePLACSMC #embedded #feedback #modelling #multi- Holistic modeling of embedded systems with multi-discipline feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System (AL, FP, MML, HA, FC, SS, AM, LC), pp. 739–744.
DATE-2012-MahmoodPLM #clustering #energy #memory management #optimisation- Application-specific memory partitioning for joint energy and lifetime optimization (HM, MP, ML, EM), pp. 364–369.
DATE-2012-MasrurGCCAB #analysis #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol- Timing analysis of cyber-physical applications for hybrid communication protocols (AM, DG, SC, JJC, AA, AB), pp. 1233–1238.
DATE-2012-MorchePMV #architecture #named #power management- UWB: Innovative architectures enable disruptive low power wireless applications (DM, MP, GM, PV), pp. 1156–1160.
DATE-2012-OzTKT #analysis #parallel #thread #trade-off- Performance-reliability tradeoff analysis for multithreaded applications (IO, HRT, MTK, OT), pp. 893–898.
DATE-2012-SekaninaS #image #logic #multi #towards- Towards new applications of multi-function logic: Image multi-filtering (LS, VS), pp. 824–827.
DATE-2012-ShahRK #bound #scheduling #using- Bounding WCET of applications using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs (HS, AR, AK), pp. 665–670.
DATE-2012-TabkhiS #approach #power management- Application-specific power-efficient approach for reducing register file vulnerability (HT, GS), pp. 574–577.
DocEng-2012-Delprat #approach #documentation- Content and document based approach for digital productivity applications (TD), pp. 83–84.
DocEng-2012-LecarpentierBCB #documentation #inheritance #web- An inheritance model for documents in web applications with sydonie (JML, PYB, HLC, RB), pp. 153–156.
DocEng-2012-NetoPS #hypermedia- TAL processor for hypermedia applications (CdSSN, HFP, LFGS), pp. 69–78.
DocEng-2012-SoaresNS #architecture #behaviour #constraints #hypermedia- Architecture for hypermedia dynamic applications with content and behavior constraints (LFGS, CdSSN, JGS), pp. 217–226.
DRR-2012-DaherGEBV #categorisation #recognition- Unsupervised categorization method of graphemes on handwritten manuscripts: application to style recognition (HD, DG, VE, SB, NV).
SIGMOD-2012-BoltonIRT #declarative #development #encapsulation #javascript #web- Declarative web application development: encapsulating dynamic JavaScript widgets (abstract only) (RB, DI, CR, KLT), p. 863.
SIGMOD-2012-ChandramouliCNSZ #named #realtime- RACE: real-time applications over cloud-edge (BC, JC, SN, IS, WZ), pp. 625–628.
SIGMOD-2012-GotzNG #mobile #named #personalisation- MaskIt: privately releasing user context streams for personalized mobile applications (MG, SN, JG), pp. 289–300.
SIGMOD-2012-KanneE #data-driven #declarative #fault #robust- Declarative error management for robust data-intensive applications (CCK, VE), pp. 205–216.
SIGMOD-2012-KwonBHR #named #pipes and filters- SkewTune: mitigating skew in mapreduce applications (YK, MB, BH, JAR), pp. 25–36.
SIGMOD-2012-Vaithyanathan #enterprise #social #social media- The value of social media data in enterprise applications (SV), pp. 755–756.
VLDB-2012-CheungAMM #automation #clustering #database- Automatic Partitioning of Database Applications (AC, OA, SM, ACM), pp. 1471–1482.
VLDB-2012-ErdosILTB #multi #problem- The Filter-Placement Problem and its Application to Minimizing Information Multiplicity (DE, VI, AL, ET, AB), pp. 418–429.
VLDB-2012-Jacques-SilvaGWWK #adaptation #runtime- Building User-defined Runtime Adaptation Routines for Stream Processing Applications (GJS, BG, RW, KLW, VK), pp. 1826–1837.
VLDB-2012-KwonBHR #pipes and filters- SkewTune in Action: Mitigating Skew in MapReduce Applications (YK, MB, BH, JAR), pp. 1934–1937.
VLDB-2012-RablSJGMM #big data #challenge #enterprise #performance- Solving Big Data Challenges for Enterprise Application Performance Management (TR, MS, HAJ, SGV, VMM, SM), pp. 1724–1735.
VLDB-2012-TaliusDDK #fault #query #transaction- Transaction Log Based Application Error Recovery and Point In-Time Query (TT, RD, AD, HK), pp. 1781–1789.
VLDB-2012-WenzelEMK #query- Complex Preference Queries Supporting Spatial Applications for User Groups (FW, ME, SM, WK), pp. 1946–1949.
FASE-2012-AbadiEF #slicing #theory and practice- Fine Slicing — Theory and Applications for Computation Extraction (AA, RE, YAF), pp. 471–485.
FoSSaCS-2012-BiernackiL #bisimulation- Applicative Bisimulations for Delimited-Control Operators (DB, SL), pp. 119–134.
CSMR-2012-JelschenGJPW #energy #re-engineering #towards- Towards Applying Reengineering Services to Energy-Efficient Applications (JJ, MG, MJ, CP, AW), pp. 353–358.
CSMR-2012-MaezawaWH #behaviour #internet- Extracting Interaction-Based Stateful Behavior in Rich Internet Applications (YM, HW, SH), pp. 423–428.
CSMR-2012-SchrettnerFBKG #framework #industrial #quality- Software Quality Model and Framework with Applications in Industrial Context (LS, LJF, ÁB, ÁK, TG), pp. 453–456.
ICPC-2012-AlawnehH #communication #identification- Identifying computational phases from inter-process communication traces of HPC applications (LA, AHL), pp. 133–142.
ICSM-2012-AmalfitanoFTCI #android #testing #tool support #user interface- A toolset for GUI testing of Android applications (DA, ARF, PT, SDC, GI), pp. 650–653.
ICSM-2012-BezemerZHGWW #as a service #industrial #performance- Locating performance improvement opportunities in an industrial software-as-a-service application (CPB, AZ, AvdH, AvdG, MW, RW), pp. 547–556.
ICSM-2012-DuseauDS #approach #named #visual notation- Vasco: A visual approach to explore object churn in framework-intensive applications (FD, BD, HAS), pp. 15–24.
ICSM-2012-ThungLJ #collaboration #detection- Detecting similar applications with collaborative tagging (FT, DL, LJ), pp. 600–603.
SCAM-2012-GauthierM #alias #php- Alias-Aware Propagation of Simple Pattern-Based Properties in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 44–53.
WCRE-2012-GauthierM #data access #detection #performance #php- Fast Detection of Access Control Vulnerabilities in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 247–256.
WCRE-2012-JoorabchiM #mobile #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering iOS Mobile Applications (MEJ, AM), pp. 177–186.
WCRE-2012-NegaraS #automation #javascript #testing #web- Automated Acceptance Testing of JavaScript Web Applications (NN, ES), pp. 318–322.
PLDI-2012-HolewinskiRRFPRS #analysis- Dynamic trace-based analysis of vectorization potential of applications (JH, RR, MR, NF, LNP, AR, PS), pp. 371–382.
PLDI-2012-PetrovVSD #concurrent #detection #web- Race detection for web applications (BP, MTV, MS, JD), pp. 251–262.
STOC-2012-AlonMS #graph #scalability- Nearly complete graphs decomposable into large induced matchings and their applications (NA, AM, BS), pp. 1079–1090.
STOC-2012-BarakBHKSZ #proving- Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications (BB, FGSLB, AWH, JAK, DS, YZ), pp. 307–326.
STOC-2012-CheungKL #algorithm #matrix #performance #rank- Fast matrix rank algorithms and applications (HYC, TCK, LCL), pp. 549–562.
ICALP-v1-2012-FarzanMR #orthogonal #query- Succinct Indices for Range Queries with Applications to Orthogonal Range Maxima (AF, JIM, RR), pp. 327–338.
ICALP-v1-2012-VerbinZ #distance #named #sketching- Rademacher-Sketch: A Dimensionality-Reducing Embedding for Sum-Product Norms, with an Application to Earth-Mover Distance (EV, QZ), pp. 834–845.
ICALP-v1-2012-Zouzias #algorithm #matrix- A Matrix Hyperbolic Cosine Algorithm and Applications (AZ), pp. 846–858.
ICALP-v2-2012-GoodrichM #parallel- Anonymous Card Shuffling and Its Applications to Parallel Mixnets (MTG, MM), pp. 549–560.
ICALP-v2-2012-OchelRV #capacity #network #online- Online Packing with Gradually Improving Capacity Estimations and Applications to Network Lifetime Maximization (MO, KR, BV), pp. 648–659.
FM-2012-MinamideM #analysis #html #parsing #reachability #specification #testing- Reachability Analysis of the HTML5 Parser Specification and Its Application to Compatibility Testing (YM, SM), pp. 293–307.
IFM-2012-BorgerCG #analysis #framework #web- Contribution to a Rigorous Analysis of Web Application Frameworks (EB, AC, VG), pp. 1–20.
IFL-2012-DijkstraSVS #haskell #javascript- Building JavaScript Applications with Haskell (AD, JS, AV, SDS), pp. 37–52.
GT-VMT-2012-LaraG #constraints #visual notation- Inter-Modelling with Graphical Constraints: Foundations and Applications (JdL, EG).
ICGT-2012-BlumeBEK #automaton #graph #implementation #invariant #performance- Efficient Symbolic Implementation of Graph Automata with Applications to Invariant Checking (CB, HJSB, DE, BK), pp. 264–278.
ICGT-2012-KonigS #graph transformation- Well-Structured Graph Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (BK, JS), pp. 81–95.
ICGT-2012-TaentzerML #co-evolution #graph- Co-transformation of Graphs and Type Graphs with Application to Model Co-evolution (GT, FM, YL), pp. 326–340.
CHI-2012-BaillyMRWK #gesture #interactive #named #smarttech- ShoeSense: a new perspective on gestural interaction and wearable applications (GB, JM, MR, DW, SGK), pp. 1239–1248.
CHI-2012-ChilanaKW #crowdsourcing #named #web- LemonAid: selection-based crowdsourced contextual help for web applications (PKC, AJK, JOW), pp. 1549–1558.
CHI-2012-HuhnKLK #evaluation #on the- On the use of virtual environments for the evaluation of location-based applications (AEH, VJK, AL, PK), pp. 2569–2578.
CHI-2012-OlssonS #artificial reality #case study #experience #mobile- Narratives of satisfying and unsatisfying experiences of current mobile augmented reality applications (TO, MS), pp. 2779–2788.
CSCW-2012-HarryGS #interactive #tablet- Setting the stage for interaction: a tablet application to augment group discussion in a seminar class (DH, EG, CS), pp. 1071–1080.
CSCW-2012-LautamakiNKAME #collaboration #editing #java #named #realtime #web- CoRED: browser-based Collaborative Real-time Editor for Java web applications (JL, AN, JK, TA, TM, ME), pp. 1307–1316.
AdaEurope-2012-ForlerLW #api #design #encryption #library #programming- Designing the API for a Cryptographic Library — A Misuse-Resistant Application Programming Interface (CF, SL, JW), pp. 75–88.
AdaEurope-2012-SaezRC #framework #multi #realtime- An Integrated Framework for Multiprocessor, Multimoded Real-Time Applications (SS, JR, AC), pp. 18–34.
HILT-2012-LiSRM #analysis #protocol #realtime #scheduling- Applicability of real-time schedulability analysis on a software radio protocol (SL, FS, SR, MB), pp. 81–94.
CAiSE-2012-GhaddarTAB #as a service #multitenancy #outsourcing #variability- Variability as a Service: Outsourcing Variability Management in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications (AG, DT, AA, AB), pp. 175–189.
CAiSE-2012-Guizzardi12a #concept #modelling #ontology- Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling with Applications (GG), pp. 695–696.
CAiSE-2012-KabirHYC #information management #named #social- SCIMS: A Social Context Information Management System for Socially-Aware Applications (MAK, JH, JY, AWC), pp. 301–317.
CAiSE-2012-Kurowski #challenge- Challenges for Future Platforms, Services and Networked Applications (KK), pp. 19–30.
EDOC-2012-FesehayeGNW #interactive #mobile- Impact of Cloudlets on Interactive Mobile Cloud Applications (DF, YG, KN, GW), pp. 123–132.
EDOC-2012-Holmes #design #execution #modelling- From Business Application Execution to Design Through Model-Based Reporting (TH), pp. 143–153.
EDOC-2012-ZarghamiSES #as a service #logic #process- Decision as a Service: Separating Decision-making from Application Process Logic (AZ, BS, MZE, MvS), pp. 103–112.
ICEIS-J-2012-Loucopoulos12a #requirements- Requirements Engineering for Emergent Application Software (PL), pp. 18–28.
ICEIS-J-2012-PrenzelR12a #interactive #modelling #scheduling- Models for Human Computer Interaction in Scheduling Applications (AP, GR), pp. 155–171.
ICEIS-J-2012-RenardCR12a #evaluation #fault #process #towards- Towards a Leaner Evaluation Process: Application to Error Correction Systems (AR, SC, BR), pp. 228–242.
ICEIS-v1-2012-AstiazaraB #energy #predict- Application of an Artificial Immune System to Predict Electrical Energy Fraud and Theft (MVA, DACB), pp. 265–271.
ICEIS-v1-2012-CoelhoAA #industrial #network- Node Positioning — Application for Wireless Networks Industrial Plants (PHGC, JLMdA, JFMdA), pp. 291–294.
ICEIS-v1-2012-PrenzelR #design #human-computer #interface #scheduling- Design of Human-computer Interfaces in Scheduling Applications (AP, GR), pp. 219–228.
ICEIS-v1-2012-QuastH #information management #question #social- Social Information Systems — The End of Shadow Applications? (MQ, MJH), pp. 5–15.
ICEIS-v2-2012-AbdallahR #embedded #performance #testing- Performance Impact of Fuzz Testing Windows Embedded Handheld Applications (NA, SR), pp. 371–376.
ICEIS-v2-2012-Bourougaa-TriaSM #adaptation #ubiquitous- Management of User Preferences and Conflicts to Ubiquitous Applications Adaptation (SBT, HSB, FM), pp. 271–276.
ICEIS-v2-2012-HanadaOKM #java #ml #ocl #uml- Practical Application of a Translation Tool from UML/OCL to Java Skeleton with JML Annotation (KH, KO, SK, KM), pp. 389–394.
ICEIS-v2-2012-KitanoST #community #framework #lightweight #web- Lightweight Web Application Framework and Its Application — Helping Improve Community Bus Timetables after Japan Earthquake (YK, HS, AT), pp. 252–257.
ICEIS-v2-2012-OrlandoRHODM #editing #web- SWRL Rule Editor — A Web Application as Rich as Desktop Business Rule Editors (JPO, AR, SH, MJO, AKD, DAM), pp. 258–263.
ICEIS-v2-2012-VianaPP #domain-specific language #framework #generative #modelling #reuse- Generating Applications — Framework Reuse Supported by Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (MCV, RDP, AFdP), pp. 5–14.
ICEIS-v3-2012-AkikiBY #adaptation #enterprise #modelling #runtime #user interface #using- Using Interpreted Runtime Models for Devising Adaptive User Interfaces of Enterprise Applications (PAA, AKB, YY), pp. 72–77.
CIKM-2012-MeleBG #graph #recommendation- The early-adopter graph and its application to web-page recommendation (IM, FB, AG), pp. 1682–1686.
CIKM-2012-NiLZLF #adaptation #database #design #multitenancy #named- Adapt: adaptive database schema design for multi-tenant applications (JN, GL, JZ, LL, JF), pp. 2199–2203.
CIKM-2012-QahtanZW #detection #estimation #performance- Efficient estimation of dynamic density functions with an application to outlier detection (AAQ, XZ, SW), pp. 2159–2163.
ICML-2012-BootsG #identification #problem- Two Manifold Problems with Applications to Nonlinear System Identification (BB, GJG), p. 8.
ICML-2012-Boulanger-LewandowskiBV #dependence #generative #modelling #music #sequence- Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High-Dimensional Sequences: Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription (NBL, YB, PV), p. 244.
ICML-2012-HannahD #design #geometry #programming- Ensemble Methods for Convex Regression with Applications to Geometric Programming Based Circuit Design (LH, DBD), p. 24.
ICML-2012-HartikainenSS #modelling #predict- State-Space Inference for Non-Linear Latent Force Models with Application to Satellite Orbit Prediction (JH, MS, SS), p. 96.
ICML-2012-PiresS #estimation #learning #linear #statistics- Statistical linear estimation with penalized estimators: an application to reinforcement learning (BAP, CS), p. 228.
ICPR-2012-ChenYY #analysis #null #recognition #scalability- Large margin null space discriminant analysis with applications to face recognition (XC, JY, WY), pp. 1679–1682.
ICPR-2012-HaoK #people #retrieval- Unsupervised people organization and its application on individual retrieval from videos (PH, SiK), pp. 2001–2004.
ICPR-2012-HardingHCLC #automation #detection #image- Automated detection of skeletal muscle twitches from B-mode ultrasound images: An application to motor neuron disease (PJH, EFHT, RC, IL, NC), pp. 2630–2633.
ICPR-2012-HartlR #artificial reality #mobile- Rectangular target extraction for mobile augmented reality applications (AH, GR), pp. 81–84.
ICPR-2012-LeiLL #analysis #feature model #linear #performance #recognition- Efficient feature selection for linear discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition (ZL, SL, SZL), pp. 1136–1139.
ICPR-2012-MiaoLZ #fault #feature model #predict- Cost-sensitive feature selection with application in software defect prediction (LM, ML, DZ), pp. 967–970.
ICPR-2012-NafchiK #dataset #image #representation- Rectangular based binary image representation: Theory, applications, and dataset introduction (HZN, HRK), pp. 190–193.
ICPR-2012-NayefAB #learning- Learning feature weights of symbols, with application to symbol spotting (NN, MZA, TMB), pp. 2371–2374.
ICPR-2012-NielsenLYV #matrix- Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications (FN, ML, XY, BCV), pp. 2841–2844.
ICPR-2012-PinquierKLGMBGD #multi #process #recognition #smarttech- Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: Application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors (JP, SK, LL, PG, RM, JBP, YG, JFD), pp. 3192–3195.
ICPR-2012-WangGFC #analysis #segmentation- Curvature-driven volumetric segmentation of binary shapes: An application to snow microstructure analysis (XW, LG, FF, DC), pp. 742–745.
ICPR-2012-WilkinsonO #analysis #documentation- Mask-edge connectivity: Theory, computation, and application to historical document analysis (MHFW, JO), pp. 1334–1337.
ICPR-2012-XuGN #image #using- Morphological filtering in shape spaces: Applications using tree-based image representations (YX, TG, LN), pp. 485–488.
ICPR-2012-ZhangZNH #learning #multi #recognition- Joint dynamic sparse learning and its application to multi-view face recognition (HZ, YZ, NMN, TSH), pp. 1671–1674.
KDD-2012-Holmes #data mining #mining- Developing data mining applications (GH), p. 225.
KDD-2012-Shi- China’s national personal credit scoring system: a real-life intelligent knowledge application (YS), p. 406.
KDD-2012-ShiA #dataset #mobile #recommendation- GetJar mobile application recommendations with very sparse datasets (KS, KA), pp. 204–212.
KDIR-2012-Inselberg #coordination #geometry #parallel #visual notation- Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and Its Applications (AI).
KEOD-2012-SantosG #ontology- Building Application Ontologies through Knowledge System Goals (LES, RG), pp. 115–124.
KMIS-2012-FruhmannZ #enterprise #motivation- Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in SMEs — Application Areas, Motivation, Success Factors and Barriers (SF, MZ), pp. 202–207.
KMIS-2012-KeumKB #collaboration #communication #design #framework- Architeture Design of a Network-centric Platform for Unified Communication and Collaboration Applications (CK, SK, HB), pp. 294–297.
KMIS-2012-RezendeLBJMRB #framework #information management #modelling- Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road Infrastructure Operation and Regulation — Study on the Methods Application in an Organizational Unit (LR, MAL, CRNB, JdLPCJ, LAM, SAR, CAMB), pp. 265–268.
KR-2012-BackstromJ #abstraction- Abstracting Abstraction in Search with Applications to Planning (CB, PJ).
KR-2012-GrauHKKMMW #logic #query- Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics (BCG, IH, MK, CK, DM, BM, ZW).
KR-2012-VlaeminckVBD #complexity #logic #order #semantics- Ordered Epistemic Logic: Semantics, Complexity and Applications (HV, JV, MB, MD).
MLDM-2012-SyarifZPW #detection- Application of Bagging, Boosting and Stacking to Intrusion Detection (IS, EZ, APB, GW), pp. 593–602.
SEKE-2012-BritoOMNBGM #case study #composition #implementation #social #web- Implementing Web Applications as Social Machines Composition: A Case Study (KdSB, LEAO, PFM, LMN, VAdAB, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 311–314.
SEKE-2012-Collazo-MojicaSEB #constraints #monitoring #scalability- Cloud Application Resource Mapping and Scaling Based on Monitoring of QoS Constraints (XJCM, SMS, JE, RMB), pp. 88–93.
SEKE-2012-ConradoC #domain-specific language #embedded #visual notation- Engineering Graphical Domain Specific Languages to Develop Embedded Robot Applications (DBFC, VVdC), pp. 495–498.
SEKE-2012-HanXO #web- Client-Side Rendering Mechanism: A Double-Edged Sword for Browser-Based Web Applications (HH, YX, KO), pp. 124–130.
SEKE-2012-JangidPE #analysis #mobile #predict #sentiment #using- A Mobile Application for Stock Market Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis (KJ, PP, ME), pp. 13–18.
SEKE-2012-RahmaniAS #modelling #performance #petri net #web #web service- Petri Net Modeling of Application Server Performance for Web Services (MR, AHA, HPS), pp. 305–310.
SEKE-2012-RiveroC #usability #using #web- Using the Results from a Systematic Mapping Extension to Define a Usability Inspection Method for Web Applications (LR, TC), pp. 582–587.
SEKE-2012-ShinKKJR #configuration management #dependence #impact analysis #using- Reconfiguration of Robot Applications using Data Dependency and Impact Analysis (MES, TK, SK, SJ, MR), pp. 684–687.
SEKE-2012-VegiFCOB #analysis #named- DC2AP: A Dublin Core Application Profile to Analysis Patterns (LFdMV, JLF, GLdSC, AdPO, JLB), pp. 511–516.
SIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDG #interactive #named #web- ALF: a client side logger and server for capturing user interactions in web applications (LA, MD, RG), p. 1003.
SIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDM #named #video- YooSee: a video browsing application for young children (LA, DD, KAM), p. 1017.
ICMT-J-2011-CuadradoGL12 #atl #flexibility #model transformation- Flexible Model-to-Model Transformation Templates: An Application to ATL (JSC, EG, JdL), pp. 1–28.
ECMFA-2012-HamannHG #monitoring #ocl #protocol #runtime #state machine- OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines (LH, OH, MG), pp. 384–399.
MoDELS-2012-KulkarniBR #product line #towards- Towards Business Application Product Lines (VK, SB, SR), pp. 285–301.
MoDELS-2012-KulkarniBR #product line #towards- Towards Business Application Product Lines (VK, SB, SR), pp. 285–301.
ECOOP-2012-AliL #graph- Application-Only Call Graph Construction (KA, OL), pp. 688–712.
Onward-2012-BainomugishaVRCM #fresh look #programming- Interruptible context-dependent executions: a fresh look at programming context-aware applications (EB, JV, CDR, ALC, WDM), pp. 67–84.
OOPSLA-2012-CousotCLB #abstract interpretation #contract #framework #refactoring- An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts (PC, RC, FL, MB), pp. 213–232.
OOPSLA-2012-SartorE #concurrent #hardware #java #manycore #performance #thread- Exploring multi-threaded Java application performance on multicore hardware (JBS, LE), pp. 281–296.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-FiambertiMT #development #framework #object-oriented #realtime- An Object-Oriented Application Framework for the Development of Real-Time Systems (FF, DM, FT), pp. 75–90.
GPCE-2012-BagheriS #architecture #framework #named #synthesis- Pol: specification-driven synthesis of architectural code frameworks for platform-based applications (HB, KJS), pp. 93–102.
POPL-2012-EllisonR #c #execution #semantics- An executable formal semantics of C with applications (CE, GR), pp. 533–544.
POPL-2012-RamananandroRL #c++ #resource management #semantics- A mechanized semantics for C++ object construction and destruction, with applications to resource management (TR, GDR, XL), pp. 521–532.
POPL-2012-VeanesHLMB #algorithm #finite #transducer- Symbolic finite state transducers: algorithms and applications (MV, PH, BL, DM, NB), pp. 137–150.
RE-2012-BerenbachSN #industrial #modelling #requirements- The use of a requirements modeling language for industrial applications (BB, FS, HN), pp. 285–290.
RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements- Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
REFSQ-2012-OriolQFPM #adaptation #monitoring #requirements- Requirements Monitoring for Adaptive Service-Based Applications (MO, NAQ, XF, AP, JM), pp. 280–287.
SAC-2012-AmericoRD #framework #java #realtime- Managing the dynamism of the OSGi Service Platform in real-time Java applications (JCA, WR, DD), pp. 1115–1122.
SAC-2012-BookGB #continuation #web- Process-aware continuation management in web applications (MB, VG, MB), pp. 717–724.
SAC-2012-BoulilaEFS #adaptation #approach #database #image #predict- High level adaptive fusion approach: application to land cover change prediction in satellite image databases (WB, KSE, IRF, BS), pp. 21–22.
SAC-2012-CasadoTY #reliability #testing #transaction #web #web service- Testing the reliability of web services transactions in cooperative applications (RC, JT, MY), pp. 743–748.
SAC-2012-ChiprianovKR #architecture #enterprise #modelling- Extending Enterprise Architecture Modeling Languages: application to telecommunications service creation (VC, YK, SR), pp. 1661–1666.
SAC-2012-DragoB #analysis #architecture #design #graph #manycore #named- DAG3: a tool for design and analysis of applications for multicore architectures (MLD, JB), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2012-ElsayedAR #challenge #modelling- Artificial Immune Systems: Models, Applications, and challenges (SAME, RAA, SR), pp. 256–258.
SAC-2012-FazackerleyML #database #gpu- GPU accelerated AES-CBC for database applications (SF, SMM, RL), pp. 873–878.
SAC-2012-GiuntaPT12a #aspect-oriented #design pattern- Superimposing roles for design patterns into application classes by means of aspects (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1866–1868.
SAC-2012-HarnieDBM #programming- Programming urban-area applications (DH, TD, EGB, WDM), pp. 1516–1521.
SAC-2012-HeinrichG #standard #web- Data binding for standard-based web applications (MH, MG), pp. 652–657.
SAC-2012-LeitnerSHID #middleware #named #novel #scalability- CloudScale: a novel middleware for building transparently scaling cloud applications (PL, BS, WH, CI, SD), pp. 434–440.
SAC-2012-LiuHHYS #multi #performance- An application of circumscribed circle filter in the Multi-Stencils Fast Marching method (HL, CCH, HH, MY, ES), pp. 33–38.
SAC-2012-MaiaFFCAT #framework #mobile #social- Framework for building intelligent mobile social applications (MEFM, JBFF, CABdQF, RC, RMCA, FT), pp. 525–530.
SAC-2012-MajchrzakS #agile #development #testing #using #web- Using spring Roo for the test-driven development of Web applications (TAM, AS), pp. 664–671.
SAC-2012-MannS #android #detection #framework #privacy #static analysis- A framework for static detection of privacy leaks in android applications (CM, AS), pp. 1457–1462.
SAC-2012-MavrogiannopoulosTP #encryption #framework #kernel #linux- A linux kernel cryptographic framework: decoupling cryptographic keys from applications (NM, MT, BP), pp. 1435–1442.
SAC-2012-NobakhtBJS #deployment #programming #scheduling- Programming and deployment of active objects with application-level scheduling (BN, FSdB, MMJ, RS), pp. 1883–1888.
SAC-2012-QueirozB #product line- Application engineering of service-based software product lines (PGGQ, RTVB), pp. 1996–1997.
SAC-2012-SalaunEPBC #distributed #in the cloud #protocol #self #verification- Verification of a self-configuration protocol for distributed applications in the cloud (GS, XE, NDP, FB, TC), pp. 1278–1283.
SAC-2012-ScandurraRPMC #adaptation #coordination #framework #optimisation #resource management- A layered coordination framework for optimizing resource allocation in adapting cloud-based applications (PS, CR, PP, RM, RC), pp. 471–472.
SAC-2012-ScholteRBK #analysis #empirical #validation #web- An empirical analysis of input validation mechanisms in web applications and languages (TS, WKR, DB, EK), pp. 1419–1426.
SAC-2012-TruyenCWVBGDJ #as a service #programming- Context-oriented programming for customizable SaaS applications (ET, NC, SW, JV, EB, SG, TD, WJ), pp. 418–425.
SAC-2012-VasconcelosB #automation #evaluation #towards #web- Towards an automatic evaluation of web applications (LGdV, LABJ), pp. 709–716.
FSE-2012-NearJ #bound #named #verification #web- Rubicon: bounded verification of web applications (JPN, DJ), p. 60.
FSE-2012-OcteauJM #android #bytecode #java- Retargeting Android applications to Java bytecode (DO, SJ, PM), p. 6.
FSE-2012-WangZXXM #analysis #automation #collaboration #hybrid #web- Automating presentation changes in dynamic web applications via collaborative hybrid analysis (XW, LZ, TX, YX, HM), p. 16.
ICSE-2012-Avancini #research #security #testing #web- Security testing of web applications: A research plan (AA), pp. 1491–1494.
ICSE-2012-Bailey #adaptation #modelling #self- Application of Self-Adaptive techniques to federated authorization models (CB), pp. 1495–1498.
ICSE-2012-BianculliGPS #case study #industrial #research #specification- Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications (DB, CG, CP, PS), pp. 968–976.
ICSE-2012-CaiC #concurrent #detection #named #scalability- MagicFuzzer: Scalable deadlock detection for large-scale applications (YC, WKC), pp. 606–616.
ICSE-2012-CarzanigaGMP #java #self- A self-healing technique for Java applications (AC, AG, AM, NP), pp. 1445–1446.
ICSE-2012-HuangLXW #mining #recommendation #repository #xml- Mining application repository to recommend XML configuration snippets (SH, YL, YX, WW), pp. 1451–1452.
ICSE-2012-KimKKJ #approach #case study #industrial #testing #using- Industrial application of concolic testing approach: A case study on libexif by using CREST-BV and KLEE (YK, MK, YJK, YJ), pp. 1143–1152.
ICSE-2012-McMillanGP #detection- Detecting similar software applications (CM, MG, DP), pp. 364–374.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- BabelRef: Detection and renaming tool for cross-language program entities in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1391–1394.
ICSE-2012-SamirniSAMTH #automation #constraints #fault #generative #html #php #string #theorem proving #using- Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving (HS, MS, SA, TDM, FT, LJH), pp. 277–287.
ICSE-2012-Schuchardt #mobile- Moving mobile applications between mobile devices seamlessly (VS), pp. 1595–1598.
ICSE-2012-YanXR #java #performance #problem #profiling- Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 134–144.
ASPLOS-2012-HariANR #equivalence #fault #named- Relyzer: exploiting application-level fault equivalence to analyze application resiliency to transient faults (SKSH, SVA, HN, PR), pp. 123–134.
ASPLOS-2012-JoaoSMP #identification #parallel #scheduling #thread- Bottleneck identification and scheduling in multithreaded applications (JAJ, MAS, OM, YNP), pp. 223–234.
CC-2012-YangBMIGSSS #c++ #inheritance #program analysis- Object Model Construction for Inheritance in C++ and Its Applications to Program Analysis (JY, GB, NM, FI, AG, NS, SS, NS), pp. 144–164.
CGO-2012-LiuRCK #named #optimisation #pipes and filters #towards- Panacea: towards holistic optimization of MapReduce applications (JL, NR, STC, MTK), pp. 33–43.
HPCA-2012-MillerPTST #named #process- Booster: Reactive core acceleration for mitigating the effects of process variation and application imbalance in low-voltage chips (TNM, XP, RT, NS, RT), pp. 27–38.
HPCA-2012-PanDWZ #enterprise #memory management #performance- Quasi-nonvolatile SSD: Trading flash memory nonvolatility to improve storage system performance for enterprise applications (YP, GD, QW, TZ), pp. 179–188.
HPCA-2012-SalapuraKNM- Accelerating business analytics applications (VS, TK, PN, JEM), pp. 413–422.
HPDC-2012-ChenASYB #multi #performance #question- Achieving application-centric performance targets via consolidation on multicores: myth or reality? (LYC, DA, ES, AY, WB), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2012-DelamareFKL #distributed #named #using- SpeQuloS: a QoS service for BoT applications using best effort distributed computing infrastructures (SD, GF, DK, OL), pp. 173–186.
HPDC-2012-GamellRPM #framework #power management- Exploring cross-layer power management for PGAS applications on the SCC platform (MG, IR, MP, RM), pp. 235–246.
HPDC-2012-GuptaKMFKMGSL #in the cloud #performance- Exploring the performance and mapping of HPC applications to platforms in the cloud (AG, LVK, DSM, PF, RK, VM, FG, CHS, BSL), pp. 121–122.
HPDC-2012-LifflanderKK- Work stealing and persistence-based load balancers for iterative overdecomposed applications (JL, SK, LVK), pp. 137–148.
HPDC-2012-LiSBKS #in the cloud #named #pipes and filters- CAM: a topology aware minimum cost flow based resource manager for MapReduce applications in the cloud (ML, DS, ARB, AK, PS), pp. 211–222.
LCTES-2012-GerardGPP #array #compilation #composition #data flow #memory management #optimisation- A modular memory optimization for synchronous data-flow languages: application to arrays in a lustre compiler (LG, AG, CP, MP), pp. 51–60.
LCTES-2012-HashemiFGE #embedded #named #scalability #streaming- FORMLESS: scalable utilization of embedded manycores in streaming applications (MH, MHF, SG, CE), pp. 71–78.
OSDI-2012-GiffinLSTMMR #named #privacy #web- Hails: Protecting Data Privacy in Untrusted Web Applications (DBG, AL, DS, DT, DM, JCM, AR), pp. 47–60.
OSDI-2012-KimCZ #performance #web- Efficient Patch-based Auditing for Web Application Vulnerabilities (TK, RC, NZ), pp. 193–206.
PPoPP-2012-AliasDP #kernel #optimisation #synthesis- Optimizing remote accesses for offloaded kernels: application to high-level synthesis for FPGA (CA, AD, AP), pp. 285–286.
PPoPP-2012-AnderschCJ #embedded #parallel #programming- Programming parallel embedded and consumer applications in OpenMP superscalar (MA, CCC, BHHJ), pp. 281–282.
PPoPP-2012-HuynhHWG #framework #multi #scalability #streaming- Scalable framework for mapping streaming applications onto multi-GPU systems (HPH, AH, WFW, RSMG), pp. 1–10.
PPoPP-2012-SimDKV #analysis #framework #identification #performance- A performance analysis framework for identifying potential benefits in GPGPU applications (JS, AD, HK, RWV), pp. 11–22.
PPoPP-2012-TaoBB #development #gpu #kernel #scalability #using- Using GPU’s to accelerate stencil-based computation kernels for the development of large scale scientific applications on heterogeneous systems (JT, MB, SRB), pp. 287–288.
ICLP-2012-CattafiHGNM #constraints #health #logic programming #performance #quality- Improving Quality and Efficiency in Home Health Care: an application of Constraint Logic Programming for the Ferrara NHS unit (MC, RH, MG, MN, FM), pp. 415–424.
ICST-2012-AlshahwanHMTT #metric #web- Crawlability Metrics for Web Applications (NA, MH, AM, RT, PT), pp. 151–160.
ICST-2012-Borjesson #automation #industrial #testing #user interface #visual notation- Industrial Applicability of Visual GUI Testing for System and Acceptance Test Automation (EB), pp. 475–478.
ICST-2012-BuchlerOP #named #testing #web- SPaCiTE — Web Application Testing Engine (MB, JO, AP), pp. 858–859.
ICST-2012-ChoudharyDBJOI #challenge #internet #modelling #security #testing- Solving Some Modeling Challenges when Testing Rich Internet Applications for Security (SC, MED, GvB, GVJ, IVO, PI), pp. 850–857.
ICST-2012-ChoudharyPO #crawling #detection #difference #named #web- CrossCheck: Combining Crawling and Differencing to Better Detect Cross-browser Incompatibilities in Web Applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 171–180.
ICST-2012-FrankeKWP #consistency #lifecycle #mobile #testing- Testing Conformance of Life Cycle Dependent Properties of Mobile Applications (DF, SK, CW, NP), pp. 241–250.
ICST-2012-GargD #database #testing #web- Test Case Prioritization Due to Database Changes in Web Applications (DG, AD), pp. 726–730.
ICST-2012-Kapfhammer #database #testing #towards- Towards a Method for Reducing the Test Suites of Database Applications (GMK), pp. 964–965.
ICST-2012-KimKJ #case study #embedded #industrial #testing- Industrial Application of Concolic Testing on Embedded Software: Case Studies (MK, YK, YJ), pp. 390–399.
ICST-2012-MarbackDE #approach #effectiveness #php #testing #web- An Effective Regression Testing Approach for PHP Web Applications (AM, HD, NE), pp. 221–230.
ICST-2012-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #interactive #named #testing- AutoBlackTest: Automatic Black-Box Testing of Interactive Applications (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 81–90.
ICST-2012-SprenkleCP #classification #modelling #statistics #web- Leveraging User-Privilege Classification to Customize Usage-based Statistical Models of Web Applications (SS, CC, LLP), pp. 161–170.
ICST-2012-ZhouF #database #effectiveness #empirical- Empirical Studies on Test Effectiveness for Database Applications (CZ, PGF), pp. 61–70.
ICTSS-2012-ChenV #protocol #testing- Passive Interoperability Testing for Request-Response Protocols: Method, Tool and Application on CoAP Protocol (NC, CV), pp. 87–102.
IJCAR-2012-JacquelBDD #automation #deduction #modulo theories #proving #theorem proving #using #verification- Tableaux Modulo Theories Using Superdeduction — An Application to the Verification of B Proof Rules with the Zenon Automated Theorem Prover (MJ, KB, DD, CD), pp. 332–338.
IJCAR-2012-Matiyasevich #automation #reasoning- Enlarging the Scope of Applicability of Successful Techniques for Automated Reasoning in Mathematics (YM), p. 9.
ISSTA-2012-AlshahwanH #detection #fault #testing #web- State aware test case regeneration for improving web application test suite coverage and fault detection (NA, MH), pp. 45–55.
ISSTA-2012-ZhaiXCT #approach #named #parallel #thread- CARISMA: a context-sensitive approach to race-condition sample-instance selection for multithreaded applications (KZ, BX, WKC, THT), pp. 221–231.
ISSTA-2012-ZhangLE #fault #parallel #thread #user interface- Finding errors in multithreaded GUI applications (SZ, HL, MDE), pp. 243–253.
VMCAI-2012-Bugaychenko #diagrams #model checking #multi #on the #probability- On Application of Multi-Rooted Binary Decision Diagrams to Probabilistic Model Checking (DB), pp. 104–118.
ECSA-2011-PurhonenS #adaptation #performance #runtime- Runtime Performance Management of Information Broker-Based Adaptive Applications (AP, SS), pp. 203–206.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-FranksLH #metric #modelling #performance #protocol- Performance measurements and modeling of a java-based session initiation protocol (SIP) application server (GF, DHL, CEH), pp. 63–72.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-KoziolekKR #architecture #automation #multi #named #optimisation- PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization (AK, HK, RHR), pp. 33–42.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-YusufSP #architecture #fault tolerance #grid- Architecture-based fault tolerance support for grid applications (IIY, HWS, IDP), pp. 177–182.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-Zave #architecture #how #internet- How software architecture can make an application-friendly internet (PZ), pp. 1–2.
WICSA-2011-AllierSSF #architecture #component #object-oriented- From Object-Oriented Applications to Component-Oriented Applications via Component-Oriented Architecture (SA, SS, HAS, RF), pp. 214–223.
WICSA-2011-ChampagneG #architecture #automation #performance #towards- Towards Automation of Performance Architectural Tactics Application (RC, SG), pp. 157–160.
WICSA-2011-Kamath #architecture- Capabilities and Features: Linking Business and Application Architectures (SK), pp. 12–21.
WICSA-2011-Koziolek #architecture #multitenancy- The SPOSAD Architectural Style for Multi-tenant Software Applications (HK), pp. 320–327.
WICSA-2011-LiuC #architecture #in the cloud- Architecting Cloud Computing Applications and Systems (AL, RC), pp. 310–311.
WICSA-2011-SodhiP #development- Assessing Suitability of Cloud Oriented Platforms for Application Development (BS, TVP), pp. 328–335.
ASE-2011-AcherCLF11a #feature model #modelling- Decomposing feature models: language, environment, and applications (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 600–603.
ASE-2011-AlshahwanH #automation #re-engineering #testing #using #web- Automated web application testing using search based software engineering (NA, MH), pp. 3–12.
ASE-2011-ClarkCKJH #database #fault #sql- Localizing SQL faults in database applications (SRC, JC, GMK, JAJ, MJH), pp. 213–222.
ASE-2011-Halfond #web- Domain and value checking of web application invocation arguments (WGJH), pp. 544–547.
ASE-2011-MarasCC #slicing #web- Client-side web application slicing (JM, JC, IC), pp. 504–507.
ASE-2011-MehlitzTU #model checking #named #user interface- JPF-AWT: Model checking GUI applications (PCM, OT, MU), pp. 584–587.
ASE-2011-PanWX #database #generative #testing- Generating program inputs for database application testing (KP, XW, TX), pp. 73–82.
ASE-2011-WinbladhR #testing- Evaluating test selection strategies for end-user specified flow-based applications (KW, AR), pp. 400–403.
CASE-2011-BroderickAT #detection #formal method #industrial- Anomaly detection without a pre-existing formal model: Application to an industrial manufacturing system (JAB, LVA, DMT), pp. 169–174.
CASE-2011-LeonardoKKDS #monitoring #simulation- Simulation of a hydraulic pump application for monitoring and diagnosis methods (DL, SK, AKH, AD, RS), pp. 341–345.
CASE-2011-MadonskiPKH #industrial- Application of Active Disturbance Rejection Control to a reel-to-reel system seen in tire industry (RM, MP, MK, PH), pp. 274–278.
CASE-2011-SaddemTT #embedded- Diagnosis of critical embedded systems: application to the control card of a railway vehicle braking systems (RS, AT, MT), pp. 163–168.
CASE-2011-SenoussiCDZ #detection #fault #feature model #process- Feature selection for fault detection systems: Application to the Tennessee Eastman Process (HS, BCM, MD, NZ), pp. 189–194.
CASE-2011-ThramboulidisSF #automation #industrial #process #safety #towards #verification- Towards an automated verification process for industrial safety applications (KT, DS, GF), pp. 482–487.
CASE-2011-WengerMHHZ #approach #development- Utilizing IEC 61499 in an MDA control application development approach (MW, MMM, IH, RH, AZ), pp. 495–500.
DAC-2011-BayrakRBSI #analysis #automation #towards- A first step towards automatic application of power analysis countermeasures (AGB, FR, PB, FXS, PI), pp. 230–235.
DAC-2011-BeyneMP #3d #development #integration- 3D heterogeneous system integration: application driver for 3D technology development (EB, PM, GVdP), p. 213.
DAC-2011-GeQ #machine learning #multi #using- Dynamic thermal management for multimedia applications using machine learning (YG, QQ), pp. 95–100.
DAC-2011-KandemirYK #clustering #concurrent #parallel #thread- A helper thread based dynamic cache partitioning scheme for multithreaded applications (MTK, TY, EK), pp. 954–959.
DAC-2011-LimVH #challenge #network #realtime- Challenges in a future IP/ethernet-based in-car network for real-time applications (HTL, LV, DH), pp. 7–12.
DAC-2011-PotkonjakMNW #architecture #difference- Differential public physically unclonable functions: architecture and applications (MP, SM, AN, SW), pp. 242–247.
DAC-2011-Topaloglu #3d #challenge #integration- Applications driving 3D integration and corresponding manufacturing challenges (ROT), pp. 220–223.
DAC-2011-ZhaiNS #adaptation #modelling #network #process #streaming- Modeling adaptive streaming applications with parameterized polyhedral process networks (JTZ, HN, TS), pp. 116–121.
DAC-2011-ZhaoAZ #embedded #energy #realtime- Generalized reliability-oriented energy management for real-time embedded applications (BZ, HA, DZ), pp. 381–386.
DAC-2011-ZinnerNGSW #network- Application and realization of gateways between conventional automotive and IP/ethernet-based networks (HZ, JN, TG, JS, TW), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2011-AcquavivaPOS #power management #reliability- System level techniques to improve reliability in high power microcontrollers for automotive applications (AA, MP, MO, MS), pp. 1123–1124.
DATE-2011-BernardiGSB #fault #self #testing- Fault grading of software-based self-test procedures for dependable automotive applications (PB, MG, ES, OB), pp. 513–514.
DATE-2011-Brown #power management #roadmap- Power management trends in portable consumer applications (JB), pp. 1048–1052.
DATE-2011-CarliBBR #effectiveness #energy #multi #power management- An effective multi-source energy harvester for low power applications (DC, DB, LB, MR), pp. 836–841.
DATE-2011-CassidyYZA #design- A high-level analytical model for application specific CMP design exploration (AC, KY, HZ, AGA), pp. 1095–1100.
DATE-2011-EbrahimiMA #fault #named #safety- ScTMR: A scan chain-based error recovery technique for TMR systems in safety-critical applications (ME, SGM, HA), pp. 298–292.
DATE-2011-GilaniKS #memory management #optimisation- Scratchpad memory optimizations for digital signal processing applications (SZG, NSK, MJS), pp. 974–979.
DATE-2011-GoswamiSC #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol #re-engineering- Re-engineering cyber-physical control applications for hybrid communication protocols (DG, RS, SC), pp. 914–919.
DATE-2011-HanumaiahV #manycore #realtime- Reliability-aware thermal management for hard real-time applications on multi-core processors (VH, SBKV), pp. 137–142.
DATE-2011-KesturDN #named #streaming- SHARC: A streaming model for FPGA accelerators and its application to Saliency (SK, DD, VN), pp. 1237–1242.
DATE-2011-KrauseP #adaptation- Adaptive voltage over-scaling for resilient applications (PKK, IP), pp. 944–949.
DATE-2011-LafiLJ #3d #configuration management #framework- A 3D reconfigurable platform for 4G telecom applications (WL, DL, AAJ), pp. 555–558.
DATE-2011-MatischekHGH #communication #realtime- Real-time wireless communication in automotive applications (RM, TH, CG, JH), pp. 1036–1041.
DATE-2011-MazzilloFFMRZ #detection- Solid state photodetectors for nuclear medical imaging applications (MM, PGF, EF, AM, MR, RZ), pp. 511–512.
DATE-2011-ShinG #fault- A new circuit simplification method for error tolerant applications (DS, SKG), pp. 1566–1571.
DATE-2011-ShinKSCWP #hybrid- Battery-supercapacitor hybrid system for high-rate pulsed load applications (DS, YK, JS, NC, YW, MP), pp. 875–878.
DATE-2011-SunYW #co-evolution #design #framework #network #uml- A UML 2-based hardware-software co-design framework for body sensor network applications (ZS, CTY, WFW), pp. 1505–1508.
DATE-2011-TinoK #architecture #generative #multi- Multi-objective Tabu Search based topology generation technique for application-specific Network-on-Chip architectures (AT, GNK), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2011-VidalLGDG #configuration management #design #implementation #uml- Dynamic applications on reconfigurable systems: From UML model design to FPGAs implementation (JV, FdL, GG, JPD, SG), pp. 1208–1211.
DATE-2011-VissersNN #interface #realtime #synthesis #tool support #using- Building real-time HDTV applications in FPGAs using processors, AXI interfaces and high level synthesis tools (KAV, SN, JN), pp. 848–850.
DATE-2011-YipYLD #challenge #design #memory management #mobile- Challenges in designing high speed memory subsystem for mobile applications (TGY, PY, ML, DD), pp. 509–510.
DocEng-2011-LuongLN #design #framework #tool support- A framework with tools for designing web-based geographic applications (TNL, SL, TN), pp. 33–42.
DRR-2011-RabeuxJD #documentation #evaluation #fault #predict- Ancient documents bleed-through evaluation and its application for predicting OCR error rates (VR, NJ, JPD), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-AugereauJD #documentation #feedback #image #industrial- Document Images Indexing with Relevance Feedback: An Application to Industrial Context (OA, NJ, JPD), pp. 1190–1194.
ICDAR-2011-Hase #database #evaluation #image #quality- Quality Evaluation of Character Image Database and Its Application (HH), pp. 1414–1418.
ICDAR-2011-HebertPN #multi- Continuous CRF with Multi-scale Quantization Feature Functions Application to Structure Extraction in Old Newspaper (DH, TP, SN), pp. 493–497.
ICDAR-2011-KesidisG #estimation #performance #word- Efficient Cut-Off Threshold Estimation for Word Spotting Applications (ALK, BG), pp. 279–283.
ICDAR-2011-LamiroyLS #algorithm #analysis #contest #documentation- Document Analysis Algorithm Contributions in End-to-End Applications: Report on the ICDAR 2011 Contest (BL, DPL, TS), pp. 1521–1525.
ICDAR-2011-LuqmanRLB #documentation #graph #image- Subgraph Spotting through Explicit Graph Embedding: An Application to Content Spotting in Graphic Document Images (MML, JYR, JL, TB), pp. 870–874.
ICDAR-2011-NayefB #statistics- Statistical Grouping for Segmenting Symbols Parts from Line Drawings, with Application to Symbol Spotting (NN, TMB), pp. 364–368.
ICDAR-2011-NguyenB #2d #feature model #verification- An Application of the 2D Gaussian Filter for Enhancing Feature Extraction in Off-line Signature Verification (VN, MB), pp. 339–343.
ICDAR-2011-PackerTK #classification #recognition- alpha-Shape Based Classification with Applications to Optical Character Recognition (EP, AT, VK), pp. 344–348.
ICDAR-2011-Smith #modelling- Limits on the Application of Frequency-Based Language Models to OCR (RS), pp. 538–542.
ICDAR-2011-SuCL #novel- Recognizing Text Elements for SVG Comic Compression and Its Novel Applications (CYS, RIC, JCL), pp. 1329–1333.
SIGMOD-2011-CaoSSDG #in memory #in the cloud #library #named- BRRL: a recovery library for main-memory applications in the cloud (TC, BS, MAVS, AJD, JG), pp. 1233–1236.
SIGMOD-2011-CaoSSYDGW #algorithm #consistency #performance- Fast checkpoint recovery algorithms for frequently consistent applications (TC, MAVS, BS, YY, AJD, JG, WMW), pp. 265–276.
SIGMOD-2011-HuangGL #datalog #interactive #tutorial- Datalog and emerging applications: an interactive tutorial (SSH, TJG, BTL), pp. 1213–1216.
SIGMOD-2011-Quiane-RuizPSD #pipes and filters- RAFT at work: speeding-up mapreduce applications under task and node failures (JAQR, CP, JS, JD), pp. 1225–1228.
VLDB-2011-Cudre-MaurouxE #data transformation #graph- Graph Data Management Systems for New Application Domains (PCM, SE), pp. 1510–1511.
VLDB-2011-DoanFKK #crowdsourcing #data transformation #perspective- Crowdsourcing Applications and Platforms: A Data Management Perspective (AD, MJF, DK, TK), pp. 1508–1509.
VLDB-2011-FurcheGGSS #named #scalability #web- OXPath: A Language for Scalable, Memory-efficient Data Extraction from Web Applications (TF, GG, GG, CS, AJS), pp. 1016–1027.
VLDB-2011-KotsifakosPHG #framework #sequence- A Subsequence Matching with Gaps-Range-Tolerances Framework: A Query-By-Humming Application (AK, PP, JH, DG), pp. 761–771.
VLDB-2011-Tay #benchmark #generative #metric- Data Generation for Application-Specific Benchmarking (YCT), pp. 1470–1473.
CSEET-2011-BrueggeNG #education #industrial #re-engineering #tutorial- SLPC++: Teaching software engineering project courses in industrial application landscapes — A tutorial (BB, HN, MG), pp. 549–551.
CSEET-2011-NanzTPM #assessment #concurrent #education #empirical- Empirical assessment of languages for teaching concurrency: Methodology and application (SN, FT, MP, BM), pp. 477–481.
CSEET-2011-OffuttLAX #abstraction #design #education #using #web- Using abstraction and Web applications to teach criteria-based test design (JO, NL, PA, WX), pp. 227–236.
CSEET-2011-Tanuan #case study #design #experience #mobile #programming- Design and delivery of a modern mobile application programming course — An experience report (MT), pp. 237–246.
ITiCSE-2011-Mahmoud #development #education #mobile- Best practices in teaching mobile application development (QHM), p. 333.
FASE-2011-TkachukR #analysis #automation #generative #web- Automated Driver Generation for Analysis of Web Applications (OT, SPR), pp. 326–340.
CSMR-2011-NagyVFGKK #design #reverse engineering- Solutions for Reverse Engineering 4GL Applications, Recovering the Design of a Logistical Wholesale System (CN, LV, RF, TG, FK, IK), pp. 343–346.
CSMR-2011-ZillmannWHTTFHREKUZ #industrial #process- The SOAMIG Process Model in Industrial Applications (CZ, AW, AH, WT, MT, AF, TH, VR, UE, UK, DU, YZ), pp. 339–342.
ICSM-2011-HuangLZXW #approach #novel #testing- A novel approach to regression test selection for J2EE applications (SH, ZJL, JZ, YX, WW), pp. 13–22.
ICSM-2011-McMillanVPG #categorisation #maintenance- Categorizing software applications for maintenance (CM, MLV, DP, MG), pp. 343–352.
ICSM-2011-RogstadBDRA #automation #case study #database #experience #industrial #legacy #testing- Industrial experiences with automated regression testing of a legacy database application (ER, LCB, RD, MR, EA), pp. 362–371.
ICSM-2011-ShevertalovM #maintenance #on the- On the maintenance of UI-integrated mashup applications (MS, SM), pp. 203–212.
SCAM-2011-AvanciniC #approach #search-based #security #testing #web- Security Testing of Web Applications: A Search-Based Approach for Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities (AA, MC), pp. 85–94.
WCRE-2011-FrankeEKW #lifecycle #mobile #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of Mobile Application Lifecycles (DF, CE, SK, CW), pp. 283–292.
WCRE-2011-RamonCM #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of Event Handlers of RAD-Based Applications (ÓSR, JSC, JGM), pp. 293–302.
WCRE-2011-SajnaniNL #architecture #towards- Application Architecture Discovery — Towards Domain-driven, Easily-Extensible Code Structure (HS, RN, CVL), pp. 401–405.
PEPM-J-2007-CunhaV11 #query #source code #xpath- Transformation of structure-shy programs with application to XPath queries and strategic functions (AC, JV), pp. 516–539.
SAS-2011-SchrammelJ #data flow #source code #verification- Logico-Numerical Abstract Acceleration and Application to the Verification of Data-Flow Programs (PS, BJ), pp. 233–248.
STOC-2011-BarakDYW #bound #design #geometry #matrix #rank- Rank bounds for design matrices with applications toc ombinatorial geometry and locally correctable codes (BB, ZD, AY, AW), pp. 519–528.
STOC-2011-DemaineHK #algorithm #composition #graph- Contraction decomposition in h-minor-free graphs and algorithmic applications (EDD, MH, KiK), pp. 441–450.
STOC-2011-SohlerW- Subspace embeddings for the L1-norm with applications (CS, DPW), pp. 755–764.
DLT-J-2009-KariMS11 #pseudo #word- Properties of Pseudo-Primitive Words and their Applications (LK, BM, SS), pp. 447–471.
AFL-2011-LoeligerN #design #graph #user interface- Affordance Graphs for User Interface Design: Application of Category-theoretic Constructs (EAL, CLN), pp. 392–394.
CIAA-2011-CourcelleD- Fly-Automata, Their Properties and Applications (BC, ID), pp. 264–272.
CIAA-2011-Gawrychowski #normalisation- Chrobak Normal Form Revisited, with Applications (PG), pp. 142–153.
ICALP-v1-2011-ChakrabortyGM #performance- Efficient Sample Extractors for Juntas with Applications (SC, DGS, AM), pp. 545–556.
ICALP-v1-2011-ChekuriE #problem- Submodular Cost Allocation Problem and Applications (CC, AE), pp. 354–366.
ICALP-v1-2011-NgoPR #matrix- Efficiently Decodable Error-Correcting List Disjunct Matrices and Applications — (Extended Abstract) (HQN, EP, AR), pp. 557–568.
ICALP-v2-2011-AhnG #linear #problem #programming- Linear Programming in the Semi-streaming Model with Application to the Maximum Matching Problem (KJA, SG), pp. 526–538.
IFM-J-2009-BenesBBCSV11 #automaton #component #ltl #partial order #reduction- Partial order reduction for state/event LTL with application to component-interaction automata (NB, LB, BB, IC, JS, PV), pp. 877–890.
SEFM-2011-BorgstromHJRVPP #calculus #protocol- Broadcast Psi-calculi with an Application to Wireless Protocols (JB, SH, MJ, PR, BV, JÅP, JP), pp. 74–89.
SEFM-2011-OnoHTNH #coq #pipes and filters #specification #using- Using Coq in Specification and Program Extraction of Hadoop MapReduce Applications (KO, YH, YT, NN, MH), pp. 350–365.
SFM-2011-InverardiST #synthesis- Application-Layer Connector Synthesis (PI, RS, MT), pp. 148–190.
CEFP-2011-AxelssonS #implementation #named- Feldspar: Application and Implementation (EA, MS), pp. 402–439.
CEFP-2011-PlasmeijerALM #multi #web- Defining Multi-user Web Applications with iTasks (RP, PA, BL, SM), pp. 46–92.
GCM-2010-GolasEH11 #graph grammar #model transformation #specification- Formal Specification of Model Transformations by Triple Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (UG, HE, FH).
CHI-2011-FourneyMT #analysis #interactive #query #usability- Characterizing the usability of interactive applications through query log analysis (AF, RM, MAT), pp. 1817–1826.
CHI-2011-GjerlufsenKEPB #flexibility #multi- Shared substance: developing flexible multi-surface applications (TG, CNK, JE, CP, MBL), pp. 3383–3392.
CHI-2011-KoZ #detection #feedback #web- Feedlack detects missing feedback in web applications (AJK, XZ), pp. 2177–2186.
CHI-2011-LindqvistCWHZ #people #why- I’m the mayor of my house: examining why people use foursquare — a social-driven location sharing application (JL, JC, JW, JIH, JZ), pp. 2409–2418.
CHI-2011-PakanenHH #social #social media #visualisation- Location visualization in social media applications (MP, JH, JH), pp. 2439–2448.
CSCW-2011-AspinR #3d #approach #gpu #multi- A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence (RAA, DJR), pp. 105–112.
CSCW-2011-HandelP #case study #experience #scalability- Working around official applications: experiences from a large engineering project (MJH, SEP), pp. 309–312.
CSCW-2011-ShaoLLG #protocol #web- An operational transformation based synchronization protocol for web 2.0 applications (BS, DL, TL, NG), pp. 563–572.
CSCW-2011-TanakaF #estimation- Study of user interruptibility estimation based on focused application switching (TT, KF), pp. 721–724.
DHM-2011-ShenY #assessment- The Application of the Human Model in the Thermal Comfort Assessment of Fighter Plane’s Cockpit (HS, XY), pp. 357–366.
DHM-2011-SunGYZ #design #modelling #multi- Application of Human Modeling in Multi-crew Cockpit Design (XS, FG, XY, JZ), pp. 204–209.
DHM-2011-WangPBN #approach- A Biomechanical Approach for Evaluating Motion Related Discomfort : Illustration by an Application to Pedal Clutching Movement (XW, RP, NKB, JN), pp. 210–219.
DUXU-v1-2011-CuiXLLS #agile #case study #development #in the cloud- A Study of Rapid Business Application Development in the Cloud (JC, JMX, HL, WL, ZMS), pp. 398–407.
DUXU-v1-2011-Davis11a #adaptation #interactive- The Nature of Adaptive Interactions and Potential for Strategic Application (JD), pp. 221–227.
DUXU-v1-2011-LeeR #architecture #collaboration #concept #learning #mobile- Suggested Collaborative Learning Conceptual Architecture and Applications for Mobile Devices (KL, AR), pp. 611–620.
DUXU-v1-2011-RiceTW #enterprise #scalability #testing #usability- ISO 25062 Usability Test Planning for a Large Enterprise Applications Suite (SR, JT, AMW), pp. 185–192.
DUXU-v1-2011-Schmid #analysis #development #feedback #learning- Development of an Augmented Feedback Application to Support Motor Learning after Stroke: Requirement Analysis (SS), pp. 305–314.
DUXU-v1-2011-SeoLL #development #experience #mobile- An Experience Sampling System for Context-Aware Mobile Application Development (JS, SL, GL), pp. 648–657.
DUXU-v2-2011-TengC #concept #design- The Application of the Concept of Affordance to a Creative Design Method (CKT, MCC), pp. 215–224.
HCD-2011-AhramK #behaviour #design #modelling #network #social- Social Networking Applications: Smarter Product Design for Complex Human Behaviour Modeling (TZA, WK), pp. 471–480.
HCD-2011-ChaudronGMC #process #safety- Building Human Profile by Aggregation of Activities — Application to Aeronautics Safety (LC, DG, NM, JC), pp. 389–396.
HCD-2011-DaimaruK #approach #design- A Pattern Approach for Designing Application (KD, BK), pp. 22–27.
HCI-DDA-2011-CharfiEKM #analysis #automation #evaluation #human-computer #interactive #network #towards- Towards an Automatic Analysis of Interaction Data for HCI Evaluation Application to a Transport Network Supervision System (SC, HE, CK, FM), pp. 175–184.
HCI-DDA-2011-EstevesA #agile #concept #design #development #interactive- Designing Interaction Concepts, Managing Customer Expectation and Mastering Agile Development in Rich Application Product Development (ME, VA), pp. 54–62.
HCI-DDA-2011-GacimartinHL #adaptation #architecture #design #middleware- A Middleware Architecture for Designing TV-Based Adapted Applications for the Elderly (CG, JAH, DL), pp. 443–449.
HCI-DDA-2011-GodonFRT #design pattern #interactive #internet #library- The First Interaction Design Pattern Library for Internet of Things User Created Applications (MG, MAF, MR, LT), pp. 229–237.
HCI-DDA-2011-KaelberM #analysis- From Structural Analysis to Scenarios and Patterns for Knowledge Sharing Applications (CK, CM), pp. 258–267.
HCI-DDA-2011-Komischke #design #experience #framework #user interface- The Impact of Rich Application Frameworks on User Experience Design (TK), pp. 92–97.
HCI-DDA-2011-ParkSCH #image #in memory #memory management #named- ColoriT: Color Based Image Code Application to Aid in Memory Restoration of Offline Photo Artifacts (JP, JS, JHC, TDH), pp. 637–642.
HCI-DDA-2011-Richardson #design #framework- Design and Rich Application Frameworks (KHR), pp. 131–135.
HCI-DDA-2011-ZhengWMZ #design #development #experience #user interface #workflow- Streamlining User Experience Design and Development: Roles, Tasks and Workflow of Applying Rich Application Technologies (XSZ, MW, GM, SZ), pp. 142–151.
HCI-ITE-2011-PatkiGNP #power management- Low Power Wireless EEG Headset for BCI Applications (SP, BG, TN, JP), pp. 481–490.
HCI-MIIE-2011-EL-QiremC #development #experience #user interface- Computer Usage and User Experience in Jordan: Development and Application of the Diamond Model of Territorial Factors (FAEQ, GC), pp. 490–499.
HCI-UA-2011-MitchellGLA #validation #video- Validating Video Analytics in Mission Critical Applications (SJM, SG, SL, BA), pp. 394–402.
HIMI-v1-2011-NakanishiY #using- Applicability of Touch Sense Controllers Using Warm and Cold Sensations (MN, SY), pp. 470–477.
HIMI-v1-2011-TakataYSYK #modelling- Bereitschaftspotential Modeling by DBNM and Its Application to BCI (ST, TY, MS, TY, KK), pp. 636–640.
HIMI-v2-2011-MacchiarellaKCHE #speech #visual notation- Pilot Information Presentation on the Flight Deck: An Application of Synthetic Speech and Visual Digital Displays (NDM, JPK, MSC, TH, ZE), pp. 500–506.
HIMI-v2-2011-SakamotoNI #collaboration #multi #off the shelf- Dodging Window Interference to Freely Share Any Off-the-Shelf Application among Multiple Users in Co-located Collaboration (SS, MN, TI), pp. 305–314.
IDGD-2011-ChangH11a #case study #design- A Study on the Application of Cultural Elements in Product Design (WCC, MrH), pp. 3–10.
IDGD-2011-Chen11c #mobile #research- Mobile Research: Benefits, Applications, and Outlooks (GC), pp. 11–16.
IDGD-2011-LiuLGCWL #design #experience #research #user interface- Exhibition User Experience Research and Design for Applications of Context Awareness Technologies (JL, XL, BG, JC, JW, QL), pp. 533–542.
IDGD-2011-SuadamaraWH #design- Cross-Cultural Design of a Groupware Application for Global Virtual Team (RS, SW, AH), pp. 104–113.
OCSC-2011-BramanDCVW #student- Gaining Insight into the Application of Second Life in a Computing Course: Students’ Perspectives (JB, AD, KC, GV, YW), pp. 20–29.
OCSC-2011-TixierL #design #evaluation #online #product line #social- Design and Evaluation of an Online Social Support Application for Family Caregivers (MT, ML), pp. 267–276.
OCSC-2011-WuLL #case study #navigation #semantics #wiki- An Exploratory Study of Navigating Wikipedia Semantically: Model and Application (ICW, YSL, CHL), pp. 140–149.
OCSC-2011-YongpisanpopOM #collaboration #community #ranking #web- Community Search: A Collaborative Searching Web Application with a User Ranking System (PY, MO, KiM), pp. 378–386.
AdaEurope-2011-Burns #hardware #parallel #programming language #realtime- Programming Languages for Real-Time Applications Executing on Parallel Hardware (AB), pp. 193–195.
SIGAda-2011-McCormickS #embedded #realtime- Building embedded real-time applications (JWM, FS), pp. 15–16.
SIGAda-2011-Rogers #safety- Language choice for safety critical applications (JSR), pp. 81–90.
ICEIS-J-2011-Mendes11a #elicitation #estimation #web- Cost Estimation of Web Applications through Knowledge Elicitation (EM), pp. 315–329.
ICEIS-v1-2011-DiEM #framework #research- Research and Application of Carrier-grade Mashup Platform on OneAPI (JD, HE, LM), pp. 504–509.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiCL #case study #enterprise #information management- Study on Information Management System and Its Application in Colliery Enterprises (YL, HC, JL), pp. 589–592.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MeisenMSJ #integration #simulation #tool support- Application Integration of Simulation Tools Considering Domain Specific Knowledge (TM, PM, DS, SJ), pp. 42–53.
ICEIS-v1-2011-PintoG #database #ontology- Knowledge Extraction Guided by Ontologies — Database Marketing Application (FMP, TG), pp. 320–325.
ICEIS-v2-2011-FronzaSSV #approach #predict #towards- Toward a Non Invasive Control of Applications — A Biomedical Approach to Failure Prediction (IF, AS, GS, JV), pp. 83–91.
ICEIS-v2-2011-HuangL #enterprise #information management #research- Research on Construction and Applications of Management Information System in Highway Enterprise (XH, WL), pp. 275–281.
ICEIS-v2-2011-WangS #education #information management #recommendation- Application of Recommender Engine in Academic Degree and Postgraduate Education Knowledge Management System (XW, HS), pp. 455–458.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Xu #case study #development #enterprise #information management- Case Study on Development and Application of Information Management Systems in Highway Construction Enterprises (HX), pp. 327–335.
ICEIS-v3-2011-GradlMDEWK #enterprise- Measuring the Buffer Occupation of SAP ERP System Applications (SG, MM, AD, RE, HW, HK), pp. 266–272.
ICEIS-v3-2011-HastbackaKK #development #industrial #modelling #process- Business Process Modeling and SOA in Industrial O&M Application Development (DH, PK, SK), pp. 277–285.
ICEIS-v3-2011-SalahH #development #information management #ubiquitous- Development of Context-aware Applications in Ubiquitous Information Systems (MSB, HSB), pp. 223–228.
ICEIS-v3-2011-WangCLX #evaluation #process- Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Calculating the Weights of Economic Model Evaluation (DW, DC, NL, JX), pp. 108–116.
ICEIS-v4-2011-DavisC11a #data transformation #logic #metadata #modelling- Variant Logic Meta-data Management for Model Driven Applications — Allows Unlimited End User Configuration and Customisation of All Meta-data EIS Application Features (JD, EC), pp. 395–400.
ICEIS-v4-2011-MartinsP #implementation #visual notation- A Method Proposal for Implementing Accessibility in Desktop Applications for Visually Impaired Users (LCGM, BEP), pp. 287–290.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Schulte #integration #named #web- WasabiBeans — Web Application Services and Business Integration (JS), pp. 348–357.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Xin #case study #internet- Study on Application of Internet of Things based on RFID Technology (CX), pp. 518–521.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XuF #approach #case study #education #game studies #re-engineering #social- A Case Study: Integrating a Game Application-driven Approach and Social Collaborations into Software Engineering Education (WX, STF), pp. 23–32.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangLH #multi #network #performance #scheduling- QPF Scheduling Scheme for Performance Improvements of Integrated Multimedia Applications over 3.5G Network (SJY, LCL, YMH), pp. 5–12.
CIKM-2011-Bradford #implementation #scalability #semantics- Implementation techniques for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 339–344.
CIKM-2011-CachedaCFF #algorithm #analysis #dataset #nearest neighbour- Improving k-nearest neighbors algorithms: practical application of dataset analysis (FC, VC, DF, VF), pp. 2253–2256.
CIKM-2011-HassanSH #estimation #metric #web- A task level metric for measuring web search satisfaction and its application on improving relevance estimation (AHA, YS, LwH), pp. 125–134.
CIKM-2011-PillutlaRBSJ #detection #distributed- LSH based outlier detection and its application in distributed setting (MRP, NR, PB, KS, CVJ), pp. 2289–2292.
CIKM-2011-RotaBG #algorithm #database #keyword- The list Viterbi training algorithm and its application to keyword search over databases (SR, SB, FG), pp. 1601–1606.
CIKM-2011-SongQF #recommendation #visualisation- Hierarchical tag visualization and application for tag recommendations (YS, BQ, UF), pp. 1331–1340.
CIKM-2011-WangL #framework #learning #named #rank- CoRankBayes: bayesian learning to rank under the co-training framework and its application in keyphrase extraction (CW, SL), pp. 2241–2244.
KDD-2011-BatistaKMR #data mining #mining- SIGKDD demo: sensors and software to allow computational entomology, an emerging application of data mining (GEAPAB, EJK, AMN, ER), pp. 761–764.
KDD-2011-ChattopadhyayYPFD #adaptation #detection #multi- Multi-source domain adaptation and its application to early detection of fatigue (RC, JY, SP, WF, ID), pp. 717–725.
KDD-2011-ChuC #network- Triangle listing in massive networks and its applications (SC, JC), pp. 672–680.
KDD-2011-DasB #optimisation- Meta optimization and its application to portfolio selection (PD, AB), pp. 1163–1171.
KDD-2011-VijayaraghavanK #data mining #machine learning #mining #online- Applications of data mining and machine learning in online customer care (RV, PVK), p. 779.
KDIR-2011-BressoBSMKSND #mining #reduction- Use of Domain Knowledge for Dimension Reduction — Application to Mining of Drug Side Effects (EB, SB, MST, GM, ASK, MS, AN, MDD), pp. 271–276.
KDIR-2011-KentaroSK- Discovery of Meeting-particle Links and Their Application to Meeting Recollection Support (IK, OS, NK), pp. 456–459.
KDIR-2011-LachetarB #algorithm #categorisation #metadata #using- Application of an Ant Colony Algorithm — For Song Categorising using Metadata (NL, HB), pp. 379–384.
KDIR-2011-OttenS #framework #towards- Linguistic Engineering and its Applicability to Business Intelligence — Towards an Integrated Framework (SFJO, MRS), pp. 460–464.
KEOD-2011-PhamS #reasoning- Practical Goal-based Reasoning in Ontology-driven Applications (HP, DS), pp. 99–109.
KEOD-2011-YanZR #design #distance #semantics- An Application of Semantic Distance between Short Texts to Inventive Design (WY, CZM, FR), pp. 261–266.
KMIS-2011-BoughzalaV #collaboration #industrial #maturity- A First Application of a Collaboration Maturity Model in the Automotive Industry (IB, GJdV), pp. 28–37.
KMIS-2011-Jurczyk-BunkowskaJ #case study #experience #information management #process- Perspectives of Knowledge Management System Application in Innovation Processes — A Study based on Experience of Polish IT Company (MJB, KJ), pp. 287–293.
KMIS-2011-SongP #mobile #visualisation- A Metro Map Metaphor for Knowledge Visualization — Customer Needs in Mobile Application Services (BS, YP), pp. 375–378.
MLDM-2011-LungaE #classification #nearest neighbour- Spherical Nearest Neighbor Classification: Application to Hyperspectral Data (DL, OKE), pp. 170–184.
RecSys-2011-TakacsPT #collaboration #feedback- Applications of the conjugate gradient method for implicit feedback collaborative filtering (GT, IP, DT), pp. 297–300.
SEKE-2011-ChangSWSP #analysis #component #design #social- Design of Component-based Slow Intelligence Systems and Application to Social Influence Analysis (SKC, YS, YW, CCS, TCP), pp. 9–16.
SEKE-2011-ChenF #aspectj #model checking- Model Checking Framework-based Applications with AspectJ Assistance (ZC, SF), pp. 296–301.
SEKE-2011-El-KharboutlyG #analysis #architecture #concurrent #probability #reliability #using- Architecture-based Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Software Applications using Stochastic Reward Nets (REK, SSG), pp. 635–639.
SEKE-2011-Iyengar #realtime- Sustainable Software Systems for Real Time Applications (keynote) (SSI).
SEKE-2011-Lin #mobile- Applications & Services Exploration for the Broadband Mobile Systems (keynote) (BSL).
SEKE-2011-LiuTCZP #automation #database #lifecycle- Automated Extraction of Data Lifecycle Support from Database Applications (KL, HBKT, XC, HZ, BP), pp. 432–437.
SEKE-2011-RiazMT #bibliography #maintenance #predict #relational- Maintainability Predictors for Relational Database-Driven Software Applications: Results from a Survey (MR, EM, EDT), pp. 420–425.
SEKE-2011-SilvaGRRR #architecture #flexibility #peer-to-peer- A Flexible Event-Driven Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Based Applications (LPVdS, RG, EdOR, GNR, CGR), pp. 764–769.
SEKE-2011-VillegasS #non-functional #requirements- Mapping non-functional requirements to cloud applications (DV, SMS), pp. 527–532.
SIGIR-2011-AlonsoL #crowdsourcing #information retrieval- Crowdsourcing for information retrieval: principles, methods, and applications (OA, ML), pp. 1299–1300.
SIGIR-2011-RicciGBAGP #named #quality #recommendation #web- GreenMeter: a tool for assessing the quality and recommending tags for web 2.0 applications (SMRR, DAG, FMB, JMA, MAG, ROP), pp. 1279–1280.
SIGIR-2011-ValimakiC #challenge- Elsevier SIGIR 2011 application challenge abstract (JV, RC), pp. 1341–1342.
SIGIR-2011-WangRFZHB #learning #network #online #social- Learning relevance from heterogeneous social network and its application in online targeting (CW, RR, DF, DZ, JH, GJB), pp. 655–664.
BX-2011-Kindler #concept #graph grammar #implementation- Triple Graph Grammars: Concepts, Extensions, Implementations, and Application Scenarios (EK), p. 60.
BX-2011-Weber-Jahnke #health- Bx “killer applications” in health care (JHWJ), p. 64.
ECMFA-2011-DouxABCFL #approach #eclipse #framework #problem- An MDE-Based Approach for Solving Configuration Problems: An Application to the Eclipse Platform (GD, PA, GB, JC, MDDF, SUJL), pp. 160–171.
MoDELS-2011-AliBAW #algorithm #aspect-oriented #industrial #modelling #robust #testing #uml #using- An Industrial Application of Robustness Testing Using Aspect-Oriented Modeling, UML/MARTE, and Search Algorithms (SA, LCB, AA, SW), pp. 108–122.
MoDELS-2011-Kraemer #android #process #uml- Engineering Android Applications Based on UML Activities (FAK), pp. 183–197.
MoDELS-2011-AliBAW #algorithm #aspect-oriented #industrial #modelling #robust #testing #uml #using- An Industrial Application of Robustness Testing Using Aspect-Oriented Modeling, UML/MARTE, and Search Algorithms (SA, LCB, AA, SW), pp. 108–122.
MoDELS-2011-Kraemer #android #process #uml- Engineering Android Applications Based on UML Activities (FAK), pp. 183–197.
ECOOP-2011-RichardsHBV #javascript #scalability- The Eval That Men Do — A Large-Scale Study of the Use of Eval in JavaScript Applications (GR, CH, BB, JV), pp. 52–78.
ECOOP-2011-SteimannKP #constraints #eiffel #refactoring- A Refactoring Constraint Language and Its Application to Eiffel (FS, CK, JvP), pp. 255–280.
Onward-2011-MistreeCCLG #named- Emerson: accessible scripting for applications in an extensible virtual world (BFTM, BC, ECP, PL, DG), pp. 77–90.
OOPSLA-2011-SridharanAPGTB #analysis #named #web- F4F: taint analysis of framework-based web applications (MS, SA, MP, SG, OT, RB), pp. 1053–1068.
OOPSLA-2011-WuHIN #java #performance #scalability- Reducing trace selection footprint for large-scale Java applications without performance loss (PW, HH, HI, TN), pp. 789–804.
OOPSLA-2011-WurthingerABWM #aspect-oriented #evolution #java #runtime- Safe and atomic run-time code evolution for Java and its application to dynamic AOP (TW, DA, WB, CW, HM), pp. 825–844.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-Tip #debugging #web- Finding and Fixing Bugs in Web Applications (Invited Talk) (FT), p. 2.
GPCE-J-2009-McGacheyHM11 #java- Class Transformations for Transparent Distribution of Java Applications (PM, ALH, JEBM), pp. 204–238.
GPCE-2011-OtteGSW #component #development #framework- Infrastructure for component-based DDS application development (WO, ASG, DCS, JW), pp. 53–62.
GPCE-2011-Shubert #code generation #development #flexibility #modelling- Application of model based development to flexible code generation (GJS), pp. 95–96.
GPCE-2011-VermolenWV #database #evolution #generative #web- Generating database migrations for evolving web applications (SDV, GW, EV), pp. 83–92.
PADL-2011-WielemakerC #on the #prolog- On the Portability of Prolog Applications (JW, VSC), pp. 69–83.
RE-2011-OhashiKTY #development #traceability #uml- A means of establishing traceability based on a UML model in business application development (KO, HK, YT, RY), pp. 279–284.
SAC-2011-AnttonenSMT #framework #roadmap #web- Transforming the web into a real application platform: new technologies, emerging trends and missing pieces (MA, AS, TM, AT), pp. 800–807.
SAC-2011-BaoCCC #network #trust- Hierarchical trust management for wireless sensor networks and its application to trust-based routing (FB, IRC, MC, JHC), pp. 1732–1738.
SAC-2011-BoixCSCMD #interactive #mobile #named #network #social- Flocks: enabling dynamic group interactions in mobile social networking applications (EGB, ALC, CS, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 425–432.
SAC-2011-BoixNCMD #debugging #message passing #named- REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications (EGB, CN, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 1275–1281.
SAC-2011-ClaycombS #analysis #authentication #formal method #ubiquitous- Formal analysis of device authentication applications in ubiquitous computing (WC, DS), pp. 451–452.
SAC-2011-DumasDBB #partial order #verification- Application of partial-order methods for the verification of closed-loop SDL systems (XD, PD, FB, EB), pp. 1666–1673.
SAC-2011-FabreKT #lessons learnt #robust #using- Robustness of automotive applications using reflective computing: lessons learnt (JCF, MOK, FT), pp. 230–235.
SAC-2011-GeihsER0K #adaptation #development #ubiquitous- Development support for QoS-aware service-adaptation in ubiquitous computing applications (KG, CE, RR, MW, MUK), pp. 197–202.
SAC-2011-GuerraF #realtime #resource management- Handling overload of target sensitive real-time applications for increased system utility and improved resource usage (RG, GF), pp. 742–747.
SAC-2011-HuN #android #debugging #framework #user interface- A GUI bug finding framework for Android applications (CH, IN), pp. 1490–1491.
SAC-2011-KimuraEFYN #behaviour #detection #motivation #named #persuasion #smarttech #using- iDetective: a persuasive application to motivate healthier behavior using smart phone (HK, JE, YF, AY, TN), pp. 399–404.
SAC-2011-LinCL #data-driven #navigation- Service-oriented dynamic data driven application systems to potential field method vehicle navigation (SYL, KMC, CCL), pp. 462–467.
SAC-2011-Liu #agile #configuration management #using- Rapid application configuration in Amazon cloud using configurable virtual appliances (HL), pp. 147–154.
SAC-2011-MagalhaesS #analysis #performance- Root-cause analysis of performance anomalies in web-based applications (JPM, LMS), pp. 209–216.
SAC-2011-Marty #forensics- Cloud application logging for forensics (RM), pp. 178–184.
SAC-2011-ParisAL #on-demand- Accelerated chaining: a better way to harness peer power in video-on-demand applications (JFP, AA, DDEL), pp. 534–539.
SAC-2011-RahmanHA11a #named #privacy #quantifier #towards- ProQuPri: towards anonymity protection with privacy quantification for context-aware applications (FR, MEH, SIA), pp. 453–454.
SAC-2011-TsaiCHH #api #mobile #reduction #rest- Transmission reduction between mobile phone applications and RESTful APIs (CLT, HWC, JLH, CLH), pp. 445–450.
SAC-2011-VerasBBSC #education #framework #personalisation #web- A solution for personalized t-learning applications integrated with a web educational platform (DV, IIB, HB, MS, EdBC), pp. 1187–1193.
SAC-2011-WangZG #classification #identification #network- Traffic classification beyond application level: identifying content types from network traces (YW, ZZ, LG), pp. 540–541.
SAC-2011-ZhouZJY #approach #evolution #framework #in the cloud- An approach of creative application evolution on cloud computing platform (JZ, SZ, DJ, HY), pp. 54–58.
ESEC-FSE-2011-CheungSM- Partial replay of long-running applications (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 135–145.
ESEC-FSE-2011-CifuentesKLHVBZCTH #fault #scalability #using- Static deep error checking in large system applications using parfait (CC, NK, LL, NH, MV, AB, JZ, AC, DT, CH), pp. 432–435.
ESEC-FSE-2011-JensenMM #api #html #javascript #modelling #static analysis #web- Modeling the HTML DOM and browser API in static analysis of JavaScript web applications (SHJ, MM, AM), pp. 59–69.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Schur #enterprise #mining #specification- Experimental specification mining for enterprise applications (MS), pp. 388–391.
GTTSE-2011-Terwilliger #adaptation #bidirectional #development #evolution #persistent- Bidirectional by Necessity: Data Persistence and Adaptability for Evolving Application Development (JFT), pp. 219–270.
ICSE-2011-ArtziDJMT #automation #framework #javascript #testing #web- A framework for automated testing of javascript web applications (SA, JD, SHJ, AM, FT), pp. 571–580.
