157 papers:
CASE-2015-LuoCCOLL #fault #geometry #locality #modelling- Enhancement of weld coverage and localization of defect through geometrical modeling for ultrasound inspection of TKY weld (HL, QHC, WSC, ETO, WJL, WL), pp. 1484–1489.
CASE-2015-TiengYC #precise #tool support- Total precision inspection of machine tools with virtual metrology (HT, HCY, FTC), pp. 1446–1447.
CSEET-2015-SripadaRS #bibliography #code review #re-engineering- In Support of Peer Code Review and Inspection in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course (SS, YRR, AS), pp. 3–6.
ICSME-2015-KasubuchiMYO #effectiveness #empirical #evaluation #fault #repository- An empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of inspection scenarios developed from a defect repository (KK, SM, AY, CO), pp. 439–448.
LCT-2015-OrehovackiB #game studies #learning #programming #quality- Inspecting Quality of Games Designed for Learning Programming (TO, SB), pp. 620–631.
ICEIS-v2-2015-GeraldiOCS #empirical #modelling #variability- Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models — Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study (RTG, EOJ, TC, IS), pp. 268–276.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ChomaQZB #enterprise #usability- A Perspective-based Usability Inspection for ERP Systems (JC, DQ, LAMZ, DB), pp. 57–64.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ValentimCM #analysis #case study #specification- Evaluating an Inspection Technique for Use Case Specifications — Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis (NMCV, TC, JCM), pp. 13–24.
SEKE-2015-CabrejosVMC #usability #web- Evaluating Software Engineers’ Acceptance of a Technique and Tool for Web Usability Inspection (LJERC, AMRV, JCM, TC), pp. 140–145.
SEKE-2015-GoswamiWS #learning #performance #using- Using Learning Styles of Software Professionals to Improve their Inspection Team Performance (AG, GSW, AS), pp. 680–685.
SEKE-2015-LopesMBC #diagrams #named- MoLVERIC: An Inspection Technique for MoLIC Diagrams (AL, ABM, SDJB, TC), pp. 13–17.
SEKE-2015-ValentimCEP #how #usability- How do software engineers apply an early usability inspection technique? A qualitative study (NMCV, TC, BJdSE, RP), pp. 686–691.
MoDELS-2015-ValentimROCM #case study #empirical #specification #usability- A controlled experiment with Usability Inspection Techniques applied to Use Case Specifications: comparing the MIT 1 and the UCE techniques (NMCV, JR, ACO, TC, SM), pp. 206–215.
CSEET-2014-PotterSDW #game studies #learning #named- InspectorX: A game for software inspection training and learning (HP, MS, LD, VW), pp. 55–64.
DUXU-DI-2014-StickelPM #design- Cutting Edge Design or a Beginner’s Mistake? — A Semiotic Inspection of iOS7 Icon Design Changes (CS, HMP, JTM), pp. 358–369.
DUXU-TMT-2014-BrangierD #case study #heuristic #persuasion- Heuristic Inspection to Assess Persuasiveness: A Case Study of a Mathematics E-learning Program (EB, MCD), pp. 425–436.
HCI-TMT-2014-MauesB- Reflections on the Cross-Platform Semiotic Inspection Method (RdAM, SDJB), pp. 533–544.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BelgamoHZRF #abstraction #case study #visualisation- Code Inspection Supported by Stepwise Abstraction and Visualization — An Experimental Study (AB, EMH, AZ, RSR, SF), pp. 39–48.
ICPR-2014-AokiFKM #algorithm #architecture #visual notation- KIZUKI Processing for Visual Inspection: A Smart Pattern Pop-Out Algorithm Based on Human Visual Architecture (KA, TF, HK, YM), pp. 2317–2322.
ICPR-2014-EnzbergA #automation #fault #recognition- A Defect Recognition System for Automated Inspection of Non-rigid Surfaces (SvE, AAH), pp. 1812–1816.
