Travelled to:
1 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.M.Jolley C.E.Kimball H.G.George N.Akgerman T.R.Ben J.L.Felt K.B.Frazier
Talks about:
product (2) govern (2) line (2) approach (1) softwar (1) reorgan (1) process (1) generat (1) flexibl (1) complex (1)
Person: David J. Kasik
DBLP: Kasik:David_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SPLC-2004-JolleyKB #product line
- Governing Software Product Lines and Reorganizations (TMJ, DJK, TRB), pp. 1–17.
- SPLC-2002-JolleyKK #product line
- Governance Polarities of Internal Product Lines (TMJ, DJK, CEK), pp. 284–298.
- ICSE-1999-KasikKFF #approach #flexibility
- A Flexible Approach to Alliances of Complex Applications (DJK, CEK, JLF, KBF), pp. 23–32.
- CHI-1996-KasikG #automation #generative #testing #towards
- Toward Automatic Generation of Novice User Test Scripts (DJK, HGG), pp. 244–251.
- DAC-1974-AkgermanK #design #process #simulation
- Computer-aided process design and simulation for forging of turbine blades (NA, DJK), pp. 47–51.