ICSE-2011-CassouBCL #architecture #development #verification- Leveraging software architectures to guide and verify the development of sense/compute/control applications (DC, EB, CC, JLL), pp. 431–440.
ICSE-2011-Choudhary #detection #web- Detecting cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC), pp. 1146–1148.
ICSE-2011-CurtisSS #evaluation #matter #quality #question- An evaluation of the internal quality of business applications: does size matter? (BC, JS, JS), pp. 711–715.
ICSE-2011-FeinRSMGGBCLSMMSD #automation #deployment #tool support #using- Using MATCON to generate CASE tools that guide deployment of pre-packaged applications (EF, NR, SS, PM, SG, RG, MB, SKC, JL, VSS, SM, DM, BS, PD), pp. 1016–1018.
ICSE-2011-FokaefsTSC #identification #named #refactoring- JDeodorant: identification and application of extract class refactorings (MF, NT, ES, AC), pp. 1037–1039.
ICSE-2011-JhiWJZLW #detection- Value-based program characterization and its application to software plagiarism detection (YcJ, XW, XJ, SZ, PL, DW), pp. 756–765.
ICSE-2011-Maras #development #reuse #web- Pragmatic reuse in web application development (JM), pp. 1094–1097.
ICSE-2011-ShengVEHCZ #concurrent #detection #lightweight #named- RACEZ: a lightweight and non-invasive race detection tool for production applications (TS, NV, SE, RH, WC, WZ), pp. 401–410.
PLEASE-2011-RosaL #component #composition #mobile #product line #reuse- Smart composition of reusable software components in mobile application product lines (REVDSR, VFdLJ), pp. 45–49.
CGO-2011-ChakrabartiBBJS #graph #memory management #optimisation #runtime #transaction- The runtime abort graph and its application to software transactional memory optimization (DRC, PB, HJB, PGJ, RSS), pp. 42–53.
CGO-2011-MehraraM #execution #web- Dynamically accelerating client-side web applications through decoupled execution (MM, SAM), pp. 74–84.
HPCA-2011-MehraraHSM #javascript #parallel #using- Dynamic parallelization of JavaScript applications using an ultra-lightweight speculation mechanism (MM, PCH, MS, SAM), pp. 87–98.
HPDC-2011-AbbasiEWSK #performance #pipes and filters- Just in time: adding value to the IO pipelines of high performance applications with JITStaging (HA, GE, MW, KS, SK), pp. 27–36.
HPDC-2011-BalkirFR #architecture #distributed #mining #pipes and filters #using- A distributed look-up architecture for text mining applications using mapreduce (ASB, ITF, AR), pp. 279–280.
HPDC-2011-LeonRFM #injection #parallel- Cache injection for parallel applications (EAL, RR, KBF, ABM), pp. 15–26.
HPDC-2011-SongYCS #file system #layout #parallel- A cost-intelligent application-specific data layout scheme for parallel file systems (HS, YY, YC, XHS), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2011-YigitbasiMPE #incremental #interactive- Incremental placement of interactive perception applications (NY, LBM, PP, DHJE), pp. 123–134.
HPDC-2011-YooLKK #distributed #named #parallel- InContext: simple parallelism for distributed applications (SY, HL, CEK, MK), pp. 97–108.
LCTES-2011-VirletZGKGP #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling of stream-based real-time applications for heterogeneous systems (BV, XZ, JPG, BK, MJG, DAP), pp. 1–10.
PPoPP-2011-StellwagSKS #constraints #library #parallel- A wait-free NCAS library for parallel applications with timing constraints (PS, FS, JK, WSP), pp. 301–302.
SOSP-2011-AdyaCMP #named- Thialfi: a client notification service for internet-scale applications (AA, GC, DM, MP), pp. 129–142.
SOSP-2011-ChandraKSNZ #web- Intrusion recovery for database-backed web applications (RC, TK, MS, NN, NZ), pp. 101–114.
SOSP-2011-HarterDVAA #behaviour #comprehension- A file is not a file: understanding the I/O behavior of Apple desktop applications (TH, CD, MV, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 71–83.
SOSP-2011-MickensD #execution #named #robust #web- Atlantis: robust, extensible execution environments for web applications (JWM, MD), pp. 217–231.
CAV-2011-BalabanovJ #evaluation #proving- Resolution Proofs and Skolem Functions in QBF Evaluation and Applications (VB, JHRJ), pp. 149–164.
CSL-2011-CantoneLA #decidability #logic #order #quantifier #set- A Decidable Quantified Fragment of Set Theory Involving Ordered Pairs with Applications to Description Logics (DC, CL, MNA), pp. 129–143.
ICST-2011-FrankeW #framework #mobile #quality #testing- Providing a Software Quality Framework for Testing of Mobile Applications (DF, CW), pp. 431–434.
ICST-2011-LetarteGM #evolution #php #security #web- Security Model Evolution of PHP Web Applications (DL, FG, EM), pp. 289–298.
ICST-2011-LuoDQ #concurrent #detection #manycore #performance- Multicore SDK: A Practical and Efficient Deadlock Detector for Real-World Applications (ZDL, RD, YQ), pp. 309–318.
ICST-2011-MouelhiTABG #testing #web- Tailored Shielding and Bypass Testing of Web Applications (TM, YLT, EA, BB, SG), pp. 210–219.
ICST-2011-SmithW #detection #heuristic #sql #using #web- Using SQL Hotspots in a Prioritization Heuristic for Detecting All Types of Web Application Vulnerabilities (BHS, LW), pp. 220–229.
ICST-2011-SprenklePS #case study #modelling #navigation #testing #web- A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications (SS, LLP, LS), pp. 230–239.
ICST-2011-TakalaKH #android #case study #experience #modelling #testing #user interface- Experiences of System-Level Model-Based GUI Testing of an Android Application (TT, MK, JH), pp. 377–386.
ICST-2011-YuSSR #embedded #testing #using- Using Property-Based Oracles when Testing Embedded System Applications (TY, AS, WSa, GR), pp. 100–109.
ICTSS-2011-BochmannJW #reliability #testing #web- Improved Usage Model for Web Application Reliability Testing (GvB, GVJ, BW), pp. 15–31.
VMCAI-2011-AlbertGM #cost analysis #precise- More Precise Yet Widely Applicable Cost Analysis (EA, SG, ANM), pp. 38–53.
VMCAI-2011-CousotCL #contract- Precondition Inference from Intermittent Assertions and Application to Contracts on Collections (PC, RC, FL), pp. 150–168.
CBSE-2010-AllierSSV #component #consistency #execution #object-oriented #using- Restructuring Object-Oriented Applications into Component-Oriented Applications by Using Consistency with Execution Traces (SA, HAS, SS, SV), pp. 216–231.
ECSA-2010-Phung-KhacGSBK #architecture #data transfer #distributed #evolution #modelling #runtime- Modelling Changes and Data Transfers for Architecture-Based Runtime Evolution of Distributed Applications (APK, JMG, MTS, AB, EK), pp. 392–400.
QoSA-2010-Wirsing #adaptation #approach #component #pervasive- A Component-Based Approach to Adaptive User-Centric Pervasive Applications (MW), p. 2.
ASE-2010-HalleEBB #fault #model checking #navigation #runtime #state machine #web- Eliminating navigation errors in web applications via model checking and runtime enforcement of navigation state machines (SH, TE, CB, TB), pp. 235–244.
ASE-2010-LiHG #ajax #behaviour #detection #interactive #web- Detecting user-visible failures in AJAX web applications by analyzing users’ interaction behaviors (WL, MJH, CG), pp. 155–158.
ASE-2010-SimmondsC #monitoring #named- RuMoR: monitoring and recovery for BPEL applications (JS, MC), pp. 345–346.
ASE-2010-TanejaLMXT #multi #named #testing #validation #web- MiTV: multiple-implementation testing of user-input validators for web applications (KT, NL, MRM, TX, NT), pp. 131–134.
ASE-2010-TanejaZX #automation #database #generative #named #testing- MODA: automated test generation for database applications via mock objects (KT, YZ, TX), pp. 289–292.
CASE-2010-BeringV #automation #framework #quality #statistics- A Quality Framework to check the applicability of engineering and statistical assumptions for automated gauges (TPKB, SCV), pp. 319–325.
CASE-2010-CaiM #analysis #approach #hybrid #industrial #process- Dwell-time approach to stability analysis for hybrid control systems: Application to an industrial refrigeration process (CC, SM), pp. 728–733.
CASE-2010-ChenPWBC #modelling #performance- Modeling and control of a fast steering mirror in imaging applications (NC, BP, JTW, SB, AC), pp. 27–32.
CASE-2010-DoraiswamiCK #order #physics- Model order selection criterion with application to physical systems (RD, LC, HMK), pp. 393–398.
CASE-2010-HuangL #assessment- Comprehensive planning of robotic therapy and assessment of task-oriented functions via improved QFD applicable to hand rehabilitation (YYH, KHL), pp. 252–257.
CASE-2010-KleiniggerR- Application of 6-DOF sensing for robotic disturbance compensation (MK, SR), pp. 344–349.
CASE-2010-LinAK #configuration management- Manipulator inverse dynamics computation on FPGA for reconfigurable applications (CSL, PKA, HK), pp. 810–815.
CASE-2010-OuCGWL #energy- A two-mass cantilever beam model for vibration energy harvesting applications (QO, XC, SG, ARW, NL), pp. 301–306.
CASE-2010-ParkM #evaluation #performance- Performance evaluation of deterministic flow lines: Redundant modules and application to semiconductor manufacturing equipment (KP, JRM), pp. 45–50.
DAC-2010-CongLR #concurrent #named- ACES: application-specific cycle elimination and splitting for deadlock-free routing on irregular network-on-chip (JC, CL, GR), pp. 443–448.
DAC-2010-GaoYWY #analysis #correlation #estimation #performance #statistics- Efficient tail estimation for massive correlated log-normal sums: with applications in statistical leakage analysis (MG, ZY, YW, ZY), pp. 475–480.
DAC-2010-JangP #design #performance- Application-aware NoC design for efficient SDRAM access (WJ, DZP), pp. 453–456.
DAC-2010-KongMYW #algorithm- An optimal algorithm for finding disjoint rectangles and its application to PCB routing (HK, QM, TY, MDFW), pp. 212–217.
DAC-2010-MirhoseiniAK #realtime- Real time emulations: foundation and applications (AM, YA, FK), pp. 623–624.
DAC-2010-RiedelHWSAM #biology- Joint DAC/IWBDA special session engineering biology: fundamentals and applications (MR, SH, RW, PS, JCA, RMM), pp. 220–221.
DAC-2010-WeiMP #hardware #security- Gate-level characterization: foundations and hardware security applications (SW, SM, MP), pp. 222–227.
DAC-2010-YangALLP #3d #analysis #layout #optimisation- TSV stress aware timing analysis with applications to 3D-IC layout optimization (JSY, KA, YJL, SKL, DZP), pp. 803–806.
DAC-2010-YuVH #adaptation #multi #realtime #scheduling- Leakage-aware dynamic scheduling for real-time adaptive applications on multiprocessor systems (HY, BV, YH), pp. 493–498.
DAC-2010-ZhangLH #analysis- Separatrices in high-dimensional state space: system-theoretical tangent computation and application to SRAM dynamic stability analysis (YZ, PL, GMH), pp. 567–572.
DAC-2010-ZitterellS #approach #energy #online #probability #realtime #scheduling- A probabilistic and energy-efficient scheduling approach for online application in real-time systems (TZ, CS), pp. 42–47.
DATE-2010-BalaschVP #embedded #framework #privacy- An embedded platform for privacy-friendly road charging applications (JB, IV, BP), pp. 867–872.
DATE-2010-BellasiBCFS #framework #mobile #multi #power management- Constrained Power Management: Application to a multimedia mobile platform (PB, SB, MC, WF, DS), pp. 989–992.
DATE-2010-BerahaWCK #case study #design #requirements- Leveraging application-level requirements in the design of a NoC for a 4G SoC — a case study (RB, IW, IC, AK), pp. 1408–1413.
DATE-2010-BraakHKHS #realtime #resource management #runtime- Run-time spatial resource management for real-time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs (TDtB, PKFH, JK, JH, GJMS), pp. 357–362.
DATE-2010-CastrillonVSSCLAM #analysis- Trace-based KPN composability analysis for mapping simultaneous applications to MPSoC platforms (JC, RV, AS, WS, JC, RL, GA, HM), pp. 753–758.
DATE-2010-FerroP #modelling #semantics #transaction #verification- Formal semantics for PSL modeling layer and application to the verification of transactional models (LF, LP), pp. 1207–1212.
DATE-2010-LandrockK- High temperature polymer capacitors for aerospace applications (CKL, BK), pp. 1349–1352.
DATE-2010-LeemCBJM #architecture #fault #named #probability- ERSA: Error Resilient System Architecture for probabilistic applications (LL, HC, JB, QAJ, SM), pp. 1560–1565.
DATE-2010-LiH- Compact model of memristors and its application in computing systems (HL, MH), pp. 673–678.
DATE-2010-LuckenbillLHMH #algorithm #analysis #fault #logic #named #reliability- RALF: Reliability Analysis for Logic Faults — An exact algorithm and its applications (SBL, JYL, YH, RM, LH), pp. 783–788.
DATE-2010-MehdipourHKIKMAF #quantum #scalability- Mapping scientific applications on a large-scale data-path accelerator implemented by single-flux quantum (SFQ) circuits (FM, HH, HK, KI, IK, KM, HA, AF), pp. 993–996.
DATE-2010-PasettiFS #power management- A High-Voltage Low-Power DC-DC buck regulator for automotive applications (GP, LF, RS), pp. 937–940.
DATE-2010-Pignol- COTS-based applications in space avionics (MP), pp. 1213–1219.
DATE-2010-ShenHH #adaptation #configuration management- Learning-based adaptation to applications and environments in a reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (JSS, CHH, PAH), pp. 381–386.
DATE-2010-ShinG #approximate #fault #logic #synthesis- Approximate logic synthesis for error tolerant applications (DS, SKG), pp. 957–960.
DATE-2010-VazquezCTST #programmable #safety- Programmable aging sensor for automotive safety-critical applications (JCV, VHC, ICT, MBS, JPT), pp. 618–621.
DATE-2010-VenutoSCP #power management- Ultra low-power 12-bit SAR ADC for RFID applications (DDV, ES, DTC, YP), pp. 1071–1075.
DATE-2010-VergariBSDZRC- A Smart Space application to dynamically relate medical and environmental information (FV, SB, FS, AD, GZ, LR, TSC), pp. 1542–1547.
DATE-2010-WangC- Spintronic memristor devices and application (XW, YC), pp. 667–672.
DATE-2010-WhittySHEP #architecture #configuration management #memory management #performance- Application-specific memory performance of a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, BH, RE, WPR), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2010-ZhuSJ #configuration management #cpu #design #performance #streaming- Pareto efficient design for reconfigurable streaming applications on CPU/FPGAs (JZ, IS, AJ), pp. 1035–1040.
DocEng-2010-BeaudouxBJ #authoring #modelling #using- Using model driven engineering technologies for building authoring applications (OB, AB, JMJ), pp. 279–282.
HT-2010-BeelG10a #mindmap- Enhancing search applications by utilizing mind maps (JB, BG), pp. 303–304.
SIGMOD-2010-AbouziedBHAS- HadoopDB in action: building real world applications (AA, KBP, JH, DJA, AS), pp. 1111–1114.
SIGMOD-2010-Amer-YahiaDKKF #algorithm #big data- Crowds, clouds, and algorithms: exploring the human side of “big data” applications (SAY, AD, JMK, NK, MJF), pp. 1259–1260.
SIGMOD-2010-CuiTZZ #multi #social #social media- Multiple feature fusion for social media applications (BC, AKHT, CZ, ZZ), pp. 435–446.
VLDB-2010-DeutchGM #navigation- Navigating in Complex Mashed-Up Applications (DD, OG, TM), pp. 320–329.
VLDB-2010-WangREW #health #realtime- Active Complex Event Processing: Applications in Real-Time Health Care (DW, EAR, RTE, HW), pp. 1545–1548.
CSEET-2010-MansarQSW #development #experience #information management- Information Systems Application Development Courses: A Carnegie Mellon University Experience in Global Pedagogy (SLM, JLQ, RS, RW), pp. 129–135.
ITiCSE-2010-AydinolG #using #web- Advantage of using web 2.0 applications in class (ABA, ÖG), p. 308.
ITiCSE-2010-JalilNI #effectiveness- Evaluating the effectiveness of a pattern application support tool for novices (MJ, SAN, SBI), pp. 239–243.
ITiCSE-2010-LoQY #energy- Innovative CS capstone projects on green energy applications with WSN in a box (CTDL, KQ, LY), p. 307.
TACAS-2010-CimattiFGSS #formal method #satisfiability- Satisfiability Modulo the Theory of Costs: Foundations and Applications (AC, AF, AG, RS, CS), pp. 99–113.
CSMR-2010-AlalfiCD #automation #metric #web- Automating Coverage Metrics for Dynamic Web Applications (MHA, JRC, TRD), pp. 51–60.
CSMR-2010-MarchettoTR #ajax #approximate #modelling- Under and Over Approximation of State Models Recovered for Ajax Applications (AM, PT, FR), pp. 236–239.
ICPC-2010-AmalfitanoFPT #ajax #comprehension #named #web- DynaRIA: A Tool for Ajax Web Application Comprehension (DA, ARF, AP, PT), pp. 46–47.
ICPC-2010-MatthijssenZSBD #ajax #comprehension #interactive- Connecting Traces: Understanding Client-Server Interactions in Ajax Applications (NM, AZ, MADS, RIB, AvD), pp. 216–225.
ICSM-2010-ChoudharyVO #automation #identification #named #web- WEBDIFF: Automated identification of cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC, HV, AO), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-ChoudharyVO10a #testing #web- A cross-browser web application testing tool (SRC, HV, AO), pp. 1–6.
ICSM-2010-NagyVFGKK #assurance #developer #named #quality- MAGISTER: Quality assurance of Magic applications for software developers and end users (CN, LV, RF, TG, FK, IK), pp. 1–6.
ICSM-2010-PerinGN #analysis #enterprise #java #transaction- Recovery and analysis of transaction scope from scattered information in Java Enterprise Applications (FP, TG, ON), pp. 1–10.
PEPM-2010-LiO #automaton- Conditional weighted pushdown systems and applications (XL, MO), pp. 141–150.
CIAA-2010-Johnson #natural language #using- Uniformizing Rational Relations for Natural Language Applications Using Weighted Determinization (JHJ), pp. 173–180.
ICALP-v1-2010-BansalK #problem #scheduling- Inapproximability of Hypergraph Vertex Cover and Applications to Scheduling Problems (NB, SK), pp. 250–261.
ICALP-v1-2010-Xia #artificial reality #reduction #theorem- Holographic Reduction: A Domain Changed Application and Its Partial Converse Theorems (MX), pp. 666–677.
LATA-2010-WeinbergN #context-free grammar #probability- Extending Stochastic Context-Free Grammars for an Application in Bioinformatics (FW, MEN), pp. 585–595.
IFM-2010-DaumSS #correctness- From Operating-System Correctness to Pervasively Verified Applications (MD, NS, MS), pp. 105–120.
SEFM-2010-BersaniCFPR #constraints #integer #ltl #runtime #smt #specification #verification- SMT-based Verification of LTL Specification with Integer Constraints and its Application to Runtime Checking of Service Substitutability (MMB, LC, AF, MP, MR), pp. 244–254.
IFL-2010-MichelsPA #paradigm #user interface- iTask as a New Paradigm for Building GUI Applications (SM, RP, PA), pp. 153–168.
ICGT-2010-EhrigHLOG #confluence- Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions (HE, AH, LL, FO, UG), pp. 330–345.
CHI-2010-BonanniHZCI #design #web- Small business applications of sourcemap: a web tool for sustainable design and supply chain transparency (LB, MH, DZ, CC, HI), pp. 937–946.
CHI-2010-FarooqWZ #api #programming #usability- API usability peer reviews: a method for evaluating the usability of application programming interfaces (UF, LW, DZ), pp. 2327–2336.
CHI-2010-GonzalesNZG- Motivating expressive writing with a text-to-sound application (ALG, TYN, OJZ, GG), pp. 1937–1940.
CHI-2010-HechtG #multi #web- The tower of Babel meets web 2.0: user-generated content and its applications in a multilingual context (BH, DG), pp. 291–300.
CHI-2010-RoddenHF #experience #metric #scalability #user interface #web- Measuring the user experience on a large scale: user-centered metrics for web applications (KR, HH, XF), pp. 2395–2398.
CHI-2010-SeukenJTC #design #user interface- Hidden markets: UI design for a P2P backup application (SS, KJ, DST, MC), pp. 315–324.
CSCW-2010-FarooqZ #api #programming #usability- API peer reviews: a method for evaluating usability of application programming interfaces (UF, DZ), pp. 207–210.
CSCW-2010-TuckerBRW #named- Catchup: a useful application of time-travel in meetings (ST, OB, AR, SW), pp. 99–102.
AdaEurope-2010-MartinezBD #component #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling Configuration of Real-Time Component-Based Applications (PLM, LB, JMD), pp. 181–195.
AdaEurope-2010-PastorASA #approach #modelling #realtime #sequence #towards #using- Towards the Definition of a Pattern Sequence for Real-Time Applications Using a Model-Driven Engineering Approach (JAP, DA, PS, BÁ), pp. 167–180.
SIGAda-2010-McCormick #ada #embedded #parallel #realtime- Ada for parallel, embedded, and real-time applications (JWM), pp. 5–6.
CAiSE-2010-ChopraDGM #modelling #reasoning- Modeling and Reasoning about Service-Oriented Applications via Goals and Commitments (AKC, FD, PG, JM), pp. 113–128.
EDOC-2010-KrugerGZP #data transformation #enterprise- Enterprise Application-Specific Data Management (JK, MG, AZ, HP), pp. 131–140.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-DiboB #architecture #component #deployment #distributed #metamodelling #modelling- Defining an Unified Meta Modeling Architecture for Deployment of Distributed Components-based Software Applications (MD, NB), pp. 316–321.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-LibourelLMPD #framework- A Platform Dedicated to Share and Mutualize Environmental Applications (TL, YL, IM, CP, JCD), pp. 50–57.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-PreisslerHL #data type #streaming- Process-based Data Streaming in Service-oriented Environments — Application and Technique (SP, DH, WL), pp. 40–49.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-RezigM #standard #towards- Towards Location-based Services Standardization — An Application based on Mobility and Geo-Location (EKR, VM), pp. 310–315.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-RousseauCH #collaboration- A Practical Application of SOA — A Collaborative Marketplace (SR, OC, SH), pp. 332–336.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-SuadamaraWH #design #interactive #towards- Culture Influence on Human Computer Interaction — Cultural Factors Toward User’s Preference on Groupware Application Design (RS, SW, AH), pp. 186–191.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-AlvesSC #architecture- A Federated Triple Store Architecture for Healthcare Applications (BA, MS, FC), pp. 207–214.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-Looso- A Generic Method for Best Practice Reference Model Application (SL), pp. 149–158.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-LopesSVS #concept #development #framework- A Conceptual Framework for the Development of Applications Centred on Context and Evidence-based Practice (ECL, US, VV, ACS), pp. 60–69.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-MonfortHK #navigation #towards- Towards Extending IMS LD with Services and Context Awareness — Application to a Navigation and Fishing Simulator (VM, SH, MK), pp. 80–91.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ShishkovWS #energy #on the- On the Application of Autonomic and Context-aware Computing to Support Home Energy Management (BS, MW, MvS), pp. 307–313.
ICEIS-J-2010-KisilevichKLBR #case study- Developing Analytical GIS Applications with GEO-SPADE: Three Success Case Studies (SK, DAK, AL, LB, LR), pp. 495–511.
CIKM-2010-AjmeraKLMP #corpus #parallel #web- Alignment of short length parallel corpora with an application to web search (JA, HSK, KPL, SM, MP), pp. 1477–1480.
CIKM-2010-BelemMAGP #metric #quality #recommendation #web- Exploiting co-occurrence and information quality metrics to recommend tags in web 2.0 applications (FMB, EFM, JMdA, MAG, GLP), pp. 1793–1796.
CIKM-2010-BingSJZL #documentation #learning #mining #ontology #representation- Learning ontology resolution for document representation and its applications in text mining (LB, BS, SJ, YZ, WL), pp. 1713–1716.
CIKM-2010-Callan- Search engine support for software applications (JC), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2010-FangSS #clustering #learning #multi- Multilevel manifold learning with application to spectral clustering (HrF, SS, YS), pp. 419–428.
CIKM-2010-GoasdoueKLM #named #rdf- RDFViewS: a storage tuning wizard for RDF applications (FG, KK, JL, IM), pp. 1947–1948.
CIKM-2010-Grefenstette #semantics- Use of semantics in real life applications (GG), pp. 5–6.
CIKM-2010-KaytoueANK #concept analysis- Embedding tolerance relations in formal concept analysis: an application in information fusion (MK, ZA, AN, SOK), pp. 1689–1692.
CIKM-2010-KerneQWDLM #metadata #named #representation #semantics- Meta-metadata: a metadata semantics language for collection representation applications (AK, YQ, AMW, SD, NL, AM), pp. 1129–1138.
CIKM-2010-LiXCH #named #optimisation #performance- StableBuffer: optimizing write performance for DBMS applications on flash devices (YL, JX, BC, HH), pp. 339–348.
CIKM-2010-WuHL #image #ranking #retrieval- Group ranking with application to image retrieval (OW, WH, BL), pp. 1441–1444.
ICML-2010-GavishNC #graph #learning #multi #theory and practice- Multiscale Wavelets on Trees, Graphs and High Dimensional Data: Theory and Applications to Semi Supervised Learning (MG, BN, RRC), pp. 367–374.
ICML-2010-KimSD #algorithm #scalability- A scalable trust-region algorithm with application to mixed-norm regression (DK, SS, ISD), pp. 519–526.
ICML-2010-ShoebG #detection #machine learning- Application of Machine Learning To Epileptic Seizure Detection (AHS, JVG), pp. 975–982.
ICML-2010-WilliamsonWHB #modelling #process #topic- The IBP Compound Dirichlet Process and its Application to Focused Topic Modeling (SW, CW, KAH, DMB), pp. 1151–1158.
ICPR-2010-AbergW #3d #algorithm #clustering- A Memetic Algorithm for Selection of 3D Clustered Features with Applications in Neuroscience (MBÅ, JW), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-2010-AlexandrovnaS- Selection of Photos for Album Building Applications (EMA, IVS), pp. 3256–3259.
ICPR-2010-AlmaksourAQC #classification #evolution #fuzzy #gesture #incremental #learning #recognition- Evolving Fuzzy Classifiers: Application to Incremental Learning of Handwritten Gesture Recognition Systems (AA, ÉA, SQ, MC), pp. 4056–4059.
ICPR-2010-BuyssensR #learning #verification- Learning Sparse Face Features: Application to Face Verification (PB, MR), pp. 670–673.
ICPR-2010-ConduracheMM #classification #segmentation- An LDA-based Relative Hysteresis Classifier with Application to Segmentation of Retinal Vessels (AC, FM, AM), pp. 4202–4205.
ICPR-2010-GhanemA #linear #recognition- Sparse Coding of Linear Dynamical Systems with an Application to Dynamic Texture Recognition (BG, NA), pp. 987–990.
ICPR-2010-KimYJS #estimation #hybrid #robust #visual notation- Receding Horizon Estimation for Hybrid Particle Filters and Application for Robust Visual Tracking (DYK, EY, MJ, VS), pp. 3508–3512.
ICPR-2010-LeeJJ #image #ranking #retrieval #scalability- Unsupervised Ensemble Ranking: Application to Large-Scale Image Retrieval (JEL, RJ, AKJ), pp. 3902–3906.
ICPR-2010-Machucho-CadenaB #3d #algebra #geometry #re-engineering #using- 3D Reconstruction of Tumors for Applications in Laparoscopy Using Conformal Geometric Algebra (RMC, EBC), pp. 2532–2535.
ICPR-2010-ManoharSGS #modelling #video- Modeling Facial Skin Motion Properties in Video and Its Application to Matching Faces across Expressions (VM, MS, DBG, SS), pp. 2122–2125.
ICPR-2010-MengXZZ #recognition #word- A New Application of MEG and DTI on Word Recognition (LM, JX, DZ, HZ), pp. 2472–2475.
ICPR-2010-MizukamiTWLP #database #implementation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- CUDA Implementation of Deformable Pattern Recognition and its Application to MNIST Handwritten Digit Database (YM, KT, JW, PL, SP), pp. 2001–2004.
ICPR-2010-NielsenBS #clustering- Bhattacharyya Clustering with Applications to Mixture Simplifications (FN, SB, OS), pp. 1437–1440.
ICPR-2010-PapariCP #detection #novel #using- Steerable Filtering Using Novel Circular Harmonic Functions with Application to Edge Detection (GP, PC, NP), pp. 3947–3950.
ICPR-2010-PerretLCS #component #image #multi- Connected Component Trees for Multivariate Image Processing and Applications in Astronomy (BP, SL, CC, ÉS), pp. 4089–4092.
ICPR-2010-PetersenK #analysis #estimation #modelling #process #statistics- Statistical Analysis of Kalman Filters by Conversion to Gauss-Helmert Models with Applications to Process Noise Estimation (AP, RK), pp. 2386–2389.
ICPR-2010-RangarajanKNS- Hyper Least Squares and Its Applications (PR, KK, HN, YS), pp. 5–8.
ICPR-2010-SchryverR #categorisation #set- The Rex Leopold II Model: Application of the Reduced Set Density Estimator to Human Categorization (MDS, BR), pp. 4356–4359.
ICPR-2010-SteerAM #data fusion #recognition #using- Audio-Visual Data Fusion Using a Particle Filter in the Application of Face Recognition (MAS, AAH, BM), pp. 4392–4395.
ICPR-2010-VeillardLR #image #scalability- An Exploration Scheme for Large Images: Application to Breast Cancer Grading (AV, NL, DR), pp. 3472–3475.
ICPR-2010-YukselG #classification #detection- Variational Mixture of Experts for Classification with Applications to Landmine Detection (SEY, PDG), pp. 2981–2984.
KDD-2010-ChapelleSVWZT #learning #multi #ranking #web- Multi-task learning for boosting with application to web search ranking (OC, PKS, SV, KQW, YZ, BLT), pp. 1189–1198.
KDD-2010-FeiH #classification #functional #graph- Boosting with structure information in the functional space: an application to graph classification (HF, JH), pp. 643–652.
KDD-2010-GuptaPATV #learning #retrieval #social #social media- Nonnegative shared subspace learning and its application to social media retrieval (SKG, DQP, BA, TT, SV), pp. 1169–1178.
KDD-2010-MarchRG #algorithm #analysis #performance- Fast euclidean minimum spanning tree: algorithm, analysis, and applications (WBM, PR, AGG), pp. 603–612.
KDD-2010-PrestonBKSF #clustering #constraints #using- Redefining class definitions using constraint-based clustering: an application to remote sensing of the earth’s surface (DP, CEB, RK, DSM, MAF), pp. 823–832.
KDD-2010-TingZLT #estimation- Mass estimation and its applications (KMT, GTZ, FTL, JSCT), pp. 989–998.
KDD-2010-YangJJZT #categorisation #classification- Unsupervised transfer classification: application to text categorization (TY, RJ, AKJ, YZ, WT), pp. 1159–1168.
KDIR-2010-Bernard #formal method #modelling #reuse- Characterisation, Formalisation and Reuse of Knowledge — Models, Methods and Application Cases (AB), p. 13.
KDIR-2010-Molokov #combinator #identification- Application of Combinatorial Methods to Protein Identification in Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (LM), pp. 307–313.
KEOD-2010-Braham #assessment #learning #metric- A Knowledge Metric with Applications to Learning Assessment (RB), pp. 5–9.
KEOD-2010-FukumotoS #classification #identification- Identifying Domain-specific Senses and Its Application to Text Classification (FF, YS), pp. 263–268.
KEOD-2010-GarridoGDR #assessment- Knowledge Mobilization to Support Environmental Impact Assessment — A Model and an Application (JG, JGR, MD, IR), pp. 193–199.
KEOD-2010-GuoC #ontology #visualisation- An Application for Ontological Engineering and Visualization (SSG, CWC), pp. 360–363.
KMIS-2010-BachlechnerKMW #information management- Taking Pressure off Knowledge Workers with the Help of Situational Applications — Improving Time-to-proficiency in Knowledge Work Settings (DB, MK, RM, GW), pp. 378–381.
KMIS-2010-ChateauBM- Computer Aided System for Managing Domain Knowledge — Application to Cultural Patrimony (SdC, DB, EML), pp. 240–245.
KMIS-2010-FogliP #collaboration #development #web- End-user Development for Knowledge Sharing — A Collaborative Web Mapping Application in the First Aid Domain (DF, LPP), pp. 5–14.
KR-2010-Arieli #logic #on the- On the Application of the Disjunctive Syllogism in Paraconsistent Logics Based on Four States of Information (OA).
KR-2010-CiabattoniR #fuzzy #monad #on the- On the Classical Content of Monadic G with Involutive Negation and its Application to a Fuzzy Medical Expert System (AC, PR).
KR-2010-HajishirziA #probability #reasoning- Reasoning about Deterministic Actions with Probabilistic Prior and Application to Stochastic Filtering (HH, EA).
SEKE-2010-BucciSV #enterprise #integration- Ontology-Driven Enterprise Application Integration (GB, VS, EV), pp. 54–60.
SEKE-2010-FuL #constraints #detection #string #theorem proving #web- A String Constraint Solver for Detecting Web Application Vulnerability (XF, CCL), pp. 535–542.
SEKE-2010-JarouchehLS #approach #as a service #flexibility #modelling #multi- A Model-driven Approach to Flexible Multi-Level Customization of SaaS Applications (ZJ, XL, SS), pp. 241–246.
SEKE-2010-LiLK #component #ontology #precise #semantics- Achieve Semantic-based Precise Component Selection via an Ontology Model Interlinking Application Domain and MVICS (CL, XL, JBK), pp. 692–697.
SEKE-2010-PapatellaCZPS #energy #framework- A Framework for Solar Energy Applications Photovoltaic Systems (FP, TFC, LEZ, EMDP, MAJS), pp. 292–297.
SEKE-2010-PatelGS #effectiveness #maintenance #named #testing #web- TestDrive — A Cost Effective Way to Create and Maintain Test Scripts for Web Applications (SP, PG, PS), pp. 474–476.
SEKE-2010-PfluegerGH #development #enterprise #java #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Java Enterprise Applications (AP, WG, TH), pp. 787–790.
SEKE-2010-ShinGKKJJS #component #self- Self-Management of Component Executors for Robot Applications (MES, HTG, TK, SK, SJ, CJ, BS), pp. 653–656.
SIGIR-2010-ChenMCRH #detection #rank #web- Web page publication time detection and its application for page rank (ZC, JM, CC, HR, SH), pp. 859–860.
SIGIR-2010-JiangPL #challenge #information retrieval #mining #web- Search and browse log mining for web information retrieval: challenges, methods, and applications (DJ, JP, HL), p. 912.
SIGIR-2010-LiuYHA #adaptation #analysis #performance #predict #sentiment- S-PLASA+: adaptive sentiment analysis with application to sales performance prediction (YL, XY, XH, AA), pp. 873–874.
SIGIR-2010-MagdyJ #information retrieval #metric #named- PRES: a score metric for evaluating recall-oriented information retrieval applications (WM, GJFJ), pp. 611–618.
SIGIR-2010-WangDL #comprehension #documentation #matrix #set- Feature subset non-negative matrix factorization and its applications to document understanding (DW, CHQD, TL), pp. 805–806.
SIGIR-2010-ZhenY #classification #design #named- SED: supervised experimental design and its application to text classification (YZ, DYY), pp. 299–306.
MoDELS-v1-2010-AmbroziewiczS #interactive #logic #reuse- Application Logic Patterns — Reusable Elements of User-System Interaction (AA, MS), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-v1-2010-SchrammPHV #agile #development #enterprise #modelling #user interface- Rapid UI Development for Enterprise Applications: Combining Manual and Model-Driven Techniques (AS, AP, MH, LV), pp. 271–285.
MoDELS-v2-2010-RicheVB #parallel- Transformation-Based Parallelization of Request-Processing Applications (TLR, HMV, DSB), pp. 2–16.
OOPSLA-2010-ItzhakyGIS #induction #synthesis- A simple inductive synthesis methodology and its applications (SI, SG, NI, MS), pp. 36–46.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HundtSG #aspect-oriented #embedded #optimisation- Optimizing Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms for Embedded Applications (CH, DS, SG), pp. 137–153.
GPCE-2010-WurthingerBAMM #aspect-oriented #development #evolution #java #programming #user interface- Applications of enhanced dynamic code evolution for Java in GUI development and dynamic aspect-oriented programming (TW, WB, DA, PM, HM), pp. 123–126.
PADL-2010-LeoneRRT #integration #performance #programming #set- Efficient Application of Answer Set Programming for Advanced Data Integration (NL, FR, LAR, GT), pp. 10–24.
PADL-2010-Marti-Oliet #maude- An Introduction to Maude and Some of Its Applications (NMO), pp. 4–9.
RE-2010-QureshiP #adaptation #requirements- Requirements Engineering for Adaptive Service Based Applications (NAQ, AP), pp. 108–111.
RE-2010-SultanovH #requirements- Application of Swarm Techniques to Requirements Engineering: Requirements Tracing (HS, JHH), pp. 211–220.
SAC-PL-J-2008-BussBSE10 #analysis #debugging #novel #pointer- A novel analysis space for pointer analysis and its application for bug finding (MB, DB, VCS, SAE), pp. 921–942.
SAC-2010-AddicksA #architecture #enterprise- A method for application evaluations in context of enterprise architecture (JSA, HJA), pp. 131–136.
SAC-2010-AquinoOW #algorithm #network- A wavelet-based sampling algorithm for wireless sensor networks applications (ALLdA, RARO, EFW), pp. 1604–1608.
SAC-2010-BraynerCS #approach #detection #energy #network #quality #query #requirements- Dealing with application requirements and energy consumption in wireless sensor networks: a novelty detection approach for quality of query services (AB, ALVC, KMdS), pp. 786–790.
SAC-2010-CesariLPT #agile #development- A tool for rapid development of WS-BPEL applications (LC, AL, RP, FT), pp. 2438–2442.
SAC-2010-ChamberlainBFB #architecture #development- Application-guided tool development for architecturally diverse computation (RDC, JB, MAF, JHB), pp. 496–501.
SAC-2010-DAngeloVZ #privacy #web- Content cloaking: preserving privacy with Google Docs and other web applications (GD, FV, SZ), pp. 826–830.
SAC-2010-DeigmoellerISJ #approach #video- An approach to intelligently crop and scale video for broadcast applications (JD, TI, GS, NJ), pp. 1911–1918.
SAC-2010-DomanPD #fuzzy #network #query- Leveraging fuzzy query processing to support applications in wireless sensor networks (MD, JP, TD), pp. 764–771.
SAC-2010-FlouvatSGRG #mining- Constrained colocation mining: application to soil erosion characterization (FF, NSF, DG, IR, CG), pp. 1054–1059.
SAC-2010-GehlertBKMPP #adaptation #verification- Exploiting assumption-based verification for the adaptation of service-based applications (AG, AB, RK, AM, MP, KP), pp. 2430–2437.
SAC-2010-GiuntaPT #aspect-oriented #design pattern #using- Using aspects and annotations to separate application code from design patterns (RG, GP, ET), pp. 2183–2189.
SAC-2010-GohC #quality #social- Investigating the influence of social computing applications on website quality (DHLG, AYKC), pp. 807–811.
SAC-2010-KruegerGRL #named #self #web- TokDoc: a self-healing web application firewall (TK, CG, KR, PL), pp. 1846–1853.
SAC-2010-LuoTLTDW #design #enterprise #evaluation #process #visualisation- Visualizing time-series data in processlines: design and evaluation of a process enterprise application (XL, FT, WL, DT, GD, HW), pp. 1165–1172.
SAC-2010-MadeoPBDB #implementation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- A committee machine implementing the pattern recognition module for fingerspelling applications (RCBM, SMP, HHB, DBD, CB), pp. 954–958.
SAC-2010-MaiaCCA #mobile- Considerations on developing mobile applications based on the Capuchin project (MEFM, CC, RC, RMCA), pp. 575–579.
SAC-2010-MateosCZC #design pattern #pervasive- Separation of concerns in service-oriented applications based on pervasive design patterns (CM, MC, AZ, MRC), pp. 849–853.
SAC-2010-MatthysAHMJH #data access #fine-grained #network #towards- Towards fine-grained and application-centric access control for wireless sensor networks (NM, SRA, CH, SM, WJ, DH), pp. 793–794.
SAC-2010-OliverSF #abstraction #network #operating system- An operating system abstraction layer for portable applications in wireless sensor networks (RSO, IS, GF), pp. 742–748.
SAC-2010-ParkKYMY #approach #reuse- An approach to developing reusable domain services for service oriented applications (JP, JK, SY, MM, KY), pp. 2252–2256.
SAC-2010-RodriguesNPM #parallel #thread- A new technique for data privatization in user-level threads and its use in parallel applications (ERR, POAN, JP, CLM), pp. 2149–2154.
SAC-2010-Rooney #scheduling- Scheduling intense applications most “surprising” first (SR), pp. 2077–2084.
SAC-2010-RubegniBPS #communication #design #multi- A format to design narrative multimedia applications for cultural heritage communication (ER, NDB, PP, AS), pp. 1238–1239.
SAC-2010-SarrNG #adaptation #distributed #monitoring #named #transaction #web- TransPeer: adaptive distributed transaction monitoring for Web2.0 applications (IS, HN, SG), pp. 423–430.
SAC-2010-TangL #database #framework #lightweight #testing- A lightweight framework for testing database applications (JT, EL), pp. 1632–1637.
FSE-2010-CarzanigaGPP #automation #web- Automatic workarounds for web applications (AC, AG, NP, MP), pp. 237–246.
FSE-2010-FisherFMR #named- HI-C: diagnosing object churn in framework-based applications (MFI, LM, BGR), pp. 379–380.
FSE-2010-RamasubbuB #case study #evolution #product line- Evolution of a bluetooth test application product line: a case study (NR, RKB), pp. 107–116.
FSE-2010-SimmondsBC #web #web service- Guided recovery for web service applications (JS, SBD, MC), pp. 247–256.
FSE-2010-WangZXMS #constant #string #web- Locating need-to-translate constant strings in web applications (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 87–96.
ICSE-2010-ArtziDTP #fault #locality #web- Practical fault localization for dynamic web applications (SA, JD, FT, MP), pp. 265–274.
ICSE-2010-GrechanikFXMPC- A search engine for finding highly relevant applications (MG, CF, QX, CM, DP, CMC), pp. 475–484.
ICSE-2010-LunaBGR #agile #development #flexibility #testing #web- A flexible tool suite for change-aware test-driven development of web applications (ERL, JB, JG, GR), pp. 297–298.
ICSE-2010-SchaeferPT #architecture #parallel- Engineering parallel applications with tunable architectures (CAS, VP, WFT), pp. 405–414.
SPLC-2010-MarinhoLFRMADVAT #mobile #product line- A Software Product Line for the Mobile and Context-Aware Applications Domain (FGM, FL, JBFF, LSR, MEFM, SBdA, VLLD, WV, RMCA, ET), pp. 346–360.
SPLC-2010-StrickerMP #testing- Avoiding Redundant Testing in Application Engineering (VS, AM, KP), pp. 226–240.
SPLC-2010-ZhouJZZ #enterprise #product line- Product Line Engineering in Enterprise Applications (JZ, YJ, DZ, XZ), p. 494.
ASPLOS-2010-HormatiCWKRMM #named #streaming- MacroSS: macro-SIMDization of streaming applications (AH, YC, MW, MK, RMR, TNM, SAM), pp. 285–296.
ASPLOS-2010-VlachosGKCFGM #monitoring #named #online #parallel #thread- ParaLog: enabling and accelerating online parallel monitoring of multithreaded applications (EV, MLG, MAK, SC, BF, PBG, TCM), pp. 271–284.
CC-2010-BenabderrahmanePCB- The Polyhedral Model Is More Widely Applicable Than You Think (MWB, LNP, AC, CB), pp. 283–303.
CC-2010-JiangZTS #analysis #distance #locality #multi #question #reuse- Is Reuse Distance Applicable to Data Locality Analysis on Chip Multiprocessors? (YJ, EZZ, KT, XS), pp. 264–282.
CC-2010-LogozzoV #abstract interpretation #agile #analysis #javascript #named #optimisation- RATA: Rapid Atomic Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation — Application to JavaScript Optimization (FL, HV), pp. 66–83.
CGO-2010-CanedoYK #automation #parallel- Automatic parallelization of simulink applications (AC, TY, HK), pp. 151–159.
HPCA-2010-BiCG #interactive #named #on-demand #performance- IADVS: On-demand performance for interactive applications (MB, IC, CG), pp. 1–10.
HPCA-2010-KunduRDZ #modelling #performance- Application performance modeling in a virtualized environment (SK, RR, KD, MZ), pp. 1–10.
HPDC-2010-GunarathneWQF #in the cloud #paradigm #parallel- Cloud computing paradigms for pleasingly parallel biomedical applications (TG, TLW, JQ, GF), pp. 460–469.
HPDC-2010-HaraT #framework- A global address space framework for irregular applications (KH, KT), pp. 296–299.
HPDC-2010-HenschelMS #distributed #using #workflow- A distributed workflow for an astrophysical OpenMP application: using the data capacitor over WAN to enhance productivity (RH, SM, SCS), pp. 644–650.
HPDC-2010-HeZKDM #case study- Case study for running HPC applications in public clouds (QH, SZ, BK, DCD, TM), pp. 395–401.
HPDC-2010-HoeflerSL #named #scalability #simulation- LogGOPSim: simulating large-scale applications in the LogGOPS model (TH, TS, AL), pp. 597–604.
HPDC-2010-JonesDD #clustering #performance- Impact of sub-optimal checkpoint intervals on application efficiency in computational clusters (WMJ, JTD, ND), pp. 276–279.
HPDC-2010-KawaiISW #middleware #multi- SAGA-based file access application over multi-filesystem middleware (YK, GI, TS, YW), pp. 622–626.
HPDC-2010-KimKJP #adaptation #framework #hybrid- Exploring application and infrastructure adaptation on hybrid grid-cloud infrastructure (HK, YEK, SJ, MP), pp. 402–412.
HPDC-2010-LinWG #gpu #migration- OpenGL application live migration with GPU acceleration in personal cloud (YL, WW, KG), pp. 280–283.
HPDC-2010-LuJB #case study #named- AzureBlast: a case study of developing science applications on the cloud (WL, JJ, RSB), pp. 413–420.
HPDC-2010-PlossMMGG #evaluation #multi #named #performance- Netlag: a performance evaluation tool for massively multi-user networked applications (AP, DM, PM, FG, SG), pp. 573–580.
HPDC-2010-SehrishMWB #data access #framework #named #novel- MRAP: a novel MapReduce-based framework to support HPC analytics applications with access patterns (SS, GM, JW, JB), pp. 107–118.
HPDC-2010-ShibataCT #data access #data-driven #distributed #workflow- File-access patterns of data-intensive workflow applications and their implications to distributed filesystems (TS, SC, KT), pp. 746–755.
HPDC-2010-SivagamaVN #component #framework #middleware #multi #named- Morco: middleware framework for long-running multi-component applications on batch grids (SMS, SSV, RSN), pp. 328–331.
HPDC-2010-ZhuA #adaptation #constraints #resource management- Resource provisioning with budget constraints for adaptive applications in cloud environments (QZ, GA), pp. 304–307.
LCTES-2010-LiZ #embedded #mobile #performance- An efficient code update scheme for DSP applications in mobile embedded systems (WL, YZ), pp. 105–114.
LCTES-2010-ViskicLG #automation #design #framework #generative #network #process- Design exploration and automatic generation of MPSoC platform TLMs from Kahn Process Network applications (IV, LY, DG), pp. 77–84.
OSDI-2010-Chlipala #policy #security #static analysis- Static Checking of Dynamically-Varying Security Policies in Database-Backed Applications (AC), pp. 105–118.
OSDI-2010-HaridasanMTTZ #framework #generative #scalability- StarTrack Next Generation: A Scalable Infrastructure for Track-Based Applications (MH, IM, DT, CAT, LZ), pp. 409–422.
OSDI-2010-PortsCZML #automation #consistency #transaction- Transactional Consistency and Automatic Management in an Application Data Cache (DRKP, ATC, IZ, SM, BL), pp. 279–292.
OSDI-2010-WuCY #execution- Bypassing Races in Live Applications with Execution Filters (JW, HC, JY), pp. 135–149.
PPoPP-2010-AleenSP #execution #predict #streaming- Input-driven dynamic execution prediction of streaming applications (FA, MS, SP), pp. 315–324.
PPoPP-2010-HoffmannESMA #health #performance- Application heartbeats for software performance and health (HH, JE, MDS, JEM, AA), pp. 347–348.
PPoPP-2010-MuralidharaKR #clustering #parallel #thread- Intra-application shared cache partitioning for multithreaded applications (SPM, MTK, PR), pp. 329–330.
PPoPP-2010-RadojkovicCVPCNV #concurrent #network #parallel #thread- Thread to strand binding of parallel network applications in massive multi-threaded systems (PR, VC, JV, AP, FJC, MN, MV), pp. 191–202.
PPoPP-2010-TallentMP #parallel #thread- Analyzing lock contention in multithreaded applications (NRT, JMMC, AP), pp. 269–280.
PPoPP-2010-ZhaiCZ #named #parallel #performance #predict #scalability #using- PHANTOM: predicting performance of parallel applications on large-scale parallel machines using a single node (JZ, WC, WZ), pp. 305–314.
ICLP-2010-Aref10 #datalog #enterprise #industrial #research- Datalog for Enterprise Software: from Industrial Applications to Research (Invited Talk) (MA), p. 1.
ICLP-J-2010-BalducciniG #formal method #programming #set- Formalization of psychological knowledge in answer set programming and its application (MB, SG), pp. 725–740.
ICLP-J-2010-BaralGPS #case study #logic #logic programming #modelling- Logic programming for finding models in the logics of knowledge and its applications: A case study (CB, GG, EP, TCS), pp. 675–690.
ICST-2010-Bubevski #assessment #risk management #simulation #testing- An Application of Six Sigma and Simulation in Software Testing Risk Assessment (VB), pp. 295–302.
ICST-2010-RoestMD #ajax #testing- Regression Testing Ajax Applications: Coping with Dynamism (DR, AM, AvD), pp. 127–136.
ISSTA-2010-CarbinR #automation #identification- Automatically identifying critical input regions and code in applications (MC, MCR), pp. 37–48.
ISSTA-2010-DobolyiW #fault #modelling #testing #web- Modeling consumer-perceived web application fault severities for testing (KD, WW), pp. 97–106.
LICS-2010-CaliGLMP #datalog #information management #logic #product line #query #representation- Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications (AC, GG, TL, BM, AP), pp. 228–242.
LICS-2010-KopczynskiT #complexity #image- Parikh Images of Grammars: Complexity and Applications (EK, AWT), pp. 80–89.
CBSE-2009-GortonCWAC #component #data-driven #workflow- Services + Components = Data Intensive Scientific Workflow Applications with MeDICi (IG, JC, AW, JA, AC), pp. 227–241.
CBSE-2009-LoiretNBL #component #embedded #operating system #realtime- Component-Based Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Applications (FL, JFN, JPB, OL), pp. 209–226.
CBSE-2009-PochP #behaviour #component #legacy #specification- Extracting Behavior Specification of Components in Legacy Applications (TP, FP), pp. 87–103.
QoSA-2009-LiKWHGGJMMNNW #adaptation #composition #quantum- Adaptive Application Composition in Quantum Chemistry (LL, JPK, MSW, KAH, AG, MSG, CLJ, LCM, HM, HN, BN, TLW), pp. 194–211.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-IngstrupH #architecture #configuration management #modelling- Modeling architectural change: Architectural scripting and its applications to reconfiguration (MI, KMH), pp. 337–340.
ASE-2009-ArthoLHTY #branch #linear #model checking- Cache-Based Model Checking of Networked Applications: From Linear to Branching Time (CA, WL, MH, YT, MY), pp. 447–458.
ASE-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #analysis #framework #mobile #usability- A Methodology and Framework to Simplify Usability Analysis of Mobile Applications (FTBF, HH), pp. 520–524.
ASE-2009-BookBGH #interface #internet #specification- Specification and Control of Interface Responses to User Input in Rich Internet Applications (MB, TB, VG, MH), pp. 321–331.
ASE-2009-GonzalezCD #analysis #automation #implementation #workflow- Automating the Implementation of Analysis Concerns in Workflow Applications (OG, RC, DD), pp. 585–589.
ASE-2009-LemonRMPDCPPLP #agile #development #simulation- Applications of Simulation and AI Search: Assessing the Relative Merits of Agile vs Traditional Software Development (BL, AR, TM, JP, JD, RC, TP, FP, HL, DP), pp. 580–584.
ASE-2009-Wright #interactive #modelling #web- A Modelling Language for Interactive Web Applications (JMW), pp. 689–692.
CASE-2009-AnandMT #automation #evaluation #network #performance- Performance evaluation of wireless networks for factory automation applications (DMA, JRM, DMT), pp. 340–346.
CASE-2009-BorgstromJBSK- Field-tests of a redundantly actuated cable-driven robot for environmental sampling applications (PHB, BLJ, MAB, GSS, WJK), pp. 615–620.
CASE-2009-ChouguleC #assembly #ontology- Application of ontology guided search for improved equipment diagnosis in a vehicle assembly plant (RC, SC), pp. 90–95.
CASE-2009-GoswamiSBC- A DECOMSYS based tool-chain for analyzing FlexRay based automotive control applications (DG, PS, UDB, SC), pp. 403–408.
DAC-2009-ChouCK #synthesis- Handling don’t-care conditions in high-level synthesis and application for reducing initialized registers (HZC, KHC, SYK), pp. 412–415.
DAC-2009-JavaidP #design #multi #pipes and filters- A design flow for application specific heterogeneous pipelined multiprocessor systems (HJ, SP), pp. 250–253.
DAC-2009-LuZSZ #algorithm #manycore #parallel- Multicore parallel min-cost flow algorithm for CAD applications (YL, HZ, LS, XZ), pp. 832–837.
DAC-2009-PlishkerSB #data flow #effectiveness #scheduling- Mode grouping for more effective generalized scheduling of dynamic dataflow applications (WP, NS, SSB), pp. 923–926.
DAC-2009-ShankarL #multi #profiling- Non-intrusive dynamic application profiling for multitasked applications (KS, RLL), pp. 130–135.
DAC-2009-Uchida #ubiquitous- Single-electron devices for ubiquitous and secure computing applications (KU), pp. 301–303.
DAC-2009-XiongVZ #correlation #ranking #statistics- Statistical ordering of correlated timing quantities and its application for path ranking (JX, CV, VZ), pp. 122–125.
DATE-2009-BaertBWA #using- Exploring parallelizations of applications for MPSoC platforms using MPA (RB, EB, SW, TJA), pp. 1148–1153.
DATE-2009-BellasiFS #analysis #modelling #multi #power management #predict- Predictive models for multimedia applications power consumption based on use-case and OS level analysis (PB, WF, DS), pp. 1446–1451.
DATE-2009-BeltrameFS #design #realtime- A real-time application design methodology for MPSoCs (GB, LF, DS), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2009-BruneelAS #automation #configuration management #framework #self- Automatically mapping applications to a self-reconfiguring platform (KB, FA, DS), pp. 964–969.
DATE-2009-DemangelFDCW #architecture- A generic architecture of CCSDS Low Density Parity Check decoder for near-earth applications (FD, NF, ND, FC, CW), pp. 1242–1245.
DATE-2009-DoriolVFRGP #design- EMC-aware design on a microcontroller for automotive applications (PJD, YV, CF, MR, GG, DP), pp. 1208–1213.
DATE-2009-FacchiniCVPCDBM #3d #evaluation #mobile #performance- System-level power/performance evaluation of 3D stacked DRAMs for mobile applications (MF, TC, AV, MP, FC, WD, LB, PM), pp. 923–928.
DATE-2009-Flamand #manycore #towards- Strategic directions towards multicore application specific computing (EF), p. 1266.
DATE-2009-FummiPR #design #embedded #middleware- Networked embedded system applications design driven by an abstract middleware environment (FF, GP, NR), pp. 1024–1029.
DATE-2009-Garnier #challenge #roadmap- Trends and challenges in wireless application processors (PG), p. 603.
DATE-2009-GuanLF #design #scalability #set- Design of an application-specific instruction set processor for high-throughput and scalable FFT (XG, HL, YF), pp. 1302–1307.
DATE-2009-HaastregtK #automation #c #hardware #network #process #streaming #synthesis- Automated synthesis of streaming C applications to process networks in hardware (SvH, BK), pp. 890–893.
DATE-2009-JafriKBJ #flexibility #linear- ASIP-based flexible MMSE-IC Linear Equalizer for MIMO turbo-equalization applications (ARJ, DK, AB, MJ), pp. 1620–1625.
DATE-2009-KolligOH #framework #manycore- Heterogeneous multi-core platform for consumer multimedia applications (PK, CO, TH), pp. 1254–1259.
DATE-2009-KonigBSMNW #behaviour #embedded #evaluation #performance #realtime- Application specific performance indicators for quantitative evaluation of the timing behavior for embedded real-time systems (FK, DB, FS, UM, MN, GW), pp. 519–523.
DATE-2009-LiFNBPC #architecture #co-evolution #design #detection #ml #parallel #set- Algorithm-architecture co-design of soft-output ML MIMO detector for parallel application specific instruction set processors (ML, RF, DN, BB, LVdP, FC), pp. 1608–1613.
DATE-2009-LiNZGSS #dependence #optimisation #protocol- Optimizations of an application-level protocol for enhanced dependability in FlexRay (WL, MDN, WZ, PG, ALSV, SAS), pp. 1076–1081.
DATE-2009-MarchettiFRM- Shock immunity enhancement via resonance damping in gyroscopes for automotive applications (EM, LF, AR, MDM), pp. 1094–1099.
DATE-2009-NovoLBPC #finite #precise- Finite precision processing in wireless applications (DN, ML, BB, LVdP, FC), pp. 1230–1233.
DATE-2009-PlishkerSB #approach #data flow #scheduling- A generalized scheduling approach for dynamic dataflow applications (WP, NS, SSB), pp. 111–116.
DATE-2009-RedaN #metric #modelling #novel #parametricity #process- Analyzing the impact of process variations on parametric measurements: Novel models and applications (SR, SRN), pp. 375–380.
DATE-2009-SamiiCEP #distributed #embedded #scheduling #synthesis- Integrated scheduling and synthesis of control applications on distributed embedded systems (SS, AC, PE, ZP), pp. 57–62.
DATE-2009-SchallenbergNHHO #configuration management #framework #modelling #synthesis- OSSS+R: A framework for application level modelling and synthesis of reconfigurable systems (AS, WN, AH, PAH, FO), pp. 970–975.
DATE-2009-ZhuSJ #architecture #cpu #hybrid #realtime #scheduling #streaming- Buffer minimization of real-time streaming applications scheduling on hybrid CPU/FPGA architectures (JZ, IS, AJ), pp. 1506–1511.
HT-2009-ChinS #case study #mobile #web #web service- A user study of mobile web services and applications from the 2008 Beijing Oympics (AC, JPS), pp. 343–344.
HT-2009-DenoueACG #named #performance #web- WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications (LD, JA, SC, GG), pp. 365–366.
HT-2009-LeleWAM #collaboration #web- Sixearch.org 2.0 peer application for collaborative web search (NL, LSW, RA, FM), pp. 333–334.
ICDAR-2009-DriraLE #documentation #image #process #recognition- Document Images Restoration by a New Tensor Based Diffusion Process: Application to the Recognition of Old Printed Documents (FD, FL, HE), pp. 321–325.
ICDAR-2009-HamamuraAI #probability #recognition #word- An A Posteriori Probability Calculation Method for Analytic Word Recognition Applicable to Address Recognition (TH, TA, BI), pp. 391–395.
ICDAR-2009-HamamuraAI09a #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Bayesian Best-First Search for Pattern Recognition — Application to Address Recognition (TH, TA, BI), pp. 461–465.
ICDAR-2009-Martin-ToralAP #corpus #detection #documentation- Detection of Incoherences in a Document Corpus Based on the Application of a Neuro-Fuzzy System (SMT, VA, GISP), pp. 1101–1105.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamC #automation #classification #clustering #documentation #image #multi #word- Application of Multi-Level Classifiers and Clustering for Automatic Word Spotting in Historical Document Images (RFM, MC), pp. 511–515.
ICDAR-2009-SidereHR #classification #graph #representation- Vector Representation of Graphs: Application to the Classification of Symbols and Letters (NS, PH, JYR), pp. 681–685.
SIGMOD-2009-Amer-YahiaHY #social- Building community-centric information exploration applications on social content sites (SAY, JH, CY), pp. 947–952.
SIGMOD-2009-ChaudhuriNS #profiling #static analysis #using- Bridging the application and DBMS divide using static analysis and dynamic profiling (SC, VRN, MS), pp. 1039–1042.
SIGMOD-2009-CorcoranSH #security #web- Cross-tier, label-based security enforcement for web applications (BJC, NS, MWH), pp. 269–282.
SIGMOD-2009-Freitas #memory management- Storage class memory: technology, systems and applications (RFF), pp. 985–986.
SIGMOD-2009-LeeMP #database #enterprise #memory management #roadmap- Advances in flash memory SSD technology for enterprise database applications (SWL, BM, CP), pp. 863–870.
SIGMOD-2009-SharafCLA #interactive #optimisation #transaction- Optimizing i/o-intensive transactions in highly interactive applications (MAS, PKC, AL, CA), pp. 785–798.
SIGMOD-2009-WeissmanB #design #development #framework #internet #multitenancy- The design of the force.com multitenant internet application development platform (CDW, SB), pp. 889–896.
VLDB-2009-SchnaitterPG #analysis #design #interactive #modelling #physics- Index Interactions in Physical Design Tuning: Modeling, Analysis, and Applications (KS, NP, LG), pp. 1234–1245.
CSEET-2009-AroraG #approach #development #education #enterprise #re-engineering #scalability- Software Engineering Approach for Teaching Development of Scalable Enterprise Applications (RA, SG), pp. 105–112.
CSEET-2009-Burge #student- Application and Appreciation: Changing Course Structure to Change Student Attitudes (JEB), pp. 45–52.
ITiCSE-2009-Kagawa #framework #named #plugin #programming- WAPPEN: a web-based application framework for programming and its bison/flex plug-in (KK), p. 383.
ITiCSE-2009-MoraPJC #assessment #collaboration #learning #student- Learning method based on collaborative assessment performed by the students: an application to computer science (HMM, MTSP, RCJ, JMGC), p. 372.
ITiCSE-2009-SaidGMJ #database #security- Database and database application security (HES, MAMG, ZM, LJ), pp. 90–93.
WRLA-2008-GoriacCLAG09 #maude #metalanguage- Patterns for Maude Metalanguage Applications (EIG, GC, DL, OA, GG), pp. 121–138.
FASE-2009-NarasamdyaP #certification- Certification of Smart-Card Applications in Common Criteria (IN, MP), pp. 309–324.
CSMR-2009-ElishE #case study #comparative #maintenance #object-oriented #predict- Application of TreeNet in Predicting Object-Oriented Software Maintainability: A Comparative Study (MOE, KOE), pp. 69–78.
CSMR-2009-FrancescomarinoMT #process #reverse engineering #web- Reverse Engineering of Business Processes exposed as Web Applications (CDF, AM, PT), pp. 139–148.
ICSM-2009-AmalfitanoFT #behaviour #internet #modelling #reverse engineering- Experimenting a reverse engineering technique for modelling the behaviour of rich internet applications (DA, ARF, PT), pp. 571–574.
ICSM-2009-WangLSKKL #approach #combinator #graph #navigation #web- A combinatorial approach to building navigation graphs for dynamic web applications (WW, YL, SS, RK, RK, JL), pp. 211–220.
ICSM-2009-Yoo #impact analysis #metric #performance #using- Performance impact analysis with KPP using application response measurement in E-government systems (NY), pp. 503–506.
MSR-2009-CaseboltKMKD #gnome- Author entropy vs. file size in the gnome suite of applications (JRC, JLK, ACM, CDK, DPD), pp. 91–94.
MSR-2009-GermanPGA- Code siblings: Technical and legal implications of copying code between applications (DMG, MDP, YGG, GA), pp. 81–90.
WCRE-1999-BouhissiM99a #reverse engineering #web #web service- Reverse Engineering Existing Web Service Applications (HEB, MM), pp. 279–283.
WCRE-1999-Perin99a #assurance #evolution #quality #reverse engineering- Enabling the Evolution of J2EE Applications through Reverse Engineering and Quality Assurance (FP), pp. 291–294.
WCRE-1999-YangPZ99a #concept analysis #data access #feature model #multi #semantics #using- Domain Feature Model Recovery from Multiple Applications Using Data Access Semantics and Formal Concept Analysis (YY, XP, WZ), pp. 215–224.
PLDI-2009-InoueKN #case study #manycore #memory management- A study of memory management for web-based applications on multicore processors (HI, HK, TN), pp. 386–396.
PLDI-2009-MehraraHHM #hardware #low cost #memory management #transaction #using- Parallelizing sequential applications on commodity hardware using a low-cost software transactional memory (MM, JH, PCH, SAM), pp. 166–176.
PLDI-2009-TrippPFSW #analysis #effectiveness #named #web- TAJ: effective taint analysis of web applications (OT, MP, SJF, MS, OW), pp. 87–97.
CIAA-2009-Koch #automaton #xml- Applications of Automata in XML Processing (CK), p. 2.
CIAA-2009-Navarro #automaton #implementation #string- Implementation and Application of Automata in String Processing (GN), p. 1.
ICALP-v1-2009-ChekuriK #graph #reduction- A Graph Reduction Step Preserving Element-Connectivity and Applications (CC, NK), pp. 254–265.
ICALP-v1-2009-DietzfelbingerR- Applications of a Splitting Trick (MD, MR), pp. 354–365.
ICALP-v1-2009-HoyrupR #effectiveness #probability- Applications of Effective Probability Theory to Martin-Löf Randomness (MH, CR), pp. 549–561.
ICALP-v1-2009-KoutisW #algebra #problem- Limits and Applications of Group Algebras for Parameterized Problems (IK, RW), pp. 653–664.
LATA-2009-BoigelotD #automaton #finite #set #visualisation- Partial Projection of Sets Represented by Finite Automata, with Application to State-Space Visualization (BB, JFD), pp. 200–211.
LATA-2009-Courcelle #algorithm #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- Monadic Second-Order Logic for Graphs: Algorithmic and Language Theoretical Applications (BC), pp. 19–22.
LATA-2009-Llull-ChavarriaV #complexity #semantics #word- An Application of Generalized Complexity Spaces to Denotational Semantics via the Domain of Words (JLC, OV), pp. 530–541.
FM-2009-AlpuenteBR #logic #specification #verification #web- Specification and Verification of Web Applications in Rewriting Logic (MA, DB, DR), pp. 790–805.
IFM-2009-LangariT #graph transformation #verification- Application of Graph Transformation in Verification of Dynamic Systems (ZL, RJT), pp. 261–276.
ICFP-2009-McCarthy #automation #composition #continuation #rest #web- Automatically RESTful web applications: marking modular serializable continuations (JAM), pp. 299–310.
ICFP-2009-Sampson #case study #experience #functional #haskell #lazy evaluation- Experience report: Haskell in the “real world”: writing a commercial application in a lazy functional language (CJS), pp. 185–190.
ICFP-2009-SwamyHB #formal method- A theory of typed coercions and its applications (NS, MWH, GMB), pp. 329–340.
GT-VMT-2009-EhrigHS #correctness #graph grammar #model transformation- Completeness and Correctness of Model Transformations based on Triple Graph Grammars with Negative Application Conditions (HE, FH, CS), pp. 67–84.
CHI-2009-HerkVF #adaptation #programming- ESPranto SDK: an adaptive programming environment for tangible applications (RvH, JV, WF), pp. 849–858.
CHI-2009-LudwigPT #interactive #novel- Path selection: a novel interaction technique for mapping applications (ML, RP, LGT), pp. 2309–2318.
CHI-2009-TsaiKDCHS #feedback #mobile- Who’s viewed you?: the impact of feedback in a mobile location-sharing application (JYT, PGK, PHD, LFC, JIH, NMS), pp. 2003–2012.
CHI-2009-VasalouRJ #design #social- The application of forgiveness in social system design (AV, JR, ANJ), pp. 225–228.
DHM-2009-BensonR #complexity- Complexity of Sizing for Space Suit Applications (EB, SR), pp. 599–607.
DHM-2009-HansonHLW #health #industrial #modelling- Application of Human Modelling in Health Care Industry (LH, DH, DL, MW), pp. 521–530.
DHM-2009-LoudonM #design #representation #towards #visual notation- Towards a Visual Representation of the Effects of Reduced Muscle Strength in Older Adults: New Insights and Applications for Design and Healthcare (DL, ASM), pp. 540–549.
DHM-2009-MahmudVLC #ubiquitous- The Five Commandments of Activity-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Applications (NM, JV, KL, KC), pp. 257–264.
HCD-2009-AshleyD #case study #design #enterprise #maturity #usability- Usability Maturity: A Case Study in Planning and Designing an Enterprise Application Suite (JA, KD), pp. 579–584.
HCD-2009-KohlsdorfLB #bibliography #evaluation #mobile- A Mobile Application for Survey Reports: An Evaluation (DK, ML, MB), pp. 212–220.
HCD-2009-KrohnKH #approach #design #development #web- User-Centered Design Meets Feature-Driven Development: An Integrating Approach for Developing the Web Application myPIM (TK, MCK, MH), pp. 739–748.
HCD-2009-NasozB #user interface- Affectively Intelligent User Interfaces for Enhanced E-Learning Applications (FN, MB), pp. 765–774.
HCD-2009-Rocker- Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use of Ambient Intelligence Applications in Office Environments (CR), pp. 1052–1061.
HCD-2009-SaavedraTFS #evaluation #usability- A Preliminary Usability Evaluation of Hemo@Care: A Web-Based Application for Managing Clinical Information in Hemophilia Care (VS, LT, CF, BSS), pp. 785–794.
HCD-2009-SiekKR #health #usability- A Usability Inspection of Medication Management in Three Personal Health Applications (KAS, DUK, SER), pp. 129–138.
HCI-AUII-2009-BreuerKWPS- Love at First Encounter — Start-Up of New Applications (HB, MK, MW, NP, FS), pp. 585–594.
HCI-AUII-2009-GronliG #interactive #process #social- Human Computer Interaction with a PIM Application: Merging Activity, Location and Social Setting into Context (TMG, GG), pp. 30–38.
HCI-AUII-2009-KubickiLLSKC #human-computer #interactive #using- New Human-Computer Interactions Using Tangible Objects: Application on a Digital Tabletop with RFID Technology (SK, SL, YL, PDS, CK, JC), pp. 446–455.
HCI-AUII-2009-SaariKSRR #information management #mobile- A Mobile and Desktop Application for Enhancing Group Awareness in Knowledge Work Teams (TS, KK, MS, NR, MR), pp. 95–104.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BeinhauerH #evaluation #mobile #multimodal #using- Using Acoustic Landscapes for the Evaluation of Multimodal Mobile Applications (WB, CH), pp. 3–11.
HCI-NIMT-2009-QueirozFBF #approach #evaluation #multimodal #towards #user interface- Towards a Multidimensional Approach for the Evaluation of Multimodal Application User Interfaces (JERdQ, JMF, AEVB, DdSF), pp. 29–38.
HCI-NT-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #evaluation #interface #mobile- Evaluation of User-Interfaces for Mobile Application Development Environments (FTBF, HH), pp. 204–213.
HCI-NT-2009-HippP #assurance #quality #speech- Reference Model for Quality Assurance of Speech Applications (CH, MP), pp. 259–266.
HCI-NT-2009-LucasAW #composition #declarative #development #named #programming #web- Collage: A Declarative Programming Model for Compositional Development of Web Applications (BL, RPA, CW), pp. 856–865.
HCI-NT-2009-MiyazakiSY #behaviour #distributed #java #runtime #using #virtual machine- Investigating the Run Time Behavior of Distributed Applications by Using Tiny Java Virtual Machines with Wireless Communications (TM, TS, FY), pp. 882–889.
HCI-NT-2009-QueirozF #approach #evaluation #mobile #multi #user interface- A Multidimensional Approach for the Evaluation of Mobile Application User Interfaces (JERdQ, DdSF), pp. 242–251.
HCI-VAD-2009-IwabuchiNS #smarttech- Smart Makeup Mirror: Computer-Augmented Mirror to Aid Makeup Application (EI, MN, IS), pp. 495–503.
HCI-VAD-2009-LilleyP #approach #assessment- The Application of the Flexilevel Approach for the Assessment of Computer Science Undergraduates (ML, AP), pp. 140–148.
HCI-VAD-2009-Loreto #design #game studies #social #web- Games Design Principles for Improving Social Web Applications (IDL), pp. 287–295.
HCI-VAD-2009-Nam #development #user interface- Development of an Expert System as a User Interface for an RFID Application (DHN), pp. 751–759.
HCI-VAD-2009-ThiesK #concept #implementation #interactive- Electronic Glassboard — Conception and Implementation of an Interactive Tele-presence Application (PT, BK), pp. 632–640.
HIMI-DIE-2009-AshleyV #case study #enterprise #experience #user interface- Crafting Contemporary Enterprise Application User Experiences (JA, MWV), pp. 3–12.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KumeS #analysis #using #web- Construction of the Data Save System of the Cusp Surface Analysis Using Web Application (YK, JSS), pp. 665–674.
HIMI-DIE-2009-SakataON- Applications of Visible Light Path Laser Projector (NS, SO, SN), pp. 611–618.
HIMI-DIE-2009-WiebeV- Application of Population Stereotypes to Computerized Tasks (JW, KPLV), pp. 718–725.
HIMI-II-2009-ItoTHNYUST #human-computer #interface- Clinical Usefulness of Human-Computer Interface for Training Targeted Facial Expression: Application to Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate (KI, AT, SH, SN, MY, SU, NS, KT), pp. 513–521.
HIMI-II-2009-LeeHH09a #development #mobile- Location-Based Mixed-Map Application Development for Mobile Devices (HHL, KRH, KSH), pp. 403–412.
IDGD-2009-ChenC #research- Application of the Labeled Magnitude Scale in Kansei Research (CYC, KC), pp. 219–227.
IDGD-2009-ChenWSWL- The Application of ICTs and Digital Divide in Rural China (PC, JW, ZS, JW, YL), pp. 347–355.
IDGD-2009-Durand- Internationalizing Mainframe Applications through Screen Scraping (CD), pp. 228–235.
AdaEurope-2009-LasnierZPH #analysis #automation #code generation #modelling- Ocarina : An Environment for AADL Models Analysis and Automatic Code Generation for High Integrity Applications (GL, BZ, LP, JH), pp. 237–250.
CAiSE-2009-SpindlerGN #development #framework #mobile #social- Development Framework for Mobile Social Applications (AdS, MG, MCN), pp. 275–289.
EDOC-2009-MietznerUTL #multitenancy- Combining Different Multi-tenancy Patterns in Service-Oriented Applications (RM, TU, RT, FL), pp. 131–140.
EDOC-2009-WielandGSL #towards #web #web service #workflow- Towards Reference Passing in Web Service and Workflow-Based Applications (MW, KG, DS, FL), pp. 109–118.
EDOC-2009-ZhuM #case study #refactoring- Refactoring J2EE Application for JBI-Based ESB: A Case Study (WZ, WM), pp. 213–217.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-TaghezoutAZ #coordination #multi- Coordination in Multi-agent Decision Support System — Application to a Boiler Combustion Management System (GLZ) (NT, AA, PZ), pp. 194–199.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-CiriloKL #automation #enterprise #web- Automatic Derivation of Spring-OSGi based Web Enterprise Applications (EC, UK, CJPdL), pp. 228–233.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Daute #approach #database #maintenance #realtime- Introducing Real-time Business Case Database — An Approach to Improve System Maintenance of Complex Application Landscapes (OD), pp. 202–207.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-KleinschmagerH #aspect-oriented #programming- Is the Application of Aspect-oriented Programming Constructs Beneficial? — First Experimental Results (SK, SH), pp. 196–201.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-StempliucFAB #concept #modelling #network- Extending the UML-GeoFrame Data Model for Conceptual Modeling of Network Applications (SMS, JLF, MVAA, KAVB), pp. 164–170.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-VinhasAM #realtime- Business Intelligence based on a Wi-Fi Real Time Positioning Engine — A Practical Application in a Major Retail Company (VV, PA, PM), pp. 11–16.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-GarciaDCBSS #design- Scenario-based Design — An Essential Instrument for an Innovative Target Application — Case Report (LSG, AID, MAC, LCEDB, FS, MSS), pp. 113–117.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-JuniorJATPASN #interactive #internet #multi #prototype #using #web- Back Channel in Interactive Digital Television Systems: Strategies for Prototyping Applications using an Interactive Service Provider — Internet Computing — Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications (JBdSJ, JCdMMJ, ICA, FCT, GMP, PMdÁ, MdS, RFdN), pp. 130–135.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-LeiteG #analysis #multi #process #requirements- A Process for Multi-agent Domain and Application Engineering — The Domain Analysis and Application Requirements Engineering Phases (AL, RG), pp. 156–161.
ICEIS-J-2009-CunhaAM #data mining #mining #reuse- Knowledge Reuse in Data Mining Projects and Its Practical Applications (RCLVC, PJLA, SRdLM), pp. 317–324.
ICEIS-J-2009-FritzscheML #analysis #concept #data mining #design #industrial #interactive #mining #quality- Interactive Quality Analysis in the Automotive Industry: Concept and Design of an Interactive, Web-Based Data Mining Application (SF, MM, CL), pp. 402–414.
ICEIS-J-2009-MullerKEHZ #as a service #enterprise #multitenancy- Customizing Enterprise Software as a Service Applications: Back-End Extension in a Multi-tenancy Environment (JM, JK, SE, MH, AZ), pp. 66–77.
ICEIS-J-2009-PenteadoM #authentication #web- A Video-Based Biometric Authentication for e-Learning Web Applications (BEP, ANM), pp. 770–779.
ICEIS-J-2009-WauteletALK #adaptation #process- A Process for Developing Adaptable and Open Service Systems: Application in Supply Chain Management (YW, YA, JCL, MK), pp. 564–576.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-DolmacHD #architecture #design #development #framework #information management #mobile #web- Mobile Device Location Information Acquisition Framework for Development of Location Information Web Applications — Design and Architecture (AD, SH, SD), pp. 74–81.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-DronavajjalaNS #analysis #enterprise #identification #process #project management #relational- Identification of Critical Success Factors to ERP Project Management — An Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (CSD, SN, RS), pp. 187–192.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-SinghW #adaptation #enterprise #usability #user interface- Improving the Usability of ERP Systems through the Application of Adaptive User Interfaces (AS, JW), pp. 208–214.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-ZeeshanCS #case study #multi- Influencing Factors for the Adoption of m-Commerce Applications — A Multiple Case Study (SAZ, YC, HS), pp. 53–60.
CIKM-2009-Azzopardi #effectiveness #information retrieval #metric #monitoring #performance- Usage based effectiveness measures: monitoring application performance in information retrieval (LA), pp. 631–640.
CIKM-2009-ChokG #framework #mining #network #realtime- Spatio-temporal association rule mining framework for real-time sensor network applications (HC, LG), pp. 1761–1764.
CIKM-2009-GuoR #interactive #mining #query- Mining linguistic cues for query expansion: applications to drug interaction search (SG, NR), pp. 335–344.
CIKM-2009-ParekhHRWW #challenge #experience #resource management- Characterizing, constructing and managing resource usage profiles of system S applications: challenges and experience (SP, KH, DR, JLW, KLW), pp. 1177–1186.
CIKM-2009-PhamRMSB #sequence #summary- Time sequence summarization to scale up chronology-dependent applications (QKP, GR, NM, RSP, BB), pp. 1137–1146.
CIKM-2009-WeiLWH #framework #interactive #named #ranking #summary- iRANK: an interactive ranking framework and its application in query-focused summarization (FW, WL, WW, YH), pp. 1557–1560.
CIKM-2009-Whang #integration- DB-IR integration and its application to a massively-parallel search engine (KYW), pp. 1–2.
ECIR-2009-DemartiniGN #ranking- A Vector Space Model for Ranking Entities and Its Application to Expert Search (GD, JG, WN), pp. 189–201.
ECIR-2009-PengO #independence #information retrieval #web- Selective Application of Query-Independent Features in Web Information Retrieval (JP, IO), pp. 375–387.
ICML-2009-DiukLL #adaptation #feature model #learning #problem- The adaptive k-meteorologists problem and its application to structure learning and feature selection in reinforcement learning (CD, LL, BRL), pp. 249–256.
ICML-2009-LiuPZ #coordination #multi #semantics- Blockwise coordinate descent procedures for the multi-task lasso, with applications to neural semantic basis discovery (HL, MP, JZ), pp. 649–656.
ICML-2009-MartinsSX #approximate #natural language #parsing- Polyhedral outer approximations with application to natural language parsing (AFTM, NAS, EPX), pp. 713–720.
ICML-2009-MaSSV #identification #learning #online #scalability- Identifying suspicious URLs: an application of large-scale online learning (JM, LKS, SS, GMV), pp. 681–688.
ICML-2009-MesmayRVP #graph #library #optimisation #performance- Bandit-based optimization on graphs with application to library performance tuning (FdM, AR, YV, MP), pp. 729–736.
ICML-2009-MooijJPS #dependence #modelling- Regression by dependence minimization and its application to causal inference in additive noise models (JMM, DJ, JP, BS), pp. 745–752.
ICML-2009-SongHSF- Hilbert space embeddings of conditional distributions with applications to dynamical systems (LS, JH, AJS, KF), pp. 961–968.
KDD-2009-DengLK #algorithm #graph- A generalized Co-HITS algorithm and its application to bipartite graphs (HD, MRL, IK), pp. 239–248.
KDD-2009-DingLZ #mining- Entity discovery and assignment for opinion mining applications (XD, BL, LZ), pp. 1125–1134.
KDD-2009-GeXZSGW #learning #multi- Multi-focal learning and its application to customer service support (YG, HX, WZ, RKS, XG, WW), pp. 349–358.
KDD-2009-Kumar #challenge #mining #web- Mining web logs: applications and challenges (RK), pp. 3–4.
KDD-2009-SatuluriP #clustering #community #graph #probability #scalability #using- Scalable graph clustering using stochastic flows: applications to community discovery (VS, SP), pp. 737–746.
KDD-2009-ShibuyaHK #modelling #multi #quantifier- Causality quantification and its applications: structuring and modeling of multivariate time series (TS, TH, YK), pp. 787–796.
KDD-2009-Srivastava #data mining #mining- Data mining at NASA: from theory to applications (ANS), pp. 7–8.
KDD-2009-ZhouJPL #data-driven #framework- OLAP on search logs: an infrastructure supporting data-driven applications in search engines (BZ, DJ, JP, HL), pp. 1395–1404.
KDIR-2009-Fang #development #gender- Development and Application of a Roach Gene Regulation Profile based Gender Discrimination Method (YF), pp. 263–269.
KEOD-2009-AnderlMSW #development #ontology- Ontology Support for Product Development — Successful Application of Ontologies in Product Development (RA, KM, AS, OW), pp. 177–182.
KMIS-2009-ArndtG #ubiquitous #xml- XML-based Course Material Transformations for Ubiquitous eLearning Applications (TA, AG), pp. 288–291.
