Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Wade O.Conlan D.Dagger
Talks about:
author (2) tool (2) survey (1) skill (1) simul (1) evalu (1) soft (1) ama (1)
Person: Conor Gaffney
DBLP: Gaffney:Conor
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HT-2014-GaffneyCW #authoring #evaluation #user interface
- The AMAS authoring tool 2.0: a UX evaluation (CG, OC, VW), pp. 224–230.
- HT-2008-GaffneyDW #authoring #overview #simulation #tool support
- A survey of soft skill simulation authoring tools (CG, DD, VW), pp. 181–186.