Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.D.Bois A.Rifaut M.Petit X.Franch ∅ N.Habra A.Amer A.Mitiche R.Wieringa S.Huyts J.Zeippen N.Lévy J.Souquières S.Ghanavati D.Amyot S.Kubicki G.Halin A.Guerriero H.Rastgar L.Zhang D.Wang B.Gâteau D.Khadraoui O.Boissier R.Eshuis P.Brimont B.Grégoire S.Ramel R.Matulevicius N.Mayer H.Mouratidis P.Heymans N.Genon
Talks about:
requir (6) formal (5) system (3) model (3) engin (3) complianc (2) formalis (2) support (2) process (2) languag (2)
Person: Eric Dubois
DBLP: Dubois_0001:Eric
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- RE-2014-GhanavatiRDA #multi
- Goal-oriented compliance with multiple regulations (SG, AR, ED, DA), pp. 73–82.
- CAiSE-2009-KubickiDHG #towards
- Towards a Sustainable Services Innovation in the Construction Sector (SK, ED, GH, AG), pp. 319–333.
- CAiSE-2008-MatuleviciusMMDHG #adaptation #development #information management #risk management #security
- Adapting Secure Tropos for Security Risk Management in the Early Phases of Information Systems Development (RM, NM, HM, ED, PH, NG), pp. 541–555.
- ICPR-2008-RastgarZWD #estimation #robust #validation
- Validation of correspondences in MLESAC robust estimation (HR, LZ, DW, ED), pp. 1–4.
- RE-2008-RifautD #assessment #framework #quality #requirements #using
- Using Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Improving the Quality of ISO/IEC 15504 based Compliance Assessment Frameworks (AR, ED), pp. 33–42.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-GateauKDB #multi
- Multi-Agent Organisational Model for E-Contracting (BG, DK, ED, OB), pp. 489–492.
- ICSE-2004-DuboisF #component #evaluation #modelling #off the shelf #process
- Models and Processes for the Evaluation of COTS Components (ED, XF), pp. 759–760.
- ESEC-FSE-2003-EshuisBDGR #modelling #named #performance #set #validation
- EFFICIENT: a tool set for supporting the modelling and validation of ebXML (RE, PB, ED, BG, SR), pp. 359–362.
- ICPR-v2-2002-AmerDM #independence #realtime #recognition
- Context-Independent Real-Time Event Recognition: Application to Key-Image Extraction (AA, ED, AM), pp. 945–948.
- FASE-1998-Dubois #formal method #named #requirements #tool support
- ALBERT: A Formal Language and Its Supporting Tools for Requirements Engineering (ED), pp. 322–325.
- CAiSE-1997-WieringaDH #requirements
- Integrating Semi-formal and Formal Requirements (RW, ED, SH), pp. 19–32.
- RE-1997-BoisDZ #on the #problem #using
- On the Use of a Formal R. E. Language — The Generalized Railroad Crossing Problem (PDB, ED, JMZ), p. 128–?.
- CSEE-1994-HabraD #re-engineering #student
- Putting into Practice Advanced Software Engineering Techniques through Students Project (NH, ED), pp. 303–316.
- CAiSE-1993-DuboisBP #elicitation #formal method #information management #requirements
- Elicitating and Formalising Requirements for C.I.M. Information Systems (ED, PDB, MP), pp. 252–274.
- ECOOP-1993-DuboisBP #analysis #perspective #requirements
- O-O Requirements Analysis: an Agent Perspective (ED, PDB, MP), pp. 458–481.
- CAiSE-1992-DuboisBR #requirements
- Elaborating, Structuring and Expressing Formal Requirements of Composite Systems (ED, PDB, AR), pp. 327–347.
- ESEC-1987-DuboisLS #formal method #process #specification
- Formalising Reconstructuring Operators in a Specification Process (ED, NL, JS), pp. 161–171.