Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Lai F.Leu M.Pan P.Chang S.Tsai C.Lien S.Chen C.Hsiao
Talks about:
knowledg (2) softwar (2) orient (2) base (2) transform (1) repertori (1) conceptu (1) reusabl (1) inspect (1) increas (1)
Person: Chien-Chiao Yang
DBLP: Yang:Chien=Chiao
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SEKE-1993-LaiY #classification #grid #multi #reuse #usability
- Multi-Layer Repertory Grid Classification for Increasing Software Reusability (STL, CCY), pp. 252–254.
- SEKE-1990-LeuY #automation #knowledge-based
- Automatic Rule Base Inspection for Data-Access Oriented Knowledge-based Systems (FYL, CCY), pp. 116–121.
- SEKE-1989-PanYC #concept #modelling #requirements
- Conceptual Modeling of Software Requirements (MJP, CCY, PLC), pp. 128–133.
- SEKE-1989-TsaiYLCH #analysis #specification
- Knowledge-oriented Specification Analysis and Transformation (STT, CCY, CCL, STC, CHH), pp. 110–115.