KMIS-2009-BusanelliBG #ajax #online #ontology- An AJAX Application to Improve Online Ontology Browsing — Ontology Explorer (MB, MB, NG), pp. 83–88.
KMIS-2009-CastellanoD #approach #grid #workflow- A Workflow based Approach for Knowledge Grid Application (MC, CD), pp. 230–235.
KMIS-2009-FalcaoNC #agile #data transformation #education #optimisation #process- Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Optimization Processes of Data Management in an Educational Context (SF, FN, AC), pp. 309–312.
KMIS-2009-Kume #analysis #using #visual notation #web- Application of Cusp Surface Analysis using Web Application to Visual Perception (YK), pp. 251–257.
KMIS-2009-ZyglarskiB #documentation #keyword #network- Scientific Documents Management System — Application of Kohonens Neural Networks with Reinforcement in Keywords Extraction (BZ, PB), pp. 55–62.
MLDM-2009-DashevskiyL #predict- Predictions with Confidence in Applications (MD, ZL), pp. 775–786.
SIGIR-2009-LinYCWW #approach #modelling #semantics #thread- Simultaneously modeling semantics and structure of threaded discussions: a sparse coding approach and its applications (CL, JMY, RC, XJW, WW, LZ), pp. 131–138.
SIGIR-2009-NovakBZ #image #retrieval #similarity- Generic similarity search engine demonstrated by an image retrieval application (DN, MB, PZ), p. 840.
ECMDA-FA-2009-DanielePS #approach #behaviour #mobile #modelling- An MDA-Based Approach for Behaviour Modelling of Context-Aware Mobile Applications (LD, LFP, MvS), pp. 206–220.
MoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification- Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
MoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification- Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
OOPSLA-2009-MeyerovichGBCGBK #ajax #named #programming language- Flapjax: a programming language for Ajax applications (LAM, AG, JPB, GHC, MG, AB, SK), pp. 1–20.
OOPSLA-2009-ZhaoSZWLS #java #manycore- Allocation wall: a limiting factor of Java applications on emerging multi-core platforms (YZ, JS, KZ, HW, HL, LS), pp. 361–376.
SAC-2009-CatanoW #case study #java #ml #specification- Executing JML specifications of Java card applications: a case study (NC, TW), pp. 404–408.
SAC-2009-ChenR #adaptation #quality #realtime- Adaptive optimal checkpoint interval and its impact on system’s overall quality in soft real-time applications (NC, SR), pp. 1015–1020.
SAC-2009-CorreaNBC #evaluation #health- Evaluation of VR medical training applications under the focus of professionals of the health area (CGC, FLSN, AB, PMCJ), pp. 821–825.
SAC-2009-DelicatoSPOBP #adaptation #aspect-oriented #composition #mobile #using- Using aspects and dynamic composition to provide context-aware adaptation for mobile applications (FCD, ILAS, PFP, ALSO, TVB, LP), pp. 456–460.
SAC-2009-DiasASP #formal method #web- Formalizing motivational patterns based on colors and their cultural meanings for developing web applications (ALD, JCAS, LMS, RDP), pp. 152–153.
SAC-2009-FortS #distance #network- GPU-based computation of distance functions on road networks with applications (MF, JAS), pp. 1320–1324.
SAC-2009-GoncalvesZGF #ontology #reasoning #representation #visualisation #web- An ontology-based application in heart electrophysiology: representation, reasoning and visualization on the web (BG, VZ, GG, JGPF), pp. 816–820.
SAC-2009-HuangCZLT #java #testing- An optimized change-driven regression testing selection strategy for binary Java applications (SH, YC, JZ, ZJL, HT), pp. 558–565.
SAC-2009-JeschkePV #development #using #web- Using web accessibility patterns for web application development (SJ, OP, HV), pp. 129–135.
SAC-2009-KuuskeriM #clustering #web- Partitioning web applications between the server and the client (JK, TM), pp. 647–652.
SAC-2009-LievensH #encapsulation #multi #symmetry- Symmetric encapsulated multi-methods to abstract over application structure (DL, WH), pp. 1873–1880.
SAC-2009-LinfordS #effectiveness #parallel- Vector stream processing for effective application of heterogeneous parallelism (JCL, AS), pp. 976–980.
SAC-2009-MenezesNQF #interface- Expert system for supporting conformity inspections of software application interfaces to the ISO 9241 (LLdM, MRdN, JERdQ, JMF), pp. 110–115.
SAC-2009-MikkonenT #case study #experience #framework #kernel #mobile #web- Creating a mobile web application platform: the lively kernel experiences (TM, AT), pp. 177–184.
SAC-2009-NarasamdyaP #certification- Certification of smart-card applications in common criteria (IN, MP), pp. 601–608.
SAC-2009-PrazeresTMP #mvc #semantics #uml #web #web service- Semantic web services: from OWL-S via UML to MVC applications (CVSP, CACT, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 675–680.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ArtziKE #named- ReCrashJ: a tool for capturing and reproducing program crashes in deployed applications (SA, SK, MDE), pp. 295–296.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BrambillaC #challenge- Engineering search computing applications: vision and challenges (MB, SC), pp. 365–372.
GTTSE-2009-SzugyiSPP #c++ #library #string- C++ Metastring Library and Its Applications (ZS, ÁS, NP, ZP), pp. 461–480.
SLE-2009-GroenewegenV #domain-specific language #integration #user interface #validation #web- Integration of Data Validation and User Interface Concerns in a DSL for Web Applications (DMG, EV), pp. 164–173.
ASPLOS-2009-CaulfieldGS #clustering #data-driven #memory management #named #performance #power management #using- Gordon: using flash memory to build fast, power-efficient clusters for data-intensive applications (AMC, LMG, SS), pp. 217–228.
CGO-2009-Bronevetsky #data flow #message passing #parallel- Communication-Sensitive Static Dataflow for Parallel Message Passing Applications (GB), pp. 1–12.
CGO-2009-CollinB #embedded #taxonomy- Two-Level Dictionary Code Compression: A New Scheme to Improve Instruction Code Density of Embedded Applications (MC, MB), pp. 231–242.
HPDC-2009-AbbasiWEKSZ #named #scalability #staging- DataStager: scalable data staging services for petascale applications (HA, MW, GE, SK, KS, FZ), pp. 39–48.
HPDC-2009-HeadG #execution #parallel #performance #scalability #xml- Performance enhancement with speculative execution based parallelism for processing large-scale xml-based application data (MRH, MG), pp. 21–30.
ISMM-2009-HazelwoodLC #parallel #scalability #thread- Scalable support for multithreaded applications on dynamic binary instrumentation systems (KMH, GL, RC), pp. 20–29.
PPoPP-2009-KulkarniBIPC #how #parallel #question- How much parallelism is there in irregular applications? (MK, MB, RI, KP, CC), pp. 3–14.
PPoPP-2009-MaA #compilation #data mining #mining #runtime- A compiler and runtime system for enabling data mining applications on gpus (WM, GA), pp. 287–288.
PPoPP-2009-TallentM #analysis #effectiveness #metric #parallel #performance #thread- Effective performance measurement and analysis of multithreaded applications (NRT, JMMC), pp. 229–240.
PPoPP-2009-XueLWGCZZV #named- MPIWiz: subgroup reproducible replay of mpi applications (RX, XL, MW, ZG, WC, WZ, ZZ, GMV), pp. 251–260.
PPoPP-2009-YauKZDP #parallel #simulation- Application-aware management of parallel simulation collections (SY, VK, DZ, KD, SGP), pp. 35–44.
SOSP-2009-YipWZK #data flow #security- Improving application security with data flow assertions (AY, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 291–304.
CAV-2009-HalleV #contract #interface #web- Browser-Based Enforcement of Interface Contracts in Web Applications with BeepBeep (SH, RV), pp. 648–653.
CAV-2009-PerezRS #abstraction #declarative #network- Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications (JANP, AR, AS), pp. 584–598.
CSL-2009-Abel #evaluation #normalisation- Typed Applicative Structures and Normalization by Evaluation for System Fω (AA0), pp. 40–54.
ICST-2009-LuoPC #clustering #testing #web- Clustering and Tailoring User Session Data for Testing Web Applications (XL, FP, MHC), pp. 336–345.
ICST-2009-MurphyKVC #approach #assurance #quality #testing #using- Quality Assurance of Software Applications Using the In Vivo Testing Approach (CM, GEK, IV, MC), pp. 111–120.
ICST-2009-MurphySK #ml #runtime #testing #using- Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles (CM, KS, GEK), pp. 436–445.
ICST-2009-NodlerNG #assurance #flexibility #framework #java #quality #specification #uml- A Flexible Framework for Quality Assurance of Software Artefacts with Applications to Java, UML, and TTCN-3 Test Specifications (JN, HN, JG), pp. 101–110.
ICST-2009-ZhouF #database #java #mutation testing #testing- Mutation Testing for Java Database Applications (CZ, PGF), pp. 396–405.
ISSTA-2009-HalfondAO #analysis #identification #interface #precise #testing #web- Precise interface identification to improve testing and analysis of web applications (WGJH, SA, AO), pp. 285–296.
LICS-2009-BojanczykSW #algebra #logic- Wreath Products of Forest Algebras, with Applications to Tree Logics (MB, HS, IW), pp. 255–263.
LICS-2009-Ghica #game studies #hardware #program analysis #semantics #synthesis- Applications of Game Semantics: From Program Analysis to Hardware Synthesis (DRG), pp. 17–26.
SAT-2009-AsinNOR #network- Cardinality Networks and Their Applications (RA, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 167–180.
TestCom-FATES-2009-ErnitsRJV #modelling #testing #using #web- Model-Based Testing of Web Applications Using NModel (JPE, RR, JJ, MV), pp. 211–216.
CBSE-2008-RusselloMD #component #framework #named #policy- ESCAPE: A Component-Based Policy Framework for Sense and React Applications (GR, LM, ND), pp. 212–229.
CBSE-2008-SunHM #data access #validation- Validating Access Control Configurations in J2EE Applications (LS, GH, HM), pp. 64–79.
QoSA-2008-WaignierMD #analysis #architecture #specification- Architectural Specification and Static Analyses of Contractual Application Properties (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 152–170.
WICSA-2008-DagtasNWH #architecture #lightweight #mobile- An Integrated Lightweight Software Architecture for Mobile Business Applications (SD, YN, HW, LH), pp. 41–50.
WICSA-2008-GortonWAC #data type #framework #integration #performance #streaming- The MeDICi Integration Framework: A Platform for High Performance Data Streaming Applications (IG, AW, JA, JC), pp. 95–104.
WICSA-2008-SousaSPB #design #monitoring #named- uDesign: End-User Design Applied to Monitoring and Control Applications for Smart Spaces (JPS, BRS, VP, AB), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2008-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications (FTBF, HH), pp. 509–512.
ASE-2008-FukudaY #development #internet #scalability- A System for Supporting Development of Large Scaled Rich Internet Applications (HF, YY), pp. 459–462.
ASE-2008-KhambatiGWH #development #health #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Personal Health Care Applications (AK, JCG, JW, JGH), pp. 467–470.
ASE-2008-ShevertalovM #automation #case study #composition #network- A Case Study on the Automatic Composition of Network Application Mashups (MS, SM), pp. 359–362.
ASE-2008-TurnerPKC #approach #automation #code generation #process #using #web- An Automated Test Code Generation Method for Web Applications using Activity Oriented Approach (DAT, MP, JK, JC), pp. 411–414.
CASE-2008-0001LYS #optimisation- An improved lagrangian relaxation method for discrete optimization applications (WW, PBL, JHY, GAS), pp. 359–364.
CASE-2008-BeghiBBC #algorithm #design #simulation- A simulation environment for dry-expansion evaporators with application to the design of autotuning control algorithms for electronic (AB, UB, CB, LC), pp. 814–820.
CASE-2008-Holzmuller-LaueRNKAGTS #automation #flexibility #framework #integration #mobile #process- Flexible R&D integration platform of process informatics for automated medical applications and mobile data acquisition (SHL, KR, SN, SK, DA, BG, KT, RS), pp. 621–626.
CASE-2008-PanMI #network- Electrostatic torsional micromirror: Its active control and applications in optical network (YJP, YM, SI), pp. 151–156.
CASE-2008-SolisT #detection #performance- Enabling autonomous systems to perceptually detect human performance improvements and their applications (JS, AT), pp. 259–264.
CASE-2008-WitrantJ #mining #modelling- Air flow modeling in deepwells: Application to mining ventilation (EW, KHJ), pp. 845–850.
DAC-2008-AlkabaniK #design- N-variant IC design: methodology and applications (YA, FK), pp. 546–551.
DAC-2008-CaoFHS #algorithm #multi #scalability- Optimality and improvement of dynamic voltage scaling algorithms for multimedia applications (ZC, BF, LH, MvdS), pp. 179–184.
DAC-2008-CengCSSLAMIK #framework #named #parallel- MAPS: an integrated framework for MPSoC application parallelization (JC, JC, WS, HS, RL, GA, HM, TI, HK), pp. 754–759.
DAC-2008-ChenLC #predict- Predictive formulae for OPC with applications to lithography-friendly routing (TCC, GWL, YWC), pp. 510–515.
DAC-2008-ChenLSK #multi- Application mapping for chip multiprocessors (GC, FL, SWS, MTK), pp. 620–625.
DAC-2008-ChongP #agile #float #generative- Rapid application specific floating-point unit generation with bit-alignment (YJC, SP), pp. 62–67.
DAC-2008-FaruqueKH #communication #distributed #named #runtime- ADAM: run-time agent-based distributed application mapping for on-chip communication (MAAF, RK, JH), pp. 760–765.
DAC-2008-KulkarniKPR #array #process- Process variation tolerant SRAM array for ultra low voltage applications (JPK, KK, SPP, KR), pp. 108–113.
DAC-2008-LiuTCC #correlation #modelling #statistics- Accurate and analytical statistical spatial correlation modeling for VLSI DFM applications (JHL, MFT, LC, CCPC), pp. 694–697.
DAC-2008-NieuwoudtKM #automation #configuration management #design #network- Automated design of tunable impedance matching networks for reconfigurable wireless applications (AN, JK, YM), pp. 498–503.
DAC-2008-SenguptaS #design- Application-driven floorplan-aware voltage island design (DS, RAS), pp. 155–160.
DATE-2008-AsianVR #implementation #network- Practical Implementation of a Network Analyzer for Analog BIST Applications (MJBA, DV, AR), pp. 80–85.
DATE-2008-BeckRGC #configuration management #embedded- Transparent Reconfigurable Acceleration for Heterogeneous Embedded Applications (ACSB, MBR, GG, LC), pp. 1208–1213.
DATE-2008-BriaoBW #realtime- Dynamic Task Allocation Strategies in MPSoC for Soft Real-time Applications (EWB, DB, FRW), pp. 1386–1389.
DATE-2008-ChantemDH #realtime #scheduling- Temperature-Aware Scheduling and Assignment for Hard Real-Time Applications on MPSoCs (TC, RPD, XSH), pp. 288–293.
DATE-2008-DiederichsMSW- An application-based EDF scheduler for OSEK/VDX (CD, UM, FS, GW), pp. 1045–1050.
DATE-2008-HolzenspiesHKS #multi #runtime #streaming- Run-time Spatial Mapping of Streaming Applications to a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSOC) (PKFH, JH, JK, GJMS), pp. 212–217.
DATE-2008-KeezerMD #injection #multi- Variable Delay of Multi-Gigahertz Digital Signals for Deskew and Jitter-Injection Test Applications (DCK, DM, PD), pp. 1486–1491.
DATE-2008-KleanthousS #detection #named- CATCH: A Mechanism for Dynamically Detecting Cache-Content-Duplication and its Application to Instruction Caches (MK, YS), pp. 1426–1431.
DATE-2008-LeupersAVAV #architecture #design #multi- System-Level Design and Application Mapping for Wireless and Multimedia MPSoC Architectures (RL, GA, WV, TA, AV).
DATE-2008-LiNBPC #architecture #multi- Generic Multi-Phase Software-Pipelined Partial-FFT on Instruction-Level-Parallel Architectures and SDR Baseband Applications (ML, DN, BB, LVdP, FC), pp. 598–603.
DATE-2008-MalaniMQW #adaptation #multi #nondeterminism #realtime #scalability #scheduling- Adaptive Scheduling and Voltage Scaling for Multiprocessor Real-time Applications with Non-deterministic Workload (PM, PM, QQ, QW), pp. 652–657.
DATE-2008-MoonenBBM #multi #streaming- Cache Aware Mapping of Streaming Applications on a Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (AM, MB, RvdB, JLvM), pp. 300–305.
DATE-2008-MorgadoRR #configuration management #multi #standard- A Triple-Mode Reconfigurable Sigma-Delta Modulator for Multi-Standard Wireless Applications (AM, RdR, JMdlR), pp. 862–867.
DATE-2008-MucciVMGDGKSCC #adaptation #array #configuration management #implementation #parallel #pipes and filters- Implementation of Parallel LFSR-based Applications on an Adaptive DSP featuring a Pipelined Configurable Gate Array (CM, LV, IM, DG, AD, SG, JK, AS, LC, FC), pp. 1444–1449.
DATE-2008-MuirAL #automation #pipes and filters #streaming- Automated Dynamic Throughput-constrained Structural-level Pipelining in Streaming Applications (MM, TA, IL), pp. 1358–1361.
DATE-2008-NuzzoNSFP #design- Mixed-Signal Design Space Exploration of Time-Interleaved A/D Converters for Ultra-Wide Band Applications (PN, CN, SS, LF, GVdP), pp. 1390–1393.
DATE-2008-Pamunuwa #integration #memory management #scalability- Memory Technology for Extended Large-Scale Integration in Future Electronics Applications (DP), pp. 1126–1127.
DATE-2008-PaulssonHB #integration #metric #power management- Cost-and Power Optimized FPGA based System Integration: Methodologies and Integration of a Low-Power Capacity-based Measurement Application on Xilinx FPGAs (KP, MH, JB), pp. 50–55.
DATE-2008-SahaSPBW #framework #implementation #message passing #parallel- An Optimized Message Passing Framework for Parallel Implementation of Signal Processing Applications (SS, JS, SP, SSB, WW), pp. 1220–1225.
DATE-2008-ScheerSB #complexity #reduction #standard- CARbridge, Reduction of System Complexity by Standardisation of the System-Basis-Chips for Automotive Applications (PS, ES, SB), pp. 1107–1110.
DATE-2008-SingheeSR #correlation #kernel #performance #statistics- Exploiting Correlation Kernels for Efficient Handling of Intra-Die Spatial Correlation, with Application to Statistical Timing (AS, SS, RAR), pp. 856–861.
DATE-2008-SterponeATG #design #fault tolerance #on the #safety- On the design of tunable fault tolerant circuits on SRAM-based FPGAs for safety critical applications (LS, MAA, JNT, HGM), pp. 336–341.
DATE-2008-TumeoBCCMPFS #multi #realtime- A Dual-Priority Real-Time Multiprocessor System on FPGA for Automotive Applications (AT, MB, LC, MC, MM, GP, FF, DS), pp. 1039–1044.
DATE-2008-VasilevskiPBAE #modelling- Modeling and Refining Heterogeneous Systems With SystemC-AMS: Application to WSN (MV, FP, NB, HA, KE), pp. 134–139.
DATE-2008-VogtW #configuration management #set- A Reconfigurable Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for Convolutional and Turbo Decoding in a SDR Environment (TV, NW), pp. 38–43.
DATE-2008-WeinbergerBB #design #modelling #petri net #process #verification #workflow- Application of Workflow Petri Nets to Modeling of Formal Verification Processes in Design Flow of Digital Integrated Circuits (KW, SB, RB), pp. 937–938.
DATE-2008-WolinskiK #automation #configuration management- Automatic Selection of Application-Specific Reconfigurable Processor Extensions (CW, KK), pp. 1214–1219.
DocEng-2008-Boyer #documentation #interactive #web- Interactive office documents: a new face for web 2.0 applications (JMB), pp. 8–17.
DocEng-2008-JansenB #adaptation #web- Enabling adaptive time-based web applications with SMIL state (JJ, DCAB), pp. 18–27.
DocEng-2008-KadeH #documentation #xml- Matching XML documents in highly dynamic applications (AMK, CAH), pp. 191–198.
HT-2008-CenaCCGWSA- Tag interoperability in cultural web-based applications (FC, FC, OC, CG, YW, NS, LA), pp. 221–222.
HT-2008-HansenG #framework #lightweight #social #web- Social web applications in the city: a lightweight infrastructure for urban computing (FAH, KG), pp. 175–180.
HT-2008-Pilgrim #usability #web- Improving the usability of web 2.0 applications (CP), pp. 239–240.
PODS-2008-MoorSAV #datalog #optimisation #query #type inference- Type inference for datalog and its application to query optimisation (OdM, DS, PA, MV), pp. 291–300.
SIGMOD-2008-BohmMK #declarative #development #distributed- The Demaq system: declarative development of distributed applications (AB, EM, CCK), pp. 1311–1314.
SIGMOD-2008-HwangCCZ #monitoring #named- Borealis-R: a replication-transparent stream processing system for wide-area monitoring applications (JHH, SC, UÇ, SBZ), pp. 1303–1306.
SIGMOD-2008-KhoussainovaWBBCLLRSW- A demonstration of Cascadia through a digital diary application (NK, EW, MB, GB, GC, JL, YL, CR, DS, JW), pp. 1319–1322.
SIGMOD-2008-LeeMPKK #database #enterprise #memory management- A case for flash memory ssd in enterprise database applications (SWL, BM, CP, JMK, SWK), pp. 1075–1086.
SIGMOD-2008-SimmenAMPS #intranet #named- Damia: data mashups for intranet applications (DES, MA, VM, SP, AS), pp. 1171–1182.
VLDB-2008-DeutchM08a #modelling #nondeterminism #query- Querying web-based applications under models of uncertainty (DD, TM), pp. 1659–1665.
VLDB-2008-DudaFKZ #crawling #named #web- AJAXSearch: crawling, indexing and searching web 2.0 applications (CD, GF, DK, CZ), pp. 1440–1443.
VLDB-2008-GarrodMAMMOT #query #scalability #web- Scalable query result caching for web applications (CG, AM, AA, BMM, TCM, CO, AT), pp. 550–561.
VLDB-2008-SansL #xml- Prefix based numbering schemes for XML: techniques, applications and performances (VS, DL), pp. 1564–1573.
VLDB-2008-YangGBCLS #data-driven #development #web- WYSIWYG development of data driven web applications (FY, NG, CB, EFC, GL, JS), pp. 163–175.
ITiCSE-2008-PullenC #distance #distributed #education #quality- Distributed application launching for high quality graphics in synchronous distance education (JMP, JXC), pp. 204–208.
FASE-2008-BocchiGR #modelling #process- Engineering Service Oriented Applications: From StPowla Processes to SRML Models (LB, SG, SRM), pp. 163–178.
FASE-2008-DaviesBM #distributed #optimisation- Language-Based Optimisation of Sensor-Driven Distributed Computing Applications (JJD, ARB, AM), pp. 407–422.
FASE-2008-LambersMEP #adaptation #framework- A Formal Framework for Developing Adaptable Service-Based Applications (LL, LM, HE, MP), pp. 392–406.
FoSSaCS-2008-RangelKE #bisimulation- Deriving Bisimulation Congruences in the Presence of Negative Application Conditions (GR, BK, HE), pp. 413–427.
TACAS-2008-KatzP #model checking #programming #search-based- Model Checking-Based Genetic Programming with an Application to Mutual Exclusion (GK, DP), pp. 141–156.
CSMR-2008-CleveHRH #evolution #migration #relational- Wrapper-based System Evolution Application to CODASYL to Relational Migration (AC, JH, DR, JLH), pp. 13–22.
ICPC-2008-DaltonH #behaviour #runtime #tool support #visualisation- A Toolkit for Visualizing the Runtime Behavior of TinyOS Applications (ARD, JOH), pp. 43–52.
ICPC-2008-FonsecaCHP #behaviour #how #web- How to Interconnect Operational and Behavioral Views of Web Applications (RFCdF, DCdC, PRH, MJVP), pp. 263–267.
ICPC-2008-VerbaereGG #comprehension #query- Query Technologies and Applications for Program Comprehension (QTAPC 2008) (MV, MWG, TG), pp. 285–288.
ICSM-2008-Chan #maintenance #programming- Impact of programming and application-specific knowledge on maintenance effort: A hazard rate model (TC), pp. 47–56.
ICSM-2008-KorelKT #modelling #testing- Application of system models in regression test suite prioritization (BK, GK, LHT), pp. 247–256.
ICSM-2008-Lozano #source code- A methodology to assess the impact of source code flaws in changeability, and its application to clones (AL), pp. 424–427.
SCAM-2008-Anderson #industrial #static analysis- 90% Perspiration: Engineering Static Analysis Techniques for Industrial Applications (PA), pp. 3–12.
WCRE-2008-AmalfitanoFT #finite #internet #reverse engineering #state machine- Reverse Engineering Finite State Machines from Rich Internet Applications (DA, ARF, PT), pp. 69–73.
WCRE-2008-CleveH #data-driven #dynamic analysis #reverse engineering #sql- Dynamic Analysis of SQL Statements for Data-Intensive Applications Reverse Engineering (AC, JLH), pp. 192–196.
WCRE-2008-GuoZ #detection- Detecting Clones in Business Applications (JG, YZ), pp. 91–100.
WCRE-2008-GuoZ08a #process- A Business Process Explorer: Recovering Business Processes from Business Applications (JG, YZ), pp. 333–334.
WCRE-2008-KpodjedoRGA #evolution #fault #graph- Error Correcting Graph Matching Application to Software Evolution (SK, FR, PG, GA), pp. 289–293.
PEPM-2008-LamMLW #data flow #information management #web- Securing web applications with static and dynamic information flow tracking (MSL, MCM, VBL, JW), pp. 3–12.
PEPM-2008-ZhuK #library #using- Specialization for applications using shared libraries (PZ, SCK), pp. 159–168.
STOC-2008-Nandakumar #effectiveness #theorem- An effective ergodic theorem and some applications (SN), pp. 39–44.
STOC-2008-PeikertW- Lossy trapdoor functions and their applications (CP, BW), pp. 187–196.
AFL-2008-Paun- Membrane Computing: Recent Developments and Applications (Extended Abstract) (GP), pp. 350–351.
ICALP-C-2008-KolesnikovS- Improved Garbled Circuit: Free XOR Gates and Applications (VK, TS), pp. 486–498.
FM-2008-KuritaCN #development #mobile #specification- Application of a Formal Specification Language in the Development of the “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware for Embedding in Mobile Phone (TK, MC, YN), pp. 425–429.
GT-VMT-2008-LambersET #sequence- Sufficient Criteria for Applicability and Non-Applicability of Rule Sequences (LL, HE, GT).
GT-VMT-2008-ReinPLHP #configuration management- Negative Application Conditions for Reconfigurable Place/Transition Systems (AR, UP, LL, KH, JP).
ICGT-2008-CenciarelliGT #bisimulation #graph #network- Network Applications of Graph Bisimulation (PC, DG, ET), pp. 131–146.
ICGT-2008-Hermann #analysis #process #workflow- Process Construction and Analysis for Workflows Modelled by Adhesive HLR Systems with Application Conditions (FH), pp. 496–498.
ICGT-2008-LambersEPO #confluence #graph transformation- Embedding and Confluence of Graph Transformations with Negative Application Conditions (LL, HE, UP, FO), pp. 162–177.
CHI-2008-EaganS- The buzz: supporting user tailorability in awareness applications (JRE, JTS), pp. 1729–1738.
CHI-2008-JiangWFBKS #ad hoc #collaboration #interactive #named #visual notation- LivOlay: interactive ad-hoc registration and overlapping of applications for collaborative visual exploration (HJ, DW, CF, MB, JK, CS), pp. 1357–1360.
CHI-2008-KarlsonB #legacy- One-handed touchscreen input for legacy applications (AKK, BBB), pp. 1399–1408.
CHI-2008-LiL #process #prototype- Activity-based prototyping of ubicomp applications for long-lived, everyday human activities (YL, JAL), pp. 1303–1312.
CHI-2008-NaamanNK #case study #mobile- Photos on the go: a mobile application case study (MN, RN, VK), pp. 1739–1748.
CHI-2008-TerryKVSP #named #open source- Ingimp: introducing instrumentation to an end-user open source application (MAT, MK, BVV, BS, TP), pp. 607–616.
CSCW-2008-CampbellNF #design #game studies- Game design principles in everyday fitness applications (TC, BN, JF), pp. 249–252.
SOFTVIS-2008-PauwAA #named #scalability #streaming #visualisation- Streamsight: a visualization tool for large-scale streaming applications (WDP, HA, LA), pp. 125–134.
AdaEurope-2008-MartinezDPM #ada #component #distributed #realtime- An Ada 2005 Technology for Distributed and Real-Time Component-Based Applications (PLM, JMD, PP, JLM), pp. 254–267.
AdaEurope-2008-Natale #component #design #development #embedded- Design and Development of Component-Based Embedded Systems for Automotive Applications (MDN), pp. 15–29.
CAiSE-2008-HalmansPS #adaptation #product line- Documenting Application-Specific Adaptations in Software Product Line Engineering (GH, KP, ES), pp. 109–123.
EDOC-2008-Czarski #enterprise #internet- More than Just an Internet Hype: Added Value with Spatial-Enabled Enterprise Applications (CC).
EDOC-2008-Demelt #architecture #aspect-oriented #modelling #named- Orchideo: A Model-Driven and Aspect-Oriented Architecture for Business Applications (AD).
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-BiscarriMLGBM #data mining #mining #variability- A Data Mining Method Based on the Variability of the Customer Consumption — A Special Application on Electric Utility Companies (FB, IM, CL, JIG, JB, RM), pp. 370–374.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MerigoG- The Linguistic Generalized OWA Operator and its Application in Strategic Decision Making (JMM, AMGL), pp. 219–224.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Nachev #network #using- Forecasting with ARTMAP-IC Neural Networks — An Application Using Corporate Bankruptcy Data (AN), pp. 167–172.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-VoS #component #framework- A Framework for Protecting EJB Applications from Malicious Components (HV, MS), pp. 264–269.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AnwarENCK #approach #composition #qvt- A QVT-Based Approach for Model Composition — Application to the VUML Profile (AA, SE, MN, BC, AK), pp. 360–367.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-FukudaY #design #developer #framework #internet- Camel Framework — A Framework for Realizing Complete Separation of Developer’s and Designer’s Work in Rich Internet Application (HF, YY), pp. 137–143.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-ImazekiTD #modelling #web- Round-Trip Engineering of Web Applications Focusing on Dynamic Models (YI, ST, ND), pp. 228–233.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-LeL #analysis #web- Realizing Web Application Vulnerability Analysis via AVDL (HTL, PKKL), pp. 259–265.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-PegoraroHDGR #framework #monitoring #runtime #web #web service- A Framework for Monitoring and Runtime Recovery of Web Service-Based Applications (RP, RBH, KD, KG, JMR), pp. 201–206.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-AtkinsZYN- Application of Knowledge Hub and RFID Technology in Auditing and Tracking of Plasterboard for Environment Recycling and Waste Disposal (ASA, LZ, HY, BPN), pp. 190–195.
CIKM-2008-BoldiBCDGV #graph- The query-flow graph: model and applications (PB, FB, CC, DD, AG, SV), pp. 609–618.
CIKM-2008-BoutsidisSA #clustering #metric #set- Clustered subset selection and its applications on it service metrics (CB, JS, NA), pp. 599–608.
CIKM-2008-Bradford #empirical #scalability #semantics- An empirical study of required dimensionality for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 153–162.
CIKM-2008-ChiZGZ #personalisation #probability #recommendation- Probabilistic polyadic factorization and its application to personalized recommendation (YC, SZ, YG, YZ), pp. 941–950.
CIKM-2008-LinZ #novel #statistics- A novel statistical chinese language model and its application in pinyin-to-character conversion (BL, JZ), pp. 1433–1434.
CIKM-2008-LuoNEW #order #transaction- Transaction reordering with application to synchronized scans (GL, JFN, CJE, MW), pp. 1335–1336.
ECIR-2008-NaKL #documentation #modelling #multi #normalisation #topic- Improving Term Frequency Normalization for Multi-topical Documents and Application to Language Modeling Approaches (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 382–393.
ICML-2008-CrammerTP #clustering- A rate-distortion one-class model and its applications to clustering (KC, PPT, FCNP), pp. 184–191.
ICPR-2008-AdankonC #classification- Help-training for semi-supervised discriminative classifiers. Application to SVM (MMA, MC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Chen #metric #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition- Stability as performance metric for subjective pattern recognition — application of Electoral College in face recognition (LC), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-FabletLSMCB #learning #using- Weakly supervised learning using proportion-based information: An application to fisheries acoustics (RF, RL, CS, JM, PC, JMB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Farmer #detection #framework #image- Application of the wrapper framework for image object detection (MF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuaSY #algorithm #clustering #invariant- Scale-invariant density-based clustering initialization algorithm and its application (CH, RS, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Lu #performance- Markerless human motion capture: An application of simulated annealing and Fast Marching Method (YL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PiccardiGO #classification #modelling #reduction- Maximum-likelihood dimensionality reduction in gaussian mixture models with an application to object classification (MP, HG, AFO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SimonB #detection #estimation #geometry #multi #realtime- Detection of the intersection lines in multiplanar environments: Application to real-time estimation of the camera-scene geometry (GS, MOB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangYY #analysis #fuzzy #recognition- Fuzzy maximum scatter discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition (JW, WY, JY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhengL #equation- The projective equation of a circle and its application in camera calibration (YZ, YL), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-NorenBHSE #roadmap- Temporal pattern discovery for trends and transient effects: its application to patient records (GNN, AB, JH, KS, IRE), pp. 963–971.
KDD-2008-YangZYW #detection- Local peculiarity factor and its application in outlier detection (JY, NZ, YY, JW), pp. 776–784.
RecSys-2008-BrodskyHW #framework #named #recommendation- CARD: a decision-guidance framework and application for recommending composite alternatives (AB, SMH, JW), pp. 171–178.
RecSys-2008-KagieWG #difference #using- Choosing attribute weights for item dissimilarity using clikstream data with an application to a product catalog map (MK, MCvW, PJFG), pp. 195–202.
RecSys-2008-Sampaio #internet #network #performance #process #recommendation- A network performance recommendation process for advanced internet applications users (LNS), pp. 315–318.
SEKE-2008-AlmeidaPRPLC #enterprise #evolution- Developing Enterprise Applications with Support to Dynamic Unanticipated Evolution (HOdA, MFP, MdMR, AP, EL, EdBC), pp. 599–602.
SEKE-2008-BaratK #approach #enterprise #integration #modelling #process #tool support- A Model-driven Toolset to Support an Approach for Analyzing Integration of Business Process Aspect of Enterprise Application Integration (SB, VK), pp. 625–630.
SEKE-2008-ChangZIMT #agile #prototype- Transformations for Rapid Prototyping of Time-critical Applications (SKC, ZZ, CJI, PM, VT), pp. 4–15.
SEKE-2008-DrumondGS #analysis #information management #semantics #similarity #web- A Similarity Analysis Model for Semantic Web Information Filtering Applications (LD, RG, FS), pp. 638–642.
SEKE-2008-FatolahiSL #approach #automation #generative #modelling #requirements- A Model-Driven Approach for the Semi-automated Generation of Web-based Applications from Requirements (AF, SSS, TCL), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2008-Fuad #architecture #distributed #program transformation #self- Code Transformation Techniques and Management Architecture for Self-manageable Distributed Applications (MMF), pp. 315–320.
SEKE-2008-HernandezKPC #metamodelling #testing #web- A Meta-model to Support Regression Testing of Web Applications (YH, TMK, JP, PJC), pp. 500–505.
SEKE-2008-HuLTS #approach #configuration management #enterprise #maintenance #named- MAPLE: a Maintenance Approach for Pattern-enabLed rEconfiguration of SOA-based Enterprise Application (SH, YL, JT, YS), pp. 209–214.
SEKE-2008-LeiteGC #multi #named- MAAEM: a Multi-agent Application Engineering Methodology (AL, RG, UC), pp. 735–740.
SEKE-2008-MurphyKHW #machine learning #testing- Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing (CM, GEK, LH, LW), pp. 867–872.
SEKE-2008-PatroneR #bound #logic #programming language- Sharing Application Logic Across Programming Language Boundaries (DSP, BR), pp. 227–231.
SEKE-2008-Rajapakse #mobile #taxonomy- Techniques for De-fragmenting Mobile Applications: A Taxonomy (DCR), pp. 923–928.
SEKE-2008-SouiKAU #evaluation #information management #personalisation- Evaluation of Personalized Information Systems: Application in Intelligent Transport System (MS, CK, MA, GU), pp. 877–880.
SEKE-2008-VogelBW #configuration management #enterprise- Autonomous Reconfiguration Procedures for EJB-based Enterprise Applications (TV, JB, GW), pp. 48–53.
SIGIR-2008-WeiLLH #multi #query #summary- Query-sensitive mutual reinforcement chain and its application in query-oriented multi-document summarization (FW, WL, QL, YH), pp. 283–290.
BX-2008-Cunha- Languages and Applications Short Talk 6 (JC), p. 13.
BX-2008-Fisher- Languages and Applications Short Talk 5 (KF), p. 12.
BX-2008-Kato- Languages and Applications Short Talk 7 (HK), p. 14.
BX-2008-Laemmel- Languages and Applications Short Talk 3 (RL), p. 10.
BX-2008-Lutterkort- Languages and Applications Short Talk 4 (DL), p. 11.
BX-2008-Mu- Languages and Applications Short Talk 1 (SCM), p. 8.
BX-2008-Voigtlaender- Languages and Applications Short Talk 2 (JV), p. 9.
ECMDA-FA-2008-FritzscheGFSKB #analysis #modelling #performance #towards- Towards Utilizing Model-Driven Engineering of Composite Applications for Business Performance Analysis (MF, WG, CF, ITAS, PK, TJB), pp. 369–380.
ICMT-2008-Kurtev #model transformation- Application of Reflection in Model Transformation Languages (IK), pp. 199–213.
MoDELS-2008-HemelVV #modelling #named #object-oriented #web #workflow- WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications (ZH, RV, EV), pp. 113–127.
MoDELS-2008-SaadKS #framework #modelling #network #testing #visual notation- Visual ScatterUnit: A Visual Model-Driven Testing Framework of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications (MAS, NK, JHS), pp. 751–765.
MoDELS-2008-ZamaniKB #enterprise #pattern matching #verification- A Pattern Language Verifier for Web-Based Enterprise Applications (BZ, SK, GB), pp. 553–567.
MoDELS-2008-HemelVV #modelling #named #object-oriented #web #workflow- WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications (ZH, RV, EV), pp. 113–127.
MoDELS-2008-SaadKS #framework #modelling #network #testing #visual notation- Visual ScatterUnit: A Visual Model-Driven Testing Framework of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications (MAS, NK, JHS), pp. 751–765.
MoDELS-2008-ZamaniKB #enterprise #pattern matching #verification- A Pattern Language Verifier for Web-Based Enterprise Applications (BZ, SK, GB), pp. 553–567.
ECOOP-2008-ChinM #interactive #state machine- An Extensible State Machine Pattern for Interactive Applications (BC, TDM), pp. 566–591.
OOPSLA-2008-BouilletFLRR #approach #composition #design #information management- A tag-based approach for the design and composition of information processing applications (EB, MF, ZL, AR, AR), pp. 585–602.
OOPSLA-2008-TanseyT #legacy #refactoring- Annotation refactoring: inferring upgrade transformations for legacy applications (WT, ET), pp. 295–312.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-AcerbisBBBCF #design #development #web- Web Applications Design and Development with WebML and WebRatio 5.0 (RA, AB, MB, SB, SC, PF), pp. 392–411.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-ArthoLHT #model checking #performance- Efficient Model Checking of Networked Applications (CA, WL, MH, YT), pp. 22–40.
PADL-2008-KoopmanAP #modelling #navigation #testing #web- Model-Based Testing of Thin-Client Web Applications and Navigation Input (PWMK, PA, RP), pp. 299–315.
REFSQ-2008-SchlosserJM #database #requirements #using- Using a Creativity Workshop to Generate Requirements for an Event Database Application (CS, SJ, NAMM), pp. 109–122.
SAC-2008-BesshoKKS #framework #identification #ubiquitous- A space-identifying ubiquitous infrastructure and its application for tour-guiding service (MB, SK, NK, KS), pp. 1616–1621.
SAC-2008-BublitzAPLCD #framework #pervasive- An infrastructure for developing context aware applications in pervasive environments (FB, HOdA, AP, EL, EdBC, LDdS), pp. 1958–1959.
SAC-2008-DelessyF #process #security- A pattern-driven security process for SOA applications (NAD, EBF), pp. 2226–2227.
SAC-2008-DirgahayuQS #behaviour #design #enterprise #integration #interactive- Designing interaction behaviour in service-oriented enterprise application integration (TD, DACQ, MvS), pp. 1048–1054.
SAC-2008-GoncalvesFG #architecture #mobile- A service architecture for sensor data provisioning for context-aware mobile applications (BG, JGPF, GG), pp. 1946–1952.
SAC-2008-IsikmanYOOGA #adaptation #fuzzy #multi #query #web- Adaptive weighted multi-criteria fuzzy query processing for web based real estate applications (ÖÖI, BGY, MÖ, TÖ, HG, RA), pp. 987–991.
SAC-2008-KaegiD #composition #java #web- Modular Java web applications (SRK, DD), pp. 688–693.
SAC-2008-KasamsettyWC #biology #database #towards- Towards an integrative human pathway database for systems biology applications (HNK, XW, JYC), pp. 1297–1301.
SAC-2008-KucinskisF #information management #representation- An onboard knowledge representation tool for satellite autonomous applications (FdNK, MGVF), pp. 1678–1682.
SAC-2008-LangD #evaluation- Digital audio watermarking evaluation within the application field of perceptual hashing (AL, JD), pp. 1192–1196.
SAC-2008-MeiraM #clustering #problem- A continuous facility location problem and its application to a clustering problem (LAAM, FKM), pp. 1826–1831.
SAC-2008-NogueraPPF #composition #ubiquitous- Context distribution for supporting composition of applications in ubiquitous computing (CN, EVP, CAP, JF), pp. 1647–1648.
SAC-2008-OlarteV #concurrent #constraints #security #semantics- Universal concurrent constraint programing: symbolic semantics and applications to security (CO, FDV), pp. 145–150.
SAC-2008-PereiraAGS #architecture #configuration management #hybrid #using- Using traditional loop unrolling to fit application on a new hybrid reconfigurable architecture (MMP, SRFdA, BCdO, ISS), pp. 1552–1553.
SAC-2008-Phung-KhacBGS #adaptation #component #development #distributed #modelling- Model-driven development of component-based adaptive distributed applications (APK, AB, JMG, MTS), pp. 2186–2191.
SAC-2008-RossiT #execution #modelling #named #process- EPML: an executable process modeling language for process-aware applications (DR, ET), pp. 132–133.
SAC-2008-RossiT08a #architecture #design #web- Designing and architecting process-aware Web applications with EPML (DR, ET), pp. 2409–2414.
SAC-2008-SchreckFK #automation #multi #optimisation #towards- Towards automatic feature vector optimization for multimedia applications (TS, DWF, DAK), pp. 1197–1201.
SAC-2008-SeifertWK #algorithm #detection #divide and conquer #interactive #paradigm- Application of divide-and-conquer algorithm paradigm to improve the detection speed of high interaction client honeypots (CS, IW, PK), pp. 1426–1432.
SAC-2008-SobralB #hybrid #mobile #realtime- A wireless hybrid contention/TDMA-based MAC for real-time mobile application (MMS, LBB), pp. 284–288.
SAC-2008-SultanaKAA #ubiquitous #web #web service- Ubicomp secretary: a web service based ubiquitous computing application (SS, RK, MMA, SIA), pp. 1935–1939.
SAC-2008-SykoraAS #embedded #pipes and filters- Dynamic configuration of application-specific implicit instructions for embedded pipelined processors (MS, GA, CS), pp. 1509–1516.
SAC-2008-TavaresV #mobile- A remote display system for Java-based mobile applications (ALCT, MTdOV), pp. 1918–1922.
SAC-2008-TrevisanNM- Augmented vision for medical applications (DGT, LPN, BMM), pp. 1415–1419.
SAC-2008-WangHVZ #concept #multi #ontology #semantics #web #web service- Semantic web services selection improved by application ontology with multiple concept relations (XW, MH, TV, MZ), pp. 2237–2242.
SAC-2008-WeiMZL #network #realtime- A bandwidth management scheme support for real-time applications in wireless mesh networks (YW, RM, TZ, XL), pp. 2063–2068.
SAC-2008-WeiSWS #email #forensics #identification #mining- Mining spam email to identify common origins for forensic application (CW, AS, GW, AS), pp. 1433–1437.
FSE-2008-DufourRS #java #scalability- A scalable technique for characterizing the usage of temporaries in framework-intensive Java applications (BD, BGR, GS), pp. 59–70.
FSE-2008-HalfondO #automation #identification #parametricity #web- Automated identification of parameter mismatches in web applications (WGJH, AO), pp. 181–191.
FSE-2008-LaiCC #control flow #data flow #test coverage #testing- Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications (ZL, SCC, WKC), pp. 94–104.
FSE-2008-LivshitsK #bound #named #web- Doloto: code splitting for network-bound web 2.0 applications (VBL, EK), pp. 350–360.
FSE-2008-SamaRWE #adaptation #detection #fault #modelling- Model-based fault detection in context-aware adaptive applications (MS, DSR, ZW, SGE), pp. 261–271.
ICSE-2008-MeiCT #data flow #testing #workflow- Data flow testing of service-oriented workflow applications (LM, WKC, THT), pp. 371–380.
SPLC-2008-CarbonKMM #feedback #game studies #product line- Providing Feedback from Application to Family Engineering — The Product Line Planning Game at the Testo AG (RC, JK, DM, GM), pp. 180–189.
SPLC-2008-SantosKL #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling- Automated Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Generating Framework-Based Applications (ALS, KK, AL), pp. 149–158.
ASPLOS-2008-ErtveldeE #benchmark #metric- Dispersing proprietary applications as benchmarks through code mutation (LVE, LE), pp. 201–210.
CGO-2008-SaxenaSP #fine-grained #performance- Efficient fine-grained binary instrumentationwith applications to taint-tracking (PS, RS, VP), pp. 74–83.
HPCA-2008-ZhongMLM #parallel- Uncovering hidden loop level parallelism in sequential applications (HZ, MM, SAL, SAM), pp. 290–301.
HPDC-2008-AidaC #scheduling- Scheduling mixed-parallel applications with advance reservations (KA, HC), pp. 65–74.
HPDC-2008-CarreraSWTA #using- Managing SLAs of heterogeneous workloads using dynamic application placement (DC, MS, IW, JT, EA), pp. 217–218.
HPDC-2008-DrostNMB #distributed #parallel- Resource tracking in parallel and distributed applications (ND, RvN, JM, HEB), pp. 221–222.
HPDC-2008-HeSWF #approximate #automation #performance #recognition #test coverage- Code coverage, performance approximation and automatic recognition of idioms in scientific applications (JH, AS, RFVdW, MAF), pp. 223–224.
HPDC-2008-NathUS #data-driven- Evaluating the usefulness of content addressable storage for high-performance data intensive applications (PN, BU, AS), pp. 35–44.
HPDC-2008-ShiPRJJ #adaptation #fault tolerance #grid #named #safety #using- Dynasa: adapting grid applications to safety using fault-tolerant methods (XS, JLP, ER, HJ, HJ), pp. 237–238.
LCTES-2008-WangYXDYTN #optimisation- Optimizing scientific application loops on stream processors (LW, XY, JX, YD, XY, TT, QHN), pp. 161–170.
OSDI-2008-ChenZMB #automation #case study #dependence #experience #network- Automating Network Application Dependency Discovery: Experiences, Limitations, and New Solutions (XC, MZ, ZMM, PB), pp. 117–130.
OSDI-2008-DouceurEHL #legacy #web- Leveraging Legacy Code to Deploy Desktop Applications on the Web (JRD, JE, JH, JRL), pp. 339–354.
OSDI-2008-GuoWTLXWKZ #kernel #named- R2: An Application-Level Kernel for Record and Replay (ZG, XW, JT, XL, ZX, MW, MFK, ZZ), pp. 193–208.
OSDI-2008-ZeldovichKDK #hardware #memory management #policy #security #using- Hardware Enforcement of Application Security Policies Using Tagged Memory (NZ, HK, MD, CK), pp. 225–240.
PPoPP-2008-BronevetskyMPRM #incremental- Compiler-enhanced incremental checkpointing for OpenMP applications (GB, DM, KP, RR, SAM), pp. 275–276.
PPoPP-2008-PatrickSK #communication #performance- Enhancing the performance of MPI-IO applications by overlapping I/O, computation and communication (CMP, SWS, MTK), pp. 277–278.
PPoPP-2008-RyooRBSKH #evaluation #gpu #optimisation #parallel #performance #thread #using- Optimization principles and application performance evaluation of a multithreaded GPU using CUDA (SR, CIR, SSB, SSS, DBK, WmWH), pp. 73–82.
PPoPP-2008-WangYFDWJ #analysis #automation #source code- Automated application-level checkpointing based on live-variable analysis in MPI programs (PW, XY, HF, YD, ZW, JJ), pp. 273–274.
PPoPP-2008-ZhaiWYH #compilation #concurrent #optimisation #thread- Compiler optimizations for parallelizing general-purpose applications under thread-level speculation (AZ, SW, PCY, GH), pp. 271–272.
CAV-2008-BaswanaMP #consistency #memory management #set #verification- Implied Set Closure and Its Application to Memory Consistency Verification (SB, SKM, VP), pp. 94–106.
CAV-2008-GulavaniG #abstract domain #abstraction #analysis- A Numerical Abstract Domain Based on Expression Abstraction and Max Operator with Application in Timing Analysis (BSG, SG), pp. 370–384.
CAV-2008-KimJRSPKS #analysis #random #simulation- Application of Formal Word-Level Analysis to Constrained Random Simulation (HK, HJ, KR, PS, JP, RPK, FS), pp. 487–490.
CAV-2008-WilhelmW #abstract interpretation #validation- Abstract Interpretation with Applications to Timing Validation (RW, BW), pp. 22–36.
ICLP-2008-LeoneF #research- The DLV Project: A Tour from Theory and Research to Applications and Market (NL, WF), pp. 53–68.
ICLP-2008-MarekR #on the- On the Continuity of Gelfond-Lifschitz Operator and Other Applications of Proof-Theory in ASP (VWM, JBR), pp. 223–237.
ICST-2008-ChuMK #distributed #testing- Distributed In Vivo Testing of Software Applications (MC, CM, GEK), pp. 509–512.
ICST-2008-HarmanA #automation #program repair #testing #web- Automated Session Data Repair for Web Application Regression Testing (MH, NA), pp. 298–307.
ICST-2008-MarchettoTR #ajax #testing #web- State-Based Testing of Ajax Web Applications (AM, PT, FR), pp. 121–130.
ICST-2008-OffuttWO #case study #industrial #testing #web- An Industrial Case Study of Bypass Testing on Web Applications (JO, QW, JJO), pp. 465–474.
ICST-2008-RingsNG #grid #testing #using #workflow- Testing Grid Application Workflows Using TTCN-3 (TR, HN, JG), pp. 210–219.
ICST-2008-RogozP #testing- The Role of Stability Testing in Heterogeneous Application Environment (KR, TP), pp. 432–439.
ICST-2008-SampathBVKK #testing #web- Prioritizing User-Session-Based Test Cases for Web Applications Testing (SS, RCB, GV, VK, AGK), pp. 141–150.
ICST-2008-TraonMPB #assessment #data access #legacy #testing- Test-Driven Assessment of Access Control in Legacy Applications (YLT, TM, AP, BB), pp. 238–247.
ISSTA-2008-ArtziKDTDPE #debugging #web- Finding bugs in dynamic web applications (SA, AK, JD, FT, DD, AMP, MDE), pp. 261–272.
ISSTA-2008-BaahPH #dependence #fault #graph #probability- The probabilistic program dependence graph and its application to fault diagnosis (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 189–200.
ISSTA-2008-KannanS #data type #execution #generative #invariant #symbolic computation- Universal symbolic execution and its application to likely data structure invariant generation (YK, KS), pp. 283–294.
ISSTA-2008-WassermannYCDIS #generative #web- Dynamic test input generation for web applications (GW, DY, AC, DD, HI, ZS), pp. 249–260.
TestCom-FATES-2008-ShuCLLSL #framework #named #network #paradigm #security #testing- VCSTC: Virtual Cyber Security Testing Capability — An Application Oriented Paradigm for Network Infrastructure Protection (GS, DC, ZL, NL, LS, DL), pp. 119–134.
CBSE-2007-SaudraisPB #component #integration- Integration of Time Issues into Component-Based Applications (SS, NP, OB), pp. 173–188.
ECSA-2007-Anzures-GarciaHP #adaptation #architecture #collaboration- Architecture for Developing Adaptive and Adaptable Collaborative Applications (MAG, MJH, PPR), pp. 271–274.
ECSA-2007-LosillaVAIS #approach #architecture #development #network- Wireless Sensor Network Application Development: An Architecture-Centric MDE Approach (FL, CVC, BÁ, AI, PS), pp. 179–194.
ECSA-2007-MansetVM #architecture #grid #model transformation- Managing Separation of Concerns in Grid Applications Through Architectural Model Transformations (DM, HV, RM), pp. 308–312.
ECSA-2007-PereiraHK #architecture #distributed #multimodal #staged- A Distributed Staged Architecture for Multimodal Applications (ACP, FH, KK), pp. 195–206.
QoSA-2007-ZimmermannGKLS #architecture #development #enterprise #modelling #reuse- Reusable Architectural Decision Models for Enterprise Application Development (OZ, TG, JMK, FL, NS), pp. 15–32.
ASE-2007-AntkiewiczBC #automation #modelling- Automatic extraction of framework-specific models from framework-based application code (MA, TTB, KC), pp. 214–223.
ASE-2007-BarlasB #distributed #framework #java #named #verification- Netstub: a framework for verification of distributed java applications (EB, TB), pp. 24–33.
ASE-2007-LambersEMP #adaptation #development #modelling- Iterative model-driven development of adaptable service-based applications (LL, HE, LM, MP), pp. 453–456.
ASE-2007-XieGH #named #testing- Smart: a tool for application reference testing (QX, MG, MH), pp. 537–538.
ASE-2007-ZhengWR #automation #named #testing- Pallino: automation to support regression test selection for cots-based applications (JZ, LW, BR), pp. 224–233.
CASE-2007-DotoliFM #identification #monitoring #on the #petri net #specification- On Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems via Petri Nets: an Application to Monitor Specification (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2007-FukuiNSMMF #automation #safety- Requirement of three-position enabling switches for installing in enabling devices to achieve operational safety of robotics and automation applications (TF, MN, YS, IM, AM, TF), pp. 111–116.
CASE-2007-GodeHRCS #approach #automation #flexibility #framework #information management #integration- Laboratory Information Management Systems — An Approach as an Integration Platform within Flexible Laboratory Automation for Application in Life Sciences (BG, SHL, KR, MYC, NS), pp. 841–845.
CASE-2007-HolleCHHM- Characterization of Program Controlled CO2 Laser-Cut PDMS Channels for Lab-on-a-chip Applications (AWH, ShC, MH, JMH, DRM), pp. 621–627.
CASE-2007-KaberST #interactive #research- Human-automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), pp. 615–620.
CASE-2007-KaberST07a #interactive #research- Human-Automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), p. 92–?.
CASE-2007-KeirHCC #approach #artificial reality- A New Approach to Accelerometer-based Head Tracking for Augmented Reality & Other Applications (MSK, CEH, JGC, XC), pp. 603–608.
CASE-2007-KimLSSZ #approach #biology #metric #performance #using- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), pp. 219–224.
CASE-2007-KimLSSZ07a #approach #biology #metric #performance #using- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), p. 91–?.
CASE-2007-LiIB- Application of IFC Product Data Model in Computer-Integrated Building Prefabrication (SL, JI, GB), pp. 992–996.
CASE-2007-LucianoBR- GPU-based elastic-object deformation for enhancement of existing haptic applications (CL, PPB, SHRR), pp. 146–151.
CASE-2007-PuSZD #operating system #precise #realtime- An Application of Real-time Operating System in High Speed and High Precision Motion Control Systems (DP, XS, WZ, HD), pp. 997–1001.
CASE-2007-RamachandranEMB #data mining #health #mining- Data Mining in Military Health Systems — Clinical and Administrative Applications (SR, ME, RJM, PCB), pp. 158–163.
CASE-2007-StaabSH #novel- The DOHELIX-Muscle: A Novel Technical Muscle for Bionic Robots and Actuating Drive Applications (HS, AS, CH), pp. 306–311.
DAC-2007-BharathESUY #performance #simulation- Computationally Efficient Power Integrity Simulation for System-on-Package Applications (KB, EE, MS, KU, TY), pp. 612–617.
DAC-2007-DadgourB #analysis #design #hybrid #power management- Design and Analysis of Hybrid NEMS-CMOS Circuits for Ultra Low-Power Applications (HFD, KB), pp. 306–311.
DAC-2007-MrugalskiRCT #power management #testing- New Test Data Decompressor for Low Power Applications (GM, JR, DC, JT), pp. 539–544.
DAC-2007-PimentelP #analysis- Experimental Jitter Analysis in a FlexCAN Based Drive-by-Wire Automotive Application (JRP, JP), pp. 290–293.
DAC-2007-RamalingamSNOP #analysis #composition #modelling #using- Accurate Waveform Modeling using Singular Value Decomposition with Applications to Timing Analysis (AR, AKS, SRN, MO, DZP), pp. 148–153.
DAC-2007-RamanCOD #multi- Reducing Data-Memory Footprint of Multimedia Applications by Delay Redistribution (BR, SC, WTO, SD), pp. 738–743.
DATE-2007-AndersKG #effectiveness #testing- Re-configuration of sub-blocks for effective application of time domain tests (JA, SK, GG), pp. 707–712.
DATE-2007-BarajasCCMGCBI #behaviour #interactive #modelling #optimisation- Interactive presentation: Behavioral modeling of delay-locked loops and its application to jitter optimization in ultra wide-band impulse radio systems (EB, RC, DC, DM, JLG, IC, SB, MI), pp. 1430–1435.
DATE-2007-ChongP #automation #float #generative- Automatic application specific floating-point unit generation (YJC, SP), pp. 461–466.
DATE-2007-DAscoliIMMTFGRM #performance #prototype- Low-g accelerometer fast prototyping for automotive applications (FD, FI, CM, MM, MT, LF, AG, AR, MDM), pp. 486–491.
DATE-2007-FeiS #architecture #monitoring #set- Microarchitectural support for program code integrity monitoring in application-specific instruction set processors (YF, ZJS), pp. 815–820.
DATE-2007-FerrignoPSL #design #identification #process- Identification of process/design issues during 0.18 µm technology qualification for space application (JF, PP, KS, DL), pp. 989–993.
DATE-2007-HanssonCG #configuration management #multi #network- Undisrupted quality-of-service during reconfiguration of multiple applications in networks on chip (AH, MC, KG), pp. 954–959.
DATE-2007-HuangG #energy #optimisation #performance #realtime #scalability- Efficient and scalable compiler-directed energy optimization for realtime applications (PKH, SG), pp. 785–790.
DATE-2007-HuangT #analysis #correlation #multi #performance #using- Performance analysis of multimedia applications using correlated streams (KH, LT), pp. 912–917.
DATE-2007-LasbouyguesWAM #analysis- Temperature and voltage aware timing analysis: application to voltage drops (BL, RW, NA, PM), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2007-OlivePF #industrial- Industrial applications (XO, JMP, DF), pp. 1244–1245.
DATE-2007-OstlerC #architecture #network- An ILP formulation for system-level application mapping on network processor architectures (CO, KSC), pp. 99–104.
DATE-2007-ReshadiG #architecture #embedded #low level #programming- Interrupt and low-level programming support for expanding the application domain of statically-scheduled horizontal-microcoded architectures in embedded systems (MR, DG), pp. 1337–1342.
DATE-2007-SeongM #performance #taxonomy #using- An efficient code compression technique using application-aware bitmask and dictionary selection methods (SWS, PM), pp. 582–587.
DATE-2007-SingheeR #monte carlo #novel #performance #simulation #statistics- Statistical blockade: a novel method for very fast Monte Carlo simulation of rare circuit events, and its application (AS, RAR), pp. 1379–1384.
DATE-2007-VillanuevaVMBRL #lightweight #middleware #network- Lightweight middleware for seamless HW-SW interoperability, with application to wireless sensor networks (FJV, DV, FM, JB, FR, JCL), pp. 1042–1047.
DATE-2007-WangC #energy #mobile #realtime- Minimum-energy LDPC decoder for real-time mobile application (WW, GC), pp. 343–348.
DATE-2007-X #ubiquitous- Applications for ubiquitous computing and communications, p. 473.
DocEng-2007-HuangT #comprehension- A system for understanding imaged infographics and its applications (WH, CLT), pp. 9–18.
HT-2007-Rubart #architecture- Architecting structure-aware applications (JR), pp. 185–188.
HT-2007-Wagner #hypermedia- Hypertext applications (FW0), pp. 159–160.
HT-2007-WongCWS #industrial #scalability #semantics #web- Lesson learnt from a large-scale industrial semantic web application (SCW, RMC, GBW, NRS), pp. 21–30.
ICDAR-2007-BuchaAU #image- Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color Map Vectorisation (VB, SA, SU), pp. 1228–1242.
ICDAR-2007-FreireFMO #fuzzy #on the- On the Applicability of Off-Line Signatures to the Fuzzy Vault Construction (MRF, JFA, MMD, JOG), pp. 1173–1177.
ICDAR-2007-JoutelEBE #query- Curvelets Based Queries for CBIR Application in Handwriting Collections (GJ, VE, SB, HE), pp. 649–653.
ICDAR-2007-RaveauxBO #documentation- A Colour Document Interpretation: Application to Ancient Cadastral Maps (RR, JCB, JMO), pp. 1128–1132.
ICDAR-2007-SekiFNSM #analysis #documentation #information management #using- Information Management System Using Structure Analysis of Paper/Electronic Documents and Its Applications (MS, MF, TN, HS, KM), pp. 689–693.
ICDAR-2007-Silva #analysis #documentation #metric #performance- New Metrics for Evaluating Performance in Document Analysis Tasks_Application to the Table Case (ACeS), pp. 481–485.
SIGMOD-2007-GeambasuBGL #middleware #named #peer-to-peer- Homeviews: peer-to-peer middleware for personal data sharing applications (RG, MB, SDG, HML), pp. 235–246.
SIGMOD-2007-GuptaYDGS #data-driven #personalisation #web- User-centric personalized extensibility for data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, JS), pp. 1125–1127.
SIGMOD-2007-MelnikAB #compilation #database- Compiling mappings to bridge applications and databases (SM, AA, PAB), pp. 461–472.
SIGMOD-2007-QiaoSFPCBK #database #framework #policy- A framework for enforcing application policies in database systems (LQ, BS, GF, AP, BC, TB, WK), pp. 981–992.
SIGMOD-2007-RamanQHNCYL #adaptation #lazy evaluation- Lazy, adaptive rid-list intersection, and its application to index anding (VR, LQ, WH, IN, YLC, KHY, FLL), pp. 773–784.
SIGMOD-2007-ShivamDGIGYBC #automation #database #on-demand #virtual machine- Automated and on-demand provisioning of virtual machines for database applications (PS, AD, PG, DEI, LEG, ARY, SB, JSC), pp. 1079–1081.
VLDB-2007-AltinelBCKLMMNSS #intranet #named- DAMIA — A Data Mashup Fabric for Intranet Applications (MA, PB, SC, RK, EL, VM, LM, YHN, DES, AS), pp. 1370–1373.
VLDB-2007-ChaudhuriNS #database #developer #profiling- Bridging the Application and DBMS Profiling Divide for Database Application Developers (SC, VRN, MS), pp. 1252–1262.
VLDB-2007-WuYGHABFGGLW #challenge #experience #monitoring #multi #prototype- Challenges and Experience in Prototyping a Multi-Modal Stream Analytic and Monitoring Application on System S (KLW, PSY, BG, KH, CCA, EB, WF, DG, XG, GL, HW), pp. 1185–1196.
WRLA-J-2004-CirsteaFK07 #calculus #constraints- A rho-calculus of explicit constraint application (HC, GF, CK), pp. 37–72.
WRLA-J-2004-MeseguerT07 #analysis #encryption #protocol #reachability #using #verification- Symbolic reachability analysis using narrowing and its application to verification of cryptographic protocols (JM, PT), pp. 123–160.
WRLA-2006-KatelmanM07 #analysis #co-evolution #design #hardware #semantics- A Rewriting Semantics for ABEL with Applications to Hardware/Software Co-Design and Analysis (MK, JM), pp. 47–60.
FASE-2007-FisherER #interface #web- Dynamic Characterization of Web Application Interfaces (MFI, SGE, GR), pp. 260–275.
CSMR-2007-GrossoPG #approach #database #mining- An approach for mining services in database oriented applications (CDG, MDP, IGRdG), pp. 287–296.
CSMR-2007-HeymansBW #interactive #migration #scalability #testing- Testing Techniques for the Cross-platform Migration of Very Large Interactive Applications (LH, TVdB, BW), pp. 323–324.
CSMR-2007-MerloLA #automation #injection #php- Automated Protection of PHP Applications Against SQL-injection Attacks (EM, DL, GA), pp. 191–202.
CSMR-2007-MesbahD #ajax #interface #migration #multi #web- Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces (AM, AvD), pp. 181–190.
CSMR-2007-SneedH #maintenance #web- Sizing Maintenance Tasks for Web Applications (HMS, SH), pp. 171–180.
CSMR-2007-Wagner #evolution- Evolution from a Scientific Application to an Applicable Product (MW), pp. 223–232.
ICSM-2007-Arcelli #reverse engineering- Working Session on Reverse Engineering techniques for Application Portfolio Management — RE4APM 2007 - (FA), pp. 495–496.
ICSM-2007-Bergin #adaptation #runtime- Runtime Adaptation of Long-Running Applications for Improved Caching (JB), pp. 509–510.
ICSM-2007-BeszedesGJTGR #maintenance- Computation of Static Execute After Relation with Applications to Software Maintenance (ÁB, TG, JJ, GT, TG, VR), pp. 295–304.
ICSM-2007-ConroyGHLX #automation #generative #testing #user interface #web #web service- Automatic Test Generation From GUI Applications For Testing Web Services (KMC, MG, MH, ESL, QX), pp. 345–354.
ICSM-2007-ZhengC #maintenance #multi #web- Maintaining Multi-Tier Web Applications (XZ, MHC), pp. 355–364.
MSR-2007-GrechanikCP #prototype- Finding Relevant Applications for Prototyping (MG, KMC, KP), p. 12.
SCAM-2007-MagnussonEH #attribute grammar- Extending Attribute Grammars with Collection Attributes--Evaluation and Applications (EM, TE, GH), pp. 69–80.
SCAM-2007-MarinMD #migration- An Integrated Crosscutting Concern Migration Strategy and its Application to JHOTDRAW (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 101–110.
WCRE-2007-LorenzoFMTV #web #web service- Turning Web Applications into Web Services by Wrapping Techniques (GDL, ARF, LM, PT, VV), pp. 199–208.
WCRE-2007-Marinescu #constraints #enterprise- Discovering the Objectual Meaning of Foreign Key Constraints in Enterprise Applications (CM), pp. 100–109.
WCRE-2007-SamirSK #ajax #migration #named #web- Swing2Script: Migration of Java-Swing Applications to Ajax Web Applications (HS, ES, AK), pp. 179–188.
WCRE-2007-ShevertalovM #protocol #reverse engineering- A Reverse Engineering Tool for Extracting Protocols of Networked Applications (MS, SM), pp. 229–238.
PLDI-2007-LiZ #concurrent #evaluation #implementation #monad #network #scalability #thread- Combining events and threads for scalable network services implementation and evaluation of monadic, application-level concurrency primitives (PL, SZ), pp. 189–199.
PLDI-2007-TitzerABP #automation #reduction #virtual machine- The ExoVM system for automatic VM and application reduction (BT, JSA, DFB, JP), pp. 352–362.
PLDI-2007-WassermannS #analysis #injection #precise #web- Sound and precise analysis of web applications for injection vulnerabilities (GW, ZS), pp. 32–41.
SAS-2007-GallJ #automaton #infinity #representation #verification- Lattice Automata: A Representation for Languages on Infinite Alphabets, and Some Applications to Verification (TLG, BJ), pp. 52–68.
STOC-2007-GavinskyKKRW #communication #complexity #encryption #exponential #quantum- Exponential separations for one-way quantum communication complexity, with applications to cryptography (DG, JK, IK, RR, RdW), pp. 516–525.
CIAA-J-2006-Li07 #distance- Information Distance and its Applications (ML0), pp. 669–681.
CIAA-2007-MohriMW #automaton- Factor Automata of Automata and Applications (MM, PJM, EW), pp. 168–179.
CIAA-2007-Watson #automaton- Automata Applications in Chip-Design Software (BWW), pp. 24–26.
DLT-2007-Li #distance- Information Distance and Applications (ML0), p. 28.
ICALP-2007-AlonG #product line- Balanced Families of Perfect Hash Functions and Their Applications (NA, SG), pp. 435–446.
LATA-2007-AntoniouCIP #set #string- Application of suffix trees for the acquisition of common motifs with gaps in a set of strings (PA, MC, CSI, PP), pp. 57–66.
LATA-2007-OgasawaraK #approximate #performance #product line- Stochastically Approximating Tree Grammars by Regular Grammars and Its Application to Faster ncRNA Family Annotation (KO, SK), pp. 461–472.
IFM-2007-HanebergGRS #approach #smarttech #verification- Verifying Smart Card Applications: An ASM Approach (DH, HG, WR, GS), pp. 313–332.
SEFM-2007-AichernigPWW #consistency #formal method #industrial #protocol #testing- Protocol Conformance Testing a SIP Registrar: an Industrial Application of Formal Methods (BKA, BP, MW, FW), pp. 215–226.
SEFM-2007-PernaG #model checking #specification- Model Checking RAISE Applicative Specifications (JIP, CG), pp. 257–268.
ICFP-2007-Lloyd #declarative #programming- Declarative programming for artificial intelligence applications (JWL), pp. 123–124.
ICFP-2007-WelshG #case study #development #experience #web- Experience report: scheme in commercial web application development (NW, DG), pp. 153–156.
ILC-2007-Aasman #lisp #scalability- Scalable Lisp applications (JA), p. 1.
ILC-2007-AkashiTFHS #framework #lisp #network- Lisp-based agent platform and applications for inter-domain network management (OA, AT, KF, TH, TS), p. 14.
ILC-2007-HerzeelGCD #e-commerce #lisp #using- Modularizing crosscuts in an e-commerce application in Lisp using HALO (CH, KG, PC, TD), p. 11.
ILC-2007-Mallery #deployment #development #named #open source #web- CL-HTTP: an open-source cross-platform environment for web application development and deployment (JCM), p. 3.
ILC-2007-Serrano #named #web- HOP: an environment for developing web 2.0 applications (MS), p. 6.
ILC-2007-StrandhMHR #library #named- ESA: a CLIM library for writing Emacs-Style Applications (RS, DM, TH, CR), p. 24.
AGTIVE-2007-DenningerGG- Applications and Rewriting of Omnigraphs — Exemplified in the Domain of MDD (OD, TG, RG), pp. 168–183.
AGTIVE-2007-KniemeyerBHK #approach #architecture #biology #graph transformation #parallel #relational- Relational Growth Grammars — A Parallel Graph Transformation Approach with Applications in Biology and Architecture (OK, GB, RH, WK), pp. 152–167.
AGTIVE-2007-MatznerMS #automation #graph #performance- Efficient Graph Matching with Application to Cognitive Automation (AM, MM, AS), pp. 297–312.
GT-VMT-2007-WrobelEP #framework #graph #product line- Graph-Based Engineering Systems — A Family of Software Applications and their Underlying Framework (GW, REE, MP).
CHI-2007-AttererS #ajax #interactive #testing #usability- Tracking the interaction of users with ajax applications for usability testing (RA, AS), pp. 1347–1350.
CHI-2007-BauerK- Selection-based note-taking applications (AB, KRK), pp. 981–990.
CHI-2007-GuiardDC #documentation #evaluation #navigation- Quantifying degree of goal directedness in document navigation: application to the evaluation of the perspective-drag technique (YG, YD, OC), pp. 327–336.
CHI-2007-LiuL #design #named- BrickRoad: a light-weight tool for spontaneous design of location-enhanced applications (ALL, YL), pp. 295–298.
DHM-2007-Bubb #design- Future Applications of DHM in Ergonomic Design (HB), pp. 779–793.
DHM-2007-ChungP- Applications of the Visible Korean Human (MSC, JSP), pp. 353–362.
DHM-2007-DemirelD07a #industrial #modelling- Applications of Digital Human Modeling in Industry (HOD, VGD), pp. 824–832.
DHM-2007-FrohriepP #design- Computer Aided Lumbar Support Design and Application (SF, JP), pp. 586–594.
DHM-2007-GeTYS #3d #animation #modelling- Color 3D Digital Human Modeling and Its Applications to Animation and Anthropometry (BzG, QgT, KDY, YcS), pp. 82–91.
DHM-2007-LiLZ #algorithm #approach #identification #modelling #multi #robust- A Robust Algorithm for a System Identification Approach to Digital Human Modeling: An Application to Multi-fingered Hand Movement (KL, SWL, XZ), pp. 157–160.
DHM-2007-LiuMLHYX #image #visualisation- Study and Application of Medical Image Visualization Technology (JL, WM, FL, YH, JY, XX), pp. 668–677.
DHM-2007-QiaoYY #equation #predict- The Application of Kane Equation in the Impact Prediction of Human Motion (MQ, CY, XY), pp. 179–188.
DHM-2007-ZhangHLTQLLLCGX #set- Chinese Visible Human Data Sets and Their Applications (SXZ, PAH, ZJL, LWT, MGQ, QYL, RXL, KL, GYC, YG, YMX), pp. 530–535.
HCI-AS-2007-BonacinBS #development #framework #web- A Semiotic-Based Framework for the Development of Tailorable Web Applications (RB, MCCB, TMdS), pp. 859–868.
HCI-AS-2007-BorgesRPC #development #documentation #usability #user interface- Usability Issues in the Development of a User Interface for an Alerts and Reminders System for a Nursing Documentation Application (JAB, NJR, CP, GC), pp. 418–426.
HCI-AS-2007-KuboKTCWY #design #interactive #memory management #product line- Interactive Design of Memory Sharing Applications for Families (MK, AK, ET, RC, KW, MY), pp. 954–960.
HCI-AS-2007-LiYG #classification #network #realtime #towards- Traffic Classification — Towards Accurate Real Time Network Applications (ZL, RY, XG), pp. 67–76.
HCI-AS-2007-MaY #experience #user interface- UX Office. A New Software Application for User Experience Services (LM, XY), pp. 649–653.
HCI-AS-2007-Moallem #enterprise #how- Excellence in Ease of Use with Rich Functionality How Enterprise Software Applications with Rich Functionality Can Be Built to Excel in Ease of Use (AM), pp. 672–681.
HCI-AS-2007-PengKLC #approach #tablet- The Practices of Scenario Observation Approach in Defining Medical Tablet PC Applications (CYP, WSK, YZL, WKC), pp. 518–524.
HCI-AS-2007-RoibasSS #mobile- Travelling Stories: Mobile Applications for Storytellers (ACR, NS, RS), pp. 869–880.
HCI-AS-2007-TanW #workflow- Process-Oriented User Support for Workflow Applications (DT, HW), pp. 752–761.
HCI-AS-2007-UflackerB #complexity #enterprise #experience #user interface- Complexity in Enterprise Applications vs. Simplicity in User Experience (MU, DKB), pp. 778–787.
HCI-AS-2007-YeBRS #artificial reality #design #evaluation- Applications of Virtual Reality in Product Design Evaluation (JY, SB, VR, TS), pp. 1190–1199.
HCI-IDU-2007-DaimotoAMK #case study #research #safety- Application of Micro-Scenario Method (MSM) to User Research for the Motorcycle’s Informatization — A Case Study for the Information Support System for Safety (HD, SA, MM, MK), pp. 49–57.
HCI-IDU-2007-LimLK #development #programming #visual notation #web- Application of Visual Programming to Web Mash Up Development (SCL, SL, JK), pp. 1139–1148.
HCI-IDU-2007-PleussH #authoring #development #interactive #modelling #multi #tool support- Integrating Authoring Tools into Model-Driven Development of Interactive Multimedia Applications (AP, HH), pp. 1168–1177.
HCI-IDU-2007-TalebSA #architecture #modelling #web- Model-Driven Architecture for Web Applications (MT, AS, AA), pp. 1198–1205.
HCI-IDU-2007-TesorieroMLG #design pattern #human-computer- HCI Design Patterns for PDA Running Space Structured Applications (RT, FMS, MDL, JAG), pp. 1206–1215.
HCI-IDU-2007-YueWW #design #interactive #theory and practice #ubiquitous- Designing Transparent Interaction for Ubiquitous Computing: Theory and Application (WY, HW, GW), pp. 331–339.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimJPNC #design #evaluation #mobile- Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones (MK, ESJ, SP, JN, JC), pp. 364–373.
HCI-IPT-2007-LiGR #artificial reality- Resolving Occlusion Between Virtual and Real Scenes for Augmented Reality Applications (LL, TG, BR), pp. 634–642.
HCI-IPT-2007-RolshofenDS #interface- Application of Tangible Acoustic Interfaces in the Area of Production Control and Manufacturing (WR, PD, GS), pp. 920–925.
HCI-IPT-2007-SiioHM- Kitchen of the Future and Applications (IS, RH, NM), pp. 946–955.
HCI-MIE-2007-ChuLZS #internet #web- Enrich Web Applications with Voice Internet Persona Text-to-Speech for Anyone, Anywhere (MC, YL, XZ, FKS), pp. 40–49.
HCI-MIE-2007-LaarniLKR #mobile #usability- Usability of Hybridmedia Services — PC and Mobile Applications Compared (JL, LL, JK, NR), pp. 918–925.
HCI-MIE-2007-ReifingerWAPR #artificial reality #recognition- Static and Dynamic Hand-Gesture Recognition for Augmented Reality Applications (SR, FW, MA, TP, GR), pp. 728–737.
HCI-MIE-2007-VilimekHO #interface #multimodal- Multimodal Interfaces for In-Vehicle Applications (RV, TH, BO), pp. 216–224.
HCI-MIE-2007-Wheatley #communication #concurrent #design #evaluation- User-Centered Design and Evaluation of a Concurrent Voice Communication and Media Sharing Application (DW), pp. 990–999.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IchikawaN #navigation- Driver Support System: Spatial Cognitive Ability and Its Application to Human Navigation (KI, YN), pp. 1013–1019.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MaungK #data analysis #web- Web Application for Data Analysis by Means of Evidential Dominance (ZAHM, YK), pp. 749–758.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Miller-JacobsS #usability- Usability of Electronic Medical Record System: An Application in Its Infancy with a Crying Need (HMJ, JBS), pp. 759–765.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Wang07a #adaptation #generative #mobile #multi #named- Mach: A Content Generating Engine for Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Mobile Environment (CW), pp. 674–681.
HIMI-MTT-2007-HirasawaSK #comprehension #requirements #ubiquitous- Understanding Requirements of Ubiquitous Application in Context of Daily Life (NH, TS, HK), pp. 45–50.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KumeM #analysis #web- Construction of Web Application for Cusp Surface Analysis (YK, ZAHM), pp. 669–676.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MullerKDCB #human-computer #machine learning- Machine Learning and Applications for Brain-Computer Interfacing (KRM, MK, GD, GC, BB), pp. 705–714.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #case study #effectiveness #mobile- A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
AdaEurope-2007-BarbariaHP #component #design #distributed #performance- Design and Performance of a Generic Consensus Component for Critical Distributed Applications (KB, JH, LP), pp. 208–220.
AdaEurope-2007-ChanCCTZ #network #power management #testing #towards- Towards the Testing of Power-Aware Software Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks (WKC, TYC, SCC, THT, ZZ), pp. 84–99.
AdaEurope-2007-ZalilaHHP #architecture #distributed #generative- Generating Distributed High Integrity Applications from Their Architectural Description (BZ, IH, JH, LP), pp. 155–167.
SIGAda-2007-PukiteL #design #logic #simulation #using- Generic discrete event simulations using DEGAS: application to logic design and digital signal processing (PP, LL), pp. 27–40.
EDOC-2007-WhiteSCWLWF #automation #enterprise #java #modelling- Automated Model-Based Configuration of Enterprise Java Applications (JW, DCS, KC, CW, GL, EW, LF), pp. 301–312.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Novacek #empirical #ontology #refinement #taxonomy- Imprecise Empirical Ontology Refinement — Application to Taxonomy Acquisition (VN), pp. 31–38.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-RenoufCR #development #framework #image #information management- A Platform Dedicated to Knowledge Engineering for the Development of Image Processing Applications (AR, RC, MR), pp. 271–276.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-RoviraASPV #ranking- Group Decision Systems for Ranking and Selection — An Application to the Accreditation of Doping Control Laboratories (XR, NA, MS, FP, MV), pp. 82–87.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Sandkuhl #concept- Information logistics in networked organisations — issues, concepts and applications (KS), pp. 10–14.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-WanzellerB #assessment #data mining #mining #similarity- Similarity Assessment in a CBR Application for Clickstream Data Mining Plans Selection (CW, OB), pp. 137–144.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-AldazabalBM #industrial #process- Activity theory model — application in the automotive industry (JA, GB, JAM), pp. 615–620.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-FerreiraP #enterprise #information management #metadata #repository- Extensible metadata repository for information systems and enterprise applications (RF, JMP), pp. 344–350.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KalinichenkoBMSS #approach #enterprise #framework #information management- Mediation framework for enterprise information system infrastructures: Application-driven approach (LAK, DOB, DOM, NAS, SAS), pp. 246–251.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Sandkuhl #concept- Information logistics in networked organisations — issues, concepts and applications (KS), pp. 10–14.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-AmritH #detection #matrix #problem #process- Matrix Based Problem Detection in the Application of Software Process Patterns (CA, JvH), pp. 316–320.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HosbondNA #mobile- Opting for Innovation in Mobile Applications (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 23–30.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-KarnouskosS #enterprise #network #towards #using- Towards Enterprise Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks (SK, PS), pp. 230–236.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-OussenaSB #implementation- BPEL Patterns for Implementing Variations in SOA Applications (SO, DS, BB), pp. 295–300.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Sandkuhl #concept- Information logistics in networked organisations — issues, concepts and applications (KS), pp. 10–14.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ShishkovS #design #modelling- Model-Driven Design of Context-Aware Applications (BS, MvS), pp. 105–113.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-DeryckeC #flexibility #framework- A Flexible Infrastructure for P-Learning: A First Application in the Field of Professional Training (AD, VC), pp. 215–222.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-NoortHB #information management- Unconscious Emotional Information Processing: Theoretical Consequences and Practical Applications (MvdN, KH, PB), pp. 207–214.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-Sandkuhl #concept- Information logistics in networked organisations — issues, concepts and applications (KS), pp. 10–14.
ICEIS-J-2007-CardosoABSS #integration- Inter-enterprise System and Application Integration: A Reality Check (JC, WMPvdA, CB, APS, KS), pp. 3–15.
ICEIS-J-2007-HosbondNA07a #mobile- Shaping Mobile Applications for the Future (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 266–275.
ICEIS-J-2007-Novacek07a #automation #documentation #information management #integration #scalability #taxonomy- Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Integration Technique: Application to Large Scale Taxonomy Extraction and Document Annotation (VN), pp. 160–172.
