Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
D.Plump A.Heußner C.Corrodi ∅ A.Kolesnichenko S.Nanz B.Meyer B.Morandi M.Dodds R.F.Paige A.Rensink Y.Chen J.Sun S.Adepu F.Zhang
Talks about:
program (6) graph (6) base (3) concurr (2) verifi (2) toward (2) verif (2) model (2) workbench (1) transform (1)
Person: Christopher M. Poskitt
DBLP: Poskitt:Christopher_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- GPCE-2015-KolesnichenkoPN #contract #gpu #programming
- Contract-based general-purpose GPU programming (AK, CMP, SN, BM), pp. 75–84.
- GaM-2015-HeussnerPCM #concurrent #graph #object-oriented #towards #verification
- Towards Practical Graph-Based Verification for an Object-Oriented Concurrency Model (AH, CMP, CC, BM), pp. 32–47.
- AMT-2014-PoskittDPR #bidirectional #model transformation #towards
- Towards Rigorously Faking Bidirectional Model Transformations (CMP, MD, RFP, AR), pp. 70–75.
- ICGT-2014-PoskittP #graph #higher-order #monad #source code #verification
- Verifying Monadic Second-Order Properties of Graph Programs (CMP, DP), pp. 33–48.
- GCM-J-2012-PoskittP #correctness #graph #source code #verification
- Verifying Total Correctness of Graph Programs (CMP, DP).
- ICGT-2012-Poskitt #graph #source code #verification
- Verification of Graph Programs (CMP), pp. 420–422.
- ICGT-2010-PoskittP #calculus #graph #hoare #source code
- A Hoare Calculus for Graph Programs (CMP, DP), pp. 139–154.
- ASE-2019-ChenPSAZ #cyber-physical #fuzzing #network #testing
- Learning-Guided Network Fuzzing for Testing Cyber-Physical System Defences (YC, CMP, JS, SA, FZ), pp. 962–973.
- FASE-2016-CorrodiHP #concurrent #graph #semantics #source code
- A Graph-Based Semantics Workbench for Concurrent Asynchronous Programs (CC, AH, CMP), pp. 31–48.