Collaborated with:
Slawomir Bojarski David J. Gagne Casey Rosenthal P.Hingston Graham Kendall
Talks about:
intellig (2) rule (2) base (2) evolutionari (1) behavior (1) generat (1) flexibl (1) profil (1) person (1) killer (1)
Person: Clare Bates Congdon
DBLP: Congdon:Clare_Bates
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIG-2010-BojarskiC #game studies #named #rule-based
- REALM: A rule-based evolutionary computation agent that learns to play Mario (SB, CBC), pp. 83–90.
- CIG-2012-GagneC #flexibility #named #rule-based
- FRIGHT: A flexible rule-based intelligent ghost team for Ms. Pac-Man (DJG, CBC), pp. 273–280.
- CIG-2012-RosenthalC #behaviour #generative
- Personality profiles for generating believable bot behaviors (CR, CBC), pp. 124–131.
- CIG-2013-HingstonCK #game studies #mobile #question
- Mobile games with intelligence: A killer application? (PH, CBC, GK), pp. 1–7.