Travelled to:
1 × Korea
1 × Singapore
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Xu B.Wang X.Fang Z.Wang Z.Luo B.Yuan
Talks about:
base (2) use (2) wikipedia (1) secondari (1) structur (1) reformul (1) sequenc (1) possibl (1) multipl (1) semant (1)
Person: Fan Ding
DBLP: Ding:Fan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIKM-2008-XuDW #query #using #wiki
- Entity-based query reformulation using wikipedia (YX, FD, BW), pp. 1441–1442.
- SIGIR-2008-XuDW #dependence #semantics
- Utilizing phrase based semantic information for term dependency (YX, FD, BW), pp. 855–856.
- SAC-2007-FangWLYD #assessment #detection #multi #sequence #using
- The detection and assessment of possible RNA secondary structure using multiple sequence alignment (XF, ZW, ZL, BY, FD), pp. 133–137.