SEKE-2014-GoswamiW #effectiveness #empirical- Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Software Inspection Teams: An Empirical Investigation (AG, GSW), pp. 735–739.
RE-2014-SaitoTYA #design #named #quality #requirements #set- RISDM: A requirements inspection systems design methodology: Perspective-based design of the pragmatic quality model and question set to SRS (SS, MT, SY, MA), pp. 223–232.
SAC-2014-SaSCTMR #graph #named- LEGi: context-aware lexicon consolidation by graph inspection (GS, TS, RC, FT, FM, LCdR), pp. 302–307.
FSE-2014-AlvesSK #bibliography #code review #named #refactoring- RefDistiller: a refactoring aware code review tool for inspecting manual refactoring edits (ELGA, MS, MK), pp. 751–754.
FSE-2014-ZhangSK #bibliography #code review #interactive #named- Critics: an interactive code review tool for searching and inspecting systematic changes (TZ, MS, MK), pp. 755–758.
CASE-2013-ChoJKMKC- Caterpillar-based cable climbing robot for inspection of suspension bridge hanger rope (KHC, YHJ, HMK, HM, JK, HRC), pp. 1059–1062.
CASE-2013-LaLBGYMRP #evaluation- Autonomous robotic system for high-efficiency non-destructive bridge deck inspection and evaluation (HML, RSL, BB, NG, JY, AM, FAR, HP), pp. 1053–1058.
SCAM-2013-WangFGN #debugging #interactive- A state alteration and inspection-based interactive debugger (YW, MF, RG, IN), pp. 84–93.
ICEIS-J-2013-HernandesBF13a #bibliography #process- An Overview of Experimental Studies on Software Inspection Process (EMH, AB, SF), pp. 118–134.
ICEIS-v1-2013-HernandesBF #process- Experimental Studies in Software Inspection Process — A Systematic Mapping (EMH, AB, SF), pp. 66–76.
MLDM-2013-YasojimaFBOS #analysis #case study #generative #power management- Partial Discharge Analysis and Inspection Alert Generation in High Power Transformers: A Case Study of an Autotransformer Bank at Eletrobrás-ELETRONORTE Vila do Conde Station (CTKY, MSF, FdSB, TFdO, AMdS), pp. 367–378.
SEKE-2013-RiveroC #empirical #usability #web- Improving Usability Inspection Technologies for Web Mockups through Empirical Studies (LR, TC), pp. 172–177.
SKY-2013-RineF #complexity #information management #metric #quality #representation #requirements #using- Requirements Quality Knowledge Representation using Chunking Complexity Measurement: Prior to Formal Inspections (DCR, AF), pp. 3–13.
MoDELS-2013-FernandezAIM #development #empirical #modelling #usability #validation #web- Usability Inspection in Model-Driven Web Development: Empirical Validation in WebML (AF, SA, EI, MM), pp. 740–756.
MoDELS-2013-FernandezAIM #development #empirical #modelling #usability #validation #web- Usability Inspection in Model-Driven Web Development: Empirical Validation in WebML (AF, SA, EI, MM), pp. 740–756.
RE-2013-SaitoTHKA #quality #requirements #specification- Requirements clinic: Third party inspection methodology and practice for improving the quality of software requirements specifications (SS, MT, MH, TK, MA), pp. 290–295.
CASE-2012-KwonSY #pipes and filters #synthesis- A linkage type mechanical clutch synthesis for pipeline inspection robot (YSK, JTS, BJY), pp. 618–623.
DATE-2012-PonsMP #layout #metric- Fixed origin corner square inspection layout regularity metric (MP, MNM, CP), pp. 1397–1402.
ICPR-2012-LiP #detection- Anomalous tie plate detection for railroad inspection (YL, SP), pp. 3017–3020.
ICPR-2012-TrinhHP #integration #multi #optimisation- Multisensor evidence integration and optimization in rail inspection (HT, NH, SP), pp. 886–889.
