Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Thébault Q.Dinh H.Wehbi H.Oulhadj J.Lemoine
Talks about:
unstructur (1) implement (1) recognit (1) handwrit (1) segment (1) scalabl (1) context (1) charact (1) assembl (1) matrix (1)
Person: Eric Petit
DBLP: Petit:Eric
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PPoPP-2015-ThebaultPD #3d #assembly #case study #implementation #matrix #performance #scalability
- Scalable and efficient implementation of 3d unstructured meshes computation: a case study on matrix assembly (LT, EP, QD), pp. 120–129.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-WehbiOLP #recognition #segmentation
- Numeral characters and capital letters segmentation recognition in mixed handwriting context (HW, HO, JL, EP), pp. 878–881.