ICEIS-J-2007-Sandkuhl07a #concept- Information Logistics in Networked Organizations: Selected Concepts and Applications (KS), pp. 43–54.
ICEIS-J-2007-ShishkovS07a- From User Context States to Context-Aware Applications (BS, MvS), pp. 225–239.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-DrumondGL #case study #modelling #recommendation #specification- A Case Study on the Application of the MAAEM Methodology for the Specification Modeling of Recommender Systems in the Legal Domain (LD, RG, AL), pp. 155–160.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Gerlicher #approach #aspect-oriented #collaboration #framework #integration #multi #realtime- Transparent Extension of Single-User Applications to Multi-User Real-Time Collaborative Systems — An Aspect Oriented Approach to Framework Integration (ARSG), pp. 327–334.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Sandkuhl #concept- Information logistics in networked organisations — issues, concepts and applications (KS), pp. 10–14.
CIKM-2007-ChevalletLL #concept #multi- Domain knowledge conceptual inter-media indexing: application to multilingual multimedia medical reports (JPC, JHL, DTHL), pp. 495–504.
CIKM-2007-RaoCFB #analysis #network #peer-to-peer- Optimal proactive caching in peer-to-peer network: analysis and application (WR, LC, AWCF, YB), pp. 663–672.
CIKM-2007-SongZYZD #distance #estimation #learning #metric #ranking- Ranking with semi-supervised distance metric learning and its application to housing potential estimation (YS, BZ, WJY, CZ, JD), pp. 975–978.
CIKM-2007-YanH #feedback #multi #probability #query #retrieval #using- Query expansion using probabilistic local feedback with application to multimedia retrieval (RY, AGH), pp. 361–370.
ICML-2007-DelageM #markov #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance #process- Percentile optimization in uncertain Markov decision processes with application to efficient exploration (ED, SM), pp. 225–232.
ICML-2007-ZhuNZW #markov #random #web- Dynamic hierarchical Markov random fields and their application to web data extraction (JZ, ZN, BZ, JRW), pp. 1175–1182.
KDD-2007-DingSJL #framework #kernel #learning #recommendation #using- A learning framework using Green’s function and kernel regularization with application to recommender system (CHQD, RJ, TL, HDS), pp. 260–269.
KDD-2007-GaoESCX #consistency #data mining #mining #problem #set- The minimum consistent subset cover problem and its applications in data mining (BJG, ME, JyC, OS, HX), pp. 310–319.
KDD-2007-PerlichRLZ #estimation #modelling- High-quantile modeling for customer wallet estimation and other applications (CP, SR, RDL, BZ), pp. 977–985.
MLDM-2007-EkdahlK #classification #learning #on the- On Concentration of Discrete Distributions with Applications to Supervised Learning of Classifiers (ME, TK), pp. 2–16.
MLDM-2007-FranceC #development #evaluation #metric #reduction- Development of an Agreement Metric Based Upon the RAND Index for the Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, with Applications to Mapping Customer Data (SLF, JDC), pp. 499–517.
MLDM-2007-MozaffariFM #online #recognition- Application of Fractal Theory for On-Line and Off-Line Farsi Digit Recognition (SM, KF, VM), pp. 868–882.
SEKE-2007-ColziMNR #architecture #component- A Component-Based Solution and Architecture for Dynamic Service-Based Applications (AC, TM, PN, DR), p. 637–?.
SEKE-2007-Condori-FernandezP #evaluation #functional #metric- Analyzing the Applicability of a Theoretical Model in the Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Procedures (NCF, OP), pp. 736–739.
SEKE-2007-CordeiroGES #classification #constraints #database #design #version control- A Deep Classification of Temporal Versioned Integrity Constraints for Designing Database Applications (RLFC, RdMG, NE, CSdS), pp. 416–421.
SEKE-2007-CostaRSNF #named- BASS: Business Application Support through Software Services (MBC, RFR, MEVS, EFN, NF), p. 523–?.
SEKE-2007-DaiC #automation #generative #testing- Automatic Test Generation for Database-Driven Applications (ZD, MHC), pp. 117–122.
SEKE-2007-GokhaleL #detection #multi- Multi-level Anomaly Detection with Application-Level Data (SSG, JL), p. 718–?.
SEKE-2007-HewettT #design #enterprise- Building Business Considerations into Enterprise Application Designs (RH, AT), pp. 513–518.
SEKE-2007-HofmeisterW #architecture #design #independence #using- Designing a Platform-Independent Use-Case for a Composite Application using a Reference Architecture (HH, GW), pp. 227–231.
SEKE-2007-MurphyKA #approach #machine learning #testing- An Approach to Software Testing of Machine Learning Applications (CM, GEK, MA), p. 167–?.
SEKE-2007-SadjadiMSABE #development- Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications (SMS, JM, TS, LA, RMB, JE), pp. 456–461.
SEKE-2007-SantiagoMCSA #development #experience #outsourcing- QSEE Project: An Experience in Outsourcing Software Development for Space Applications (VAS, MdFMF, RC, WPdS, AMA), pp. 51–56.
SEKE-2007-ZhangHLM #cost analysis #deployment- Pattern-based J2EE Application Deployment with Cost Analysis (NZ, GH, LL, HM), pp. 462–466.
SEKE-2007-ZiemerC #development #release planning #web- Knowledge Sharing through a Simple Release Planning Method for Web Application Development (SZ, ICC), pp. 686–691.
MoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web- A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MoDELS-2007-HanH #modelling #navigation #web- Relating Navigation and Request Routing Models in Web Applications (MH, CH), pp. 346–359.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web- A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MoDELS-2007-HanH #modelling #navigation #web- Relating Navigation and Request Routing Models in Web Applications (MH, CH), pp. 346–359.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
ECOOP-2007-XianSJJ #garbage collection #java #named #performance- AS-GC: An Efficient Generational Garbage Collector for Java Application Servers (FX, WSa, CJ, HJ), pp. 126–150.
OOPSLA-2007-LeffR #domain-specific language #named #relational #visual notation- Webrb: evaluating a visual domain-specific language for building relational web-applications (AL, JTR), pp. 281–300.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-BalsCEE #design #modelling #named #object-oriented #spreadsheet- ClassSheets — model-based, object-oriented design of spreadsheet applications (JCB, FC, GE, ME), pp. 383–398.
LOPSTR-2007-AlbertGGP #online #partial evaluation #type system- Type-Based Homeomorphic Embedding and Its Applications to Online Partial Evaluation (EA, JPG, MGZ, GP), pp. 23–42.
PADL-2007-GustafssonS #erlang #evaluation #implementation #performance #programming- Applications, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Bit Stream Programming in Erlang (PG, KFS), pp. 94–108.
RE-2007-BolchiniGP #communication #interactive- Branding and Communication Goals for Content-Intensive Interactive Applications (DB, FG, PP), pp. 173–182.
RE-2007-GandhiL #assessment #certification #comprehension #correlation #multi #requirements #risk management- Discovering and Understanding Multi-dimensional Correlations among Certification Requirements with application to Risk Assessment (RAG, SWL), pp. 231–240.
RE-2007-MunirajJ #prototype #requirements #using- Requirements Engineering using Prototyping Projects in Healthcare Diagnostic Software Applications (GM, VJ), pp. 307–312.
SAC-2007-AyedB #adaptation #component #corba- Dynamic adaptation of CORBA component-based applications (DA, YB), pp. 580–585.
SAC-2007-BonenfantCHMWW #cost analysis #towards- Towards resource-certified software: a formal cost model for time and its application to an image-processing example (AB, ZC, KH, GM, AMW, IW), pp. 1307–1314.
SAC-2007-CazzolaPGS #co-evolution #design #metadata #modelling- Co-evolving application code and design models by exploiting meta-data (WC, SP, AG, GS), pp. 1275–1279.
SAC-2007-ChangA #configuration management #web- Supporting reconfigurable object distribution for customized web applications (PHC, GA), pp. 1286–1292.
SAC-2007-CheliusFF #development #framework #named #network #performance- Worldsens: a fast and accurate development framework for sensor network applications (GC, AF, EF), pp. 222–226.
SAC-2007-CicchettiRS #development #modelling #web- Software customization in model driven development of web applications (AC, DDR, ADS), pp. 1025–1030.
SAC-2007-DistanteRC #analysis #framework #modelling #process #web- Modeling business processes in web applications: an analysis framework (DD, GR, GC), pp. 1677–1682.
SAC-2007-DombroviakR #mobile #pervasive #taxonomy- A taxonomy of mobile and pervasive applications (KMD, RR), pp. 1609–1615.
SAC-2007-FariasLCPF #development #metamodelling #mobile- A MOF metamodel for the development of context-aware mobile applications (CRGdF, MML, CZC, RMP, JGPF), pp. 947–952.
SAC-2007-GhourabiITMK #algebra #axiom #logic- Logical and algebraic view of Huzita’s origami axioms with applications to computational origami (FG, TI, HT, MM, AK), pp. 767–772.
SAC-2007-GiuntaPT #approach #grid #integration- An aspect-generated approach for the integration of applications into grid (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1295–1296.
SAC-2007-JohnsB #approximate #automation #injection #named #web- SMask: preventing injection attacks in web applications by approximating automatic data/code separation (MJ, CB), pp. 284–291.
SAC-2007-LobatoBPT #architecture #communication #internet #named- MOJOHON: a channel-driven communication architecture for applications deployed on the internet (DCL, MQB, MdGCP, CACT), pp. 1061–1066.
SAC-2007-MinCN #energy #interactive #mobile- Energy management for interactive applications in mobile handheld systems (JHM, HC, JN), pp. 795–799.
SAC-2007-Oriol #component #evolution- Primitives for the dynamic evolution of component-based applications (MO), pp. 1122–1123.
SAC-2007-PintoG #concept #incremental- Incremental discretization, application to data with concept drift (CP, JG), pp. 467–468.
SAC-2007-PreuveneersB #adaptation #mobile #self #towards- Towards context-aware and resource-driven self-adaptation for mobile handheld applications (DP, YB), pp. 1165–1170.
SAC-2007-SchreinerG #component #embedded #modelling #uml- Modeling component based embedded systems applications with explicit connectors in UML 2.0 (DS, KMG), pp. 1494–1495.
SAC-2007-TetsuyaAHN #ad hoc #generative #network #using- Topology information generation methods using a routing table in ad hoc network applications (TT, AK, TH, SN), pp. 896–900.
SAC-2007-YangHK #framework #on the #parallel- On construction of a BioGrid platform for parallel bioinformatics applications (CTY, TFH, HCK), pp. 144–145.
SAC-2007-YapaK #algorithm #component #image- A connected component labeling algorithm for grayscale images and application of the algorithm on mammograms (RDY, HK), pp. 146–152.
SAC-2007-ZhouPMLTL #architecture #ontology #self- Applying ontology in architecture-based self-management applications (YZ, JP, XM, BL, XT, JL), pp. 97–103.
ESEC-FSE-2007-HalfondO #automation #generative #interface #testing #using #web- Improving test case generation for web applications using automated interface discovery (WGJH, AO), pp. 145–154.
ESEC-FSE-2007-KumarSCP #analysis #design #framework #optimisation #realtime #statistics- A profile-driven statistical analysis framework for the design optimization of soft real-time applications (TK, JS, RC, SP), pp. 529–532.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Pietrantuono #approach #component #novel- Component airbag: a novel approach to develop dependable component-based applications (RP), pp. 599–602.
ICSE-2007-FuR #analysis #architecture #exception #java- Exception-Chain Analysis: Revealing Exception Handling Architecture in Java Server Applications (CF, BGR), pp. 230–239.
ICSE-2007-RajapakseJ #analysis #trade-off #using #web- Using Server Pages to Unify Clones in Web Applications: A Trade-Off Analysis (DCR, SJ), pp. 116–126.
ICSE-2007-SkogsrudBCT #protocol #security- Managing Impacts of Security Protocol Changes in Service-Oriented Applications (HS, BB, FC, FT), pp. 468–477.
LDTA-J-2003-MagnussonH #attribute grammar #evaluation- Circular reference attributed grammars — their evaluation and applications (EM, GH), pp. 21–37.
SPLC-2007-SchirmeierS #analysis #framework #product line- Tailoring Infrastructure Software Product Lines by Static Application Analysis (HS, OS), pp. 255–260.
CGO-2007-ReddiCCS #persistent #reuse- Persistent Code Caching: Exploiting Code Reuse Across Executions and Applications (VJR, DC, RC, MDS), pp. 74–88.
HPCA-2007-LiY #correctness #fault tolerance- Application-Level Correctness and its Impact on Fault Tolerance (XL, DY), pp. 181–192.
HPCA-2007-ZhongLM #architecture #hybrid #manycore #parallel #thread- Extending Multicore Architectures to Exploit Hybrid Parallelism in Single-thread Applications (HZ, SAL, SAM), pp. 25–36.
HPDC-2007-BurgerK #grid #multi #named- MOB: zero-configuration high-throughput multicasting for grid applications (MdB, TK), pp. 159–168.
HPDC-2007-ByunJK #adaptation #reliability #resource management #scalability #towards- Towards adaptive, scalable, and reliable resource provisioning for wsrf-compliant applications (EKB, JWJ, JSK), pp. 217–218.
HPDC-2007-LiP #framework #parallel- A computational infrastructure for grid-based asynchronous parallel applications (ZL, MP), pp. 229–230.
HPDC-2007-TaesombutC #modelling #network- Evaluating the impacts of network information models on applications and network service providers (NT, AAC), pp. 215–216.
ISMM-2007-SingerBWC #garbage collection- Intelligent selection of application-specific garbage collectors (JS, GB, IW, JC), pp. 91–102.
LCTES-2007-ChenLK #multi- Compiler-directed application mapping for NoC based chip multiprocessors (GC, FL, MTK), pp. 155–157.
LCTES-2007-HuangHG #embedded #energy #execution #optimisation #pipes and filters #streaming #throughput- Joint throughput and energy optimization for pipelined execution of embedded streaming applications (PKH, MH, SG), pp. 137–139.
LCTES-2007-WangCZYZ #optimisation #performance- Optimizing software cache performance of packet processing applications (QW, JC, WZ, MY, BZ), pp. 227–236.
PPoPP-2007-LeeBSSSM #learning #modelling #parallel #performance- Methods of inference and learning for performance modeling of parallel applications (BCL, DMB, BRdS, MS, KS, SAM), pp. 249–258.
PPoPP-2007-MuhlenfeldW #c++ #concurrent #detection #fault #multi #thread- Fault detection in multi-threaded c++ server applications (AM, FW), pp. 142–143.
PPoPP-2007-TapusH #fault tolerance #named #parallel #performance- Speculations: providing fault-tolerance and improving performance of parallel applications (CT, JH), pp. 152–153.
PPoPP-2007-UpadhyayaPM #concurrent- Expressing and exploiting concurrency in networked applications with aspen (GU, VSP, SPM), pp. 13–23.
PPoPP-2007-WrzesinskaMB #adaptation #grid #self- Self-adaptive applications on the grid (GW, JM, HEB), pp. 121–129.
PPoPP-2007-ZhuCA #fault tolerance #grid #streaming- Supporting fault-tolerance in streaming grid applications (QZ, LC, GA), pp. 156–157.
SOSP-2007-ChongLMQVZZ #automation #clustering #web- Secure web application via automatic partitioning (SC, JL, ACM, XQ, KV, LZ, XZ), pp. 31–44.
SOSP-2007-KicimanL #behaviour #framework #monitoring #named #web- AjaxScope: a platform for remotely monitoring the client-side behavior of web 2.0 applications (EK, VBL), pp. 17–30.
AMOST-2007-AichernigWPW #generative #industrial- Test purpose generation in an industrial application (BKA, MW, BP, FW), pp. 115–125.
CAV-2007-AlfaroF #algorithm #game studies- An Accelerated Algorithm for 3-Color Parity Games with an Application to Timed Games (LdA, MF), pp. 108–120.
ICLP-2007-BaralDT #information management #natural language #prolog #set #towards- Towards Overcoming the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck in Answer Set Prolog Applications: Embracing Natural Language Inputs (CB, JD, LT), pp. 1–21.
ICLP-2007-GuptaBMSM #induction #logic programming- Coinductive Logic Programming and Its Applications (GG, AB, RM, LS, AM), pp. 27–44.
ICLP-2007-Hunyadi #framework #interface #named #prolog #web- Prosper: A Framework for Extending Prolog Applications with a Web Interface (LH), pp. 432–433.
ISSTA-2007-DufourRS #analysis #comprehension #performance- Blended analysis for performance understanding of framework-based applications (BD, BGR, GS), pp. 118–128.
ISSTA-2007-EmmiMS #database #generative- Dynamic test input generation for database applications (ME, RM, KS), pp. 151–162.
LICS-2007-RabinST #correctness #performance #proving- Highly Efficient Secrecy-Preserving Proofs of Correctness of Computations and Applications (MOR, RAS, CT), pp. 63–76.
RTA-2007-DuvalEP #garbage collection #graph grammar- Adjunction for Garbage Collection with Application to Graph Rewriting (DD, RE, FP), pp. 122–136.
RTA-2007-HillsR #analysis #logic #named #prototype- KOOL: An Application of Rewriting Logic to Language Prototyping and Analysis (MH, GR), pp. 246–256.
TAP-2007-BruckerW #generative #higher-order #testing- Test-Sequence Generation with Hol-TestGen with an Application to Firewall Testing (ADB, BW), pp. 149–168.
CBSE-2006-GrondinBV #automation #component #named- MaDcAr: An Abstract Model for Dynamic and Automatic (Re-)Assembling of Component-Based Applications (GG, NB, LV), pp. 360–367.
CBSE-2006-UfimtsevKM #memory management #performance- Impact of Virtual Memory Managers on Performance of J2EE Applications (AU, AK, LM), pp. 285–293.
CBSE-2006-XieB #component #product line #verification- Verification of Component-Based Software Application Families (FX, JCB), pp. 50–66.
ASE-2006-ArthoG #model checking- Accurate Centralization for Applying Model Checking on Networked Applications (CA, PLG), pp. 177–188.
ASE-2006-BookGM #framework #user interface- An Instant Message-Driven User Interface Framework for Thin Client Applications (MB, VG, GM), pp. 257–260.
ASE-2006-HalfondO #database #testing- Command-Form Coverage for Testing Database Applications (WGJH, AO), pp. 69–80.
CASE-2006-BeghiLPS #black box #modelling #prototype- Black-box modeling of a Two-Stroke Racing Motorcycle Engine for Virtual Prototyping Applications (AB, ML, SP, DS), pp. 280–285.
CASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling- An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
CASE-2006-ChangC #industrial #multi- Manufacturability of Multivariate Applications in the Semiconductor Industry (JYCC, FTC), pp. 230–235.
CASE-2006-LeeLS #clustering #graph- Token delays and generalized workload balancing for timed event graphs with application to cluster tool operation (TEL, HYL, RSS), pp. 93–99.
DAC-2006-BudnikRBR- A high density, carbon nanotube capacitor for decoupling applications (MMB, AR, AB, KR), pp. 935–938.
DAC-2006-ChangSC #design #evaluation #trade-off- Evaluation and design trade-offs between circuit-switched and packet-switched NOCs for application-specific SOCs (KCC, JSS, TFC), pp. 143–148.
DAC-2006-ChoCCV #cost analysis #embedded #energy #power management- High-level power management of embedded systems with application-specific energy cost functions (YC, NC, CC, SBKV), pp. 568–573.
DAC-2006-HanGCJ #memory management #optimisation #video- Buffer memory optimization for video codec application modeled in Simulink (SIH, XG, SIC, AAJ), pp. 689–694.
DAC-2006-HwangSC #array #automation #design- Automated design of pin-constrained digital microfluidic arrays for lab-on-a-chip applications* (WLH, FS, KC), pp. 925–930.
DAC-2006-KanjJN #analysis #design- Mixture importance sampling and its application to the analysis of SRAM designs in the presence of rare failure events (RK, RVJ, SRN), pp. 69–72.
DAC-2006-LeeOMC #design #multi #prototype- Design space exploration and prototyping for on-chip multimedia applications (HGL, ÜYO, RM, NC), pp. 137–142.
DAC-2006-LiuCLLW #design #mobile #video- Design of a 125muW, fully-scalable MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC video decoder for mobile applications (TML, CCC, CYL, TAL, SZW), pp. 288–289.
DAC-2006-MandrekarBSES #analysis- System level signal and power integrity analysis methodology for system-in-package applications (RM, KB, KS, EE, MS), pp. 1009–1012.
DAC-2006-MeiR #robust- A robust envelope following method applicable to both non-autonomous and oscillatory circuits (TM, JSR), pp. 1029–1034.
DAC-2006-MokhoffZ #trade-off- Tradeoffs and choices for emerging SoCs in high-end applications (NM, YZ), p. 273.
DAC-2006-PanCHCLCLLHWLLTYMCCPHCH #ram- A CMOS SoC for 56/18/16 CD/DVD-dual/RAM applications (JSP, HCC, BYH, HCC, RL, CHC, YCL, CL, LH, CLW, MHL, CYL, SNT, JNY, CPM, YC, SHC, HCP, PCH, BC, AH), pp. 290–291.
DAC-2006-ZhouP #agile #embedded #low cost #realtime- Rapid and low-cost context-switch through embedded processor customization for real-time and control applications (XZ, PP), pp. 352–357.
DATE-2006-ArpinenKSHH #configuration management #distributed #execution #framework #multi #uml- Configurable multiprocessor platform with RTOS for distributed execution of UML 2.0 designed applications (TA, PK, ES, MH, TDH), pp. 1324–1329.
DATE-2006-BartzasMPACST #data type #design #energy #network #refinement- Dynamic data type refinement methodology for systematic performance-energy design exploration of network applications (AB, SM, GP, DA, FC, DS, AT), pp. 740–745.
DATE-2006-Benini #design- Application specific NoC design (LB), pp. 491–495.
DATE-2006-BiswasDIP #architecture #automation #functional #identification- Automatic identification of application-specific functional units with architecturally visible storage (PB, NDD, PI, LP), pp. 212–217.
DATE-2006-BoniventoCS #design #industrial #network- Platform-based design of wireless sensor networks for industrial applications (AB, LPC, ALSV), pp. 1103–1107.
DATE-2006-CarbognaniBFKF #power management- Two-phase resonant clocking for ultra-low-power hearing aid applications (FC, FB, NF, HK, WF), pp. 73–78.
DATE-2006-KranitisMLTPGH #embedded #fault #pipes and filters #testing- Optimal periodic testing of intermittent faults in embedded pipelined processor applications (NK, AM, NL, GT, AMP, DG, CH), pp. 65–70.
DATE-2006-LucasHRERWGFHES #configuration management #framework #realtime- A reconfigurable HW/SW platform for computation intensive high-resolution real-time digital film applications (AdCL, SH, PR, RE, HR, GW, KG, RF, WH, SE, GS), pp. 194–199.
DATE-2006-MonchieroPSV #hardware #optimisation #performance- Power/performance hardware optimization for synchronization intensive applications in MPSoCs (MM, GP, CS, OV), pp. 606–611.
DATE-2006-PasrichaD #architecture #communication #memory management #named- COSMECA: application specific co-synthesis of memory and communication architectures for MPSoC (SP, NDD), pp. 700–705.
DATE-2006-PaulinPLBBLLL #distributed #modelling #multi #power management- Distributed object models for multi-processor SoC’s, with application to low-power multimedia wireless systems (PGP, CP, ML, EB, OB, DL, BL, DL), pp. 482–487.
DATE-2006-RadhakrishnanGP #multi- Customization of application specific heterogeneous multi-pipeline processors (SR, HG, SP), pp. 746–751.
DATE-2006-VandierendonckML #configuration management- Application-specific reconfigurable XOR-indexing to eliminate cache conflict misses (HV, PM, JDL), pp. 357–362.
DATE-2006-Vries #challenge #convergence- EDA challenges in the converging application world (RPdV), p. 1.
DATE-2006-WehrmeisterPB #embedded #generative #java #object-oriented #optimisation #realtime #specification- Optimizing the generation of object-oriented real-time embedded applications based on the real-time specification for Java (MAW, CEP, LBB), pp. 806–811.
DATE-2006-X #architecture #design #tool support- 4G applications, architectures, design methodology and tools for MPSoC, pp. 830–831.
DATE-2006-YavariSR06a- Double-sampling single-loop sigma-delta modulator topologies for broadband applications (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 399–404.
DATE-DF-2006-DumitrascuBPBJ #flexibility #framework #performance- Flexible MPSoC platform with fast interconnect exploration for optimal system performance for a specific application (FD, IB, LP, MB, AAJ), pp. 166–171.
DATE-DF-2006-KappenN #implementation- Application specific instruction processor based implementation of a GNSS receiver on an FPGA (GK, TGN), pp. 58–63.
DATE-DF-2006-OetjensGR #design #flexibility #rule-based #specification- Flexible specification and application of rule-based transformations in an automotive design flow (JHO, JG, WR), pp. 82–87.
DATE-DF-2006-SaponaraT #design- Mixed-signal design of a digital input power amplifier for automotive audio applications (SS, PT), pp. 212–216.
DATE-DF-2006-SerafiniCRZ #configuration management #framework #multi- Multi-sensor configurable platform for automotive applications (LS, FC, TR, VZ), pp. 219–220.
DATE-DF-2006-SohnWYY #design #fixpoint #mobile #multi- Design and test of fixed-point multimedia co-processor for mobile applications (JHS, JHW, JY, HJY), pp. 249–253.
DATE-DF-2006-YehWLW #multi #programmable- A 124.8Msps, 15.6mW field-programmable variable-length codec for multimedia applications (CY, CCW, LCL, JSW), pp. 239–243.
DocEng-2006-GodlewskiPS #recognition- Application of syntactic properties to three-level recognition of polish hand-written medical texts (GG, MP, JS), pp. 115–121.
DocEng-2006-KuoTHS #interactive #workflow #xml- An XML interaction service for workflow applications (YSK, LT, HCH, NCS), pp. 53–55.
DocEng-2006-PimentelBM #information management #modelling- Modeling context Information for capture and access applications (MdGCP, LB, EVM), pp. 92–94.
DRR-2006-RahmanKAA #clustering #collaboration #documentation #library- Document clustering: applications in a collaborative digital library (FR, AK, YTA, HA).
HT-2006-Al-KhalifaD #evolution #metadata #semantics #standard- The evolution of metadata from standards to semantics in E-learning applications (HSAK, HCD), pp. 69–72.
SIGMOD-2006-BinnigKL #database #testing- Testing database applications (CB, DK, EL), pp. 739–741.
SIGMOD-2006-DeutschSVZ #data-driven #interactive #specification #verification #web- A system for specification and verification of interactive, data-driven web applications (AD, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 772–774.
SIGMOD-2006-GernerYDGRS #automation #clustering #data-driven #web- Automatic client-server partitioning of data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, MR, JS), pp. 760–762.
SIGMOD-2006-Gutmans #named #paradigm #php #web- PHP: supporting the new paradigm of situational and composite web applications (AG), p. 707.
SIGMOD-2006-ManjhiAMMOT #data-driven #scalability #security #web- Simultaneous scalability and security for data-intensive web applications (AM, AA, BMM, TCM, CO, AT), pp. 241–252.
VLDB-2006-HabichRL #database #named #optimisation- GignoMDA — Exploiting Cross-Layer Optimization for Complex Database Applications (DH, SR, WL), p. 1251–?.
VLDB-2006-ShivamBC #cost analysis #learning #modelling #optimisation- Active and Accelerated Learning of Cost Models for Optimizing Scientific Applications (PS, SB, JSC), pp. 535–546.
VLDB-2006-Sikka #data transformation #enterprise #generative- Next Generation Data Management in Enterprise Application Platforms (VS), p. 5.
ITiCSE-2006-Bozic #algorithm #automaton #finite #modelling- Application of finite state automata to the bakery algorithm in critical section modeling (VB), p. 362.
ITiCSE-2006-Bristow #education #multi #research- Unicast vs. multicast over wireless: a cross-disciplinary mindshare for educational application researchers (PB), pp. 242–244.
ITiCSE-2006-ChenWHL #algorithm #benchmark #design #metric #problem- Design and applications of an algorithm benchmark system in a computational problem solving environment (MYC, JDW, JHH, DTL), pp. 123–127.
ITiCSE-2006-DairaineEJCTL #named #network #protocol- IREEL: remote experimentation with real protocols and applications over emulated network (LD, EE, GJ, PC, FT, EL), p. 314.
ITiCSE-2006-Gomez-MartinG #concept #development #performance- Fast application development to demonstrate computer graphics concepts (PPGM, MAGM), pp. 250–254.
ITiCSE-2006-Robetaling #named #user interface- Translator: a package for internationalization for java-based applications and GUIs (GR), p. 312.
ESOP-2006-LalLPL #debugging #optimisation #source code- Path Optimization in Programs and Its Application to Debugging (AL, JL, MP, BL), pp. 246–263.
FASE-2006-Curbera #programming- A Programming Model for Service Oriented Applications (FC), p. 1.
CSMR-2006-DistanteTC #approach #legacy #towards #web- Towards a Holistic Approach to Redesigning Legacy Applications for the Web with UWAT (DD, SRT, GC), pp. 295–299.
CSMR-2006-DraheimGHLW #testing- Realistic Load Testing ofWeb Applications (DD, JCG, JGH, CL, GW), pp. 57–70.
CSMR-2006-Giesecke #enterprise #integration #middleware- Middleware-induced Styles for Enterprise Application Integration (SG), pp. 334–340.
ICPC-2006-Autor #comprehension #evolution #legacy- Evolving a Legacy Application Portfolio at Sallie Mae: Program Comprehension and Beyond (RSA), p. xiii.
ICPC-2006-LiT #component #framework #java #named- JComp: A Reuse-Driven Componentization Framework for Java Applications (SL, LT), pp. 264–267.
ICPC-2006-Marinescu #assessment #design #enterprise #identification #quality- Identification of Design Roles for the Assessment of Design Quality in Enterprise Applications (CM), pp. 169–180.
ICPC-2006-NgoTT #automation #database #interactive #web- Automated Extraction of Database Interactions in Web Applications (MNN, HBKT, DT), pp. 117–126.
ICPC-2006-ZouH #approach #e-commerce #workflow- An Approach for Extracting Workflows from E-Commerce Applications (YZ, MH), pp. 127–136.
ICSM-2006-BriandLS #design pattern #modelling #uml- Guiding the Application of Design Patterns Based on UML Models (LCB, YL, AS), pp. 234–243.
ICSM-2006-KontogiannisLW #comprehension #maintenance #multi #scalability- Comprehension and Maintenance of Large-Scale Multi-Language Software Applications (KK, PKL, KW), pp. 497–500.
ICSM-2006-XieM #modelling #open source #testing #user interface- Model-Based Testing of Community-Driven Open-Source GUI Applications (QX, AMM), pp. 145–154.
ICSM-2006-ZhangCZ #e-commerce #process #re-engineering #user interface #using- Reengineering User Interfaces of E-Commerce Applications Using Business Processes (QZ, RC, YZ), pp. 428–437.
MSR-2006-SigonneauR #automation #component #file system #logic #multi #re-engineering- Software engineering applications of logic file system: application to automated multi-criteria indexation of software components (BS, OR), pp. 87–93.
SCAM-2006-ZhangR #graph #java #library- Constructing Accurate Application Call Graphs For Java To Model Library Callbacks (WZ, BGR), pp. 63–74.
WCRE-2006-Bodhuin #java #named- PODoJA: Packaging Optimizer for Downloadable Java Applications (TB), pp. 295–296.
WCRE-2006-LaitkorpiKS #approach #interface #uml- A UML-based Approach for Abstracting Application Interfaces to REST-like Services (ML, JK, TS), pp. 134–146.
PEPM-2006-CooperMG #on the #optimisation #partial evaluation #simulation- On the application of partial evaluation to the optimisation of cardiac electrophysiological simulations (JC, SM, AG), pp. 12–20.
PLDI-2006-FeiM #execution #monitoring #named #runtime- Artemis: practical runtime monitoring of applications for execution anomalies (LF, SPM), pp. 84–95.
PLDI-2006-SpoonhowerABCG #named #programming #realtime- Eventrons: a safe programming construct for high-frequency hard real-time applications (DS, JSA, DFB, PC, DG), pp. 283–294.
STOC-2006-AmbainisSW #bound #quantum #theorem #trade-off- A new quantum lower bound method, : with applications to direct product theorems and time-space tradeoffs (AA, RS, RdW), pp. 618–633.
STOC-2006-Gurvits #algorithm #approach #bound #proving- Hyperbolic polynomials approach to Van der Waerden/Schrijver-Valiant like conjectures: sharper bounds, simpler proofs and algorithmic applications (LG), pp. 417–426.
STOC-2006-Klein #graph #set- A subset spanner for Planar graphs, : with application to subset TSP (PNK), pp. 749–756.
STOC-2006-VassilevskaW #3d- Finding a maximum weight triangle in n3-Delta time, with applications (VV, RW), pp. 225–231.
CIAA-2006-Li #distance- Information Distance and Its Applications (ML0), pp. 1–9.
ICALP-v1-2006-FortnowHPVW #complexity- Extracting Kolmogorov Complexity with Applications to Dimension Zero-One Laws (LF, JMH, AP, NVV, FW), pp. 335–345.
SFM-2006-GuptaGW #hardware #satisfiability #verification- SAT-Based Verification Methods and Applications in Hardware Verification (AG, MKG, CW), pp. 108–143.
ICGT-2006-EngelsLSH #contract #design #graph transformation #modelling #monitoring- Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract (GE, ML, SS, RH), pp. 336–350.
ICGT-2006-Heckel #graph transformation #tutorial- Introductory Tutorial on Foundations and Applications of Graph Transformation (RH), pp. 461–462.
ICGT-2006-LambersEO #detection #graph transformation- Conflict Detection for Graph Transformation with Negative Application Conditions (LL, HE, FO), pp. 61–76.
ICGT-2006-Lins #algorithm- New Algorithms and Applications of Cyclic Reference Counting (RDL), pp. 15–29.
CHI-2006-FroehlichHSH- The GlobeFish and the GlobeMouse: two new six degree of freedom input devices for graphics applications (BF, JH, VS, AH), pp. 191–199.
CHI-2006-LudfordFRWT #functional- Because I carry my cell phone anyway: functional location-based reminder applications (PJL, DF, KR, KW, LGT), pp. 889–898.
CHI-2006-TangKFH #approach #people #privacy- Putting people in their place: an anonymous and privacy-sensitive approach to collecting sensed data in location-based applications (KPT, PK, JF, JIH), pp. 93–102.
AdaEurope-2006-BrosgolW #ada #comparison #java #realtime #safety- A Comparison of Ada and Real-Time JavaTM for Safety-Critical Applications (BMB, AJW), pp. 13–26.
SIGAda-2006-Mosley #embedded #legacy- When to migrate legacy embedded applications (DM), pp. 77–80.
SIGAda-2006-ZalilaHP #compilation #corba #optimisation- An improved IDL compiler for optimizing CORBA applications (BZ, JH, LP), pp. 21–28.
CAiSE-2006-PetrovicGN #database #interactive #modelling- Role-Based Modelling of Interactions in Database Applications (MP, MG, MCN), pp. 63–77.
CAiSE-2006-VilzBREH #concept #design- Data Conceptualisation for Web-Based Data-Centred Application Design (JV, AFB, RR, VE, JLH), pp. 205–219.
EDOC-2006-BookG #enterprise #interface #multi #specification #web- Specifying and Controlling Multi-Channel Web Interfaces for Enterprise Applications (MB, VG), pp. 274–283.
EDOC-2006-KuropkaBW #enterprise #framework #motivation #semantics- Semantic Enterprise Services Platform: Motivation, Potential, Functionality and Application Scenarios (DK, AB, MW), pp. 253–264.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-Grzeszczyk #evaluation #set- Application of the Rough Set Method for Evaluation of Structural Funds Projects (TAG), pp. 202–207.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-CoelhoN #network- Neural Networks and Business Applications: Business Intelligence (PHGC, LBN), pp. 39–40.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-ModrakM #dependence- Elimination of Time Dependence of Information Validity by Application of RFID Technology (VM, VM), pp. 130–135.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-MansetVMO #approach #architecture #automation #generative #grid #modelling- A Formal Architecture-Centric Model-Driven Approach for the Automatic Generation of Grid Applications (DM, HV, RM, FO), pp. 322–330.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-Weghorn #internet #network- Technology for Least-Cost Network Routing via Bluetooth and its Practical Application — Replacing Internet Access through Wireless Phone Networks by BT Data Links (HW), pp. 394–402.
ECIR-2006-MooneySJS #information retrieval- Investigating Biometric Response for Information Retrieval Applications (CM, MS, GJFJ, AFS), pp. 570–574.
ICML-2006-HoiJZL #classification #image #learning- Batch mode active learning and its application to medical image classification (SCHH, RJ, JZ, MRL), pp. 417–424.
ICML-2006-LuV #clustering- Combined central and subspace clustering for computer vision applications (LL, RV), pp. 593–600.
ICPR-v1-2006-ArzhaevaGT #classification #detection #distance #image- Image Classification from Generalized Image Distance Features: Application to Detection of Interstitial Disease in Chest Radiographs (YA, BvG, DMJT), pp. 367–370.
ICPR-v1-2006-BouterucheA #fuzzy #gesture #online #recognition- Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition (FB, ÉA), pp. 1088–1091.
ICPR-v1-2006-BrdiczkaYZRC #automation #modelling #video- Automatic Acquisition of Context Models and its Application to Video Surveillance (OB, PCY, SZ, PR, JLC), pp. 1175–1178.
ICPR-v1-2006-Katayama #using- Camera Calibration with a Transparent Calibration Tool Using Color Filters: Application to Stereo Camera Calibration for a Distant Object (YK), pp. 607–612.
ICPR-v1-2006-LuM #constraints- A New Structural Constraint and its Application in Wide Baseline Matching (XL, RM), pp. 84–89.
ICPR-v1-2006-SmithL #design #metric #visual notation- Measurement Function Design for Visual Tracking Applications (AWBS, BCL), pp. 789–792.
ICPR-v1-2006-WangL #matrix- Characteristic Line of Planar Homography Matrix and Its Applications in Camera Calibration (JW, YL), pp. 147–150.
ICPR-v1-2006-YousfiACC #database #image #learning- Supervised Learning for Guiding Hierarchy Construction: Application to Osteo-Articular Medical Images Database (KY, CA, JPC, JC), pp. 484–487.
ICPR-v2-2006-AnR #linear #novel #recognition- Novel Mathematical Model for Enhanced Fisher’s Linear Discriminant and Its Application to Face Recognition (GA, QR), pp. 524–527.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenH #bound #composition #image #segmentation- Boundary correction for total variation regularized L^1 function with applications to image decomposition and segmentation (TC, TSH), pp. 316–319.
ICPR-v2-2006-Huang #kernel #predict- A New Kernel Based on Weighted Cross-Correlation Coefficient for SVMs and Its Application on Prediction of T-cell Epitopes (JH), pp. 691–694.
ICPR-v2-2006-JiangDR #recognition #string- Substring Alignment Method for Lexicon Based Handwritten Chinese String Recognition and Its Application to Address Line Recognition (YJ, XD, ZR), pp. 683–686.
ICPR-v2-2006-JinM #learning #parametricity #recognition- A Non-Parametric HMM Learning Method for Shape Dynamics with Application to Human Motion Recognition (NJ, FM), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-v2-2006-junling #distance #metric #multi #recognition #standard- Multi-order Standard Deviation Based Distance Metrics and its Application in Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (Rj), pp. 1114–1117.
ICPR-v2-2006-KoideY #kernel #symmetry- Asymmetric kernel method and its application to Fisher’s discriminant (NK, YY), pp. 820–824.
ICPR-v2-2006-Liang #analysis #image- High-dimensional discriminant analysis and its application to color face images (ZL), pp. 917–920.
ICPR-v2-2006-MitaKH #approach #categorisation #performance #probability #robust- A Probabilistic Approach to Fast and Robust Template Matching and its Application to Object Categorization (TM, TK, OH), pp. 597–601.
ICPR-v2-2006-QiaoY #invariant #online #recognition- Affine Invariant Dynamic Time Warping and its Application to Online Rotated Handwriting Recognition (YQ, MY), pp. 905–908.
ICPR-v2-2006-TongDXTL #analysis #recognition #video- Local Motion Analysis and Its Application in Video based Swimming Style Recognition (XT, LYD, CX, QT, HL), pp. 1258–1261.
ICPR-v3-2006-BarbuRLAHT #algorithm #classification #graph #recognition #search-based #using- Graph Classification Using Genetic Algorithm and Graph Probing Application to Symbol Recognition (EB, RR, HL, SA, PH, ÉT), pp. 296–299.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChenHWJF #detection #network- The Application of a Convolution Neural Network on Face and License Plate Detection (YNC, CCH, CTW, BSJ, KCF), pp. 552–555.
ICPR-v3-2006-HenriquesBGCA- Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression (JH, MB, PG, PC, MA), pp. 942–945.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuS #complexity- Regularity and Complexity of Human Electroencephalogram Dynamics: Applications to Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease (ZH, PS), pp. 245–248.
ICPR-v3-2006-KitasakaNMSMTN #analysis #recognition- Recognition of lung lobes and its application to the bronchial structure analysis (TK, YN, KM, YS, MM, HT, HN), pp. 288–291.
ICPR-v3-2006-YuOWC #3d- Accurate 3-D Motion Tracking with an Application to Super-Resolution (YKY, SHO, KhW, MMYC), pp. 730–733.
ICPR-v4-2006-ArifBV- A fusion methodology based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory for two biometric applications (MA, TB, NV), pp. 590–593.
ICPR-v4-2006-AuSC #detection #video- Anomaly Detection for Video Surveillance Applications (CEA, SS, JJC), pp. 888–891.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChaoTWC #framework #kernel #problem #testing #verification- A Kernel-based Discrimination Framework for Solving Hypothesis Testing Problems with Application to Speaker Verification (YHC, WHT, HMW, RCC), pp. 229–232.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuanYT #invariant #symmetry- Perspective Symmetry Invariant and Its Applications (TY, SY, XT), pp. 65–68.
KDD-2006-Jaroszewicz #polynomial- Polynomial association rules with applications to logistic regression (SJ), pp. 586–591.
KDD-2006-LingSBM #development #mining- Maximum profit mining and its application in software development (CXL, VSS, TFWB, NHM), pp. 929–934.
KDD-2006-MeruguRP #approach #estimation #multi- A new multi-view regression approach with an application to customer wallet estimation (SM, SR, CP), pp. 656–661.
KR-2006-Saint-CyrP #fuzzy #modelling #nondeterminism #persistent #reasoning- Possibilistic Handling of Uncertain Default Rules with Applications to Persistence Modeling and Fuzzy Default Reasoning (FDdSC, HP), pp. 440–451.
SEKE-2006-BuchwalderP #implementation #modelling #named #web- WebLang: A Language for Modeling and Implementing Web Applications (OB, CP), pp. 584–590.
SEKE-2006-HofmeisterW #integration #process #taxonomy- A Pattern Taxonomy for Business Process Integration Oriented Application Integration (HH, GW), pp. 114–119.
SEKE-2006-HoipkemierKM #3d #diagrams #open source #visualisation- 3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications (BNH, NAK, BAM), pp. 232–235.
SEKE-2006-JiangAYCA #automation #implementation #mobile- Automating the Implementation of Mobile Applications and Services (MJ, AA, ZY, RC, JA), pp. 526–531.
SEKE-2006-Sarna-StarostaSD #approach #concurrent #modelling #multi #thread- A Model-based Design-for-Verification Approach to Checking for Deadlock in Multi-threaded Applications (BSS, REKS, LKD), pp. 120–125.
SEKE-2006-SartipiS #analysis #concept #evaluation #execution #mining- Application of Execution Pattern Mining and Concept Lattice Analysis on Software Structure Evaluation (KS, HS), pp. 302–308.
SEKE-2006-ZhangKY #concept analysis #modelling #uml #web- UML Modelling Web Applications via Formal Concept Analysis (ZZ, JK, HY), pp. 532–535.
SEKE-2006-ZiemerSS #approach #development #modelling #requirements #trade-off #web- A Decision Modelling Approach for Analysing Requirements Configuration Trade-offs in Timeconstrained Web Application Development (SZ, PRFS, TS), pp. 144–149.
SIGIR-2006-WuJ #framework #graph #learning #multi- A graph-based framework for relation propagation and its application to multi-label learning (MW, RJ), pp. 717–718.
ECMDA-FA-2006-KerenKRT #approach #maintenance- MDA Approach for Maintenance of Business Applications (MK, AK, JR, AT), pp. 40–51.
ECMDA-FA-2006-KulkarniR #architecture #enterprise #framework #modelling #product line- A Model-Driven Architectural Framework for Integration-Capable Enterprise Application Product Lines (VK, SR), pp. 1–12.
ECMDA-FA-2006-OuGAYS #architecture #development #integration #modelling #ontology- A Model Driven Integration Architecture for Ontology-Based Context Modelling and Context-Aware Application Development (SO, NG, MA, KY, XS), pp. 188–197.
MoDELS-2006-BerghC #interactive #modelling- CUP 2.0: High-Level Modeling of Context-Sensitive Interactive Applications (JVdB, KC), pp. 140–154.
MoDELS-2006-BertolinoBAS #estimation #modelling #network #performance- Modeling and Early Performance Estimation for Network Processor Applications (AB, AB, GDA, ALSV), pp. 753–767.
MoDELS-2006-BerghC #interactive #modelling- CUP 2.0: High-Level Modeling of Context-Sensitive Interactive Applications (JVdB, KC), pp. 140–154.
MoDELS-2006-BertolinoBAS #estimation #modelling #network #performance- Modeling and Early Performance Estimation for Network Processor Applications (AB, AB, GDA, ALSV), pp. 753–767.
ECOOP-2006-ChinM #interactive #named- Responders: Language Support for Interactive Applications (BC, TDM), pp. 255–278.
ECOOP-2006-MitchellSS #behaviour #modelling #runtime- Modeling Runtime Behavior in Framework-Based Applications (NM, GS, HS), pp. 429–451.
QAPL-2005-HirschLT06 #logic- A Logic for Application Level QoS (DH, ALL, ET), pp. 135–159.
GPCE-2006-ReppyS #generative #interface- Application-specific foreign-interface generation (JHR, CS), pp. 49–58.
POPL-2006-SuW #injection #web- The essence of command injection attacks in web applications (ZS, GW), pp. 372–382.
RE-2006-Cleland-HuangSZS #aspect-oriented #classification #detection #non-functional #requirements- The Detection and Classification of Non-Functional Requirements with Application to Early Aspects (JCH, RS, XZ, PS), pp. 36–45.
SAC-2006-AhnOS #framework #reliability #towards- Towards reliable OSGi framework and applications (HA, HO, COS), pp. 1456–1461.
SAC-2006-BellurB #distributed #named #tuple #web #web service #xml- xSpace: a tuple space for XML & its application in orchestration of web services (UB, SB), pp. 766–772.
SAC-2006-CasallasVAL #enterprise #execution #modelling #named #simulation- xEAI-rules: executable models to simulate enterprise application cooperation (RC, MV, CA, NL), pp. 1308–1309.
SAC-2006-CicchettiRP #data-driven #development #modelling #weaving #web- Weaving concerns in model based development of data-intensive web applications (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 1256–1261.
SAC-2006-GaberY #approach #clustering #data type #framework #information management #resource management- A framework for resource-aware knowledge discovery in data streams: a holistic approach with its application to clustering (MMG, PSY), pp. 649–656.
SAC-2006-GamaP #data mining #data type #mining- Discretization from data streams: applications to histograms and data mining (JG, CP), pp. 662–667.
SAC-2006-GeihsKRSHM #adaptation #component #distributed #modelling- Modeling of component-based adaptive distributed applications (KG, MUK, RR, AS, SOH, SM), pp. 718–722.
SAC-2006-KatsimpaPSTT #modelling #reverse engineering #using- Application modeling using reverse engineering techniques (TK, YP, ES, GT, AKT), pp. 1250–1255.
SAC-2006-Kosmatov #constraints #sequence #theorem proving- A constraint solver for sequences and its applications (NK), pp. 404–408.
SAC-2006-KwonCC #grid #tool support- Light-weight service-oriented grid application toolkit (SK, JC, KC), pp. 1482–1486.
SAC-2006-LallouetL #consistency #constraints #satisfiability- From satisfiability to consistency through certificates: application to partially defined constraints (AL, AL), pp. 415–416.
SAC-2006-MatsumotoYN- Cooperative active contour model and its application to remote sensing (NM, NY, SN), pp. 44–45.
SAC-2006-MitrpanontF #design #development #multi- Design and development of a multiversion OLAP application (JLM, SF), pp. 493–497.
SAC-2006-Nakajima #how #interactive #question #reuse #ubiquitous- How to reuse exisiting interactive applications in ubiquitous computing environments? (TN), pp. 1127–1133.
SAC-2006-NooriM #adaptation #embedded #evaluation #performance- Preliminary performance evaluation of an adaptive dynamic extensible processor for embedded applications (HN, KM), pp. 937–938.
SAC-2006-OrshanskyWCX #analysis #robust #statistics- Interval-based robust statistical techniques for non-negative convex functions, with application to timing analysis of computer chips (MO, WSW, MC, GX), pp. 1645–1649.
SAC-2006-PappalardoT #automation #design pattern- Automatically discovering design patterns and assessing concern separations for applications (GP, ET), pp. 1591–1596.
SAC-2006-PhanTB #benchmark #metric #mobile #performance #protocol- A benchmark on soap’s transport protocols performance for mobile applications (TKAP, ZT, PB), pp. 1139–1144.
SAC-2006-PhilippePBBH #approach #black box #web- A black-box approach for web application SLA (JP, NDP, SB, FB, DH), pp. 807–808.
SAC-2006-SchmidtT #design #development #guidelines #ubiquitous- Methods and guidelines for the design and development of domestic ubiquitous computing applications (AS, LT), pp. 1928–1929.
SAC-2006-ValeurVKK #web- An anomaly-driven reverse proxy for web applications (FV, GV, CK, EK), pp. 361–368.
SAC-2006-Wang #case study #domain-specific language #modelling- Modeling and analyzing applications with domain-specific languages by reflective rewriting: a case study (BYW), pp. 1773–1778.
SAC-2006-XingMXV #classification #documentation #edit distance #xml- Computing edit distances between an XML document and a schema and its application in document classification (GX, CRM, ZX, SDV), pp. 831–835.
ICSE-2006-CanforaSZ #java- Developing and executing java AWT applications on limited devices with TCPTE (GC, GDS, EZ), pp. 787–790.
ICSE-2006-DistanteCTH #case study #legacy #web- Redesigning legacy applications for the web with UWAT+: a case study (DD, GC, SRT, SH), pp. 482–491.
ICSE-2006-Dolins #process #using- Using the balanced scorecard process to compute the value of software applications (SBD), pp. 881–884.
ICSE-2006-Gomaa #concurrent #design #distributed #realtime #uml- Designing concurrent, distributed, and real-time applications with UML (HG), pp. 1059–1060.
ICSE-2006-JarzabekP #industrial #research #reuse #towards- Research journey towards industrial application of reuse technique (SJ, UP), pp. 608–611.
ICSE-2006-JarzabekP06a #effectiveness #product line #reuse #web- Cost-effective engineering of web applications pragmatic reuse: building web application product lines (SJ, UP), pp. 1053–1054.
ICSE-2006-LiuBL #legacy #refactoring- Feature oriented refactoring of legacy applications (JL, DSB, CL), pp. 112–121.
ICSE-2006-MandelinKY #approach #architecture #diagrams #modelling- A Bayesian approach to diagram matching with application to architectural models (DM, DK, DMY), pp. 222–231.
ICSE-2006-MartinX #analysis #comprehension #interface #string- Understanding software application interfaces via string analysis (EM, TX), pp. 901–904.
ICSE-2006-MattmannCMH #architecture #data-driven #distributed #framework- A software architecture-based framework for highly distributed and data intensive scientific applications (CM, DJC, NM, SH), pp. 721–730.
ICSE-2006-SuryanarayanaDET #architecture #distributed #modelling #trust- Architectural support for trust models in decentralized applications (GS, MHD, JRE, RNT), pp. 52–61.
ICSE-2006-WillmorE #approach #database #specification #testing- An intensional approach to the specification of test cases for database applications (DW, SME), pp. 102–111.
ICSE-2006-ZhengRWS #testing- Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications (JZ, BR, LW, KS), pp. 512–522.
SPL-BOOK-2006-BuhneHLP #requirements- Scenario-Based Application Requirements Engineering (SB, GH, KL, KP), pp. 161–194.
SPLC-2006-TraskRPB #component #modelling #product line #using- Using Model-Driven Engineering to Complement Software Product Line Engineering in Developing Software Defined Radio Components and Applications (BT, AR, DP, VB), pp. 192–202.
CGO-2006-LiaoDWL #multi #streaming- Data and Computation Transformations for Brook Streaming Applications on Multiprocessors (SWL, ZD, GW, GYL), pp. 196–207.
HPDC-2006-GlatardMP #composition #data-driven #performance- Efficient services composition for grid-enabled data-intensive applications (TG, JM, XP), pp. 333–334.
HPDC-2006-LebreDHS #adaptation #distributed #multi #scheduling- Adaptive I/O Scheduling for Distributed Multi-applications Environments (AL, YD, GH, PS), pp. 343–344.
HPDC-2006-LegrandQCF #deployment #distributed #simulation- The SIMGRID Project Simulation and Deployment of Distributed Applications (AL, MQ, HC, KF), pp. 385–386.
HPDC-2006-NewhouseP #named- ALPS: An Application-Level Proportional-Share Scheduler (TN, JP), pp. 279–290.
HPDC-2006-SandholmLOO #grid #performance #predict #resource management #using- Market-Based Resource Allocation using Price Prediction in a High Performance Computing Grid for Scientific Applications (TS, KL, JAO, JO), pp. 132–143.
HPDC-2006-YueMSN #adaptation #memory management #runtime- Runtime Support for Memory Adaptation in Scientific Applications via Local Disk and Remote Memory (CY, RTM, AS, DSN), pp. 183–194.
HPDC-2006-ZhangHXY #named #physics #runtime #scalability- PARM: Physics Aware Runtime Manager for Large-scale Scientific and Engineering Applications (YZ, SH, JX, JY), pp. 363–364.
LCTES-2006-ZhangP #mobile- Minimizing downtime in seamless migrations of mobile applications (KZ, SP), pp. 12–21.
OSDI-2006-Ta-MinLL #configuration management #interface #operating system #trust- Splitting Interfaces: Making Trust Between Applications and Operating Systems Configurable (RTM, LL, DL), pp. 279–292.
OSDI-2006-YangBKM #garbage collection #memory management #named- CRAMM: Virtual Memory Support for Garbage-Collected Applications (TY, EDB, SFK, JEBM), pp. 103–116.
PPoPP-2006-BasumallikE #optimisation- Optimizing irregular shared-memory applications for distributed-memory systems (AB, RE), pp. 119–128.
PPoPP-2006-SharapovKDCR #case study #estimation #parallel #performance #scalability #top-down- A case study in top-down performance estimation for a large-scale parallel application (IS, RK, GD, RC, MR), pp. 81–89.
CAV-2006-EisingerK #approach #word- Don’t Care Words with an Application to the Automata-Based Approach for Real Addition (JE, FK), pp. 67–80.
CAV-2006-GriesmayerBC #c #source code- Repair of Boolean Programs with an Application to C (AG, RB, BC), pp. 358–371.
FATES-RV-2006-KoopmanPA #modelling #testing #web- Model-Based Testing of Thin-Client Web Applications (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 115–132.
ICLP-2006-Soares #database #deduction #implementation #parallel- Deductive Databases: Implementation, Parallelism and Applications (TS), pp. 467–468.
ICLP-2006-Tu #performance #reasoning- Efficient Reasoning About Action and Change in the Presence of Incomplete Information and Its Application in Planning (PHT), pp. 469–470.
IJCAR-2006-GregoireT #composition #functional #library #scalability- A Purely Functional Library for Modular Arithmetic and Its Application to Certifying Large Prime Numbers (BG, LT), pp. 423–437.
ISSTA-2006-TkachukR #automation #generative- Application of automated environment generation to commercial software (OT, SPR), pp. 203–214.
LICS-2006-KuskeL #automaton #logic #monad- Monadic Chain Logic Over Iterations and Applications to Pushdown Systems (DK, ML), pp. 91–100.
SAT-2006-MironovZ #satisfiability- Applications of SAT Solvers to Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions (IM, LZ), pp. 102–115.
TestCom-2006-CavalliMMMQ #case study #generative #industrial #testing #tool support- Application of Two Test Generation Tools to an Industrial Case Study (ARC, SM, WM, MM, YMQ), pp. 134–148.
VMCAI-2006-ChangCN #framework #program analysis #safety- A Framework for Certified Program Analysis and Its Applications to Mobile-Code Safety (BYEC, AC, GCN), pp. 174–189.
CBSE-2005-AkolkarFHKRRUV #agile #component #development #framework #reuse- Reusable Dialog Component Framework for Rapid Voice Application Development (RPA, TAF, JMH, PK, NR, TVR, RU, AV), pp. 306–321.
CBSE-2005-BehrendsSD #component #concurrent #design #multi #thread- A Component-Oriented Model for the Design of Safe Multi-threaded Applications (RB, REKS, LKD), pp. 251–266.
CBSE-2005-LiuG #performance #predict #protocol #using- Performance Prediction of J2EE Applications Using Messaging Protocols (YL, IG), pp. 1–16.
WICSA-2005-Abi-AntounC #architecture #case study #incremental #legacy #re-engineering- A Case Study in Incremental Architecture-Based Re-engineering of a Legacy Application (MAA, WC), pp. 159–168.
WICSA-2005-JamwalI #architecture #flexibility- Breakable Objects: Building Blocks for Flexible Application Architectures (VJ, SI), pp. 217–218.
WICSA-2005-JiangW #architecture #enterprise- Service-Oriented Architecture for Deploying and Integrating Enterprise Applications (MJ, AW), pp. 272–273.
WICSA-2005-VasconcelosW #approach #architecture #clustering #independence #set #towards- Towards a Set of Application Independent Clustering Criteria within an Architecture Recovery Approach (APVdV, CW), pp. 235–236.
ASE-2005-Betin-CanBLLT #concurrent #design #verification- Application of design for verification with concurrency controllers to air traffic control software (ABC, TB, ML, BL, ST), pp. 14–23.
ASE-2005-EngelsE #automation #generative #named #object-oriented #specification #spreadsheet- ClassSheets: automatic generation of spreadsheet applications from object-oriented specifications (GE, ME), pp. 124–133.
ASE-2005-Reiss #component- A component model for internet-scale applications (SPR), pp. 34–43.
ASE-2005-SprenkleGSP #automation #detection #web- Automated replay and failure detection for web applications (SS, EG, SS, LLP), pp. 253–262.
ASE-2005-XiaVM #automation #generative #testing- Automated test generation for engineering applications (SX, BDV, CAM), pp. 283–286.
DAC-2005-DongR #automation #megamodelling #performance- Automated nonlinear Macromodelling of output buffers for high-speed digital applications (ND, JSR), pp. 51–56.
DAC-2005-KaruriFKLAM #design #fine-grained #profiling #source code- Fine-grained application source code profiling for ASIP design (KK, MAAF, SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 329–334.
DAC-2005-LiC #architecture #embedded- Application/architecture power co-optimization for embedded systems powered by renewable sources (DL, PHC), pp. 618–623.
DAC-2005-ManolacheEP #communication #energy #fault #latency- Fault and energy-aware communication mapping with guaranteed latency for applications implemented on NoC (SM, PE, ZP), pp. 266–269.
DAC-2005-MengBISLK #algorithm #design #estimation #performance- MP core: algorithm and design techniques for efficient channel estimation in wireless applications (YM, APB, RAI, TS, HL, RK), pp. 297–302.
DAC-2005-SaneeiAN #encoding #power management #reduction- Sign bit reduction encoding for low power applications (MS, AAK, ZN), pp. 214–217.
DAC-2005-SasaoM #composition #functional #logic #multi #representation- BDD representation for incompletely specifiedvmultiple-output logic functions and its applications to functional decomposition (TS, MM), pp. 373–378.
DAC-2005-YanZJ #interactive #latency #scalability- User-perceived latency driven voltage scaling for interactive applications (LY, LZ, NKJ), pp. 624–627.
DATE-2005-BarrettaFSB #clustering #embedded #parallel #thread- Multithreaded Extension to Multicluster VLIW Processors for Embedded Applications (DB, WF, MS, DB), pp. 748–749.
DATE-2005-BhuniaMRR #novel #testing- A Novel Low-overhead Delay Testing Technique for Arbitrary Two-Pattern Test Application (SB, HMM, AR, KR), pp. 1136–1141.
DATE-2005-ChakrabortyT #analysis #scheduling #streaming- A New Task Model for Streaming Applications and Its Schedulability Analysis (SC, LT), pp. 486–491.
DATE-2005-ChureauSA #functional #prototype #uml- The Role of Model-Level Transactors and UML in Functional Prototyping of Systems-on-Chip: A Software-Radio Application (AC, YS, EMA), pp. 698–703.
DATE-2005-CombazFLS #multi- Fine Grain QoS Control for Multimedia Application Software (JC, JCF, TL, JS), pp. 1038–1043.
DATE-2005-Dean #concurrent #integration #realtime #synthesis #thread- Software Thread Integration and Synthesis for Real-Time Applications (AGD), pp. 68–69.
DATE-2005-GoossensDGPRR #design #network #performance #verification- A Design Flow for Application-Specific Networks on Chip with Guaranteed Performance to Accelerate SOC Design and Verification (KG, JD, OPG, SGP, AR, ER), pp. 1182–1187.
DATE-2005-Horsky #safety- LC Oscillator Driver for Safety Critical Applications (PH), pp. 159–164.
DATE-2005-IshiharaF #power management- A Way Memoization Technique for Reducing Power Consumption of Caches in Application Specific Integrated Processors (TI, FF), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2005-KaoM #energy- Energy-Aware Routing for E-Textile Applications (JCK, RM), pp. 184–189.
DATE-2005-KavvadiasN #embedded #hardware- Hardware Support for Arbitrarily Complex Loop Structures in Embedded Applications (NK, SN), pp. 1060–1061.
DATE-2005-Lyons #design #embedded- Meeting the Embedded Design Needs of Automotive Applications (WL), pp. 142–147.
DATE-2005-MuraliM #design #generative- An Application-Specific Design Methodology for STbus Crossbar Generation (SM, GDM), pp. 1176–1181.
DATE-2005-StaschulatESW #analysis #performance- Context Sensitive Performance Analysis of Automotive Applications (JS, RE, AS, FW), pp. 165–170.
DATE-2005-TakachBB #c #design #hardware- C Based Hardware Design for Wireless Applications (AT, BB, TB), pp. 124–129.
DATE-2005-Wolf #multi- Multimedia Applications of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips (WW), pp. 86–89.
DATE-2005-WongLLHP #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling of Soft Real-Time Systems for Context-Aware Applications (JLW, WL, FL, LH, MP), pp. 318–323.
DocEng-2005-SaxenaY #tool support- GroundTruth tools & technology: applications in real world (VS, SMY), pp. 223–224.
DRR-2005-ChenD #feature model #verification- Sequence-matching-based feature extraction with applications to signature verification (YC, XD), pp. 76–83.
DRR-2005-RusuG #challenge #image #on the- On the challenges that handwritten text images pose to computers and new practical applications (AIR, VG), pp. 84–91.
HT-2005-BochicchioF #re-engineering #web- WARP for re-engineering of web applications (MAB, NF), pp. 295–297.
HT-2005-RampBB #adaptation #hypermedia- High-level translation of adaptive hypermedia applications (ER, PDB, PB), pp. 126–128.
ICDAR-2005-DuongE #classification #design #recognition- Cascade Classifier : Design and Application to Digit Recognition (JD, HE), pp. 1065–1069.
ICDAR-2005-KumarJ #architecture #configuration management #hybrid #recognition- Configurable Hybrid Architectures for Character Recognition Applications (MNSSKPK, CVJ), pp. 1199–1205.
ICDAR-2005-LiuLCL #performance #recognition- Fast Vector Matching Methods and Their Applications to Handwriting Recognition (YHL, WHL, FC, CCL), pp. 871–877.
ICDAR-2005-YosefBKD #image #using- Extraction of Specified Objects from Binary Images Using Object Based Erosion Transform: Application to Hebrew Calligraphic Manuscripts (IBY, IB, KK, ID), pp. 878–882.
ICDAR-2005-YuanT05a #algorithm #component #multi- Multi-Level Component Grouping Algorithm and Its Applications (BY, CLT), pp. 1178–1181.
ICDAR-2005-ZhangT #image #library- Warped Image restoration with Applications to Digital Libraries (LZ, CLT), pp. 192–196.
ICDAR-2005-ZhengD #synthesis- Handwriting Matching and Its Application to Handwriting Synthesis (YZ, DSD), pp. 861–865.
SIGMOD-2005-BrambillaCFAB #design #modelling #web- Model-driven design of service-enabled web applications (MB, SC, PF, RA, AB), pp. 851–856.
SIGMOD-2005-DeutschMSVZ #data-driven #interactive #verification #web- A Verifier for Interactive, Data-Driven Web Applications (AD, MM, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 539–550.
SIGMOD-2005-GallagherJL #transaction- A high-performance, transactional filestore for application servers (BG, DJ, AL), pp. 868–872.
SIGMOD-2005-WangWZSPYH #database #graph #named #scalability- GraphMiner: a structural pattern-mining system for large disk-based graph databases and its applications (WW, CW, YZ, BS, JP, XY, JH), pp. 879–881.
VLDB-2005-ArionBMV #named #xml- ULoad: Choosing the Right Storage for Your XML Application (AA, VB, IM, RV), pp. 1330–1333.
VLDB-2005-GreenfieldKNF #consistency #web #web service- Consistency for Web Services Applications (PG, DK, SN, AF), pp. 1199–1203.
VLDB-2005-HaftmannKL #database #execution #parallel- Parallel Execution of Test Runs for Database Application Systems (FH, DK, EL), pp. 589–600.
VLDB-2005-HuSCS #data type #using- Supporting RFID-based Item Tracking Applications in Oracle DBMS Using a Bitmap Datatype (YH, SS, TC, JS), pp. 1140–1151.
VLDB-2005-JohnsonMSS- A Heartbeat Mechanism and Its Application in Gigascope (TJ, SM, VS, OS), pp. 1079–1088.
VLDB-2005-Ohrn- Contextual Insight in Search: Enabling Technologies and Applications (AØ), p. 1366.
ITiCSE-2005-Guimaraes #database #dot-net #framework #using- Constructing database applications for PDA using the .NET framework (MG), p. 417.
ITiCSE-2005-Olsevicova #topic- Application of topic maps in e-learning environment (KO), p. 363.
WRLA-2004-CirsteaFK05 #calculus #constraints- A rho-Calculus of Explicit Constraint Application (HC, GF, CK), pp. 51–67.
WRLA-2004-MeseguerT05 #analysis #encryption #protocol #reachability #using #verification- Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Narrowing and its Application to Verification of Cryptographic Protocols (JM, PT), pp. 153–182.
FoSSaCS-2005-AbbesB #branch #probability- Branching Cells as Local States for Event Structures and Nets: Probabilistic Applications (SA, AB), pp. 95–109.
TACAS-2005-McMillan #model checking- Applications of Craig Interpolants in Model Checking (KLM), pp. 1–12.
CSMR-2005-Holt #legacy #question- Legacy Applications — A Case for Restoration? (NH), p. 155.
CSMR-2005-LuccaFT #design pattern #interactive #web- Recovering Interaction Design Patterns in Web Applications (GADL, ARF, PT), pp. 366–374.
CSMR-2005-RiccaT #bibliography #case study #detection #web- Anomaly Detection in Web Applications: A Review of Already Conducted Case Studies (FR, PT), pp. 385–394.
ICSM-2005-LeeJ #empirical #java #maintenance- An Empirical Study of Software Maintenance of a Web-Based Java Application (MGL, TLJ), pp. 571–576.
ICSM-2005-NguyenMT #evolution- Managing the Evolution of Web-Based Applications with WebSCM (TNN, EVM, CT), pp. 577–586.
ICSM-2005-SprenkleSGPS #comparison #empirical #reduction #testing #web- An Empirical Comparison of Test Suite Reduction Techniques for User-Session-Based Testing of Web Applications (SS, SS, EG, LLP, ALS), pp. 587–596.
ICSM-2005-Tramontana #reverse engineering #web- Reverse Engineering Web Applications (PT), pp. 705–708.
ICSM-2005-WillmorE #testing- A Safe Regression Test Selection Technique for Database-Driven Applications (DW, SME), pp. 421–430.
ICSM-2005-XieM #agile #evolution #testing- Rapid “Crash Testing” for Continuously Evolving GUI-Based Software Applications (QX, AMM), pp. 473–482.
ICSM-2005-ZhangZ #configuration management #evolution #maintenance #self #using- Using Self-Reconfigurable Workplaces to Automate the Maintenance of Evolving Business Applications (QZ, YZ), pp. 219–229.
ICSM-IT-2005-Goschl #java #refactoring- Continuous Refactoring of a Java Server Application (SG), pp. 11–15.
ICSM-IT-2005-NyaryPHK #cobol #legacy #maintenance #repository #tool support- Supporting the Maintenance of legacy COBOL Applications with Tools for Repository Management and Viewing (EN, GP, MH, ZK), pp. 5–10.
IWPC-2005-LuciaFST #comprehension #web- Understanding Cloned Patterns in Web Applications (ADL, RF, GS, GT), pp. 333–336.
PLDI-2005-ChenLLLLLJ #named #network #performance #programming- Shangri-La: achieving high performance from compiled network applications while enabling ease of programming (MKC, XFL, RL, JHL, LL, TL, RJ), pp. 224–236.
PLDI-2005-DaiHLH #architecture #automation #clustering #pipes and filters- Automatically partitioning packet processing applications for pipelined architectures (JD, BH, LL, LH), pp. 237–248.
SAS-2005-BruynoogheGH #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Inference of Well-Typings for Logic Programs with Application to Termination Analysis (MB, JPG, WVH), pp. 35–51.
CIAA-J-2004-KariKS05- Operations on trajectories with applications to coding and bioinformatics (LK, SK, PS), pp. 531–546.
DLT-2005-BatuS #approximate #consistency #parsing #string- Locally Consistent Parsing and Applications to Approximate String Comparisons (TB, SCS), pp. 22–35.
DLT-2005-EpifanioGM #approximate- Languages with Mismatches and an Application to Approximate Indexing (CE, AG, FM), pp. 224–235.
ICALP-2005-CatalanoV #hybrid- Hybrid Trapdoor Commitments and Their Applications (DC, IV), pp. 298–310.
ICALP-2005-TamassiaT #bound #security- Computational Bounds on Hierarchical Data Processing with Applications to Information Security (RT, NT), pp. 153–165.
FM-2005-AlvesSVO #sql #term rewriting- Strategic Term Rewriting and Its Application to a VDMSL to SQL Conversion (TLA, PFS, JV, JNO), pp. 399–414.
FM-2005-EislerSJSS #case study #model checking- Preliminary Results of a Case Study: Model Checking for Advanced Automotive Applications (SE, CS, BJ, GS, JS), pp. 533–536.
IFM-2005-BostromW #development #distributed #fault tolerance #grid #using- Development of Fault Tolerant Grid Applications Using Distributed B (PB, MAW), pp. 167–186.
SEFM-2005-GrandySR #java #kernel #object-oriented #verification- Object Oriented Verification Kernels for Secure Java Applications (HG, KS, WR), pp. 170–179.
SEFM-2005-HirschT #coordination #named- SHReQ: Coordinating Application Level QoS (DH, ET), pp. 425–434.
SEFM-2005-WandelerJLT #automaton #interface #modelling #static analysis- Counting Interface Automata and their Application in Static Analysis of Actor Models (EW, JWJ, EAL, LT), pp. 106–116.
CHI-2005-PatilL #configuration management #privacy #what- Who gets to know what when: configuring privacy permissions in an awareness application (SP, JL), pp. 101–110.
SOFTVIS-2005-BerghC #interactive #modelling #towards #user interface- Towards modeling context-sensitive interactive applications: the context-sensitive user interface profile (CUP) (JVdB, KC), pp. 87–94.
AdaEurope-2005-PinhoNB #ada #framework- An Ada Framework for QoS-Aware Applications (LMP, LN, RB), pp. 25–38.
AdaEurope-2005-RivasMH #ada #policy #scheduling- Integrating Application-Defined Scheduling with the New Dispatching Policies for Ada Tasks (MAR, JM, MGH), pp. 220–235.
AdaEurope-2005-RogersW #ada #fault tolerance #using- The Application of Compile-Time Reflection to Software Fault Tolerance Using Ada 95 (PR, AJW), pp. 236–247.
AdaEurope-2005-Ruiz- GNAT Pro for On-board Mission-Critical Space Applications (JFR), pp. 248–259.
AdaEurope-2005-VergnaudPK #component #distributed #middleware #using- Using the AADL to Describe Distributed Applications from Middleware to Software Components (TV, LP, FK), pp. 67–78.
SIGAda-2005-Davis #formal method #re-engineering- The affordable application of formal methods to software engineering (JFD), pp. 57–62.
CAiSE-2005-LopesHBJ #framework #generative #specification #web #web service- Generating Transformation Definition from Mapping Specification: Application to Web Service Platform (DL, SH, JB, FJ), pp. 309–325.
CAiSE-2005-RuscioP #data-driven #development #model transformation #web- Model Transformations in the Development of Data-Intensive Web Applications (DDR, AP), pp. 475–490.
EDOC-2005-JonesRB #enterprise #health #mobile #modelling- Modelling mobile health systems: an application of augmented MDA for the extended healthcare enterprise. (VJ, AR, EB), pp. 58–69.
EDOC-2005-QuartelDS #approach #using- An approach to relate business and application services using ISDL (DACQ, RMD, MvS), pp. 157–168.
ICEIS-v1-2005-DabousRYA #architecture #design- Estimating Patterns Consequences for the Architectural Design of E-Business Applications (FTD, FAR, HY, TAN), pp. 248–254.
ICEIS-v1-2005-GarciaGL #data flow #relational #xml- An Application to Integrate Relational and XML Data Sources (AFG, RBG, MJGL), pp. 313–319.
ICEIS-v1-2005-IzzaVB #approach #framework #integration- A Unified Framework for Application Integration — an Ontology-driven Service-oriented Approach (SI, LV, PB), pp. 165–170.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Schwabe #challenge #web- Engineering Web Applications — Challenges and Perspectives (DS), pp. 13–14.
ICEIS-v2-2005-CuellarDJ #network #predict #problem #programming- An Application of Non-Linear Programming to Train Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction Problems (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 35–42.
ICEIS-v2-2005-LancM #information management #internet- Strategic Information Systems Alignment — A Decision Support Application for the Internet Era (DL, LMM), pp. 100–110.
ICEIS-v2-2005-LokugeA #hybrid #learning #multi- Handling Multiple Events in Hybrid BDI Agents with Reinforcement Learning: A Container Application (PL, DA), pp. 83–90.
ICEIS-v2-2005-SantosPS #clustering #data mining #framework #mining #modelling- A Cluster Framework for Data Mining Models — An Application to Intensive Medicine (MFS, JP, ÁMS), pp. 163–168.
ICEIS-v3-2005-MacielSFR #development #distributed #process- An MDA-EDOC Based Development Process for Distributed Applications (RSPM, BCdS, CAGF, NSR), pp. 3–10.
ICEIS-v3-2005-SilvaC #detection #non-functional #requirements- Functional and Non-Functional Application Software Requirements: Early Conflict Detection (PSMS, LC), pp. 343–348.
ICEIS-v4-2005-GruhnH #hybrid #information management #mobile- Hybrid Application Support for Mobile Information Systems (VG, MH), pp. 232–237.
ICEIS-v4-2005-TawbiBC #communication #development #framework #protocol #web- A Framework for Web Applications Development: A SOAP Based Communication Protocol (ST, JPB, BC), pp. 82–89.
ICEIS-v4-2005-XuX #testing #web- Testing Web Applications Intelligently Based on Agent (LX, BX), pp. 194–199.
ICEIS-v5-2005-BadjioP #data mining #metric #mining #quality #tool support #visual notation- Visual Data Mining Tools: Quality Metrics Definition and Application (EPFB, FP), pp. 98–103.
ICEIS-v5-2005-CordryBB #interactive #realtime #scheduling- Performing Real-Time Scheduling in an Interactive Audio-Streaming Application (JC, NB, SB), pp. 140–147.
ICEIS-v5-2005-CouturierNN #interactive #process- Interactive Datamining Process Based on Human-Centered System for Banking Marketing Applications (OC, EMN, BN), pp. 104–109.
ICEIS-v5-2005-DixitM #classification #documentation #using- Electronic Document Classification Using Support Vector Machine — An Application for E-Learning (SD, LKM), pp. 191–198.
ICEIS-v5-2005-JaklicV #algorithm #documentation #image #preprocessor- Two Simple Algorithms for Document Image Preprocessing — Making a Document Scanning Application More User-Friendly (AJ, BV), pp. 116–121.
CIKM-2005-MandreoliMR #ambiguity #semantics- Versatile structural disambiguation for semantic-aware applications (FM, RM, ER), pp. 209–216.
ECIR-2005-Baeza-Yates #mining #query #web- Applications of Web Query Mining (RABY), pp. 7–22.
ICML-2005-ShashuaH #statistics- Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision (AS, TH), pp. 792–799.
ICML-2005-SinghPGBB #analysis #learning- Active learning for sampling in time-series experiments with application to gene expression analysis (RS, NP, DKG, BB, ZBJ), pp. 832–839.
KDD-2005-ItoSKM #analysis #kernel- Application of kernels to link analysis (TI, MS, TK, YM), pp. 586–592.
KDD-2005-YanFB #constraints #industrial- Enhancing the lift under budget constraints: an application in the mutual fund industry (LY, MF, PB), pp. 509–515.
KDD-2005-Yu #ranking #retrieval- SVM selective sampling for ranking with application to data retrieval (HY), pp. 354–363.
MLDM-2005-Bak #classification #linear #multi- A New Multidimensional Feature Transformation for Linear Classifiers and Its Applications (EB), pp. 275–284.
MLDM-2005-XiangZCL #approach #recognition #sequence- A New Approach to Human Motion Sequence Recognition with Application to Diving Actions (SX, CZ, XC, NL), pp. 487–496.
SEKE-2005-ChenTTC #implementation- Implementation of a Remote Checkpointing System for Windows NT Applications (WHC, JT, DT, YCC), pp. 671–676.
SEKE-2005-FelfernigG #development #effectiveness #knowledge-based #process #recommendation- AI Technologies Supporting Effective Development Processes for Knowledge-based Recommender Applications (AF, SG), pp. 372–379.
SEKE-2005-HuangLF #automation #email #mining #query- A Chinese Text Mining Application: An Automatic Answer Reply to Customers’ E-mail Queries Model (JYH, HML, CLF), pp. 504–507.
SEKE-2005-LoYT #algorithm #mining #predict- Weighted Binary Sequential Mining Algorithm with Application to the Next-Day Appearance Prediction (SL, JY, FCT), pp. 783–782.
SEKE-2005-LungZ #analysis #architecture #combinator #design- Application of Design Combinatorial Theory to Scenario-Based Software Architecture Analysis (CHL, MZ), pp. 418–423.
SEKE-2005-SiciliaCR #learning #ontology #process- Ontologies of Software Artifacts and Activities: Resource Annotation and Application to Learning Technologies (MÁS, JJC, DR), pp. 145–150.
SEKE-2005-YuC- Digital Media — Art and Technology Applications (WCY, LKHC), p. 787.
SIGIR-2005-HuXSHSCL #documentation #html #retrieval #web- Title extraction from bodies of HTML documents and its application to web page retrieval (YH, GX, RS, GH, SS, YC, HL), pp. 250–257.
SIGIR-2005-KuLWC #detection #summary #topic- Major topic detection and its application to opinion summarization (LWK, LYL, THW, HHC), pp. 627–628.
SIGIR-2005-SekiM #categorisation #ontology- An application of text categorization methods to gene ontology annotation (KS, JM), pp. 138–145.
SIGIR-2005-Yom-TovFCD #detection #distributed #information retrieval #learning #query- Learning to estimate query difficulty: including applications to missing content detection and distributed information retrieval (EYT, SF, DC, AD), pp. 512–519.
ECMDA-FA-2005-MullerCCV #on the- On Some Properties of Parameterized Model Application (AM, OC, BC, GV), pp. 130–144.
ECMDA-FA-2005-PressoB #experience- Applying MDA to Voice Applications: An Experience in Building an MDA Tool Chain (MJP, MB), pp. 1–8.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-Pleuss #modelling #multi #user interface- Modeling the User Interface of Multimedia Applications (AP), pp. 676–690.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-WhiteSG #case study #development #enterprise #java #modelling- Simplifying Autonomic Enterprise Java Bean Applications Via Model-Driven Development: A Case Study (JW, DCS, ASG), pp. 601–615.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-Pleuss #modelling #multi #user interface- Modeling the User Interface of Multimedia Applications (AP), pp. 676–690.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-WhiteSG #case study #development #enterprise #java #modelling- Simplifying Autonomic Enterprise Java Bean Applications Via Model-Driven Development: A Case Study (JW, DCS, ASG), pp. 601–615.
ECOOP-2005-FuhrerTKDK #java #library #refactoring- Efficiently Refactoring Java Applications to Use Generic Libraries (RMF, FT, AK, JD, MK), pp. 71–96.
ECOOP-2005-Meyer #object-oriented #problem #programming- Attached Types and Their Application to Three Open Problems of Object-Oriented Programming (BM), pp. 1–32.
OOPSLA-2005-MartinLL #fault #query #security #using- Finding application errors and security flaws using PQL: a program query language (MCM, VBL, MSL), pp. 365–383.
GPCE-2005-PintoJF #adaptation- Developing Dynamic and Adaptable Applications with CAM/DAOP: A Virtual Office Application (MP, DJ, LF), pp. 438–441.
POPL-2005-NeubauerT #multi #program transformation #source code- From sequential programs to multi-tier applications by program transformation (MN, PT), pp. 221–232.
RE-2005-PerroneBRD #experience #industrial #requirements #web- Shaping Requirements for Institutional Web Applications: Experience from an Industrial Project (VP, DB, AR, LD), pp. 221–230.
SAC-2005-AleksyKS #concept #corba- Realizing the leasing concept in CORBA-based applications (MA, AK, MS), pp. 706–712.
SAC-2005-AvesaniMT #recommendation- A trust-enhanced recommender system application: Moleskiing (PA, PM, RT), pp. 1589–1593.
SAC-2005-BalzeraniRPA #architecture #product line #web- A product line architecture for web applications (LB, DDR, AP, GDA), pp. 1689–1693.
SAC-2005-BellettiniMT #named #testing #web- TestUml: user-metrics driven web applications testing (CB, AM, AT), pp. 1694–1698.
SAC-2005-BlakeCRIG #case study #component #development #product line #specification- Use case-driven component specification: a medical applications perspective to product line development (MBB, KC, SR, LI, KG), pp. 1470–1477.
SAC-2005-BryP #paradigm #web- Reactivity on the web: paradigms and applications of the language XChange (FB, PLP), pp. 1645–1649.
SAC-2005-Chefrour #adaptation #component #mobile- Developing component based adaptive applications in mobile environments (DC), pp. 1146–1150.
SAC-2005-CostaSB #adaptation #architecture #middleware #mobile- A reflective middleware architecture to support adaptive mobile applications (CMdC, MdSS, GB), pp. 1151–1154.
SAC-2005-FujinamiN #physics #towards- Towards system software for physical space applications (KF, TN), pp. 1613–1620.