RecSys-2012-KnijnenburgBOK #recommendation #social- Inspectability and control in social recommenders (BPK, SB, JO, AK), pp. 43–50.
SEKE-2012-CunhaCAM #modelling #product line #set- A Set of Inspection Techniques on Software Product Line Models (RC, TC, ESdA, JCM), pp. 657–662.
SEKE-2012-FernandesCB #usability #web- Improving a Web Usability Inspection Technique through an Observational Study (PF, TC, BB), pp. 588–593.
SEKE-2012-MandalaW #documentation #effectiveness #empirical- Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Inspecting the Requirement Documents: An Empirical Study (NM, GSW), pp. 45–50.
SEKE-2012-RiveroC #usability #using #web- Using the Results from a Systematic Mapping Extension to Define a Usability Inspection Method for Web Applications (LR, TC), pp. 582–587.
CASE-2011-MartinezOGG #adaptation #automation #fault #lens- An adaptable vision system for the automatic inspection of surface defects in automotive headlamp lenses (SSM, JGO, ASG, JGG), pp. 157–162.
FASE-2011-ErmelGLT #behaviour #consistency #control flow #functional #modelling- Modeling with Plausibility Checking: Inspecting Favorable and Critical Signs for Consistency between Control Flow and Functional Behavior (CE, JG, LL, GT), pp. 156–170.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Pang #analysis #quality- Analysis of Remote Quality Inspection System for Construction Projects (JP), pp. 341–344.
SEKE-2011-ParkK #approach #automation #formal method #lightweight- Applying Lightweight Formal Approach to Automatic Configuration Inspection (SP, GK), pp. 107–110.
ESEC-FSE-2011-FalessiNSBM #design #named #safety #slicing- SafeSlice: a model slicing and design safety inspection tool for SysML (DF, SN, MS, LCB, AM), pp. 460–463.
ESEC-FSE-2011-RahmanPHBD #question- BugCache for inspections: hit or miss? (FR, DP, AH, ETB, PTD), pp. 322–331.
CASE-2010-BeyelerMN #automation #testing- Wafer-level inspection system for the automated testing of comb drive based MEMS sensors and actuators (FB, SM, BJN), pp. 698–703.
CASE-2010-ParkK- Vision inspection system for holograms with mixed patterns (THP, HJK), pp. 563–567.
CASE-2010-XuXZC #3d #realtime- Real-time 3D shape inspection system for manufacturing parts based on three-step stripe pattern (JX, NX, CZ, HC), pp. 228–233.
DATE-2010-KennedyWLL #string #throughput- Ultra-high throughput string matching for Deep Packet Inspection (AK, XW, ZL, BL), pp. 399–404.
ICSM-2010-FerreiraMSBCP #approach #performance- An approach to improving software inspections performance (ALF, RJM, JGS, RFB, LC, MCP), pp. 1–8.
ICPR-2010-MumtazMM #approach- A New Approach to Aircraft Surface Inspection Based on Directional Energies of Texture (MM, ABM, HM), pp. 4404–4407.
RE-2010-KomssiKPTM #challenge #development #documentation- Persuading Software Development Teams to Document Inspections: Success Factors and Challenges in Practice (MK, MK, MP, JT, TM), pp. 283–288.
SAC-2010-PeixotoPR #education #game studies #simulation- Semiotic inspection method in the context of educational simulation games (DCCP, ROP, RFR), pp. 1207–1212.
FSE-2010-BirdBRB #named #performance- LINKSTER: enabling efficient manual inspection and annotation of mined data (CB, AB, FR, AB), pp. 369–370.
ICST-2010-SinhaSP #automation #case study #named #natural language- Text2Test: Automated Inspection of Natural Language Use Cases (AS, SMSJ, AMP), pp. 155–164.
