Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Hu L.Ding X.Li Y.Yin L.Ran J.Du F.Yang X.Zhang T.Liu Q.Zhou
Talks about:
automot (3) analysi (3) comfort (2) impact (2) chines (2) dure (2) experiment (1) biomechan (1) research (1) prolong (1)
Person: Chaoyi Zhao
DBLP: Zhao:Chaoyi
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DHM-EH-2015-Hu0LZY #3d #analysis #development #finite
- Development of a 3D Finite Element Model of the Chinese 50th Male for the Analysis of Automotive Impact (HH, LD, XL, CZ, YY), pp. 258–265.
- DHM-EH-2015-HuDLZY #analysis
- Biomechanical Analysis of Human Thorax and Abdomen During Automotive Impact (HH, LD, XL, CZ, YY), pp. 266–273.
- DHM-EH-2015-HuDZYR #research
- The Experimental Research of the Thumb’s Comfortable Control Area (HH, JD, CZ, FY, LR), pp. 44–52.
- DHM-EH-2015-HuZZRL #analysis #correlation
- Correlation Analysis on the Main and Basic Body Dimension for Chinese Adults (HH, CZ, XZ, LR, TL), pp. 37–43.
- DHM-2014-Li0ZHZ #case study #evaluation
- Study on the Evaluation of Automotive Seat Comfort during Prolonged Simulated Driving (XL, LD, QXZ, HH, CZ), pp. 101–111.