SAC-2005-GruianAKS #automation #generative #java- Automatic generation of application-specific systems based on a micro-programmed Java core (FG, PA, KK, MS), pp. 879–884.
SAC-2005-JablonskiLMMH #integration- Data logistics as a means of integration in healthcare applications (SJ, RL, CM, SM, WH), pp. 236–241.
SAC-2005-MilazzoPTU #distributed #runtime- Handling run-time updates in distributed applications (MM, GP, ET, GU), pp. 1375–1380.
SAC-2005-MillerYS #collaboration #framework- A framework for collaborative control of applications (JRM, SY, PLS), pp. 1244–1249.
SAC-2005-PiccoBC #lightweight #named #tuple- LighTS: a lightweight, customizable tuple space supporting context-aware applications (GPP, DB, PC), pp. 413–419.
SAC-2005-ProdanF #case study #grid #scheduling #workflow- Dynamic scheduling of scientific workflow applications on the grid: a case study (RP, TF), pp. 687–694.
SAC-2005-QuagliaR #coordination #persistent #reliability- Reliability in three-tier systems without application server coordination and persistent message queues (FQ, PR), pp. 718–723.
SAC-2005-SchelpS #framework #integration- Extending the business engineering framework for application integration purposes (JS, AS), pp. 1333–1337.
SAC-2005-SilvaS #design #framework- A framework for result handling in bioinformatics: an application to computer assisted drug design (AOdS, ONdS), pp. 128–132.
ESEC-FSE-2005-EstublierV #reuse #scalability #variability- Reuse and variability in large software applications (JE, GV), pp. 316–325.
ESEC-FSE-2005-SrinivasS #component #performance #perspective- Summarizing application performance from a components perspective (KS, HS), pp. 136–145.
GTTSE-2005-Brand #asf+sdf #ide- Applications of the Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment (MvdB), pp. 278–296.
GTTSE-2005-CleveH #database #evolution- Co-transformations in Database Applications Evolution (AC, JLH), pp. 409–421.
GTTSE-2005-DeanS #agile #semiparsing #web- Agile Parsing to Transform Web Applications (TRD, MS), pp. 312–326.
ICSE-2005-Al-NaeemGBRB #approach #architecture #distributed #quality- A quality-driven systematic approach for architecting distributed software applications (TAN, IG, MAB, FAR, BB), pp. 244–253.
ICSE-2005-CourbisF #aspect-oriented #towards #weaving- Towards aspect weaving applications (CC, AF), pp. 69–77.
ICSE-2005-GortonL #architecture #dot-net #enterprise #integration- An architects guide to enterprise application integration with J2EE and .NET (IG, AL), pp. 726–727.
ICSE-2005-MichailX #debugging #user interface- Helping users avoid bugs in GUI applications (AM, TX), pp. 107–116.
ICSE-2005-Siegel #architecture #design #distributed #modelling #question #why- Why use the model driven architecture to design and build distributed applications? (JS), p. 37.
CC-2005-JiangMHLZZZ #multi #performance #using- Boosting the Performance of Multimedia Applications Using SIMD Instructions (WJ, CM, BH, JL, JZ, BZ, CZ), pp. 59–75.
CGO-2005-ChenK #code generation #optimisation- Optimizing Address Code Generation for Array-Intensive DSP Applications (GC, MTK), pp. 141–152.
HPCA-2005-SpracklenCA #effectiveness #multi- Effective Instruction Prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors for Modern Commercial Applications (LS, YC, SGA), pp. 225–236.
HPDC-2005-AlbrechtTSV #distributed #using- Distributed application management using Plush (JRA, CT, ACS, AV), pp. 281–282.
HPDC-2005-EnglandWS #metric #robust #scheduling- A new metric for robustness with application to job scheduling (DE, JBW, JS), pp. 135–143.
HPDC-2005-LiaoCCWRT- Collective caching: application-aware client-side file caching (WkL, KC, ANC, LW, ER, ST), pp. 81–90.
HPDC-2005-LiuP #component #self- Enabling self-management of component-based high-performance scientific applications (HL, MP), pp. 59–68.
HPDC-2005-MandalKKMMLJ #grid #scheduling #workflow- Scheduling strategies for mapping application workflows onto the grid (AM, KK, CK, GM, JMMC, BL, SLJ), pp. 125–134.
HPDC-2005-SundararajGD #adaptation #performance #runtime- Increasing application performance in virtual environments through run-time inference and adaptation (AIS, AG, PAD), pp. 47–58.
HPDC-2005-TsugawaMZSLFF #automation #deployment #network- In-VIGO virtual networks and virtual application services: automated grid-enabling and deployment of applications (MOT, AMM, LZ, VS, HL, RJOF, JABF), pp. 312–313.
HPDC-2005-VenugopalB #cost analysis #data-driven #scheduling- Cost-based scheduling for data-intensive applications on global grids (SV, RB), pp. 310–311.
HPDC-2005-YangCHP #adaptation #distributed #runtime- Autonomic runtime manager for adaptive distributed applications (JY, HC, SH, MP), pp. 69–78.
HPDC-2005-ZhaoCF #file system #grid- Supporting application-tailored grid file system sessions with WSRF-based services (MZ, VC, RJOF), pp. 24–33.
LCTES-2005-ZhangP #compilation #migration #performance- Efficient application migration under compiler guidance (KZ, SP), pp. 10–20.
PPoPP-2005-BronFMNU- Applications of synchronization coverage (AB, EF, YM, YN, SU), pp. 206–212.
PPoPP-2005-Chavarria-MirandaM #communication #effectiveness- Effective communication coalescing for data-parallel applications (DGCM, JMMC), pp. 14–25.
PPoPP-2005-CollardJY #memory management #monitoring #optimisation #performance- System-wide performance monitors and their application to the optimization of coherent memory accesses (JFC, NPJ, SY), pp. 247–254.
AMOST-2005-BinderH #mobile #testing- The advanced mobile application testing environment (RVB, JEH), p. 1.
AMOST-2005-BouquetJLPU #automation #generative #requirements #smarttech #testing #traceability #validation- Requirements traceability in automated test generation: application to smart card software validation (FB, EJ, BL, FP, MU).
AMOST-2005-OlimpiewG #modelling #product line #testing- Model-based testing for applications derived from software product lines (EMO, HG).
CADE-2005-Lev-AmiIRSSY #data type #first-order #linked data #logic #open data #reachability #simulation #using #verification- Simulating Reachability Using First-Order Logic with Applications to Verification of Linked Data Structures (TLA, NI, TWR, SS, SS, GY), pp. 99–115.
CAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation- The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
CAV-2005-NieuwenhuisO #difference #logic- DPLL(T) with Exhaustive Theory Propagation and Its Application to Difference Logic (RN, AO), pp. 321–334.
ICLP-2005-MoralesCPH #automaton #generative #implementation #performance- A Generator of Efficient Abstract Machine Implementations and Its Application to Emulator Minimization (JFM, MC, GP, MVH), pp. 21–36.
RTA-2005-Simpson #linear #reduction #semantics #λ-calculus- Reduction in a Linear λ-Calculus with Applications to Operational Semantics (AKS), pp. 219–234.
TLCA-2005-Bertot #induction- Filters on CoInductive Streams, an Application to Eratosthenes’ Sieve (YB), pp. 102–115.
CBSE-2004-CervantesH #adaptation #case study #component #concept #experience #framework- A Framework for Constructing Adaptive Component-Based Applications: Concepts and Experiences (HC, RSH), pp. 130–137.
WICSA-2004-SuryanarayanaEHT #architecture #distributed #named #trust- PACE: An Architectural Style for Trust Management in Decentralized Applications (GS, JRE, SAH, RNT), pp. 221–232.
ASE-2004-Haydar #analysis #automation #framework #verification- Formal Framework for Automated Analysis and Verification of Web-Based Applications (MH), pp. 410–413.
ASE-2004-SampathMSP #approach #concept analysis #scalability #testing #web- Scalable Approach to User-Session based Testing of Web Applications through Concept Analysis (SS, VM, ALS, LLP), pp. 132–141.
DAC-2004-ChengTM #embedded #named #synthesis- FITS: framework-based instruction-set tuning synthesis for embedded application specific processors (ACC, GST, TNM), pp. 920–923.
DAC-2004-DebJO #design #modelling #paradigm #transaction- System design for DSP applications in transaction level modeling paradigm (AKD, AJ, JÖ), pp. 466–471.
DAC-2004-Iyer #detection #fault- Hierarchical application aware error detection and recovery (RKI), p. 79.
DAC-2004-SeoKC #realtime #scheduling- Profile-based optimal intra-task voltage scheduling for hard real-time applications (JS, TK, KSC), pp. 87–92.
DAC-2004-TakayanagiSPSL- A dual-core 64b ultraSPARC microprocessor for dense server applications (TT, JLS, BP, JS, ASL), pp. 673–677.
DAC-2004-VuleticPI #configuration management #memory management- Virtual memory window for application-specific reconfigurable coprocessors (MV, LP, PI), pp. 948–953.
DAC-2004-WangMCA #learning #on the- On path-based learning and its applications in delay test and diagnosis (LCW, TMM, KTC, MSA), pp. 492–497.
DAC-2004-YuM #embedded- Characterizing embedded applications for instruction-set extensible processors (PY, TM), pp. 723–728.
DATE-DF-2004-BannowH #design #evaluation #hardware #object-oriented- Evaluation of an Object-Oriented Hardware Design Methodology for Automotive Applications (NB, KH), pp. 268–273.
DATE-DF-2004-BoschettiSB #architecture #configuration management #image #runtime- A Run-Time Reconfigurable Datapath Architecture for Image Processing Applications (MRB, ISS, SB), pp. 242–247.
DATE-DF-2004-HeckerCLBLO #development #library- VHDL-AMS Library Development for Pacemaker Applications (BH, MC, ML, EB, LL, JO), pp. 338–341.
DATE-DF-2004-Horsky #precise- A 16 Bit + Sign Monotonic Precise Current DAC for Sensor Applications (PH), pp. 34–38.
DATE-DF-2004-PaulinPBLL #framework #multi #performance- Application of a Multi-Processor SoC Platform to High-Speed Packet Forwarding (PGP, CP, EB, ML, DL), pp. 58–63.
DATE-DF-2004-RenWBLLD #design- A Domain-Specific Cell Based ASIC Design Methodology for Digital Signal Processing Applications (BR, AW, JB, KL, WL, WWMD), pp. 280–285.
DATE-DF-2004-Tissafi-DrissiOG #automation #design #framework #multi #named #performance- RUNE: Platform for Automated Design of Integrated Multi-Domain Systems. Application to High-Speed CMOS Photoreceiver Front-Ends (FTD, IO, FG), pp. 16–21.
DATE-v1-2004-AtienzaMCMS #design #memory management #multi #network- Dynamic Memory Management Design Methodology for Reduced Memory Footprint in Multimedia and Wireless Network Applications (DA, SM, FC, JMM, DS), pp. 532–537.
DATE-v1-2004-BeniniIMM #design #memory management #metaprogramming- Block-Enabled Memory Macros: Design Space Exploration and Application-Specific Tuning (LB, AI, AM, EM), pp. 698–699.
DATE-v1-2004-DebJO #design #using- System Design for DSP Applications Using the MASIC Methodology (AKD, AJ, JÖ), pp. 630–635.
DATE-v1-2004-DimopoulosL #performance #sequence #set #testing- Efficient Static Compaction of Test Sequence Sets through the Application of Set Covering Techniques (MGD, PL), pp. 194–201.
DATE-v1-2004-GoloubevaRV #automation #generative #validation- Automatic Generation of Validation Stimuli for Application-Specific Processors (OG, MSR, MV), pp. 188–193.
DATE-v1-2004-Gordon-RossVD #automation #embedded- Automatic Tuning of Two-Level Caches to Embedded Applications (AGR, FV, ND), pp. 208–213.
DATE-v1-2004-MolnosHCE #composition #data-driven #memory management- Compositional Memory Systems for Data Intensive Applications (AMM, MJMH, SC, JTJvE), pp. 728–729.
DATE-v1-2004-QuinnLBA #configuration management #framework #network- A System Level Exploration Platform and Methodology for Network Applications Based on Configurable Processors (DQ, BL, GB, EMA), pp. 364–371.
DATE-v1-2004-VazquezLHRH #parametricity #self- A Method for Parameter Extraction of Analog Sine-Wave Signals for Mixed-Signal Built-In-Self-Test Applications (DV, GL, GH, AR, JLH), pp. 298–305.
DATE-v1-2004-ZhangV #memory management #using- Using a Victim Buffer in an Application-Specific Memory Hierarchy (CZ, FV), pp. 220–227.
DATE-v2-2004-BoladoPCHSSFB #framework #industrial #open source- Platform Based on Open-Source Cores for Industrial Applications (MB, HP, JC, PH, PS, CS, HF, FB), pp. 1014–1019.
DATE-v2-2004-JalabertMBM #network- ×pipesCompiler: A Tool for Instantiating Application Specific Networks on Chip (AJ, SM, LB, GDM), pp. 884–889.
DATE-v2-2004-PinelloCS #deployment #embedded #fault tolerance #realtime- Fault-Tolerant Deployment of Embedded Software for Cost-Sensitive Real-Time Feedback-Control Applications (CP, LPC, ALSV), pp. 1164–1169.
DATE-v2-2004-PopEPIHB #clustering #design #embedded #multi #optimisation #realtime- Design Optimization of Multi-Cluster Embedded Systems for Real-Time Application (PP, PE, ZP, VI, MH, OB), pp. 1027–1033.
DATE-v2-2004-ReedLBMC #algorithm #parallel #simulation- An Application of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Algorithms to Mixed Domain System Simulation (DKR, SPL, JB, JAM, DMC), pp. 1356–1357.
DATE-v2-2004-SbeytiNE #adaptation #embedded #multi- Adaptive Prefetching for Multimedia Applications in Embedded Systems (HS, SN, LE), pp. 1350–1351.
DATE-v2-2004-TehranipourNC #flexibility #testing- Nine-Coded Compression Technique with Application to Reduced Pin-Count Testing and Flexible On-Chip Decompression (MHT, MN, KC), pp. 1284–1289.
DATE-v2-2004-ZhangGZJ #logic #network #optimisation #synthesis- Synthesis and Optimization of Threshold Logic Networks with Application to Nanotechnologies (RZ, PG, LZ, NKJ), pp. 904–909.
DATE-v2-2004-ZhuM #architecture #communication #framework #multi #prototype #specification #using- Using a Communication Architecture Specification in an Application-Driven Retargetable Prototyping Platform for Multiprocessing (XZ, SM), pp. 1244–1249.
DATE-2005-GalanisMTSG04 #clustering #configuration management #hybrid- A Partitioning Methodology for Accelerating Applications in Hybrid Reconfigurable Platforms (MDG, AM, GT, DS, CEG), pp. 247–252.
DATE-2005-SturmLSGZ04- Optical Receiver IC for CD/DVD/Blue-Laser Application (JS, ML, HS, SG, HZ), pp. 215–218.
DocEng-2004-AndradeMP #approach #generative #web- A document-based approach to the generation of web applications (ARdA, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 45–47.
DocEng-2004-HuangCL #performance #query #retrieval- Fast structural query with application to chinese treebank sentence retrieval (CHH, TRC, HML), pp. 11–20.
DRR-2004-WenD #documentation #framework #multi #segmentation- A general framework for multicharacter segmentation and its application in recognizing multilingual Asian documents (DW, XD), pp. 147–154.
HT-2004-MooreGBA #case study #hypermedia- Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system (AM, JG, TJB, HA), pp. 143–152.
SIGMOD-2004-BrambillaCCDFM #declarative #specification #web #web service #workflow- Declarative Specification of Web Applications exploiting Web Services and Workflows (MB, SC, SC, MD, PF, IM), pp. 909–910.
SIGMOD-2004-DillKSZ #integration #towards- Service-Oriented BI: Towards tight integration of business intelligence into operational applications (MD, AK, SS, TZ), p. 900.
SIGMOD-2004-LernerSWZZ #algorithm #biology #music #performance #physics- Fast Algorithms for Time Series with applications to Finance, Physics, Music, Biology, and other Suspects (AL, DS, ZW, XZ, YZ), pp. 965–968.
SIGMOD-2004-Mihic #network #web #web service- Building Dynamic Application Networks with Web Services (MM), p. 878.
VLDB-2004-AhmadC #distributed #query- Networked Query Processing for Distributed Stream-Based Applications (YA, UÇ), pp. 456–467.
VLDB-2004-GanesanBG #online #peer-to-peer- Online Balancing of Range-Partitioned Data with Applications to Peer-to-Peer Systems (PG, MB, HGM), pp. 444–455.
ITiCSE-2004-YueD #design #development #evolution #web- Design and evolution of an undergraduate course on web application development (KBY, WD), pp. 22–26.
CSMR-2004-ItkonenHL #analysis #java- Application of Relation Analysis to a Small Java Software (JI, MH, VL), pp. 233–242.
CSMR-2004-LuccaFTV #maintenance #towards #web- Towards the Definition of a Maintainability Model for Web Applications (GADL, ARF, PT, CAV), pp. 279–287.
ICSM-2004-DangLMPPT #design #realtime #using #video #visual notation- Design Recovery of Real-Time Graphical Applications Using Video (CD, AVL, AM, KCP, TQP, JT), pp. 338–347.
ICSM-2004-JanssensMHV #approach #composition #configuration management- A Modular Approach Enforcing Safe Reconfiguration of Producer-Consumer Applications (NJ, SM, TH, PV), pp. 274–283.
ICSM-2004-Kajko-Mattsson #evolution #maintenance #web #web service- Evolution and Maintenance of Web Service Applications (MKM), pp. 492–493.
ICSM-2004-LauTMKILZZH #maintenance #performance- Model Synchronization for Efficient Software Application Maintenance (TCL, TT, RM, KK, II, PL, YZ, QZ, MH), p. 499.
ICSM-2004-LiM #component #distributed #testing- Exploiting Global Causality in Testing of Distributed and Component-Based Applications (JL, KM), p. 527.
ICSM-2004-Ricca #analysis #testing #web- Analysis, Testing and Re-Structuring of Web Applications (FR), pp. 474–478.
IWPC-2004-AntoniolPZ #comprehension #dynamic analysis #web- Understanding Web Applications through Dynamic Analysis (GA, MDP, MZ), pp. 120–131.
IWPC-2004-FossW #framework #legacy #migration #on the- On Migrating a Legacy Application to the Palm Platform (AF, KW), pp. 231–235.
IWPC-2004-LuciaFST #analysis #re-engineering #web- Reengineering Web Applications Based on Cloned Pattern Analysis (ADL, RF, GS, GT), pp. 132–141.
IWPC-2004-SarmientoT #automation #case study #comprehension #legacy- Understanding CASE Generated Legacy Applications: A Case Study (CS, ST), pp. 111–119.
SCAM-2004-CeccatoT #aspect-oriented #programming- Adding Distribution to Existing Applications by Means of Aspect Oriented Programming (MC, PT), pp. 107–116.
WCRE-2004-CanforaSZ #java #migration #towards- Toward Seamless Migration of Java AWT-Based Applications to Personal Wireless Devices (GC, GDS, EZ), pp. 38–47.
PEPM-2004-AkersBM #automation #c++ #component #program transformation #re-engineering- Invited application paper: re-engineering C++ components via automatic program transformation (RLA, IDB, MM), pp. 51–55.
PEPM-2004-Daugherty- Invited application paper: a proposal for the specialization of HA/DRE systems (GD), pp. 56–67.
PEPM-2004-Kamin #generative- Invited application paper: program generation considered easy (SK), pp. 68–79.
PEPM-2004-LawallMD #design #implementation #process #scheduling- Invited application paper: language design for implementing process scheduling hierarchies (JLL, GM, HD), pp. 80–91.
STOC-2004-Ben-SassonGHSV #proximity #robust- Robust pcps of proximity, shorter pcps and applications to coding (EBS, OG, PH, MS, SPV), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2004-HolmerinK #equation #linear #verification- A new PCP outer verifier with applications to homogeneous linear equations and max-bisection (JH, SK), pp. 11–20.
STOC-2004-IshaiKOS- Batch codes and their applications (YI, EK, RO, AS), pp. 262–271.
FLOPS-2004-CraigL #effectiveness #named #prolog #self- LIX: an Effective Self-applicable Partial Evaluator for Prolog (SJC, ML), pp. 85–99.
CIAA-2004-NishimuraY #automaton #finite #interactive #proving #quantum- An Application of Quantum Finite Automata to Interactive Proof Systems (HN, TY), pp. 225–236.
SEFM-2004-LanotteMT #decidability #parametricity #probability #security- Decidability Results for Parametric Probabilistic Transition Systems with an Application to Security (RL, AMS, AT), pp. 114–121.
SEFM-2004-NguyenM #analysis #consistency- A Formalism for Conformance Analysis and Its Applications (TNN, EVM), pp. 330–339.
AFP-2004-AchtenEPW04 #agile #interactive #named #prototype #tool support #type safety- GEC: A Toolkit for Generic Rapid Prototyping of Type Safe Interactive Applications (PA, MCJDvE, RP, AvW), pp. 210–244.
AFP-2004-PlasmeijerW04 #functional- A Functional Shell That Operates on Typed and Compiled Applications (RP, AvW), pp. 245–272.
IFL-2004-Achten #user interface- The Feasibility of Interactively Probing Quiescent Properties of GUI Applications (PA), pp. 17–34.
ICGT-2004-EhrigEHP #constraints #graph- Constraints and Application Conditions: From Graphs to High-Level Structures (HE, KE, AH, KHP), pp. 287–303.
CHI-2004-DeyHBLH #programming- a CAPpella: programming by demonstration of context-aware applications (AKD, RH, CB, IL, DH), pp. 33–40.
CHI-2004-IntilleBTR #ubiquitous- Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications (SSI, LB, EMT, JR), pp. 1–8.
CSCW-2004-HupferCRP #collaboration #development- Introducing collaboration into an application development environment (SH, LTC, SIR, JFP), pp. 21–24.
CSCW-2004-SouzaRCMP #case study #interface #programming- Sometimes you need to see through walls: a field study of application programming interfaces (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 63–71.
CSCW-2004-XiaSSCS #approach #collaboration #multi- Leveraging single-user applications for multi-user collaboration: the coword approach (SX, DS, CS, DC, HS), pp. 162–171.
AdaEurope-2004-Alves #ada #formal method #persistent- A Theory of Persistent Containers and Its Application to Ada (MAA), pp. 297–308.
AdaEurope-2004-MasmanoRRC #linux #realtime- Extending the Capabilities of Real-Time Applications by Combining MaRTE-OS and Linux (MM, JR, IR, AC), pp. 144–155.
AdaEurope-2004-RivasGH #ada #framework #implementation #scheduling- Implementing an Application-Defined Scheduling Framework for Ada Tasking (MAR, FJMG, MGH), pp. 283–296.
AdaEurope-2004-VergnaudHPK #distributed #middleware #named #reliability- PolyORB: A Schizophrenic Middleware to Build Versatile Reliable Distributed Applications (TV, JH, LP, FK), pp. 106–119.
CAiSE-2004-BerkumBM #development #runtime #web- A Combined Runtime Environment and Web-Based Development Environment for Web Application Engineering (MvB, SB, AM), pp. 307–321.
CAiSE-2004-Galandere-Zile #enterprise #information management #quality- Applicability of ERP Systems for Knowledge Management in the Context of Quality Management (IGZ), pp. 276–289.
EDOC-2004-PignatonVAB #component #using- Developing QoS-aware Component-Based Applications Using MDA Principles (RP, VAV, JIA, JB), pp. 172–183.
EDOC-2004-TandonG #modelling #using- Using Subject-Oriented Modeling to Develop Jini Applications (GT, SG), pp. 111–122.
EDOC-2004-WeisUGB #approach #middleware #modelling #quality- Quality of Service in Middleware and Applications: A Model-Driven Approach (TW, AU, KG, CB), pp. 160–171.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Mahmoud #architecture #enterprise #mobile- A Responsibility-Driven Architecture for Mobile Enterprise Applications (QHM), pp. 125–129.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Rostanin #approach- An Alternative Approach for Building Web-Applications (OR), pp. 119–124.
ICEIS-v1-2004-SchmidtN #agile #database #development #xml- Rapid XML Database Application Development (AS, KN), pp. 370–375.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Grzeszczyk #network- Application of Neural Networks for Prior Appraisal of Structural Funds Project Proposals (TAG), pp. 501–504.
ICEIS-v2-2004-PachonVRST #industrial #process- Practical Application of KDD Techniques to an Industrial Process (VP, JMV, FR, JCRS, JMT), pp. 309–314.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Turowska #analysis #nondeterminism- Application of Uncertain Variables to Stability Analysis and Stabilization for ATM ABR Congestion Control Systems (MT), pp. 523–526.
ICEIS-v2-2004-ZarateAPR #data mining #mining- Data Mining Application to Obtain Profiles of Patients with Nephrolithiasis (LEZ, PA, RP, TR), pp. 104–109.
ICEIS-v2-2004-ZaratePSSVD #clustering #network #optimisation #representation #set- Optimization of Neural Network’s Training Sets via Clustering: Application in Solar Collector Representation (LEZ, EMDP, DAS, JPDS, RV, ASCD), pp. 147–152.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KaletasAH- A Methodology for Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory Environment (ECK, HA, LOH), pp. 265–272.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ZviranNH #internet #privacy- Privacy Concerns in Internet Applications (MZ, SN, DH), pp. 592–595.
ICEIS-v4-2004-KangT #diagrams #mobile #modelling #process #uml- Modelling Mobile Agent Applications by Extended UML Activity Diagram (MK, KT), pp. 519–522.
ICEIS-v4-2004-LimaEMFC #data mining #information management #mining #web- Archcollect Front-End: A Web Usage Data Mining Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism Focused on Static or Dynamic Contenting Applications (JdCL, AAAE, JGdM, BF, TGdSC), pp. 258–262.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MavromoustakosA #design #quality #using #web- Designing Quality Web Applications Using Patterns (SM, ASA), pp. 421–424.
ICEIS-v4-2004-RodriguezDGI #architecture #monitoring #online #performance- A Wireless Application That Monitors ECG Signals On-Line: Architecture and Performance (JR, LD, AG, AI), pp. 138–145.
ICEIS-v4-2004-ShawA #intranet #scalability- Developing an Intranet and Extranet Business Application for a Large Travel Agent (RS, AA), pp. 411–420.
ICEIS-v5-2004-AlahakoonLZ #e-commerce- Unobtrusive Acqusition of User Information for E-Commerce Applications (OA, SWL, ABZ), pp. 3–8.
CIKM-2004-TakakiFI #analysis #documentation #query #retrieval #topic- Associative document retrieval by query subtopic analysis and its application to invalidity patent search (TT, AF, TI), pp. 399–405.
ECIR-2004-AmatiCR #query #robust- Query Difficulty, Robustness, and Selective Application of Query Expansion (GA, CC, GR), pp. 127–137.
ICML-2004-NatteeSNO #first-order #learning #mining #multi- Learning first-order rules from data with multiple parts: applications on mining chemical compound data (CN, SS, MN, TO).
ICPR-v1-2004-BouguilaZ #finite #learning #modelling- A Powreful Finite Mixture Model Based on the Generalized Dirichlet Distribution: Unsupervised Learning and Applications (NB, DZ), pp. 280–283.
ICPR-v1-2004-BuciuP #matrix #recognition- Application of non-Negative and Local non Negative Matrix Factorization to Facial Expression Recognition (IB, IP), pp. 288–291.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChabrierELRM #evaluation #image #multi #segmentation- Unsupervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation Application to Multi-spectral Images (SC, BE, HL, CR, PM), pp. 576–579.
ICPR-v1-2004-FungM #parallel #using- Using Multiple Graphics Cards as a General Purpose Parallel Computer : Applications to Computer Vision (JF, SM), pp. 805–808.
ICPR-v1-2004-HeLZZ #classification #image #web- W-Boost and Its Application to Web Image Classification (JH, ML, HZ, CZ), pp. 148–151.
ICPR-v1-2004-LeydierBE #adaptation #classification #image #segmentation- Serialized Unsupervised Classifier for Adaptative Color Image Segmentation: Application to Digitized Ancient Manuscripts (YL, FLB, HE), pp. 494–497.
ICPR-v1-2004-LoogG #detection #probability- Static Posterior Probability Fusion for Signal Detection: Applications in the Detection of Interstitial Diseases in Chest Radiographs (ML, BvG), pp. 644–647.
ICPR-v1-2004-OmachiSA #estimation #precise #recognition- Precise Estimation of High-Dimensional Distribution and Its Application to Face Recognition (SO, FS, HA), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v1-2004-YangAWLC #estimation #video- Face Pose Estimation and its Application in Video Shot Selection (ZY, HA, BW, SL, LC), pp. 322–325.
ICPR-v1-2004-YoshimotoDAT #architecture #performance #realtime- Confidence-Driven Architecture for Real-time Vision Processing and Its Application to Efficient Vision-Based Human Motion Sensing (HY, ND, DA, RiT), pp. 736–740.
ICPR-v2-2004-BouchaffraT #concept #design #mining- Introduction to the Concept of Structural HMM: Application to Mining Customers’ Preferences in Automotive Design (DB, JT), pp. 493–496.
ICPR-v2-2004-Eom #robust- Robust Facet Model for Application to Speckle Noise Removal (KBE), pp. 695–698.
ICPR-v2-2004-FangQ #detection #learning- Learning Sample Subspace with Application to Face Detection (JF, GQ), pp. 423–426.
ICPR-v2-2004-GheissariB #visual notation- Effect of Noise on Model Selection Criteria in Visual Applications (NG, ABH), pp. 229–232.
ICPR-v2-2004-OudotPMM #adaptation #concept #online #recognition #self #using- Self-Supervised Writer Adaptation using Perceptive Concepts: Application to On-Line Text Recognition (LO, LP, AM, MM), pp. 598–601.
ICPR-v2-2004-YuWC #3d #algorithm #multi #performance #re-engineering #recursion- A Fast Recursive 3D Model Reconstruction Algorithm for Multimedia Applications (YKY, KhW, MMYC), pp. 241–244.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZhangHHZ #classification #kernel #visual notation- Kernel Autoassociator with Applications to Visual Classification (HZ, WH, ZH, BZ), pp. 443–446.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZhangN- Surface Tortuosity and its Application to Analyzing Cracks in Concrete (TZ, GN), pp. 851–854.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZiouB #analysis #finite #image #learning #using- Unsupervised Learning of a Finite Gamma Mixture Using MML: Application to SAR Image Analysis (DZ, NB), pp. 68–71.
ICPR-v3-2004-Chen04a #framework #robust- An Application of Robust Template Matching to User Location on Wireless Infrastructure (JHC), pp. 687–690.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChiuDS #embedded #realtime- An Embedded Real-time Vision System for 24-hour Indoor/Outdoor Car-Counting Applications (MYC, RD, TS), pp. 338–341.
ICPR-v3-2004-DateYAT #interactive #realtime- Real-timeHumanMotion Sensingbased on Vision-based Inverse Kinematics for Interactive Applications (ND, HY, DA, RiT), pp. 318–321.
ICPR-v3-2004-DouretB #3d #monitoring #multi- A Multi-Cameras 3D Volumetric Method for Outdoor Scenes : A Road Traffic Monitoring Application (JD, RB), pp. 334–337.
ICPR-v3-2004-GaoLT #identification #music- Indexing with Musical Events and Its Application to Content-Based Music Identification (SG, CHL, QT), pp. 846–849.
ICPR-v3-2004-GinnekenL #image #segmentation- Pixel Position Regression — Application to Medical Image Segmentation (BvG, ML), pp. 718–721.
ICPR-v3-2004-HolmstromH #classification #estimation- Application of Semiparametric Density Estimation to Classification (LH, FH), pp. 371–374.
ICPR-v3-2004-IshiiO #3d #using- Perfect Perspective Projection using a Varifocal Mirror and Its Application to Three-Dimensional Close-Up Imaging (AI, RO), pp. 270–273.
ICPR-v3-2004-OstermannW- Talking Faces — Technologies and Applications (JO, AW), pp. 826–833.
ICPR-v3-2004-TakahashiMMY #generative #quality #visualisation- High Quality Isosurface Generation from Volumetric Data and Its Application to Visualization of Medical CT data (TT, YM, HM, TY), pp. 734–737.
ICPR-v3-2004-WangBW #image #modelling #robust- Robust Modelling of Local Image Structures and Its Application to Medical Imagery (LW, AB, RW), pp. 534–537.
ICPR-v4-2004-QinandS #algorithm #analysis #clustering #kernel- Kernel Neural Gas Algorithms with Application to Cluster Analysis (AKQ, PNS), pp. 617–620.
ICPR-v4-2004-Syeda-Mahmood #clustering- Order-Preserving Clustering and Its Application to Gene Expression Data (TFSM), pp. 637–640.
KDD-2004-Cantu-PazNK #feature model- Feature selection in scientific applications (ECP, SDN, CK), pp. 788–793.
KR-2004-TranB #interactive #prolog #reasoning- Reasoning about Triggered Actions in AnsProlog and Its Application to Molecular Interactions in Cells (NT, CB), pp. 554–564.
SEKE-2004-CostagliolaFGTV #development #predict #using #web- Using COSMIC-FFP for Predicting Web Application Development Effort (GC, FF, CG, GT, GV), pp. 439–444.
SEKE-2004-LarssonB #distributed #programming #requirements #ubiquitous #user interface- Programming ubiquitous software applications: requirements for distributed user interface (AL, EB), pp. 246–251.
SEKE-2004-Stojanovic #approach #modelling #on the- On Modelling an e-shop Application on the Knowledge Level: e-ShopAgent Approach (NS), pp. 232–237.
SEKE-2004-WihartoS #logic #using #xml- Future Proofing and Retargeting Application Logic Using O2XML (MW, PS), pp. 173–178.
SEKE-2004-Zhao #process- Application Semiotics Engineering Process (GZ), pp. 354–359.
SIGIR-2004-LiuCKG #predict- Context sensitive vocabulary and its application in protein secondary structure prediction (YL, JGC, JKS, VG), pp. 538–539.
SIGIR-2004-Willett #information retrieval #named- Chemoinformatics: an application domain for information retrieval techniques (PW0), p. 393.
UML-2004-DologN #collaboration #diagrams #feature model #modelling #uml #using- Using UML-based Feature Models and UML Collaboration Diagrams to Information Modelling for Web-Based Applications (PD, WN), pp. 425–439.
UML-2004-KnappKZH #modelling #process #web- Modeling Business Processes in Web Applications with ArgoUWE (AK, NK, GZ, HMH), pp. 69–83.
UML-2004-Reinhartz-BergerS #analysis #approach #behaviour #domain model #modelling- Behavioral Domain Analysis — The Application-Based Domain Modeling Approach (IRB, AS), pp. 410–424.
TOOLS-USA-2003-EnselmeFL04 #analysis #component #contract #dependence #design- Design by Contract: analysis of hidden dependencies in component based application (DE, GF, FLA), pp. 23–45.
TOOLS-USA-2003-Wangmutitakul04 #database #framework #named- WebGD: A Framework for Web-Based GIS/Database Applications (PW), pp. 209–225.
OOPSLA-2004-HauswirthSDH #behaviour #comprehension #profiling- Vertical profiling: understanding the behavior of object-priented applications (MH, PFS, AD, MH), pp. 251–269.
GPCE-2004-Greenfield #framework #modelling #tool support- Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks and Tools (JG), p. 488.
LOPSTR-2004-WellsY #graph #proving #synthesis- Graph-Based Proof Counting and Enumeration with Applications for Program Fragment Synthesis (JBW, BY), pp. 262–277.
PADL-2004-ElsmanL #html #ml #type system #web- Typing XHTML Web Applications in ML (ME, KFL), pp. 224–238.
RE-2004-Gibson #requirements #specification #web #web service- Developing A Requirements Specification For A Web Service Application (JCG), pp. 340–344.
SAC-2004-AvinoGM #finite #problem #reverse engineering- Applications of finite fields to dynamical systems and reverse engineering problems (MAA, ELG, OM), pp. 191–196.
SAC-2004-AwanY #commit #modelling #protocol #reliability #web- Analytical modelling of priority commit protocol for reliable Web applications (IA, MY), pp. 313–317.
SAC-2004-Bardram #design- Applications of context-aware computing in hospital work: examples and design principles (JB), pp. 1574–1579.
SAC-2004-BellettiniMT #named #reverse engineering #web- WebUml: reverse engineering of web applications (CB, AM, AT), pp. 1662–1669.
SAC-2004-BochicchioF #agile #named #prototype #web- WARP: Web Application Rapid Prototyping (MAB, NF), pp. 1670–1676.
SAC-2004-BuckerRW #parallel- A class of OpenMP applications involving nested parallelism (HMB, AR, AW), pp. 220–224.
SAC-2004-El-Gayar #fuzzy #logic #multi- Application of fuzzy logic to multiple criteria decision making in aquacultural planning (OFEG), pp. 1028–1029.
SAC-2004-FujinamiYN #case study #cyber-physical #exclamation #physics #quote- “Take me with you!”: a case study of context-aware application integrating cyber and physical spaces (KF, TY, TN), pp. 1607–1614.
SAC-2004-GorlaP #data flow- Controlling data movement in global computing applications (DG, RP), pp. 1462–1467.
SAC-2004-InverardiMN #adaptation #declarative #framework- A declarative framework for adaptable applications in heterogeneous environments (PI, FM, MN), pp. 1177–1183.
SAC-2004-LechnerS #concept #modelling #named #reuse #web- Trasformers-by-example: pushing reuse in conceptual web application modelling (SL, MS), pp. 1654–1661.
SAC-2004-LucchiZ #coordination #data-driven #named #web #web service- WSSecSpaces: a secure data-driven coordination service for Web Services applications (RL, GZ), pp. 487–491.
SAC-2004-Masero #health- New ICT applications in health care (VM), pp. 241–242.
SAC-2004-OssowskiM #coordination #modelling- Editoral message: special track on coordination models, languages and applications (SO, RM), pp. 447–448.
SAC-2004-PapapetrouP #aspect-oriented #case study #component #programming- Aspect Oriented Programming for a component-based real life application: a case study (OP, GAP), pp. 1554–1558.
SAC-2004-Rigaux #rating- An iterative rating method: application to web-based conference management (PR), pp. 1682–1687.
SAC-2004-SchaadM #bibliography #case study #process- Separation, review and supervision controls in the context of a credit application process: a case study of organisational control principles (AS, JDM), pp. 1380–1384.
SAC-2004-ZhangCC04a #towards #web- Towards increasing web application productivity (JZ, JYC, CKC), pp. 1677–1681.
SAC-2004-ZhouL #classification #network- Regularized B-spline network and its application to heart arrhythmia classification (JZ, LL), pp. 291–295.
FSE-2004-CabalT #database #metric #sql #testing #using- Using an SQL coverage measurement for testing database applications (MJSC, JT), pp. 253–262.
ICSE-2004-ChatterjeeAASV #database #development #using #version control- Using Data Versioning in Database Application Development (RC, GA, SA, BS, RV), pp. 315–325.
ICSE-2004-EugsterDG #development #distributed #towards- Towards Safe Distributed Application Development (PTE, CHD, RG), pp. 347–356.
ICSE-2004-GortonL #architecture #enterprise #integration- Architectures and Technologies for Enterprise Application Integration (IG, AL), pp. 726–727.
ICSE-2004-GouldSD #database #query #static analysis- Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications (CG, ZS, PTD), pp. 645–654.
ICSE-2004-GouldSD04a #sql #static analysis- JDBC Checker: A Static Analysis Tool for SQL/JDBC Applications (CG, ZS, PTD), pp. 697–698.
LDTA-2004-Cordy #named #programming language #tool support #txl- TXL — A Language for Programming Language Tools and Applications (JRC), pp. 3–31.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield #framework #modelling #tool support- Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools (JG), p. 304.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield04a #domain-specific language #framework #tool support #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages, Patterns, Frameworks, and Tools to Assemble Applications (JG), p. 324.
ASPLOS-2004-BronevetskyMPSS #memory management #source code- Application-level checkpointing for shared memory programs (GB, DM, KP, PKS, MS), pp. 235–247.
CC-2004-SoH- Increasing the Applicability of Scalar Replacement (BS, MWH), pp. 185–201.
HPDC-2004-DubnickiUK #distributed #named- FPN: A Distributed Hash Table for Commercial Applications (CD, CU, WK), pp. 120–128.
HPDC-2004-KichkayloK #component #deployment #distributed #resource management- Optimal Resource-Aware Deployment Planning for Component-Based Distributed Applications (TK, VK), pp. 150–159.
HPDC-2004-PearlmanKGSFRFHS #case study #distributed #experience #grid #hybrid- Distributed Hybrid Earthquake Engineering Experiments: Experiences with a Ground-Shaking Grid Application (LP, CK, SG, BFSJ, JF, KR, ITF, PH, CS), pp. 14–23.
HPDC-2004-ZangrilliL #monitoring #network #using- Using Passive Traces of Application Traffic in a Network Monitoring System (MZ, BL), pp. 77–86.
ISMM-2004-SomanKB #garbage collection- Dynamic selection of application-specific garbage collectors (SS, CK, DFB), pp. 49–60.
LCTES-2004-MartinJESN #modelling #simulation- Modeling and simulating electronic textile applications (TM, MTJ, JE, TS, ZN), pp. 10–19.
CSL-2004-McMillan #model checking- Applications of Craig Interpolation to Model Checking (KLM), pp. 22–23.
ICLP-2004-ElkabaniPS #approach #effectiveness- Smodels with CLP and Its Applications: A Simple and Effective Approach to Aggregates in ASP (IE, EP, TCS), pp. 73–89.
ICLP-2004-PetitG #constraints #probability #statistics #testing- Probabilistic Choice Operators as Global Constraints: Application to Statistical Software Testing (MP, AG), pp. 471–472.
TestCom-2004-NeukirchenDG #communication #realtime #requirements #testing #using- Communication Patterns for Expressing Real-Time Requirements Using MSC and Their Application to Testing (HN, ZRD, JG), pp. 144–159.
TestCom-2004-Vassiliou-GiolesDS #execution #using- Execution of External Applications using TTCN-3 (TVG, GD, IS), pp. 209–223.
ASE-2003-StrelzoffP #requirements #user interface- Deriving User Interface Requirements from Densely Interleaved Scientific Computing Applications (AS, LRP), pp. 22–29.
DAC-2003-AtasuPI #architecture #automation #constraints- Automatic application-specific instruction-set extensions under microarchitectural constraints (KA, LP, PI), pp. 256–261.
DAC-2003-DamaseviciusMS #design pattern #hardware- Application of design patterns for hardware design (RD, GM, VS), pp. 48–53.
DAC-2003-FangRPC #modelling #performance #static analysis #towards- Toward efficient static analysis of finite-precision effects in DSP applications via affine arithmetic modeling (CFF, RAR, MP, TC), pp. 496–501.
DAC-2003-Hooijmans #roadmap- RF front end application and technology trends (PWH), pp. 73–78.
DAC-2003-HuaQB #energy #multi #reduction- Energy reduction techniques for multimedia applications with tolerance to deadline misses (SH, GQ, SSB), pp. 131–136.
DAC-2003-HuM #clustering #predict- Wire length prediction based clustering and its application in placement (BH, MMS), pp. 800–805.
DAC-2003-KiranJRN #behaviour #communication #complexity #effectiveness #modelling- A complexity effective communication model for behavioral modeling of signal processing applications (MNVSK, MNJ, PR, SKN), pp. 412–415.
DAC-2003-LuWCMH #case study #correlation #industrial- A signal correlation guided ATPG solver and its applications for solving difficult industrial cases (FL, LCW, KTC, JM, ZH), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2003-RaoBO- Test application time and volume compression through seed overlapping (WR, IB, AO), pp. 732–737.
DAC-2003-Tahoori #satisfiability #testing #using- Using satisfiability in application-dependent testing of FPGA interconnects (MBT), pp. 678–681.
DAC-2003-WohlWPA #architecture #logic #performance- Efficient compression and application of deterministic patterns in a logic BIST architecture (PW, JAW, SP, MBA), pp. 566–569.
DAC-2003-XiangGSW #architecture #effectiveness #testing- A cost-effective scan architecture for scan testing with non-scan test power and test application cost (DX, SG, JGS, YLW), pp. 744–747.
DAC-2003-YehM- Delay budgeting in sequential circuit with application on FPGA placement (CYY, MMS), pp. 202–207.
DAC-2003-ZhangCKK #embedded #interprocedural #optimisation #performance- Interprocedural optimizations for improving data cache performance of array-intensive embedded applications (WZ, GC, MTK, MK), pp. 887–892.
DAC-2003-ZieglerHD #communication #pipes and filters- Compiler-generated communication for pipelined FPGA applications (HEZ, MWH, PCD), pp. 610–615.
DATE-2003-BesanaB #automation #case study #code generation #design #framework #hardware- Application Mapping to a Hardware Platform through Automated Code Generation Targeting a RTOS: A Design Case Study (MB, MB), pp. 20041–20044.
DATE-2003-ChangKWH #named- G-MAC: An Application-Specific MAC/Co-Processor Synthesizer (ACYC, WAK, ACHW, TH), pp. 11134–11135.
DATE-2003-ChiouBR #multi #power management #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Highly-Efficient Multi-Mode Systems for Low-Power Applications (LYC, SB, KR), pp. 10096–10103.
DATE-2003-FreitasO #equation #estimation- Implicit Resolution of the Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations for Sequential Circuits: An Application in Power Estimation (ATF, ALO), pp. 10764–10769.
DATE-2003-IndrusiakLRG #configuration management #hardware #implementation #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous Access to Reconfigurable Hardware: Application Scenarios and Implementation Issues (LSI, FL, RAdLR, MG), pp. 10940–10945.
DATE-2003-LiuC #approach #fault #identification- A Partition-Based Approach for Identifying Failing Scan Cells in Scan-BIST with Applications to System-on-Chip Fault Diagnosis (CL, KC), pp. 10230–10237.
DATE-2003-MarchalGPBBCC #energy #memory management #multi- SDRAM-Energy-Aware Memory Allocation for Dynamic Multi-Media Applications on Multi-Processor Platforms (PM, JIG, LP, DB, LB, FC, HC), pp. 10516–10523.
DATE-2003-PetrovO #memory management #performance- Power Efficiency through Application-Specific Instruction Memory Transformations (PP, AO), pp. 10030–10035.
DATE-2003-QinM #flexibility #formal method #modelling #simulation- Flexible and Formal Modeling of Microprocessors with Application to Retargetable Simulation (WQ, SM), pp. 10556–10561.
DATE-2003-RapakaM #analysis #embedded #performance- Pre-Characterization Free, Efficient Power/Performance Analysis of Embedded and General Purpose Software Applications (VSPR, DM), pp. 10504–10509.
DATE-2003-RosienGSK- Mapping Applications to an FPFA Tile (MAJR, YG, GJMS, TK), pp. 11124–11125.
DATE-2003-SanderJL #design #development- Development and Application of Design Transformations in ForSyDe (IS, AJ, ZL), pp. 10364–10369.
DATE-2003-StolbergBFMFMKKP #architecture #manycore #named- HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing Applications (HJS, MB, LF, SM, SF, XM, MBK, HK, PP), pp. 20008–20013.
DATE-2003-SurendraBN #network #reuse- Enhancing Speedup in Network Processing Applications by Exploiting Instruction Reuse with Flow Aggregation (GS, SB, SKN), pp. 10784–10789.
DATE-2003-ZhangM #implementation #independence #satisfiability #using #validation- Validating SAT Solvers Using an Independent Resolution-Based Checker: Practical Implementations and Other Applications (LZ, SM), pp. 10880–10885.
DRR-2003-AradhyeHM #analysis #detection #recognition- Syntax-directed content analysis of videotext: application to a map detection recognition system (HBA, JAH, GKM), pp. 57–66.
DRR-2003-OgataWIYFSF #identification #implementation- Form-type identification for banking applications and its implementation issues (HO, SW, AI, TY, NF, HS, HF), pp. 208–218.
DRR-2003-Pham #markov #modelling #recognition #statistics- Applications of geostatistics and Markov models for logo recognition (TDP), pp. 20–27.
HT-2003-ItoT #composition #visual notation #web- A visual environment for dynamic web application composition (KI, YT), pp. 184–193.
HT-2003-RutledgeABPDV #generative #hypermedia #semantics- Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation (LR, MA, RB, SP, WvD, MV), pp. 67–76.
ICDAR-2003-AblavskyS #automation #documentation #feature model #identification- Automatic Feature Selection with Applications to Script Identification of Degraded Documents (VA, MRS), pp. 750–754.
ICDAR-2003-Biem #classification #optimisation- A Model Selection Criterion for Classification: Application to HMM Topology Optimization (AB), pp. 104–108.
ICDAR-2003-EglinB #classification #documentation #layout #query #similarity #visual notation- Document page similarity based on layout visual saliency: Application to query by example and document classification (VE, SB), pp. 1208–1212.
ICDAR-2003-JawaharKK #documentation- A Bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu Documents and its Applications (CVJ, MNSSKPK, SSRK), pp. 408–412.
ICDAR-2003-NgSGD #modelling #recognition- Nonlinear Active Handwriting Models and Their Applications to Handwritten Chinese Radical Recognition (GSN, DS, SRG, RID), p. 534–?.
ICDAR-2003-PrevostMMOM #classification #modelling #recognition- Combining model-based and discriminative classifiers : application to handwritten character recognition (LP, CMS, AM, LO, MM), p. 31–?.
ICDAR-2003-Wakahara #correlation #recognition #using- Shape Matching Using GAT Correlation against Nonlinear Distortion and its Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition (TW), p. 54–?.
PODS-2003-RameshMZ #data mining #mining #theory and practice- Feasible itemset distributions in data mining: theory and application (GR, WM, MJZ), pp. 284–295.
SIGMOD-2003-CranorJSS #database #named #network- Gigascope: A Stream Database for Network Applications (CDC, TJ, OS, VS), pp. 647–651.
VLDB-2003-CeriM #tool support #web- Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques (SC, IM), p. 1151.
VLDB-2003-HinneburgLH #data mining #database #mining #named- COMBI-Operator: Database Support for Data Mining Applications (AH, WL, DH), pp. 429–439.
VLDB-2003-Leymann #grid #industrial- Grid and Applications (Industrial Session) (FL), p. 1033.
VLDB-2003-LiPHCAAT #scalability #web- CachePortal II: Acceleration of Very Large Scale Data Center-Hosted Database-driven Web Applications (WSL, OP, WPH, KSC, DA, YA, KT), pp. 1109–1112.
VLDB-2003-NicklasGS #distributed #framework #named- NexusScout: An Advanced Location-Based Application on a Distributed, Open Mediation Platform (DN, MG, TS), pp. 1089–1092.
VLDB-2003-SizovGT #crawling #framework #generative #web- From Focused Crawling to Expert Information: an Application Framework for Web Exploration and Portal Generation (SS, JG, MT), pp. 1105–1108.
VLDB-2003-VieiraM #benchmark #dependence #metric- A Dependability Benchmark for OLTP Application Environments (MV, HM), pp. 742–753.
ITiCSE-2003-Baciu #interactive #named- SysRel: an interactive application for training (RB), p. 268.
FASE-2003-FenkamGJ #specification- Composing Specifications of Event Based Applications (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 67–86.
FASE-2003-HeckelL #development #modelling #using #visual notation #web- Model-Based Development of Web Applications Using Graphical Reaction Rules (RH, ML), pp. 170–183.
CSMR-2003-GibbsM #aspect-oriented #c++ #invariant #validation #weaving- Weaving Aspects into C++ Applications for Validation of Temporal Invariants (THG, BAM), pp. 249–258.
CSMR-2003-JeyaramanKR #legacy #process #re-engineering- Reengineering Legacy Application to E-Business with Modified Rational Unified Process (GJ, KK, VVSR), p. 143–?.
CSMR-2003-LanubileM #clone detection #web- Finding Function Clones in Web Applications (FL, TM), p. 379–?.
CSMR-2003-SciascioDMP #design #maintenance #model checking #using #web- Web Applications Design and Maintenance Using Symbolic Model Checking (EDS, FMD, MM, GP), pp. 63–72.
ICSM-2003-MemonBHN #framework #named #testing #user interface- DART: A Framework for Regression Testing “Nightly/daily Builds” of GUI Applications (AMM, IB, NH, AN), pp. 410–419.
ICSM-2003-QuahT #metric #network #object-oriented #predict #quality #using- Application of Neural Networks for Software Quality Prediction Using Object-Oriented Metrics (TSQ, MMTT), p. 116–?.
IWPC-2003-BawaG #distributed #interactive #java #visualisation- Visualizing Interactions in Distributed Java Applications (NB, SG), pp. 292–293.
WCRE-2003-HanHN #architecture #web- Reconstructing Software Architecture for J2EE Web Applications (MH, CH, RLN), pp. 67–79.
WCRE-2003-HsiPM #concept #ontology- Ontological Excavation: Unearthing the core concepts of the application (IH, CP, MMM), pp. 345–352.
PEPM-2003-PueblaH- Abstract specialization and its applications (GP, MVH), pp. 29–43.
SAS-2003-RepsSJ #analysis #automaton #data flow #interprocedural- Weighted Pushdown Systems and Their Application to Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis (TWR, SS, SJ), pp. 189–213.
SAS-2003-ShahamYKS #memory management #safety- Establishing Local Temporal Heap Safety Properties with Applications to Compile-Time Memory Management (RS, EY, EKK, SS), pp. 483–503.
SAS-2003-UnnikrishnanCKKK #requirements- Loop Transformations for Reducing Data Space Requirements of Resource-Constrained Applications (PU, GC, MTK, MK, IK), pp. 383–400.
STOC-2003-AdlerHKV #network #peer-to-peer #probability #process- A stochastic process on the hypercube with applications to peer-to-peer networks (MA, EH, RMK, VVV), pp. 575–584.
STOC-2003-GaoZ #composition #graph #metric- Well-separated pair decomposition for the unit-disk graph metric and its applications (JG, LZ), pp. 483–492.
STOC-2003-JayramKS #complexity- Two applications of information complexity (TSJ, RK, DS), pp. 673–682.
CIAA-2003-FanLLTWY #algorithm- An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum-Sum Segment and Its Application in Bioinformatics Extended Abstract (THF, SL, HIL, TST, TCW, AY), pp. 251–257.
CIAA-2003-Ravikumar #algorithm #automaton- Weak Minimization of DFA — An Algorithm and Applications (BR), pp. 226–238.
ICALP-2003-AmirACLP #algorithm #bound- Function Matching: Algorithms, Applications, and a Lower Bound (AA, YA, RC, ML, EP), pp. 929–942.
ICALP-2003-BonisGV #framework #testing- Generalized Framework for Selectors with Applications in Optimal Group Testing (ADB, LG, UV), pp. 81–96.
ICALP-2003-XieDI #equation #infinity #polynomial #verification- A Solvable Class of Quadratic Diophantine Equations with Applications to Verification of Infinite-State Systems (GX, ZD, OHI), pp. 668–680.
FME-2003-Abrial #development #pointer- Event Based Sequential Program Development: Application to Constructing a Pointer Program (JRA), pp. 51–74.
FME-2003-FenkamGJ #approach #concurrent- Constructing Deadlock Free Event-Based Applications: A Rely/Guarantee Approach (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 636–657.
FME-2003-MammarL #automation #database #design #proving #refinement- Design of an Automatic Prover Dedicated to the Refinement of Database Applications (AM, RL), pp. 834–854.
SEFM-2003-LanotteMT #automaton #bisimulation #probability #security- Weak Bisimulation for Probabilistic Timed Automata and Applications to Security (RL, AMS, AT), pp. 34–43.
SFM-2003-StaffordWC #analysis #architecture #dependence- The Application of Dependence Analysis to Software Architecture Descriptions (JAS, ALW, MC), pp. 52–62.
ICFP-2003-Knight #functional #quantum- Conservation of information: applications in functional, reversible, and quantum computing (TKJ), p. 1.
AGTIVE-2003-QemaliT #graph transformation #towards #validation #web- Towards Validation of Session Management in Web Applications based on Graph Transformation (AQ, GT), pp. 15–29.
CHI-2003-BeierV #design #framework #guidelines #user interface #web- The bull’s-eye: a framework for web application user interface design guidelines (BB, MWV), pp. 489–496.
CHI-2003-KaikkonenR #html #mobile #navigation- Navigating in a mobile XHTML application (AK, VR), pp. 329–336.
AdaEurope-2003-HolstiL #framework #strict- Impact of a Restricted Tasking Profile: The Case of the GOCE Platform Application Software (NH, TL), pp. 92–101.
SIGAda-2003-AllaertCW #linux #migration #scalability- European air traffic flow management: porting a large application to GNU/linux (GA, DC, PW), pp. 29–37.
SIGAda-2003-Rosen #case study #database #experience #web- Experiences in developing a typical web/database application (JPR), pp. 38–48.
CAiSE-2003-Saeki #development #information management #metric- Embedding Metrics into Information Systems Development Methods: An Application of Method Engineering Technique (MS), pp. 374–389.
CAiSE-2003-TosicPPEM #web #web service- Management Applications of the Web Service Offerings Language (WSOL) (VT, BP, KP, BE, WM), pp. 468–484.
CAiSE-2003-WieringaBFG #architecture- Aligning Application Architecture to the Business Context (RW, HMB, MMF, PWPJG), pp. 209–225.
EDOC-2003-DimitrakosRYGLRSWW #architecture #grid- An Emerging Architecture Enabling Grid Based Application Service Provision (TD, DMR, FY, MG, GL, PR, BS, SW, KW), pp. 240–251.
EDOC-2003-FuentesPV #component #design #how- How MDA Can Help Designing Component- and Aspect-based Applications (LF, MP, AV), pp. 124–135.
ICEIS-v1-2003-JablonskiPM #architecture #framework #web- An Architectural Framework for Web Applications (SJ, IP, CM), pp. 285–293.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MontilvaB #component #web- A Component-Based Method for Developing Web Applications (JAM, JB), pp. 334–340.
ICEIS-v1-2003-PfeiferW #approach- A Transparent Client-Side Caching Approach for Application Server Systems (DP, ZW), pp. 545–549.
ICEIS-v1-2003-TawbiC- Services Providers’ Patterns for Client/Server Applications (ST, BC), pp. 574–577.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ToffolonD #evaluation #process- Software Application Packages Selection: An Evaluation Process Based on the Spiral Model (CT, SD), pp. 578–581.
ICEIS-v1-2003-Tse #design #distributed #prototype- A Design of a Distributed Application: Utilising Mico in a Prototype OODB (CT), pp. 594–599.
ICEIS-v2-2003-BouchaffraT #industrial #markov- Structural Hidden Markov Model and Its Application in Automotive Industry (DB, JT), pp. 155–164.
ICEIS-v2-2003-GhediniB #approach- A Process-Centered Approach for Kdd Application Management (CG, KB), pp. 238–243.
ICEIS-v2-2003-Koehler #automation #database #health #learning #network- Tool for Automatic Learning of Bayesian Networks From Database: An Application in the Health Area (CK), pp. 474–481.
ICEIS-v2-2003-OkuharaSMIN- Application of Group Method of Data Handling to Virtual Environment Simulator (KO, WS, YM, HI, TN), pp. 545–548.
ICEIS-v3-2003-AllouiMO #approach #architecture #generative #modelling #using- Modelling and Generating Business-To-Business Applications Using an Architecture Description Language — Based Approach (IA, KM, FO), pp. 201–210.
ICEIS-v3-2003-ChimarisP #component #framework #implementation- Implementing a Generic Component-Based Framework for Tele-Control Applications (AC, GAP), pp. 51–58.
ICEIS-v3-2003-IqbalJG #integration- A Methodology for the Integration of CSCW Applications (RI, AEJ, RAG), pp. 599–602.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Olla #approach #development- An Innovative Approach to Wireless Applications Development: An Exploration of Practise (PO), pp. 627–632.
ICEIS-v3-2003-TianZC #case study #enterprise- Study on Chinese Enterprise E-Readiness Index and Application (YT, YZ, JC), pp. 468–473.
ICEIS-v4-2003-AndreouMLCPSS #development #e-commerce #process- E-Commerce Engineering: A Short vs. Long Software Process for the Development of E-Commerce Applications (ASA, SM, CL, CC, AP, GS, CS), pp. 10–20.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Baghdadi #design #e-commerce #process- A Design Process for Deploying B2B E-Commerce Applications (YB), pp. 399–403.
ICEIS-v4-2003-BouzidP #mobile- Agent-Based Generic Services and Their Application for the Mobile Workforce (MB, JP), pp. 161–166.
ICEIS-v4-2003-JayaputeraZL #internet #multi- A Mission-Based Multiagent System for Internet Applications (GTJ, ABZ, SWL), pp. 232–237.
ICEIS-v4-2003-LiTZ #distributed #framework #semantics- A Semantic Framework for Distributed Applications (BL, WTT, LJZ), pp. 34–41.
ICEIS-v4-2003-LopesO #distributed #using- Application Scenarios for Distributed Management Using Snmp Expressions (RPL, JLO), pp. 49–54.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Roth #collaboration #framework #mobile- The Resource Framework for Mobile Applications: Enabling Collaboration Between Mobile Users (JR), pp. 87–94.
ICEIS-v4-2003-SonneckM #graph #personalisation #using #web- One-To-One Personalization of Web Applications Using a Graph Based Model (GS, TAM), pp. 95–102.
CIKM-2003-BhowmickVL #integration #named- HyperThesis: the gRNA spell on the curse of bioinformatics applications integration (SSB, VV, AVL), pp. 402–409.
CIKM-2003-SubramaniamMKSBKK #evaluation #information management- Information extraction from biomedical literature: methodology, evaluation and an application (LVS, SM, PK, BS, VSB, PVK, RK), pp. 410–417.
ECIR-2003-NottelmannF #information retrieval #nondeterminism #probability- From Uncertain Inference to Probability of Relevance for Advanced IR Applications (HN, NF), pp. 235–250.
ICML-2003-Graepel #difference #equation #linear #process- Solving Noisy Linear Operator Equations by Gaussian Processes: Application to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (TG), pp. 234–241.
ICML-2003-KennedyJ #learning #problem- Characteristics of Long-term Learning in Soar and its Application to the Utility Problem (WGK, KADJ), pp. 337–344.
ICML-2003-ZhangJYH #approximate #categorisation #scalability- Modified Logistic Regression: An Approximation to SVM and Its Applications in Large-Scale Text Categorization (JZ, RJ, YY, AGH), pp. 888–895.
KDD-2003-Aggarwal #data mining #design #distance #mining #towards- Towards systematic design of distance functions for data mining applications (CCA), pp. 9–18.
KDD-2003-DuMouchelA #design- Applications of sampling and fractional factorial designs to model-free data squashing (WD, DKA), pp. 511–516.
MLDM-2003-BouguilaZV #classification #image #novel- Novel Mixtures Based on the Dirichlet Distribution: Application to Data and Image Classification (NB, DZ, JV), pp. 172–181.
MLDM-2003-DenoyerG #categorisation #documentation #generative #xml- A Belief Networks-Based Generative Model for Structured Documents. An Application to the XML Categorization (LD, PG), pp. 328–342.
SEKE-2003-Ginige #development #process #re-engineering- Re-engineering Software Development Process for eBusiness Application Development (AG), pp. 1–8.
SEKE-2003-LoC #architecture #clustering #component #design- Application of Clustering Techniques to Component Architecture Design (ScL, JhC), pp. 699–705.
SEKE-2003-SariniS #coordination #design- From Actors to Applications: Interpreting User Centered Design of Coordination Supports (MS, CS), pp. 95–102.
SEKE-2003-Strelzoff #recognition #theory and practice- Revision Recognition for Scientific Computing: Theory and Application (AS), pp. 46–53.
SEKE-2003-ThwinQ #maintenance #metric #network #object-oriented #using- Application of Neural Networks for Estimating Software Maintainability Using Object-Oriented Metrics (MMTT, TSQ), pp. 69–73.
SIGIR-2003-VirgaK- Transliteration of proper names in cross-language applications (PV, SK), pp. 365–366.
UML-2003-BackBLMP #empirical- A Workbench to Experiment on New Model Engineering Applications (RJB, DB, JL, LM, IP), pp. 96–100.
UML-2003-ChristophM #middleware #migration #named #uml- GREAT: UML Transformation Tool for Porting Middleware Applications (AC, MMM), pp. 18–30.
UML-2003-LohmannSS #development #modelling #named #tool support #web- ProGUM-Web: Tool Support for Model-Based Development of Web Applications (ML, SS, TS), pp. 101–105.
UML-2003-MullerSB #framework #independence #modelling #web- Platform Independent Web Application Modeling (PAM, PS, JB), pp. 220–233.
UML-2003-PleumannH #modelling #runtime #web- A Model-Driven Runtime Environment for Web Applications (JP, SH), pp. 190–204.
ECOOP-2003-MitchellS #automation #java #lightweight #memory management #named #scalability- LeakBot: An Automated and Lightweight Tool for Diagnosing Memory Leaks in Large Java Applications (NM, GS), pp. 351–377.
ECOOP-2003-ShriraT #collaboration #mobile #named- MX: Mobile Object Exchange for Collaborative Applications (LS, HT), pp. 126–150.
OOPSLA-2003-CorwinBGM #java #named- MJ: a rational module system for Java and its applications (JC, DFB, DG, CM), pp. 241–254.
GPCE-2003-ConselHRSYP #approach #domain-specific language #named #specification #streaming- Spidle: A DSL Approach to Specifying Streaming Applications (CC, HH, LR, LS, HY, CP), pp. 1–17.
PADL-2003-HuetC #algorithm #performance- Zen and the Art of Symbolic Computing: Light and Fast Applicative Algorithms for Computational Linguistics (GPH), pp. 17–18.
PADL-2003-LammelV- A Strafunski Application Letter (RL, JV), pp. 357–375.
RE-2003-KaiyaSMK #analysis #java #mobile #policy #requirements #security #trade-off- Trade-off Analysis between Security Policies for Java Mobile Codes and Requirements for Java Application (HK, KS, YM, KK), pp. 357–358.
SAC-2003-AbendrothJ #framework #security- A Unified Security Framework for Networked Applications (JA, CDJ), pp. 351–357.
SAC-2003-Dong #composition #design pattern #representation #uml- Representing the Applications and Compositions of Design Patterns in UML (JD), pp. 1092–1098.
SAC-2003-GassendCDD #authentication- Delay-Based Circuit Authentication and Applications (BG, DEC, MvD, SD), pp. 294–301.
SAC-2003-SaliceFVP #architecture #clustering #embedded #multi- Partitioning of Embedded Applications onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures (FS, WF, LDV, LP), pp. 661–665.
ESEC-FSE-2003-BaresiHTV #architecture #modelling #validation- Modeling and validation of service-oriented architectures: application vs. style (LB, RH, ST, DV), pp. 68–77.
ESEC-FSE-2003-HallC #named- Gravity: supporting dynamically available services in client-side applications (RSH, HC), pp. 379–382.
ESEC-FSE-2003-KapfhammerS #product line #test coverage #testing- A family of test adequacy criteria for database-driven applications (GMK, MLS), pp. 98–107.
ICSE-2003-ChanCLMNS #design #interactive #named #visual notation- DRT: A Tool for Design Recovery of Interactive Graphical Applications (KC, AC, ZCLL, AM, MHN, NS), pp. 814–815.
ICSE-2003-ChanLM #design #interactive #visual notation- Design Recovery of Interactive Graphical Applications (KC, ZCLL, AM), pp. 114–124.
ICSE-2003-ChaysD #database #relational #testing- Demonstration of AGENDA Tool Set for Testing Relational Database Applications (DC, YD), pp. 802–803.
ICSE-2003-ElbaumKR #testing #web- Improving Web Application Testing with User Session Data (SGE, SK, GR), pp. 49–59.
ICSE-2003-RaghavachariRJ #configuration management #performance #problem #reliability- The Deployer’s Problem: Configuring Application Servers for Performance and Reliability (MR, DR, RDJ), pp. 484–489.
ICSE-2003-RuheJW #estimation #web- Cost Estimation for Web Applications (MR, DRJ, IW), pp. 285–294.
LDTA-2003-MagnussonH #attribute grammar #evaluation- Circular Reference Attributed Grammars — Their Evaluation and Applications (EM, GH), pp. 532–554.
CGO-2003-KaminCJ #code generation #java #named #runtime- Jumbo: Run-Time Code Generation for Java and Its Applications (SK, LC, AJ), pp. 48–58.
HPCA-2003-ChenDA #branch #data flow #dependence #predict- Dynamic Data Dependence Tracking and its Application to Branch Prediction (LC, SD, DHA), pp. 65–76.
HPDC-2003-BalajiWKCPS #data-driven #performance- Impact of High Performance Sockets on Data Intensive Applications (PB, JW, TMK, ÜVÇ, DKP, JHS), pp. 24–33.
HPDC-2003-JiangX #architecture #named #on-demand- SODA: A Service-On-Demand Architecture for Application Service Hosting Utility Platforms (XJ, DX), pp. 174–183.
HPDC-2003-SenapathiCSSP #adaptation #clustering #interactive #middleware- QoS-Aware Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers to support Interactive and Resource-Adaptive Applications (SS, BC, DS, HWS, DKP), pp. 205–215.
HPDC-2003-TakefusaTMM #algorithm #analysis #architecture #energy #grid #performance #physics #replication #scheduling- Performance Analysis of Scheduling and Replication Algorithms on Grid Datafarm Architecture for High-Energy Physics Applications (AT, OT, SM, YM), pp. 34–47.
LCTES-2003-AbouGhazalehCMMC #compilation #embedded #energy #realtime- Energy management for real-time embedded applications with compiler support (NA, BRC, DM, RGM, MC), pp. 284–293.
LCTES-2003-CaspiCMSTN #approach #distributed #embedded- From simulink to SCADE/lustre to TTA: a layered approach for distributed embedded applications (PC, AC, AM, CS, ST, PN), pp. 153–162.
LCTES-2003-SureshNVVS #clustering #embedded #hardware #profiling #tool support- Profiling tools for hardware/software partitioning of embedded applications (DCS, WAN, FV, JRV, GS), pp. 189–198.
PPoPP-2003-BronevetskyMPS #automation #source code- Automated application-level checkpointing of MPI programs (GB, DM, KP, PS), pp. 84–94.
SOSP-2003-SekarVBBD #approach #execution- Model-carrying code: a practical approach for safe execution of untrusted applications (RS, VNV, SB, SB, DCD), pp. 15–28.
FATES-2003-BeekM #automation #consistency #internet #testing- Automatic Conformance Testing of Internet Applications (HMAvB, SM), pp. 205–222.
ICLP-2003-Morozov #development #logic #logic programming #web- Development and Application of Logical Actors Mathematical Apparatus for Logic Programming of Web Agents (AAM), pp. 494–495.
ICLP-2003-Valencia03a #concurrent #constraints #decidability #ltl #programming- Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming: Decidability Results and Their Application to LTL (FDV), pp. 422–437.
RTA-2003-Comon-LundhC #decidability #encryption #first-order #logic #protocol- New Decidability Results for Fragments of First-Order Logic and Application to Cryptographic Protocols (HCL, VC), pp. 148–164.
RTA-2003-Giavitto #modelling #simulation- Invited Talk: Topological Collections, Transformations and Their Application to the Modeling and the Simulation of Dynamical Systems (JLG), pp. 208–233.
TestCom-2003-DibuzK #automation #framework- Framework and Model for Automated Interoperability Test and Its Application to ROHC (SD, PK), pp. 243–257.
TLCA-2003-Joly #encoding #problem- Encoding of the Halting Problem into the Monster Type & Applications (TJ), pp. 153–166.
CBSE-2002-ChenGLL #component #enterprise #off the shelf #performance #predict- Performance Prediction of COTS Component-based Enterprise Applications (SC, IG, AL, YL), p. 7.
CBSE-2003-DijkmanAQ #component #correctness #process #verification- Verifying the Correctness of Component-Based Applications that Support Business Processes (RMD, JAA, DAQ), p. 8.
ASE-2002-BaudryFJT #adaptation #automation #component #dot-net #optimisation #testing #using- Automatic Test Cases Optimization Using a Bacteriological Adaptation Model: Application to .NET Component (BB, FF, JMJ, YLT), pp. 253–256.
ASE-2002-GibbsMP #automation #c++ #invariant #validation- Automated Validation of Class Invariants in C++ Applications (THG, BAM, JFP), p. 205–?.
ASE-2002-Hall #concurrent #java #multi #named #profiling #thread- CPPROFJ: Aspect-Capable Call Path Profiling of Multi-Threaded Java Applications (RJH), pp. 107–116.
ASE-2002-KetfiBC #adaptation #on the fly- Adapting Applications on the Fly (AK, NB, PYC), p. 313.
DAC-2002-KadayifKS #approach #integer #linear #multi #programming- An integer linear programming based approach for parallelizing applications in On-chip multiprocessors (IK, MTK, US), pp. 703–708.
DAC-2002-KangSC #power management #synthesis- An optimal voltage synthesis technique for a power-efficient satellite application (DIK, JS, SPC), pp. 492–497.
DAC-2002-MemikM #flexibility #network- A flexible accelerator for layer 7 networking applications (GM, WHMS), pp. 646–651.
DAC-2002-OhH #data flow #graph #multi #performance #synthesis- Efficient code synthesis from extended dataflow graphs for multimedia applications (HO, SH), pp. 275–280.
DAC-2002-VaratkarM #analysis #design #multi #network- Traffic analysis for on-chip networks design of multimedia applications (GV, RM), pp. 795–800.
DAC-2002-WongMP #concept #synthesis- Forward-looking objective functions: concept & applications in high level synthesis (JLW, SM, MP), pp. 904–909.
DAC-2002-ZhongD #algorithm #constraints #multi #optimisation- Algorithms for simultaneous satisfaction of multiple constraints and objective optimization in a placement flow with application to congestion control (KZ, SD), pp. 854–859.
DATE-2002-AchterenDCL #reuse- Data Reuse Exploration Techniques for Loop-Dominated Application (TVA, GD, FC, RL), pp. 428–435.
DATE-2002-ChenM #design #metric #physics- Closed-Form Crosstalk Noise Metrics for Physical Design Applications (LHC, MMS), pp. 812–819.
DATE-2002-CiesielskiKZR #canonical #diagrams #representation #verification- Taylor Expansion Diagrams: A Compact, Canonical Representation with Applications to Symbolic Verification (MJC, PK, ZZ, BR), pp. 285–289.
DATE-2002-DingM02a #modelling #using- Accurate Estimating Simultaneous Switching Noises by Using Application Specific Device Modeling (LD, PM), pp. 1038–1043.
DATE-2002-GonciariAN #testing- Improving Compression Ratio, Area Overhead, and Test Application Time for System-on-a-Chip Test Data Compression/Decompression (PTG, BMAH, NN), pp. 604–611.
DATE-2002-IndrusiakGR #analysis #comparative #design #distributed #framework #repository- Comparative Analysis and Application of Data Repository Infrastructure for Collaboration-Enabled Distributed Design Environments (LSI, MG, RAdLR), p. 1130.
DATE-2002-KandemirK #energy- Reducing Cache Access Energy in Array-Intensive Application (MTK, IK), p. 1092.
DATE-2002-LiverisZSG #performance #program transformation- A Code Transformation-Based Methodology for Improving I-Cache Performance of DSP Applications (NDL, NDZ, DS, CEG), pp. 977–983.
DATE-2002-PenzesM #energy #estimation- An Energy Estimation Method for Asynchronous Circuits with Application to an Asynchronous Microprocessor (PIP, AJM), pp. 640–647.
DATE-2002-PetrovO #embedded #performance- Power Efficient Embedded Processor Ip’s through Application-Specific Tag Compression in Data Caches (PP, AO), pp. 1065–1071.
DATE-2002-RahajandraibeDACMC #parametricity- Test Structure for IC(VBE) Parameter Determination of Low Voltage Applications (WR, CD, DA, BC, BM, VC), pp. 316–321.
DATE-2002-RedaO #encoding #testing- Reducing Test Application Time Through Test Data Mutation Encoding (SR, AO), pp. 387–393.
DATE-2002-SassatelliTBGDCG #architecture #configuration management #scalability- Highly Scalable Dynamically Reconfigurable Systolic Ring-Architecture for DSP Applications (GS, LT, PB, TG, CD, GC, JG), pp. 553–558.
DATE-2002-Selic #realtime #standard #uml- The Real-Time UML Standard: Definition and Application (BS), pp. 770–772.
DATE-2002-SommerRHGMMECSN #design #layout #specification #top-down- From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications (RS, IRH, EH, UG, PM, FM, KE, CC, PS, GN), pp. 884–891.
PODS-2002-ShashaWG #algorithm #graph- Algorithmics and Applications of Tree and Graph Searching (DS, JTLW, RG), pp. 39–52.
SIGMOD-2002-AltinelLKMPLWB #database #named #web- DBCache: database caching for web application servers (MA, QL, SK, CM, HP, BGL, HW, LB), p. 612.
SIGMOD-2002-AntonJLPZZ #database #web- Web caching for database applications with Oracle Web Cache (JA, LJ, XL, JP, ZZ, TZ), pp. 594–599.
SIGMOD-2002-KarbhariRXD #named #network- ACDN: a content delivery network for applications (PK, MR, ZX, FD), p. 619.
SIGMOD-2002-Mohan #named #tutorial- Tutorial: application servers and associated technologies (CM), p. 636.
VLDB-2002-BettiniJWW #policy #security- Provisions and Obligations in Policy Management and Security Applications (CB, SJ, XSW, DW), pp. 502–513.
VLDB-2002-CarneyCCCLSSTZ #data transformation #monitoring- Monitoring Streams — A New Class of Data Management Applications (DC, UÇ, MC, CC, SL, GS, MS, NT, SBZ), pp. 215–226.
VLDB-2002-HerlekarDRGS #consistency #flexibility #maintenance #named- enTrans: A System for Flexible Consistency Maintenance in Directory Applications (AH, AD, KR, SG, SS), pp. 1095–1098.
VLDB-2002-KounevB #data access- Improving Data Access of J2EE Applications by Exploiting Asynchronous Messaging and Caching Services (SK, APB), pp. 574–585.
VLDB-2002-LaudBCSR #framework #programmable #prototype- The gRNA: A Highly Programmable Infrastructure for Prototyping, Developing and Deploying Genomics-Centric Applications (AVL, SSB, PC, DTS, GR), pp. 928–939.
VLDB-2002-LiHKSPAC #web- Issues and Evaluations of Caching Solutions for Web Application Acceleration (WSL, WPH, DVK, RS, OP, DA, KSC), pp. 1019–1030.
VLDB-2002-Mohan- Application Servers and Associated Technologies (CM).
ITiCSE-2002-ClearF #3d #java- Avatars in cyberspace: a Java 3D application to support formation of virtual groups (TC, GF), p. 222.
FASE-2002-BaresiGMP #design #metamodelling #tool support #web- Meta-modeling Techniques Meet Web Application Design Tools (LB, FG, LM, PP), pp. 294–307.
FASE-2002-NavarroFFS #concept #hypermedia #prototype- Formal-Driven Conceptualization and Prototyping of Hypermedia Applications (AN, BFM, AFV, JLS), pp. 308–322.
FASE-2002-PaulaB #component #development- Mapping an ADL to a Component-Based Application Development Environment (VCCdP, TVB), pp. 128–142.
TACAS-2002-BustanG #simulation- Applicability of Fair Simulation (DB, OG), pp. 401–414.
SCAM-J-2001-RiccaTB02 #web- Web application transformations based on rewrite rules (FR, PT, IDB), pp. 811–825.
CSMR-2002-BoulychevKT #on the #re-engineering- On Project-Specific Languages and Their Application in Reengineering (DYB, DVK, AAT), pp. 177–185.
CSMR-2002-LuccaFPTC #named #reverse engineering #web- WARE: A Tool for the Reverse Engineering of Web Applications (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 241–250.
CSMR-2002-Panteleymonov #user interface- Interoperable Thin Client Separation from GUI Applications (AP), pp. 211–216.
ICSM-2002-LauCKL #e-commerce #enterprise #java #legacy #re-engineering- Re-Engineering of E-commerce Legacy Applications for Enterprise JavaTM Environment (TCL, YC, RK, JL), p. 573.
ICSM-2002-LuccaFFC #testing #web- Testing Web Applications (GADL, ARF, FF, UdC), pp. 310–319.
ICSM-2002-RaoS #empirical #maintenance #outsourcing #process- Applicability of IEEE Maintenance Process for Corrective Maintenance Outsourcing — An Empirical Study (BSR, NLS), pp. 74–83.
ICSM-2002-WangCMY #evolution #online- An Application Server to Support Online Evolution (QW, FC, HM, FY), pp. 131–140.
IWPC-2002-IvkovicG #architecture #case study- Architecture Recovery of Dynamically Linked Applications: A Case Study (II, MWG), pp. 178–184.
IWPC-2002-LuccaFPTC #approach #clustering #web- Comprehending Web Applications by a Clustering Based Approach (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 261–270.
SCAM-2002-RiccaT #dependence #graph #slicing #web- Construction of the System Dependence Graph for Web Application Slicing (FR, PT), pp. 123–132.
STOC-2002-ArgeBDHM #algorithm #graph #queue- Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications (LA, MAB, EDD, BHM, JIM), pp. 268–276.
STOC-2002-Chan #geometry- Dynamic subgraph connectivity with geometric applications (TMC), pp. 7–13.
FLOPS-2002-Porto #abstraction #logic programming- Structural Abstraction and Application in Logic Programming (AP), pp. 275–289.
CIAA-2002-LargeteauG #distributed #realtime #validation- Term Validation of Distributed Hard Real-Time Applications (GL, DG), pp. 262–269.
ICALP-2002-HearnD #constraints #logic #nondeterminism #reduction- The Nondeterministic Constraint Logic Model of Computation: Reductions and Applications (RAH, EDD), pp. 401–413.
ICALP-2002-KarhumakiL #equivalence #finite #problem- The Equivalence Problem of Finite Substitutions on ab*c, with Applications (JK, LPL), pp. 812–820.
ICALP-2002-WuC #problem- Optimal Net Surface Problems with Applications (XW, DZC), pp. 1029–1042.
FME-2002-UmeduTYNHT #mobile #multi- A Language for Describing Wireless Mobile Applications with Dynamic Establishment of Multi-way Synchronization Channels (TU, YT, KY, AN, TH, KT), pp. 607–624.
CSCW-2002-LiL- Transparent sharing and interoperation of heterogeneous single-user applications (DL, RL), pp. 246–255.
AdaEurope-2002-AlonsoLVP #case study #object-oriented #using- Using Object Orientation in High Integrity Applications: A Case Study (AA, RL, TV, JAdlP), pp. 357–366.
AdaEurope-2002-BinderL #embedded #execution #java #kernel #reliability #using- Using a Secure Java Micro-kernel on Embedded Devices for the Reliable Execution of Dynamically Uploaded Applications (WB, BL), pp. 125–135.
AdaEurope-2002-PinhoV- Transparent Environment for Replicated Ravenscar Applications (LMP, FV), pp. 297–308.
AdaEurope-2002-RivasH #interface #scheduling- A POSIX-Ada Interface for Application-Defined Scheduling (MAR, MGH), pp. 136–150.
CAiSE-2002-Lu #architecture #database #re-engineering- Reengineering of Database Applications to EJB Based Architecture (JL), pp. 361–376.
CAiSE-2002-MohanCS #approach #development #process #state machine- A State Machine Based Approach for a Process Driven Development of Web-Applications (RM, MAC, JS), pp. 52–66.
CAiSE-2002-ZhangS #framework #integration #named #xml- Babel: An XML-Based Application Integration Framework (HZ, ES), pp. 280–295.
EDOC-2002-Anido-RifonSRC #case study #experience- An MDA-Based Model for Vertical Application Task Forces: An Experience Report (LEAR, JMS, JSR, MC), p. 167–?.
