Collaborated with:
C.Lagoze W.Y.Arms S.Gan D.Hillmann D.B.Krafft R.J.Marisa J.Phipps J.Saylor C.Terrizzi W.Hoehn D.Millman J.Allan S.Guzman-Lara T.Kalt
Talks about:
architectur (1) librari (1) servic (1) scienc (1) nation (1) digit (1) nsdl (1) core (1)
Person: Christopher Ingram
DBLP: Ingram:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- JCDL-2002-LagozeAGHIKMPSTHMAGK #architecture #library
- Core services in the architecture of the national science digital library (NSDL) (CL, WYA, SG, DH, CI, DBK, RJM, JP, JS, CT, WH, DM, JA, SGL, TK), pp. 201–209.