Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Weikum A.Mönkeberg P.Zabback P.Brössler P.Muth
Talks about:
perform (2) databas (2) multi (2) level (2) tune (2) technolog (1) transact (1) recoveri (1) prototyp (1) comfort (1)
Person: Christof Hasse
DBLP: Hasse:Christof
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- VLDB-2002-WeikumMHZ #database #information management #self
- Self-tuning Database Technology and Information Services: from Wishful Thinking to Viable Engineering (GW, AM, CH, PZ), pp. 20–31.
- SIGMOD-1993-MoenkebergZHW #automation #database #performance #prototype #towards
- The COMFORT Prototype: A Step Toward Automated Database Performance Tuning (AM, PZ, CH, GW), pp. 542–543.
- VLDB-1991-HasseW #evaluation #multi #performance #transaction
- A Performance Evaluation of Multi-Level Transaction Management (CH, GW), pp. 55–66.
- PODS-1990-WeikumHBM #multi
- Multi-Level Recovery (GW, CH, PB, PM), pp. 109–123.