EDOC-2002-KrishnakumarS #adaptation #constraints #network #ubiquitous- Constraint Based Network Adaptation for Ubiquitous Applications (KTK, MS), p. 258–?.
EDOC-2002-Kutvonen #automation- Automated Management of Inter-Organisational Applications (LK), pp. 27–38.
EDOC-2002-WangR #architecture #corba #lightweight #performance- An Architecture for Web-Enabled Engineering Applications Based on Lightweight High Performance CORBA (GW, RR), pp. 249–257.
ICEIS-2002-CalejoAAS #web- Web Application Maker (MC, MA, SMA, NS), pp. 250–256.
ICEIS-2002-CortesCD #approach #automation #web- An Automated Approach to Quality-Aware Web Applications (ARC, RC, AD), pp. 995–1000.
ICEIS-2002-FloresG #algorithm #case study #estimation #fuzzy #learning #problem- Applicability of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms to the Fuzzy Rule Learning Problem: A Preliminary Study (MJF, JAG), pp. 350–357.
ICEIS-2002-Hovanyi #component #network #reuse- Reusable Component Extraction from Intellingent Network Management Applications (DH), pp. 618–626.
ICEIS-2002-HoyleSR #design #framework #xml- The Design of an XML E-Business Applications Framework (IH, LS, SJR), pp. 922–928.
ICEIS-2002-KieltykaK #energy #network #predict- The Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Heat Energy Use Prediction (LK, RK), pp. 526–529.
ICEIS-2002-KrishnaswamyLZ #data mining #distributed #mining #optimisation #predict #runtime- Supporting the Optimisation of Distributed Data Mining by Predicting Application Run Times (SK, SWL, ABZ), pp. 374–381.
ICEIS-2002-Mahmoud #enterprise #java #using- Developing Enterprise Applications Using Java (QHM), p. 21.
ICEIS-2002-MK #industrial #information management- Knowledge Management in Manufacturing Technology: An A.I. Application in the Industry (SMM, DK), pp. 506–511.
ICEIS-2002-Sierra-AlonsoCMP #development #information management #process #requirements #web- Incorporating Knowledge Engineering Techniques to Requirements Capture in the MIDAS Web Applications Development Process (ASA, PC, EM, JEPM), pp. 782–787.
ICEIS-2002-TrujilloLM #design- The Gold Model Case Tool: An Environment for Designing OLAP Applications (JT, SLM, EM), pp. 699–707.
CIKM-2002-AmiriPT #data transformation #self #web- A self-managing data cache for edge-of-network web applications (KA, SP, RT), pp. 177–185.
CIKM-2002-AvantBBFSW #security #semantics- Semantic technology applications for homeland security (DA, MB, CB, MF, APS, YSW), pp. 611–613.
CIKM-2002-JamilM #object-oriented #web #xml- An object-oriented extension of XML for autonomous web applications (HMJ, GAM), pp. 161–168.
ICPR-v1-2002-BoukirS #geometry- Application of Rigid Motion Geometry to Film Restoration (SB, DS), pp. 360–363.
ICPR-v1-2002-CarvalhoSDR #constraints #estimation #linear- Bayes Information Criterion for Tikhonov Regularization with Linear Constraints: Application to Spectral Data Estimation (PDC, AS, AD, BR), pp. 696–700.
ICPR-v1-2002-GongY #algorithm #estimation #multi #search-based- Multi-Resolution Genetic Algorithm and Its Application in Motion Estimation (MG, YHY), pp. 644–647.
ICPR-v1-2002-HiranoHTOE #3d #image #quantifier #using- Quantification of Shrinkage of Lung Lobe from Chest CT Images Using the 3D Extended Voronoi Division and its Application to the Benign/Malignant Discrimination of Tumor Shadows (YH, JiH, JiT, HO, KE), pp. 751–754.
ICPR-v1-2002-MuralikrishnanNR #clustering #correlation #functional #novel #process- Process Mapping and Functional Correlation in Surface Metrology: A Novel Clustering Application (BM, KN, JR), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-v1-2002-WollnyTK #analysis #segmentation- Segmentation of Vector Fields by Critical Point Analysis: Application to Brain Deformation (GW, MT, FK), pp. 524–527.
ICPR-v2-2002-AmerDM #independence #realtime #recognition- Context-Independent Real-Time Event Recognition: Application to Key-Image Extraction (AA, ED, AM), pp. 945–948.
ICPR-v2-2002-GuunterB #classification #recognition- A New Combination Scheme for HMM-Based Classififiers and its Application to Handwriting Recognition (SG, HB), pp. 332–337.
ICPR-v2-2002-HeTWCZ- Improved MSEL and its Medical Application (HH, JT, JW, HC, XPZ), pp. 597–600.
ICPR-v2-2002-MoghaddamZ #analysis #linear #online #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition- Fast Linear Discriminant Analysis for On-Line Pattern Recognition Applications (HAM, KAZ), pp. 64–67.
ICPR-v2-2002-PernerPM #classification- Texture Classification Based on the Boolean Model and its Application to Hep-2 Cells (PP, HP, BM), pp. 406–409.
ICPR-v2-2002-SatoK #gesture #markov #modelling #multi #recognition- Extension of Hidden Markov Models to Deal with Multiple Candidates of Observations and its Application to Mobile-Robot-Oriented Gesture Recognition (YS, TK), p. 515–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-TaylorGB #3d- Heritage Recording Applications of High Resolution 3D Imaging (JMT, GG, JAB), p. 520.
ICPR-v2-2002-ToenniesBA #locality #realtime- Feasibility of Hough-Transform-Based Iris Localisation for Real-Time-Application (KDT, FB, MA), pp. 1053–1056.
ICPR-v2-2002-YangBS #approximate #recognition- An Application of Nonlinear Wavelet Approximation to Face Recognition (LY, TDB, CYS), p. 48–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-YangDD #parametricity- Near-Optimal Regularization Parameters for Applications in Computer Vision (CY, RD, LSD), pp. 569–573.
ICPR-v3-2002-Bourlard #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #speech #statistics- Some Recent Advances in Speech Recognition with Potential Applications in Other Statistical Pattern Recognition Areas (HB), p. 727.
ICPR-v3-2002-DraperBBRC #image #implementation- Implementing Image Applications on FPGAs (BAD, JRB, APWB, CR, MC), pp. 265–268.
ICPR-v3-2002-QiP #classification- Context-Sensitive Bayesian Classifiers and Application to Mouse Pressure Pattern Classification (Y(Q, RWP), pp. 448–451.
ICPR-v3-2002-XueG #classification #performance #predict #word- Performance Prediction for Handwritten Word Recognizers and Its Application to Classifier Combination (HX, VG), pp. 241–244.
ICPR-v4-2002-AppelN #3d #framework #image #re-engineering- 3D Reconstruction from Co-Registered Orthographic and Perspective Images: Theoretical Framework and Applications (MA, NN), pp. 21–26.
ICPR-v4-2002-YuiHZH #3d #adaptation #modelling #performance- A Fast Narrow Band Method and Its Application in Topology-Adaptive 3-D Modeling (SY, KH, HZ, TH), pp. 122–125.
KDD-2002-AndersonDW #adaptation #markov #modelling #navigation #relational #web- Relational Markov models and their application to adaptive web navigation (CRA, PMD, DSW), pp. 143–152.
SEKE-2002-BonuraCM #web- Patterns for web applications (DB, RC, EM), pp. 739–746.
SEKE-2002-BrunoGMN #distributed #industrial #quality- A distributed industrial application for quality control of clinched boards based on computer vision (IB, AG, MM, PN), pp. 715–718.
SEKE-2002-CanonicoDFRV #legacy #on the #quality- On the introduction of quality of service awareness in legacy ditributed applications (RC, MD, BF, SPR, GV), pp. 659–664.
SEKE-2002-Hansen #information management #modelling #web- Web information systems: the changing landscape of management models and web applications (SH), pp. 747–753.
SEKE-2002-PaganelliP #automation #design #interactive #re-engineering #web- Automatic reconstruction of the underlying interaction design of web applications (LP, FP), pp. 439–445.
SEKE-2002-SciascioDMP #automation #named #verification #web- AnWeb: a sytem for automatic support to web application verification (EDS, FMD, MM, GP), pp. 609–616.
SIGIR-2002-Kawatani #categorisation #difference #documentation #set #topic- Topic difference factor extraction between two document sets and its application to text categorization (TK), pp. 137–144.
UML-2002-AndrePR #paradigm #uml- Integrating the Synchronous Paradigm into UML: Application to Control-Dominated Systems (CA, MAPF, JPR), pp. 163–178.
UML-2002-MiguelJS #case study #experience- Practical Experiences in the Application of MDA (MdM, JJ, SS), pp. 128–139.
UML-2002-PllanaF #modelling #on the #uml- On Customizing the UML for Modeling Performance-Oriented Applications (SP, TF), pp. 259–274.
ECOOP-2002-RedmondC #adaptation #behaviour- Supporting Unanticipated Dynamic Adaptation of Application Behaviour (BR, VC), pp. 205–230.
ECOOP-2002-TilevichS #automation #clustering #java #named- J-Orchestra: Automatic Java Application Partitioning (ET, YS), pp. 178–204.
OOPSLA-2002-BjornssonS #collaboration #named- BuddyCache: high-performance object storage for collaborative strong-consistency applications in a WAN (MEB, LS), pp. 26–39.
OOPSLA-2002-CecchetMZ #performance #scalability- Performance and scalability of EJB applications (EC, JM, WZ), pp. 246–261.
OOPSLA-2002-ShufGFAS #garbage collection #java #locality- Creating and preserving locality of java applications at allocation and garbage collection times (YS, MG, HF, AWA, JPS), pp. 13–25.
OOPSLA-2002-ZibinG #algorithm #multi #performance- Fast algorithm for creating space efficient dispatching tables with application to multi-dispatching (YZ, JYG), pp. 142–160.
LOPSTR-2002-Berghammer #set- A Generic Program for Minimal Subsets with Applications (RB), pp. 144–157.
RE-2002-FantechiGLM #analysis #case study- Application of Linguistic Techniques for Use Case Analysis (AF, SG, GL, AM), pp. 157–164.
SAC-2002-CavalcantiMCLS #modelling- Sharing scientific models in environmental applications (MCC, MM, MLMC, FL, ES), pp. 453–457.
SAC-2002-ChangJ #clustering #data mining #mining #scalability- A new cell-based clustering method for large, high-dimensional data in data mining applications (JWC, DSJ), pp. 503–507.
SAC-2002-CiancariniTZ #coordination #middleware #xml- Coordination middleware for XML-centric applications (PC, RT, FZ), pp. 336–343.
SAC-2002-CornoRS #algorithm- An evolutionary algorithm for reducing integrated-circuit test application time (FC, MSR, GS), pp. 608–612.
SAC-2002-GarciaF #concurrent #distributed- Concurrency control for distributed cooperative engineering applications (JCG, PF), pp. 958–963.
SAC-2002-HaratyH #database #query- Iterative querying in web-based database applications (RAH, MH), pp. 458–462.
SAC-2002-JiangYWS #named #transaction- CovaTM: a transaction model for cooperative applications (JJ, GY, YW, MS), pp. 329–335.
SAC-2002-KrishnaswamyLZ #data mining #estimation #metric #mining #quality #runtime- Application run time estimation: a quality of service metric for web-based data mining services (SK, SWL, ABZ), pp. 1153–1159.
SAC-2002-RinePG #re-engineering #theory and practice- ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description (DCR, JFP, JPG), pp. 969–970.
SAC-2002-RoccettiGSGMPS #internet #on-demand- The structuring of a wireless internet application for a music-on-demand service on UMST devices (MR, VG, PS, AG, DM, MP, DS), pp. 1066–1073.
SAC-2002-SinghP #compilation #data-driven #distributed #java #optimisation- Compiler optimizations for Java aglets in distributed data intensive applications (AS, SP), pp. 87–92.
SAC-2002-Turau #automation #framework #generative #xml- A framework for automatic generation of web-based data entry applications based on XML (VT), pp. 1121–1126.
SAC-2002-VeldhuizenZL #algorithm #multi- Issues in parallelizing multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for real world applications (DAvV, JBZ, GBL), pp. 595–602.
SAC-2002-Zdun #generative #web- Dynamically generating web application fragments from page templates (UZ), pp. 1113–1120.
ICSE-2002-Capra #middleware #mobile- Mobile computing middleware for context-aware applications (LC), pp. 723–724.
ICSE-2002-GouveiaKWAF #contract #coordination #java- Coordination contracts for Java applications (JG, GK, MW, LFA, JLF), p. 714.
ICSE-2002-HassanH #architecture #web- Architecture recovery of web applications (AEH, RCH), pp. 349–359.
ICSE-2002-JandlRSG #corba #enterprise #integration- Enterprise application integration by means of a generic CORBA LDAP gateway (MJ, WR, AS, KMG), p. 711.
ICSE-2002-Michail #source code #using- Browsing and searching source code of applications written using a GUIframework (AM), pp. 327–337.
ICSE-2002-MurugesanD #approach #challenge #development #web- Meeting the challenges of web application development: the web engineering approach (SM, YD), pp. 687–688.
ICSE-2002-WeinsbergB #programming- A programming model and system for disconnected-aware applications on resource-constrained devices (YW, IBS), pp. 374–384.
SPLC-2002-GeyerB #on the #process #product line- On the Influence of Variabilities on the Application-Engineering Process of a Product Family (LG, MB), pp. 1–14.
SPLC-2002-Yacoub #analysis #component #performance- Performance Analysis of Component-Based Applications (SMY), pp. 299–315.
ASPLOS-2002-MartinezT #concurrent #parallel #thread- Speculative synchronization: applying thread-level speculation to explicitly parallel applications (JFM, JT), pp. 18–29.
CC-2002-ThiesKA #named #streaming- StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications (WT, MK, SPA), pp. 179–196.
HPDC-2002-AllenDDGKLNRRRSW #grid #tool support- The GridLab Grid Application Toolkit (GA, KD, TD, TG, IK, GL, JN, TR, KR, MR, ES, OW), p. 411.
HPDC-2002-BaudeCHMV #deployment #grid #interactive #object-oriented- Interactive and Descriptor-Based Deployment of Object-Oriented Grid Applications (FB, DC, FH, LM, JV), pp. 93–102.
HPDC-2002-CoreyJV #adaptation #architecture #empirical #grid #parametricity- Local Discovery of System Architecture — Application Parameter Sensitivity: An Empirical Technique for Adaptive Grid Applications (IC, JRJ, JSV), p. 399–?.
HPDC-2002-GunterTJLS #distributed #monitoring- Dynamic Monitoring of High-Performance Distributed Applications (DG, BT, KRJ, JL, MS), pp. 163–170.
HPDC-2002-HeS #adaptation #coordination #named #network- IQ-RUDP: Coordinating Application Adaptation with Network Transport (QH, KS), pp. 369–378.
HPDC-2002-IvanHAK #adaptation #distributed #framework- Partitionable Services: A Framework for Seamlessly Adapting Distributed Applications to Heterogeneous Environments (AAI, JH, MA, VK), pp. 103–112.
HPDC-2002-LiuYFA #design #evaluation #framework #grid- Design and Evaluation of a Resource Selection Framework for Grid Applications (CL, LY, ITF, DA), pp. 63–72.
HPDC-2002-RanganathanF #data-driven #distributed #scheduling- Decoupling Computation and Data Scheduling in Distributed Data-Intensive Applications (KR, ITF), pp. 352–358.
HPDC-2002-TaylorWGS #kernel #parallel #performance #predict #using- Using Kernel Couplings to Predict Parallel Application Performance (VET, XW, JG, RLS), pp. 125–134.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-OhH #data flow #multi #performance #synthesis- Fractional rate dataflow model and efficient code synthesis for multimedia applications (HO, SH), pp. 12–17.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-WahlenGNHLM #architecture #case study #compilation- Application specific compiler/architecture codesign: a case study (OW, TG, AN, AH, RL, HM), pp. 185–193.
OSDI-2002-GoelAKSW- Supporting Time-Sensitive Applications on a Commodity OS (AG, LA, CK, JS, JW), pp. 165–180.
OSDI-2002-UrgaonkarSR #profiling- Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling in Shared Hosting Platforms (BU, PJS, TR), pp. 239–254.
OSDI-2002-WeisselBB #energy #novel #semantics- Cooperative I/O: A Novel I/O Semantics for Energy-Aware Applications (AW, BB, FB), pp. 117–129.
CSL-2002-HayashiA- Limit-Computable Mathematics and Its Applications (SH, YA), p. 1.
ICLP-2002-BenkoKS #integration- A Logic-Based System for Application Integration (TB, PK, PS), pp. 452–466.
RTA-2002-BournezK #probability- Probabilistic Rewrite Strategies. Applications to ELAN (OB, CK), pp. 252–266.
SAT-2002-DavydovaD #optimisation- CNF application in discrete optimization (ID, GD), p. 44.
TestCom-2002-Gehring #testing- Testing of IP Services & Applications in a Service Provider Environment (AG), p. 17–?.
TestCom-2002-Kone #protocol- Compliance of Wireless Application Protocols (OK), pp. 129–138.
CBSE-2001-GhoshM #certification #component #distributed #middleware- Certification of Distributed Component Computing Middleware and Applications (SG, APM), p. 4.
ASE-2001-BarberGH #architecture #automation #development #feedback #model checking- Providing Early Feedback in the Development Cycle Through Automated Application of Model Checking to Software Architectures (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 341–345.
ASE-2001-LedangS #behaviour #diagrams #modelling #uml- Modeling Class Operations in B: Application to UML Behavioral Diagrams (HL, JS), pp. 289–296.
DAC-2001-BayraktarogluO #reduction- Test Volume and Application Time Reduction Through Scan Chain Concealment (IB, AO), pp. 151–155.
DAC-2001-BruniBB #design #statistics #synthesis- Statistical Design Space Exploration for Application-Specific Unit Synthesis (DB, AB, LB), pp. 641–646.
DAC-2001-CarballoD #collaboration #constraints #design #heuristic- Application of Constraint-Based Heuristics in Collaborative Design (JAC, SWD), pp. 395–400.
DAC-2001-ChelceaN #interface #protocol #robust- Robust Interfaces for Mixed-Timing Systems with Application to Latency-Insensitive Protocols (TC, SMN), pp. 21–26.
DAC-2001-ChenGB- A New Gate Delay Model for Simultaneous Switching and Its Applications (LCC, SKG, MAB), pp. 289–294.
DAC-2001-CongR #clustering #multi- Performance-Driven Multi-Level Clustering with Application to Hierarchical FPGA Mapping (JC, MR), pp. 389–394.
DAC-2001-GuptaGYA #detection #image #satisfiability- Dynamic Detection and Removal of Inactive Clauses in SAT with Application in Image Computation (AG, AG, ZY, PA), pp. 536–541.
DAC-2001-KjeldsbergCA #data-driven #detection #estimation- Detection of Partially Simultaneously Alive Signals in Storage Requirement Estimation for Data Intensive Applications (PGK, FC, EJA), pp. 365–370.
DAC-2001-LeeNCKD #2d #detection- Two-Dimensional Position Detection System with MEMS Accelerometer for MOUSE Applications (SL, GJN, JC, HK, AJD), pp. 852–857.
DAC-2001-LyonnardYBJ #architecture #automation #generative #multi- Automatic Generation of Application-Specific Architectures for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (DL, SY, AB, AAJ), pp. 518–523.
DAC-2001-PetrovO #architecture #embedded- Speeding Up Control-Dominated Applications through Microarchitectural Customizations in Embedded Processors (PP, AO), pp. 512–517.
DAC-2001-SanieCHM #design #standard- A Practical Application of Full-Feature Alternating Phase-Shifting Technology for a Phase-Aware Standard-Cell Design Flow (MS, MC, PH, VM), pp. 93–96.
DAC-2001-ShinS #design #power management- Coupling-Driven Bus Design for Low-Power Application-Specific Systems (YS, TS), pp. 750–753.
DATE-2001-BaghdadiLZJ #architecture #design #multi #performance- An efficient architecture model for systematic design of application-specific multiprocessor SoC (AB, DL, NEZ, AAJ), pp. 55–63.
DATE-2001-BertoniBF #architecture #encryption #finite #multi #performance- Efficient finite field digital-serial multiplier architecture for cryptography applications (GB, LB, PF), p. 812.
DATE-2001-GauthierYJ #automation #embedded #generative #operating system- Automatic generation and targeting of application specific operating systems and embedded systems software (LG, SY, AAJ), pp. 679–685.
DATE-2001-KulkarniGMCM #embedded #layout #multi- Cache conscious data layout organization for embedded multimedia applications (CK, CG, MM, FC, HDM), pp. 686–693.
DATE-2001-MarculescuN #analysis #modelling #probability- Probabilistic application modeling for system-level perfromance analysis (RM, AN), pp. 572–579.
DATE-2001-NamSR #approach #incremental #satisfiability- A boolean satisfiability-based incremental rerouting approach with application to FPGAs (GJN, KAS, RAR), pp. 560–565.
DATE-2001-NayakHCB #analysis #automation #fault #hardware #matlab #precise #synthesis- Precision and error analysis of MATLAB applications during automated hardware synthesis for FPGAs (AN, MH, ANC, PB), pp. 722–728.
DATE-2001-ZengABA #identification- Full chip false timing path identification: applications to the PowerPCTM microprocessors (JZ, MSA, JB, JAA), pp. 514–519.
HT-2001-MendesCM #development #hypermedia #predict #towards- Towards the prediction of development effort for hypermedia applications (EM, SC, NM), pp. 249–258.
ICDAR-2001-AyatCRS #image #kernel #named #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- KMOD — A New Support Vector Machine Kernel with Moderate Decreasing for Pattern Recognition. Application to Digit Image Recognition (NEA, MC, LR, CYS), p. 1215–?.
ICDAR-2001-BahlmannB #fault #online #probability #recognition #similarity- Measuring HMM Similarity with the Bayes Probability of Error and its Application to Online Handwriting Recognition (CB, HB), pp. 406–411.
ICDAR-2001-BourgeoisEB #comprehension #documentation #probability #using- Document Understanding Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Application on Tables of Contents of Periodicals (FL, HE, SSB), pp. 508–512.
ICDAR-2001-ChanY #named #novel #online #recognition- PenCalc: A Novel Application of On-Line Mathematical Expression Recognition Technology (KFC, DYY), pp. 774–778.
ICDAR-2001-Couasnon #automation #documentation #generative #named #recognition- DMOS: A Generic Document Recognition Method, Application to an Automatic Generator of Musical Scores, Mathematical Formulae and Table Structures Recognition Systems (BC), pp. 215–220.
ICDAR-2001-DingOKM #recognition- Application of Slant Correction to Handwritten Japanese Address Recognition (YD, MO, FK, YM), pp. 670–674.
ICDAR-2001-KoerichSS #distributed #problem #recognition #scalability #word- A Distributed Scheme for Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition and its Application to Large Vocabulary Problems (ALK, RS, CYS), pp. 660–664.
ICDAR-2001-OudotPM #recognition- Dynamic Recognition in the Omni-Writer Frame: Application to Hand-Printed Text Recognition (LO, LP, MM), pp. 1035–1039.
VLDB-2001-AboulnagaAN #internet #xml- Estimating the Selectivity of XML Path Expressions for Internet Scale Applications (AA, ARA, JFN), pp. 591–600.
VLDB-2001-Mohan #web- Caching Technologies for Web Applications (CM).
CSEET-2001-Tilley #case study #estimation- Preliminary Results from a Case Study of Effort Estimation for Net-Centric Applications at the Undergraduate Level (SRT), p. 56–?.
FASE-J-1998-MotaS01 #industrial #model checking #tool support- Model-checking CSP-Z: strategy, tool support and industrial application (AM, AS), pp. 59–96.
FoSSaCS-2001-GourantonRS- Synchronized Tree Languages Revisited and New Applications (VG, PR, HS), pp. 214–229.
TACAS-2001-RiccaT #analysis #problem #testing #web- Building a Tool for the Analysis and Testing of Web Applications: Problems and Solutions (FR, PT), pp. 373–388.
ICSM-2001-ContiniVBVT #effectiveness #maintenance #process #scalability- An Intranet-Based Application for Supporting Effective Maintenance Activities on Large Software Systems (MC, SdV, AB, TV, DT), p. 108.
ICSM-2001-DeruelleBMB #co-evolution #framework #multi- A Change Propagation Model and Platform for Multi-Database Applications (LD, MB, NM, HB), pp. 42–51.
ICSM-2001-Furone #architecture #re-engineering- An Architecture for Re-engineering of Client/Server Applications (AF), p. 105.
ICSM-2001-RiccaT #slicing #web- Web Application Slicing (FR, PT), pp. 148–157.
ICSM-2001-TewksburyMM #corba #replication #using- Live Upgrades of CORBA Applications Using Object Replication (LAT, LEM, PMMS), p. 488–?.
ICSM-2001-ZhaoCU #concurrent #dependence #logic programming #source code- A Program Dependence Model for Concurrent Logic Programs and its Applications (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 672–681.
IWPC-2001-FoxDHH #comprehension- Backward Conditioning: A New Program Specialisation Technique and Its Application to Program Comprehension (CF, SD, MH, RMH), pp. 89–97.
IWPC-2001-TilleyD #case study #comprehension- Spreading Knowledge about Gnutella: A Case Study in Understanding Net-Centric Applications (SRT, MD), pp. 189–198.
PASTE-2001-MockDCE #analysis #comparison #comprehension #optimisation #points-to #set- Dynamic points-to sets: a comparison with static analyses and potential applications in program understanding and optimization (MM, MD, CC, SJE), pp. 66–72.
PASTE-2001-Palsberg #analysis #type system- Type-based analysis and applications (JP), pp. 20–27.
SCAM-2001-BartoliniP #embedded #performance- An Object Level Transformation Technique to Improve the Performance of Embedded Applications (SB, CAP), pp. 26–34.
SCAM-2001-Lucia #slicing- Program Slicing: Methods and Applications (ADL), pp. 144–151.
SCAM-2001-RiccaTB #web- Restructuring Web Applications via Transformation Rules (FR, PT, IDB), pp. 152–162.
SCAM-2001-SharmaC #maintenance #using- Application Maintenance Using Software Agents (AS, MAMC), pp. 57–66.
WCRE-2001-KollmannG #design #uml- Application of UML Associations and Their Adornments in Design Recovery (RK, MG), p. 81–?.
WCRE-2001-LuccaPAC #approach #reverse engineering- An Approach for Reverse Engineering of Web-Based Application (GADL, MDP, GA, GC), pp. 231–240.
PLDI-2001-ZhangG #representation- Timestamped Whole Program Path Representation and its Applications (YZ, RG), pp. 180–190.
SAS-2001-Leino #static analysis- Applications of Extended Static Checking (KRML), pp. 185–193.
STOC-2001-Bar-YossefKS #algorithm #bound- Sampling algorithms: lower bounds and applications (ZBY, RK, DS), pp. 266–275.
STOC-2001-JainV #algorithm #approximate #game studies- Applications of approximation algorithms to cooperative games (KJ, VVV), pp. 364–372.
CIAA-2001-Savary #finite #nearest neighbour- Typographical Nearest-Neighbor Search in a Finite-State Lexicon and Its Application to Spelling Correction (AS), pp. 251–260.
DLT-2001-Esik #equation #fixpoint- The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory (ZÉ), pp. 21–36.
ICALP-2001-CaragiannisFKPR #network- Fractional Path Coloring with Applications to WDM Networks (IC, AF, CK, SP, HR), pp. 732–743.
ICALP-2001-Dodis #random- New Imperfect Random Source with Applications to Coin-Flipping (YD), pp. 297–309.
FME-2001-Mantel #data flow- Information Flow Control and Applications — Bridging a Gap (HM), pp. 153–172.
CHI-2001-BhavnaniRJ #education #identification #using- Beyond command knowledge: identifying and teaching strategic knowledge for using complex computer applications (SKB, FR, BEJ), pp. 229–236.
SVIS-2001-Evstiougov-Babaev #control flow #developer #embedded #graph #visualisation- Call Graph and Control Flow Graph Visualization for Developers of Embedded Applications (AAEB), pp. 337–346.
AdaEurope-2001-Rivas #ada #embedded #kernel #realtime- Michael González Harbour: MaRTE OS: An Ada Kernel for Real-Time Embedded Applications (MAR), pp. 305–316.
AdaEurope-2001-SantanaGEC #legacy #reuse #robust- Building Robust Applications by Reusing Non-robust Legacy Software (FGS, FJMG, JMSE, JCRC), pp. 148–159.
AdaEurope-2001-VardanegaGP #migration- An Application Case for Ravenscar Technology: Porting OBOSS to GNAT/ORK (TV, RG, JAdlP), pp. 392–404.
AdaEurope-2001-WaroquiersVCHD #ada #migration #scalability- Migrating Large Applications from Ada83 to Ada95 (PW, SvV, DC, AH, ED), pp. 380–391.
EDOC-2001-LeffR #design pattern #development #mvc #using- Web-Application Development Using the Model/View/Controller Design Pattern (AL, JTR), pp. 118–127.
EDOC-2001-LiuKL #enterprise #modelling- Layered Queueing Models for Enterprise JavaBean Applications (TKL, SK, ZL), pp. 174–178.
EDOC-2001-QiangTSJC #requirements- A Web-Based Material Requirements Planning Integrated Application (QL, CKT, YSW, JW, CC), pp. 14–21.
EDOC-2001-TojiWHS #framework #multi #smarttech- A Network-Based Platform for Multi-Application Smart Cards (RT, YW, SH, KS), p. 34–?.
ICEIS-v1-2001-BrunoT #modelling- Object Models for Model Based Applications (GB, MT), pp. 104–109.
ICEIS-v1-2001-FatoohiS #corba #java #legacy- Integrating Legacy Applications within a JAVA/CORBA Environment (RF, LS), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-v1-2001-HergulaBH #query- Supporting Query Processing across Application Systems (KH, GB, TH), pp. 110–115.
ICEIS-v1-2001-JianfengJ #fuzzy #implementation- Implementation and Application of Fuzzy Case-Based Expert System (DJ, SJ), pp. 366–369.
ICEIS-v2-2001-DrinjakJA #perspective #web- Justifying the Benefits of Web Based Electronic Commerce Applications: An Australian Perspective (JD, PJ, GA), pp. 1183–1187.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Garcia-ConsuegraOCMC #named- GEODA: A Geographica Object Digitising Application (JDGC, LOB, GC, ÁM, AC), pp. 724–729.
ICEIS-v2-2001-GiachettiPR #design #modelling #object-oriented #web- Modeling Extensions for Object-Oriented Web Application Design (REG, MP, MRM), pp. 827–832.
ICEIS-v2-2001-HelmT #approach- An Approach for Totally Dynamic Forms Processing in Web-Based Applications (DJH, BWT), pp. 974–977.
ICEIS-v2-2001-IzumiY #development #ontology- Supporting Development of Business Applications Based on Ontologies (NI, TY), pp. 893–897.
CIKM-2001-KrishnaK #algorithm #clustering #mining #symmetry- A Clustering Algorithm for Asymmetrically Related Data with Applications to Text Mining (KK, RK), pp. 571–573.
CIKM-2001-MokbelA #database #multi- Irregularity in Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves with Applications in Multimedia Databases (MFM, WGA), pp. 512–519.
ICML-2001-DomingosH #algorithm #clustering #machine learning #scalability- A General Method for Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms and its Application to Clustering (PMD, GH), pp. 106–113.
ICML-2001-KramerR- Feature Construction with Version Spaces for Biochemical Applications (SK, LDR), pp. 258–265.
ICML-2001-NgJ #classification #convergence #feature model- Convergence rates of the Voting Gibbs classifier, with application to Bayesian feature selection (AYN, MIJ), pp. 377–384.
ICML-2001-SarkarL #fuzzy #similarity- Application of Fuzzy Similarity-Based Fractal Dimensions to Characterize Medical Time Series (MS, TYL), pp. 465–472.
ICML-2001-SchefferW #incremental #information management #problem- Incremental Maximization of Non-Instance-Averaging Utility Functions with Applications to Knowledge Discovery Problems (TS, SW), pp. 481–488.
KDD-2001-Agrarwal #modelling #predict- Applications of generalized support vector machines to predictive modeling (NA), p. 6.
KDD-2001-BinghamM #image #random #reduction- Random projection in dimensionality reduction: applications to image and text data (EB, HM), pp. 245–250.
KDD-2001-CadezSM #modelling #predict #probability #profiling #transaction #visualisation- Probabilistic modeling of transaction data with applications to profiling, visualization, and prediction (IVC, PS, HM), pp. 37–46.
KDD-2001-ShekharLZ #algorithm #detection #graph #summary- Detecting graph-based spatial outliers: algorithms and applications (a summary of results) (SS, CTL, PZ), pp. 371–376.
LSO-2001-Lehner #how- Keynote Address: How do Companies Learn? Selected Applications from the IT Sector (FL), p. 17.
MLDM-2001-ImiyaI #detection #statistics- Statistics of Flow Vectors and Its Application to the Voting Method for the Detection of Flow Fields (AI, KI), pp. 293–306.
MLDM-2001-MottlDSKM #classification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Featureless Pattern Recognition in an Imaginary Hilbert Space and Its Application to Protein Fold Classification (VM, SD, OS, CAK, IBM), pp. 322–336.
MLDM-2001-SchmidtG #abstraction #reasoning- Temporal Abstractions and Case-Based Reasoning for Medical Course Data: Two Prognostic Applications (RS, LG), pp. 23–34.
MLDM-2001-SyG #analysis #approach #data mining #mining #statistics- Data Mining Approach Based on Information-Statistical Analysis: Application to Temporal-Spatial Data (BKS, AKG), pp. 128–140.
SEKE-2001-Lopez #analysis #architecture #evaluation #framework #trade-off- Application of an Evaluation Framework for Analyzing the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ML), pp. 397–404.
SEKE-2001-Perez-MartinezS #case study #information management #requirements- Application of Knowledge Acquisition Techniques to Requirements Capture: A Case Study (JEPM, ASA), pp. 53–60.
SEKE-2001-SierraFFN- Operationalizing Application Descriptions in DTC: Building Applications with Generalized Markup Technologies (JLS, AFV, BFM, AN), pp. 379–386.
SIGIR-2001-AllenL #distributed #query #web- Searching the Deep Web — Distributed Explorit Directed Query Applications (VSA, AL), p. 456.
UML-2001-DemuthHL #database #ocl #specification- OCL as a Specification Language for Business Rules in Database Applications (BD, HH, SL), pp. 104–117.
ECOOP-2001-RaynaudT #encoding #performance #testing- A Quasi Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies. Application to Efficient Type Inclusion Tests (OR, ET), pp. 165–180.
OOPSLA-2001-BrechtALP #execution #garbage collection #java- Controlling Garbage Collection and Heap Growth to Reduce the Execution Time of Java Applications (TB, EA, CL, HP), pp. 353–366.
OOPSLA-2001-DugganT #composition #framework #inheritance #mixin- Modular Mixin-Based Inheritance for Application Frameworks (DD, CCT), pp. 223–240.
OOPSLA-2001-PechtchanskiS #analysis #framework #interprocedural- Dynamic Optimistic Interprocedural Analysis: A Framework and an Application (IP, VS), pp. 195–210.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Mahmoud01a #java #programming- Wireless Application Programming with Java (QHM), p. 202.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Menkhaus #architecture #independence- Architecture for Client-Independent Web-Based Applications (GM), pp. 32–40.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-TranG #corba #scalability #transaction- Analyzing the Scalability of Transactional CORBA Applications (PT, IG), pp. 102–110.
TOOLS-USA-2001-ArsanjaniP #architecture #component #development #enterprise- Component Architectures for Web-Based Enterprise Application Development (AA, GP), p. 406.
TOOLS-USA-2001-GanesanS #component #design #named- O2BC: A Technique for the Design of Component-Based Applications (RG, SS), pp. 46–55.
TOOLS-USA-2001-KhrissBP #integration #named- GAIL: The Gen-It (r) Abstract Integration Layer for B2B Application Integration Solutions (IK, MB, NP), pp. 73–82.
TOOLS-USA-2001-PatelKP #intranet #migration- A Methodology for Migrating a Client/Server Application to an Intranet (SP, JK, DP), pp. 421–429.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Pour #enterprise #framework #java- Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) for Building Web-Based Enterprise Applications (GP), p. 336.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Wu #enterprise #java #using #web- Building Web Applications Using Java 2 Enterprise Edition (CTW), pp. 355–356.
GCSE-2001-HakalaHKPVV #development #framework #generative #java- Generating Application Development Environments for Java Frameworks (MH, JH, KK, JP, AV, JV), pp. 163–176.
LOPSTR-2001-LeuschelG #deduction #model checking #using- Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction Using Regular Types and Its Application to Model Checking (ML, SG), pp. 91–110.
PADL-2001-DentiOR #internet #prolog- tu Prolog: A Light-Weight Prolog for Internet Applications and Infrastructures (ED, AO, AR), pp. 184–198.
RE-2001-Feather #detection #fault #reduction #using- Risk Reduction Using DDP (Defect Detection and Prevention): Software Support and Software Applications (MSF), p. 288.
SAC-2001-BaetenBM #internet #specification- Specifying internet applications with DiCons (JCMB, HMAvB, SM), pp. 576–584.
SAC-2001-BandiniM #design #fuzzy #reasoning #retrieval- Application of fuzzy indexing and retrieval in case based reasoning for design (SB, SM), pp. 462–466.
SAC-2001-ChenO #approach #component- Component-centric approach in a web-based home schooling application (LC, YO), pp. 89–93.
SAC-2001-DeermanLP #algorithm #predict #problem #search-based- Linkage-learning genetic algorithm application to the protein structure prediction problem (KRD, GBL, RP), pp. 333–339.
SAC-2001-HaratyMD #database #testing- Regression testing of database applications (RAH, NM, BD), pp. 285–289.
SAC-2001-Omicini #coordination #modelling- Coordination models, languages applications track chair messages (AO), pp. 105–106.
SAC-2001-Pressel- Fundamental limitations on the use of prefetching and stream buffers for scientific applications (DMP), pp. 554–559.
SAC-2001-VasilakosAP #network- Application of computational intelligence techniques in active networks (AVV, KGA, WP), pp. 448–455.
ESEC-FSE-2001-InverardiT #automation #concurrent #synthesis- Automatic synthesis of deadlock free connectors for COM/DCOM applications (PI, MT), pp. 121–131.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Jahnke #component #embedded- Engineering component-based net-centric systems for embedded applications (JHJ), pp. 218–228.
ESEC-FSE-2001-LippertR #adaptation #agile- Adapting XP to complex application domains (ML, SR), pp. 316–317.
ICSE-2001-CabriLZ #coordination- Engineering Mobile-Agent Applications via Context-Dependent Coordination (GC, LL, FZ), pp. 371–380.
ICSE-2001-EmmerichEF #architecture #enterprise #integration #named- TIGRA — An Architectural Style for Enterprise Application Integration (WE, EE, HF), pp. 567–576.
ICSE-2001-Gomaa01a #concurrent #design #distributed #realtime #uml- Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML (HG), pp. 737–738.
ICSE-2001-Marsic #architecture- An Architecture for Heterogeneous Groupware Applications (IM), pp. 475–484.
ICSE-2001-RiccaT #analysis #testing #web- Analysis and Testing of Web Applications (FR, PT), pp. 25–34.
ICSE-2001-TruyenVJVJ #component- Dynamic and Selective Combination of Extensions in Component-Based Applications (ET, BV, WJ, PV, BNJ), pp. 233–242.
ICSE-2001-ZhangS #integration #named #representation #xml- Babel: Representing Business Rules in XML for Application Integration (HZ, ES), pp. 831–832.
CC-2001-FrankeO #array #compilation #pointer- Compiler Transformation of Pointers to Explicit Array Accesses in DSP Applications (BF, MFPO), pp. 69–85.
HPCA-2001-AnnavaramPD #database #graph- Call Graph Prefetching for Database Applications (MA, JMP, ESD), pp. 281–290.
HPDC-2001-BolligerG #monitoring- Bandwidth Monitoring for Network-Aware Applications (JB, TRG), pp. 241–251.
HPDC-2001-SchuchardtMS #authoring #data transformation #distributed #open data #problem #version control- Open Data Management Solutions for Problem Solving Environments: Application of Distributed Authoring and Versioning to the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (KS, JDM, EGS), p. 228–?.
HPDC-2001-TierneyGLSE- Enabling Network-Aware Applications (BT, DG, JL, MS, JBE), pp. 281–288.
LCTES-OM-2001-AdveLE #adaptation #compilation #distributed- Language and Compiler Support for Adaptive Distributed Applications (VSA, VVL, BE), pp. 238–246.
LCTES-OM-2001-KrishnamurthyKKRLSS #distributed #integration #middleware- Integration of QoS-Enabled Distributed Object Computing Middleware for Developing Next-Generation Distributed Application (YK, VK, DAK, CR, JPL, RES, DCS), pp. 230–237.
PPoPP-2001-NieuwpoortKB #divide and conquer #performance- Efficient load balancing for wide-area divide-and-conquer applications (RvN, TK, HEB), pp. 34–43.
PPoPP-2001-VetterM #analysis #communication #distributed #scalability #statistics- Statistical scalability analysis of communication operations in distributed applications (JSV, MOM), pp. 123–132.
CSL-2001-Bussche #database- Applications of Alfred Tarski’s Ideas in Database Theory (JVdB), pp. 20–37.
ICLP-2001-Wielemaker #prolog- Building Real-Life Applications with Prolog (JW), p. 7.
RTA-2001-LimetRS- Weakly Regular Relations and Applications (SL, PR, HS), pp. 185–200.
SAT-2001-SinzBK #implementation #named #parallel- PaSAT — Parallel SAT-Checking with Lemma Exchange: Implementation and Applications (CS, WB, WK), pp. 205–216.
DAC-2000-AdlerBHB #verification- A current driven routing and verification methodology for analog applications (TA, HB, LH, EB), pp. 385–389.
DAC-2000-BeniniMMP #embedded #optimisation #synthesis- Synthesis of application-specific memories for power optimization in embedded systems (LB, AM, EM, MP), pp. 300–303.
DAC-2000-ChiouJRD #embedded #memory management #using- Application-specific memory management for embedded systems using software-controlled caches (DC, PJ, LR, SD), pp. 416–419.
DAC-2000-EisnerSHNNV #design #hardware #protocol- A methodology for formal design of hardware control with application to cache coherence protocols (CE, IS, RH, WGN, KLN, KV), pp. 724–729.
DAC-2000-KockSWBKLVE #modelling #named- YAPI: application modeling for signal processing systems (EAdK, WJMS, PvdW, JYB, WMK, PL, KAV, GE), pp. 402–405.
DAC-2000-SinghLFMLKB #case study #configuration management #multi #named- MorphoSys: case study of a reconfigurable computing system targeting multimedia applications (HS, GL, EMCF, RM, MHL, FJK, NB), pp. 573–578.
DAC-2000-WangKS #clustering #latency #memory management #scheduling- Optimal two level partitioning and loop scheduling for hiding memory latency for DSP applications (ZW, MK, EHMS), pp. 540–545.
DATE-2000-AdlerB #multi- Single Step Current Driven Routing of Multiterminal Signal Nets for Analog Applications (TA, EB), pp. 446–450.
DATE-2000-CarroKWO #embedded #multi #synthesis- System Synthesis for Multiprocessor Embedded Applications (LC, MEK, FRW, MO), pp. 697–702.
DATE-2000-IshiharaY #embedded #reduction- A Power Reduction Technique with Object Code Merging for Application Specific Embedded Processors (TI, HY), pp. 617–623.
DATE-2000-LogothetisS #abstraction #realtime- Abstraction from Counters: An Application on Real-Time Systems (GL, KS), pp. 486–493.
DATE-2000-VermeulenCMV #embedded #reuse- Formalized Three-Layer System-Level Reuse Model and Methodology for Embedded Data-Dominated Applications (FV, FC, HDM, DV), pp. 92–98.
HT-2000-Feise #collaboration #named- Posties: a WebDAV application for collaborative work (JF), pp. 228–229.
HT-2000-MendesH #development #predict #towards #web- Towards the prediction of development effort for web applications (EM, WH), pp. 242–243.
HT-2000-ModhaS #clustering #hypermedia #web- Clustering hypertext with applications to web searching (DSM, WSS), pp. 143–152.
PODS-2000-GrossR #constraints #database #generative- Uniform Generation in Spatial Constraint Databases and Applications (DG, MdR), pp. 254–259.
PODS-2000-Lynch #adaptation #analysis- Analysis and Application of Adaptive Sampling (JFL), pp. 260–267.
SIGMOD-2000-Rodriguez-Martinez #automation #database #deployment #middleware #named- MOCHA: A Database Middleware System Featuring Automatic Deployment of Application-Specific Functionality (MRM, NR, JMM, SK, VK, ZS, JJ), p. 594.
SIGMOD-2000-ShuklaD #database #named #question #tutorial- Tutorial: LDAP Directory Services — Just Another Database Application? (SS, AD), p. 580.
VLDB-2000-BasuFP #internet #scalability- Building Scalable Internet Applications with Oracle8i Server (JB, JAF, OP), p. 649.
VLDB-2000-CeriCW #constraints- Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award) (SC, RC, JW), pp. 254–262.
VLDB-2000-MohanBWSZ #database #evolution- Evolution of Groupware for Business Applications: A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes (CM, RB, SW, AS, MZ), pp. 684–687.
VLDB-2000-SrinivasanDFCJYKTDB- Oracle8i Index-Organized Table and Its Application to New Domains (JS, SD, CF, EIC, MJ, AY, RK, ATT, SD, JB), pp. 285–296.
VLDB-2000-Team #data transformation #in memory #scalability- High-Performance and Scalability through Application Tier,In-Memory Data Management, pp. 677–680.
FASE-2000-GruerHK #design #network #problem #specification #using #verification- Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems: Application to the Radiomobile Network Design Problem (PG, VH, AK), pp. 222–236.
WRLA-2000-Millen #analysis #bibliography #encryption #protocol #term rewriting- Applications of Term Rewriting to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis overview of the invited talk (JKM), pp. 229–234.
WRLA-2000-Stehr #calculus #named- CINNI — A Generic Calculus of Explicit Substitutions and its Application to λ-, ς- and pi- Calculi (MOS), pp. 70–92.
ICSM-2000-GibsonDM #correctness #maintenance- The Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations to Software Maintenance (JPG, TFD, BAM), p. 108–?.
WCRE-2000-Sim #generative #interface- Next Generation Data Interchange: Tool-to-Tool Application Program Interfaces (SES), pp. 278–280.
WCRE-2000-StrouliaTS #towards #web #xml- Constructing XML-Speaking Wrappers for WEB Applications: Towards an Interoperating WEB (ES, JRT, GS), p. 59–?.
PLDI-2000-StephensonBA #analysis #compilation- Bitwidth analysis with application to silicon compilation (MS, JB, SPA), pp. 108–120.
STOC-2000-CzumajS #algorithm #approach #problem #satisfiability #scheduling- A new algorithm approach to the general Lovász local lemma with applications to scheduling and satisfiability problems (extended abstract) (AC, CS), pp. 38–47.
STOC-2000-FiatM #algorithm- Better algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and applications (AF, MM), pp. 725–734.
STOC-2000-GrossiV #array #string- Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching (extended abstract) (RG, JSV), pp. 397–406.
STOC-2000-OlshevskyS #confluence #matrix- Matrix-vector product for confluent Cauchy-like matrices with application to confluent rational interpolation (VO, MAS), pp. 573–581.
CIAA-2000-Karttunen #finite #natural language #transducer- Applications of Finite-State Transducers in Natural Language Processing (LK), pp. 34–46.
CHI-2000-LeeSRI #named- HandSCAPE: a vectorizing tape measure for on-site measuring applications (JL, VS, SR, HI), pp. 137–144.
CSCW-2000-LitiuP #adaptation #component #framework #mobile #using- Developing adaptive groupware applications using a mobile component framework (RL, AP), pp. 107–116.
AdaEurope-2000-BarrazaPCC #development #predict- An Application of the Chains-of-Rare-Events Model to Software Development Failure Prediction (NRB, JDP, BCF, FC), pp. 185–195.
CAiSE-2000-GomezCP #approach #concept #design #modelling #web- Extending a Conceptual Modelling Approach to Web Application Design (JG, CC, OP), pp. 79–93.
CAiSE-2000-JohannessonP #design #integration- Design Principles for Application Integration (PJ, EP), pp. 212–231.
EDOC-2000-GinbayashiYH #architecture #component #framework #modelling- Business Component Framework and Modeling Method for Component-Based Application Architecture (JG, RY, KH), pp. 184–193.
EDOC-2000-IllbackS #enterprise #integration- Application Integration in the Boeing Enterprise (JHI, JS), pp. 4–12.
EDOC-2000-KawamuraHOH #development #framework- Rental Application to Rental Service Development of Advanced ASP Framework (TK, TH, AO, SH), p. 58–?.
EDOC-2000-LingT #internet- Impacts of Download Size to Client-Server Applications being Migrated to the Internet (SkRL, VNT), pp. 226–230.
ICEIS-2000-Al-Mashari #information management- Enterprise-Wide Information Systems: The Case of SAP R/3 Application (MAM), pp. 3–8.
ICEIS-2000-Barn #component #enterprise #java #modelling #using #web- Modelling and Building Component Based Web Applications Using Enterprise Java Beans (BB), p. XXXI-XXXII.
ICEIS-2000-DawsonS #lazy evaluation #requirements #specification #using- Requirements Specification for Electronic Services Delivery Applications Using “Lazy Dog” Templates (LD, AS), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-2000-HeathC #communication #mobile #multi- Application of a Virtual Connection Tree over Multiple Access Techniques for 3G Mobile Communication Systems (AH, RAC), pp. 531–532.
ICEIS-2000-Laleau #database #formal method #on the #specification #uml- On the Interest of Combining UML with the B Formal Method for the Specification of Database Applications (RL), pp. 56–63.
CIKM-2000-HanK #algorithm #categorisation #documentation #performance #reduction #retrieval- Fast Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm with Applications to Document Categorization & Retrieval (EHH, GK), pp. 12–19.
CIKM-2000-NigamG #effectiveness- Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training (KN, RG), pp. 86–93.
CIKM-2000-SebastianiSV #algorithm #categorisation- An Improved Boosting Algorithm and its Application to Text Categorization (FS, AS, NV), pp. 78–85.
ICML-2000-Domingos00a #composition- A Unifeid Bias-Variance Decomposition and its Applications (PMD), pp. 231–238.
ICML-2000-LauDW #algebra #programming- Version Space Algebra and its Application to Programming by Demonstration (TAL, PMD, DSW), pp. 527–534.
ICML-2000-RyanR #learning- Learning to Fly: An Application of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (MRKR, MDR), pp. 807–814.
ICML-2000-TongK #classification #learning- Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Application sto Text Classification (ST, DK), pp. 999–1006.
ICPR-v1-2000-AbeM #modelling #multi- Multiple Active Contour Models with Application to Region Extraction (TA, YM), pp. 1626–1630.
ICPR-v1-2000-ChaoNO #3d #invariant #recognition #representation- A Hierarchical Invariant Representation of Spatial Topology of 3D Objects and Its Application to Object Recognition (JC, MN, SO), pp. 1920–1923.
ICPR-v1-2000-Chetverikov #approach #fault- Structural Defects: General Approach and Application to Textile Inspection (DC), pp. 1521–1524.
ICPR-v1-2000-GandhiKA #segmentation- Application of Planar Motion Segmentation for Scene Text Extraction (TG, RK, SA), pp. 1445–1449.
ICPR-v1-2000-HongengBN #framework #video- Bayesian Framework for Video Surveillance Application (SH, FB, RN), pp. 1164–1170.
ICPR-v1-2000-KitaKWN #2d #3d- A Quick 3D-2D Registration Method for a Wide-Range of Applications (YK, NK, DLW, JAN), pp. 1981–1986.
ICPR-v1-2000-RosenbergerC #clustering #estimation #image #segmentation- Unsupervised Clustering Method with Optimal Estimation of the Number of Clusters: Application to Image Segmentation (CR, KC), pp. 1656–1659.
ICPR-v1-2000-SchuppEFHB #clustering #fuzzy #image #modelling #multi #segmentation- Image Segmentation via Multiple Active Contour Models and Fuzzy Clustering with Biomedical Applications (SS, AE, MJF, PH, DB), pp. 1622–1625.
ICPR-v1-2000-ZometP #performance- Efficient Super-Resolution and Applications to Mosaics (AZ, SP), pp. 1579–1583.
ICPR-v2-2000-BeiraghiAAS #classification #fault #fuzzy #recognition- Application of Fuzzy Integrals in Fusion of Classifiers for Low Error Rate Handwritten Numerals Recognition (SB, MA, MASA, MS), pp. 2487–2490.
ICPR-v2-2000-ChaS #distance #metric #similarity- Distance between Histograms of Angular Measurements and its Application to Handwritten Character Similarity (SHC, SNS), pp. 2021–2024.
ICPR-v2-2000-GuillaudBRBT #detection #multi #using- Continuity Perception Using a Multiagent System: An Application to Growth Ring Detection on Fish Otoliths (AG, AB, VR, JLB, HT), pp. 2519–2522.
ICPR-v2-2000-KabanG #clustering #documentation- Initialized and Guided EM-Clustering of Sparse Binary Data with Application to Text Based Documents (AK, MG), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-v2-2000-MenardDC #ambiguity #analysis #distance #modelling #using- Switching Regression Models Using Ambiguity and Distance Rejects: Application to Ionogram Analysis (MM, PAD, VC), pp. 2688–2691.
ICPR-v2-2000-SubrahmoniaZ #challenge- Pen Computing: Challenges and Applications (JS, TZ), pp. 2060–2066.
ICPR-v2-2000-TsangC- A Structural Deformable Model with Application to Post-Recognition of Handwritings (CKYT, KFLC), pp. 2129–2132.
ICPR-v2-2000-XiaoWD #adaptation #classification #recognition- Adaptive Combination of Classifiers and its Application to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (BX, CHW, RD), pp. 2327–2330.
ICPR-v2-2000-ZhaoLX #recognition- Support Vector Machine and its Application in Handwritten Numeral Recognition (BZ, YL, SX), pp. 2720–2723.
ICPR-v3-2000-Atae-AllahGMRL #image #metric #segmentation- Image Segmentation by Jensen-Shannon Divergence. Application to Measurement of Interfacial Tension (CAA, JFGL, JMA, RRR, PLLE), pp. 3383–3386.
ICPR-v3-2000-GermainCB #estimation #multi- Multiscale Estimation of Textural Features. Application to the Characterization of Texture Anisotropy (CG, JPDC, PB), pp. 3935–3938.
ICPR-v3-2000-HuotYHC #evolution- A General Surface Matching Model: Application to Ground Evolution Tracking (EGH, HMY, IH, IC), pp. 3167–3170.
ICPR-v3-2000-KozlovMSRK #performance #segmentation- Fast Redundant Dyadic Wavelet Transform in Application to Spatial Registration of the Expression Patterns of Drosophila Segmentation Genes (KK, EM, MS, JR, DK), pp. 3463–3466.
ICPR-v3-2000-Magrin-ChagnolleauD #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Application of Vector Filtering to Pattern Recognition (IMC, GD), pp. 3437–3440.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaloFNV #image #representation #statistics- Perceptually and Statistically Decorrelated Features for Image Representation: Application to Transform Coding (JM, FJF, RN, RV), pp. 3242–3245.
ICPR-v3-2000-RuizMMRL #algorithm #multi- New Algorithm for Searching Minimum Bit Rate Wavelet Representations with Application to Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Audio Coding (NR, DM, RM, MR, FL), pp. 3290–3293.
ICPR-v3-2000-VandenbrouckeMP #classification #image #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation by Supervised Pixel Classification in a Color Texture Feature Space: Application to Soccer Image Segmentation (NV, LM, JGP), pp. 3625–3628.
ICPR-v4-2000-BarretoBA #predict #visual notation- Model Predictive Control to Improve Visual Control of Motion: Applications in Active Tracking of Moving Targets (JPB, JB, HA), pp. 4732–4735.
ICPR-v4-2000-KagamiOII #3d #generative #realtime- Realtime 3D Depth Flow Generation and its Application to Track to Walking Human Being (SK, KO, MI, HI), pp. 4197–4200.
ICPR-v4-2000-KopilovicVS #analysis #detection #lens- Application of Panoramic Annular Lens for Motion Analysis Tasks: Surveillance and Smoke Detection (IK, BV, TS), pp. 4714–4717.
ICPR-v4-2000-OnishiIF00a #image #segmentation #using #video- Blackboard Segmentation Using Video Image of Lecture and Its Applications (MO, MI, KF), pp. 4615–4618.
ICPR-v4-2000-PujolLVV #people- Locating People in Indoor Scenes for Real Applications (AP, FL, XV, JJV), pp. 4632–4635.
ICPR-v4-2000-ZhangP #image #towards- Toward Application of Image Tracking in Laparoscopic Surgery (XZ, SP), pp. 4364–4367.
KDD-2000-KeoghP #scalability- Scaling up dynamic time warping for datamining applications (EJK, MJP), pp. 285–289.
KDD-2000-McCallumNU #clustering #performance #set- Efficient clustering of high-dimensional data sets with application to reference matching (AM, KN, LHU), pp. 169–178.
KDD-2000-Senator #case study #detection #information management #scalability- Ongoing management and application of discovered knowledge in a large regulatory organization: a case study of the use and impact of NASD Regulation’s Advanced Detection System (RADS) (TES), pp. 44–53.
KDD-2000-WangMSW #biology #case study #classification #data mining #mining #network #sequence- Application of neural networks to biological data mining: a case study in protein sequence classification (JTLW, QM, DS, CHW), pp. 305–309.
KR-2000-WurbelJP #framework #named- Revision: an application in the framework of GIS (EW, RJ, OP), pp. 505–515.
UML-2000-SilvaP #interactive #modelling #named- UMLi: The Unified Modeling Language for Interactive Applications (PPdS, NWP), pp. 117–132.
ECOOP-2000-Renaud #component #java #process- HERCULE : Non-invasively Tracking JavaTM Component-Based Application Activity (KR), pp. 447–471.
ECOOP-2000-SunyeGJ #design pattern #uml- Design Patterns Application in UML (GS, ALG, JMJ), pp. 44–62.
OOPSLA-2000-Czajkowski #java #virtual machine- Application isolation in the JavaTM Virtual Machine (GC), pp. 354–366.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-LiCC #architecture #modelling #uml #web- Modeling Web Application Architecture with UML (JL, PC, JC), pp. 265–274.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-LiCC00a #component #e-commerce #using- Developing an E-Commerce Application by Using Content Component Model (QL, PC, JC), pp. 275–284.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-YaoGL #development #multi- Application of Development Method Based on Multi-Agents (SY, SG, YL), pp. 158–161.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-YeDD #analysis #design #development #object-oriented- Application of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design in CDMA BSS Development (WY, YD, WD), pp. 73–80.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Arsanjani #design #implementation #object-oriented- Design and Implementation of Business Rules in Object-Oriented Applications (AA), p. 475.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-BeucheSSS #embedded #object-oriented- Streamlining Object-Oriented Software for Deeply Embedded Applications (DB, WSP, OS, US), pp. 33–44.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Dujmovic #automation #configuration management #framework #industrial- An Understandable and Configurable Domain-Specific Framework for Industrial Automation Applications (SD), pp. 348–358.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-BornHK #design #development #distributed #uml #using- A Method for the Design and Development of Distributed Applications Using UML (MB, EH, OK), pp. 253–265.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-LuiGAO #component #framework #semantics #streaming- Component Based Application Framework for Systems Utilising the Streaming Data Passing Semantic (AKL, MWG, TAA, MJO), pp. 328–339.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-Silva-LepeCNF #architecture #component #java #message passing- Container-Managed Messaging: An Architecture for Integrating Java Components and Message-Oriented Applications (ISL, CFC, PN, DFF), pp. 228–241.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Anton #agile #development #effectiveness #object-oriented- Effective Strategies and Techniques for Rapid Object-Oriented Application Development (MA), pp. 407–408.
TOOLS-USA-2000-BenyahiaH #adaptation #development #distributed #framework- An Adaptive Framework for Distributed Complex Applications Development (IB, MH), p. 339–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-LeeTL #framework #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Manufacturing Application Framework (SPL, SKT, HSL), pp. 253–262.
TOOLS-USA-2000-NebeshT00a #mobile- Introduction to Mobile Agent Systems and Applications (DN, RT), pp. 457–458.
TOOLS-USA-2000-SilveiraM00a #component- A Metacomponent Model to Support the Extensibility and Evolvability of Networked Applications (GEdS, SRdLM), pp. 185–194.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Stal- Building COM Applications (MS), pp. 395–396.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Williams #enterprise #integration- Keys to Enterprise Application Integration (JW), pp. 399–400.
PPDP-2000-Necula #design #implementation- Proof-carrying code: design, implementation and applications (abstract) (GCN), pp. 175–177.
SAC-2000-AbiadHM #big data #database #metric- Software Metrics for Small Database Applications (SA, RAH, NM), pp. 866–870.
SAC-2000-BochicchioP #prototype #web- Prototyping Web Applications (MAB, RP), pp. 978–983.
SAC-2000-DongPDZ #mining- The Application of Association Rule Mining to Remotely Sensed Data (JD, WP, QD, JZ), pp. 340–345.
SAC-2000-Ionescu #memory management #multi #realtime- Application-Level Virtual Memory Management in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems (FI), pp. 610–614.
SAC-2000-Jain #fuzzy #industrial- Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Systems (LCJ), pp. 510–513.
SAC-2000-KrishnamoorthyS #transaction #workflow- Virtual Transaction Model to Support Workflow Applications (VK, MCS), pp. 876–881.
SAC-2000-MustoPP #automation #design #generative #object-oriented- Automatic Generation of RDBMS Based Applications from Object Oriented Design Schemes (AM, GP, AP), pp. 398–402.
SAC-2000-Nunez-SuarezOB #standard #validation- Validating the FIPA Standards Through a Real-World Application (JNS, DO, HB), pp. 557–562.
SAC-2000-OkudaAIYT #flexibility #mobile #network- A Dynamic Flexible Grouping over COBRA-based Network and its Application to Mobile Computing (TO, SA, TI, HY, XT), pp. 692–696.
SAC-2000-RudraG #adaptation #clustering #problem- Adaptive Use of a Cluster of PCs for Data Warehousing Applications: Some Problems and Issues (AR, RPG), pp. 698–703.
SAC-2000-SalehJ #distributed #framework #multi- A Configuration-oriented Framework for Distributed Multimedia Applications (AS, GRRJ), pp. 278–280.
SAC-2000-SchimkatMK #lightweight #message passing- A Lightweight, Message-Oriented Application Server for the WWW (RDS, SM, WK), pp. 934–941.
FSE-2000-SweeneyT #object-oriented- Extracting library-based object-oriented applications (PFS, FT), pp. 98–107.
FSE-2000-YamamotoMI #cumulative #file system #metric #version control- Accumulative versioning file system Moraine and its application to metrics environment MAME (TY, MM, KI), pp. 80–87.
ICSE-2000-CoppitS #component #multi- Multiple mass-market applications as components (DC, KJS), pp. 273–282.
ICSE-2000-CoppitS00a #named- Galileo: a tool built from mass-market applications (DC, KJS), pp. 750–753.
ICSE-2000-Gomaa #design #distributed #realtime #tutorial #uml- Designing real-time and distributed applications with the UML (tutorial session) (HG), p. 829.
ICSE-2000-KimPR #empirical #testing- An empirical study of regression test application frequency (JMK, AAP, GR), pp. 126–135.
ICSE-2000-MarcaP #approach #internet #re-engineering #set- A software engineering approach and tool set for developing Internet applications (DAM, BAP), pp. 738–741.
ICSE-2000-PiccoMR #mobile- Developing mobile computing applications with LIME (GPP, ALM, GCR), pp. 766–769.
ICSE-2000-PradellaRMC #approach #corba #design #formal method- A formal approach for designing CORBA based applications (MP, MR, DM, ACP), pp. 188–197.
ICSE-2000-TakahashiEFG #development #tutorial #using- System development using application services over the Net (tutorial session) (KT, WE, AF, SG), p. 830.
SPLC-2000-HooverOFS- Developing engineered product support applications (HJH, TO, GF, PGS), pp. 451–476.
SPLC-2000-Morisawa #distributed #product line #set- A computing model of product lines for distributed processing systems, its product sets, and its applications (YM), pp. 371–394.
ASPLOS-2000-BergerMBW #memory management #named #parallel #scalability #thread- Hoard: A Scalable Memory Allocator for Multithreaded Applications (EDB, KSM, RDB, PRW), pp. 117–128.
ASPLOS-2000-FlautnerURM #concurrent #interactive #parallel #performance #thread- Thread Level Parallelism and Interactive Performance of Desktop Applications (KF, RU, SKR, TNM), pp. 129–138.
CC-2000-LinP #analysis #array #compilation #optimisation- Analysis of Irregular Single-Indexed Array Accesses and Its Applications in Compiler Optimizations (YL, DAP), pp. 202–218.
HPDC-2000-BramleyCDGGMTY #architecture #component #distributed- A Component based Services Architecture for Building Distributed Applications (RB, KC, SD, DG, MG, NM, BT, MY), pp. 51–59.
HPDC-2000-ChangK #adaptation #automation #distributed #runtime- Automatic Configuration and Run-time Adaptation of Distributed Applications (FC, VK), pp. 11–20.
HPDC-2000-GouxKLY #framework #grid- An Enabling Framework for Master-Worker Applications on the Computational Grid (JPG, SK, JL, MY), pp. 43–50.
HPDC-2000-TurgeonSC #performance #using- Application Placement using Performance Surfaces (AT, QS, MJC), pp. 229–236.
HPDC-2000-WuTGLLSHJ #distributed #framework #modelling #named #parallel #performance- Prophesy: An Infrastructure for Analyzing and Modeling the Performance of Parallel and Distributed Applications (XW, VET, JG, XL, ZL, RLS, MH, IRJ), pp. 302–303.
OSDI-2000-AndersenBCSB #adaptation #internet- System Support for Bandwidth Management and Content Adaptation in Internet Applications (DGA, DB, DC, SS, HB), pp. 213–226.
CAV-2000-Marques-SilvaS #algorithm #automation #design #satisfiability #tutorial- Invited Tutorial: Boolean Satisfiability Algorithms and Applications in Electronic Design Automation (JPMS, KAS), p. 3.
CL-2000-AllainY #database #specification #using- Specification of an Active Database System Application Using Dynamic Relation Nets (LA, PY), pp. 1197–1209.
CL-2000-ArenasBK #calculus #consistency #database #query- Applications of Annotated Predicate Calculus to Querying Inconsistent Databases (MA, LEB, MK), pp. 926–941.
CL-2000-BoultonS #automation #induction #recursion- Automatic Derivation and Application of Induction Schemes for Mutually Recursive Functions (RJB, KS), pp. 629–643.
CL-2000-Brass #named #query #web- SLDMagic — The Real Magic (With Applications to Web Queries) (SB), pp. 1063–1077.
CL-2000-Dierkes- An Application of Model Building in a Resolution Decision Procedure for Guarded Formulas (MD), pp. 583–597.
CL-2000-Gervas #analysis #logic programming- A Logic Programming Application for the Analysis of Spanish Verse (PG), pp. 1330–1344.
ISSTA-2000-ChaysDFVW #database #framework #testing- A framework for testing database applications (DC, SD, PGF, FIV, EJW), pp. 147–157.
RTA-2000-JoachimskiM #confluence #standard #λ-calculus- Standardization and Confluence for a λ Calculus with Generalized Applications (FJ, RM), pp. 141–155.
RTA-2000-Meseguer #concept #logic #maude- Rewriting Logic and Maude: Concepts and Applications (JM), pp. 1–26.
ASE-1999-FeatherS #automation #generative #testing- Automatic Generation of Test Oracles-From Pilot Studies to Application (MSF, BDS), pp. 63–72.
ASE-1999-Michail #data mining #library #mining #reuse- Data Mining Library Reuse Patterns in User-Selected Applications (AM), p. 24–?.
ASE-1999-WilliamsonH #category theory #industrial #synthesis- Industrial Applications of Software Synthesis via Category Theory (KEW, MH), pp. 35–43.
DAC-1999-AdarioRB #architecture #configuration management #image- Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Processor Applications (AMSA, ELR, SB), pp. 623–628.
DAC-1999-ChangLPK #using #verification- Verification of a Microprocessor Using Real World Applications (YSC, SL, ICP, CMK), pp. 181–184.
DAC-1999-GuoCY #representation- An O-Tree Representation of Non-Slicing Floorplan and Its Applications (PNG, CKC, TY), pp. 268–273.
DAC-1999-HurL #clustering #framework #linear- Relaxation and Clustering in a Local Search Framework: Application to Linear Placement (SWH, JL), pp. 360–366.
DAC-1999-KaulVGO #approach #automation #clustering #configuration management #synthesis- An Automated Temporal Partitioning and Loop Fission Approach for FPGA Based Reconfigurable Synthesis of DSP Applications (MK, RV, SG, IO), pp. 616–622.
DAC-1999-KhatriMBOS #layout #novel- A Novel VLSI Layout Fabric for Deep Sub-Micron Applications (SPK, AM, RKB, RHJMO, ALSV), pp. 491–496.
DAC-1999-KirovskiP #behaviour #synthesis- Engineering Change: Methodology and Applications to Behavioral and System Synthesis (DK, MP), pp. 604–609.
DAC-1999-Sharma #development #distributed- Distributed Application Development with Inferno (RS), pp. 146–150.
DAC-1999-StepnerRH #design #embedded #realtime #using- Embedded Application Design Using a Real-Time OS (DS, NR, DH), pp. 151–156.
DAC-1999-TsaiCB #quality #using- Improving the Test Quality for Scan-Based BIST Using a General Test Application Scheme (HCT, KTC, SB), pp. 748–753.
DAC-1999-WeiCRYD #design #power management- Mixed-Vth (MVT) CMOS Circuit Design Methodology for Low Power Applications (LW, ZC, KR, YY, VD), pp. 430–435.
DAC-1999-WilkesH #design #hardware #interface- Application of High Level Interface-Based Design to Telecommunications System Hardware (DW, MMKH), pp. 778–783.
DAC-1999-YehCCJ #design- Gate-Level Design Exploiting Dual Supply Voltages for Power-Driven Applications (CWY, MCC, SCC, WBJ), pp. 68–71.
DATE-1999-AgaesseL #component- Virtual Components Application and Customization (JFA, BL), pp. 726–727.
DATE-1999-FournierAL #functional #product line #using #verification- Functional Verification Methodology for Microprocessors Using the Genesys Test-Program Generator-Application to the x86 Microprocessors Family (LF, YA, ML), pp. 434–441.
DATE-1999-NicoliciA #hardware #performance- Efficient BIST Hardware Insertion with Low Test Application Time for Synthesized Data Paths (NN, BMAH), p. 289–?.
DATE-1999-Troster #co-evolution #design #performance- Potentials of Chip-Package Co-Design for High-Speed Digital Applications (GT), pp. 423–422.
HT-1999-HeathHCW #hypermedia #industrial #research- The Application of a Hypermedia Research System in Industry (IH, WH, RC, GW), pp. 203–204.
ICDAR-1999-LiuN99a #algorithm #classification #learning #nearest neighbour #prototype #recognition- Prototype Learning Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Classifier with Application to Handwritten Character Recognition (CLL, MN), pp. 378–381.
ICDAR-1999-RibertLE #classification #design #distributed #performance #recognition- Designing Efficient Distributed Neural Classifiers: Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition (AR, YL, AE), pp. 265–268.
ICDAR-1999-Thoma #analysis #automation #database #documentation #image #online- Automating Data Entry for an On-line Biomedical Database: A Document Image Analysis Application (GRT), pp. 370–373.
ICDAR-1999-ValvenyM #architecture #recognition- Application of Deformable Template Matching to Symbol Recognition in Hand-written Architectural Drawings (EV, EM), pp. 483–486.
ICDAR-1999-WangHD #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- An Integrated Pattern Recognition System and its Application (LW, JH, RD), pp. 245–248.
PODS-1999-KleinbergT #algebra #analysis #hypermedia #information retrieval #linear- Applications of Linear Algebra in Information Retrieval and Hypertext Analysis (JMK, AT), pp. 185–193.
PODS-1999-Raman #clustering #database #locality #theory and practice- Locality Preserving Dictionaries: Theory and Application to Clustering in Databases (VR), pp. 337–345.
SIGMOD-1999-BargaL #named #robust- Phoenix: Making Applications Robust (RSB, DBL), pp. 562–564.
SIGMOD-1999-BaulierBGGHJKKMMNNRSSSWW #database #in memory #memory management #performance- DataBlitz Storage Manager: Main Memory Database Performance for Critical Applications (JB, PB, SG, CG, SH, SJ, AK, HFK, PM, JM, PPSN, MN, RR, SS, AS, SS, MW, CW), pp. 519–520.
VLDB-1999-CarinoOBS #database- Active Storage Hierarchy, Database Systems and Applications — Socratic Exegesis (FC, WO, JGB, JHS), pp. 611–614.
VLDB-1999-CeriFP #data-driven #generative #web- Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications (SC, PF, SP), pp. 615–626.
VLDB-1999-NinkHR #database #generative #interface #programming- Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming (UN, TH, NR), pp. 575–586.
ITiCSE-1999-ArcoAHM #quality- Quality of service over Ethernet for telelearning applications (JMA, BA, AMH, DM), pp. 68–70.
FASE-1999-FokkinkV #legacy #term rewriting- Conservative Extension in Positive/Negative Conditional Term Rewriting with Applications to Software Renovation Factories (WF, CV), pp. 98–113.
TACAS-1999-AbdullaAB #bound #protocol #verification- Symbolic Verification of Lossy Channel Systems: Application to the Bounded Retransmission Protocol (PAA, AA, AB), pp. 208–222.
CSMR-1999-JonesHKA #modelling #quality- Application of a Usage Profile in Software Quality Models (WDJ, JPH, TMK, EBA), pp. 148–159.
CSMR-1999-PonsignonMAM #maintenance #multi #re-engineering- Reengineering of Multitasking Applications for Easier Maintenance (JFP, MM, RA, YM), pp. 182–185.
ICSM-1999-Mattsson #experience #framework #industrial- Experience Paper: Effort Distribution in a Six-Year Industrial Application Framework Project (MM), p. 326–?.
ICSM-1999-RichnerD #information management #object-oriented- Recovering High-Level Views of Object-Oriented Applications from Static and Dynamic Information (TR, SD), pp. 13–22.
IWPC-1999-BurnsteinS #automation #comprehension #fuzzy #reasoning- An Application of Fuzzy Reasoning to Support Automated Program Comprehension (IB, FS), pp. 66–73.
PLDI-1999-DingK #performance #runtime- Improving Cache Performance in Dynamic Applications through Data and Computation Reorganization at Run Time (CD, KK), pp. 229–241.
SAS-1999-CansellM #specification- Abstract Animator for Temporal Specifications: Application to TLA (DC, DM), pp. 284–299.
STOC-1999-FerraginaMB #approach #geometry #multi #problem #string- Multi-Method Dispatching: A Geometric Approach With Applications to String Matching Problems (PF, SM, MdB), pp. 483–491.
STOC-1999-GalR #theorem- A Theorem on Sensitivity and Applications in Private Computation (AG, AR), pp. 348–357.
STOC-1999-PonzioRV #communication #complexity #pointer- The Communication Complexity of Pointer Chasing: Applications of Entropy and Sampling (SP, JR, SV), pp. 602–611.
STOC-1999-Zwick99a #problem #programming- Outward Rotations: A Tool for Rounding Solutions of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, with Applications to MAX CUT and Other Problems (UZ), pp. 679–687.
FLOPS-1999-RidouxBM #prolog #static analysis- Typed Static Analysis: Application to Groundness Analysis of PROLOG and λ-PROLOG (OR, PB, FM), pp. 267–283.
ICALP-1999-BuhrmanJLV- New Applications of the Incompressibility Method (HB, TJ, ML, PMBV), pp. 220–229.
ICALP-1999-HassinP #distributed #probability- Distributed Probabilistic Polling and Applications to Proportionate Agreement (YH, DP), pp. 402–411.
FM-v1-1999-BehmBFM #named #scalability- Météor: A Successful Application of B in a Large Project (PB, PB, AF, JMM), pp. 369–387.
FM-v1-1999-SabatierL #design #formal method #smarttech #transaction #validation- The Use of the B Formal Method for the Design and the Validation of the Transaction Mechanism for Smart Card Applications (DS, PL), pp. 348–368.
FM-v1-1999-TyuguMP #source code #synthesis- Applications of Structural Synthesis of Programs (ET, MM, JP), pp. 551–569.
FM-v2-1999-ChaudronTW #design #formal method #lessons learnt- Lessons from the Application of Formal Methods to the Design of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (MRVC, JT, KW), pp. 1511–1526.
FM-v2-1999-HainquePBN #compilation #composition #named #tool support- Cronos: A Separate Compilation Toolset for Modular Esterel Applications (OH, LP, YLB, EN), pp. 1836–1853.
AGTIVE-1999-Jager #framework #graph #named #visual notation- UPGRADE — A Framework for Graph-Based Visual Applications (DJ), pp. 427–432.
CHI-1999-AccotZ #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of Input Devices in Trajectory-Based Tasks: An Application of the Steering Law (JA, SZ), pp. 466–472.
CHI-1999-SalberDA #development #tool support- The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of Context-Enabled Applications (DS, AKD, GDA), pp. 434–441.
CHI-1999-ZettlemoyerA #interactive #visual notation- A Visual Medium for Programmatic Control of Interactive Applications (LSZ, RSA), pp. 199–206.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FakunGK #hypermedia #maintenance- Determinants of a successful hypermedia application to support team-based maintenance (DF, RG, JMK), pp. 202–206.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HerrmannH #self #workflow- Augmenting self-controlled work allocation in workflow-management-applications (TH, MH), pp. 288–292.
HCI-CCAD-1999-IshikawaS #collaboration- Feasibility study on the application of a human collaborative robot system to the inspecting patrol of nuclear power plants (NI, KS), pp. 1172–1176.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Jonsson #interactive- The decoupled application interaction model, D.A.I.M (IMJ), pp. 903–907.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KauttoTP #industrial #maintenance #multi- Multimedia applications for supporting industrial maintenance (JK, TT, MP), pp. 276–279.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KoisoFN #coordination #interface #visual notation- Proposal of visual interfaces to coordinate decision making in hierarchical structures and their application to fire systems (TK, TF, SN), pp. 367–371.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MajoeH #analysis #gesture #recognition- Human gesture analysis and recognition for medical and dance applications (DM, NH), pp. 818–822.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MocciaB #artificial reality #flexibility- A flexible environment for virtual reality applications (VM, AB), pp. 1085–1089.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NakatsuNT #interactive #recognition- Emotion recognition and its application to computer agents with spontaneous interactive capabilities (RN, JN, NT), pp. 142–146.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Paul #video- Improving public administration by video conferencing and application sharing — mission possible (HP), pp. 318–322.
HCI-CCAD-1999-PrinzGKK #framework #towards- Towards an awareness infrastructure for cooperative applications (WP, WG, KHK, SK), pp. 323–327.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Sutcliffe #design #human-computer #information retrieval- Developing HCI design principles for information retrieval applications (AGS), pp. 90–96.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VayrynenTK #approach #development- Ergonomic approach to customised development of videophony applications (SV, VT, HK), pp. 261–265.
HCI-CCAD-1999-WhiteC #question #web #what- What are you looking at on the web: information or applications? (DW, YYC), pp. 76–79.
HCI-EI-1999-Fach #design pattern- Design Patterns: Bridges Between Application Domain and Software Labs (PWF), pp. 909–912.
HCI-EI-1999-HienzMSA #communication #human-computer #multimodal- Multimodal Human-Computer Communication in Technical Applications (HH, JM, RS, SA), pp. 755–759.
HCI-EI-1999-HosonoIT #evaluation #requirements- Sensory Evaluation Method for Determining Portable Information Terminal Requirements for Nursing Care Applications (NH, HI, YT), pp. 953–957.
HCI-EI-1999-KohlerSM #architecture #interactive- The ARGUS-Architecture for Global Computer Vision-Based Interaction and its Application in Domestic Enviroments (MK, SS, HM), pp. 296–300.
HCI-EI-1999-LeungPM #mobile- Pointing Accuracy with Mobile Pen-based Devices for On-the-move Applications (YKL, CP, KM), pp. 218–222.
HCI-EI-1999-MosconiP #approach #development #internet #visual notation- A Visual Approach to Internet Applications Development (MM, MP), pp. 600–604.
HCI-EI-1999-SakuradaBN #education- Extension of the IdeaBoard for Educational Applications (TS, HB, MN), pp. 213–217.
HCI-EI-1999-SmithF- Affective Computing: Medical Applications (RNS, WJF), pp. 843–847.
HCI-EI-1999-ThissenS #concept #design #internet #learning #student- A New Concept for Designing Internet Learning Applications for Students of Electrical Engineering (DT, BS), pp. 590–594.
HCI-EI-1999-Vanderdonckt99b #design #interactive- Assisting Designers in Developing Interactive Business Oriented Applications (JV), pp. 1043–1047.
HCI-EI-1999-WatanabeYEIOKOY #interface #named- FRONTIER: An Application of A Pen Based Interface to An ITS For Guiding Fraction Calculation (KW, TY, HE, JI, YO, HK, MO, TY), pp. 238–242.
HCI-EI-1999-ZullighovenGKW #development- Application-Oriented Software Development for Supporting Cooperative Work (HZ, GG, AK, IW), pp. 1213–1217.
AdaEurope-1999-ChapmanD #safety #using- Re-engeneering a Safety-Critical Application Using SPARK 95 and GNORT (RC, RD), pp. 39–51.
AdaEurope-1999-Frost #ada #certification #embedded #safety- An Ada95 Solution for Certification of Embedded Safety Critical Applications (JF), pp. 52–63.
AdaEurope-1999-Kamrad #ada- An Application (Layer 7) Routing Switch with Ada95 Software (JMKI), pp. 250–262.
AdaEurope-1999-KamradS #ada #implementation #runtime- An Ada Runtime System Implementation of the Ravenscar Profile for High Speed Application-Layer Data Switch (JMKI, BAS), pp. 26–38.
AdaEurope-1999-Locke #ada #architecture #realtime- An Architectual Perspective of Real-Time Ada Applications (CDL), pp. 1–11.
AdaEurope-1999-MillanLM #ada #adaptation #java #persistent #using- An Adaptation of our Ada95/O2 Binding to Provide Persistence to the Java Language: Sharing and Handling of Data between Heterogenous Applications using Persistence (TM, ML, FM), pp. 320–331.
SIGAda-1999-HulseEUV #architecture #maintenance- Reducing maintenance costs through the application of modern software architecture principles (CH, SE, MU, LV), pp. 101–110.
SIGAda-1999-Wisniewski #ada- Transitioning an ASIS application: version 1 to Ada95 2.0 (JRW), pp. 53–65.
CAiSE-1999-BeckerM #classification #framework #towards #workflow- Towards a Classification Framework for Application Granularity in Workflow Management Systems (JB, MzM), pp. 411–416.
CAiSE-1999-ScheerH #information management #process- From Business Process Model to Application System — Developing an Information System with the House of Business Engineering (HOBE) (AWS, MH), pp. 2–9.
EDOC-1999-AndreoliAPRVW #framework #named- CLF/Mekano: a framework for building virtual-enterprise applications (JMA, DA, FP, MR, JYVD, JW), pp. 183–192.
EDOC-1999-MoserMNTK #architecture #enterprise- The Eternal system: an architecture for enterprise applications (LEM, PMMS, PN, LAT, VK), pp. 214–222.
EDOC-1999-NublingPZ #process- OMF-an object request broker for the process control application domain (MN, CP, CZ), pp. 126–134.