CASE-2009-SathiR #automation #generative- STEP to DMIS: Automated generation of inspection plans from CAD data (SVBS, PVMR), pp. 519–524.
CSEET-2009-McMeekinKCC #taxonomy #using- Evaluating Software Inspection Cognition Levels Using Bloom’s Taxonomy (DAM, BRvK, EC, DJAC), pp. 232–239.
HCD-2009-SiekKR #health #usability- A Usability Inspection of Medication Management in Three Personal Health Applications (KAS, DUK, SER), pp. 129–138.
HCI-NT-2009-MorandiniCS #prototype #validation #web- A Prototype to Validate ErgoCoIn: A Web Site Ergonomic Inspection Technique (MM, WdAC, DLS), pp. 339–348.
HIMI-DIE-2009-MatsumotoSS #case study #effectiveness #visual notation- A Study on Effective Methods of Visual Inspection for Reused-Parts by Inspectors (TM, HS, KS), pp. 131–139.
HIMI-DIE-2009-NakagawaNM #using- Determination of Inspection Threshold Using Perceptive Sensitivities of Experienced Panel (MN, HN, TM), pp. 279–286.
PADL-2009-PereiraDL #abduction #modelling #on the- On Preferring and Inspecting Abductive Models (LMP, PD, GL), pp. 1–15.
SAC-2009-MenezesNQF #interface- Expert system for supporting conformity inspections of software application interfaces to the ISO 9241 (LLdM, MRdN, JERdQ, JMF), pp. 110–115.
CSEET-2008-BarbosaSM #education #experience #learning #testing- An Experience on Applying Learning Mechanisms for Teaching Inspection and Software Testing (EFB, SdRSdS, JCM), pp. 189–196.
ICPC-2008-McMeekinKCC #comprehension #developer #taxonomy- Checklist Inspections and Modifications: Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Categorise Developer Comprehension (DAM, BRvK, EC, DJAC), pp. 224–229.
CHI-2008-SchmettowV #process #usability- Introducing item response theory for measuring usability inspection processes (MS, WV), pp. 893–902.
CHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #debugging #testing #what- Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
SOFTVIS-2008-ParninGN #lightweight #smell #visualisation- A catalogue of lightweight visualizations to support code smell inspection (CP, CG, ON), pp. 77–86.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-GuimaraesBM #modelling- Communication-Based Modelling and Inspection in Critical Systems (MSG, MCCB, EM), pp. 215–220.
CASE-2007-BergerBKR- Analytical Model for Optimal Inspection Frequency with Consideration of Setup Inspections (KB, HBG, AK, GR), pp. 1081–1086.
CASE-2007-GarciaV #automation #configuration management #feature model #visual notation- Automated Feature Selection Methodology for Reconfigurable Automated Visual Inspection Systems (HCG, JRV), pp. 542–547.
CASE-2007-XiaoWL #flexibility #simulation- Dynamic Coupling Simulation of a Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot with its Flexible Moving Path when Overcoming Obstacles (XX, GW, SL), pp. 326–331.
DHM-2007-WashburnSG #maintenance #multimodal #using- Using Multimodal Technologies to Enhance Aviation Maintenance Inspection Training (CW, PS, AKG), pp. 1018–1026.
HCI-MIE-2007-WangHW #case study- A Study of Human Vision Inspection for Mura (PCW, SLH, CHW), pp. 747–754.
SEKE-2007-KirnerC #empirical #evaluation #requirements #specification #uml- Evaluation of the OORT Techniques for Inspection of Requirements Specifications in UML: an Empirical Study (TGK, ERdC), p. 649–?.
SCAM-2006-BoogerdM #profiling #using- Prioritizing Software Inspection Results using Static Profiling (CB, LM), pp. 149–160.
SOFTVIS-2006-ParninG #lightweight #smell #visualisation- Lightweight visualizations for inspecting code smells (CP, CG), pp. 171–172.
