Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Hungary
Collaborated with:
J.Chabrier B.Legeard L.Li M.Reeve K.Schuerman A.Véron J.Bellone Z.Palaskas T.Stamatopoulos D.A.Clark S.Doursenot C.J.Rawlings J.Shirazi G.Sardu
Talks about:
applic (2) constraint (1) parallel (1) program (1) languag (1) applaus (1) system (1) logic (1) elip (1) use (1)
Person: Claudine Pradelles
DBLP: Pradelles:Claudine
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICLP-1993-LiRSVBPPSCDRSS #named #parallel #using
- APPLAUSE: Applications Using the ElipSys Parallel CLP System (LLL, MR, KS, AV, JB, CP, ZP, TS, DAC, SD, CJR, JS, GS), pp. 847–848.
- ICLP-1991-ChabrierPL #constraints #logic programming #programming language
- Applications of Constraints Logic Programming Languages (JJC, CP, BL), p. 944.