EDOC-1999-RaverdyL #adaptation #distributed- Reflection support for adaptive distributed applications (PGR, RL), pp. 28–36.
ICEIS-1999-Apers #database- Database Technology and Its Applications (PMGA), p. V.
ICEIS-1999-BorgesN #development #object-oriented- An Assistant for Selecting Object Oriented Methods for Applications Development (GdESB, MEMN), p. 780.
ICEIS-1999-BouneffaBD #source code- Analyzing the Impact of Schema Change on Application Programs (MB, HB, LD), pp. 37–44.
ICEIS-1999-Correia- Public Transport Travel Planning Application (MC), pp. 59–64.
ICEIS-1999-CorreiaL #java- Combining Graphic and Alphanumeric Information in Java Applications (RJCC, JPL), pp. 606–611.
ICEIS-1999-FerreiraMS #interactive #visualisation- Supporting Decisions Concerning Location-Routing of Obnoxious Facilities: An Application Example of Visualization and Interaction Techniques (CF, ABdM, BSS), pp. 74–81.
ICEIS-1999-Habrant #database #learning #network #predict #search-based- Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks from Databases by Genetic Algorithms-Application to Time Series Prediction in Finance (JH), pp. 225–231.
ICEIS-1999-KotowiczB #concept #enterprise #formal method #information management #multi- Linguistic Engineering for Conception of Multi-Agents Systems-Application to the Formalisation of Enterprise Information Systems (JPK, XB), pp. 248–255.
ICEIS-1999-Leal #database #named #web- ALEPH: An Environment for Managing Web Database Applications (JPL), p. 792.
ICEIS-1999-LiSH #collaboration #enterprise- Applications of Stateless Client Systems in Collaborative Enterprises (SFL, QSF, AH), pp. 665–673.
ICEIS-1999-MartinezP #database #development- A Proposal for control Database Software Application Development (AM, MP), pp. 109–116.
ICEIS-1999-MilosavljevicRND #development #enterprise #implementation #intranet- Transportation in Postal Enterprise of Serbia: Application Development and Intranet Implementation (NM, DR, RRN, DD), pp. 477–484.
ICEIS-1999-MuscaPM #database #framework- Developing Database Application in Internet-An ASP Framework (GM, AP, FM), pp. 698–705.
ICEIS-1999-PeixotoD #architecture #development #network- Base Architecture for Network Application Development (CSAP, BMD), p. 789.
ICEIS-1999-SchumacherCHK #automation #coordination #simulation- The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System (MS, FC, SS, BH, OK), pp. 292–299.
ICEIS-1999-TerzisNWDF #enterprise #future of- The Future of Enterprise Groupware Applications (ST, PN, VPW, SAD, JF), pp. 525–532.
CIKM-1999-Wieczerzycki #database- Database Model for Web-Based Cooperative Applications (WW), pp. 131–138.
ICML-1999-NgHR #policy #theory and practice- Policy Invariance Under Reward Transformations: Theory and Application to Reward Shaping (AYN, DH, SJR), pp. 278–287.
ICML-1999-VaithyanathanD #clustering #documentation #learning- Model Selection in Unsupervised Learning with Applications To Document Clustering (SV, BD), pp. 433–443.
ICML-1999-VovkGS #algorithm- Machine-Learning Applications of Algorithmic Randomness (VV, AG, CS), pp. 444–453.
KDD-1999-AdomaviciusT #personalisation #profiling #validation- User Profiling in Personalization Applications Through Rule Discovery and Validation (GA, AT), pp. 377–381.
KDD-1999-FanSZ #distributed #learning #online #scalability- The Application of AdaBoost for Distributed, Scalable and On-Line Learning (WF, SJS, JZ), pp. 362–366.
MLDM-1999-AizenbergAK #algorithm #image #learning #multi #recognition- Multi-valued and Universal Binary Neurons: Learning Algorithms, Application to Image Processing and Recognition (INA, NNA, GAK), pp. 21–35.
MLDM-1999-MilanovaAOS #network #problem- Applications of Celluar Neural Networks for Shape from Shading Problem (MGM, PEMA, JOJ, MGS), pp. 51–63.
MLDM-1999-Scaringella #data mining #mining #monitoring #risk management- A Data Mining Application for Monitoring Environmental Risks (AS), pp. 209–215.
SEKE-1999-HoudekB #approach #evolution #experience- Transferring and Evolving Experience: A Practical Approach and Its Application to Software Inspections (FH, CB), pp. 210–226.
OOPSLA-1999-Blanchet #analysis #java #object-oriented- Escape Analysis for Object-Oriented Languages: Application to Java (BB), pp. 20–34.
OOPSLA-1999-TipLSS #experience #java- Practical Experience with an Application Extractor for Java (FT, CL, PFS, DS), pp. 292–305.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-BajgoricADU #automation #development #paradigm #using- Using Paradigm Plus CASE Tool in a Fusion-Based Application Development Project (NB, IKA, MD, AÜ), pp. 424–427.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-HansenT #architecture #domain model #interactive #nondeterminism- The “Domain Model Concealer” and “Application Moderator” Patterns: Addressing Architectural Uncertainty in Interactive Systems (KMH, MT), pp. 177–190.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-JunqingMY #corba #implementation #internet #realtime- An Implementation Model of Real Time CORBA for Internet Applications (XJ, CM, WY), pp. 326–330.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LiL #interactive #reuse- Framework-Based Software Reuse for Interactive Seismic Processing Applications (YL, JL), pp. 239–244.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Newmarch #java #testing- Testing Java Swing-Based Applications (JN), pp. 156–165.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Pour99b #development #enterprise #java #xml- Enterprise JavaBeans, JavaBeans & XML Expanding the Possibilities for Web-Based Enterprise Application Development (GP), pp. 282–291.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-VittoriniF- A JavaRMI-Based Application Supporting Interoperability in a GIS Context (PV, PDF), pp. 428–439.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ZhaoC #component #named #web- CoOWA: A Component Oriented Web Application Model (WZ, JC), pp. 191–199.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-DuvalC #architecture #concurrent #distributed- Developing Safe Concurrent and Distributed Applications with an Architectural Environment (GD, TC), pp. 20–32.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Pellegrini #configuration management #corba- Dynamic Reconfiguration of Corba-Based Applications (MCP), pp. 329–340.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-ClarkN #user interface- Application Level User Interfaces for Various Media (DIC, JN), pp. 16–27.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-PriceSR #modelling- Extending the Unified Modeling Language to Support Spatiotemporal Applications (RP, BS, KR), p. 163–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Anton #agile #development #effectiveness #object-oriented- Effective Strategies and Techniques for Rapid Object-Oriented Application Development (MPA), pp. 505–517.
TOOLS-USA-1999-BenDaniel #scalability- Building Scalable ODBMS Applications (MB), p. 446.
TOOLS-USA-1999-FosterNMF #mobile #performance #workflow- Performance Tuning Mobile Agent Workflow Applications (SSF, BAN, DM, MJF), pp. 8–17.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Monninger #design #object-oriented- Design of Commercial Object-Oriented Applications — The Patterns (FM), p. 478.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Steckler #interactive #named #tool support- MysterX: A Scheme Toolkit for Building Interactive Applications with COM (PAS), p. 364–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-YannakopoulosFS #framework #lessons learnt- Object Lessons Learned from an Intelligent Agents Framework for Telephony-Based Applications (DY, MF, MS), pp. 222–236.
GCSE-1999-RanaLWS #component #generative #scalability #simulation #xml- An XML Based Component Model for Generating Scientific Applications and Performing Large Scale Simulations in a Meta-computing Environment (OFR, ML, DWW, MSS), pp. 210–224.
PADL-1999-MattssonNW #distributed #named #robust- Mnesia — A Distributed Robust DBMS for Telecommunications Applications (HM, HN, CW), pp. 152–163.
PADL-1999-SoininenN #declarative- Developing a Declarative Rule Language for Applications in Product Configuration (TS, IN), pp. 305–319.
PADL-1999-Watson- An Application of Action Theory to the Space Shuttle (RW), pp. 290–304.
POPL-1999-RamalingamFT #identification #program analysis- Aggregate Structure Identification and Its Application to Program Analysis (GR, JF, FT), pp. 119–132.
SAC-1999-HermannGA #adaptation #design #execution #internet #multi- Design and Execution of Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Internet (ACH, LPG, MJBA), pp. 624–629.
SAC-1999-Papadopoulos #coordination #modelling- Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications (GAP), pp. 132–133.
SAC-1999-SampleBH #coordination #named #runtime- Mars: Runtime Support for Coordinated Applications (NS, CB, MH), pp. 166–174.
SAC-1999-StaudtSQJ #optimisation #query- Query Optimization for Repository-Based Applications (MS, RS, CQ, MJ), pp. 197–203.
ICSE-1999-Ben-ShaulGGHL #component #development #mobile #named- FarGo: A System for Mobile Component-Based Application Development (IBS, HG, YG, OH, BL), pp. 658–659.
ICSE-1999-HolderBG #distributed #layout- Dynamic Layout of Distributed Applications in FarGo (OH, IBS, HG), pp. 163–173.
ICSE-1999-KasikKFF #approach #flexibility- A Flexible Approach to Alliances of Complex Applications (DJK, CEK, JLF, KBF), pp. 23–32.
ICSE-1999-Leinbach #agile #internet #using- Successfully Deliver Internet Applications Using Rapid Software Techniques (CL), pp. 624–625.
ICSE-1999-MannionKW #product line #requirements #reuse- Reusing Single System Requirements from Application Family Requirements (MM, HK, JW), pp. 453–462.
HPCA-1999-KergommeauxDG #parallel- Parallel Computing for Irregular Applications (JCdK, YD, TG), p. 321.
HPCA-1999-PlaatBH #difference #latency #parallel #scalability- Sensitivity of Parallel Applications to Large Differences in Bandwidth and Latency in Two-Layer Interconnects (AP, HEB, RFHH), pp. 244–253.
HPDC-1999-EickermannFPGV #distributed- Distributed Applications in a German Gigabit WAN (TE, WF, SP, GG, RV), pp. 143–148.
HPDC-1999-JamesH #scheduling- Remote Application Scheduling on Metacomputing Systems (HAJ, KAH), pp. 349–350.
HPDC-1999-KangGGH #automation #design #distributed #realtime- Techniques for Automating Distributed Real-Time Applications Design (DIK, RG, LG, JKH), pp. 156–163.
HPDC-1999-KapadiaFB #grid #modelling #predict- Predictive Application-Performance Modeling in a Computational Grid Environment (NHK, JABF, CEB), pp. 47–54.
HPDC-1999-RosePASSWR #approach #distributed #parallel #performance #visualisation- An Approach to Immersive Performance Visualization of Parallel and Wide-Area Distributed Applications (LDR, MP, RAA, ES, BS, SW, DAR), pp. 247–254.
HPDC-1999-SchnaidtHFKJ #adaptation #independence #message passing #monitoring #performance- Passive, Domain-Independent, End-to-End Message Passing Performance Monitoring to Support Adaptive Applications in MSHN (MCS, DAH, JF, TK, DSJ), pp. 337–338.
PPoPP-1999-BagrodiaDDP #parallel #performance #predict #scalability #simulation #using- Performance Prediction of Large Parallel Applications using Parallel Simulations (RB, ED, SD, TP), pp. 151–162.
PPoPP-1999-RamachandranNHRK #abstraction #interactive #memory management #parallel #programming- Space-Time Memory: A Parallel Programming Abstraction for Interactive Multimedia Applications (UR, RSN, NH, JMR, KK), pp. 183–192.
PPoPP-1999-SubhlokLL #automation #network #performance- Automatic Node Selection for High Performance Applications on Networks (JS, PL, BL), pp. 163–172.
PPoPP-1999-Sundaram-StukelV #analysis #predict #using- Predictive Analysis of a Wavefront Application using LogGP (DSS, MKV), pp. 141–150.
PPoPP-1999-XuMN #thread- Dynamic Instrumentation of Threaded Applications (ZX, BPM, ON), pp. 49–59.
SOSP-1999-FlinnS #adaptation #energy #mobile- Energy-aware adaptation for mobile applications (JF, MS), pp. 48–63.
CADE-1999-FeltyHR #abstraction #syntax #using- Formal Metatheory using Implicit Syntax, and an Application to Data Abstraction for Asynchronous Systems (APF, DJH, AR), pp. 237–251.
CSL-1999-Leivant #complexity- Applicative Control and Computational Complexity (DL), pp. 82–95.
IWTCS-1999-KangSKHYKSYK #consistency #development #protocol- Development and Application of ATM Protocol Conformance Test System (SK, YS, DK, MH, JY, IK, JS, SY, MK), pp. 331–346.
LICS-1999-MalacariaH #game studies #nondeterminism #program analysis #security- Non-Deterministic Games and Program Analysis: An Application to Security (PM, CH), pp. 443–452.
TLCA-1999-Andreoli #coordination- The Coordination Language Facility and Applications (JMA), pp. 1–5.
ASE-1998-BaischL #automation #development #information management- Automated Knowledge Acquisition and Application for Software Development Projects (EB, TL), pp. 306–309.
DAC-1998-BeniniMLMOP #kernel #optimisation- Computational Kernels and their Application to Sequential Power Optimization (LB, GDM, AL, EM, GO, MP), pp. 764–769.
DAC-1998-DasdanRG #embedded #realtime- Rate Derivation and Its Applications to Reactive, Real-Time Embedded Systems (AD, DR, RKG), pp. 263–268.
DAC-1998-El-MalehKR #learning #performance- A Fast Sequential Learning Technique for Real Circuits with Application to Enhancing ATPG Performance (AHEM, MK, JR), pp. 625–631.
DAC-1998-HasteerMB #algorithm #automaton #verification- An Implicit Algorithm for Finding Steady States and its Application to FSM Verification (GH, AM, PB), pp. 611–614.
DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaJ #behaviour #control flow #framework #named #optimisation #throughput- FACT: A Framework for the Application of Throughput and Power Optimizing Transformations to Control-Flow Intensive Behavioral Descriptions (GL, NKJ), pp. 102–107.
DAC-1998-LeeKPM #architecture #multi #programmable- Media Architecture: General Purpose vs. Multiple Application-Specific Programmable Processor (CL, JK, MP, WHMS), pp. 321–326.
DAC-1998-SilvaYMCWJCVSM #data transfer #performance #synthesis- Efficient System Exploration and Synthesis of Applications with Dynamic Data Storage and Intensive Data Transfer (JLdSJ, CYC, MM, KC, SW, GGdJ, FC, DV, PS, HDM), pp. 76–81.
DAC-1998-WittenburgHKOBLKP #image #parallel #performance #programmable- Realization of a Programmable Parallel DSP for High Performance Image Processing Applications (JPW, WH, JK, MO, MB, HL, HK, PP), pp. 56–61.
DAC-1998-YangKNCSRKLLKYKLHKKPPLHPK #development #named- MetaCore: An Application Specific DSP Development System (JHY, BWK, SJN, JHC, SWS, CHR, YSK, DHL, JYL, JSK, HDY, JYK, KML, CSH, IHK, JSK, KIP, KHP, YHL, SHH, ICP, CMK), pp. 800–803.
DATE-1998-DagaOA- Temperature Effect on Delay for Low Voltage Applications (JMD, EO, DA), pp. 680–685.
DATE-1998-GhoshKBH #benchmark #equivalence #invariant #metric #synthesis- Synthesis of Wiring Signature-Invariant Equivalence Class Circuit Mutants and Applications to Benchmarking (DG, NK, FB, JEHI), pp. 656–663.
DATE-1998-MalyNOHKS #interface- Design-Manufacturing Interface: Part II — Applications (WM, PKN, CHO, HTH, JK, PS), pp. 557–562.
DATE-1998-MarculescuMP #estimation #probability- Trace-Driven Steady-State Probability Estimation in FSMs with Application to Power Estimation (DM, RM, MP), pp. 774–779.
DATE-1998-MrvaBK #architecture #concurrent #java #multi #scalability #thread- A Scalable Architecture for Multi-threaded JAVA Applications (MM, KB, RK), pp. 868–874.
DATE-1998-PandaDN #embedded- Data Cache Sizing for Embedded Processor Applications (PRP, NDD, AN), pp. 925–926.
HT-1998-BullockG #hypermedia #logic #named #semantics- TourisT: The Application of a Description Logic Based Semantic Hypermedia System for Tourism (JCB, CAG), pp. 132–141.
HT-1998-ChristodoulouSP #development #evaluation #hypermedia- Evaluation of Hypermedia Application Development and Management Systems (SPC, GDS, TSP), pp. 1–10.
PODS-1998-SamoladasM #bound #multi #query #theorem- A Lower Bound Theorem for Indexing Schemes and Its Application to Multidimensional Range Queries (VS, DPM), pp. 44–51.
SIGMOD-1998-AgrawalGGR #automation #clustering #data mining #mining- Automatic Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data for Data Mining Applications (RA, JG, DG, PR), pp. 94–105.
SIGMOD-1998-BerchtoldK #database #tutorial- High-Dimensional Index Structures, Database Support for Next Decade’s Applications (Tutorial) (SB, DAK), p. 501.
SIGMOD-1998-KemperKM #database #tutorial- SAP R/3: A Database Application System (Tutorial) (AK, DK, FM), p. 499.
SIGMOD-1998-LometW #information management #performance- Efficient and Transparent Application Recovery in Client-Server Information Systems (DBL, GW), pp. 460–471.
SIGMOD-1998-NgLK #data mining #mining- A Data Mining Application: Customes Retention at the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) (KN, HL, HK), pp. 522–525.
SIGMOD-1998-ParkKKLPC #in memory #named- Xmas: An Extensible Main-Memory Storage System for High-Performance Applications (JHP, YSK, KHK, SL, BDP, SKC), pp. 578–580.
VLDB-1998-Amer-YahiaCD #database #relational- Bulk-Loading Techniques for Object Databases and an Application to Relational Data (SAY, SC, CD), pp. 534–545.
FoSSaCS-1998-BottreauM #graph #normalisation- Minor Searching, Normal Forms of Graph Relabelling: Two Applications Based on Enumerations by Graph Relabelling (AB, YM), pp. 110–124.
TACAS-1998-Cattel #modelling #verification- Modeling and Verification of SC++ Applications (TC), pp. 232–248.
CSMR-1998-Cremer #legacy #tool support- A Tool Supporting the Re-Design of Legacy Applications (KC), pp. 142–149.
CSMR-1998-FioravantiNP #assessment #c++ #process- A Tool for Process and Product Assessment of C++ Applications (FF, PN, SP), pp. 89–95.
CSMR-1998-GhannouchiGK #approach #reverse engineering- A Generic Approach for Data Reverse Engineering Taking into Account Application Doamin Knowledge (SAG, HHBG, FK), pp. 21–28.
CSMR-1998-KawabeMUO #classification #problem- Variable Classification Technique and Application to the Year 2000 Problem (KK, AM, SU, AO), pp. 44–51.
CSMR-1998-LudwigKL #framework- An Organizational Framework for Mass-Customized Business Application (PL, TK, HL), pp. 37–43.
PLDI-1998-SweeneyT #c++ #case study- A Study of Dead Data Members in C++ Applications (PFS, FT), pp. 324–332.
ICALP-1998-Lugiez #automaton #induction #proving #theorem proving- A Good Class of Tree Automata and Application to Inductive Theorem Proving (DL), pp. 409–420.
ICALP-1998-PlandowskiR #encoding #equation #word- Application of Lempel-Ziv Encodings to the Solution of Words Equations (WP, WR), pp. 731–742.
WIA-1998-MaurelPR #automaton #predict- The Syntactic Prediction with Token Automata: Application to HandiAS System (DM, BLP, OR), pp. 100–109.
FM-1998-SouzaSFSAGGWCD #design #distributed #multi- Design of Distributed Multimedia Applications (DAMD) (WLdS, PNMS, JMF, RMS, MJBA, LPG, LZG, RW, MSdC, MD), pp. 77–91.
ICFP-1998-Putnik #education #on the #self- On Application of Self-Similar Pictures in Education (ZP), p. 341.
CHI-1998-BrownM #design- Device Design Methodology for Trauma Applications (DSB, SM), pp. 590–594.
CHI-1998-Myers #visual notation- Scripting Graphical Applications by Demonstration (BAM), pp. 534–541.
CHI-1998-ZhaiM #coordination #multi- Quantifying Coordination in Multiple DOF Movement and Its Application to Evaluating 6 DOF Input Devices (SZ, PM), pp. 320–327.
CSCW-1998-BanavarDMM #collaboration- Rapidly Building Synchronous Collaborative Applications by Direct Manipulation (GB, SD, KM, BM), pp. 139–148.
CSCW-1998-DewanS #collaboration #flexibility- Flexible Meta Access-Control for Collaborative Applications (PD, HS), pp. 247–256.
CSCW-1998-ZhaoS #image- Evaluating Image Filtering Based Techniques in Media Space Applications (QAZ, JTS), pp. 11–18.
AdaEurope-1998-HarbourRGG #ada #execution #implementation #realtime #using- Implementing and Using Execution Time Clocks in Ada Hard Real-Time Applications (MGH, MAR, JJGG, JCPG), pp. 90–101.
SIGAda-1998-Wainwright #ada #component- An Application Engineering Workbench for Tailoring Ada Flight Components (RHW), pp. 165–174.
CAiSE-1998-GasparyA #interactive #multi #named #specification- MUSE — An Interactive Networked Multimedia Applications Specification Environment with E-LOTOS Translator (LPG, MJBA), pp. 273–287.
CAiSE-1998-HarrisonL #automation #information management #legacy #reverse engineering #using- Automated Reverse Engineering of Legacy 4GL Information System Applications Using the ITOC Workbench (JVH, WML), pp. 41–57.
CAiSE-1998-KavakliL #analysis #process- Goal-Driven Business Process Analysis — Application in Electricity Deregulation (VK, PL), pp. 305–324.
CAiSE-1998-SteinerKN #java #named- OMS/Java: Model Extensibility of OODBMS for Advanced Application Domains (AS, AK, MCN), pp. 115–138.
EDOC-1998-ActonCPS #corba #development #fine-grained #framework- A development framework for building fine-grained CORBA(R) applications (DA, TC, PP, MS), pp. 183–193.
EDOC-1998-DuffyHS #distributed #framework- A distributed object framework for financial applications (MD, PH, JS), pp. 148–154.
EDOC-1998-Moniz #data-driven #interface #middleware #object-oriented- Developing practical, object-oriented middleware interfaces for data-intensive applications (DLM), pp. 174–182.
ICPR-1998-HiranoHOMTE #3d #image- Three dimensional concentration index-a local feature for analyzing three dimensional digital line patterns and its application to chest X-ray CT images (YH, JiH, HO, YM, JiT, KE), pp. 1040–1043.
ICPR-1998-HuetP #classification #fuzzy #image #multi- A multi-scale fuzzy classification by knn. Application to the interpretation of aerial images (FH, SP), pp. 96–98.
ICPR-1998-KrejciFS #image #multi- A new multichannel blind deconvolution method and its application to solar images (RK, JF, SS), pp. 1765–1767.
ICPR-1998-LamOX #classification #learning- Application of Bayesian Ying-Yang criteria for selecting the number of hidden units with backpropagation learning to electrocardiogram classification (WKL, NO, LX), pp. 1686–1688.
ICPR-1998-LashkiaA #classification #performance- Test feature classifiers: performance and application (VL, SA), pp. 341–343.
ICPR-1998-LiuD #algorithm #evaluation #performance #recognition- Performance evaluation of graphics recognition algorithms: principles and applications (WL, DD), pp. 1180–1182.
ICPR-1998-MaedaKIZ #analysis #multi #using- Surface recovery by using regularization theory and its application to multiresolution analysis (MM, KK, KI, HZ), pp. 19–23.
ICPR-1998-SebeLH #image #metric #ranking #retrieval- Which ranking metric is optimal? With applications in image retrieval and stereo matching (NS, MSL, DPH), pp. 265–271.
ICPR-1998-SenguptaO- A new camera projection model and its application in reprojection (KS, JO), pp. 59–63.
ICPR-1998-SuriHS #automation #bound #classification #polynomial- Automatic quadratic calibration for correction of pixel classification boundaries to an accuracy of 2.5 millimeters: an application in cardiac imaging (JSS, RMH, FHS), pp. 30–33.
ICPR-1998-WangHRKJ #3d #invariant #recognition #statistics- A statistical model to describe invariants extracted from a 3-D quadric surface patch and its applications in region-based recognition (GW, ZH, PPLR, MJK, GJ), pp. 668–672.
ICPR-1998-WengH #learning #recognition #sequence- Sensorimotor action sequence learning with application to face recognition under discourse (J(W, WSH), pp. 252–254.
ICPR-1998-ZhugeTLHD #analysis #image #interactive #programming #segmentation- An interactive image segmentation method based on dynamic programming and its application in medical image analysis (YZ, JT, NL, ZH, RD), pp. 1558–1560.
KDD-1998-DomshlakGGLMRS #flexibility #framework #named #research- FlexiMine — A Flexible Platform for KDD Research and Application Construction (CD, DG, EG, NL, AM, TR, SES), pp. 184–188.
KDD-1998-FeeldersCM #bias #mining- Mining in the Presence of Selectivity Bias and its Application to Reject Inference (AJF, SC, GJM), pp. 199–203.
KDD-1998-StaudtKR #data mining #mining- A Data Mining Support Environment and its Application on Insurance Data (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 105–111.
KR-1998-Lenzerini #logic- Description Logics and their Applications (ML), p. 652.
KR-1998-Mani #formal method #problem- A Theory of Granularity and its Application to Problems of Polysemy and Underspecification of Meaning (IM), pp. 245–257.
UML-1998-KandeMPSW #design #uml- Applying UML to Design an Inter-domain Service Management Application (MMK, SM, OP, LS, MW), pp. 200–214.
UML-1998-KleppeWC #constraints #metamodelling #ocl #uml- Informal Formality? The Object Constraint Language and Its Application in the UML Metamodel (AK, JW, SC), pp. 148–161.
ECOOP-1998-ChristensenCDHMMMSST #development #experience #multi #prototype- The M.A.D. Experience: Multiperspective Application Development in evolutionary prototyping (MC, AC, CHD, KMH, OLM, PM, PM, ES, LS, MT), pp. 13–40.
OOPSLA-1998-HarrisS #distributed #internet #lightweight #object-oriented- Lightweight Object-Oriented Shared Variables for Distributed Applications on the Internet (JH, VS), pp. 296–309.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-FanC #component- A Component-Based Model of Web-Enabled Applications (XF, JC), p. 301–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Hsiung #framework #named #object-oriented #realtime- RTFrame: An Object-Oriented Application Framework for Real-Time Applications (PAH), pp. 138–147.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-NgHS #multi #paradigm- A Multiparadigm Language for Developing Agent-oriented Applications (KWN, LH, YS), p. 18–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Poo #policy- Policy Definition in Application-Domain-Related Classes (DCCP), pp. 94–103.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-DellaC #framework #interface #persistent- From Interface to Persistence: A Framework for Business Oriented Applications (LD, DC), pp. 27–39.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Jai #agile #named- RADIUS: Rapid Application Delivery, Installation and Upgrade System (BJ), pp. 180–186.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-SonYK #component #development #java #using- A Component-Based Client/Server Application Development Environment using Java (SS, IY, CK), pp. 168–179.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Monninger #component #internet #object-oriented- Creating Internet Applications with Object-Oriented Components (FM), p. 413.
TOOLS-USA-1998-PlouzeauLJ #contract #distributed #framework #quality- A Framework Managing Quality of Service Contracts in Distributed Applications (NP, SL, JMJ), p. 125–?.
SAC-1998-BohlenJS #database #legacy- Spatio-temporal database support for legacy applications (MHB, CSJ, BS), pp. 226–234.
SAC-1998-MatzenH #web- A new tool for SGML with applications for the World Wide Web (RWM, GEH), pp. 752–759.
SAC-1998-MorinK #named- HyperNews: a MEDIA application for the commercialization of an electronic newspaper (JHM, DK), pp. 696–705.
SAC-1998-Murthy #mobile #paradigm #transaction #workflow- Transactional workflow paradigm: its application to mobile computing (VKM), pp. 424–432.
SAC-1998-StaudtQJ #maintenance- View maintenance and change notification for application program views (MS, CQ, MAJ), pp. 220–225.
SAC-1998-Sterling #clustering- Beowulf PC clusters: breaking the cost barrier to high end application computing (keynote address — abstract) (TLS), p. 1.
ICSE-1998-BaldiP #design #mobile #network #paradigm #trade-off- Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Mobile Code Design Paradigms in Network Management Applications (MB, GPP), pp. 146–155.
ICSE-1998-ChuangKW #architecture #c++- Non-Intrusive Object Introspection in C++: Architecture and Application (TRC, YSK, CMW), pp. 312–321.
ICSE-1998-HilbertR #approach #internet #scalability- An Approach to Large-Scale Collection of Application Usage Data Over the Internet (DMH, DFR), pp. 136–145.
ICSE-1998-NoackS #design #development #scalability- Designing an Application Development Model for a Large Banking Organization (JN, BS), pp. 495–498.
ICSE-1998-SrinivasanV #experience #framework #object-oriented #recognition #reuse #speech- Object Oriented Reuse: Experience in Developing a Framework for Speech Recognition Applications (SS, JV), pp. 322–330.
ICSE-1998-TarrC #consistency- Consistency Management for Complex Applications (PLT, LAC), pp. 230–239.
HPCA-1998-HallaronSG #architecture #product line- Architectural Implications of a Family of Irregular Applications (DRO, JRS, TRG), pp. 80–89.
HPCA-1998-LangendoenHB #network #performance- Challenging Applications on Fast Networks (KL, RFHH, HEB), pp. 68–79.
HPDC-1998-BeckmanFHM #parallel #performance #using- Efficient Coupling of Parallel Applications Using PAWS (PHB, PKF, WFH, SMM), pp. 215–222.
HPDC-1998-BrunettCFFJKLT #case study #experience #tool support- Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit (SB, KC, SF, ITF, AEJ, CK, JL, ST), pp. 81–88.
HPDC-1998-GheorghiuRN- Authorization for Metacomputing Applications (GG, TR, BCN), pp. 132–139.
HPDC-1998-LowekampMSGSS #interface #query- A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware Applications (BL, NM, DS, TRG, PS, JS), pp. 189–196.
HPDC-1998-McRobbieMAGPRWW #education #network #performance #research- Global High Performance Networking: Connecting the vNBS and the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network for Research and Education Applications (MAM, DFM, KHA, DG, DDP, RAR, SSW, JGW), pp. 252–259.
HPDC-1998-RiblerVSR #adaptation #distributed #named- Autopilot: Adaptive Control of Distributed Applications (RLR, JSV, HS, DAR), pp. 172–179.
HPDC-1998-VahdatADBCEY #named #operating system- WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications (AV, TEA, MD, EB, DEC, PE, CY), pp. 52–63.
ISMM-1998-LarsonK #memory management- Memory Allocation for Long-Running Server Applications (PÅL, MK), pp. 176–185.
LCTES-1998-Campbell #architecture #embedded- Evaluating ASIC, DSP, and RISC Architectures for Embedded Applications (MC), p. 261.
CADE-1998-FleuriotP #analysis #geometry #proving #standard #theorem proving- A Combination of Nonstandard Analysis and Geometry Theorem Proving, with Application to Newton’s Principia (JDF, LCP), pp. 3–16.
CAV-1998-CourturierM #empirical #formal method #using- An Experiment in Parallelizing an Application Using Formal Methods (RC, DM), pp. 345–356.
ISSTA-1998-HajnalF #algorithm #fault #generative #testing- An Applicable Test Data Generation Algorithm for Domain Errors (ÁH, IF), pp. 63–72.
IWTCS-1998-Gecse #consistency #hypermedia #internet #protocol #testing- Conformance Testing Methodology of Internet Protocols Internet Application-Layer Protocol Testing — the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (RG), pp. 35–48.
JICSLP-1998-KakasM #abduction #logic programming- Applications of Abductive Logic Programming (ACK, AM), pp. 343–344.
JICSLP-1998-Milner #π-calculus- The π Calculus and Its Applications (Keynote Address) (RM), pp. 3–4.
LICS-1998-CattaniFW #concurrent #formal method #recursion- A Theory of Recursive Domains with Applications to Concurrency (GLC, MPF, GW), pp. 214–225.
LICS-1998-Tatsuta #synthesis- Realizability for Constructive Theory of Functions and Classes and its Application to Program Synthesis (MT), pp. 358–367.
ASE-1997-Ameur #comprehension #program analysis #source code- A Contribution to Program Comprehension by Program Analysis: Application to Numerical Programs (YAA), pp. 134–142.
ASE-1997-Birk #modelling #re-engineering- Modeling the Application Domains of Software Engineering Technologies (AB), pp. 291–292.
ASE-1997-BlazyF #development #formal method #maintenance- Application of Formal Methods to the Development of a Software Maintenance Tool (SB, PF), pp. 162–171.
ASE-1997-EdenYG #automation #design pattern #precise #specification- Precise Specification and Automatic Application of Design Patterns (AHE, AY, JYG), pp. 143–152.
ASE-1997-GomaaF #architecture #automation #distributed #reuse- Automated Configuration of Distributed Applications from Reusable Software Architectures (HG, GAF), pp. 193–200.
ASE-1997-LamJ #analysis #requirements #reuse- Mechanising Requirements Engineering: Reuse and the Application of Domain Analysis Technology (WL, SJ), pp. 303–304.
DAC-1997-ChangC #approach #multi #performance- An Efficient Approach to Multi-Layer Layer Assignment with Application to Via Minimization (CCC, JC), pp. 600–603.
DAC-1997-FangWY #debugging #online #realtime- A Real-Time RTL Engineering-Change Method Supporting On-Line Debugging for Logic-Emulation Applications (WJF, ACHW, TYY), pp. 101–106.
DAC-1997-KarypisAKS #clustering #multi- Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning: Application in VLSI Domain (GK, RA, VK, SS), pp. 526–529.
DAC-1997-KimKP #programmable #synthesis- Synthesis of Application Specific Programmable Processors (KK, RK, MP), pp. 353–358.
DAC-1997-MeyerST #array #design #synthesis- Design and Synthesis of Array Structured Telecommunication Processing Applications (WM, AS, FT), pp. 486–491.
DAC-1997-Tirat-GefenSP #design #multi- Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (YGTG, DCdSJ, ACP), pp. 58–63.
DAC-1997-TsuiCWDP #design #estimation #framework #power management #video- A Power Estimation Framework for Designing Low Power Portable Video Applications (CYT, KKC, QW, CSD, MP), pp. 421–424.
EDTC-1997-BlantonH #fault- The input pattern fault model and its application (RDB, JPH), p. 628.
EDTC-1997-EisenbieglerKB #approach #correctness #towards- A constructive approach towards correctness of synthesis-application within retiming (DE, RK, CB), pp. 427–431.
EDTC-1997-HendricxC #approach #verification- A symbolic core approach to the formal verification of integrated mixed-mode applications (SH, LJMC), pp. 432–436.
EDTC-1997-HertwigW #performance- Fast controllers for data dominated applications (AH, HJW), pp. 84–89.
EDTC-1997-PandaDN #embedded #memory management #performance- Efficient utilization of scratch-pad memory in embedded processor applications (PRP, NDD, AN), pp. 7–11.
EDTC-1997-RoyoML #design #encryption #implementation- Design and implementation of a coprocessor for cryptography applications (AR, JM, JCL), pp. 213–217.
EDTC-1997-SchaumontVREB #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of multi-rate and variable rate circuits for high speed telecommunications applications (PS, SV, LR, ME, IB), pp. 542–546.
EDTC-1997-TangelderDK- Smart sensor system application: an integrated compass (RJWTT, GD, HGK), pp. 195–199.
EDTC-1997-WolfK #generative #independence- Application independent module generation in analog layouts (MW, UK), p. 624.
HT-1997-BalasubramanianBP #documentation #hypermedia #scalability #using #web- A Large-Scale Hypermedia Application using Document Management and Web Technologies (VB, AB, DP), pp. 134–145.
HT-1997-ChiuB #hypermedia- A Generic Dynamic-Mapping Wrapper for Open Hypertext System Support of Analytical Applications (CMC, MB), pp. 218–219.
HT-1997-Chuat #hypermedia #using #what- Using Hypertext for Textual Genetics, or, What is Suitable in a Hypertext System for an Information Gardening Application (CC), pp. 230–231.
HT-1997-GarzottoMP #design #hypermedia- Designing Model Hypermedia Applications (FG, LM, PP), pp. 38–47.
HT-1997-GooseDHR #architecture #distributed #hypermedia #reflexive- Microcosm TNG: A Distributed Architecture to Support Reflexive Hypermedia Applications (SG, JD, WH, DDR), pp. 226–227.
HT-1997-RossiSG #design #development #hypermedia #reuse- Design Reuse in Hypermedia Applications Development (GR, DS, AG), pp. 57–66.
HT-1997-Whitehead #architecture #hypermedia #integration- An Architectural Model for Application Integration in Open Hypermedia Environments (EJWJ), pp. 1–12.
ICDAR-1997-AnquetilL #problem #segmentation- Perceptual Model of Handwriting Drawing Application to the Handwriting Segmentation Problem (ÉA, GL), p. 112–?.
ICDAR-1997-MiuraSM #recognition- A method of extracting curvature features and its application to handwritten character recognition (KTM, RS, SM), pp. 450–454.
ICDAR-1997-OgierMLL #analysis #image #reliability #semantics- An Image Interpretation Device cannot be Reliable without any Semantic Coherency Analysis of the Interpretated Objects — Application to French Cadastral Maps (JMO, RM, JL, YL), pp. 532–535.
ICDAR-1997-YamauchiIT #learning #multi #recognition- Shape based Learning for a Multi-Template Method, and its Application to Handprinted Numeral Recognition (TY, YI, JT), pp. 495–498.
VLDB-1997-AlonsoHST #distributed- Distributed Processing over Stand-alone Systems and Applications (GA, CH, HJS, MT), pp. 575–579.
VLDB-1997-LlirbatST #transaction #using- Using Versions in Update Transactions: Application to Integrity Checking (FL, ES, DT), pp. 96–105.
VLDB-1997-ShaferA #algorithm #data mining #mining #parallel #similarity- Parallel Algorithms for High-dimensional Similarity Joins for Data Mining Applications (JCS, RA), pp. 176–185.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Glazunov #education #on the- On mathematical assistant CARANT-REDUCE and its application to computer science education (demonstration) (NMG), p. 150.
PEPM-1997-GenglerM #partial evaluation #self #π-calculus- Self-Applicable Partial Evaluation for the π-Calculus (MG, MM), pp. 36–46.
STOC-1997-AroraS #testing- Improved Low-Degree Testing and its Applications (SA, MS), pp. 485–495.
STOC-1997-Ben-DavidBK #algorithm #composition #concept #geometry #learning #theorem- A Composition Theorem for Learning Algorithms with Applications to Geometric Concept Classes (SBD, NHB, EK), pp. 324–333.
STOC-1997-Irani #multi #web- Page Replacement with Multi-Size Pages and Applications to Web Caching (SI), pp. 701–710.
STOC-1997-Micciancio #data type #encryption- Oblivious Data Structures: Applications to Cryptography (DM), pp. 456–464.
ICALP-1997-GarganoHP #symmetry- Colouring Paths in Directed Symmetric Trees with Applications to WDM Routing (LG, PH, SP), pp. 505–515.
ICALP-1997-KaklamanisPEJ- Constrained Bipartite Edge Coloring with Applications to Wavelength Routing (CK, PP, TE, KJ), pp. 493–504.
CHI-1997-GentnerLR #network- Simplified Applications for Network Computers (DG, FL, CR), pp. 439–446.
HCI-CC-1997-JasperEJNW #design #intranet #social #using- Using Cooperative Design to Introduce ORDBMS-Driven Intranet Applications to Collaborating Social Service Agencies (JEJ, RDE, TBJ, RN, SW), pp. 97–100.
HCI-CC-1997-LindstromLS #implementation- Organizational Support and Employee Well-Being in the Implementation of New VDT Application (KL, TL, JS), pp. 373–377.
HCI-CC-1997-Olszewski- Application of Ergonomics in Creating of Workplace of Computer’s Operator in Manufacturing (JO), pp. 695–698.
HCI-CC-1997-SchaabH #industrial- Application of Ergonomics Principles Within the Semiconductor Industry (JAS, MRH), pp. 707–710.
HCI-CC-1997-Suzuki #analysis #development #evaluation #variability- The Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis on the Evaluation of Mental Strain and its Future Development (KS), pp. 559–562.
HCI-SEC-1997-Brath #3d #analysis #experience #guidelines #interactive #visualisation- 3D Interactive Information Visualization: Guidelines from Experience and Analysis of Applications (RB), pp. 865–868.
HCI-SEC-1997-ChoMSYYJ #development #named #programming #visual notation #web- VIOLA: A Visual Programming Tool for the Development of Web Applications (CSC, PSM, GSS, SJY, IJY, YSJ), pp. 787–790.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ficarra #evaluation #multi- Method and Techniques for the Evaluation of Multimedia Applications (FVCF), pp. 635–638.
HCI-SEC-1997-FukushimaY #adaptation- Application of a Newly Developed Eye Sensing Head-Mounted-Display to a Mutual Adaptive CAI for Plant-Diagnosis (SF, HY), pp. 225–228.
HCI-SEC-1997-GollLH #design #hypermedia #modelling- An Environment for Modelling and Designing Hypertext Applications (SG, JL, WH), pp. 735–738.
HCI-SEC-1997-LaneA #artificial reality- Stereopsis and Motion Parallax Cues in Virtual Reality Control Applications (JCL, DLA), pp. 917–920.
HCI-SEC-1997-PattersonD #communication #industrial #multi #network #tool support #usability- Evaluating the Usability of Application Tools in Transferring Multimedia Information Across ATM Communication Networks Within the Fashion Industry in Europe (GP, RD), pp. 767–770.
HCI-SEC-1997-SmithD #design #interface- User Centred Design: The Application of the LUCID Interface Design Method (AS, LD), pp. 563–568.
HCI-SEC-1997-So #bibliography #image #industrial #predict- Lag Compensation by Image Deflection and Prediction: A Review on the Potential Benefits to Virtual Training Applications for Manufacturing Industry (RHYS), pp. 997–1000.
HCI-SEC-1997-Sun #artificial reality- Data Input Devices and Application in Virtual Reality (HS), pp. 1001–1004.
HCI-SEC-1997-Wilson #industrial- Barriers to Industrial Application of Virtual Environments (JRW), pp. 985–988.
AdaEurope-1997-GuerraMAA #ada #distributed #fault tolerance #library- An Ada Library to Program Fault-Tolerant Distributed Applications (FGS, FJMG, AA, SA), pp. 230–243.
AdaEurope-1997-HarbourGG #ada #implementation- Implementing Application-Level Sporadic Server Schedulers in Ada 95 (MGH, JJGG, JCPG), pp. 125–136.
TRI-Ada-1997-Cheng #ada #concurrent #dependence- Task Dependence Nets for Concurrent Systems with Ada 95 and Its Applications (JC), pp. 67–78.
TRI-Ada-1997-Kienzle #ada #network- Network Applications in Ada 95 (JK), pp. 3–9.
TRI-Ada-1997-NeriPT #debugging #distributed- Debugging Distributed Applications with Replay Capabilities (DN, LP, ST), pp. 189–195.
TRI-Ada-1997-RileyDP #analysis #implementation #verification- An Instance of the Application Download Pattern: The SPAIDS Software Loader/Verifier Domain Analysis and Implementation (JDR, SD, WP), pp. 273–278.
CAiSE-1997-AltmeyerRSSZ #development #reuse- Application of a Generator-Based Software Development Method Supporting Model Reuse (JA, JPR, BS, MS, GZ), pp. 159–172.
CAiSE-1997-KlimathianakisL #named #network #repository- DELOS — A Repository Based Environment for Developing Network Centric Applications (PK, PL), pp. 375–388.
CAiSE-1997-McBrien #design #distributed- Design of Distributed Applications based on the OSI Model (PM), pp. 363–373.
EDOC-1997-BlackshawE #corba #distributed #enterprise- Building Distributed Enterprise OLTP Applications: Current CORBA Limitations (BB, JE), pp. 190–196.
EDOC-1997-GriffelTMMLS #contract #mobile- Electronic contract negotiation as an application niche for mobile agents (FG, MTT, MM, MM, WL, MMdS), p. 354–?.
EDOC-1997-HughesHLRSS #distributed #legacy #migration- A Methodology for Migration of Legacy Applications to Distributed Object Management (ERH, RSH, SDL, ASR, ALS, SLS), pp. 236–244.
EDOC-1997-LoftusOIV #code generation #corba #internet- A Code Generation Strategy for CORBA-Based Internet Applications (CWL, AO, EI, PV), pp. 160–169.
CIKM-1997-FrenchPS #approximate #information retrieval #word- Applications of Approximate Word Matching in Information Retrieval (JCF, ALP, ES), pp. 9–15.
ICML-1997-Decatur #classification #induction #learning- PAC Learning with Constant-Partition Classification Noise and Applications to Decision Tree Induction (SED), pp. 83–91.
KDD-1997-EsterKSX #database #detection #set- Density-Connected Sets and their Application for Trend Detection in Spatial Databases (ME, HPK, JS, XX), pp. 10–15.
KDD-1997-StoughB #image #multi #reduction- Image Feature Reduction through Spoiling: Its Application to Multiple Matched Filters for Focus of Attention (TMS, CEB), pp. 255–258.
SIGIR-1997-AgostiBM #automation #information retrieval #named- ACHIRA: Automatic Construction of Hypertexts for Information Retrieval Applications (Abstract) (MA, LB, MM), p. 335.
UML-1997-Holz #architecture #uml- Application of UML Within the Scope of New Telecommunication Architectures (EH), pp. 207–219.
ECOOP-1997-Lunau #architecture #process- A Reflective Architecture for Process Control Applications (CPL), pp. 170–189.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-CasadeiA #implementation- A Language for Implementing Computational Mechanics Applications (FC, JA), pp. 52–67.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GievskaJTD #distributed #framework #multi- Pattern-Based Framework for Multimedia Distributed Applications (SG, SJ, VT, DD), p. 31–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Riehle97a #safety- Object Technology for Safety-Critical Applications (RR), p. 376.
TOOLS-USA-1997-SeinturierDF #distributed #object-oriented #protocol- A Meta-Object Protocol for Distributed OO Applications (LS, LD, GF), pp. 306–317.
RE-1997-Liu #industrial #named- SOFL: A Formal Engineering Methodology for Industrial Applications (SL), p. 41.
SAC-1997-GoliP #data mining #mining #multi- Application of domain vector perfect hash join for multimedia data mining (VNRG, WP), pp. 334–339.
SAC-1997-MostafaS #collaboration #multi #protocol #reliability- A reliable multicast session protocol for collaborative continuous-feed applications (WM, MS), pp. 35–39.
SAC-1997-Rine #reuse- Success factors for software reuse that are applicable across domains and businesses (DCR), pp. 182–186.
SAC-1997-ShimazuF #database #implementation #information management- Knowledge discovery in database by Progol-design, implementation and its application to expert system building (KS, KF), pp. 91–93.
ESEC-FSE-1997-BoehmEKM #multi- Developing Multimedia Applications with the WinWin Spiral Model (BWB, AE, JK, RJM), pp. 20–39.
ESEC-FSE-1997-JahnkeSZ #database #fuzzy #reasoning #relational #reverse engineering- Generic Fuzzy Reasoning Nets as a Basis for Reverse Engineering Relational Database Applications (JHJ, WS, AZ), pp. 193–210.
ESEC-FSE-1997-RepsBDL #maintenance #problem #profiling- The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem (TWR, TB, MD, JRL), pp. 432–449.
ESEC-FSE-1997-SchutzeRZ #generative #simulation- A Pattern-Based Application Generator for Building Simulation (MS, JPR, GZ), pp. 468–482.
ICSE-1997-AlurJKO #case study #experience #model checking #realtime- Model-Checking of Real-Time Systems: A Telecommunications Application (Experience Report) (RA, LJJ, JJK, JVO), pp. 514–524.
ICSE-1997-CarzanigaPV #design #distributed #mobile #paradigm- Designing Distributed Applications with Mobile Code Paradigms (AC, GPP, GV), pp. 22–32.
ICSE-1997-FaulkH #evolution #realtime #requirements #tutorial- Rigorous Requirements for Real-Time Systems: Evolution and Application of the SCR Method (Tutorial) (SRF, CLH), pp. 637–638.
ICSE-1997-FroehlichHLS #framework #object-oriented- Hooking into Object-Oriented Application Frameworks (GF, HJH, LL, PGS), pp. 491–501.
ICSE-1997-TonellaAFM #analysis #c++ #morphism #pointer #polymorphism #slicing- Flow Insensitive C++ Pointers and Polymorphism Analysis and its Application to Slicing (PT, GA, RF, EM), pp. 433–443.
HPCA-1997-ChodnekarSVSD #communication #parallel #towards- Towards a Communication Characterization Methodology for Parallel Applications (SC, VS, ASV, AS, CRD), pp. 310–319.
HPCA-1997-Sivasubramaniam #communication #memory management #multi- Reducing the Communication Overhead of Dynamic Applications on Shared Memory Multiprocessors (AS), pp. 194–203.
HPDC-1997-AsthanaSS #multi #named- Kaleido: An Environment for Composing Networked Multimedia Applications (AA, JS, MBS), pp. 181–190.
HPDC-1997-McMillan- ASCI Applications (CM), p. 179.
HPDC-1997-RosuSF #approach #clustering #interface #network #parallel- Supporting Parallel Applications on Clusters of Workstations: The Intelligent Network Interface Approach (MCR, KS, RF), pp. 159–168.
HPDC-1997-WeissmanZ #parallel #runtime #scheduling- Run-time Support for Scheduling Parallel Applications in Heterogeneous NOWs (JBW, XZ), pp. 347–355.
PPoPP-1997-JiangSS #memory management #multi #performance- Application Restructuring and Performance Portability on Shared Virtual Memory and Hardware-Coherent Multiprocessors (DJ, HS, JPS), pp. 217–229.
PPoPP-1997-LuCDRZ #compilation #distributed #memory management- Compiler and Software Distributed Shared Memory Support for Irregular Applications (HL, ALC, SD, RR, WZ), pp. 48–56.
PPoPP-1997-SodanGMST #architecture #case study #experience #parallel #thread- Experiences with Non-numeric Applications on Multithreaded Architectures (AS, GRG, OM, JUS, XT), pp. 124–135.
SOSP-1997-KaashoekEGBHMPGM #flexibility #kernel #performance- Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems (MFK, DRE, GRG, HMB, RH, DM, TP, RG, JJ, KM), pp. 52–65.
SOSP-1997-NiehL #design #evaluation #implementation #multi- The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of SMART: A Scheduler for Multimedia Applications (JN, MSL), pp. 184–197.
SOSP-1997-NobleSNTFW #adaptation #agile- Agile Application-Aware Adaptation for Mobility (BN, MS, DN, JET, JF, KRW), pp. 276–287.
CADE-1997-FischerS #re-engineering #reuse- SETHEO Goes Software Engineering: Application of ATP to Software Reuse (BF, JS), pp. 65–68.
CADE-1997-Wen-Tsun #automation #reasoning- The Char-Set Method and Its Applications to Automated Reasoning (WWT), pp. 1–3.
CAV-1997-Rowe #case study #verification- Formal Verification — Applications & Case Studies (MR), p. 11.
CSL-1997-Hofmann #linear #recursion #λ-calculus- A Mixed Modal/Linear λ Calculus with Applications to Bellantoni-Cook Safe Recursion (MH0), pp. 275–294.
TLCA-1997-Ruess #calculus #proving #theorem proving- Computational Reflection in the Calculus of Constructions and its Application to Theorem Proving (HR), pp. 319–335.
DAC-1996-ErcanliP #scheduling #synthesis- A Register File and Scheduling Model for Application Specific Processor Synthesis (EE, CAP), pp. 35–40.
DAC-1996-JohnsonCB #design #markov #metric #process #simulation- Application of a Markov Model to the Measurement, Simulation, and Diagnosis of an Iterative Design Process (EWJ, LAC, JBB), pp. 185–188.
DAC-1996-LidskyR #web- Early Power Exploration — A World Wide Web Application (DL, JMR), pp. 27–32.
DAC-1996-Lin #design #hardware #network- A System Design Methodology for Software/Hardware Co-Development of Telecommunication Network Applications (BL), pp. 672–677.
DAC-1996-VercauterenLM #architecture #embedded- Constructing Application-Specific Heterogeneous Embedded Architectures from Custom HW/SW Applications (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 521–526.
DAC-1996-VercauterenLM96a #architecture #embedded #kernel #realtime- A Strategy for Real-Time Kernel Support in Application-Specific HW/SW Embedded Architectures (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 678–683.
KBSE-1996-LeeG #collaboration #tutorial #using #web- Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web “Shell” (Tutorial) (AL, AG), p. 3.
HT-1996-GarzottoMP #hypermedia #reuse- Information Reuse in Hypermedia Applications (FG, LM, PP), pp. 93–104.
HT-1996-GirgensohnLS #case study #collaboration #experience #using #web- Experiences in Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web “Shell” (AG, AL, KS), pp. 246–255.
HT-1996-JonesC #case study #web- A Study of Navigational Support Provided by World Wide Web Browsing Applications (SJ, AC), pp. 161–169.
HT-1996-SchwabeRB #design #hypermedia- Systematic Hypermedia Application Design with OOHDM (DS, GR, SDJB), pp. 116–128.
PODS-1996-BettiniWJ #data mining #mining #multi #testing- Testing Complex Temporal Relationships Involving Multiple Granularities and Its Application to Data Mining (CB, XSW, SJ), pp. 68–78.
SIGMOD-1996-RundensteinerKRCJM #multi #object-oriented- The MultiView Project: Object-Oriented View Technology and Applications (EAR, HAK, YGR, VCT, MCJ, PJM), p. 555.
VLDB-1996-Hess #database #scalability- Very Large Databases in a Commercial Application Environment (KHH), p. 2.
VLDB-1996-PoosalaI #estimation- Estimation of Query-Result Distribution and its Application in Parallel-Join Load Balancing (VP, YEI), pp. 448–459.
ITiCSE-1996-Castaneda #using #visual notation- Windows-based applications in Visual Basic using project teams (SEC), p. 232.
ICSM-1996-ChowN #automation #library- Semi-automatic update of applications in response to library changes (KC, DN), p. 359–?.
ICSM-1996-EveraarsAB #distributed #fortran #parallel- Restructuring sequential Fortran code into a parallel/distributed application (CTHE, FA, FJB), pp. 13–22.
PLDI-1996-RussinovichC #concurrent #memory management #nondeterminism- Replay For Concurrent Non-Deterministic Shared Memory Applications (MR, BC), pp. 258–266.
SAS-1996-KellyMSS #analysis #constraints #incremental #logic programming #source code- Two Applications of an Incremental Analysis Engine for (Constraint) Logic Programs (ADK, KM, HS, PJS), pp. 385–386.
SAS-1996-Venet #alias #analysis #source code- Abstract Cofibered Domains: Application to the Alias Analysis of Untyped Programs (AV), pp. 366–382.
STOC-1996-BartalFL #bound #graph #online #problem- Lower Bounds for On-line Graph Problems with Application to On-line Circuit and Optical Routing (YB, AF, SL), pp. 531–540.
ICALP-1996-AlbersM #algorithm #analysis- Average Case Analyses of List Update Algorithms, with Applications to Data Compression (SA, MM), pp. 514–525.
ICALP-1996-ChoiG #algorithm #analysis- Lopsided Trees: Analyses, Algorithms, and Applications (VSNC, MJG), pp. 538–549.
ICALP-1996-HenzingerT #algorithm #graph- Improved Sampling with Applications to Dynamic Graph Algorithms (MRH, MT), pp. 290–299.
ICALP-1996-Lisovik #linear #set- Hard Sets Method and Semilinear Reservoir Method with Applications (LPL), pp. 219–231.
WIA-1996-Maurel #automaton- Building Automata on Schemata and Acceptability Tables: Application to French Data Adverbials (DM), pp. 72–86.
FME-1996-BicarreguiDW #analysis #formal method- Quantitative Analysis of an Application of Formal Methods (JB, JD, EW), pp. 60–73.
FME-1996-Peleska #automation #industrial #safety #testing- Test Automation for Safety-Critical Systems: Industrial Application and Future Developments (JP), pp. 39–59.
ICFP-1996-SerranoF #analysis- Storage Use Analysis and its Applications (MS, MF), pp. 50–61.
IFL-1996-Scholz #array #functional #on the #programming- On Programming Scientific Applications in SAC — A Functional Language Extended by a Subsystem for High-Level Array Operations (SBS), pp. 85–104.
CSCW-1996-Dewan #collaboration #design #implementation #tutorial- Designing and Implementing Collaborative Applications (Tutorial) (PD), p. 4.
CSCW-1996-Dourish #collaboration #consistency #semantics #tool support- Consistency Guarantees: Exploiting Application Semantics for Consistency Management in a Collaboration Toolkit (PD), pp. 268–277.
CSCW-1996-Edwards #collaboration #policy- Policies and Roles in Collaborative Applications (WKE), pp. 11–20.
CSCW-1996-HalversonR #design #distributed #implementation #social #tutorial- An Introduction to Distributed Cognition: Analyzing the Organizational, the Social and the Cognitive for Designing and Implementing CSCW Applications (Tutorial) (CH, YR), p. 4.
CSCW-1996-LeeG #collaboration #tutorial #using #web- Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web Shell (Tutorial) (AL, AG), p. 4.
CSCW-1996-Martial #process #re-engineering #tutorial- Business Process Reengineering and its Role in Developing CSCW Applications (Tutorial) (FvM), p. 6.
CSCW-1996-Rodden- Populating the Application: A Model of Awareness for Cooperative Applications (TR), pp. 87–96.
CSCW-1996-Waldo #collaboration #java #programming #tutorial #using- Using the Java Programming Environment to Build Collaborative Applications (Tutorial) (JW), p. 3.
AdaEurope-1996-Gliss #ada #fortran #legacy- An Ada 95 Harness for Converting Legacy Fortran Applications (BG), pp. 413–426.
AdaEurope-1996-MirandaAAG #ada #distributed #fault tolerance #named- Drago: An Ada Extension to Program Fault-Tolerant Distributed Applications (FJMG, AA, SA, FGS), pp. 235–246.
AdaEurope-1996-Rosskopf #ada #assessment #safety #static analysis- Use of a Static Analysis Tool for Safety-Critical Ada Applications: A Critical Assessment (AR), pp. 183–197.
TRI-Ada-1996-DwyerCR #ada #concurrent #independence- An Application-Independent Concurrency Skeleton in Ada 95 (MBD, MJC, ER), pp. 179–192.
TRI-Ada-1996-KermarrecNP #ada #distributed #fault tolerance- Providing Fault-Tolerant Services to Distributed Ada 95 Applications (YK, LN, LP), pp. 39–47.
TRI-Ada-1996-KermarrecNP96a #ada #distributed #named- GNATDIST: A Configuration Language for Distributed Ada 95 Applications (YK, LN, LP), pp. 63–72.
TRI-Ada-1996-Moody #ada #architecture #case study #experience #migration #reuse- Migrating Well Engineered Ada 83 Applications into Newer Architecture and Reuse Based Ada 95 Systems: Experiences from Boeing’s Reuse Initiative Project (SAM), pp. 219–229.
TRI-Ada-1996-Riley #ada #comparison #corba #development #distributed- A Comparison of Two Approaches to Distributed Application Development in Ada: the Ada Distributed Systems Annex and CORBA (JDR), pp. 73–80.
CAiSE-1996-KroneKHDE #case study #information management #using- Developing an Information System Using TROLL: An Application Field Study (MK, MK, PH, GD, HDE), pp. 136–159.
CAiSE-1996-LammariLJC #constraints #normalisation #using- Deriving Normalized Is_a Hierarchies by Using Applicability Constraints (NL, RL, MJ, XC), pp. 562–580.
CAiSE-1996-Motschnig-PitrikM #abstraction #semantics- Semantics, Features, and Applications of the Viewpoint Abstraction (RMP, JM), pp. 514–539.
CIKM-1996-ChingHW #database #estimation- A Model of Object Database Applications and its Use in Cost Estimation (NC, EH, MW), pp. 125–133.
CIKM-1996-JingHR #optimisation- Hierarchical Optimization of Optimal Path Finding for Transportation Applications (NJ, YWH, EAR), pp. 261–268.
CIKM-1996-LiuOSWYR #database #evaluation #fuzzy #performance- Performance Evaluation of G-tree and Its Application in Fuzzy Databases (CL, AMO, APS, JW, CTY, NR), pp. 235–242.
CIKM-1996-TangH #nondeterminism #workflow- Handling Uncertainties in Workflow Applications (JT, SYH), pp. 269–276.
ICML-1996-Caruana #algorithm #learning #multi- Algorithms and Applications for Multitask Learning (RC), pp. 87–95.
ICML-1996-LittmanS #convergence- A Generalized Reinforcement-Learning Model: Convergence and Applications (MLL, CS), pp. 310–318.
ICPR-1996-AizenbergAK #image #learning #multi #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Multi-valued and universal binary neurons: mathematical model, learning, networks, application to image processing and pattern recognition (NNA, INA, GAK), pp. 185–189.
ICPR-1996-AmaraBCWML #estimation #parametricity #recursion #segmentation- A recursive estimation of parameters of straight lines and circles: application to the segmentation of the Rey’s Complex Figure (MA, DdB, PC, PW, CM, YL), pp. 467–471.
ICPR-1996-BergerSPW #image #synthesis #video- Mixing synthesis and video images of outdoor environments: application to the bridges of Paris (MOB, GS, SP, BWD), pp. 90–94.
ICPR-1996-BoddekeSGY- Fluorescence lifetime determination for application in microscopy (FRB, VMES, LKvG, ITY), pp. 854–858.
ICPR-1996-Chetverikov #algorithm #interactive #performance- Structural filtering with texture feature-based interaction maps: fast algorithm and applications (DC), pp. 795–799.
ICPR-1996-CortijoB #automation #classification #estimation #image #multi #parametricity- Automatic estimation of the LVQ-1 parameters. Applications to multispectral image classification (FJC, NPdlB), pp. 346–350.
ICPR-1996-GonzalezC #classification #functional #markov #random- The Markov random fields in functional neighbors as a texture model: applications in texture classification (AMG, DC), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-GroBertKN #approach #fuzzy #image- A new approach to fuzzy morphology based on fuzzy integral and its application in image processing (SG, MK, BN), pp. 625–630.
ICPR-1996-HeisterkampB #invariant #product line #recognition- Invariants of families of coplanar conics and their applications to object recognition (DRH, PB), pp. 677–681.
ICPR-1996-HwangB #classification #network #performance #recognition- An efficient method to construct a radial basis function neural network classifier and its application to unconstrained handwritten digit recognition (YSH, SYB), pp. 640–644.
ICPR-1996-MartinezST #linear #performance #recursion- A recursive updating rule for efficient computation of linear moments in sliding-window applications (JM, ES, FT), pp. 295–299.
ICPR-1996-Matsui #detection #image #multi- A new mathematical human vision model with an autonomous image observing mechanism and its application to multiple motion detection (TM), pp. 723–727.
ICPR-1996-MoriHTAK #3d #image #recognition- Recognition of bronchus in three-dimensional X-ray CT images with applications to virtualized bronchoscopy system (KM, JiH, JiT, HA, KK), pp. 528–532.
ICPR-1996-PrinetMCLM #3d #image #network- Thin network extraction in 3D images: application to medical angiograms (VP, OM, GC, XSL, SM), pp. 386–390.
ICPR-1996-Xia #invariant #on the- On contour invariants: relationship and application (FX), pp. 136–140.
ICPR-1996-YamamotoMTI0 #automation #detection- Quoit filter-a new filter based on mathematical morphology to extract the isolated shadow, and its application to automatic detection of lung cancer in X-ray CT (SY, MM, YT, TI, TM), pp. 3–7.
ICPR-1996-YamashitaFO #array #interface #memory management #realtime- An integrated memory array processor with a synchronous-DRAM interface for real-time vision applications (NY, YF, SO), pp. 575–580.
KDD-1996-AgrawalS #data mining #database #mining #relational- Developing Tightly-Coupled Data Mining Applications on a Relational Database System (RA, KS), pp. 287–290.
KDD-1996-ImielinskiVA #database #interface #mining #named #programming #query- DataMine: Application Programming Interface and Query Language for Database Mining (TI, AV, AA), pp. 256–262.
KDD-1996-MongeE #algorithm #problem- The Field Matching Problem: Algorithms and Applications (AEM, CE), pp. 267–270.
KDD-1996-Piatetsky-ShapiroBKKS #bibliography #data mining #industrial #information management #mining- An Overview of Issues in Developing Industrial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Applications (GPS, RJB, TK, WK, ES), pp. 89–95.
SIGIR-1996-OroumchianO #information retrieval #reasoning- An Application of Plausible Reasoning to Information Retrieval (FO, RNO), pp. 244–252.
ECOOP-1996-BanavarL #composition #framework #tool support- An Application Framework For Module Composition Tools (GB, GL), pp. 91–113.
ECOOP-1996-EngelsonFF #automation #data type #generative #modelling #object-oriented #specification #user interface- Automatic Generation of User Interfaces From Data Structure Specifications and Object-Oriented Application Models (VE, DF, PF), pp. 114–141.
ECOOP-1996-SilvaC #concept #database #design #diagrams #multi #object-oriented #using- Conceptual Design of Active Object-Oriented Database Applications Using Multi-level Diagrams (MJVS, CRC), pp. 366–397.
LOPSTR-1996-PueblaH #parallel- Abstract Specialization and Its Application to Program Parallelization (GP, MVH), pp. 169–186.
PLILP-1996-Ruggieri #decidability #logic programming #semantics #testing- Decidability of Logic Program Semantics and Applications to Testing (SR), pp. 347–362.
POPL-1996-ConselN #approach #c #runtime- A General Approach for Run-Time Specialization and its Application to C (CC, FN), pp. 145–156.
ICRE-1996-NobeW #lessons learnt #modelling #requirements #using- Lessons Learned from a Trial Application of Requirements Modeling Using Statecharts (CRN, WEW), pp. 86–93.
ICRE-1996-SantosC #analysis #assessment #development #information management #object-oriented- An assessment of the applicability of object-oriented analysis to the development of information systems (IS, JAC), pp. 238–244.
SAC-1996-CucuccioGNR #development #fuzzy #logic #product line- W.A.R.P.-ADB: a board family for fuzzy logic applications development (AC, GG, NN, BR), pp. 586–589.
SAC-1996-PetkovicNFSLYHTTDGVVHHWEB #image #query- Recent applications of IBM’s query by image content (QBIC) (DP, WN, MF, DS, DL, JY, JH, FT, HT, RD, MG, MV, PV, BJH, JH, KW, PE, CB), pp. 2–6.
SAC-1996-PizanoH #concept #multi- Integrated multimedia messaging concepts and applications (AP, TYH), pp. 12–16.
SAC-1996-SubtilMF #fuzzy #information retrieval- A fuzzy information retrieval and management system and its applications (PS, NM, OF), pp. 537–541.
ICSE-1996-Plattner #development #standard- A Standard Software Application Development: SAP R/3 (Abstract) (HP), p. 320.
HPDC-1996-AydtCR #requirements- I/O Requirements of Scientific Applications: An Evolutionary View E. Smirni (RAA, AAC, DAR), pp. 49–59.
HPDC-1996-BermanW #scheduling- Scheduling from the Perspective of the Application (FB, RW), pp. 100–111.
HPDC-1996-BraunCDGG #automation #compilation #distributed #implementation #protocol- ALFred, a Protocol Compiler for the Automated Implementation of Distributed Applications (TB, IC, CD, FG, LG), pp. 450–459.
HPDC-1996-FigueiraB #modelling #performance- Modeling the Effects of Contention on the Performance of Heterogeneous Applications (SMF, FB), pp. 392–401.
HPDC-1996-HafidBK #distributed #multi #quality- A Quality of Service Negotiation Procedure for Distributed Multimedia Presentational Applications (AH, GvB, BK), pp. 330–339.
HPDC-1996-HaoLS #framework- A Light-Weight Application Sharing Infrastructure for Graphics Intensive Applications (MCH, DL, JSS), pp. 127–131.
HPDC-1996-KaddouraR #adaptation #parallel #runtime- Runtime Support for Parallelization of Data-Parallel Applications on Adaptive and Nonuniform Computational Environments (MK, SR), pp. 30–39.
HPDC-1996-LigonR #distributed #file system #implementation #parallel #performance- Implementation and Performance of a Parallel File System for High Performance Distributed Applications (WBLI, RBR), pp. 471–480.
HPDC-1996-NurmiBGLP #automation #cpu #distributed #network- Automatic Management of CPU and I/O Bottlenecks in Distributed Applications on ATM Networks (MAN, WEB, RNG, KCL, MDP), pp. 481–489.
HPDC-1996-VandevoordeK #parallel #user interface- Parallel User Interfaces for Parallel Applications (MTV, DK), pp. 161–170.
HPDC-1996-Vila-SallentS #network- Supporting HPDC Application over ATM Networks with Cell-Based Transport Mechanisms (JVS, JSP), pp. 595–604.
CADE-1996-SnyderS #semantics #theory and practice- Rewrite Semantics for Production Rule Systems: Theory and Applications (WS, JGS), pp. 508–522.
JICSLP-1996-Luttringhaus-KappelS #lazy evaluation #performance #set- Applications of Efficient Lazy Set Expression (Poster Abstract) (SLK, DS), p. 531.
RTA-1996-BoudetCM #proving #theorem proving #unification- AC-Complete Unification and its Application to Theorem Proving (AB, EC, CM), pp. 18–32.
RTA-1996-Madlener #monad- Applications of Rewrite Techniques in Monoids and Rings (Abstract) (KM), p. 260.
DAC-1995-ChiodoGJLHSSS #embedded #source code #synthesis- Synthesis of Software Programs for Embedded Control Applications (MC, PG, AJ, LL, HH, KS, ALSV, ES), pp. 587–592.
DAC-1995-Kimura #verification- Residue BDD and Its Application to the Verification of Arithmetic Circuits (SK), pp. 542–545.
DAC-1995-StanionS #synthesis- A Method for Finding Good Ashenhurst Decompositions and Its Application to FPGA Synthesis (TS, CS), pp. 60–64.
KBSE-1995-RoscaGWRMF #lifecycle- Application of a Decision Support Mechanism to the Business Rules Lifecycle (DR, SJG, JCW, HBR, KM, MF), pp. 114–121.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Al-BadrH #recognition #word- Segmentation-free word recognition with application to Arabic (BAB, RMH), pp. 355–359.
ICDAR-v1-1995-KimG #realtime #recognition #word- Handwritten word recognition for real-time applications (GK, VG), pp. 24–27.
ICDAR-v1-1995-ParkL #markov #random #recognition- Hidden Markov mesh random field: theory and its application to handwritten character recognition (HSP, SWL), pp. 409–412.
ICDAR-v2-1995-CouasnonC #analysis #documentation #music #recognition- A way to separate knowledge from program in structured document analysis: application to optical music recognition (BC, JC), pp. 1092–1097.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LiD #recognition- The field transform and its application to personal handwritten Chinese character recognition (ML, RWD), pp. 689–692.
ICDAR-v2-1995-YuanTS #graph- Four directional adjacency graphs (FDAG) and their application in locating fields in forms (JY, YYT, CYS), pp. 752–755.
SIGMOD-1995-Ivinskis- High Availability of Commercial Applications (KI), pp. 433–434.
SIGMOD-1995-Sheth #automation #research #tutorial #workflow- Workflow Automation: Applications, Technology, and Research (Tutorial) (APS), p. 469.
SIGMOD-1995-Team #agile #database #development #object-oriented- Object-Oriented, Rapid Application Development in a PC Database Environment, pp. 423–424.
SIGMOD-1995-Team95a #database #named- Paradise: A Database System for GIS Applications, p. 485.
ICSM-1995-AntoniolFMT #c++ #migration #user interface #visual notation- Application and user interface migration from BASIC to Visual C++ (GA, RF, EM, PT), p. 76–?.
ICSM-1995-BoldyreffBHMMY #approach #case study #comprehension- The AMES approach to application understanding: a case study (CB, EB, RMH, REM, MM, EJY), pp. 182–191.
ICSM-1995-NakanishiAI #interface #library #metric- A metric for evaluating class library interfaces and its application to library upgrades (KN, TA, MI), pp. 12–19.
ICSM-1995-TaramaaMK #framework #process- Improving application management process through qualitative framework (JT, MM, TK), pp. 327–336.
PEPM-1995-Mogensen #online #partial evaluation #self #λ-calculus- Self-applicable Online Partial Evaluation of Pure λ Calculus (TÆM), pp. 39–44.
PLDI-1995-AgrawalSD #compilation #distributed #interprocedural #memory management- Interprocedural Partial Redundancy Elimination and its Application to Distributed Memory Compilation (GA, JHS, RD), pp. 258–269.
STOC-1995-BellareGG #encryption #incremental- Incremental cryptography and application to virus protection (MB, OG, SG), pp. 45–56.
STOC-1995-KargerP #combinator #constraints #multi #optimisation #problem- Adding multiple cost constraints to combinatorial optimization problems, with applications to multicommodity flows (DRK, SAP), pp. 18–25.
ICALP-1995-BauernoppelKKMNSU- Optimal Shooting: Characterizations and Applications (FB, EK, DK, AM, MN, JRS, JU), pp. 220–231.
ICALP-1995-Chen #algorithm #set #string- NC Algorithms for Finding a Maximal Set of Paths with Application to Compressing Strings (ZZC), pp. 99–110.
ICALP-1995-GiancarloG #algorithm #matrix #on the- On the Construction of Classes of Suffix Trees for Square Matrices: Algorithms and Applications (RG, RG), pp. 111–122.
ICALP-1995-LeonardiM #online #resource management #scheduling- On-line Resource Management with Applications to Routing and Scheduling (SL, AMS), pp. 303–314.
CHI-1995-RossonC #development #object-oriented- Integrating Task and Software Development for Object-Oriented Applications (MBR, JMC), pp. 377–384.
AdaEurope-1995-AlapideCCQ #ada- Applying Teamwork/Ada and RAISE for Developing an Air Traffic Control Application (AA, SC, MC, SQ), pp. 331–343.
AdaEurope-1995-Brown #ada #safety- The Practical Application of Safety Techniques on an Ada Based Project (RB), pp. 51–57.
AdaEurope-1995-Laurens #ada- PRONAOS Ground Control Center: First Operational Ada Application in C.N.E.S (AL), pp. 124–138.
AdaEurope-1995-Richard-Foy #ada #safety- Safe Ada Executive: An Executive for Ada Safety Critical Applications (MRF), pp. 11–20.
AdaEurope-1995-TaurisanoW #ada- Ada in Mixed Language Applications (GT, IW), pp. 58–70.
TRI-Ada-1995-Beckwith #corba #development #future of- CORBA and the Future of Application Development (BB), pp. 225–242.
CAiSE-1995-AlbrechtABDT #agile #database #design #development- The Rapid Application and Database Development Workbench — A Comfortable Database Design Tool (MA, MA, EB, AD, BT), pp. 327–340.
CIKM-1995-Graves #design #knowledge base #search-based- Application of Knowledge Base Design Techniques to Genetic Markers (MG), pp. 348–354.
CIKM-1995-HughesW #database #problem- The Index Suggestion Problem for Object Database Applications (EH, MW), pp. 50–57.
CIKM-1995-LiuP #database #distributed #scalability- The Distributed Interoperable Object Model and Its Application to Large-scale Interoperable Database Systems (LL, CP), pp. 105–112.
ICML-1995-AuerHM #theory and practice- Theory and Applications of Agnostic PAC-Learning with Small Decision Trees (PA, RCH, WM), pp. 21–29.
ICML-1995-KrishnanLV #learning- Learning to Make Rent-to-Buy Decisions with Systems Applications (PK, PML, JSV), pp. 233–330.
ICML-1995-SquiresS #automation #machine learning #recognition- Automatic Speaker Recognition: An Application of Machine Learning (BS, CS), pp. 515–521.
SEKE-1995-BernardeschiFP #architecture #correctness #interactive #specification #user interface- Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations for Deriving Architectural Descriptions of Interactive Systems from User Interface Specifications (CB, AF, FP), pp. 234–243.
SEKE-1995-ChenP #adaptation #distributed- Event Adaption for Integrating Distributed Applications (CC, JMP), pp. 392–401.
SEKE-1995-Sliva #synthesis- A G-Net Module Synthesis Method for Software Applications (VPS), pp. 419–426.
POPL-1995-Leroy #higher-order- Applicative Functors and Fully Transparent Higher-Order Modules (XL), pp. 142–153.
SAC-1995-FathiTHH #development- Development of objective functions for soft computing in medical applications (MF, CT, KH, JH), pp. 562–564.
FSE-1995-KaplanW #formal method- Formalization and Application of a Unifying Model for Name Management (AK, JCW), pp. 161–172.
ICSE-1995-SoniNH #architecture #industrial- Software Architecture in Industrial Applications (DS, RLN, CH), pp. 196–207.
ASF+SDF-1995-KampermanW #compilation #self- The New ASF Compiler — An Exercise in Self-Applicability (JFTK, HRW), pp. 271–293.
HPCA-1995-SterlingSMG #evaluation- An Initial Evaluation of the Convex SPP-1000 for Earth and Space Science Application (TLS, DS, PM, JPG), pp. 176–185.
HPDC-1995-BaldoniMR #multi #order #performance #realtime- Efficient Causally Ordered Communications for Multimedia Real-Time Applications (RB, AM, MR), pp. 140–147.
HPDC-1995-Crandall #clustering #composition- The Limited Applicability of Block Decomposition in Cluster Computing (PC), pp. 102–109.
HPDC-1995-SterlingSBFO #communication #parallel- Communication Overhead for Space Science Applications on the Beowulf Parallel Workstation (TLS, DS, DJB, BF, KO), pp. 23–30.
LCT-RTS-1995-SchneiderCSP #component #programming #realtime- The ControlShell Component-Based Real-Time Programming System, and its Application to the Marsokhod Martian Rover (SAS, VWC, JS, GPC), pp. 146–155.
PPoPP-1995-MukherjeeSHLRS #performance- Efficient Support for Irregular Applications on Distributed-Memory Machines (SSM, SDS, MDH, JRL, AR, JHS), pp. 68–79.
SOSP-1995-EnglerKO #architecture #kernel #named #operating system #resource management- Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management (DRE, MFK, JO), pp. 251–266.
SOSP-1995-NiehL #multi #named- SMART: A Processor Scheduler for Multimedia Applications (JN, MSL), p. 233.
CAV-1995-JagadeesanPO #safety #source code #verification- Safety Property Verification of ESTEREL Programs and Applications to Telecommunications Software (LJJ, CP, JVO), pp. 127–140.
CAV-1995-KrishnanPBV #automaton #game studies- The Rabin Index and Chain Automata, with Applications to Automatas and Games (SCK, AP, RKB, PV), pp. 253–266.
ICLP-1995-Hasegawa #generative #proving #theorem proving- Model Generation Theorem Provers and Their Applications (RH), p. 7.
ICLP-1995-Simonis #constraints #logic programming- Applications of Constraint Logic Programming (HS), pp. 9–11.
ICLP-1995-Sripada #calculus #database #implementation #performance- Efficient Implementation of the Event Calculus for Temporal Database Applications (SMS), pp. 99–113.
ICLP-1995-ZhaoCU #analysis #concurrent #dependence #logic programming #source code- Program Dependence Analysis of Concurrent Logic Programs and Its Applications (JZ, JC, KU), p. 825.
ILPS-1995-LeuschelM #deduction #representation- Partial Deduction of the Ground Representation and its Application to Integrity Checking (ML, BM), pp. 495–509.
DAC-1994-AsharM #low cost #set- Implicit Computation of Minimum-Cost Feedback-Vertex Sets for Partial Scan and Other Applications (PA, SM), pp. 77–80.
DAC-1994-FannRJ #scheduling #synthesis- Global Scheduling for High-Level Synthesis Applications (YF, MR, RJ), pp. 542–546.
DAC-1994-ParulkarBN #representation- Extraction of a High-level structural Representation from Circuit Descriptions with Applications to DFT/BIST (IP, MAB, CN), pp. 345–356.
DAC-1994-WalkupB #interface #synthesis #verification- Interface Timing Verification with Application to Synthesis (EAW, GB), pp. 106–112.
EDAC-1994-DhodhiAC #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Systems (MKD, IA, CYRC), p. 671.
EDAC-1994-FrosslK #simulation- A New Model to Uniformly Represent the Function and Timing of MOS Circuits and its Application to VHDL Simulation (JF, TK), pp. 343–348.
EDAC-1994-HuangR #behaviour #performance #throughput #using- Maximizing the Throughput of High Performance DSP Applications Using Behavioral Transformations (SHH, JMR), pp. 25–30.
EDAC-1994-RohfleischB #logic #optimisation- Introduction of Permissible Bridges with Application to Logic Optimization after Technology Mapping (BR, FB), pp. 87–93.
EDAC-1994-RudnickHSP #algorithm #generative #search-based #testing- Application of Simple Genetic Algorithms to Sequential Circuit Test Generation (EMR, JGH, DGS, JHP), pp. 40–45.
EDAC-1994-Saucier #design #network #recognition- Design of a Digital Neural Chip: Application to Optical Character Recognition by Neural Network (DJ, GS), pp. 256–260.
EDAC-1994-ZemvaBKZ #fault- A Functionality Fault Model: Feasibility and Applications (AZ, FB, KK, BZ), pp. 152–158.
KBSE-1994-BoehmB #knowledge-based #re-engineering- Critical Success Factors for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Applications (BWB, PKB), pp. 166–171.
KBSE-1994-KotikM #assurance #quality- Application of REFINE Language ToolsTM to Software Quality Assurance (GK, LM), p. 4.
HT-ECHT-1994-DavisKH #case study #hypermedia #integration- Light Hypermedia Link Services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration (HCD, SK, WH), pp. 41–50.
HT-ECHT-1994-Haake #hypermedia #implementation- Under CoVer: The Implementation of a Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications (AH), pp. 81–93.
HT-ECHT-1994-MadiganCGVB #guidelines- Repertory Hypergrids: An Application to Clinical Practice Guidelines (DM, CRC, JG, OV, JB), pp. 117–125.
SIGMOD-1994-CareyDFHMNSSTTWZ #persistent- Shoring Up Persistent Applications (MJC, DJD, MJF, NEH, MLM, JFN, DTS, MHS, CKT, OGT, SJW, MJZ), pp. 383–394.
SIGMOD-1994-DanielsDDEHJJLSSS #design #replication #symmetry- Oracle’s Symmetric Replication Technology and Implications for Application Design (DD, LBD, AD, CE, GH, SJ, BJ, PL, GS, BS, JS), p. 467.
SIGMOD-1994-MissikoffT #agile #concept #database #modelling #named #object-oriented #prototype- MOSAICO — A System for Conceptual Modeling and Rapid Prototyping of Object-Oriented Database Application (MM, MT), p. 508.
ICSM-1994-BoldyreffBH #evaluation #state of the art- An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art for Application Management (CB, EB, RMH), pp. 161–169.
STOC-1994-BellareGLR #approximate #performance #probability #proving- Efficient probabilistic checkable proofs and applications to approximation (MB, SG, CL, AR), p. 820.
STOC-1994-LiptonY #complexity #game studies #scalability- Simple strategies for large zero-sum games with applications to complexity theory (RJL, NEY), pp. 734–740.
ICALP-1994-FernauS #ambiguity #geometry- Valuations and Unambiguity of Languages, with Applications to Fractal Geometry (HF, LS), pp. 11–22.
FME-1994-GuttmanJ #formal method- Three Applications of Formal Methods at MITRE (JDG, DMJ), pp. 55–65.