ICPR-v2-2006-GuoOW #image #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Inspecting Ingredients of Starches in Starch-Noodle based on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MG, ZO, HW), pp. 877–880.
CASE-2005-SongHQG #automation #documentation #using- Automating inspection and documentation of remote building construction using a robotic camera (DS, QH, NQ, KG), pp. 172–177.
ICFP-2005-PettyjohnCMKF #continuation #stack- Continuations from generalized stack inspection (GP, JC, JM, SK, MF), pp. 216–227.
CHI-2005-SadasivanGGD #eye tracking- Use of eye movements as feedforward training for a synthetic aircraft inspection task (SS, JSG, AKG, ATD), pp. 141–149.
LSO-2005-NickDW- Experience-based Support for Code Inspections (MN, CD, TW), pp. 67–71.
SEKE-2005-GaoCMYB #learning #modelling #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Modeling Learning Support System With Inspection Comments (TG, KMLC, HM, ILY, FBB), pp. 211–216.
SEKE-2005-KinjoH #learning #modelling #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Modeling Learning Support System With Inspection Comments (TK, AH), pp. 223–228.
SEKE-2005-OgameKH #diagrams #uml- Inspection Support System for UML Diagram (YO, TK, AH), pp. 408–411.
ASE-2004-KalinowskiT #framework- Computational Framework for Supporting Software Inspections (MK, GHT), pp. 46–55.
ASE-2004-KalinowskiT04a #framework #named #process- ISPIS: A Framework Supporting Software Inspection Processes (MK, GHT), pp. 392–393.
ICPR-v3-2004-Pernkopf #3d #using- 3D Surface Inspection using Coupled HMMs (FP), pp. 223–226.
ICSE-2004-Thelin #estimation #fault #process- Team-Based Fault Content Estimation in the Software Inspection Process (TT), pp. 263–272.
ASE-2003-GrunbacherHB #empirical- An Empirical Study on Groupware Support for Software Inspection Meetings (PG, MH, SB), pp. 4–11.
CSEET-2003-Ahtee #education #re-engineering- Inspections and Historical Data in Teaching Software Engineering Project Course (TA), pp. 288–297.
CSEET-2003-BaileyCHW #question #student- Can We Influence Students? Attitudes About Inspections? Can We Measure a Change in Attitude? (DB, TC, BH, LLW), pp. 260–267.
ESOP-2003-ClementsF #recursion #semantics #stack- A Tail-Recursive Semantics for Stack Inspections (JC, MF), pp. 22–37.
PLDI-2003-InagakiOKN- Stride prefetching by dynamically inspecting objects (TI, TO, HK, TN), pp. 269–277.
ECOOP-2003-ConradiMAHBP #empirical #industrial #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Object-Oriented Reading Techniques for Inspection of UML Models — An Industrial Experiment (RC, PM, TA, LCH, GAB, AP), pp. 483–500.
ICPR-v4-2002-TothCA #classification #fault- A Two-Stage-Classifier for Defect Classification in Optical Media Inspection (DT, AC, TA), pp. 373–376.
SEKE-2002-AndaS #case study #modelling #towards- Towards an inspection technique for use case models (BA, DIKS), pp. 127–134.
SEKE-2002-ConciP #industrial #realtime- A system for real-time fabric inspection and industrial decision (AC, CBP), pp. 707–714.
PPDP-2002-BessonLJ #stack- Secure calling contexts for stack inspection (FB, TdGdL, TPJ), pp. 76–87.
POPL-2002-FournetG #stack- Stack inspection: theory and variants (CF, ADG), pp. 307–318.
ICSE-2002-CiolkowskiLRSP- Software inspections, reviews & walkthroughs (MC, OL, HDR, FS, DEP), pp. 641–642.
ICSE-2002-DunsmoreRW #development #evaluation #object-oriented- Further investigations into the development and evaluation of reading techniques for object-oriented code inspection (AD, MR, MW), pp. 47–57.
