Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Italy
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Cyprus
2 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Wies T.A.Henzinger R.Piskac R.Majumdar D.Beyer C.Dragoi S.Esmaeilsabzali K.Bansal E.Koskinen G.Théoduloz Marcus Pirron N.Yoshida H.Veith J.Widder P.Cerný A.Radhakrishna S.Chaudhuri R.Alur Ivan Gavran Ortwin Mailahn R.Müller Richard Peifer A.Desai V.Gupta E.K.Jackson S.Qadeer S.K.Rajamani
Talks about:
logic (3) autom (3) algorithm (2) structur (2) abstract (2) analysi (2) separ (2) robot (2) heap (2) implement (1)
Person: Damien Zufferey
DBLP: Zufferey:Damien
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CAV-2014-PiskacWZ #automation #logic
- Automating Separation Logic with Trees and Data (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 711–728.
- FASE-2014-EsmaeilsabzaliMWZ #interface
- Dynamic Package Interfaces (SE, RM, TW, DZ), pp. 261–275.
- TACAS-2014-PiskacWZ #named #specification #verification
- GRASShopper — Complete Heap Verification with Mixed Specifications (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 124–139.
- VMCAI-2014-DragoiHVWZ #algorithm #framework #verification
- A Logic-Based Framework for Verifying Consensus Algorithms (CD, TAH, HV, JW, DZ), pp. 161–181.
- CAV-2013-PiskacWZ #automation #logic #smt #using
- Automating Separation Logic Using SMT (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 773–789.
- PLDI-2013-DesaiGJQRZ #named #programming
- P: safe asynchronous event-driven programming (AD, VG, EKJ, SQ, SKR, DZ), pp. 321–332.
- TACAS-2013-BansalKWZ #abstraction
- Structural Counter Abstraction (KB, EK, TW, DZ), pp. 62–77.
- VMCAI-2012-ZuffereyWH #abstraction
- Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems (DZ, TW, TAH), pp. 445–460.
- CAV-2010-CernyRZCA #concurrent #implementation #model checking
- Model Checking of Linearizability of Concurrent List Implementations (PC, AR, DZ, SC, RA), pp. 465–479.
- FASE-2010-BeyerHTZ #analysis #refinement
- Shape Refinement through Explicit Heap Analysis (DB, TAH, GT, DZ), pp. 263–277.
- FoSSaCS-2010-WiesZH #analysis #bound #process
- Forward Analysis of Depth-Bounded Processes (TW, DZ, TAH), pp. 94–108.
- CAV-2008-BeyerZM #named
- CSIsat: Interpolation for LA+EUF (DB, DZ, RM), pp. 304–308.
- Onward-2018-GavranMMPZ #automation #collaboration #named #reasoning
- Tᴏᴏʟ: accessible automated reasoning for human robot collaboration (IG, OM, RM, RP, DZ), pp. 44–56.
- ECOOP-2019-MajumdarPYZ #idea #interactive
- Motion Session Types for Robotic Interactions (Brave New Idea Paper) (RM, MP, NY, DZ), p. 27.
- POPL-2016-DragoiHZ #algorithm #distributed #fault tolerance #named
- PSync: a partially synchronous language for fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (CD, TAH, DZ), pp. 400–415.