LFP-1994-BiagioniHLM #ml #network #protocol #stack #standard- Signatures for a Network Protocol Stack: A Systems Application of Standard ML (EB, RH, PL, BM), pp. 55–64.
TAGT-1994-ArnborgP #bound #graph #subclass- A Technique for Recognizing Graphs of Bounded Treewidth with Application to Subclasses of Partial 2-Paths (SA, AP), pp. 469–486.
CHI-1994-GongK94a #development #validation- A validation of the GOMS model methodology in the development of a specialized, commercial software application (RG, DEK), pp. 351–357.
CHI-1994-HaunoldK94a #analysis- A keystroke level analysis of a graphics application: manual map digitizing (PH, WK), pp. 337–343.
CHI-1994-NardiJ94a- User preferences for task-specific vs. generic application software (BAN, JAJ), pp. 392–398.
CSCW-1994-Edwards #collaboration- Session Management for Collaborative Applications (WKE), pp. 323–330.
CSCW-1994-OkamuraOFY- Helping CSCW Applications Succeed: The Role of Mediators in the Context of Use (KO, WJO, MF, JY), pp. 55–65.
CSCW-1994-PrakashS #collaboration #named #performance #using- DistView: Support for Building Efficient Collaborative Applications Using Replicated Objects (AP, HSS), pp. 153–164.
CSCW-1994-ZabeleRV #framework #performance- High Performance Infrastructure for Visually-Intensive CSCW Applications (SZ, SLR, RLV), pp. 395–403.
AdaEurope-1994-AbadieB #development #execution #named #realtime- CEDEX — A Tool for the Selection of a Development and Execution Environment for Real Time On-Board Applications (JA, BB), pp. 465–482.
AdaEurope-1994-Anderson94a #analysis #case study #development #experience #object-oriented- Experiences Integrating Object-Oriented Analysis with Joint Application Development (JAD) (JAA), pp. 509–521.
AdaEurope-1994-Heitz #composition #distributed #generative #object-oriented #programming #realtime #scalability- Integrating Modular, Object Oriented Programming and Application Generator Technologies in Large Real Time and Distributed Developments (MH), pp. 130–146.
AdaEurope-1994-ObermayerSSKKL #ada #analysis #realtime- Portability Effort Estimates for Real Time Applications Written in Ada Through Static Code Analysis (PEO, JS, GS, AK, PK, RL), pp. 483–488.
AdaEurope-1994-Ogren #ada- Extended Application of Ada to Cover ECBS with O4S (IÖ), pp. 215–230.
AdaEurope-1994-RogersP #ada #distributed #fault tolerance- The AECSS Fault Tolerant Distributed Ada Testbed and Application (PR, MP), pp. 43–59.
TRI-Ada-1994-BrelandRBN #ada #distributed #fault tolerance- Transparent Fault Tolerance for Distributed Ada Applications (MAB, SAR, GPB, KLN), pp. 446–457.
TRI-Ada-1994-KermarrecP #ada #distributed #named #paradigm #programming- Ada-Linda: A Powerful Paradigm for Programming Distributed Ada Applications (YK, LP), pp. 438–445.
TRI-Ada-1994-Ogren #ada- Extended Application of Ada to Cover ECBS with O4S: ECBS = Engineering of Computer Based Systems; O4S = Objects for Systems (IÖ), pp. 322–330.
CAiSE-1994-LuA #workflow- Building Workflow Applications on Top of WooRKS (GL, MA), pp. 42–52.
CAiSE-1994-Rosengren #query #using #visual notation- Using Visual ER Query Systems in Real World Applications (PR), pp. 394–405.
CIKM-1994-BohmA #database #documentation #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Database Application for HyTime Document Storage (KB, KA), pp. 26–33.
CIKM-1994-LamirelC #approach #database #design #interactive #learning #online- Application of a Symbolico-Connectionist Approach for the Design of a Highly Interactive Documentary Database Interrogation System with On-Line Learning Capabilities (JCL, MC), pp. 155–163.
KDD-1994-DruzdzeG #case study #student- Application of the TETRAD II Program to the Study of Student Retention in U.S. Colleges (MJD, CG), pp. 419–430.
KDD-1994-LaerDR #logic- Applications of a Logical Discovery Engine (WVL, LD, LDR), pp. 263–274.
KDD-1994-MatheusPM #analysis- An Application of KEFM to the Analysis of Healthcare Information (CJM, GPS, DM), pp. 441–452.
KR-1994-Ben-EliyahuP #algorithm #modelling #performance #reasoning- Reasoning with Minimal Models: Efficient Algorithms and Applications (RBE, LP), pp. 39–50.
KR-1994-Koehler #logic #reasoning- An Application of Terminological Logics to Case-based Reasoning (JK), pp. 351–362.
SEKE-1994-Tovar #complexity #information management #metric- Applicability of McCabe’s complexity metric to knowledge engineering products (ET), pp. 508–515.
ECOOP-1994-LopesL #concurrent #object-oriented- Abstracting Process-to-Function Relations in Concurrency Object-Oriented Applications (CVL, KJL), pp. 81–99.
ECOOP-1994-PeltonenMAS #approach #prototype- Product Configurations — An Application for Prototype Object Approach (HP, TM, KA, RS), pp. 513–534.
OOPSLA-1994-EifrigSTZ #decidability #object-oriented #type system- Application of OOP Type Theory: State, Decidability, Integragtion (JE, SFS, VT, AEZ), pp. 16–30.
OOPSLA-1994-Rothering #database #development #framework #object-oriented- Development of an OO Infrastructure for Mainframe Database Applications (DJR), pp. 205–211.
OOPSLA-1994-SpinelliSCR #integration #named #object-oriented- MI — An Object Oriented Environment for Integration of Scientific Applications (AS, PS, MC, MR), pp. 212–222.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-KarsentyW #named- Rollit: An Application Builder (SK, CW), pp. 15–26.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Migeon #database #independence #relational- A Dossier Server: an Independent Service Bus Between Object Applications and Relational Data Bases (MM), pp. 455–465.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-PereiraD #case study #comparison #experience #object-oriented #realtime #using- Using Object-Orientation in Real-Time Applications: An Experience Report or (1 Application + 5 Approaches = 1 Comparison) (CEP, PD), pp. 147–158.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-RuperezJA #behaviour #object-oriented #rule-based #simulation #using- Embedding of Rule-based Expert System Capabilities in Object-Oriented Applications by Using or Simulating Active Behaviour (RFR, CJ, JRZA), pp. 315–327.
PLILP-1994-FieldT #dependence #slicing #term rewriting- Dynamic Dependence in Term rewriting Systems and its Application to Program Slicing (JF, FT), pp. 415–431.
POPL-1994-HankinM #algorithm #analysis #strict #type inference- Deriving Algorithms From Type Inference Systems: Application to Strictness Analysis (CH, DLM), pp. 202–212.
POPL-1994-Muller #calculus #staging #verification- A Staging Calculus and its Application to the Verification of Translators (RM), pp. 389–396.
SAC-1994-Brown #interface #parallel- A parallel application interface (JAB), pp. 588–593.
SAC-1994-ChandH #realtime #using- A real-time contol application using asynchronous remote procedure calls (GC, DMH), pp. 515–517.
SAC-1994-Chen #learning- Application of Boolean expression minimization to learning via hierarchical generalization (JC), pp. 303–307.
SAC-1994-Goblirsch #haskell- An introduction to Haskell with applications to digital signal processing (DMG), pp. 425–430.
SAC-1994-HalgamugeG #fuzzy #industrial- Fuzzy neural fusion techniques for industrial applications (SKH, MG), pp. 136–141.
SAC-1994-KarunanithiC #algorithm #search-based- A ring loading application of genetic algorithms (NK, TC), pp. 227–231.
SAC-1994-KhoshnevisanA #database #parallel- Mechanical parallelisation of database applications (HK, MA), pp. 436–440.
SAC-1994-RunklerG #approximate #fuzzy #named #performance #realtime- DECADE — fast centroid approximation defuzzification for real time fuzzy control applications (TAR, MG), pp. 161–165.
SAC-1994-ZuhlkeL #automation #process #sorting- Application of fuzzy-logic in an automatic sorting process (DZ, ML), pp. 131–135.
FSE-1994-BatoryTS #compilation #data type #re-engineering #scalability #using- Reengineering a Complex Application Using a Scalable Data Structure Compiler (DSB, JT, MS), pp. 111–120.
ASPLOS-1994-ArgadeCT #monitoring #operating system #runtime- A Technique for Monitoring Run-Time Dynamics of an Operating System and a Microprocessor Executing User Applications (PVA, DKC, CT), pp. 122–131.
HPDC-1994-EisenhauerSGM #interactive #named #online #parallel #source code #towards- Falcon — Toward Interactive Parallel Programs: The On-line Steering of a Molecular Dynamics Application (GE, KS, WG, NM), pp. 26–33.
CADE-1994-Baker #automation #deduction- A New Application for Explanation-Based Generalisation within Automated Deduction (SB), pp. 177–191.
CADE-1994-WaalG #logic programming #program analysis #program transformation #proving #theorem proving- The Applicability of Logic Program Analysis and Transformation to Theorem Proving (DAdW, JPG), pp. 207–221.
CAV-1994-McMillan #model checking- Hierarchical Representations of Discrete Functions, with Application to Model Checking (KLM), pp. 41–54.
ILPS-1994-Malfon #logic programming #semantics #source code #validation- Characterization of Some Semantics for Logic Programs with Negation and Applications to Program Validation (BM), pp. 91–105.
ILPS-1994-Rajasekar #constraints #logic programming #string #theory and practice- Constraint Logic Programming on Strings: Theory and Applications (AR), p. 681.
ISSTA-1994-GoldbergWZ #analysis #testing- Applications of Feasible Path Analysis to Program Testing (AG, TCW, DZ), pp. 80–94.
ISSTA-1994-KnightCFW #safety #testing- Testing a Safety-Critical Application (JCK, AGC, AMF, KGW), p. 199.
DAC-1993-ClarkeMZFY #scalability- Spectral Transforms for Large Boolean Functions with Applications to Technology Mapping (EMC, KLM, XZ, MF, JY), pp. 54–60.
DAC-1993-CongS #algorithm #bottom-up #clustering #design #parallel- A Parallel Bottom-Up Clustering Algorithm with Applications to Circuit Partitioning in VLSI Design (JC, MS), pp. 755–760.
DAC-1993-LaiPV #composition #logic #synthesis- BDD Based Decomposition of Logic Functions with Application to FPGA Synthesis (YTL, MP, SBKV), pp. 642–647.
DAC-1993-SharmaJ #named #scheduling- InSyn: Integrated Scheduling for DSP Applications (AS, RJ), pp. 349–354.
DAC-1993-SharmaJ93a #architecture #performance #synthesis- Estimating Architectural Resources and Performance for High-Level Synthesis Applications (AS, RJ), pp. 355–360.
HT-1993-Raphaely #hypermedia #research- Technologically Assisted Focussing in Psychotherapy with Couples: A Hypertext Application for Clients, Clinicians & Researchers (DR), pp. 250–255.
ICDAR-1993-FrankeO #classification #detection #statistics- Writing style detection by statistical combination of classifiers in form reader applications (JF, MFO), pp. 581–584.
ICDAR-1993-Nishida #feature model #multi #recognition- Structural feature extraction on multiple bases with application to handwritten character recognition systems (HN), pp. 27–30.
ICDAR-1993-PaikJL #automation #multi #recognition- Multiple combined recognition system for automatic processing of credit card slip applications (JP, SJ, YL), pp. 520–523.
ICDAR-1993-PlamondonBCS #algorithm #design #preprocessor #validation- Validation of preprocessing algorithms: A methodology and its application to the design of a thinning algorithm for handwritten characters (RP, MB, CC, CYS), pp. 262–269.
SIGMOD-1993-CohenLB #development- Role of Interoperability in Business Application Development (DC, GL, LB), pp. 487–490.
SIGMOD-1993-JinRNS #concurrent #multi- Concurrency Control and Recovery of Multidatabase Work Flows in Telecommunication Applications (WWJ, MR, LN, APS), pp. 456–459.
SIGMOD-1993-SuLEAPZ #knowledge base #object-oriented- OSAM*KBMS: An Object-Oriented Knowledge Base Management System for Supporting Advanced Applications (SYWS, HL, SE, JA, NP, RZ), pp. 540–541.
VLDB-1993-StonebrakerCNPW #data transformation #named #visualisation- Tioga: Providing Data Management Support for Scientific Visualization Applications (MS, JC, NN, CP, JW), pp. 25–38.
CSM-1993-RugaberD #cobol #generative #source code- The Transition of Application Programs From COBOL to a Fourth Generation Language (SR, SD), pp. 61–70.
CSM-1993-SneedN #scalability #source code- Downsizing Large Application Programs (HMS, EN), pp. 110–119.
WCRE-1993-NewcombM #automation #cobol #composition #re-engineering #scalability #source code- Automating the Modularization of Large COBOL Programs: Application of an Enabling Technology for Reengineering (PN, LM), pp. 222–230.
PEPM-1993-Consel #analysis- Polyvariant Binding-Time Analysis For Applicative Languages (CC), pp. 66–77.
PEPM-1993-Consel93a #higher-order #partial evaluation- A Tour of Schism: A Partial Evaluation System For Higher-Order Applicative Languages (CC), pp. 145–154.
STOC-1993-AspnesAFPW #online #scheduling- On-line load balancing with applications to machine scheduling and virtual circuit routing (JA, YA, AF, SAP, OW), pp. 623–631.
STOC-1993-Baker #algorithm #formal method #pattern matching- A theory of parameterized pattern matching: algorithms and applications (BSB), pp. 71–80.
STOC-1993-BellareGLR #approximate #performance #proving- Efficient probabilistically checkable proofs and applications to approximations (MB, SG, CL, AR), pp. 294–304.
STOC-1993-ChariRS #problem- Randomness-optimal unique element isolation, with applications to perfect matching and related problems (SC, PR, AS), pp. 458–467.
STOC-1993-GargVY #approximate #multi #theorem- Approximate max-flow min-(multi)cut theorems and their applications (NG, VVV, MY), pp. 698–707.
STOC-1993-WigdersonZ #bound- Expanders that beat the eigenvalue bound: explicit construction and applications (AW, DZ), pp. 245–251.
DLT-1993-Vaida #programming language- Iteration Conditions of W. Ogden’s Type and Applications to Programming Languages (II) (DV), pp. 44–50.
ICALP-1993-GargVY #algorithm #approximate #multi #set- Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms for Integral Flow and Multicut in Trees, with Applications to Matching and Set Cover (NG, VVV, MY), pp. 64–75.
ICALP-1993-IbarraJTW #decidability- New Decidability Results Concerning Two-way Counter Machines and Applications (OHI, TJ, NQT, HW), pp. 313–324.
ICALP-1993-JaromczykS #algorithm #formal method- A Theory of Even Functionals and Their Algorithmic Applications (JWJ, GS), pp. 126–136.
ICALP-1993-Wilke #algebra #testing- Algebras for Classifying Regular Tree Languages and an Application to Frontier Testability (TW), pp. 347–358.
FME-1993-ChenM #logic #realtime #specification- Applications of Modal Logic for the Specification of Real-Time Systems (LC, AM), pp. 235–249.
FME-1993-DandanellGPZ #experience- Experience from Applications of RAISE (BD, JG, JSP, EZ), pp. 52–63.
FME-1993-KalinichenkoNZ #composition #development #query #semantics #synthesis- Application of Composition Development Method for definition of SYNTHESIS information resource query language semantics (LAK, NSN, VZ), pp. 428–441.
FPCA-1993-PageM #experience #functional #scalability- Experience with a Large Scientific Application in a Functional Language (RLP, BDM), pp. 3–11.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArcieriFN #development #interactive #prototype #visual notation- A Prototyping and Development Environment for Graphical Interactive Telematic Applications (FA, MF, EN), pp. 20–25.
HCI-ACS-1993-LindstromLP #implementation- Follow-up of Job Demands and Strain Symptoms after Implementation of New VDT Applications in an Insurance Company (KL, TL, MP), pp. 1005–1010.
HCI-ACS-1993-Mainguenaud #database #information management #user interface- From User Interface to the Database Management System: Application to a Geographical Information System (MM), pp. 684–689.
HCI-ACS-1993-OnoYA #interactive- A Model of Expressive Machine and Its Application to Human-Robot Interaction (CO, YY, YA), pp. 225–230.
HCI-ACS-1993-Wieland-EckelmannS #design #metric- Mental Workload Measurement and Its Application for Prospective System Design (RWE, RS), pp. 937–942.
HCI-SHI-1993-BorgesBLT #design #education #framework #knowledge base #using- A Framework for Building a Knowledge Based System Using Several Experts — With an Application for Curriculum Design of Engineering Degree Courses (MNB, YB, ML, MTT), pp. 344–349.
HCI-SHI-1993-ChenTW #automation #editing #graph #object-oriented #paradigm- Automated Construction of Application-Specific Graph Editors in an Object-Oriented Paradigm (MC, PT, CYW), pp. 415–420.
HCI-SHI-1993-GulliksenJLNS #interface- The Need for New Application Specific Interface Elements (JG, MJ, ML, EN, BLS), pp. 15–20.
HCI-SHI-1993-IwaiM #development #tool support #user interface- User Interface Development Tools for Pen Computer Applications (II, YM), pp. 1016–1021.
HCI-SHI-1993-KamijoK #artificial reality #using- A Virtual Reality System Using Physiological Data — Application to Virtual Sports CAI (KK, AK), pp. 675–680.
HCI-SHI-1993-MoriyaT #concept- Concept of Minute Operation and its Application to Pen-Based Computers (SM, HT), pp. 1034–1039.
HCI-SHI-1993-ResselHH #approach #multi- An Eventful Approach to Multi-Media, Multi-User Applications (MR, HH, JH), pp. 428–433.
HCI-SHI-1993-SchryverG #3d #interface- Eye-Gaze and Intent: Application in 3D Interface Control (JCS, JG), pp. 573–578.
HCI-SHI-1993-WatersonO #multi #using- Using Animated Demonstrations in Multimedia Applications: Some Suggestions Based upon Experimental Evidence (PEW, CO), pp. 543–548.
INTERCHI-1993-DesmaraisL #assessment #interface- Exploring the applications of user-expertise assessment for intelligent interfaces (MD, JL), pp. 308–313.
INTERCHI-1993-PehrsonS #distributed #multi #network #research- The MultiG research programme: distributed multimedia applications on Gigabit networks (BP, YS), pp. 246–247.
INTERCHI-1993-Spenke #multi #undo- From undo to multi-user applications: the demo (MS), pp. 468–469.
INTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design #interface- Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
AdaEurope-1993-BrygierR #ada #certification #realtime #safety- Certification of Ada Real-Time Executives for Safety Critical Applications (JB, MRF), pp. 264–279.
AdaEurope-1993-KamradH #ada #case study #realtime- Applying Ada 9X to Two Real-Time Applications: A Case Study (JMKI, JH), pp. 79–94.
AdaEurope-1993-Lebib #ada- The Impact of Ada on MIS Applications (RL), pp. 54–63.
TRI-Ada-1993-Byrnes #ada #migration- Porting Applications Between Two Commercial Ada/Motif Bindings (CB), pp. 37–49.
TRI-Ada-1993-KermarrecP #ada #distributed #memory management- A Distributed Shared Virtual Memory for Ada 83 and Ada 9X Applications (YK, LP), pp. 242–251.
CIKM-1993-BurgRC #information management #taxonomy- A Data Dictionary as a Lexicon: An Application of Linguistics in Information Systems (JFMB, RPvdR, SCC), pp. 114–123.
CIKM-1993-PetrouniasL #deduction #development #evaluation- Development and Evaluation of an Application in a Deductive Environment (IP, PL), pp. 184–193.
CIKM-1993-PizanoSI #automation #database #generative #interactive #user interface #visual notation- Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interfaces for Interactive Database Applications (AP, YS, AI), pp. 344–355.
ICML-1993-FrazierP #learning- Learning From Entailment: An Application to Propositional Horn Sentences (MF, LP), pp. 120–127.
SEKE-1993-Ameur #development #non-functional #source code- Formal Program Development by Transformation and Non-Functional Properties Evaluations. An Application to Numerical Programs (YAA), pp. 703–710.
SEKE-1993-Juzgado #knowledge-based #testing- Application of Testing Techniques in Conventional Software to Knowledge-Based Software (NJJ), pp. 282–284.
SEKE-1993-KoonoFTOHB #automation #design #implementation #process- Software Creation: Implementation and Application of Design Process Knowledge in Automatic Software Design (ZK, BHF, TT, MO, KIH, TB), pp. 332–336.
SEKE-1993-Poulin #development #metric #reuse- Issues in the Development and Application of Reuse Metrics in a Corporate Environment (JSP), pp. 258–262.
SIGIR-1993-Pedersen #information retrieval- A Browser for Bibliographic Information Retrieval, Based on an Application of Lattice Theory (GSP), pp. 270–279.
SIGIR-1993-YangC #information retrieval- An Application of Least Squares Fit Mapping to Text Information Retrieval (YY, CGC), pp. 281–290.
OOPSLA-1993-KruegerLVA #development #memory management #tool support- Tools for the Development of Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management (KK, DL, AV, TEA), pp. 48–64.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Bennett #architecture #object-oriented #scalability- OO Architectures for Large Business Applications (DB), p. 341.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-BergerS #c++ #compilation #database #relational #source code- A Compiler To Create Relational Database Schemes From Application Programs Written in C++ (EB, ES), pp. 75–86.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Deramat93a #object-oriented #visual notation- Building Object-Oriented Graphical Applications (FD), p. 335.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-McHughC #distributed #eiffel #implementation #persistent- Eiffel**: An Implementation of Eiffel on Amadeus, a Persistent, Distributed Applications Support Environment (CM, VC), pp. 47–62.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-OlssonW #network #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Computational Networks for Computer Vision Applications (LO, HW), pp. 223–233.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-KhoslaD #object-oriented- Application of Object-Oriented Technology in a Terminal Power Station (RK, TSD), pp. 21–35.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Deramat #object-oriented #visual notation- Building Object-Oriented Graphical Applications (FD), p. 554.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Ege #development #framework- Beyond Frameworks: O-O Application Development (RKE), p. 555.
TOOLS-USA-1993-ParrottW #approach #development #object-oriented- Media Language: An Object-Oriented Approach to Generic Application Development (CP, PW), pp. 173–191.
SAC-1993-BauerMB #distributed- Distributed Search for Cooperative Applications (MAB, RAM, JMB), pp. 271–278.
SAC-1993-FrederickSW #algorithm #metric #network #problem #search-based- The Hamming Metric in Genetic Algorithms and Its Application to Two Network Problems (WGF, RLS, CMW), pp. 126–130.
SAC-1993-HowellSW #interface #network #object-oriented #programming- An Object Oriented Application/Programmer Interface for Network Programming (JH, MS, RW), pp. 437–444.
SAC-1993-LiuM #set- Dynamic Sets and Their Application in VDM (SL, JAM), pp. 187–192.
SAC-1993-Millen #communication- OSI Group Communication Support for a Date Planning Application (WFM), pp. 714–720.
SAC-1993-MotzkinJHK #concurrent #execution #information management #on the- On Concurrent Execution of Information Systems Applications (DM, EJ, DH, MK), pp. 775–781.
SAC-1993-TangW #modelling #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Modeling of the Extended Application Layer Structure (AT, WW), pp. 430–436.
HPDC-1993-AmerCCD #multi #partial order #reliability- Partial Order Transport Service for Multimedia Applications: Reliable Service (PDA, TJC, CC, MD), pp. 272–280.
HPDC-1993-Coddington #analysis #distributed #hardware #physics- An Analysis of Distributed Computing Software and Hardware for Applications in Computational Physics (PDC), pp. 179–186.
PPoPP-1993-ChakrabartiY #distributed #implementation #memory management #multi- Implementing an Irregular Application on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor (SC, KAY), pp. 169–178.
CAV-1993-Wilding- A Mechanically Verified Application for a Mechanically Verified Environment (MW), pp. 268–279.
CSL-1993-OngR #calculus #normalisation- A Generic Strong Normalization Argument: Application to the Calculus of Constructions (CHLO, ER), pp. 261–279.
ICLP-1993-CorsiniR #analysis #fault #safety- Safety Analysis by Means of Fault Trees: An Application for Open Boolean Solvers (MMC, AR), p. 834.
ICLP-1993-Dung #database #logic programming #representation- Representing Actions in Logic Programming and Its Applications in Database Updates (PMD), pp. 222–238.
ICLP-1993-LiRSVBPPSCDRSS #named #parallel #using- APPLAUSE: Applications Using the ElipSys Parallel CLP System (LLL, MR, KS, AV, JB, CP, ZP, TS, DAC, SD, CJR, JS, GS), pp. 847–848.
ILPS-1993-EiterG #complexity #logic #logic programming- Complexity Results for Disjunctive Logic Programming and Application to Nonmonotonic Logics (TE, GG), pp. 266–278.
ILPS-1993-LuskMOS #biology #parallel #prolog- Applications of the Aurora Parallel Prolog System to Computational Molecular Biology (ELL, SM, RAO, PS), pp. 353–369.
IWPTS-1993-HennigerSB #generative #protocol #specification #testing- Test Suite Generation for Application Layer Protocols from Formal Specifications in Estelle (OH, BS, SB), pp. 67–85.
TLCA-1993-Bakel #term rewriting- Partial Intersection Type Assignment in Applicative Term Rewriting Systems (SvB), pp. 29–44.
TLCA-1993-GianantonioH- An Abstract Notion of Application (PDG, FH), pp. 124–138.
DAC-1992-Palczewski #parallel- Plane Parallel a Maze Router and Its Application to FPGAs (MP), pp. 691–697.
DAC-1992-PyoSHPKTCCLWD #automation #design- Application-Driven Design Automation for Microprocessor Design (IP, CLS, IJH, KRP, YSK, CYT, HTC, GC, SL, SW, AMD), pp. 512–517.
DAC-1992-RimJ #branch #representation #synthesis- Representing Conditional Branches for High-Level Synthesis Applications (MR, RJ), pp. 106–111.
DAC-1992-Sur-KolayB #canonical- Canonical Embedding of Rectangular Duals with Applications to VLSI Floorplanning (SSK, BBB), pp. 69–74.
KBSE-1992-Turkovich #automation- Automatic Software Technology for GN&C Applications (Demonstration) (JJT), p. 28.
HT-ECHT-1992-Clark- Motif Applications + LinkWorks = Hyperenvironment (Demonstration) (WC), p. 295.
HT-ECHT-1992-Haake #hypermedia #named- CoVer: A Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications (AH), pp. 43–52.
HT-ECHT-1992-Schiff #tool support- The HYTEA Project: Tools and Applications (Demonstration) (JS), p. 290.
VLDB-1992-AgrawalGIIS #classification #database #mining- An Interval Classifier for Database Mining Applications (RA, SPG, TI, BRI, ANS), pp. 560–573.
VLDB-1992-AnsariNRS #flexibility #multi #transaction #using- Using Flexible Transactions to Support Multi-System Telecommunication Applications (MA, LN, MR, APS), pp. 65–76.
VLDB-1992-RusinkiewiczS #multi #semantics- Multidatabase Applications: Semantic and System Issues (MR, APS), p. 545.
PEPM-1992-Andersen #c #self- Self-applicable C Program Specialization (LOA), pp. 54–61.
PEPM-1992-Field #imperative #program analysis #semantics #source code- A Simple Rewriting Semantics for Realistic Imperative Programs and its Application to Program Analysis (JF), pp. 98–107.
PEPM-1992-Mogensen #partial evaluation #self #λ-calculus- Self-applicable Partial Evaluation for Pure λ Calculus (TÆM), pp. 116–121.
STOC-1992-CallahanK #composition #multi #nearest neighbour- A Decomposition of Multi-Dimensional Point-Sets with Applications to k-Nearest-Neighbors and n-Body Potential Fields (Preliminary Version) (PBC, SRK), pp. 546–556.
WSA-1992-AmeurCFG #abstract interpretation #float- An Application of Abstract Interpretation to Floating Point Arithmetic (YAA, PC, JJF, AG), pp. 205–212.
WSA-1992-BandaH- A Practical Application of Sharing and Freeness Inference (MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 118–125.
LFP-1992-CooperNS #garbage collection #memory management #performance #using- Improving the Performance of SML Garbage Collection Using Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management (EC, SN, IS), pp. 43–52.
LFP-1992-Henessey #lisp #named #performance- WCL: Delivering Efficient Common Lisp Applications Under Unix (WH), pp. 260–269.
CHI-1992-BaarFM #design #user interface- Coupling Application Design and User Interface Design (DJMJdB, JDF, KEM), pp. 259–266.
CHI-1992-Hill #constraints #paradigm #user interface #using- The abstraction-link-view paradigm: using constraints to connect user interfaces to applications (RDH), pp. 335–342.
CHI-1992-Szczur #design #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus User Interface Designer WorkBench (MRS), pp. 231–232.
CSCW-1992-GrahamU #automation #distributed #implementation #multi- Rational Views as a Model for Automatic Distributed Implementation of Multi-User Applications (TCNG, TU), pp. 59–66.
CSCW-1992-KuuttiA #concept #identification #process- Identifying Potential CSCW Applications by Means of Activity Theory Concepts: A Case Example (KK, TA), pp. 233–240.
CSCW-1992-RosemanG #named #realtime #tool support- GROUPKIT: A Groupware Toolkit for Building Real-Time Conferencing Applications (MR, SG), pp. 43–50.
AdaEurope-1992-LanderM #ada #detection #multi #problem #realtime- Detection and Avoidance of Elaboration-Time Problems for Multi-Unit Real-Time Ada Applications (LCL, SM), pp. 165–181.
AdaEurope-1992-LooneyO #ada #distributed #using- Distributed Application Designed Using MASCOT and Implemented in Ada (MJL, AO), pp. 1–8.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-FayadHRST #development #object-oriented #simulation- Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Simulation: An Application of Colbert’s Object-Oriented Software Development Method (MF, LJH, MAR, JWS, WTT), pp. 176–188.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-KermarrecP #ada #communication #component #distributed #realtime- Ada Communication Components for Distributed and Real Time Applications (YK, LP), pp. 530–537.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Simonian #ada #development- Software Development in Core: The Application of Ada and Spiral Development (RPS), pp. 249–257.
CAiSE-1992-CasanovaHF #concept #declarative #modelling- A Declarative Conceptual Modelling Language: Description and Example Applications (MAC, ASH, ALF), pp. 589–611.
CAiSE-1992-HofstedePW #modelling- Data Modelling in Complex Application Domains (AHMtH, HAP, TPvdW), pp. 364–377.
KR-1992-WeidaL #constraints #network #reasoning #recognition- Terminological Reasoning with Constraint Networks and an Application to Plan Recognition (RAW, DJL), pp. 282–293.
ML-1992-SmythM #detection #fault #novel- Detecting Novel Classes with Applications to Fault Diagnosis (PS, JM), pp. 416–425.
SEKE-1992-HacL #algorithm #compilation #distributed #parallel- A Distributed Load Building Algorithm for Parallel Compilation of Files in a Software Application (AH, RRL), pp. 269–275.
SEKE-1992-Hayes-RothETH #concept #distributed #tool support- Distributed Intelligent Control and Management: Concepts, Methods and Tools for Developing DICAM Applications (FHR, LDE, AT, BHR), pp. 235–244.
SEKE-1992-SotiropoulouP #case study #difference #equation #information management- A Case Study of Knowledge Engineering in the Application Area of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDE’s) (VVS, TSP), pp. 261–268.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Assis-ArantesBLRRSC #paradigm- Application of the Object Paradigm in Satellite Checkout and Payload Operations (PAA, EB, GL, TR, JR, RS, NC), pp. 311–323.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BlakN #embedded #object-oriented #tool support- OO Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications, The Mjolner BETA System (LB, JN), pp. 359–367.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DupuyD #framework #multi #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Framework for Multimedia and Multiterminal Videotex Applications (FD, SD), pp. 219–232.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-FritzsonVHF #algebra #analysis #industrial #modelling #object-oriented- Industrial Application of OO Mathematical Modeling and Computer Algebra in Mechanical Analysis (PF, LV, JH, DF), pp. 167–181.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Steinmuller #industrial- Qualifying C++-Foundation Classes for Use in Industrial Applications (US), pp. 47–59.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-StevensB #case study #experience #object-oriented #scheduling- Developing Re-Usable Software for Scheduling Applications: a Report of Experiences with OO Technology (AS, FB), pp. 149–156.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Szyperski #design #editing #framework- Write-ing Applications: Design of an Extensible Text Editor as an Application Framework (CAS), pp. 247–261.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-ZeidlerG #named- Distribution: Another Milestone of Application Management Issues (CZ, WG), pp. 87–99.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Hughes #industrial #object-oriented- An Industrial Application of Object-Oriented Technology to Materials Management (PH), pp. 85–89.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-KakunoMS #framework #named- CHAOS: An Application Framework (HK, SM, TS), pp. 21–35.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Murphy #inheritance #multi- Practical Applications of Multiple Inheritance in an OODB (JM), pp. 225–231.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Deutsch #challenge #named- Keynote: Objects: Challenges Beyond Languages and Applications (LPD), p. 7.
TOOLS-USA-1992-LuijtenL #integration- A Layered-Modelling Tool for the Integration of Computer Applications (BL, BL), pp. 97–109.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Materna #integration #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Technology Application Integration (AM), pp. 245–247.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Stevens #assessment #effectiveness #object-oriented #simulation- Application of Object-Oriented Simulation to the Assessment of Military Systems Effectiveness (WKS), pp. 165–170.
LOPSTR-1992-Giacomo #partial evaluation #query- Intensional Query Answering: An Application of Partial Evaluation (GDG), pp. 132–150.
LOPSTR-1992-Jones #programming #prolog- Applications of Unfolding in Prolog Programming (JJ), pp. 184–198.
LOPSTR-1992-MogensenB #named #prolog #self- Logimix: A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for Prolog (TÆM, AB), pp. 214–227.
POPL-1992-NirkheP #imperative #partial evaluation #programming language #realtime- Partial Evaluation of High-Level Imperative Programming Languages, with Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems (VN, WP), pp. 269–280.
SOSP-WIP-1991-HartyC92 #memory management #physics #using- Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (Abstract) (KH, DRC), p. 19.
ASPLOS-1992-HartyC #memory management #physics #using- Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (KH, DRC), pp. 187–197.
CC-1992-GyimothyAS #attribute grammar- Integrated Graphics Environment to Develop Applications Based on Attribute Grammars (TG, ZA, RS), pp. 51–58.
HPDC-1992-BilgicS #performance- High Performance PDU Processing for Application Layer (MB, BS), pp. 161–170.
HPDC-1992-GrimshawWP #biology #case study #experience- No Pain and Gain — Experiences with Mentat on a Biological Application (ASG, EAW, WRP), pp. 57–66.
HPDC-1992-SchmidtBS #adaptation #architecture #flexibility #lightweight #multi #named #network #performance #protocol- ADAPTIVE: A Flexible and Adaptive Transport System Architecture to Support Lightweight Protocols for Multimedia Applications on High-Speed Networks (DCS, DFB, TS), pp. 174–186.
HPDC-1992-ShinjoK #distributed #operating system #parallel- Harmonizing a Distributed Operating System with Parallel and Distributed Applications (YS, YK), pp. 114–123.
IWMM-1992-HeckW #file system #implementation- An Implementation of an Applicative File System (BCH, DSW), pp. 248–263.
CADE-1992-BenhamouS #calculus #symmetry- Theoretical Study of Symmetries in Propositional Calculus and Applications (BB, LS), pp. 281–294.
IWPTS-1992-ChungS #generative #performance #protocol #testing- Applications of Sufficient Conditions for Efficient Protocol Test Generation (AC, DPS), pp. 219–228.
IWPTS-1992-ConcettoMMZ #approach- An Approach to the Test of an ATM Based Signalling Application (MDC, GM, EM, FZ), pp. 119–130.
DAC-1991-ChiuP #design #synthesis #testing- A Design for Testability Scheme with Applications to Data Path Synthesis (SC, CAP), pp. 271–277.
DAC-1991-NoteGCM #architecture #named #synthesis #throughput- Cathedral-III: Architecture-Driven High-level Synthesis for High Throughput DSP Applications (SN, WG, FC, HDM), pp. 597–602.
DAC-1991-PrakashP #architecture #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Architectures (SP, ACP), pp. 8–13.
HT-1991-BassettiPS #effectiveness #hypermedia #using- Applications Navigator: Using Hypertext to Support Effective Scientific Information Exchange (OB, DP, MS), pp. 411–416.
HT-1991-GarzottoPS #design #hypermedia #named- HDM — A Model for the Design of Hypertext Applications (FG, PP, DS), pp. 313–328.
SIGMOD-1991-ImielinskiNV #design- Incomplete Objects — A Data Model for Design and Planning Applications (TI, SAN, KVV), pp. 288–297.
SIGMOD-1991-ShyyS #database #knowledge base #named #programming language- K: A High-Level Knowledge Base Programming Language for Advanced Database Applications (YMS, SYWS), pp. 338–347.
PEPM-1991-Gluck #multi #self #towards- Towards Multiple Self-Application (RG), pp. 309–320.
STOC-1991-DengM #game studies #infinity #online #problem- Infinite Games, Randomization, Computability, and Applications to Online Problems (Preliminary Version) (XD, SM), pp. 289–298.
STOC-1991-Kaltofen #effectiveness- Effective Noether Irreducibility Forms and Applications (Extended Abstract) (EK), pp. 54–63.
STOC-1991-MatiasV #parallel #probability- Converting High Probability into Nearly-Constant Time-with Applications to Parallel Hashing (Extended Abstract) (YM, UV), pp. 307–316.
VDME-1991-1-ChalmersDGPZ #using- Using RAISE — First Impressions from the LaCoS Applications (DLC, BD, JG, JSP, EZ), pp. 645–657.
VDME-1991-1-ScheweSW #database #refinement #specification- Specification and Refinement in an Integrated Database Application Environment (KDS, JWS, IW), pp. 496–510.
FPCA-1991-Launchbury #self- A Strongly-Typed Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator (JL), pp. 145–164.
FPCA-1991-SwarupRI- Assignments for Applicative Languages (VS, USR, EI), pp. 192–214.
CHI-1991-CoutazB #named #user interface- Applications: a dimension space for user interface management systems (JC, SB), pp. 27–32.
CHI-1991-LaiM #lens- Object lens: letting end-users create cooperative work applications (KYL, TWM), pp. 425–426.
AdaEurope-1991-GilbertTB #ada #embedded #experience #process #realtime #using- Experience Developing two Ada Applications for Embedded Real-Time Systems Using Different Software Processes (BG, MT, GB), pp. 394–403.
AdaEurope-1991-Rosskopf #ada #reuse- Reusable Input/Output Packages for Ada Avionic Applications (AR), pp. 338–360.
AdaEurope-1991-Welz #ada #safety- Ada in Safety Critical Applications (AW), pp. 193–198.
ECOOP-1991-Lacourte #distributed #exception #object-oriented- Exceptions in Guide, an Object-Oriented Language for Distributed Applications (SL), pp. 268–287.
ECOOP-1991-Snyder #c++ #modelling- Modeling the C++ Object Model, An Application of an Abstract Object Model (AS), pp. 1–20.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Caseau- An O-O Language for Advanced Applications (YC), pp. 153–166.
ESEC-1991-Cattel #design #distributed- Rational Design of Distributed Applications (TC), pp. 60–79.
ESEC-1991-CreusotLRTKMS #execution- Execution Environment for ELECTRE Applications (DC, PL, OR, YT, AK, OM, CSM), pp. 147–165.
ESEC-1991-DauchyM #algebra #automation #specification #testing- Test Data Selection From Algebraic Specifications: Application to an Automatic Subway Module (PD, BM), pp. 80–100.
ESEC-1991-HonidenUI #design #performance #process #prototype #realtime- An Application of Artifical Intelligence to Prototyping Process in Performance Design for Real-time Systems (SH, NU, KI), pp. 189–209.
PPoPP-1991-HollingsworthIM #integration #metric #parallel #performance- The Integration of Application and System Based Metrics in a Parallel Program Performance Tool (JKH, RBI, BPM), pp. 189–200.
PPoPP-1991-KungSGK #network #performance #scalability- Parallelizing a New Class of Large Applications over High-speed Networks (HTK, PS, MG, MK), pp. 167–177.
ICLP-1991-BallanceG #consistency #incremental #interactive #maintenance- Incremental Consistency Maintenance for Interactive Applications (RAB, SLG), pp. 895–909.
ICLP-1991-ChabrierPL #constraints #logic programming #programming language- Applications of Constraints Logic Programming Languages (JJC, CP, BL), p. 944.
ICLP-1991-Taki #parallel #programming #scalability- Parallel Programming and Large-scale Applications in the FGCS Project (KT), p. 949.
ISLP-1991-BackerB #backtracking- Intelligent Backtracking for CLP Languages: An Application to CLP(R) (BDB, HB), pp. 405–419.
ISLP-1991-FilkornSTW #case study #design #experience #industrial #scalability- Experiences from a Large Industrial Circuit Design Application (TF, RS, ET, PW), pp. 581–595.
IWPTS-1991-CorbiS #embedded #protocol #testing- Common Abstract Test Suite for the Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Embedded Under Different Application Contexts (CC, GS), pp. 143–149.
IWPTS-1991-HavenKS #testing- Real Effects Testing of OSI Applications (MEvdH, MGLK, EJS), pp. 107–117.
LICS-1991-KlarlundK #automaton #metric- Rabin Measures and Their Applications to Fairness and Automata Theory (NK, DK), pp. 256–265.
DAC-1990-BreternitzS #architecture #synthesis- Architecture Synthesis of High-Performance Application-Specific Processors (MBJ, JPS), pp. 542–548.
DAC-1990-Bryant #simulation- Symbolic Simulation — Techniques and Applications (REB), pp. 517–521.
DAC-1990-KlingB #evolution #optimisation #standard- Optimization by Simulated Evolution with Applications to Standard Cell Placement (RMK, PB), pp. 20–25.
VLDB-1990-JeusfeldMWJS #database #development #modelling #process- Database Application Development as an Object Modeling Activity (MAJ, MM, IW, MJ, JWS), pp. 442–454.
VLDB-1990-NodineZ #design #transaction- Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: A Transaction Model to Support Design Applications (MHN, SBZ), pp. 83–94.
STOC-1990-AlonST #graph #theorem- A Separator Theorem for Graphs with an Excluded Minor and its Applications (NA, PDS, RT), pp. 293–299.
STOC-1990-BlumLR #problem #self- Self-Testing/Correcting with Applications to Numerical Problems (MB, ML, RR), pp. 73–83.
STOC-1990-CoppersmithDRS #algorithm #graph #online #random- Random Walks on Weighted Graphs, and Applications to On-line Algorithms (Preliminary Version) (DC, PD, PR, MS), pp. 369–378.
STOC-1990-KirkpatrickMY #multi #theorem- Quantitative Steinitz’s Theorems with Applications to Multifingered Grasping (DGK, BM, CKY), pp. 341–351.
STOC-1990-NaorN #performance #probability- Small-bias Probability Spaces: Efficient Constructions and Applications (JN, MN), pp. 213–223.
ICALP-1990-Jones #partial evaluation #self- Partial Evaluation, Self-Application and Types (NDJ), pp. 639–659.
LFP-1990-Burn #analysis #using- Using Projection Analysis of Evaluation-Order and Its Application (GLB), pp. 227–240.
LFP-1990-DraghicescuP #analysis #composition- A Compositional Analysis of Evaluation-Order and Its Application (MD, SP), pp. 242–250.
GG-1990-Caucal #graph grammar- An Application of Graph Grammars to the Elimination of Redundancy from Functions Defined by Schemes (DC), pp. 190–206.
GG-1990-Cuny #graph grammar #question #tool support- Graph Grammars as Tools in Applications Work? (JEC), pp. 46–47.
GG-1990-Gottler #graph grammar- Usefulness of Graph Grammars in Applications (HG), pp. 48–49.
GG-1990-Korff #graph grammar #rule-based- Application of Graph Grammars to Rule-Based Systems (MK), pp. 505–519.
GG-1990-Nagl #graph grammar- Graph Grammars which are Suitable for Applications (MN), pp. 54–56.
GG-1990-Sleep #graph grammar #research- Applications of Graph Grammars and Directions for Research (MRS), pp. 57–60.
CHI-1990-Took #interactive #interface #paradigm- Surface interaction: a paradigm and model for separating application and interface (RKT), pp. 35–42.
CSCW-1990-CrowleyMBFT #framework #multi #named- MMConf: An Infrastructure for Building Shared Multimedia Applications (TRC, PM, EB, HCF, RST), pp. 329–342.
CSCW-1990-MarkusC #problem #tool support #why- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Adoption of Interdependent Work Tools (MLM, TC), pp. 371–380.
CSCW-1990-PattersonHRM #architecture #multi #named- Rendezvous: An Architecture for Synchronous Multi-User Applications (JFP, RDH, SLR, SWM), pp. 317–328.
CAiSE-1990-Halassy #automation #relational- Application of Relational Normalforms in CASE-Tools (BH), pp. 215–227.
SEKE-1990-Bukovsky #evaluation #quality- Expert System Application in Software Quality Evaluation (NSB), p. 272–?.
SEKE-1990-ChengH #concept #development #object-oriented #programming- Conceptual Structores ot Object-Oriented Programming for Application Development (KYC, MSH), pp. 45–50.
SEKE-1990-SunK #development- Graphics Application Development Under Window Environment (TSS, CYK), pp. 234–238.
SIGIR-1990-ChiaramellaN #approach #logic #modelling #retrieval- A Retrieval Model Based on an Extended Modal Logic and its Application to the RIME Experimental Approach (YC, JYN), pp. 25–43.
ICSE-1990-EhrlichSW #modelling #process #quality #reliability #testing- Application of Software Reliability Modeling to Product Quality and Test Process (WKE, JPS, JRW), pp. 108–116.
ICSE-1990-GantiGP #architecture #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Software Application Architecture (MG, PG, SP), pp. 212–220.
WAGA-1990-Eijk #attribute grammar #prototype #tool support- Attribute Grammar Applications in Prototyping LOTOS Tools (PvE), pp. 91–100.
WAGA-1990-Levison #attribute grammar #generative #natural language- Gregory Lessard: Application of Attribute Grammars to Natural Language Sentence Generation (ML), pp. 298–312.
CC-1990-JourdanP #attribute grammar #development- Application Development with the FNC-2 Attribute Grammar System (MJ, DP), pp. 11–25.
CLP-1990-HarsatG90- An Extended RISC Methodology and its Application to FCP (AH, RG), pp. 67–82.
CLP-1990-ReynoldsK90 #problem #prolog- OR-Parallel Prolog and Search Problems in AI Applications (TJR, PK), pp. 340–354.
CSL-1990-Jaspars #information management- A Generalization of Stability and its Application to Circumscription of Positive Introspective Knowledge (JJ), pp. 289–299.
NACLP-1990-Hentenryck #constraints #logic programming- Constraint Logic Programming: From Theory to Applications (PVH), p. 841.
NACLP-1990-Zaniolo #database #deduction #programming- Deductive Database Systems: Applications and Programming (CZ), pp. 842–845.
DAC-1989-FrydmanGGB #named- DeBuMA: Description, Building and Management of Applications (CSF, NG, MG, PB), pp. 203–208.
DAC-1989-SmithDDCHJd #development- FACE Core Environment: The Model and Its Application in CAE/CAD Tool Development (WDS, DAD, MD, JC, MJH, JRJ, MAd), pp. 466–471.
DAC-1989-Vijayan #clustering- Min-cost Partitioning on a Tree Structure and Applications (GV), pp. 771–774.
DAC-1989-Yu #case study- A Study of the Applicability of Hopfield Decision Neural Nets to VLSI CAD (MLY), pp. 412–417.
PODS-1989-Bry #database #formal method #logic programming- Logic Programming as Constructivism: A Formalization and its Application to Databases (FB), pp. 34–50.
PODS-1989-RamakrishnanSUV #theorem- Proof-Tree Transformation Theorems and Their Applications (RR, YS, JDU, MYV), pp. 172–181.
SIGMOD-1989-SunKN #database #problem- Solving Implication Problems in Database Applications (XHS, NK, LMN), pp. 185–192.
VLDB-1989-Agrawal #database #knowledge-based- Building knowledge-based applications with cooperating databases (RA), p. 267.
VLDB-1989-Guting #database #geometry #named #relational- Gral: An Extensible Relational Database System for Geometric Applications (RHG), pp. 33–44.
STOC-1989-ChazelleEGS #algorithm #combinator- Lines in Space-Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications (BC, HE, LJG, MS), pp. 382–393.
STOC-1989-NaorY #encryption- Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic Applications (MN, MY), pp. 33–43.
ICALP-1989-Bohm #self- Subduing Self-Application (CB), pp. 108–122.
ICALP-1989-ChazelleEGS #algebra- A Singly-Expenential Stratification Scheme for Real Semi-Algebraic Varieties and Its Applications (BC, HE, LJG, MS), pp. 179–193.
CHI-1989-ManheimerBW #case study #development #user interface- A case study of user interface management system development and application (JMM, RCB, JAW), pp. 127–132.
CHI-1989-Zanden #constraints #specification #visual notation- Constraint grammars-a new model for specifying graphical applications (BTVZ), pp. 325–330.
CAiSE-1989-CacaceCCGLLTZ #database #named #prototype #relational #specification- ALGRES: An Extended Relational Database System for the Specification and Prototyping of Complex Applications (FC, SC, SCR, GG, GL, LL, LT, RVZ).
CAiSE-1989-Skjellaug #interface #multi #named- IB — An Information Bus: A Multilayered Information Base Interface for Remote Applications (BS).
CAiSE-1989-Welter #development #roadmap- Application Development Trends and Directions (MW).
SIGIR-1989-MaarekS #library- Full Text Indexing Based on Lexical Relations An Application: Software Libraries (YSM, FAS), pp. 198–206.
SIGIR-1989-SaltonS #analysis #automation #on the- On the Application of Syntactic Methodologies in Automatic Text Analysis (GS, MS), pp. 137–150.
OOPSLA-1989-FerrelM #framework #named- Vamp: The Aldus Application Framework (PJF, RFM), pp. 185–189.
POPL-1989-SagivEFR #analysis #attribute grammar #data flow- Resolving Circularity in Attribute Grammars with Applications to Data Flow Analysis (SS, OE, NF, MR), pp. 36–48.
ESEC-1989-NardiT #calculus #representation- An Application of the Event Calculus for Representing the History of a Software Project (DN, MT), pp. 176–190.
NACLP-1989-Chan- An Extension of Constructive Negation and its Application in Coroutining (DC), pp. 477–493.
RTA-1989-DauchetD #compilation #term rewriting- Compilation of Ground Term Rewriting Systems and Applications (MD, AD), pp. 556–558.
RTA-1989-Lankford #theory and practice- Generalized Gröbner Bases: Theory and Applications. A Condensation (DL), pp. 203–221.
DAC-1988-TakamineMNMK #algorithm #development- Clock Event Suppression Algorithm of VELVET and Its Application to S-820 Development (YT, SM, SN, MM, SK), pp. 716–719.
SIGMOD-1988-KachhwahaH #database #development #named #object-oriented- LCE: An Object-Oriented Database Application Development Tool (PK, RH), p. 207.
VLDB-1988-LingatCR #agile #prototype- Rapid Application Prototyping the PROQUEL Language (JYL, PC, CR), pp. 206–217.
VLDB-1988-LynchS #database- Extended User-Defined Indexing with Application to Textual Databases (CAL, MS), pp. 306–317.
STOC-1988-BlumFM- Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge and Its Applications (Extended Abstract) (MB, PF, SM), pp. 103–112.
STOC-1988-GabowW #algorithm #game studies- Forests, Frames and Games: Algorithms for Matroid Sums and Applications (HNG, HHW), pp. 407–421.
ICALP-1988-Eppstein #automaton #design #finite #sequence- Reset Sequences for Finite Automata with Application to Design of Parts Orienters (DE), pp. 230–238.
CSCW-1988-Grudin #design #evaluation #interface #problem #why- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Design and Evaluation of Organization of Organizational Interfaces (JG), pp. 65–84.
SIGIR-1988-BiebricherFLSK #automation #research- The Automatic Indexing System AIR/PHYS — From Research to Application (PB, NF, GL, MS, GK), pp. 333–342.
OOPSLA-1988-Sridhar #configuration management- Configuring Stand-Alone Smalltalk-80 Applications (SS), pp. 95–104.
OOPSLA-1988-SzczurM #case study #experience #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus Experiences in “Object”-ively Modernizing a User Interface Environment (MRS, PM), pp. 58–70.
OOPSLA-1988-WeinandGM #c++ #framework #object-oriented- ET++ — An Object-Oriented Application Framework in C++ (AW, EG, RM), pp. 46–57.
ALP-1988-Kucherov #algorithm #induction #proving #testing- A New Quasi-Reducibility Testing Algorithm and its Application to Proofs by Induction (GK), pp. 204–213.
PLILP-1988-SchreyeB #abstract interpretation #program transformation- An Application of Abstract Interpretation in Source Level Program Transformation (DDS, MB), pp. 35–57.
POPL-1988-Pelegri-LlopartG #code generation- Optimal Code Generation for Expression Trees: An Application of BURS Theory (EPL, SLG), pp. 294–308.
ICSE-1988-Fagerstrom #design #distributed- Design and Test of Distributed Applications (JF), pp. 88–92.
ICSE-1988-HuangZC #algorithm #clustering #distributed #heuristic #realtime- Heuristic Software Partitioning Algorithms for Distributed Real-Time Applications (XH, HZ, XC), pp. 116–121.
ICSE-1988-Muhlhauser #design #distributed #re-engineering- Software Engineering for Distributed Applications: The Design Project (MM), pp. 93–101.
PPEALS-1988-CarrieroG #experience- Applications Experience with Linda (NC, DG), pp. 173–187.
PPEALS-1988-LeeSF #implementation #multi #on the- On the Implementation of Applicative Languages on Shared-Memory, MIMD Multiprocessors (CCL, SKS, JF), pp. 188–197.
CADE-1988-FranzenH #approach #unification- A New Approach to Universal Unification and Its Application to AC-Unification (MF, LJH), pp. 643–657.
JICSCP-1988-JayaramanN88 #implementation #logic programming- Subset-Logic Programming: Application and Implementation (BJ, AN), pp. 843–858.
JICSCP-1988-Zaniolo88 #data-driven #design #implementation #logic- Design and Implementation of a Logic Based Language for Data Intensive Applications (CZ), pp. 1666–1687.
DAC-1987-ChandrasekharPC #design #hardware #term rewriting #verification- Application of Term Rewriting Techniques to Hardware Design Verification (MSC, JPP, KWC), pp. 277–282.
DAC-1987-KoukaS #data analysis #design- An Application of Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques to Floorplan Design (EFMK, GS), pp. 654–658.
DAC-1987-Steele #design- An Expert System Application in Semicustom VLSI Design (RLS), pp. 679–688.
HT-1987-NeuwirthKCG #hypermedia- The Notes Program: A Hypertext Application for Writing from Source Texts (CN, DK, RC, TG), pp. 121–141.
SIGMOD-1987-Hardwick #database #design #optimisation #performance #why- Why Rose is Fast: Five Optimizations in the Design of an Experimental Database System for CAD/CAM Applications (MH), pp. 292–298.
SIGMOD-1987-KemperLW #database #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Database System for Engineering Applications (AK, PCL, MW), pp. 299–310.
VLDB-1987-EcklundEET #distributed #named- DVSS: A Distributed Version Storage Server for CAD Applications (DJE, EFEJ, ROE, FMT), pp. 443–454.
VLDB-1987-FreytagCK #database #source code- Masking System Crashes in Database Application Programs (JCF, FC, BK), pp. 407–416.
VLDB-1987-HarderMMS #named #prototype- PRIMA — a DBMS Prototype Supporting Engineering Applications (TH, KMW, BM, AS), pp. 433–442.
VLDB-1987-LingatNR #behaviour #database- Behaviour Management in Database Applications (JYL, PN, CR), pp. 185–196.
PLDI-1987-SkedzielewskiYO #debugging #interactive #interpreter #named- DI: an interactive debugging interpreter for applicative languages (SKS, RKY, RRO), pp. 102–112.
STOC-1987-Kaltofen #complexity- Single-Factor Hensel Lifting and its Application to the Straight-Line Complexity of Certain Polynomials (EK), pp. 443–452.
ICALP-1987-SchwartzS #on the #problem- On the Bivariate Function Minimization Problem And Its Applications to Motion Planning (JTS, MS), pp. 357–363.
VDME-1987-Hass #compilation #development- Development and Application of a Meta IV Compiler (MH), pp. 118–140.
FPCA-1987-Goldberg #detection #functional #source code- Detecting sharing of partial applications in functional programs (BG), pp. 408–425.
FPCA-1987-Wise #algebra #matrix #programming- Matrix algebra and applicative programming (DSW), pp. 134–153.
HCI-CE-1987-Balzert #adaptation #architecture #human-computer #interface- A Blackboard Architecture to Realize Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces and Application Systems (HB), pp. 89–96.
HCI-SES-1987-Roesser- A Notation for the Input and Storage of Mathematics: An Application of SGML (JRR), pp. 137–142.
ASPLOS-1987-LevinthalHPL #parallel- Parallel Computers for Graphics Applications (AL, PH, MP, JL), pp. 193–198.
ICLP-1987-Ebcioglu87 #logic programming #music #performance #programming language- An Efficient Logic Programming Language and Its Application to Music (KE), pp. 513–532.
RTA-1987-Kirchner #infinity #process #set- Schematization of Infinite Sets of Rewrite Rules. Application to the Divergence of Completion Processes (HK), pp. 180–191.
SLP-1987-KishimotoHKH87 #evaluation #source code- An Evaluation of the FGHC via Practical Application Programs (MK, AH, KK, AH), pp. 516–525.
DAC-1986-AudeK #adaptation #database #design- A design rule database system to support technology-adaptable applications (JSA, HJK), pp. 510–516.
DAC-1986-BirminghamJK #tutorial- Knowlege-based expert systems and their application (tutorial session (WPB, RJ, JK), pp. 531–539.
DAC-1986-HancockD #automation #design #parallel #tutorial- Tutorial on parallel processing for design automation applications (tutorial session) (JMH, SD), pp. 69–77.
DAC-1986-LadjadjMHM #array #testing- Use of the subscripted DALG in submodule testing with applications in cellular arrays (ML, JFM, DHH, WM), pp. 346–353.
SIGMOD-1986-DelisleS #hypermedia #named- Neptune: a Hypertext System for CAD Applications (NMD, MDS), pp. 132–143.
SIGMOD-1986-RosenthalHDM #approach #recursion #traversal- Traversal Recursion: A Practical Approach to Supporting Recursive Applications (AR, SH, UD, FM), pp. 166–176.
SIGMOD-1986-WedekindZ #database #realtime- Prefetching in Realtime Database Applications (HW, GZ), pp. 215–226.
VLDB-1986-AbiteboulSGS #towards- Towards DBMSs for Supporting New Applications (SA, MS, GG, ES), pp. 423–435.
VLDB-1986-FangLC #clustering #idea- The Idea of De-Clustering and its Applications (MTF, RCTL, CCC), pp. 181–188.
VLDB-1986-Motro #query- Completeness Information and Its Application to Query Processing (AM), pp. 170–178.
VLDB-1986-UdagawaM #database #logic #relational- An Extended Relational Database System and It’s Application to Management of Logic Diagrama (YU, TM), pp. 267–277.
ESOP-1986-GlaserH #implementation- Another Implementation Technique for Applicative Languages (HG, SH), pp. 70–81.
ESOP-1986-Sondergaard #abstract interpretation #logic programming #reduction #source code- An Application of Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: Occur Check Reduction (HS), pp. 327–338.
STOC-1986-Clarkson #geometry #random- Further Applications of Random Sampling to Computational Geometry (KLC), pp. 414–423.
STOC-1986-LeightonS #algorithm #analysis #bound #grid- Tight Bounds for Minimax Grid Matching, With Applications to the Average Case Analysis of Algorithms (FTL, PWS), pp. 91–103.
LFP-1986-ClementDDK- A Simple Applicative Language: Mini-ML (DC, JD, TD, GK), pp. 13–27.
GG-1986-Kaul #graph grammar #precedence- Practical Applications of Precedence Graph Grammars (MK), pp. 326–342.
GG-1986-Prusinkiewicz- Applications of L-systems to computer imagery (PP), pp. 534–548.
GG-1986-Wankmuller #graph grammar #music- Application of Graph Grammars in Music Composing Systems (FW), pp. 580–592.
OOPSLA-1986-GarrettS #architecture #editing #object-oriented #timeline- Building a Timeline Editor from Prefab Parts: The Architecture of an Object-Oriented Application (LNG, KES), pp. 202–213.
OOPSLA-1986-JackyK #approach #object-oriented #scalability- An Object-Oriented Approach to a Large Scientific Application (JJ, IK), pp. 368–376.
OOPSLA-1986-Meyrowitz #architecture #framework #hypermedia #named #object-oriented- Intermedia: The Architecture and Construction of an Object-Oriented Hypermedia System and Applications Framework (NKM), pp. 186–201.
OOPSLA-1986-MillerCLV- The Application Accelerator Illustration System (MSM, HC, CL, SRV), pp. 294–302.
POPL-1986-JonesM #analysis #data flow #graph #source code #using- Data Flow Analysis of Applicative Programs Using Minimal Function Graphs (NDJ, AM), pp. 296–306.
CADE-1986-CoxP- Causes for Events: Their Computation and Applications (PTC, TP), pp. 608–621.
ICLP-1986-ButlerLMO86 #logic programming #parallel- Parallel Logic Programming for Numeric Applications (RB, ELL, WM, RAO), pp. 375–388.
ICLP-1986-Vasey86- Qualified Answers and their Application to Transformation (PV), pp. 425–432.
SLP-1986-ArmstrongEV86 #logic programming #problem- The Phoning Philosopher’s Problem or Logic Programming for Telecommunications Applications (JLA, NAE, RV), pp. 28–33.
SLP-1986-BoscoG86 #deduction #named- IDEAL: An Ideal Deductive Applicative Language (PGB, EG), pp. 89–94.
SLP-1986-OhrstromA86 #logic programming- The Logic of Tensed Statements in English — An Application of Logic Programming (PØ, NA), pp. 12–19.
DAC-1985-KrasniewskiA #estimation #self- Simulation-free estimation of speed degradation in NMOS self-testing circuits for CAD applications (AK, AA), pp. 808–811.
DAC-1985-Schutzman #automation #database #design #named- ICHABOD: a data base manager for design automation applications (HBS), pp. 569–576.
SIGMOD-1985-DemoK #analysis #database #dependence- Analysis of the Context Dependency of CODASYL Find-Statements with Application to Database Program Conversion (GBD, SK), pp. 354–361.
SIGMOD-1985-KlaholdSUW #information management #transaction- A Transaction Model Supporting Complex Applications in Integrated Information Systems (PK, GS, RU, WW), pp. 388–401.
VLDB-1985-GoldSH #performance- The Private Workspace Model Feasibility and Applications to 2PL Performance Improvements (IG, OS, MH), pp. 192–208.
VLDB-1985-NierstraszT #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Environment for OIS Applications (ON, DT), pp. 335–345.
ICALP-1985-ChazelleG #geometry- Fractional Cascading: A Data Structuring Technique with Geometric Applications (BC, LJG), pp. 90–100.
ICALP-1985-MainBH #infinity- Applications of an Infinite Squarefree CO-CFL (MGM, WB, DH), pp. 404–412.
ICALP-1985-SistlaVW #automaton #logic #problem- The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract) (APS, MYV, PW), pp. 465–474.
FPCA-1985-AbramskyS85 #named #programming #virtual machine- Secd-m: a Virtual Machine for Applicative Programming (SA, RS), pp. 81–98.
FPCA-1985-ODonnell85 #architecture- An Architecture that Efficiently Updates Associative Aggregates in Applicative Programing Languages (JTO), pp. 164–189.
ICSE-1985-BarthGB #architecture #data flow #realtime- The Stream Machine: A Data Flow Architecture for Real-Time Applications (PB, SBG, DRB), pp. 103–110.
ICSE-1985-Vefsnmo #communication #quality #quote #re-engineering- “DASOM” — A Software Engineering Tool for Communication Applications Increasing Productivity and Software Quality (EAMV), pp. 26–35.
SOSP-1985-Black #distributed #experience- Supporting Distributed Applications: Experience with Eden (APB), pp. 181–193.
RTA-1985-CosmadakisK #database #equation- Two Applications of Equational Theories to Database Theory (SSC, PCK), pp. 107–123.
RTA-1985-RetyKKL #algorithm #logic programming #named #unification- NARROWER: A New Algorithm for Unification and Its Application to Logic Programming (PR, CK, HK, PL), pp. 141–157.
SLP-1985-DershowitzP85 #logic programming- Logic Programming cum Applicative Programming (ND, DAP), pp. 54–66.
SLP-1985-SawamuraT85 #optimisation #prolog #recursion- Recursive Unsolvability of Determinacy, Solvable Cases of Determinancy and their Applications to Prolog Optimization (HS, TT), pp. 200–207.
DAC-1984-DixonSC #architecture #design- An architecture for application of artificial intelligence to design (JRD, MKS, PRC), pp. 634–640.
DAC-1984-Hardwick #database #design #relational- Extending the relational database data model for design applications (MH), pp. 110–116.
DAC-1984-ReddyAJ #detection #fault #logic- A gate level model for CMOS combinational logic circuits with application to fault detection (SMR, VDA, SKJ), pp. 504–509.
VLDB-1984-StonebrakerR #database #interface- Database Portals: A New Application Program Interface (MS, LAR), pp. 3–13.
VLDB-1984-Walter #approach #commit #database #multi #transaction- Nested Transactions with Multiple Commit Points: An Approach to the Structuring of Advanced Database Applications (BW), pp. 161–171.
STOC-1984-Harel #infinity- A General Result on Infinite Trees and Its Applications (Preliminary Report) (DH), pp. 418–427.
STOC-1984-SlotB #on the #performance- On Tape Versus Core; An Application of Space Efficient Perfect Hash Functions to the Invariance of Space (CFS, PvEB), pp. 391–400.
SIGIR-1984-Kwok #feedback #probability #retrieval #similarity- A Document-Document Similarity Measure Based on Cited Titles and Probability Theory, and Its Application to Relevance Feedback Retrieval (KLK), pp. 221–231.
POPL-1984-Johnson #design #programming- Applicative Programming and Digital Design (SDJ), pp. 218–227.
POPL-1984-MishraK #source code #static analysis- Static Inference of Properties of Applicative Programs (PM, RMK), pp. 235–244.
POPL-1984-Myers #data type #performance- Efficient Applicative Data Types (EWM), pp. 66–75.
POPL-1984-SchwarzR #code generation #named- Treat — An Applicative Code Generator (JSS, DR), pp. 133–139.
ICSE-1984-Donzeau-GougeLM #syntax- Practical Applications of a Syntax Directed Program Manipulation Environment (VDG, BL, BM), pp. 346–357.
ICSE-1984-Gerhart #axiom #specification- Application of Axiomatic Methods to a Specification Analyser (SLG), pp. 441–453.
ICSE-1984-UemuraO #approach #development- A Cooperative Approach to Software Development by Application Engineers and Software Engineers (KU, MO), pp. 86–96.
CADE-1984-Kirchner84a #algorithm #data type #induction- A General Inductive Completion Algorithm and Application to Abstract Data Types (HK), pp. 282–302.
CADE-1984-MinkerP- Applications of Protected Circumscription (JM, DP), pp. 414–425.
ILPC-1984-Lindstrom84 #architecture- Or-Parallelism on Applicative Architectures (GL), pp. 159–170.
DAC-1983-BatiniC #concept #database #design #visual notation- A graphical tool for conceptual design of data base applications (CB, CC), pp. 762–773.
DAC-1983-Kang #linear- Linear ordering and application to placement (SK), pp. 457–464.
VLDB-1983-PennyP #novel #scalability- Application of Novel Technologies to the Management of a Very Large Date Base (PP, MP), pp. 20–29.
STOC-1983-Yao- A 3-Space Partition and Its Applications (Extended Abstract) (FFY), pp. 258–263.
ICALP-1983-Abramsky #multi #on the #semantics- On Semantic Foundations for Applicative Multiprogramming (SA), pp. 1–14.
ICALP-1983-Moller #algebra #data-driven #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language (BM), pp. 513–526.
Ada-1983-Briggs #ada #compilation #design- The Design of AIR and its Application to Ada Separate Compilation (JSB), pp. 60–75.
SIGIR-1983-Croft #information retrieval- Applications for Information Retrieval Techniques in the Office (WBC), pp. 18–23.
POPL-1983-LampsonS #polymorphism- Practical Use of a Polymorphic Applicative Language (BWL, EES), pp. 237–255.
POPL-1983-Paige #algorithm #programming- Transformational Programming — Applications to Algorithms and Systems (RP), pp. 73–87.
DAC-1982-GingerichCCL #hybrid- A hybrid CAD/CAM system for mechanical applications (JZG, MPC, EJC, PKL), pp. 643–649.
DAC-1982-LiptonN #algorithm #automation #design #research- Design automation algorithms: Research and applications (RJL, JDN), p. 410.
DAC-1982-NestorT #design #implementation #multi #representation #simulation- Defining and implementing a multilevel design representation with simulation applications (JAN, DET), pp. 740–746.
PODS-1982-RotemTK #clustering #design #multi- Foundations for Multifile Design by Application Partitioning (DR, FWT, DGK), pp. 262–267.
SIGMOD-1982-Finkelstein #analysis #database- Common Subexpression Analysis in Database Applications (SJF), pp. 235–245.
SIGMOD-1982-RoweS #development #named- FADS — A Form Application Development System (LAR, KAS), pp. 28–38.
VLDB-1982-Fernandez-Villasenor #database- Database Applications in Developing Countries (YFV), pp. 270–272.
SCC-1982-Moor #compilation #parallel- An Applicative Compiler for a Parallel Machine (IWM), pp. 284–293.
ICALP-1982-HarelK #induction #programming language #set- A Programming Language for the Inductive Sets, and Applications (DH, DK), pp. 313–329.
LFP-1982-HudakK #distributed #garbage collection- Garbage Collection and Task Deletion in Distributed Applicative Processing Systems (PH, RMK), pp. 168–178.
LFP-1982-Hughes #combinator #implementation- Super Combinators: A New Implementation Method for Applicative Languages (RJMH), pp. 1–10.
LFP-1982-MacQueenS #semantics- A Semantic Model of Types for Applicative Languages (DBM, RS), pp. 243–252.
SIGIR-1982-Doszkocs #information management #natural language #research- From Research to Application: The Cite Natural Language Information System (TED), pp. 251–262.
POPL-1982-Komorowski #data type #implementation #partial evaluation #prolog- Partial Evaluation as a Means for Inferencing Data Structures in an Applicative Language: A Theory and Implementation in the Case of Prolog (HJK), pp. 255–267.
CADE-1982-Silver #equation- The Application of Homogenization to Simultaneous Equations (BS), pp. 132–143.
ILPC-1982-Eshghi82 #fault #logic #metalanguage #programming- Application of Meta-language Programming to Fault Finding in Logic Circuits (KE), pp. 240–246.
DAC-1981-DewhirstH #analysis #design #modelling- Application of volumetric modeling to mechanical design and analysis (DLD, RCH), pp. 171–178.
SIGMOD-1981-Hawthorn #database #design- The Effect of Target Applications on the Design of Database Machines (PBH), pp. 188–197.
VLDB-1981-AntonellisZ #database #design #modelling- Modelling Events a Data Base Application Design (VDA, BZ), pp. 23–31.
VLDB-1981-Frank #information management- Application of DBMS to Land Information Systems (AUF), pp. 448–453.
VLDB-1981-Karlsson- Reduced Cover-Trees and their Application in the Sabre Access Path Model (KK), pp. 345–353.
VLDB-1981-Kent- Data Model Theory Meets a Practical Application (WK), pp. 13–22.
VLDB-1981-LynchB #database #scalability- Application of Data Compression to a Large Bibliographic Data Base (CAL, EBB), pp. 435–447.
STOC-1981-ChandraHMP #equation #logic #process- Equations between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic (AKC, JYH, ARM, RP), pp. 384–390.
ICALP-1981-HongMR #graph #trade-off- Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (Preliminary Version) (JWH, KM, ALR), pp. 41–55.
ICALP-1981-Makowsky81a #logic #named #power of- Errata: Measuring the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logics: An Application of Abstract Model Theory (JAM), p. 551.
ICALP-1981-Sharir #analysis #data flow #source code- Data Flow Analysis of Applicative Programs (MS), pp. 98–113.
SIGIR-1981-NoreaultD- Spatial Representations of Knowledge: Validity and Applications to Information Science (TN, JFD), pp. 113–125.
SIGIR-1981-StorerE #clustering #validation- Experiments on the Application of Clustering Techniques to Data Validation (Abstract) (WFS, CME), pp. 88–89.
POPL-1981-DemersRT #attribute grammar #editing #evaluation #incremental- Incremental Evaluation for Attribute Grammars with Application to Syntax-Directed Editors (AJD, TWR, TT), pp. 105–116.
ICSE-1981-BalzerCFLW- Application Downloading (RB, AC, MSF, PEL, DSW), pp. 450–459.
ICSE-1981-Hulten #data access- An Index Organization for Applications with Highly Skewed Access Patterns (CH), pp. 71–78.
ICSE-1981-Paster #experience- Experience with Application of Modern Software Management Controls (DLP), pp. 18–26.
DAC-1980-Sidle #database- Weaknesses of commercial data base management systems in engineering applications (TS), pp. 57–61.
SIGMOD-1980-HammerB #data-driven #named #programming language- DIAL: A Programming Language for Data Intensive Applications (MH, BB), pp. 75–92.
VLDB-1980-Jefferson #database #design #development #tool support- The Development and Application of Data Base Design Tools and Methodology (DKJ), pp. 153–154.
VLDB-1980-Studer #database #interface- A Dialogue Interface for Data Base Applications (RS), pp. 167–182.
VLDB-1980-TamirMARSTZ #generative #named- DB1 — A DBMS-Based Application Generator (MT, TM, JA, ER, SS, ST, EZ), pp. 335–342.
ICALP-1980-Makowsky #logic #power of- Measuring the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logics: An Application of Abstract Model Theory (JAM), pp. 409–421.
ICALP-1980-Mehlhorn- Pebbling Mountain Ranges and its Application of DCFL-Recognition (KM), pp. 422–435.
LISP-1980-BurstallMS #named- HOPE: An Experimental Applicative Language (RMB, DBM, DS), pp. 136–143.
LISP-1980-Keller #multi- Divide and CONCer: Data Structuring in Applicative Multiprocessing Systems (RMK), pp. 196–202.
POPL-1980-FriedmanW #programming- An Indeterminate Constructor for Applicative Programming (DPF, DSW), pp. 245–250.
POPL-1980-MorrisSW #experience #string- Experience with an Applicative String Processing Language (JHMJ, ES, PW), pp. 32–46.
CADE-1980-BelovariC #generative #integration #prolog- Generating Contours of Integration: An Application of Prolog in Symbolic Computing (GB, JAC), pp. 14–23.
CADE-1980-BundyW #algebra #multi #using- Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation (AB, BW), pp. 24–38.
DAC-1979-Cleemput #hardware- Computer hardware description languages and their applications (WMvC), pp. 554–560.
DAC-1979-Darringer #hardware #verification- The application of program verification techniques to hardware verification (JAD), pp. 375–381.
DAC-1979-DysartK #automation #bound #branch- An application of branch and bound method to automatic printed circuit board routing (LD, MK), pp. 494–499.
VLDB-1979-Date #database #programming #tutorial- Locking and Recovery in a Shared Database System: An Application Programming Tutorial (CJD), pp. 1–15.
VLDB-1979-MunzSS #database #testing- Application of Sub-Predicate Tests in Database Systems (RM, HJS, FS), pp. 426–435.
VLDB-1979-ParkerD #algorithm #dependence #multi- Algorithmic Applications for a new Result on Multivalued Dependencies (DSPJ, CD), pp. 67–74.
STOC-1979-FlajoletFV #sequence- Computing Integrated Costs of Sequences of Operations with Application to Dictionaries (PF, JF, JV), pp. 49–61.
DAC-1978-Fetter- A computer graphic human figure system applicable to kineseology (WF), p. 297.
SIGMOD-1978-HammerM #database #modelling #semantics- The Semantic Data Model: A Modelling Mechanism for Data Base Applications (MH, DM), pp. 26–36.
SIGMOD-1978-MalkinA- A Case Management System: Three Views of an Application (JGM, BFA), pp. 89–100.
SIGMOD-1978-MylopoulosBW #design #interactive- A Language Facility for Designing Interactive Database-Intensive Applications (Abstract) (JM, PAB, HKTW), p. 17.
SIGMOD-1978-NationsS #program analysis #sequence- Some DML Instruction Sequences for Application Program Analysis and Conversion (JN, SYWS), pp. 120–131.
VLDB-1978-Ashany #analysis #classification #database #matrix #retrieval #scalability- Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques to Search, Retrieval, Classification and Relationship Analysis in Large Data Base Systems — SPARCOM (RA), pp. 499–516.
VLDB-1978-Hebalkar #database #distributed #specification- Application Specification for Distributed Data Base Systems (PGH), pp. 442–449.
ICALP-1978-DammF #on the #power of #recursion #self- On the Power of Self-Application and Higher Type-Recursion (WD, EF), pp. 177–191.
ICSE-1978-DniestrowskiGM #re-engineering- Software Engineering in Avionics Applications (AD, JMG, RM), pp. 124–131.
ICSE-1978-GainerKKM #design #reliability- The Design of a Reliable Applications System (EG, EK, AAK, AM), pp. 132–135.
SIGMOD-1977-SuL #database #program analysis #semantics- A Methodology of Application Program Analysis and Conversion Based on Database Semantics (SYWS, BJL), pp. 75–87.
SIGMOD-1977-WongE- Interval Hierarchies and Their Application to Predicate Files (Abstract) (KCW, ME), p. 168.
VLDB-1977-Lowenthal #bibliography #database #distributed- A Survey: The Application of Data Base Management Computers in Distributed Systems (EIL), pp. 85–92.
VLDB-1977-Su #programming- Associative Programming in CASSM and its Applications (SYWS), pp. 213–228.
POPL-1977-KennedyZ #analysis #control flow #graph grammar- Applications of Graph Grammar for Program Control Flow Analysis (KK, LZ), pp. 72–85.
POPL-1977-Rosen #control flow- Applications of High-Level Control Flow (BKR), pp. 38–47.
DAC-1976-MayfieldB #geometry- Applications of a numerical geometry system in engineering (JM, RMB), pp. 25–33.
DAC-1976-ParaschP #design #development- Development and application of a designer oriented cyclic simulator (GJP, RLP), pp. 48–53.
VLDB-J-1975-LinSS76 #array #database #design #memory management #relational- The Design of a Rotating Associative Array Memory for a Relational Database Management Application (CSL, DCPS, JMS), pp. 53–65.
SIGMOD-1976-CarlsonK #database #relational- A Generalized Access Path Model and its Application to a Relational Data Base System (CRC, RSK), pp. 143–154.
SIGMOD-1976-SeveranceL #database #difference #maintenance #scalability- Differential Files: Their Application to the Maintenance of Large Data Bases (Abstract) (DGS, GML), p. 43.
SIGMOD-1976-TeoreyD- Application of an Analytical Model to Evaluate Storage Structures (TJT, KSD), pp. 9–19.
SIGMOD-1976-WintersD- A Business Application of Data Translation (EWW, AFD), pp. 189–196.
VLDB-1976-Su #database- Application Program Conversion due to Data Base Changes (SYWS), pp. 143–157.
STOC-1976-LeeP- Location of a Point in a Planar Subdivision and its Applications (DTL, FPP), pp. 231–235.
DIPL-1976-EvansM- The Tinman and communications applications (AEJ, CRM), pp. 390–398.
ICSE-1976-Black- The Role of Software in Successful Computer Applications (WWB), pp. 201–205.
ICSE-1976-LeeSM #clustering- Application of Clustering to Estimate Missing Data and Improve Data Integrity (RCTL, JRS, CTM), pp. 539–544.
ICSE-1976-Miyamoto #database #programming- Some Considerations in Database Application Programming (IM), pp. 545–555.
ICSE-1976-Smith #effectiveness #in memory #memory management #on the #set- On the Effectiveness of Set Associative Page Mapping and Its Application to Main Memory Management (AJS), pp. 286–292.
DAC-1975-DoonerL #re-engineering- The application software engineering tool (NPD, JRL), pp. 50–61.
DAC-1975-JongZ #automation #design- Application design within the system for business automation (SBA) (SPdJ, MMZ), pp. 69–76.
SIGMOD-1975-NavatheM #relational- Investigations into the Application of the Relational Model to Data Translation (SBN, AGM), pp. 123–138.
VLDB-1975-BrowneL #database #scalability- An Optimizable Model for Application of Rollback/Restart/Recovery Procedures for Large Data Bases (JCB, GLL), pp. 508–510.
VLDB-1975-LinSS #array #database #design #memory management #relational- The Design of a Rotating Associative Array Memory for a Relational Database Management Application (CSL, DCPS, JMS), pp. 453–455.
STOC-1975-Fredman #probability #sorting- Two Applications of a Probabilistic Search Technique: Sorting x + y and Building Balanced Search Trees (MLF), pp. 240–244.
POPL-1975-FongKU #algebra #optimisation- Application of Lattice Algebra to Loop Optimization (ACF, JBK, JDU), pp. 1–9.
POPL-1975-Mikelsons- Computer Assisted Application Definition (MM), pp. 233–242.
ICALP-1974-Dezani-CiancagliniZ #algorithm #parallel #performance- Application of Church-Rosser Properties to Increase the Parallelism and Efficiency of Algorithms (MDC, MZ), pp. 170–184.
ICALP-1974-LipskiM #graph- File Organization, An Application of Graph Theory (WLJ, VWM), pp. 270–279.
STOC-1973-Wand- An Unusual Application of Program-Proving (MW), pp. 59–66.
POPL-1973-Backus #programming language #semantics- Programming Language Semantics and Closed Applicative Languages (JWB), pp. 71–86.
DAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using- Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.
DAC-1972-Robison #automation #design #logic #simulation- Applications of logic simulation in design automation at Texas Instruments (JMR), pp. 138–143.
SIGFIDET-1972-Minsky- The Associative-Addressing Capability on Cylinder-Memories and Its Applications — An Abstract (NHM), p. 213.
SIGFIDET-1972-PlagmanA #concept #database- An Integrated Corporate Data Base Concept and Its Application (BKP, GA), pp. 395–420.
ICALP-1972-Vilfan #theorem- A Generalization of a Theorem of Specker and Some Applications (BV), pp. 609–622.
DAC-1971-Albright #architecture #future of- The future of computer applications in the architectural profession (GHA), p. 56.
DAC-1971-Bening #fault #logic #maintenance- Application of a logic fault analyzer to the manufacture and maintenance of the CONTROL DATA 7600 computer (LCBJ), pp. 231–235.
DAC-1968-Dunne- Graphic applications subroutine packages (WLD).
DAC-1968-Rader #equation #logic #syntax- Application of a syntax driver to logic equation processing and data-control card scanning (JAR).
DAC-1967-Barkocy #design- Designing application versatility into a software package for numerically controlled drafting machines (ARB).
DAC-1967-EshlemanM #design #problem- Graphic applications to aerospace structural design problems (ALE, HDM).
SHARE-1966-Breuer #automation #design #integer #programming- The application of integer programming in design automation (MAB).
SHARE-1964-SimpsonA #analysis- Space frame analysis and applications to other types of structures (HS, JA).
LISP-1963-Dulock #algebra #lisp #symmetry- LISP. Applications to Symmetric group, Dirac groups and Lie algebras (VD), p. 1.