ICSE-2002-Padberg #empirical #fault- Empirical interval estimates for the defect content after an inspection (FP), pp. 58–68.
ICSE-2002-Wong- Use of software inspection inputs in practice (YKW), pp. 725–726.
ASE-2001-HallinGB #off the shelf #requirements- Tailoring a COTS Group Support System for Software Requirements Inspection (MH, PG, SB), p. 201–?.
ICSM-2001-SiyV #question- Does the Modern Code Inspection Have Value? (HPS, LGV), p. 281–?.
ICSE-2001-BifflG #estimation #fault #modelling- Evaluating the Accuracy of Defect Estimation Models Based on Inspection Data from Two Inspection Cycles (SB, WG), pp. 145–154.
ICSE-2001-DunsmoreRW #object-oriented- Systematic Object-Oriented Inspection — An Emprirical Study (AD, MR, MW), pp. 135–144.
ICSE-2001-ShepardK #how- How to Do Inspections When There is No Time (TS, DK), pp. 718–719.
ICSE-2001-ShullRB #using- Improving Software Inspections by Using Reading Techniques (FS, IR, VRB), pp. 726–727.
IWPC-2000-RifkinD #case study #comprehension- Program Comprehension Techniques Improve Software Inspections: A Case Study (SR, LED), pp. 131–138.
ICPR-v1-2000-Chetverikov #approach #fault- Structural Defects: General Approach and Application to Textile Inspection (DC), pp. 1521–1524.
ICPR-v1-2000-KolesnikB #distance #online- Online Distance Recovery for a Sewer Inspection Robot (MK, GB), pp. 1504–1507.
ICPR-v4-2000-DergancP- A Machine Vision System for Inspecting Bearings (JD, FP), pp. 4752–4755.
ICPR-v4-2000-Hata #visual notation- Practical Visual Inspection Techniques — Optics, Micro-Electronics and Advanced Software Technology (SH), pp. 4114–4117.
ICPR-v4-2000-Kita #visual notation- Visual Attention Control for Nuclear Power Plant Inspection (NK), pp. 4118–4123.
ICPR-v4-2000-KyrkiK #2d #geometry #precise- High Precision 2-D Geometrical Inspection (VK, HK), pp. 4779–4782.
ICSE-2000-BasiliLSR #tutorial #using- Improving software inspections by using reading techniques (tutorial session) (VRB, OL, FS, IR), p. 836.
ICSE-2000-DunsmoreRW #object-oriented- Object-oriented inspection in the face of delocalisation (AD, MR, MW), pp. 467–476.
ASE-1999-SteinHR- Enhancing Annotation Visibility for Software Inspection (MS, MPEH, JR), pp. 243–246.
HT-1999-GarzottoMP #hypermedia #web- Abstract Tasks: A Tool for the Inspection of Web Sites and Off-Line Hypermedia (FG, MM, PP), pp. 157–163.
HCI-CCAD-1999-IshikawaS #collaboration- Feasibility study on the application of a human collaborative robot system to the inspecting patrol of nuclear power plants (NI, KS), pp. 1172–1176.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kita #using- Intelligent plant inspection by using foveated active vision sensor (NK), pp. 1177–1181.
HCI-EI-1999-HartsonAWR #classification #framework #problem #usability- The User Action Framework: A Theory-Based Foundation for Inspection and Classification of Usability Problems (HRH, TSA, RCW, LvR), pp. 1058–1062.
SEKE-1999-HoudekB #approach #evolution #experience- Transferring and Evolving Experience: A Practical Approach and Its Application to Software Inspections (FH, CB), pp. 210–226.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Parnas99a- Systematic Techniques for Inspecting Critical Software (DLP), p. 410.
ICSE-1999-LaitenbergerA #development #object-oriented- Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts (OL, CA), pp. 494–503.
ASE-1998-MillerM- ASSISTing Exit Decisions in Software Inspection (JM, FM), pp. 281–284.
ICPR-1998-OzdemirBMEE #algorithm #analysis #comparative #evaluation #fault- Comparative evaluation of texture analysis algorithms for defect inspection of textile products (SÖ, AB, RM, AE, AE), pp. 1738–1740.
ICSE-1998-BriandELF #benchmark #development #metric #performance #simulation #using- Using Simulation to Build Inspection Efficiency Benchmarks for Development Projects (LCB, KEE, OL, TF), pp. 340–349.
ICSE-1998-JaloteH #deployment- Overcoming the NAH Syndrome for Inspection Deployment (PJ, MH), pp. 371–378.
ICSE-1997-PerpichPPVW #development #scalability #using #web- Anywhere, Anytime Code Inspections: Using the Web to Remove Inspection Bottlenecks in Large-Scale Software Development (JP, DEP, AAP, LGV, MWW), pp. 14–21.
ICSE-1997-PorterSV #comprehension #developer #process- Understanding the Effects of Developer Activities on Inspection Interval (AAP, HPS, LGV), pp. 128–138.
ICSE-1997-SeamanB #communication #empirical- An Empirical Study of Communication in Code Inspections (CBS, VRB), pp. 96–106.
ICSE-1997-SteinRHM #case study #distributed- A Case Study of Distributed, Asynchronous Software Inspection (MS, JR, SJH, VM), pp. 107–117.
CHI-1996-SawyerFW #difference- Making a Difference — the Impact of Inspections (PS, AF, DRW), pp. 376–382.
ICPR-1996-LuT- Machine vision inspection of VF display boards (YL, AT), pp. 839–843.
ICPR-1996-Sablatnig #analysis #automation #detection #flexibility #visual notation- Flexible automatic visual inspection based on the separation of detection and analysis (RS), pp. 944–948.
ICSE-1996-Madachy #modelling #process- System Dynamics Modeling of an Inspection-Based Process (RJM), pp. 376–386.
FSE-1995-PorterSTV #development #empirical #scalability- An Experiment to Assess the Cost-Benefits of Code Inspections in Large Scale Software Development (AAP, HPS, CAT, LGV), pp. 92–103.
SEKE-1994-ArfaFMMS #process #verification- A process for verification based inspections (LBAR, MF, RM, AM, DRS), pp. 100–107.
FSE-1994-MashayekhiFR #collaboration #named- CAIS: Collaborative Asynchronous Inspection of Software (VM, CF, JR), pp. 21–34.
ICSE-1994-PorterV #detection #empirical #fault #requirements- An Experiment to Assess Different Defect Detection Methods for Software Requirements Inspections (AAP, LGV), pp. 103–112.
ESEC-1993-GintellAHKMM #bibliography #collaboration #named- Scrutiny: A Collaborative Inspection and Review System (JG, JA, MH, JK, RM, GM), pp. 344–360.
FSE-1993-Votta #question- Does Every Inspection Need a Meeting? (LGV), pp. 107–114.
SEI-1992-Christel #case study #experience #interactive #video- Experiences with an Interactive Video Code Inspection Laboratory (MGC), pp. 395–412.
CSCW-1990-BrothersSM #named- ICICLE: Groupware for Code Inspection (LB, VS, MM), pp. 169–181.
SEKE-1990-LeuY #automation #knowledge-based- Automatic Rule Base Inspection for Data-Access Oriented Knowledge-based Systems (FYL, CCY), pp. 116–121.
ICSE-1990-Bush90b #case study #experience #quality- Improving Software Quality: The Use of Formal Inspections at the JPL (Experience Report) (MWB), pp. 196–199.
ICSE-1982-Runge- The Inspection Method Applied to Small Projects (BR), pp. 416–417.
DAC-1974-HarlowHRJD #automation- Automated inspection of electronic assemblies (CAH, SEH, DAR, RJJ, SJDI), pp. 98–106.